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World of Warcraft

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Is there any reason to do the Valentine's Day event? Do you get anything out of it besides Achievements? Items? Faction rep? Anything besides the lame title?


I just need 2 more for my title, the broken hearts one and the be mine candies, I got 2 duplicates, so I am just missing 2 =/

The "lame" title is the best of the bunch. Being called The Love Fool is awesome.
border said:
Is there any reason to do the Valentine's Day event? Do you get anything out of it besides Achievements? Items? Faction rep? Anything besides the lame title?

If you complete all the achievements for the title for all the world events of the year you get a 310% speed violet proto-drake.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Oni Link 666 said:
If you complete all the achievements for the title for all the world events of the year you get a 310% speed violet proto-drake.
Oh shit i wish i would have known that i would have done the elders more seriously. Fuck


cubicle47b said:
What can you possibly raid for 5 nights a week right now? Do they do the 10 and 25 man versions of everything? My guild has a 3 day a week schedule, 3 hours per night but we don't use all of that time. Fairly soon we'll be under 4 hours for the week.

That has to be it, we raid 7 days a week if you count the optional alt night 10 man raids (nights where theres no 25 man raiding so people run 10m Naxx's and stuff on alts, this is also where our casual members that cant eat sleep and breath spreadsheets to minmax everything get their endgame fun at). Honestly thats probably why I'm so for the new "entry level" raiding. The effect its had on some of our guilds casuals is simply amazing. I love it that everyone is getting to do SOMETHING end game.


Junior Member
Tonight was an off-night for our 25man runs so we gathered up those who wanted to run and started doing 25mans with 18 people.

Needs an Ironman Achievement.


i havent played for almost 3 years now (march 06 I quit) and im thinking of running through the expansions. anyone got any good links to articles/blogs about how the game or mechanics have changed recently so i know what I'm doing? Had a level 60 rogue and a 54 shadow priest


Oni Link 666 said:
If you complete all the achievements for the title for all the world events of the year you get a 310% speed violet proto-drake.
I knew there was a mount for all the holiday achievements, though I didn't know it was 310% speed. All the same I can't really be bothered......particularly looking at what a pain in the ass some of the future holidays are going to be (Children's Week ahahhaha).

I really only like Halloween (for fun extra boss) and the Midsummer Flame Festival (for reputation + easy money).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So my guild is a smallish guild; we run 8 guys, and we *had* a "sister guild" a guild of people who would work with us on progression (2 shamans, one resto one enhance).

So we work on Naxxramas for three weeks; none of us has ANY raid experience. I essentially watch videos of EVERY fight, explain the strategy over the vent server I'M PAYING for just for these raids, and assign loot to these other guys equally as I assign it to my own guild. Then, they get pissed off because I took the Malygos key for myself to open the encounter. Apparently pissed off enough this guy is badmouthing me and my guild all over the server.

I get super pissed off, since I find out about this during a PUG 25 man-Naxx, since I haven't grouped with the sister-guild in three weeks since they stopped inviting us (saying their other guildies were mad that they weren't getting to come.)

A bunch of people in the raid start insisting I'm an asshole ninja and vow to never run with me again. Being that I'm not in voice chat at the time and completely sandbagged, I don't get to explain that:

a) It was MY guild's run, and the two guys from their guild came with an agreement to raid-progress with us.

b) We let them use our Guild Bank's mats for raid enchants, etc. In addition, I had to figure out and explain every damn fight because they had no clue what to do.

c) The guy that's badmouthing me routinely showed up half an hour late and had to have his other guildie phone call him to get him on, when he showed up at ALL, also never once confirmed on the calendar events a raid; and thus missed crucial explanations, such as:

d) The fact I asked before the raid started, and again before we looted Sapphiron, if it was ok that I would take the key because I was the person who was organizing the dates, times, and strategies with everyone, and was never late, so I should take the key because I am the most reliable person to do so.

And now I'm apparently a huge asshole persona non grata. :-/

I hate letting a goddamn video game piss me off, but I swear, I don't know what the hell is wrong with some people.


