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World of Warcraft

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Junior Member
funkmastergeneral said:
Not everyone plays this game with the min/max attitude a lot of people have. He enjoys playing the build he has and so be it. People in WoW have become so elitist about DPS and stats...

What cracks me up is that the vast majority of the folks with the elitist attitudes are living in a glass house. I see so many players trying to get arena teams together or run a PUG heroic / raid demanding stats, yet I've done simple things like PUG VoA with many of them and they're horrible players themselves.

funkmastergeneral said:
...I remember when I was level 60 running Strat Scholo and UBRS and asked for a group invite no one ever asked me to link my dps or achievements.

That's because we didn't know any better! I think of how I played / geared / talented my old shaman in the early days and absolutely cringe. But we didn't have mods then to give us feedback - the boss either died or it didn't.


Neo Member
TomServo said:
That's because we didn't know any better! I think of how I played / geared / talented my old shaman in the early days and absolutely cringe. But we didn't have mods then to give us feedback - the boss either died or it didn't.

Yeah, I was terrible with my paladin that I first leveled.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
What cracks me up is that the vast majority of the folks with the elitist attitudes are living in a glass house. I see so many players trying to get arena teams together or run a PUG heroic / raid demanding stats, yet I've done simple things like PUG VoA with many of them and they're horrible players themselves.

That's because we didn't know any better! I think of how I played / geared / talented my old shaman in the early days and absolutely cringe. But we didn't have mods then to give us feedback - the boss either died or it didn't.
The problem these days is that movement and deeper understanding of fights is pretty much lost on half the population. There's this contingent of stealth-bads that think that once they figure out that if you press 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 in that order, and perhaps, 3 if some ability procs to get max DPS, you are in the top 10% of players. But it doesn't work like that. It's not like Patchwerk is the norm.

These same players are the ones that want to fill out my Malygos group, do 2000DPS and blame the group, when in reality is that the sparks aren't being killed in the right spot and they were assigned to watch and kill them. These are the same players that want to do Naxxramas but think they should blow their disease on Grobbulus wherever they want. These are the players that want to argue with the raid leader becuase they don't want to move, or do anything other than spam that POS rotation while standing still.


Angry Grimace said:
The problem these days is that movement and deeper understanding of fights is pretty much lost on half the population. There's this contingent of stealth-bads that think that once they figure out that if you press 1, 2, 4, 5 and 7 in that order, and perhaps, 3 if some ability procs to get max DPS, you are in the top 10% of players. But it doesn't work like that. It's not like Patchwerk is the norm.

These same players are the ones that want to fill out my Malygos group, do 2000DPS and blame the group, when in reality is that the sparks aren't being killed in the right spot and they were assigned to watch and kill them. These are the same players that want to do Naxxramas but think they should blow their disease on Grobbulus wherever they want. These are the players that want to argue with the raid leader becuase they don't want to move, or do anything other than spam that POS rotation while standing still.

Reminds me of our Sarth + Drakes attempts last night and all the fucking people coming up with 9000 excuses as to why they couldn't avoid or didn't see the blue circles of doom (especially the melee classes ... i am one myself, was never hit by it so i was quite ticked) or why they constantly got fucked by fire walls.

So frustrating that people can't handle doing SIMPLE things to make a fight successful and then when you confront them on it they have every single excuse in the god damn book as to why something happened.

I would love if people could just admit they fucked up and/or sucked.
The blue shadow fissures seemed to throw our melee too. The raid leader started calling them out after a few wipes. He has the fail mod that lists everyone who is hit by fissures and waves, too, which is a nice way to shame people into not sucking.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
I would love if people could just admit they fucked up and/or sucked.

Good luck with that. It's like driving - everyone thinks they're great, that anything that goes wrong must be the fault of something out of their control, and that everyone else sucks.


cubicle47b said:
The blue shadow fissures seemed to throw our melee too. The raid leader started calling them out after a few wipes. He has the fail mod that lists everyone who is hit by fissures and waves, too, which is a nice way to shame people into not sucking.

Oh god damn ... is that a real mod? I will download that shit TONIGHT. I will call people out with an Iron Fist.


