Puncture said:Strongly disagree, cant possibly see how people justify this POV. The only way I could see this making sense is if you consider joe casual actually seeing KelThuzad in 10 man makes you less awesome for Seeing KelThuzad in 25 man. Basically other than E-Peen, how is this a bad thing? More paying customers seeing more of the content.
They're also lowing the armor on naxx bosses to... guess to make it a bit more inline with Ulduar.J-Rzez said:Hmm, so the heroism emblems will be useless then, they're not bumping them up like they did in TBC adding more gear in for them, just high number of "badges" needed? That kinda sucks if they do that. But guess we saw this coming with the different 2 emblem types already.
But as a DK tank main-spec, I'm not happy with that pest change. Not happy one bit. And they're planning on bringing up blood to DW dps by giving armor penetration to blood gorged while getting the garg down further in Unholy out of typical range of DW DKs?
xabre said:You know i'm just so looking forward to 10 man lich king. They've spent years building him up as this ultimate badarse only to end up being downed by a 10 man pug :lol. You know how stupid this sounds? I have no problem with 10 man wings of high end raid instances for casual players; this is good, I welcome this. But not the same identical content for both. Reward the players who make the time and effort to clear 25 mans with new content.
Why the hell would you get mc attuned?ZombieSupaStar said:so give the poopsockers better gear.
id actually prefer a godmode mode, where u get nothing but are able to just go thru the content to see the lore, would help with ultra casuals like me who started in november 08 and never even got mc attuned :lol
rhfb said:How viable are DK tanks? Sucks always LF Tank, where I could just already always have a group.
ZombieSupaStar said:so give the poopsockers better gear.
Guess I'll spend this next week or two getting my DK to 80 then to tank.VaLiancY said:Really good at holding AoE threat. I think everyone just DPS and at that they can't DPS with them very good, well most of them. With so many DKs, you'd think you could get a group quicker.
Yeah it definitely speeds up the gearing process because once you can run 25mans, you can also run the 10 man that week.xabre said:In the past you would get better gear for the sake of progression. There was a point when in came to getting better gear and that was experiencing new content. Now you can progress to the same new content by putting in a quarter of the effort with 10 mans making 25 man gear redundant.
From when I was fiddling around with the class, it's really situational. Given the chance you can rip apart classes within a few seconds with just a few spells, but once you get caught you may as well try and go out with a blast.firex said:stupid question time, I suppose: are elemental shamans good in pvp still?
I finally found a good talent build/breakdown on EJ and decided to go elemental. I haven't tried any pvp yet (I should really do some 70 AV) but it's pretty fun so far just for soloing. Better than it was in 3.0.2 and I don't think I really want to be enhance anyway. Blizzard's going to focus on buffing elemental, and I mainly don't really care about enhance because I don't think I've liked any melee more than when my pally was ret. and at this point it's either play my shaman or play my hunter, because I'm finding even when I like a DK spec for a bit, I get bored of the class pretty fast, and those two are still sort of interesting to me.speedpop said:From when I was fiddling around with the class, it's really situational. Given the chance you can rip apart classes within a few seconds with just a few spells, but once you get caught you may as well try and go out with a blast.
You would have a point if raiding wasn't completely broken as a scaling concept. They should have axed the completely arbitrary x5 raiding system. It makes no sense and doesn't scale at all. Not to mention even if the idea was sound (It isn't, claiming 10 mans take any meaningful fraction of "effort"/skill/patience that 25s is silly) WotLK was obviously rushed and they simply didn't have the stuff in place that would have made it not asstastic (Spec Swap, true hybrid gear homogenization, a sane group buff system).xabre said:In the past you would get better gear for the sake of progression. There was a point when in came to getting better gear and that was experiencing new content. Now you can progress to the same new content by putting in a quarter of the effort with 10 mans making 25 man gear redundant.
xabre said:If they have to insist on having nub versions of everything and completely eliminating any sort of 'epic boss encounter' feeling the game might have once had then they might as well do something with the old lvl60 instances which are just sitting there unused. Retune the likes of AQ20, ZG etc for lvl 80 five mans, and MC, BWL, AQ40 etc for lvl 80 ten mans. Give appropriate lvl 80 wolk rewards. Agree? Or are you lot going to rubbish another one of my ideas?
teacupcopter said:Your ideas get rubbished because they are rubbish. Your point of view is retarded, elitist crap.
Who cares if something can get pugged? That has NOTHING to do with how epic something feels.
What, you liked the old way of doing things? Pre 3.0, how many people saw Illidan? Archi? Fuck, how many people saw Kil'Jaeden? Even if 100 guilds got Kil'Jaeden down that's only 2500 people. Fuck, lets make it 1000 guilds. That's only 25,000 people out of 11.5 million subscriptions. That is just plain dumb.