Angry Grimace said:
So my guild is a smallish guild; we run 8 guys, and we *had* a "sister guild" a guild of people who would work with us on progression (2 shamans, one resto one enhance).

So we work on Naxxramas for three weeks; none of us has ANY raid experience. I essentially watch videos of EVERY fight, explain the strategy over the vent server I'M PAYING for just for these raids, and assign loot to these other guys equally as I assign it to my own guild. Then, they get pissed off because I took the Malygos key for myself to open the encounter. Apparently pissed off enough this guy is badmouthing me and my guild all over the server.

I get super pissed off, since I find out about this during a PUG 25 man-Naxx, since I haven't grouped with the sister-guild in three weeks since they stopped inviting us (saying their other guildies were mad that they weren't getting to come.)

A bunch of people in the raid start insisting I'm an asshole ninja and vow to never run with me again. Being that I'm not in voice chat at the time and completely sandbagged, I don't get to explain that:

a) It was MY guild's run, and the two guys from their guild came with an agreement to raid-progress with us.

b) We let them use our Guild Bank's mats for raid enchants, etc. In addition, I had to figure out and explain every damn fight because they had no clue what to do.

c) The guy that's badmouthing me routinely showed up half an hour late and had to have his other guildie phone call him to get him on, when he showed up at ALL, also never once confirmed on the calendar events a raid; and thus missed crucial explanations, such as:

d) The fact I asked before the raid started, and again before we looted Sapphiron, if it was ok that I would take the key because I was the person who was organizing the dates, times, and strategies with everyone, and was never late, so I should take the key because I am the most reliable person to do so.

And now I'm apparently a huge asshole persona non grata. :-/

I hate letting a goddamn video game piss me off, but I swear, I don't know what the hell is wrong with some people.
Yeah, I know how frustrating that is. It's so easy for people to gang up on one person like that and not get the other person's side of the story.

My buddy ran a 25 man Sartharion a few weeks back. Once the raid was full and ready to go, he said that he was reserving his token for himself if it dropped (in return for running the raid), and if anyone wasn't cool with that then leave now. No one left, and so they go in and kill Sarth. My buddy's token dropped. He loots it (he's a druid, so he shares the Vanq token with Death Knights, Rogues, and Mages) and then this Death Knight freaks out on him. Apparently the Death Knight didn't read his message earlier, or he was just an asshole. Anyway, this Death Knight starts telling everyone about this, makes a post on the forums etc, and my buddy ends up getting kicked from his guild because of it. The Death Knight ended up knowing who his guild leader was, and my buddy had only been in this guild for about a week. The guild leader believed the story of this Death Knight over my buddy, so he got the boot, and now everyone on the server thinks he is some big ninja. People can be so frustrating in this game sometimes lol.


Flesh Into Gear said:
I am about to choke someone over the bags of candy. 8 boxes and not a single bag :[[[[[[

man i want the title

I got "lucky" on that one. Got 2 bags so far and the last heart of the second bag was the one I needed. HOT LIPS!

Have yet to get any rose petals or arrows. :/
Trasher said:
Yeah, I know how frustrating that is. It's so easy for people to gang up on one person like that and not get the other person's side of the story.

My buddy ran a 25 man Sartharion a few weeks back. Once the raid was full and ready to go, he said that he was reserving his token for himself if it dropped (in return for running the raid), and if anyone wasn't cool with that then leave now. No one left, and so they go in and kill Sarth. My buddy's token dropped. He loots it (he's a druid, so he shares the Vanq token with Death Knights, Rogues, and Mages) and then this Death Knight freaks out on him. Apparently the Death Knight didn't read his message earlier, or he was just an asshole. Anyway, this Death Knight starts telling everyone about this, makes a post on the forums etc, and my buddy ends up getting kicked from his guild because of it. The Death Knight ended up knowing who his guild leader was, and my buddy had only been in this guild for about a week. The guild leader believed the story of this Death Knight over my buddy, so he got the boot, and now everyone on the server thinks he is some big ninja. People can be so frustrating in this game sometimes lol.

