LF ppl to build a new 10 man PVE mature guild
Building a tight, mature, social, relaxed, yet serious PVE end game guild with focus on the 10 man content.
Raids/guild events.
3 days/week, 20.00-23.00 (first mob is pulled 20.00) Planned and organized guild events where the focus is on having fun and do some crazy stuff togheter will happen sometimes aswell.
The perfect candidate would be someone who is somewhere in the age between 20-30. The age limit will be set to at least 18+. The candidate will be someone who know how to play their class, understands the mechanics of the game, preferable have some raiding experience since before, is a team player, and ofc value their IRL more than this GAME. Drama queens and hardcore people are not suited for this type of guild.
DKP, (not decided yet witch type of DKP to use though, in the end want a system that is fair to everyone, regardless if the member show up 3/3 raids or 1/3 raids.
A website without ads is avalible, php will be implemented meaning forum and most likely even a web based raid signup system will be up and running.
Atm no official Ventrilo or TS server is paid or choosed, im sure though as time pass this problem will be solved.
1x GM (that would be me) , running and updating the website, leading the guild as a whole etc
3x Officers leading and organizing raids , somewhat involved in handling applications togheter with the GM.
10-15 Others , hence guildmembers , ideally the guild would be around 15 people.
A little about me:
Been playing the game since EU release, always been this type of guy that would land somewhere between casuals and hardcores, but have never really found a guild/place where I would fit in to. Despite this i have been able to PVE progress a little meaning i played most of the content up until first boss in BT TBC wise. Pre TBC i did full MC, AQ20, ZG. My conclusion after playing this game for some years now is thats its really hard to find places that has a more relaxed attitude towards this game, yet progress in the PVE end game content. Im 26 years old (getting 27 this year) , live in Sweden.
Final Words:
Sounds fun? , im just posting this here on GAF to see if theres people here that are interested. The guild is not up and running and will not be created if there´s aint a core group of people who really want to give this a fair chance.
No server is decided yet, it is NOT likely that this will be a reroll project since lvling again up to 80 is something I simply dont have enough time or strength to go trough with. You can contact me here on GAF or contact a female tauren resto druid on the EU PVP server Dunemal called "Lawky" if you or even better you and some friends are interested!