Now it's a lot easier. Blizzard have said a lot of times ulduar will be less noob friendly. And even then, it will have hard modes on many of the bosses, including an optional, hard mode only boss.
This point of view is simply retarded. It's not about jizzing over purples, it's about satisfaction that came from killing bosses in late TBC.Again- Just pretend that others can't do 10 Man Arthas if it makes you feel better, you'll still have your shiny 25 man purpz to jizz over when it's all said and done
xabre said:I'm not bothering with the rest of your essay since it's the usual ramble about elitism. I barely stepped foot inside MC, ZG and AQ20, have never even seen BWL and never went into the original lvl60 Naxx. Only saw Onyxia and AQ40 for the first time recently at lvl80. Have never been in BT, Kara or Sunwell.
Yeah from what I've taken into comments from Blizzard they are ditching the failed "Shaman = hybrid = can never be good at any of the builds", the same mantra that followed all of the other hybrids but Shaman copped it the worst for some reason. Elemental can really pump out the damage, and given the right chance so can Enhancement. Angry Grimace was complaining that Blizzard can't stop tinkering with its classes but honestly I don't give a shit about when the next PVE raid is pumped through the game. I say continue with the fixes because the game face changes all the time and there's only certain ways to keep my subscription up.firex said:I finally found a good talent build/breakdown on EJ and decided to go elemental. I haven't tried any pvp yet (I should really do some 70 AV) but it's pretty fun so far just for soloing. Better than it was in 3.0.2 and I don't think I really want to be enhance anyway. Blizzard's going to focus on buffing elemental, and I mainly don't really care about enhance because I don't think I've liked any melee more than when my pally was ret. and at this point it's either play my shaman or play my hunter, because I'm finding even when I like a DK spec for a bit, I get bored of the class pretty fast, and those two are still sort of interesting to me.
teacupcopter said:Your ideas get rubbished because they are rubbish. Your point of view is retarded, elitist crap. Who cares if something can get pugged? That has NOTHING to do with how epic something feels. What, you liked the old way of doing things? Pre 3.0, how many people saw Illidan? Archi? Fuck, how many people saw Kil'Jaeden? Even if 100 guilds got Kil'Jaeden down that's only 2500 people. Fuck, lets make it 1000 guilds. That's only 25,000 people out of 11.5 million subscriptions. That is just plain dumb.
Naxx was undertuned, but that's because even Kara (at the start) was too big a hurdle for many to get to. And for non DPS, it was. If you were a tank (let's forget alts with gold and stuff) you had to farm the shit out of stuff to get gear, whether it was farm gold to buy BOEs, profession yourself up, or 5 man gear... that's just to get to heroics. Then up to Kara.
Now it's a lot easier. Blizzard have said a lot of times ulduar will be less noob friendly. And even then, it will have hard modes on many of the bosses, including an optional, hard mode only boss.
Look at the difference between Kara and ZA for example. Both ten mans. Pre 3.0 but post many of the patches that nerfed them, Kara was pugged all the time and done fine. ZA was not really puggable on many servers. You had to know the fights a lot more than a PUG will allow mostly, and gearwise it was a bitch on tanks and healers, especially when you get to Hex lord. And that's not even timed. So Ulduar could easily be harder. If that's still not hard enough go do 25 man Ulduar, and when Arthas comes, do that too. Pretend there isn't a 10 man version.
The thing that also makes your view just so stupid is that you say Pug like it's a bad thing that in an MMO you might be able to just jump into a group and be able to complete a section of the game. God forbid some of us have study and jobs and social activities that make us unable to commit to raid times in a guild, and have to pug to do content we want to... either way though, you say PUG like it's just a bunch of people wandering into an instance and mashing their way to victory. OK, you'll get some 600dps rogues that do this. Kick them from the group. Check armories. Talk a little. Start your own group and screen them. You really think that dickhead is going to see Arthas in any form? I highly doubt it. We've kicked DPS and healers from 10 man naxxes for being that terrible, and any group who doesn't will have serious trouble completing it anyway.
Mostly PUGS are people who know the fights now though. Everyone has had ample time to see the raids, Naxx was extensively tested on Beta and a lot of people who want to do Naxx know about wowhead and wowikki. And/OR did Naxx 40 back in the day or while retro raiding. I never did Naxx back in the day but I sure as shit looked up the bosses and wrote down a few things I'd need to know about each one before I pugged so I'd be in the know.
So when you say pugged, I mean... it's pugged by people who know what they are doing. It's not pugged like a 5 man where you can throw yourself at a boss and win no matter what. 10 people who don't know naxx? I'd say it'd be a 12 hour clear easily, if people actually stayed.