If you're going to reserve loot like that (ridiculous) you advertise that fact in trade where you're spamming LFM and not in an easy to miss raid message. I'm not on that token and I have my T7.5 but I wouldn't go on a run where loot was reserved like that.

The Malygos key is a different situation. When you're just bringing a couple non-guildies on a guild run and don't have the key to run Malygos yet it's not just acceptable but expected that an officer loots the key.


Ya, our guilds MTs took all the heroic and regular Malygos keys first. I was lucky and won the first open roll on the heroic key.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
...The fact I asked before the raid started, and again before we looted Sapphiron, if it was ok that I would take the key because I was the person who was organizing the dates, times, and strategies with everyone, and was never late, so I should take the key because I am the most reliable person to do so...

Thrasher said:
...My buddy ran a 25 man Sartharion a few weeks back. Once the raid was full and ready to go, he said that he was reserving his token for himself if it dropped (in return for running the raid), and if anyone wasn't cool with that then leave now...

No matter how justified you are, it's just not a good idea to "reserve" any piece of loot in a PUG. I've seen a lot of drama over PUG raid leaders "reserving" even mundane things like the satchel of spoils off Sarth.

People don't read, don't comprehend, or have a change of heart once they see the actual loot drop. In any event the burden of proof is on you, and it's a tough one. Most would rather PUG with someone else than take the chance that the accusations are true.

ToyMachine228 said:
So, a bunch of people I know keep constantly complaining about how difficult Malygos is. Is it really that hard, or are they exaggerating? I've seen the videos and it doesn't look THAT complicated.

Phase 1 and 2 are extremely easy (and I think one of the more fun raid encounters in Wrath), and I'd classify phase 3 as "unfun", not difficult. There's a lot of RNG in who takes the focus attacks from Maly. I'm decent at it, but last kill I took four focus attacks in a row and just couldn't keep up the energy to keep myself shielded.

Tonight I'm going to volunteer to dismount and smack him with Curse of the Elements on my way down. Screw phase 3.
So, a bunch of people I know keep constantly complaining about how difficult Malygos is. Is it really that hard, or are they exaggerating? I've seen the videos and it doesn't look THAT complicated.


ToyMachine228 said:
So, a bunch of people I know keep constantly complaining about how difficult Malygos is. Is it really that hard, or are they exaggerating? I've seen the videos and it doesn't look THAT complicated.
It's not difficult per say are really even all that complicated. It does however involve good group coordination but it's the type of fight where you'll spend a few hours getting everything figured out and running smooth and then you'll 1-shot him from then on out.


My schedule didn't make room for me to do any serious content. I barely had time to finish my dailies up until this week. Well last night I finally found time to do a 10 man Naxx with my guild aaaaand...

What the shit is with all the haste on DPS plate? Now I may out of practice with my spreadsheet-fu but it seems like an awful stat and yet my entire t7 set is covered in it. I can't even grab most off-set items because for some reason they have even more (I'm looking at you http://www.wowhead.com/?item=39239.) I'm DEing epic plate from Naxx and wearing leather I got in some random heroic.


LOL @ reserved loot (besides key to maly) in exchange for running a raid. Unless your bringing more than half the raid you didnt do shit to deserve any guaranteed loot. And Saph doesnt drop a token.

Everyone should play on Mal Ganis horde and pug everything anytime anywhere.


If you're a warrior it's at least mildly useful for extra rage, but yeah, Blizzard fucked up melee itemization. There's too much haste on everything. I'm betting Ulduar will be another case of typical Blizzard itemization overadjusting, and everything from there will be loaded with too much hit or something. In general I think Blizz fucked up itemization for basically everyone right now. 3.1 will either fix it or just throw it out of whack in another direction, I'm not sure which.


Junior Member
firex said:
In general I think Blizz fucked up itemization for basically everyone right now. 3.1 will either fix it or just throw it out of whack in another direction, I'm not sure which.

Cloth dps caster itemization is good overall. Some slots are hurting for decent starter gear, but it's not hard to run heroics and get hit capped and then build spellpower, haste, crit, etc from drops / badge / rep / crafted gear. After that, Naxx / Maly / Sarth+drakes have some nice, straightforward upgrades with some real standout pieces.