Had his dog run over by Blizzard's CEO
It's like Deadly Boss Mods or something, sometimes it reports being as being hit by a fissure if they are in it but leave just before it ticks, so occasionally you get false reports. Most of the time people just suck.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Good luck with that. It's like driving - everyone thinks they're great, that anything that goes wrong must be the fault of something out of their control, and that everyone else sucks.
Pretty much.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Oh god damn ... is that a real mod? I will download that shit TONIGHT. I will call people out with an Iron Fist.

Best part about that mod is that the person calling everyone else out typically dies in the fire on the next attempt.


Macattk15 said:
Oh god damn ... is that a real mod? I will download that shit TONIGHT. I will call people out with an Iron Fist.
Yeah, it's part of Deadly Boss Mods

Edit: Oh, guess there is a separate mod for it too

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
There's really very few fights where one person's mistake can kill the encounter, but it can make it substantially harder.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
My Death Knight needs 10 levels FAST.

It's easily the most fun class in WoW, but my first foray into DPSing. On the plus side, my DPS at level 70 was 1050, and everyone else was at 500.

On the bad side, I pulled aggro and died like a total nub. :lol


damn, I did some dps like that as an ele shaman at 71. not bad. although I personally have found that no matter how hard I try, I can't really get into the DK. I guess it's just that it feels like a gimp version of the pally with one really lame trump card over it (owning casters with cooldowns). I also kind of feel like they still need more talent tweaking/combining (should be easier/better to get more tank talents without skipping the fun dps talents) but then that's not a big deal for me yet. And I guess to be more specific, I mean like including the basic tanking talents out of each tree (blade barrier/toughness/anticipation) in with some dps talents or something, or combining a few of the more lackluster, but necessary, tanking talents in with the more fun but not entirely perfect dps talents.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
funkmastergeneral said:
Not everyone plays this game with the min/max attitude a lot of people have. He enjoys playing the build he has and so be it. People in WoW have become so elitist about DPS and stats, I remember when I was level 60 running Strat Scholo and UBRS and asked for a group invite no one ever asked me to link my dps or achievements.
You do have a point here.. but that was specifically why I was calling him out as a rogue. With a shaman, are you doing resto, ele or enh for dps, some sort of hybrid, etc? Shadow or holy priest? you know... but with a rogue, you are DPS through and through. Now there are a couple of ways that you can accomplish this (I am guessing) through the talent trees, but if everyone is telling you that your particular build is hampering your DPS... well that's like telling a race horse that something is hampering their speed. Sure you can look at a race horse, and maybe even ride through the pastures on a race horse or poorly pull a plow with it... but damned if that horse isn't meant to race, and doing anything that will slow it down is just silly.. same thing with a rogue. All they do is DPS. You can play around with talent trees however you are compfortable or find fun, but if there are obvious ways where you aren't getting YOUR max DPS out of the rogue, well then you might as well hook him up to a plow and look for other ways to enjoy the game, because a lot of people aren't going to be concerned with playing with someone who can't even be concerned to take care of their talents, something that ISN'T dependent on "where have you been and what have you done".

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
PTR character copy for 3.1 is up. I'm thinking PTR will be up tonight so folks can start testing over the weekend.
It's not working yet.

Tried to do a copy and it just returned an error with no cause.

Edit: A bug? Bugs are errors in code. Blizzard just being absent minded and fucking up (as all major companies are wont to do, of course) isn't really a bug :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
damn, I did some dps like that as an ele shaman at 71. not bad. although I personally have found that no matter how hard I try, I can't really get into the DK. I guess it's just that it feels like a gimp version of the pally with one really lame trump card over it (owning casters with cooldowns). I also kind of feel like they still need more talent tweaking/combining (should be easier/better to get more tank talents without skipping the fun dps talents) but then that's not a big deal for me yet. And I guess to be more specific, I mean like including the basic tanking talents out of each tree (blade barrier/toughness/anticipation) in with some dps talents or something, or combining a few of the more lackluster, but necessary, tanking talents in with the more fun but not entirely perfect dps talents.
It's a double edged sword.

The fact that for a viable Death Knight, there's virtually no talent that one is REQUIRED to take is awesome. There are a ton of viable specs. The problem is, like any class there's more bad specs and more bad players to ruin the DK's name. If Death Knight started at 1, I'd have an easier go of it.

None of the tanking talents that you can take are MANDATORY; it's more that it's mandatory to take the ones in the tree you're using. I just laugh when I see level 80s (of ANY class, really) that put 60+ points into any one tree.


