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World of Warcraft

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Maxrpg said:
Malygos was awesome to me last night - I totally scored the Melancholy Sabatons (best DPS boots in the game!). Two more pieces of gear remain. Surge Needle Ring, and Betrayer of Humanity.

you are a son of a bitch

i'm glad I finally upgraded to an epic wep. Got the Jawbone last night and the belt from instructor Razuvious, which I think is the best Ret belt in the game


I absolutely cannot believe that they have the audacity to nerf Mutilate's bonus damage that much with a one day notice. It's absolutely fucking incredible how shitty the "balancing" for PVP we've had so far since Wrath launch.

We already had a huge change with the last patch a few weeks ago not to mention the HUGE change to Arena calculation that they didn't announce and now this? What the fuck is the point anymore? This entire season is pretty much worthless by now.
I find the Rogue changes quite acceptable, to be honest. It is a bit startling with the patch being announced so soon (3.0.8 being on the PTRs for ages says hi), but it gives Rogues a PVP nerf, which many have been clamoring for, while PVE DPS stays about the same.

It is a bit annoying now that we're doing even less Mutilate damage than normal and buffing our poison + white damage to make them become most of our DPS, which is what was happening in TBC. I'll probably be speccing back to combat in 3.1 anyway, so this isn't much of a problem, but I liked being mutilate for the short time I was.

EDIT: On a general note, I'm now Orbit, Chamion of the Frozen Wastes (my name goes terrible with most titles, I know). Malygos was a fun fight, aside from phase 3. Got myself a Surge Needle Ring, which I was contemplating selling to the other raiding Rogue for DKP/Gold, but how can you pass up the best ring in the game at the moment?

The guild did Maly25 straight after that, and got him down fairly quickly. Phase 3 was still a bitch though, but the other parts we nailed easily. I'm starting to see why people have been disappointed with raiding so far, it's just too easy with competent people.

EDIT2: Wowhead shows a 7k buyout price for the ring. Goddamn. I needed my epic flying as well. Mind you, Caelestrasz probably hasn't had the ring on its AH so I don't even know what I would've priced it at.


I suppose I shouldn't be complaining about 10 mans since I basically have nothing else to do anymore. I can't believe they fucking said Ulduar was 'basically done' in October yet here we are still. You'd think with all the added revenue they're rolling in they'd hire additional programmers, additional artists, additional designers, additional testers etc and get shit out more quickly.


Puncture said:
Crap, Heroic Maly dropped the androit hanguards tonight but I couldnt bring myself to take them from our rogue (the only rogue in the raid tonight). Now watch I have to wait 15 more clears before we even see them again.

I need those gloves....for my Hunter. :lol
xabre said:
I suppose I shouldn't be complaining about 10 mans since I basically have nothing else to do anymore. I can't believe they fucking said Ulduar was 'basically done' in October yet where we are still. You'd think with all the added revenue they're rolling in they'd hire additional programmers, additional artists, additional designers, additional testers etc and get shit out more quickly.

They really are slow as shit in getting stuff out. For the amount of dough they are raking in, their output is terrible. 3.1 w/ Ulduar should have come out when 3.0.8 did last month. I wouldn't hold my breath on seeing 3.1 before April. 5 months from WotLK launch, FOR ONE DUNGEON...

We're probably not even going to see the Arthas encounter this year, how fucking sad is that?
VaLiancY said:
I need those gloves....for my Hunter. :lol
I don't know any melee DPS/Hunters that wouldn't want them. To be fair though, it'd be quite idiotic to take them off a Rogue or Feral DPS/tank. There's the age old debate over whether they should get priority on leather stuff that other classes want since Druids and Rogues can only use leather, and then there's the fact that Maly also drops ilvl 226 stuff for Mail/Plate users as well (albeit with worse itemization, I'll admit).


Outdoor Miner said:
We're probably not even going to see the Arthas encounter this year, how fucking sad is that?

Yes they are fucking sad. It seems to me they're happy to take their sweet time releasing stuff because their worried their playerbase will blow through it too quickly so they intentionally drag things out. If they want to design content for baby caliber difficultly that's their fault.

As a side note, has there always been a ninja defence force in WoW? It seems after some dick masterloot ninja stole a t7.5 badge in an OS25 run I took part in today, anyone who tries to let anyone else know who the player is and that they've ninja'ed something, the messenger ends up being more maligned than the ninja does.


Orbitcube said:
I don't know any melee DPS/Hunters that wouldn't want them. To be fair though, it'd be quite idiotic to take them off a Rogue or Feral DPS/tank. There's the age old debate over whether they should get priority on leather stuff that other classes want since Druids and Rogues can only use leather, and then there's the fact that Maly also drops ilvl 226 stuff for Mail/Plate users as well (albeit with worse itemization, I'll admit).