Only two problems for us... First, we're a bit too homogenized w/ healers, so if something like Pennant Cloak drops half the raid is putting in a bid. Second, leather dps caster itemization is bad, so our boomkin is bidding against the mages / locks / spriests for dps caster cloth (rightfully so, since some cloth pieces are his best-in-slot).


TomServo said:
No matter how justified you are, it's just not a good idea to "reserve" any piece of loot in a PUG. I've seen a lot of drama over PUG raid leaders "reserving" even mundane things like the satchel of spoils off Sarth.

People don't read, don't comprehend, or have a change of heart once they see the actual loot drop. In any event the burden of proof is on you, and it's a tough one. Most would rather PUG with someone else than take the chance that the accusations are true.
Oh, I totally agree. Thanks to my buddy I plan to never do something like that lol. But I was just pointing out how easy it is for people to gang up on someone like that and ruin someone's reputation on the server. When I run instance groups I'm smart enough to just not bring the classes on my token unless they already have said token. :)

To make a note on Malygos: Yes, the first two phases are incredibly easy, but it is all about how fast you can get to phase three pretty much. The whole fight is just one big dps race, so the only thing you need to worry about in phase one is double stacking the sparks for your dps so that you can get him into phase 2 as soon as possible. Then phase 2 is all about not having lazy healers and making sure that everyone is topped off at all times (for 10 man anyways, because if you lose just one person you lose a lot of dps in the third phase). Phase 3 on the other hand has a steep learning curve and is the most difficult part of the fight if you have a group that hasn't seen that phase before. Once everyone understands how the abilities of their drakes work, and how to move around Malygos without getting destroyed, the fight is pretty easy. BUT, it is difficult at first when you have no idea what's going on (obviously). For 10 man, it's usually best to have 2 or 3 drakes healing, and all the rest stacking their damage debuffs on Maly. It is of extreme importance that everyone in the raid knows to stack literally right on top of one another because the healer drakes can then heal everyone in the raid with their AOE heal.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
No matter how justified you are, it's just not a good idea to "reserve" any piece of loot in a PUG. I've seen a lot of drama over PUG raid leaders "reserving" even mundane things like the satchel of spoils off Sarth.

People don't read, don't comprehend, or have a change of heart once they see the actual loot drop. In any event the burden of proof is on you, and it's a tough one. Most would rather PUG with someone else than take the chance that the accusations are true.

Phase 1 and 2 are extremely easy (and I think one of the more fun raid encounters in Wrath), and I'd classify phase 3 as "unfun", not difficult. There's a lot of RNG in who takes the focus attacks from Maly. I'm decent at it, but last kill I took four focus attacks in a row and just couldn't keep up the energy to keep myself shielded.

Tonight I'm going to volunteer to dismount and smack him with Curse of the Elements on my way down. Screw phase 3.
My point is that it wasn't a PUG. These guys were saying they were our "sister guild" for weeks and were running the content with us for the past 3 weeks. And I told them why I would take it; because everyone other myself, our moonkin and my fiancee had a) bad connection, b) an early bedtime, or was notoriously late/absent. As I told him later; there wasn't malice intended; it's completely a matter of convienence; these guys were scheduled (on calendar!) to DO the Malygos run with us!


Angry Grimace said:
My point is that it wasn't a PUG. These guys were saying they were our "sister guild" for weeks and were running the content with us for the past 3 weeks. And I told them why I would take it; because everyone other myself, our moonkin and my fiancee had a) bad connection, b) an early bedtime, or was notoriously late/absent. As I told him later; there wasn't malice intended; it's completely a matter of convienence; these guys were scheduled (on calendar!) to DO the Malygos run with us!
Maybe it's the WTF awesome neck you get from the quest then.
firex said:
Blizzard fucked up melee itemization.

As someone playing a Death Knight right now, I know that I am pretty disappointed with certain pieces of my Tier armor because it's loaded with Haste. Hit cap is so important right now, and you think that would have been evident in the entry level tier.


ToyMachine228 said:
So, a bunch of people I know keep constantly complaining about how difficult Malygos is. Is it really that hard, or are they exaggerating? I've seen the videos and it doesn't look THAT complicated.