Anyway I don't even know why I'm arguing this point. You're just obviously so elitist it doesn't matter. You probably raged against 40 mans going to 25 and even if you didn't you agree with the sentiment. More numbers does not = better, just different. You can't really pug a 25 man just because of numbers, thus for a majority of players 10 mans are fine. You're the type of person to get their panties in a twist over other people seeing content that you feel only the elite are entitled to. I'm not saying you should be able to solo arthas, or zerg past his abilities, but give everyone a fair chance to see the content.
Fuck, I don't see how it took this long for blizz to notice. I mean I play a lot of WoW, but my job means I work random hours every week, changing shifts. I can't raid. Out of all the raids, I only saw MC/Ony, ZG, AQ20 once and not all of it, Kara/Mag/Gruul and ZA and that's it. I'm missing all of Tier 2 raiding, Tier 3 raiding, half of tier 2.5 or whatever AQ was, all of T5 and all of t6. Meanwhile I've been able to pug all t7 content so far so I'm happy I get to see more of what I'm paying for anyway
Again- Just pretend that others can't do 10 Man Arthas if it makes you feel better, you'll still have your shiny 25 man purpz to jizz over when it's all said and done
speedpop said:Yeah from what I've taken into comments from Blizzard they are ditching the failed "Shaman = hybrid = can never be good at any of the builds", the same mantra that followed all of the other hybrids but Shaman copped it the worst for some reason. Elemental can really pump out the damage, and given the right chance so can Enhancement. Angry Grimace was complaining that Blizzard can't stop tinkering with its classes but honestly I don't give a shit about when the next PVE raid is pumped through the game. I say continue with the fixes because the game face changes all the time and there's only certain ways to keep my subscription up.
SatelliteOfLove said:"DON' TAKE DAT ITZ MINE CUZ I AM PAYING MAH 15 MONIES" Populist clap-trap and entitlement.
Puncture said:What the fuck? So you haven't been raiding since release yet your here talking about the "good ol days?" and how its needs to go back to something similar? :lol
You know......dude your not worth the keystrokes, and your opinion is worthless
I'm really hoping they finally do this and make it worthwhile. Enhance is pretty good as a dps build right now, but not perfect (mainly due to gearing up for it being tough as hell compared to other melee) but they need to make ele/enh into more viable trees, especially for 5 man/10 man content imo. They bring something substantial to any group/raid, but not much on the 5/10 man side when you exclude bloodlust (because there will probably be a resto in the raid who also has it). all the upcoming potential changes look really good for shamans, too, so I hope a lot of it happens. I still think they're one of the classes with a lot of bullshit filler abilities that need to be combined/done away with, which it looks like Blizzard is finally doing, at least with the really stupid "do I drop this situational totem or this situational totem?" crap in the spellbook. Now if they can just give us a change so totems can move with us, or make them cost way less to drop so having to re-drop them won't be such a pain, I'd be really happy.speedpop said:Yeah from what I've taken into comments from Blizzard they are ditching the failed "Shaman = hybrid = can never be good at any of the builds", the same mantra that followed all of the other hybrids but Shaman copped it the worst for some reason. Elemental can really pump out the damage, and given the right chance so can Enhancement. Angry Grimace was complaining that Blizzard can't stop tinkering with its classes but honestly I don't give a shit about when the next PVE raid is pumped through the game. I say continue with the fixes because the game face changes all the time and there's only certain ways to keep my subscription up.
firex said:but in all honesty hardcore raiders aren't the target audience of WoW anymore. The game is about letting people see as much content as they can without it being months of being cockblocked on bugged fights or fights that require perfection from every single raid member.
First, I don't think many people know that Ner'zhul is actually the Lich Kingfirex said:and nobody from the horde despite the Lich King being one of the most evil horde villains in the Warcraft games, and someone they'd want to finish off
I still think the horde would want to finish him off. The orcs, at least. Mainly because he's still a symbol of all the evil the orcs used to be controlled by, and after becoming the Lich King he definitely became pure evil. In fact, it could be cool to have the battle involve Tirion, Darion Mograine, Eitrigg, Thrall and Sylvanas similar to the Illidan fight in BT, although I doubt the Lich King will actually die. I feel like if they leave any of those three horde NPCs out of it, then they've fucked it up colossally from a lore standpoint.CassSept said:First, I don't think many people know that Ner'zhul is actually the Lich King
Second, Ner'zhul wasn't really evil. While he was deceived by Kil'jaeden, after he learned the truth he tried to stop demonic influence on orcs, but then Gul'dan stepped out and just went on with corruption of the orcs.