Hey guys, can anyone give me an assessment on my gear and such? I'm currently leveling as a Protection Paladin, and I've been trying to get stuff with +stamina and +dodge and I'm not sure if what I have is really adequate anymore (acquired most of the stuff around lvl 65-70). Are there any items in particular I should be looking for, etc? I've done pretty much every instance up to my current level, so I'm guessing a lot of the hawt gear comes along at 80... Here's a LINK to my armory. Be gentle, I'm fairly new to the game :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
vilmer_ said:
Hey guys, can anyone give me an assessment on my gear and such? I'm currently leveling as a Protection Paladin, and I've been trying to get stuff with +stamina and +dodge and I'm not sure if what I have is really adequate anymore (acquired most of the stuff around lvl 65-70). Are there any items in particular I should be looking for, etc? I've done pretty much every instance up to my current level, so I'm guessing a lot of the hawt gear comes along at 80... Here's a LINK to my armory. Be gentle, I'm fairly new to the game :D
What you have is perfectly fine to tank stuff up till you ding 80, assuming you replace stuff here and there with instance drops, etc.

Gear maxing is irrelevant till you get to 80. As you level, pick up the relevant Blacksmithing craftable (Tempered Saronite) applicable to your level to fill the slot and you'll be fine.


Angry Grimace said:
What you have is perfectly fine to tank stuff up till you ding 80, assuming you replace stuff here and there with instance drops, etc.

Gear maxing is irrelevant till you get to 80. As you level, pick up the relevant Blacksmithing craftable (Tempered Saronite) applicable to your level to fill the slot and you'll be fine.

Sweet, thanks for the info! Now it's time to grind to 80, and boy it's going to be a long one I think :(
borghe said:
in their defense oni (and knowing NOTHING about rogues) there have been like 4-6 people now tell you exactly why they felt that your build was lacking and all of them basically saying the same thing. your defense on the other hand has come down to "I like playing my build and I know how to play my character" which is certainly fine, but really does nothing to counter with WHY you like your build. I know the references started out pretty harsh, but speaking just to you, if the best you can retort with is just that "you like playing your build" it certainly might not hurt to explore what they're saying, even if you've been playing for 4 years. As for your comments about not caring about min/max DPSing etc etc... well no offense but you're a DPS class 100%. There is no hybrid for you, so if you don't totally care about DPS umm.. why are you playing a rogue? If you do care about DPS (which I am assuming you do) then you SHOULD be interested in maximizing it to get every last point out of it.

just my thoughts at least.

My DPS is fine. I'm always near the top in 10s behind our Ret, mage, and maybe our best hunters. I somehow broke 4.1k DPS on Sartharion 10 after getting my 4 piece set. And I'm always in the top 10 on our 25s.

Here's the WWS from our most recent 25 man Naxx. http://wowwebstats.com/ctpv5b4erb56s That's me in #5 behind our Ret, lock, frost mage, and slightly behind our fury warrior.

I rolled a rogue when I started playing because they sounded the most like a ninja and have stealth. I can't stand being knocked out of stealth by a mob or having a feral druid get the jump on me because he has better stealth. Not having MoD drive me up the wall. If I'm not using stealth I might as well be a warrior in leather.

If all I did was raid or I had dual specs now, I probably would get some of those talents but, I don't. I PVP and do questing with my spec too. I spend maybe 6 hours of my playtime a week raiding which is basically nothing compared to the time I spend questing and farming. If you want to say I'm a bad player because I don't use a cookie cutter spec or don't take certain talents then, obviously you've never played with me, you're generalizing, and take the game too seriously. I get picked by my raid leader for Malygos and Sartharion with drakes attempts over people who do more DPS than me and/or can bring more buffs than a Rogue because I'm a better player. I'm not even all buddy buddy with my RL or anything. We hardly talk. He just knows I'm good. I watch my threat, I can see the lava wave coming without anyone calling it out, I can stop doing damage on Sartharion and Anub to down the adds, I can make the jump on Thaddius, I can stay alive during the safety dance, I don't die on frogger, ect.


Angry Grimace said:
It's a double edged sword.

The fact that for a viable Death Knight, there's virtually no talent that one is REQUIRED to take is awesome. There are a ton of viable specs. The problem is, like any class there's more bad specs and more bad players to ruin the DK's name. If Death Knight started at 1, I'd have an easier go of it.