It's only hard for bad players.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
Maybe it's the WTF awesome neck you get from the quest then.
I didn't even know there WAS a quest until Alexstraza gave it to me. It was solely a matter of utility. Even IF I was in the wrong; it's not like I was like "Mwahahahahhaha time to steal this key from these hapless adventurers!!!!" I'd like to have heard about it before I looted the key, or even afterwards. If I had known the guy was pissed off about it, I would have run Naxx again and allowed him to take another key. I mean, it's a 100% drop.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
ToyMachine228 said:
As someone playing a Death Knight right now, I know that I am pretty disappointed with certain pieces of my Tier armor because it's loaded with Haste. Hit cap is so important right now, and you think that would have been evident in the entry level tier.
I think it's intentional; armor pen and haste are mostly useless; it's a backhanded way for Blizzard to make Tier gear get much better through better itemization rather than inflating the numbers.


Angry Grimace said:
I didn't even know there WAS a quest until Alexstraza gave it to me. It was solely a matter of utility.
It makes sense and I agree with you. First priority should be given to those who can be counted on to attend the raid. I got paid 200g just to show up to some PUG and start the encounter.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
It makes sense and I agree with you. First priority should be given to those who can be counted on to attend the raid. I got paid 200g just to show up to some PUG and start the encounter.
Exactly. In my mind, it's just a key. I'm no loot whore; loot is a bonus to the achievement of progressing through content.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
My point is that it wasn't a PUG. These guys were saying they were our "sister guild" for weeks and were running the content with us for the past 3 weeks. And I told them why I would take it; because everyone other myself, our moonkin and my fiancee had a) bad connection, b) an early bedtime, or was notoriously late/absent. As I told him later; there wasn't malice intended; it's completely a matter of convienence; these guys were scheduled (on calendar!) to DO the Malygos run with us!

Don't get me wrong, I think you were being reasonable about the key.

Sister guild or not, IMHO it would behoove you to think of any run that isn't 100% guildies as a PUG. Especially if any of them are showing any lack of dedication to the runs. Double especially if there's loot involved (and yeah, the Malygos neck is best-in-slot 10/25 man gear).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Don't get me wrong, I think you were being reasonable about the key.

Sister guild or not, IMHO it would behoove you to think of any run that isn't 100% guildies as a PUG. Especially if any of them are showing any lack of dedication to the runs. Double especially if there's loot involved (and yeah, the Malygos neck is best-in-slot 10/25 man gear).
My problem I guess was more that I was sandbagged with the accusation and couldn't necessarily elucidate each and every detail of how that run worked and why I did what I did, and ended up with 6 guys calling me a loot ninja when that's not what happened.


Talent Dual Spec Q&A with Ghostcrawler

With the next content patch, we will be introducing a number of additions and changes to the game. One new feature in the works is the ability to set up two separate sets of talents, or "dual spec". While the complete feature may not be immediately available in the Public Test Realms (PTR) and specifics are still liable to change, we wanted to go over some questions with Senior Game Designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street to find out more.

What is dual speccing?
Dual speccing is the ability to save two separate talent specs, glyphs, and action bars.

Why are we allowing players to dual spec after all this time?
We really felt like this was a great way to increase the flexibility available to players and encourage them to take part in more aspects of the game. To use just one example, some players like to participate in both raids and Arenas, which is awesome behavior that we want to promote. But, there are some talents which are more useful in one part of the game than another. Currently, players have to pay respec costs and go through the process of setting up the desired talent spec and action bars whenever they switch.

The new system makes this a much more logical process, saving on time and cost and allowing players to easily move from one aspect of the game to another.

Who will be able to use it?
Players who have reached the maximum level will be able to set up dual specs.

Why do players need to be max level in order to do this?
We didn’t want to burden lower-level players with extra complexity as they’re working to level up and learn their class. But if the feature proves popular we might consider expanding it.

How will you be able to set up a dual spec?
Players will be able to visit their trainer and pay a one-time fee to be able to use it.