I love my guild Feral tanks, I wouldn't roll against them but now the Rogues in my guild...Totally different story. :p

They have better stats than the T725 gloves. Those gloves have more Stam and Agility and that gets transferred to AP in Survival, it carries more hit and crit rating oppose to the haste and armor penetration which I could give a shit less about.:lol It's damn shame a few items have hit but a few more of carry Haste and APen.


Outdoor Miner said:
We're probably not even going to see the Arthas encounter this year, how fucking sad is that?
Not that sad because we didn't see Sunwell until well over a year past TBC's launch. and the LK encounter is supposed to be this expansion's Sunwell (i.e. last major raid).
Got bored of my warrior and started leveling a priest last night. How viable are they while leveling up? I'm level 11 now, but can only kill 1 mob at a time and after every 2 mobs I need to drink. It's going pretty slow.


Orbitcube said:
I don't know any melee DPS/Hunters that wouldn't want them. To be fair though, it'd be quite idiotic to take them off a Rogue or Feral DPS/tank. There's the age old debate over whether they should get priority on leather stuff that other classes want since Druids and Rogues can only use leather, and then there's the fact that Maly also drops ilvl 226 stuff for Mail/Plate users as well (albeit with worse itemization, I'll admit).

Maly doesn't drop plate gloves .... or a plate chest .... or a plate helm ....

Drops leather, leather and mail in those slots respectively that are considered Best in Slot items for a Warrior.

I would have ZERO problem taking them over any other class. An upgrade is an upgrade, regardless of what armor class it is.
xabre said:
I suppose I shouldn't be complaining about 10 mans since I basically have nothing else to do anymore. I can't believe they fucking said Ulduar was 'basically done' in October yet here we are still. You'd think with all the added revenue they're rolling in they'd hire additional programmers, additional artists, additional designers, additional testers etc and get shit out more quickly.

You can't just throw more people at a problem late in a software engineering project. You're more likely to delay the project that way than to help it. That said, my guess is Blizzard is sitting on it and will release it at the same time as arena season 2. Arena is by far the worst thing to happen to WoW.


Finally got Turning Tide the other day.

I'm geared to the teeth now. Honestly missing only 2 pieces before I've got best-in-slot everything. 2155 unbuffed spell power in my raid gear = hotness.


I wouldn't be surprised if it took 10 although obviously the bigger the raid, the faster it goes. It's kind of funny seeing all the vanilla WoW raid bosses have more HP than some heroic bosses in Northrend do. Makes you realize just how crazy it was balancing stuff around 40 players.


That's assumiing C'Thun actually works. AQ40 was pretty buggy last time I went to visit and I assume it's not something even on the list of things to fix.


Has problems recognising girls
etiolate said:
Yeah. Though I think hunters going survival(for maybe the first time for many hunters?) and finding all of its little tools are going to change things. Survival always had nifty tricks. Now it has a 'nuke' as well.
Aye, the shameful thing is most of my experience was via the BM/Survival hybrid spec. I'm sure once Blizzard boosted Survival a bit more once Wrath fully hit, things became a tad more interesting.
Well so far so good for the Muti changes

Hit 4200 dps on Archavon trash
3200 on the actual boss without kings since some fucking pally stuck wisdom on me right before the tank ran into the fight

vumpler said:
:lol :lol

Raid leader asked for kings for the warriors and some fucker put wisdom on everyone and the tank ran in early :lol

I was 3rd on the DPS chart though, but I wanted to see what I'd do with full buffs lol


Junior Member

Arena Signups will be up next week!
Whos going?


zam said:
14k gold now, 2k more and I can get the mammoth with vendors on it, not sure if I really want it though...

I hate my mammoth so much. Sure the vendors are nice, but you can't really ride it anywhere, it's so fucking big. Get the mechano-hog instead imo.


I just read this, kinda disappointing for me:

In our 3.1.0 class updates post, we had announced plans to remove consumable ammunition from the game upon the release of the next major content patch. Our original plans were to change ammunition so that hunters would no longer need to utilize bag space, while adding some new functionality that would continue to make ammunition a compelling element of gameplay. Unfortunately, this intended change will not be completely ready in time for patch 3.1.0.

We still fully intend to move forward with this change when the additional functionality becomes available, and for 3.1.0 we still intend to remove the need for pouches/quivers by greatly increasing the stack sizes on arrows and bullets, and the haste bonus from the bags will be preserved in another fashion. We’ll be sure to inform our players with further updates once they become available.