None of the tanking talents that you can take are MANDATORY; it's more that it's mandatory to take the ones in the tree you're using. I just laugh when I see level 80s (of ANY class, really) that put 60+ points into any one tree.
eh, some specs are horrible for DKs. what comes to mind for me is 2h frost dps. It just doesn't work compared to blood, unholy, or DW frost. And unholy presence is basically worthless, even in pvp. I mean it's kind of good to give yourself a speed boost, but it's such a huge dps loss that it's hard to justify using it, even in pvp. Not that it really takes anything beyond facerolling as a DK to win in pvp.

I mean tank-wise it's ok, but I guess I'm mostly looking at the frost tree and realizing holy shit, there's no way I can take the fun talents, but still get the good tanking talents without spending way too many points. although I don't really like any DK tree right now (not even saying blood or unholy are bad, I just don't really like the playstyle) and probably never will until they inevitably nerf ret paladins, because hybrids aren't allowed to have fun.

I mean for me, blood DPS is all right, but is basically a gimp ret paladin, down to the copied vengeance self-buff and crappy group healing from dps (in a different way than judgement of light). I also feel like it's pretty much mandatory to go with annihilation from frost talents or else you're gimped, and I mean from the instant you decide to spec blood. Frost 2h is tedious and not worth doing, even though it can be fun to see the absurdly huge crits from frost strike + cinderglacier sometimes (note that that pretty much goes away at 70+ because fallen crusader is a better rune). Unholy I've never liked, so I can't really comment on it.

I guess blood has more wiggle room so you can pick up good dps talents and good tanking talents compared to frost. Frost is so stupidly segregated and a lot of its dps talents just suck. They might as well combine stuff so you can reduce points on the tree, since I think that would be a better way to buff it than simply increasing the effect of underused talents, unless they can find some way to make frost into a melee mage.

The main thing for me is, as a pally player, I feel like pally prot makes me into a way better tank than a full on tank spec DK would be, if only because I can dish out as much threat but have a much easier rotation, and I can pick up awesome non-tank buffs (at least, not directly tank buffs) that most DKs could only get via runeforges that replace their new awesome/near mandatory tank rune. And likewise for ret vs DK DPS, with the added bonus being that divine storm will hit more targets than heart strike and then heal the raid, and I get to give replenishment, too.

I'm not even saying DKs suck; it's just that mine feels like my paladin, but not as good. And it's so similar I guess that's why I couldn't really play it beyond a few levels.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
eh, some specs are horrible for DKs. what comes to mind for me is 2h frost dps. It just doesn't work compared to blood, unholy, or DW frost. And unholy presence is basically worthless, even in pvp. I mean it's kind of good to give yourself a speed boost, but it's such a huge dps loss that it's hard to justify using it, even in pvp. Not that it really takes anything beyond facerolling as a DK to win in pvp.

I mean tank-wise it's ok, but I guess I'm mostly looking at the frost tree and realizing holy shit, there's no way I can take the fun talents, but still get the good tanking talents without spending way too many points. although I don't really like any DK tree right now (not even saying blood or unholy are bad, I just don't really like the playstyle) and probably never will until they inevitably nerf ret paladins, because hybrids aren't allowed to have fun.

I mean for me, blood DPS is all right, but is basically a gimp ret paladin, down to the copied vengeance self-buff and crappy group healing from dps (in a different way than judgement of light). I also feel like it's pretty much mandatory to go with annihilation from frost talents or else you're gimped, and I mean from the instant you decide to spec blood. Frost 2h is tedious and not worth doing, even though it can be fun to see the absurdly huge crits from frost strike + cinderglacier sometimes (note that that pretty much goes away at 70+ because fallen crusader is a better rune). Unholy I've never liked, so I can't really comment on it.

I guess blood has more wiggle room so you can pick up good dps talents and good tanking talents compared to frost. Frost is so stupidly segregated and a lot of its dps talents just suck. They might as well combine stuff so you can reduce points on the tree, since I think that would be a better way to buff it than simply increasing the effect of underused talents, unless they can find some way to make frost into a melee mage.