How do you switch between specs?
Players will be able to switch between their talent specs by visiting any Lexicon of Power provided they’ve paid for the ability to have a secondary spec. Lexicons of Power will be available in major cities, and inscribers will also be able to create a new item that summons one. Anyone can purchase this item, but it requires a ritual of several players to summon it for use by the party. It’s similar to a repair bot in that it will exist in the world for a short duration. It’s important to keep in mind that you will not be able to switch specs while in combat or Arenas. While you won’t be able to switch your spec without the Lexicon, you will still be able to look at your secondary spec whenever you want to.

Will solo players have the ability to switch their specs outside of the cities or will they still need to visit a Lexicon of Power?
Solo players will still need to go into the city to visit the Lexicon of Power to switch their talent spec or will need to get together with other players to summon one in.

Is the item that allows you to summon a Lexicon of Power reusable, or is it used up?
We haven’t made a final decision on that yet, and will be evaluating how it works on the PTR.

Can I respec only one of my talent sets, or will I need to respec them both if I reset one?
When you reset your talents, it will look at the spec you currently have in use as the talent set you want to change.

Will you be able to switch gear easily to match your spec?
At the same time we implement dual specs, we will also be setting up a gear system. The feature is called “Gear Manager.” It can also be used to just swap weapons or trinkets or put on that tuxedo to strut around town. It will not automatically switch your gear when you change your talent spec, but it will allow for an easy gear change between them. The feature may not be fully functional immediately in the PTR, but we’ll have more information to share about it before too much longer.

What about hunters? Often their pet talents are set up to match the talents of the hunter. Will they be able to switch their pet specs as well?
We will wipe the pet talents. However we are going to remove the respec cost for pet talents so that players won’t feel like they need to jump through an additional hoop to respec their pet. In addition, we are going to provide hunters a new core ability to let them remotely access their stable on a long cooldown. This way if their exotic pet heads off to the stable, they will be able to get a different pet. We hope to be able to discuss this new spell in more detail when we get a little further along.

Will you be able to change your Glyphs as well?
Glyphs will be tied to each talent spec so that if you switch between them, so too will the Glyphs. You’ll notice the UI will have changed a little bit so that the Glyph panes show up alongside the Talent panes now that they are associated.

What about hotbars? Will players be able to save them for the talent spec they’re running?
Yes, you will be able to save hotbars and use them with your talent specs. It just saves your bars at the same time as it saves the glyphs and talents. If you want to switch to your other action bar, you will need to change specs.

Is there a way for players to choose their talents without them being saved? Currently, once you spend your talent point, it’s spent unless you pay the respec cost again.
With the dual spec feature, we are going to allow players who respec to configure all their talents before they get saved. They will be able to allocate the points, then choose if they want to use that as their spec, rather than needing to carefully diagram out their talents ahead of time. This will allow players a little more freedom when deciding on the talents they want to pick and avoid costly mistakes.

Will players be confined to only setting up two specs?
We will be launching the feature with just two specs, but depending on how we feel it works out, we might consider additional specs in the future.

When can players expect to try out dual specs?
Players will be able to try out the dual spec system on the Public Test Realms when they are made available. This has been a pretty big project with a lot of people working toward making it a reality in the game. We’ll definitely be watching the feedback and looking for ways of making sure the system works the way we all envisioned it to.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
Talent Dual Spec Q&A with Ghostcrawler

With the next content patch, we will be introducing a number of additions and changes to the game. One new feature in the works is the ability to set up two separate sets of talents, or "dual spec". While the complete feature may not be immediately available in the Public Test Realms (PTR) and specifics are still liable to change, we wanted to go over some questions with Senior Game Designer Greg "Ghostcrawler" Street to find out more.

What is dual speccing?
Dual speccing is the ability to save two separate talent specs, glyphs, and action bars.

Why are we allowing players to dual spec after all this time?
We really felt like this was a great way to increase the flexibility available to players and encourage them to take part in more aspects of the game. To use just one example, some players like to participate in both raids and Arenas, which is awesome behavior that we want to promote. But, there are some talents which are more useful in one part of the game than another. Currently, players have to pay respec costs and go through the process of setting up the desired talent spec and action bars whenever they switch.