I was so looking forward to that happening sooner rather than later.


VaLiancY said:
I need those gloves....for my Hunter. :lol

Oh yeah I didn't mention in that post, that I'm a hunter as well :lol .

Orbitcube said:
I don't know any melee DPS/Hunters that wouldn't want them. To be fair though, it'd be quite idiotic to take them off a Rogue or Feral DPS/tank.

Those gloves are best in slot for just about every physical dps. My guild doesn't do the whole "don't take that from that class" we just use our EPGP system and you buy what you have earned the right to buy. Hell your allowed to buy items and AH with them. What you do with your points is up to you. I passed on it though because its the first time its dropped for us. I wont normally bid on a first time drop whether is BiS or not unless its my armor class.

Ill be taking the next pair though, unless I fall to #2 in EPGP because of a Journeys End drop or something.

The bullet change not making it in is fail. I dont want bigger stacks, I want to spend less than 200g a week on ammo.
BigJonsson said:
Raid leader asked for kings for the warriors and some fucker put wisdom on everyone and the tank ran in early :lol

I was 3rd on the DPS chart though, but I wanted to see what I'd do with full buffs lol

I'm going to start doing that.
Puncture said:
Those gloves are best in slot for just about every physical dps. My guild doesn't do the whole "don't take that from that class" we just use our EPGP system and you buy what you have earned the right to buy. Hell your allowed to buy items and AH with them. What you do with your points is up to you. I passed on it though because its the first time its dropped for us. I wont normally bid on a first time drop whether is BiS or not unless its my armor class.

Yeah, that's fine by me. With stuff like LolDKP and EPGP it's only your own fault for not saving points for the piece of gear, and another class getting it over you. I'm seeing more guilds go back to a points system as of late, so my argument is becoming less valid by the day.

And to be fair, people are going to be farming content until Ulduar, which I wouldn't expect for a month or two, so it's most likely everyone will get their upgrades in time.


BigJonsson said:
Hit 4200 dps on Archavon trash
3200 on the actual boss without kings since some fucking pally stuck wisdom on me right before the tank ran into the fight

That's too bad :(

We often do this on purpose.
thatbox said:
That's too bad :(

We often do this on purpose.

Back in the day whenever someone in a BG would demand a blessing from me they got Salv.

Also, theres a priest in my guild who does his best to buff any melee dps who try to jump into the slime on Patchwerk with Levitate. :(


Epix said:
It's a combination of several. What specific parts are you interested in?
I can see you use Bartender, but in particular I'm interested in the nameplates and buffs style

Flesh Into Gear said:
i'm glad I finally upgraded to an epic wep. Got the Jawbone last night and the belt from instructor Razuvious, which I think is the best Ret belt in the game
I'm still using Grieving Spellblade from Faerlina 10men ç_ç I want Turning Tide :°(


Flesh Into Gear said:
Back in the day whenever someone in a BG would demand a blessing from me they got Salv.

Also, theres a priest in my guild who does his best to buff any melee dps who try to jump into the slime on Patchwerk with Levitate. :(

One of my favorite BG memories is a pally coming in right for before it started, yelling "SALV FOR EVERYONE", giving it to everyone then riding the fuck out. :lol


LF ppl to build a new 10 man PVE mature guild

Building a tight, mature, social, relaxed, yet serious PVE end game guild with focus on the 10 man content.

Raids/guild events.
3 days/week, 20.00-23.00 (first mob is pulled 20.00) Planned and organized guild events where the focus is on having fun and do some crazy stuff togheter will happen sometimes aswell.

The perfect candidate would be someone who is somewhere in the age between 20-30. The age limit will be set to at least 18+. The candidate will be someone who know how to play their class, understands the mechanics of the game, preferable have some raiding experience since before, is a team player, and ofc value their IRL more than this GAME. Drama queens and hardcore people are not suited for this type of guild.

DKP, (not decided yet witch type of DKP to use though, in the end want a system that is fair to everyone, regardless if the member show up 3/3 raids or 1/3 raids.

A website without ads is avalible, php will be implemented meaning forum and most likely even a web based raid signup system will be up and running.
Atm no official Ventrilo or TS server is paid or choosed, im sure though as time pass this “problem” will be solved.

1x GM (that would be me) , running and updating the website, leading the guild as a whole etc
3x Officers – leading and organizing raids , somewhat involved in handling applications togheter with the GM.
10-15 “Others” , hence guildmembers , ideally the guild would be around 15 people.

