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World of Warcraft

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funkmastergeneral said:
Finally got going on heroic instances and it's really not as interesting as I expected. I was hoping for a challenge and it just seemed like a zerg fest - I would mark targets, ask mages to sheep for groups of 3+ but regardless people I was running with seemed to have absolutely no concept of focus firing. All they had to do was /assist me and they'd get my target, but apparently that is too difficult for them to press f. Is it true that raids really aren't difficult either? I don't play this game for loot, I play for difficulty and just want a challenge like I had in BWL or Naxx40 but apparently PUGs are beating Naxx?

All trash packs in game are just aoefest, no planning, CC is basically dead (even bigger packs, like the ones before patchwerk, are just tanked by one person and whole group AoEs them down). And content is about as hard as WC because people whined Maulgar was too hard for pugs. Or in short - there is no challenge at all in this game.


Mr Pockets said:
I'll have to argue that one a bit.

Speaking as one of those people who was never in a big guild, so never got to see any serious raiding content, I am, and will be, seeing much much more since these types of changes started.

So will a TON of people I know.

I am too, and we should all be seeing a lot more. Everyone should be. There's no reason whatsoever not to accommodate both playstyles. That's why I said, when they design a 25 man raid dungeon, offer a wing in that dungeon with its own unique areas and bosses designed for 10 man. Same place, just a different area. The problem is Blizzard are lazy, and the 10 man/25 man version of the same thing is just a lazy cop out.

I also have a sneaking suspicion (although I'm not certain) that accommodating for 10 man versions of things will ultimately lead to 25 man content being dumbed down.



3.0.9 is actually going live this week.

World of Warcraft Client Patch 3.0.9

The latest test realm patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/test-realm-patchnotes.html

The latest patch notes can always be found at http://www.worldofwarcraft.com/patchnotes/

Druid (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Ferocious Bite: This ability now only uses up to 30 energy in addition to its base cost.

Hunter (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Kindred Spirits (Beast Mastery): This talent now grants 20% pet damage at max rank.
Serpent’s Swiftness (Beast Mastery): This talent now grants 20% pet attack speed at max rank.

Lava Breath now reduces the target's casting speed by 25%, down from 50%.
Poison Spit now reduces the target's casting speed by 25%, down from 50%.

Mage (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Arcane Power now increases damage and mana cost by 10%, cooldown reduced to 1 minute. (Note: The spell is actually different in game and increases damage and mana costs by 20% with a 2 minutes cooldown. However it would probably be better to wait until servers are online to confirm that.)
Arcane Power and Presence of Mind now share a category cooldown. Arcane Power causes a 15 second cooldown. Presence of Mind, once consumed, causes a 1.5 second cooldown.
Arcane Flows now reduces the cooldown of Presence of Mind, Arcane Power and Invisibility by 15/30%.
Presence of Mind: The cooldown has been reduced to 2 minutes, (down from 3.)
Slow (Arcane): now increases cast time by 30%, down from 60%.

Glyph of Arcane Missiles -- Increases the critical strike damage bonus of Arcane Missiles by 25%. (Old - Increases the range of Arcane Missiles by 5 yards.)
Glyph of Mana Gem -- Increases the mana recieved from using a mana gem by 40%. (Up from 10%)
Glyph of Arcane Blast -- Increases the damage from your Arcane Blast buff by 3%. (Down from 5%)

Paladin (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
The duration on all Seals has been increased to 30 minutes and can no longer dispelled.
Divine Plea: The amount healed by your spells is reduced by 50% (up from 20%) but the effect can no longer be dispelled.
Sanctified Seals: This talent no longer affects dispel resistance, but continues to affect crit chance.

Glyph of Holy Light -- Your Holy Light grants 10% of its heal amount to up to 5 friendly targets within 8 yards of the initial target. (Down from 20 yards, Tooltip text fix, was already hotfixed to 8 yards in game)
Glyph of Seal of Righteousness -- Increases the damage done by Seal of Righteousness by 10%. (Old - Reduces the cost of your Judgement spells by 10% while Seal of Righteousness is active.)

Priest (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Inner Fire duration has been increased to 30 minutes and can no longer dispelled.