The new system makes this a much more logical process, saving on time and cost and allowing players to easily move from one aspect of the game to another.

Who will be able to use it?
Players who have reached the maximum level will be able to set up dual specs.

Why do players need to be max level in order to do this?
We didn’t want to burden lower-level players with extra complexity as they’re working to level up and learn their class. But if the feature proves popular we might consider expanding it.

How will you be able to set up a dual spec?
Players will be able to visit their trainer and pay a one-time fee to be able to use it.

How do you switch between specs?
Players will be able to switch between their talent specs by visiting any Lexicon of Power provided they’ve paid for the ability to have a secondary spec. Lexicons of Power will be available in major cities, and inscribers will also be able to create a new item that summons one. Anyone can purchase this item, but it requires a ritual of several players to summon it for use by the party. It’s similar to a repair bot in that it will exist in the world for a short duration. It’s important to keep in mind that you will not be able to switch specs while in combat or Arenas. While you won’t be able to switch your spec without the Lexicon, you will still be able to look at your secondary spec whenever you want to.

Will solo players have the ability to switch their specs outside of the cities or will they still need to visit a Lexicon of Power?
Solo players will still need to go into the city to visit the Lexicon of Power to switch their talent spec or will need to get together with other players to summon one in.

Is the item that allows you to summon a Lexicon of Power reusable, or is it used up?
We haven’t made a final decision on that yet, and will be evaluating how it works on the PTR.

Can I respec only one of my talent sets, or will I need to respec them both if I reset one?
When you reset your talents, it will look at the spec you currently have in use as the talent set you want to change.

Will you be able to switch gear easily to match your spec?
At the same time we implement dual specs, we will also be setting up a gear system. The feature is called “Gear Manager.” It can also be used to just swap weapons or trinkets or put on that tuxedo to strut around town. It will not automatically switch your gear when you change your talent spec, but it will allow for an easy gear change between them. The feature may not be fully functional immediately in the PTR, but we’ll have more information to share about it before too much longer.

What about hunters? Often their pet talents are set up to match the talents of the hunter. Will they be able to switch their pet specs as well?
We will wipe the pet talents. However we are going to remove the respec cost for pet talents so that players won’t feel like they need to jump through an additional hoop to respec their pet. In addition, we are going to provide hunters a new core ability to let them remotely access their stable on a long cooldown. This way if their exotic pet heads off to the stable, they will be able to get a different pet. We hope to be able to discuss this new spell in more detail when we get a little further along.

Will you be able to change your Glyphs as well?
Glyphs will be tied to each talent spec so that if you switch between them, so too will the Glyphs. You’ll notice the UI will have changed a little bit so that the Glyph panes show up alongside the Talent panes now that they are associated.

What about hotbars? Will players be able to save them for the talent spec they’re running?
Yes, you will be able to save hotbars and use them with your talent specs. It just saves your bars at the same time as it saves the glyphs and talents. If you want to switch to your other action bar, you will need to change specs.

Is there a way for players to choose their talents without them being saved? Currently, once you spend your talent point, it’s spent unless you pay the respec cost again.
With the dual spec feature, we are going to allow players who respec to configure all their talents before they get saved. They will be able to allocate the points, then choose if they want to use that as their spec, rather than needing to carefully diagram out their talents ahead of time. This will allow players a little more freedom when deciding on the talents they want to pick and avoid costly mistakes.

Will players be confined to only setting up two specs?
We will be launching the feature with just two specs, but depending on how we feel it works out, we might consider additional specs in the future.

When can players expect to try out dual specs?
Players will be able to try out the dual spec system on the Public Test Realms when they are made available. This has been a pretty big project with a lot of people working toward making it a reality in the game. We’ll definitely be watching the feedback and looking for ways of making sure the system works the way we all envisioned it to.
I'm really happy about how they are implementing it. It's not so easy to do.


