firex said:man, I'm really liking the elemental revamp. It's still not quite complete (makes ele shamans way more spell power dependent than other classes, and gives no real benefit to any stat except some mp5 from int) but it's better than before. And the coefficient buff on Shamanism is huge and basically does away with the bs nerf they did to lightning bolt back in 2.3.
We had one do over 6k dps on Kel'Thuzad 25-man, was insane.yacobod said:we have a raiding elemental shaman that does some sick ass damage
bill0527 said:Some of the people that play this game just need to have their fucking teeth kicked down their throat.
Last night, I pugged VoA 25 because my guild broke up last week. Hunter Deadly Gladiator Chain legs drop off Arch and I /roll with about 5 other hunters there. I came in 2nd. The person that won the roll... was a MAGE !! And the raid leader gave him the legs because he didn't check to see if the person he was giving the hunter-only legs too... was actually a hunter.
The raid got pissed at both the raid leader and the mage wondering why he even rolled on it to start with. The dude says he thought it was a mage item, but that he would open a ticket to a GM and make sure it got to me. After the raid, I /whisper him asking if he opened a ticket and the mother fucker tries to extort money out of me. He said another hunter in the raid offered him 500g if he'd open a ticket and say that they belonged to him. I opened a ticket and tried to explain all of this to a GM and he tells me there's nothing they can do unless the guy that got the item by accident opens a ticket and asks them to give it to me.
I don't even give a shit about the item, I seldom PvP anyway. I'd just wish there was something I could do to get back at this little douchebag because I have a feeling he's done it before.
yacobod said:VoA is srs business
think you need to chill out, its a game afterall
bill0527 said:I really don't believe you read my post after the first line.
BigJonsson said:Woohoo
Picked up the Chestguard of the Recluse!
Still havent seen the DPS trink drop from Sarth yet and I've downed him just about every week since 3 weeks after LK came out
Puncture said:Which trinket? Im still waiting on what would be our second Fury trinket to drop. I didnt grab it the first time it dropped for us because I hadnt planned that far ahead for my hunter. Shame, once I realized I was going to want it hasnt dropped since.
I gave up on that shit and started leveling my shaman again instead. Just too retarded and blizz will never change how it works. At least now my inventory has a ton more free slots.PatzCU said:Whelp, about to take my last stab at trying to get a bag of candy.
I've gotten 5 bags of candy, and have been at 7/8 on Be Mine! for the last 3 bags. Such BULLSHIT! This really kills my desire to continue to play WoW sadly.
Weenerz said:He's a douche anyways, no need responding.
This is a videogame forum, with an emphasis on videogames.yacobod said:i think my response was appropriate given the guy's nerd-raging post
loot always drops again, nerd raging and over exaggerating on a forum over a piece of gear, that always drops, and is easily puggable is laughable
so emo, its not like a warrior or rogue ninja'd his envoy of mortality
yacobod said:i think my response was appropriate given the guy's nerd-raging post
loot always drops again, nerd raging and over exaggerating on a forum over a piece of gear, that always drops, and is easily puggable is laughable
so emo, its not like a warrior or rogue ninja'd his envoy of mortality
yacobod said:i think my response was appropriate given the guy's nerd-raging post
loot always drops again, nerd raging and over exaggerating on a forum over a piece of gear, that always drops, and is easily puggable is laughable
so emo, its not like a warrior or rogue ninja'd his envoy of mortality
bill0527 said:Its not about the item.
I don't really even need it.
And speaking of overexaggerating, I've ran VoA 25 for 6 weeks and this was the first piece of Hunter gear I've seen drop. I go not expecting anything except my 2 valor badges. So don't give me this bullshit about how it'll drop again next week or it drops all the time, like its fucking water flowing down Niagra Falls. RLG is RLG nubcake.
Again, its not about the item. Its about people acting like douchebags and getting away with it.
yacobod said:honestly unless the mage was a total dick, you guys should have petitioned a GM and they would have gave you the item that was in question
if both you, the loot master, and the mage had petitioned the GM, they would have hooked you up
now if the mage was a dick, then don't group with the POS again
seems like the problem could have been easily resolved in game, not like you can sell or disenchant the pvp gear, so its a total waste to go to the mage
Son of Godzilla said:Wintergrasp is still unplayable right? Arena still broken to hell and back? Naxx still boring?
Don't do it. When I quit every raid was lagging ridiculously whenever you tried them, PvP was horribly broken because resilience hadn't fixed the overwhelming damage output, and holy paladins still couldn't solo half as well as other healers. I've been off for 40 days and look at how much happier I am!Son of Godzilla said:Oh god, the temptation is spreading. Someone convince me not to renew. DO IT. Wintergrasp is still unplayable right? Arena still broken to hell and back? Naxx still boring?
WHY AM I SO TEMPTED? Man, it's hard to realize how much of your "bored with only busywork to do" time was supplemented by this fucking thing till you quit it.
Yeah they had to, but now it flies. 30-40 used to be hell as well, but since you get your mount at 30 it makes it MUCH nicer.funkmastergeneral said:Did they make it easier to level up in the lower levels? I'm leveling a priest right now and remember 20-30 being hell and making me want to quit, but I'm just flying through it right now. I think I did like 4 quests in Tarren Mill and gained a whole level that way.
funkmastergeneral said:Did they make it easier to level up in the lower levels? I'm leveling a priest right now and remember 20-30 being hell and making me want to quit, but I'm just flying through it right now. I think I did like 4 quests in Tarren Mill and gained a whole level that way.
bill0527 said:Some of the people that play this game just need to have their fucking teeth kicked down their throat.
Last night, I pugged VoA 25 because my guild broke up last week. Hunter Deadly Gladiator Chain legs drop off Arch and I /roll with about 5 other hunters there. I came in 2nd. The person that won the roll... was a MAGE !! And the raid leader gave him the legs because he didn't check to see if the person he was giving the hunter-only legs too... was actually a hunter.
The raid got pissed at both the raid leader and the mage wondering why he even rolled on it to start with. The dude says he thought it was a mage item, but that he would open a ticket to a GM and make sure it got to me. After the raid, I /whisper him asking if he opened a ticket and the mother fucker tries to extort money out of me. He said another hunter in the raid offered him 500g if he'd open a ticket and say that they belonged to him. I opened a ticket and tried to explain all of this to a GM and he tells me there's nothing they can do unless the guy that got the item by accident opens a ticket and asks them to give it to me.
I don't even give a shit about the item, I seldom PvP anyway. I'd just wish there was something I could do to get back at this little douchebag because I have a feeling he's done it before.
TomServo said:The xp required to level dropped by some significant percentage from 20-70. The xp granted by quests went up significantly from 30-70, plus you'll get your mount at 30 now. If you remember leveling old-school, the 30 to 40 grind will stun you at how short it is since you're using a mount in zones designed to be traversed by foot.
Outland is joke now. I did Hellfire, Zangarmarsh, and Terrakor to get to level 67, then jumped to Shadowmoon Valley and was 70 before I was half done with the zone. Completely skipped Netherstorm, Blades Edge, Nagrand.
funkmastergeneral said:Mount at level 30! Holy shit! Yea I haven't leveled a toon in Azeroth since late 2005 so this is going to be cake compared to that.
Lord Phol said:One of the main reasons I stopped playing. A social driven game isn't any fun when people either refuse to socalize or are just plain assholes, which u as a lone player pretty much can't do anything about.
TomServo said:I've always played WoW within the confines a guild. Any time I've tried to go it alone I've either quit or come near quitting.