Rogue (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Hunger for Blood (Assassination): Now increases damage 5% per stack, (up from 3%.)
Mind Numbing Poison now reduces cast time by 30%, down from 60%.
Mutilate damage will now do 20% increased damage against poisoned targets, down from 50%.
Slice and Dice: This ability now increases melee attack speed by 40%, up from 30%.

Shaman (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Glyph of Windfury Weapon -- Increases the chance per swing for Windfury Weapon to trigger by 2%. (Down from 5%)

Warlock (Skills List / Talent + Glyph Calc.)
Curse of Tongues: Now increases the casting time of all spells by 25% (Rank 1) and 30% (Rank 2), down from 50% and 60%.

Dungeons and Raids
The Obsidian Sanctum
Changed the color of the fissure in the Obsidian Sanctum to be more visually distinct.

User Interface
The “GM wishes to speak with you” alert/button, at the top of the screen, has been changed so that addons do not obscure it.
A clickable chat message has been added that duplicates the GM alert/button.
When a GM wishes to speak with you the Help Request minibar button will glow.
For additional notes on Lua and XML changes please visit the UI & Macros forum .

Bug Fixes
Fixed an issue where players using nVidia 3D glasses were unable to see spell cooldowns.
Fixed a software mouse cursor bug that was causing the mouse curser to disappear from view when over certain UI elements.
Fixed a player movement error in which other players were appearing to move erratically when traveling beside them.


The Paladin changes strike me as bizarre.

I understand the reasoning for undispellable though. The shit you could pull with 2/3 Sanctified Seals made dispelling buffs on Paladins a nightmare. You had a 96% chance to dispel a seal, and it would ALWAYS try to dispel the seal first. Even two dispel spells would get hung up. It was a bitch.

But Seals lasting 30 minutes? I guess they want to take the middlework out of the DPS rotation. Having to reseal before a boss fight because of waiting (or ye gods, in the middle) was kind of annoying. 10 minutes would've been fine, but 30 minutes is basically set it, and forget it! /ronpopeil

I'm all for streamlining us, though.


seals now are basically as important as poisons or shaman weapon buffs, so it makes sense to have them last the same duration.


I didn't expect to see them fixing BM Hunters so quickly but I doubt it will entice anyone from Survival(or the few rare MM raiders) to spec back into it.


Junior Member
LOL, they're nerfing Curse of Tongues? Just about everything worth giving up your other curses on is immune to it already, and even if it's not it generates a significant amount of threat, enough that even with a solid tank I had to back off on dps.

As for the 10 / 25 man arguements... I'm in a raiding guild that cleared Sunwell, and I couldn't be happier about the addition of 10 mans. Making content more accessible is a good thing for the vast majority of the playerbase. If anything, it's allowing alts and non-raiders in guild to gear up and learn the fights so that they can jump right in to the 25 mans if we need them.

Frankly, I like that epics are more accessible - when a bad player gives a bad performance in solid gear, he no longer has gear to use as an excuse.


Well it's been a long time since my last Wow post, but I just have to show off something I got last night :D

Had to do Less-rabi the hard way since I didn't manage to get it before the hotfix, talk about a pain in the ass.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
LOL, they're nerfing Curse of Tongues? Just about everything worth giving up your other curses on is immune to it already, and even if it's not it generates a significant amount of threat, enough that even with a solid tank I had to back off on dps.

As for the 10 / 25 man arguements... I'm in a raiding guild that cleared Sunwell, and I couldn't be happier about the addition of 10 mans. Making content more accessible is a good thing for the vast majority of the playerbase. If anything, it's allowing alts and non-raiders in guild to gear up and learn the fights so that they can jump right in to the 25 mans if we need them.

Frankly, I like that epics are more accessible - when a bad player gives a bad performance in solid gear, he no longer has gear to use as an excuse.
How are you even supposed to do that Azjol achievement with a nerfed CoT


LOL! Paladin seals are 30 minutes now? That's awesome. So annoying in Arenas when a rogue on me hits sprint and I find out my seal is down. Also, very cool that Divine Plea is not dispelable. I swear every fucking Shaman in the arena has a mod that makes me light up like a spotlight when I hit Divine Plea. I'm not really concerned about the 50% healing debuff on it now.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
You can do it without trying now .... the achievement says 2 mins, but it's actually 4 mins.

Cause 2 minutes was fucking HARD. It required a Warlock to CoT Anub' to skip a ground phase.