Woooo. Good news that it's coming with this next patch. I'm wondering how much it'll end up costing. My priest will love that once she hits 80.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
Woooo. Good news that it's coming with this next patch. I'm wondering how much it'll end up costing. My priest will love that once she hits 80.
Probably serious cash. Really.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
No matter how justified you are, it's just not a good idea to "reserve" any piece of loot in a PUG. I've seen a lot of drama over PUG raid leaders "reserving" even mundane things like the satchel of spoils off Sarth.

People don't read, don't comprehend, or have a change of heart once they see the actual loot drop. In any event the burden of proof is on you, and it's a tough one. Most would rather PUG with someone else than take the chance that the accusations are true.
Reserving loot IS usually wrong/stupid. It's not fair to the players who do legwork to do the encounter. Organizing a PUG to do 25-man Sarth is not particularly onerous, nor is there a key progression item involved. It's just taking 5 Valor emblems away from a raid that has relatively small amounts of loot. I really don't understand why anyone feels "entitled" to reserve gear/loot.


Junior Member
Tamanon said:
Woooo. Good news that it's coming with this next patch. I'm wondering how much it'll end up costing. My priest will love that once she hits 80.

Dual specs in 3.1 makes me think it's even further away. I'm thinking May at the earliest now.


TomServo said:
Dual specs in 3.1 makes me think it's even further away. I'm thinking May at the earliest now.
Actually, it's the opposite for me. The more information that comes out, especially big ticket items like dual specing, that get confirmed for 3.1 lets me know that they're far enough along in the development stages to confidently say what will and won't be included. It's mean they're nearing their internal deadlines on features that are meant to be including on the nearing 3.1 deadline and are able to decide if something is going to make it in time. Think about it: if 3.1 were still a ways out then they would be hopeful and unsure of whether or not different things would make it in on time since there would still be plenty of time to see how quickly those features could be incorporated. News like this (and the news that the new hunter ammo mechanic aren't going to make it in) are signs that they're very close to having this ready for the PTR.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
Actually, it's the opposite for me. The more information that comes out, especially big ticket items like dual specing, that get confirmed for 3.1 lets me know that they're far enough along in the development stages to confidently say what will and won't be included. It's mean they're nearing their internal deadlines on features that are meant to be including on the nearing 3.1 deadline and are able to decide if something is going to make it in time. Think about it: if 3.1 were still a ways out then they would be hopeful and unsure of whether or not different things would make it in on time since there would still be plenty of time to see how quickly those features could be incorporated. News like this (and the news that the new hunter ammo mechanic aren't going to make it in) are signs that they're very close to having this ready for the PTR.
I'm just worried what alt-specs are going to mean for people that think they should get a roll on "alt-specs".

However, I'm imagining the cost to train dual specs is not going to be trivial. My guess is epic flight costs or at least Cold Weather Flying-like costs.


Angry Grimace said:
I'm just worried what alt-specs are going to mean for people that think they should get a roll on "alt-specs".

However, I'm imagining the cost to train dual specs is not going to be trivial. My guess is epic flight costs or at least Cold Weather Flying-like costs.
I think my rule (if I were running a PUG) would be that you only get onspec rolls with the spec you came into the dungeon with. If you came into the dungeon with a dps spec and respecd healer mid way through then you roll onspec for dps gear.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Angry Grimace said:
I'm just worried what alt-specs are going to mean for people that think they should get a roll on "alt-specs".

However, I'm imagining the cost to train dual specs is not going to be trivial. My guess is epic flight costs or at least Cold Weather Flying-like costs.
More gold sinks for the win...

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
I think my rule (if I were running a PUG) would be that you only get onspec rolls with the spec you came into the dungeon with. If you came into the dungeon with a dps spec and respecd healer mid way through then you roll onspec for dps gear.

I think a good rule for PUGs should be to ask each person spec in the beginning of the raid and state that under no circumstances will anyone be allowed to take loot from a different spec.

Obviously Guild rules will be different.


zam said:
Sounds like same thing Outfitter has been doing all along :p
True but I've had bad luck with Outfitter. Never seems to want to hold onto the changes to gear that I make. Plus, 1 less mod to try and configure and update on patch days the better.


Sounds great. Can't wait for the gear manager. That's one addon I always wanted fully integrated into the default UI.
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