A little about me:
Been playing the game since EU release, always been this type of guy that would land somewhere between “casuals” and hardcores, but have never really found a guild/place where I would fit in to. Despite this i have been able to PVE progress a little meaning i played most of the content up until first boss in BT TBC wise. Pre TBC i did full MC, AQ20, ZG. My conclusion after playing this game for some years now is thats its really hard to find places that has a more relaxed attitude towards this game, yet progress in the PVE end game content. Im 26 years old (getting 27 this year) , live in Sweden.

Final Words:
Sounds fun? , im just posting this here on GAF to see if theres people here that are interested. The guild is not up and running and will not be created if there´s aint a “core” group of people who really want to give this a fair chance.
No server is decided yet, it is NOT likely that this will be a reroll project since lvling again up to 80 is something I simply don’t have enough time or strength to go trough with. You can contact me here on GAF or contact a female tauren resto druid on the EU PVP server Dunemal called "Lawky" if you or even better you and some friends are interested! :)


Junior Member
Grampasso said:
I'm still using Grieving Spellblade from Faerlina 10men ç_ç I want Turning Tide :°(

I'm still using Blade of Dormant Memories from Patch10. We haven't had a single Turning Tide drop, and we've been clearing Naxx since the first week in December. Only had one Haunting Call drop. Tons of Life and Death, but I'm always 2nd in EPGP when it drops.


Here's a fun one. We've got a new "casual" guild recruiting on our server. They raid five nights a week, four hours a night. Require 90% attendance. Say they don't want anyone who "values sleep over raiding" or "will let RL interfere with their play". LOL. That's casual?


Epix said:
The nameplates come from Pitbull and the buffs come from Elkano's Buff Bars.
Thanks, gonna install them asap =)
TomServo said:
Here's a fun one. We've got a new "casual" guild recruiting on our server. They raid five nights a week, four hours a night. Require 90% attendance. Say they don't want anyone who "values sleep over raiding" or "will let RL interfere with their play". LOL. That's casual?
LOL. I don't suppose so.
BTW our guild on Darkmoon Faire (EU) is recruiting lv 80s (we're clearing Naxx25 with 20 people...), especially Druids, we only got 1 balance. PM me if someone is interested. We're planning/hoping on doing some first kills when the Ulduar patch comes out (like being ready at Ulduar stone wednesday when the server will open to start raids XD)


Man, fuck Death Knights. I have a level 77 DK myself but still, FUCK DEATH KNIGHTS.

Blizzard completely forgot to give Priest PvP survivability so a simple Death Grip > Chains of Ice > roll face over keyboard combo destroys me.

Ahhh, the frustration...
TomServo said:
I'm still using Blade of Dormant Memories from Patch10. We haven't had a single Turning Tide drop, and we've been clearing Naxx since the first week in December. Only had one Haunting Call drop. Tons of Life and Death, but I'm always 2nd in EPGP when it drops.


Here's a fun one. We've got a new "casual" guild recruiting on our server. They raid five nights a week, four hours a night. Require 90% attendance. Say they don't want anyone who "values sleep over raiding" or "will let RL interfere with their play". LOL. That's casual?

What can you possibly raid for 5 nights a week right now? Do they do the 10 and 25 man versions of everything? My guild has a 3 day a week schedule, 3 hours per night but we don't use all of that time. Fairly soon we'll be under 4 hours for the week.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
Not that sad because we didn't see Sunwell until well over a year past TBC's launch. and the LK encounter is supposed to be this expansion's Sunwell (i.e. last major raid).
Unless of course he turns into Kael'thas and comes back to life in a new 5-man AFTER we kill him in Icecrown =D


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
What can you possibly raid for 5 nights a week right now? Do they do the 10 and 25 man versions of everything? My guild has a 3 day a week schedule, 3 hours per night but we don't use all of that time. Fairly soon we'll be under 4 hours for the week.

Who knows. We're kind of in the same boat - now that we've got Sarth + 3D down we can do that, Maly, and Archavon one night, then clear Naxx another. Naxx is still a 3-4 hour clear for us since we've got some folks that still need a good bit if gear coming along on most runs.

I play on a small server, and there just isn't the depth of talent to support many raiding guilds. On horde side we're one of two that have done Sarth + 3D, and there are two, maybe three, guilds that have the potential to do it.

Lots of folks trying to run a 25-man guild that end up pugging 5-10 slots in a raid. That just kills your progression. It hurts continuity which hurts learning, and every time one of those puggers wins loot over a guildie it's missed upgrade for the guild as a whole. I think a lot of these guilds need to take a step back and realize they can't pull off 25-man content, and either stick to the 10-mans or merge with another struggling guild.

Instead we see new guilds form constantly, and existing guilds that can't even clear current content split and try to form two seperate raiding guidls. It's mind-boggling.
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