Speaking of 2 minute achievements, why is it that EVERY DAMN TIME I do Heroic Loken, some dumbass in the group suggets "healing through Lightning Nova." No, let's not. Everyone in my party always gets the achievement when they run with me, so just do what I say ><


Angry Grimace said:
...why is it that EVERY DAMN TIME I do Heroic Loken, some dumbass in the group suggets "healing through Lightning Nova." No, let's not. Everyone in my party always gets the achievement when they run with me, so just do what I say ><

Same thing happened to me last night, of course the person who suggested it gets 1 shotted followed by a complete wipe, followed by more wipes thanks to some crazy strats the tank came up with. Didn't help the dk tank couln't hold aggro(getting to Loken took an hour or more), seemed to be his first instance as a tank since I recognised him from an earlier heroic where he was dps. In the end everyone bailed, killing him was the only reason I agreed to tag along cause I want the 2 hander he drops, so I was pissed off.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Milpool said:
Same thing happened to me last night, of course the person who suggested it gets 1 shotted followed by a complete wipe, followed by more wipes thanks to some crazy strats the tank came up with. Didn't help the dk tank couln't hold aggro(getting to Loken took an hour or more), seemed to be his first instance as a tank since I recognised him from an earlier heroic where he was dps. In the end everyone bailed, killing him was the only reason I agreed to tag along cause I want the 2 hander he drops, so I was pissed off.
I actually managed to fuck up like 4 times in there yesterday :lol

Wiped us three times just because I was fucking around with my new monitor's settings. But I'm pretty much a Loken expert at this point. He's so easy it's not funny if people actually follow the strategy the right way. Just have everyone stack on tank, move in a set direction each time and you'll kill him before the 6th Nova.

I've gotten literally 4 of those Colossal Skull-Clad Cleavers. I don't even know where Loken is keeping all of them.
So the pally seal changes mean the seal will stay active for 30 minutes instead of 2? So good. It feels like just yesterday I was trying to get my shitty 30 second seal up before the gates opened in arena and still have time to mount.


So, any Priests here? I'm about to hit 68 on my Shadow Priest and onwards to Northrend. How is leveling as a disc priest? I was thinking of respeccing that so I could also heal instances while leveling to 80.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
Are Cardinal Ruby's and Flawless Amertine's in the game yet?
They are in the game files, they are still NYI. You're looking at 3.1 before Epic Gems start popping up.


Angry Grimace said:
I actually managed to fuck up like 4 times in there yesterday :lol

Wiped us three times just because I was fucking around with my new monitor's settings. But I'm pretty much a Loken expert at this point. He's so easy it's not funny if people actually follow the strategy the right way. Just have everyone stack on tank, move in a set direction each time and you'll kill him before the 6th Nova.

I've gotten literally 4 of those Colossal Skull-Clad Cleavers. I don't even know where Loken is keeping all of them.

Hahaha, I did a guild run once where me (healer) and the main guild tank brought some newbish guild member to heroic HoL. We face rolled the whole instance. When we got to Loken, we explained the fight to the 3 new members. They seemed to understand it perfectly.

Fight began and it took 2 novas before all 3 dps were dead taking dirt naps.

Know what ? This fight is soo stupidely easy when you know the strat that we duoed Loken with little efforts. Good thing the tank was pulling 2k dps or it would have taken forever.:lol

Eric WK

Tamanon said:
So, any Priests here? I'm about to hit 68 on my Shadow Priest and onwards to Northrend. How is leveling as a disc priest? I was thinking of respeccing that so I could also heal instances while leveling to 80.

Leveling Disc was incredible and I actually preferred it to Shadow. I made a long post about it shortly after Wrath came out. Let me see if I can dig it up.

Eric WK

Tamanon said:

I assume that's the post. I'll give the spec a shot. It'll also be good for a change of pace anyways.:lol

Yup. Looking at it now, you could probably gain a little DPS taking Reflective Shield too.

You're basically going to use Holy Fire, Smite and Penance. I probably threw in SW:p most of the time too.

Healing is mostly just PW:S, Penance on cooldown, Flash Heal, Prayer of Mending and Prayer of Healing when needed.


