Weenerz said:Their "4 hour maintenance" is over and the servers aren't up still. With all the lag and issues this week, we should really get a few free days.
I like to tank them on the chock points, like for example on the stairs but not on top, that way when adds port in they come straight to me while I have other mobs tanked.JoeFu said:They changed something on one of the top pulls, they split up now. I was just trying to keep them together before they all ran in different directions. It wasn't really a line of sight thing. I was right by the rubble, he was like 2 feet from it. He just didn't want to walk a bit. When I play with my guild, we always do it that way, they never said anything, we never wiped, no one ever dies. I was doing what I do by habit. If he didn't want me there, he should say something. The fact that we did pretty much the whole instance, and I have tanked them in that spot earlier and he healed it without saying anything is what pissed me off. Calling someone stupid, refusing to walk up a bit and heal when he did it before was just dumb.
Kyoufu said:How much HP minimum required for Heroics at 80?
It's a push between the Red Sword and the Slayer of the Lifeless (Sword of 1000 Truths).firex said:for a tank I would say 20k minimum, but if you quest/rep grind enough (i.e. do some solo content/regular instances, and don't just rush into heroics right at 80) you can easily get like 22-24k unbuffed without even gemming/enchanting stuff. I'm including jormungar leg armor/revered AC helm patch as enchants.
like JoeFu, I ran heroic UK/UP with like 510ish defense pretty much as soon as I was 80 and it was easy as fuck. H-UK has like no good tanking upgrades except for the boe cloak if you're a warrior/paladin, but that cloak has a good drop rate. H-UP has, by far, the best tank sword you can get pre-raid, and possibly even still in raids, I'm not sure.
None of the Heroics are hard. The only one that pisses me off is Oculus because it's stupid and I hate riding on vehicles. I'm sure I'll love Malygos. The only thing you need to do is be wary of pulling too many; good pulling strategy is half of doing the Heroic 5-mans.PhoenixDark said:Smelted the last titansteel bar I needed for the helm, plus got the frosthide armor and +16def cloak enchant you suggested Cubicle
24k health, 554 def
Celebrated by doing the heroic DTK daily. First boss is the hardest in the instance imo. Dred wasn't bad (in part thanks to great heals), and the last boss was easy as hell
H VH isn't hard for anyone that's remotely competent. Even if they now go in two direction, it doesn't take a rocket surgeon (obscure David Lee Roth reference) to pick them both up.usea said:I've never seen anybody pull mobs away from the portals in H VH. Sounds like a recipe for going slowly. I've healed it dozens of times, and it never entered my mind that a tank was annoying/stupid whatever for tanking by the portals. Fuckin retarded healers who just want to stand in one spot all the time and never move.
Drinking in VH? wtf? Mana regen is definitely, absolutely not an issue in that place. I'm at full mana DURING pulls, without replenishment. Even when my gear sucked, you naturally start every pull at full mana due to the time between portals and light incoming damage.
usea said:I've never seen anybody pull mobs away from the portals in H VH. Sounds like a recipe for going slowly. I've healed it dozens of times, and it never entered my mind that a tank was annoying/stupid whatever for tanking by the portals. Fuckin retarded healers who just want to stand in one spot all the time and never move.
Drinking in VH? wtf? Mana regen is definitely, absolutely not an issue in that place. I'm at full mana DURING pulls, without replenishment. Even when my gear sucked, you naturally start every pull at full mana due to the time between portals and light incoming damage.
Kyoufu said:How much HP minimum required for Heroics at 80?
J-Rzez said:Pending on your class, 20-22k hp should be good enough. 535def places you at uncrit standing.
I don't understand what's up with the armory for some DKs. Mine's a bit messed up. Showing my hp at only 26k, when it's at 28,600hp. Same with armor, it's way low.
Weenerz said:Armory doesn't take stances in to effect. My warrior is missing 3% crit and the other things I get from berzerker stance. So you aren't getting the buffs from frost presence on it either.
Puncture said:Oh man, on an offnote, We hunters caught an even larger break that I thought.
Once you perfect your dps rotation as a SV hunter, your dps is higher than it was as BM and much much more sustainable mana wise. Ending patchwerk with full mana is just a complete mindfuck while pulling an additional 250 dps. Once I get regemmed for AGI and remember to turn off track minerals so I can get my 5% damage bonus in Naxx25 (sigh.....old habits) its going to be outrageous.
And the PvP? Such a joke, ES, drop a trap and lure the person chasing you through it > ES SS > ES SS ES(the last one is normally available because it cools down) and anyone that hasn't received a heal is dead. The shot crits for 3k per tick unbuffed and scales phenomenally. Its just so bizzare.
Celebrated by doing the heroic DTK daily. First boss is the hardest in the instance imo
Go BM until 80 so your pet can do decent damage and tanking, allows for quicker leveling.Mr Nash said:So is this survival spec spiffiness for hunters end-game only, or does it look like a viable leveling spec? My hunter's a hair's breadth from hitting Outlands, and this news has peaked my interest.