And act of him becoming the Lich King was because he was afraid to die, and Kil'jaeden gave him option of redeeming himself (unlike most of big bad guys, he actually gives all his servants another opportunities after they fail to fulfill his orders)
Puncture said:The entitlement thing exists on both sides of that particular argument mate. Not sure what you meant by that.
rhfb said:How viable are DK tanks? Sucks always LF Tank, where I could just already always have a group.
Zek said:I bet less people would play DK if they would let you roll other alts at 55. It's not like anybody plays with new players in the lowbie zones anymore anyway. I really don't understand why one class should get a special "get out of grinding free" pass.
Zek said:I bet less people would play DK if they would let you roll other alts at 55. It's not like anybody plays with new players in the lowbie zones anymore anyway. I really don't understand why one class should get a special "get out of grinding free" pass.
SatelliteOfLove said:Admiting it is the first step to absolving yourself from the anger that comes from envy.
Hero said:The people claiming that having 10 man versions of raid dungeons somehow take away from the "epic" feel because they see the lore and specific lore encounters that they do in 25 man versions are retarded. Do you want the game to die? Because here's the thing: Hardcore raiders make up a small, small, small portion of the game's population. If things continued like they did people would only subscribe until they hit the level cap. If they couldn't dedicate their lives to raiding then they would have nothing else to do and just quit the game shortly after. It's not good business.
At some point the userbase would dwindle to a pathetic amount. I mean honestly why would the casuals care to pick up the expansions if they never got to see Illidan or Arthas?
I'll have to argue that one a bit.xabre said:And how many will ultimately end up seeing the Lich King considering they have to progress and gear up through 10 man naxx then 10 man ulduar then the 10 man 3.2 raid instance then all of 10 man ice crown citidel? You're carrying on about numbers as though a significant portion of subscribers will get to see the Lich King as a result of bringing in 10 man versions of everything. They wont.
xabre said:The level of difficulty, the number of players, the necessity of strategy to be victorious. That is what is epic.
Spruchy said:Bet in 6 months from now we'll see this happening.
It's more that a hero class is one that can't be played without leveling another class first. I think that's silly too but they could still leave it that way even if the high starting level was a universal perk of leveling up.funkmastergeneral said:I thought that's what part of being a heroic class was
Puncture said:Your being intentionally vague, I havent a clue what the hell your trying to get at. Feel free to drop the 'Zen' and say whats on your mind.
SatelliteOfLove said:
Raw, naked Envy.
Fostering an active disrespect for other segments of the WoW population.
Steadily and actively desiring more and more changes as one's condition to keep playing someone's game, as if NOT PLAYING FOR A WHILE AT LEAST had never crossed their minds.
Confusing "accessable" with "tuned to the LCD".
It's unhealthy. It's ugly. And I'm seeing it more and more from people, using it at people who used to do it in the past, and they RELISH IT, like a hard-won spoil of war. They have become The Elitists themselves. Change some nouns out, and it's freakin' Death and Taxes circa '06, with XI bitching about C'thun or the 40 -> 25 man change. And it happens EVERY TIME this topic of raid size or difficulty gets brought up, no matter how elitist/dumb/rational/a blatant troll the intent of the counter-thought. And it's getting worse.
I used to fear that T8 stuff would be tuned low so anyone could get in, meaning everyone (yes, even small 15 man guilds doing the 10 man version) blow thru it cuz they've blown thru T7 like a tornado and are armed to the teeth, but I now predict that if it is harder, and there alot of gear/awareness/coordination/multi-phasedness we'll get very angry people pulled off the teet of ease to look forward to.
Malygos - Feign Death not working is "intended"
Feign death not working is actually intentional, but certainly not desired. It was causing a very nasty problem, and we've been trying to figure out a way to handle the particular boundary case without setting the creature flag that ignores feign death.
Epix said:PRIEST
* Divine Spirit this spell is now a core ability available to all priests.
* Discipline has access to a new talent, Power Word: Barrier. (Think of it as Power Word: Shield for your whole group).
* Several area of effect (AOE) heal spells have been improved: Prayer of Healing can be cast on any groups in your raid party. Holy Novas mana cost has been reduced. Circle of Healing now heals for more.
Unbelievable, never-in-a-million-years awesome.
* Shadow priest PvP survivability has been improved: Shadow Form now reduces magic as well as physical damage. Dispersion now removes snares.
* Penance this spell can now be targeted on the priest.
About time (aka awesome)
* Serendipity this talent now reduces the cast time of Greater Heal and Prayer of Healing when Binding Heal or Flash Heal are cast.
* We are also working to give Holy additional PvP utility.