I played a shaman for over a year before I even touched a pally, and even then I thought it was idiotic that windfury/flametongue lasted 30 minutes and seals lasted 2 minutes. (or 5min/30sec). Good change.


explodet said:
I played a shaman for over a year before I even touched a pally, and even then I thought it was idiotic that windfury/flametongue lasted 30 minutes and seals lasted 2 minutes. (or 5min/30sec). Good change.
at least under the old system there was the pretense of "you gotta judge your seals so they may as well not last long" but now that they redid judgements so they aren't retarded, I completely agree.

now I just wish righteous fury didn't take so much mana, or they could make it undispellable. I mean the mana cost isn't a real issue, but it kind of sucks to lose 1/5 of my mana to reapply my tanking aura.
To be honest, I've never had a problem with the healer healing through the Lightning Nova on Loken. As long as people have at least 15-16k buffed and the healer is competent enough to top everyone off, it's been piss easy every single time. I guess if you have a Pally healer getting everyone up after the Nova and before the 'AoE' starts again could be a pain.


Angry Grimace said:
Speaking of 2 minute achievements, why is it that EVERY DAMN TIME I do Heroic Loken, some dumbass in the group suggets "healing through Lightning Nova." No, let's not. Everyone in my party always gets the achievement when they run with me, so just do what I say ><

I did the Loken achievement on my DK (tanking the first time, dpsing the second time) a couple days ago and we simply healed through the nova both times. It was pretty simple doing it that way, but then again everyone had 20k hp (casters) or more (us melees).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Lain said:
I did the Loken achievement on my DK (tanking the first time, dpsing the second time) a couple days ago and we simply healed through the nova both times. It was pretty simple doing it that way, but then again everyone had 20k hp (casters) or more (us melees).
My particular problem with it is that moving isn't hard. It's the same issue as not kiting Anub'Rekhan. It's not hard to kite him.


They are going to buff hunter pvp to the point where when they implement Battleground rankings and real rewards for them, theres going to be an imbalance of crazy proportions. I hope to Jebus(ArenaNet) that theres someone left in Blizzard with a clue to balance and can see this coming.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So if Pally are getting 30 min heals, where's my 30 min Commanding Shout and Battle Shout! :D


Has problems recognising girls
etiolate said:
They are going to buff hunter pvp to the point where when they implement Battleground rankings and real rewards for them, theres going to be an imbalance of crazy proportions. I hope to Jebus(ArenaNet) that theres someone left in Blizzard with a clue to balance and can see this coming.
Hunters in Battlegrounds PVP are essentially unstoppable, given the right spec, and that was my own experience fiddling with them months ago. Just no one sees it often because how many good Hunters have people come across?

Chris R

Eric WK said:
Yup. Looking at it now, you could probably gain a little DPS taking Reflective Shield too.

You're basically going to use Holy Fire, Smite and Penance. I probably threw in SW:p most of the time too.

Healing is mostly just PW:S, Penance on cooldown, Flash Heal, Prayer of Mending and Prayer of Healing when needed.
I have a 70 disc priest, but I've been having mana issues... I don't know what I'm doing wrong as thats basically what I'm doing.


VaLiancY said:
I didn't expect to see them fixing BM Hunters so quickly but I doubt it will entice anyone from Survival(or the few rare MM raiders) to spec back into it.

Nope not a chance. So long as they dont buff BM to a point that it is more dps than survival I am never ever ever EVeR EVER! going back, ever. Never. And never. I really dislike Bm spec, and I didnt realize just how potent that hate was until I started playing survival again. Im keeping an awful close eye on BM. I pray to god they dont make it our #1 dps spec again. Please no.


Crap, Heroic Maly dropped the androit hanguards tonight but I couldnt bring myself to take them from our rogue (the only rogue in the raid tonight). Now watch I have to wait 15 more clears before we even see them again.


Malygos was awesome to me last night - I totally scored the Melancholy Sabatons (best DPS boots in the game!). Two more pieces of gear remain. Surge Needle Ring, and Betrayer of Humanity.


So I'm thinking of re rolling on a US server, can't find any good raiding guilds that fit my time frame on la EU.

Anyone interested in doing RAF with me? PM please.


speedpop said:
Hunters in Battlegrounds PVP are essentially unstoppable, given the right spec, and that was my own experience fiddling with them months ago. Just no one sees it often because how many good Hunters have people come across?

Yeah. Though I think hunters going survival(for maybe the first time for many hunters?) and finding all of its little tools are going to change things. Survival always had nifty tricks. Now it has a 'nuke' as well.
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