Priests were a breeze to level, the class with the least downtime back when everything else would go OOM in two or three mobs. Mind Flay certainly helps but it just gets slotted into the rotation with Mind Blast, Shadow Word: Pain and the old trusty wand.etiolate said:And I've been leveling a priest and hating it. Probably my least liked class to level so far. I eagerly await getting mind flay.
I don't have the answer to all your questions but in regards to totems yes Windfury with it's haste rating is a very valuable raid buff.vumpler said:To All Enhance Shammys:
So I feel I've been to every site over the last 2 hours researching more details on my class and spec. Through it all there are still some holes and incongruities with what is stated and what I find in game. I would absolutely love your input and it would be much appreciated.
1. Totems - With 3.0.8 here I'm wondering if casting magma or nova in my DPS progression is something to keep up and activated on Naxx boss fights? On EJ's it never really gets mentioned. If the answer is yes then should I cast nova until it pops, then activate magma? I messed with this last night and I couldn't seem to find out what holds more damage casting it or not.
2. More Totems - In a 25 man group (if there isn't a DK using Horn) does using flametongue totem and windfury have any benefit to the group?
3. Progression / Rotation - The general consensus is that MW5 is your highest priority. EJ says use regular lightning because it scales better than chain on single targets. However I can't see what they are talking about? It seems like my chain hits for at least 300damage more than regular. Your thoughts?
Also are you using: MW5, StormStrike, Earth Shock, (then Lash when its up) in that priority list? Also if in question 1 you said use magma or nova, where would it go in the priority list? Last?
4. Gem's - I've been basing most things off of EP value (Enhancement points created by the guys at EJ's.) I have picked my gems trying to get the most EP points per gem, but I have inner turmoil as to if I should put some type of +hit in every gem or take the large AP when possible. What could I change?
5. Spec - When discussing 25man spec's where a DK will be there with horn, and SoE totem won't be useful because it's crossed out with another buff... What spec would you roll with?
Thanks guys, I know it's a lot but these are all important holes lost in my understanding of the class.
vumpler said:To All Enhance Shammys:
So I feel I've been to every site over the last 2 hours researching more details on my class and spec. Through it all there are still some holes and incongruities with what is stated and what I find in game. I would absolutely love your input and it would be much appreciated.
1. Totems - With 3.0.8 here I'm wondering if casting magma or nova in my DPS progression is something to keep up and activated on Naxx boss fights? On EJ's it never really gets mentioned. If the answer is yes then should I cast nova until it pops, then activate magma? I messed with this last night and I couldn't seem to find out what holds more damage casting it or not.
2. More Totems - In a 25 man group (if there isn't a DK using Horn) does using flametongue totem and windfury have any benefit to the group?
3. Progression / Rotation - The general consensus is that MW5 is your highest priority. EJ says use regular lightning because it scales better than chain on single targets. However I can't see what they are talking about? It seems like my chain hits for at least 300damage more than regular. Your thoughts?
Also are you using: MW5, StormStrike, Earth Shock, (then Lash when its up) in that priority list? Also if in question 1 you said use magma or nova, where would it go in the priority list? Last?
4. Gem's - I've been basing most things off of EP value (Enhancement points created by the guys at EJ's.) I have picked my gems trying to get the most EP points per gem, but I have inner turmoil as to if I should put some type of +hit in every gem or take the large AP when possible. What could I change?
5. Spec - When discussing 25man spec's where a DK will be there with horn, and SoE totem won't be useful because it's crossed out with another buff... What spec would you roll with?
Thanks guys, I know it's a lot but these are all important holes lost in my understanding of the class.
Puncture said:Oh man, on an offnote, We hunters caught an even larger break that I thought.
Once you perfect your dps rotation as a SV hunter, your dps is higher than it was as BM and much much more sustainable mana wise. Ending patchwerk with full mana is just a complete mindfuck while pulling an additional 250 dps. Once I get regemmed for AGI and remember to turn off track minerals so I can get my 5% damage bonus in Naxx25 (sigh.....old habits) its going to be outrageous.
And the PvP? Such a joke, ES, drop a trap and lure the person chasing you through it > ES SS > ES SS ES(the last one is normally available because it cools down) and anyone that hasn't received a heal is dead. The shot crits for 3k per tick unbuffed and scales phenomenally. Its just so bizzare.
Flib said:Can you post your build? As a BM hunter, the dps drop I've seen in raids and heroics is really irritating me and I want to respec as soon as possible.
If you have the gold, double up professions that benefit you more like:Proc said:I need a pro tip from raiders in these parts. I'm a rogue, working on my skinning/leatherworking right now. Do you think leatherworking or any other crafting professions are really worth the added ap that comes with them? Just wondering if I should go all the way with it or not.