The main thing for me is, as a pally player, I feel like pally prot makes me into a way better tank than a full on tank spec DK would be, if only because I can dish out as much threat but have a much easier rotation, and I can pick up awesome non-tank buffs (at least, not directly tank buffs) that most DKs could only get via runeforges that replace their new awesome/near mandatory tank rune. And likewise for ret vs DK DPS, with the added bonus being that divine storm will hit more targets than heart strike and then heal the raid, and I get to give replenishment, too.

I'm not even saying DKs suck; it's just that mine feels like my paladin, but not as good. And it's so similar I guess that's why I couldn't really play it beyond a few levels.
Unholy Presence is awesome for leveling in that run speed kills.

But it's fatal flaw is that it doesn't really "work" with DPS rotations that require you to use multi-rune abilities (i.e. all of them) because you end up BEHIND your runes own CDs. Normally, a DK rotation uses all of the available runes; then utilizes various Runic Power dumps (depending on spec, of course). If you're in UP, you end up blasting through all your abilities and then dumping your RP and you're still 2-3 secs away from having any runes to start a new rotation and are sitting around auto-attacking. And it's not as situationally useful because you have to blow that blood rune to switch back to Blood Prescence, so trying to start off an encounter in UP and switching to BP is not as useful as it might be. I think it needs some kind of fix to be more useful as something other than leveling.

The only thing I really hate are talents that are just talents you have to take just to get to something better (i.e. Butchery)


funkmastergeneral said:
People in WoW have become so elitist about DPS and stats, I remember when I was level 60 running Strat Scholo and UBRS and asked for a group invite no one ever asked me to link my dps or achievements.

Not to jump in on the argument for the rogue, as far as I'm concerned he can spec however he wants if his guild is ok with it. Yeah you might get skipped over if someone is PUG'ing a H Occulus or something because hes not CC dps specced but thems the brakes. But as for your quote, I dont see how that makes much sense, there were no achievements back then, and old school UBRS was 15 man pugged (think back before they changed the caps) which help make up for the majority of us not being on top of the game the way we are now. With 15 people, you could lose two healers and and 2 dps and still kill the boss.

Strathholme was 10 man, again enough people to just kind of allow room for stuff like that alot more than it is now. You could just flat out bring more people. But when the 5 man caps went in, and the timed runs started in strath and the tier 0.5 stuff went through you started seeing people want to know what the person wanting into the PUG was wearing, and caring more about the efficiency of each and every person. It was a natural change because the content was re-tuned/changed.

TLDR version: I think you calling people who want to know the gear and spec of a member of a PUG elitist is far off base.

Edit: Also blame the focus on stats on blizzard. In vanilla we weren't collecting gear with hit rating to hit caps, tanks weren't scavenging for pieces with defense on them to be crit immune due to a mistimes crit wiping the run etc etc. Hell there wasn't even a whole TON of stacking spellpower. Only high end gear really came with those stats. Now you get that stuff from quest rewards. The playerbase has kind of been led to all of the stat tracking. LOL @ a casters actual spell crit % being a complete facking mystery back then.


What's the quickest way to download WoW+ all expansion w/o having to rely on Blizzard's broken system? Just reformatted and dont have any of my discs. :/
Weenerz said:
Whats broken about their system? You expect to download 6gb of stuff instantly?

Takes 10-12 hours to d/l the client. Always get the "It appears you are behind a firewall" message, even though I have the necessary ports forwarded. I get the full connection speed when I'm d/l'ing but there's the problem, I'm not connected to anyone 80% of the time.

I'm sure it works fine for most folks, but it doesn't like me.


Just go to the settings and uncheck the box that's related to peer to peer connections and it should work for you. It did for me and I had the same problem.


I just started this game again. If anyone else is/wants join in the next few days I will send you a recruit a friend thing. That way we gain 300% exp till 60 when we group together.

Im on a pvp server called lightning's blade. I have a high lvl friend too that will give us runs and gold if we need it.


Junior Member
I love to torture my realm: http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html?topicId=15211006546&sid=1

Arthas was walking through an ancient meadow, laughing at the butterflies flitting around his head when he spied a unconscious little demon lying under a tree.

Arthas skipped over to see the dear thing and was shocked to find that he was hurt! An everfrost had pierced his muscular little neck and he whimpered softly with the pain.

"My power little friend," Arthas said. "Let me help you!" He took out his Leatherman Multi-Purpose tool and pulled out the everfrost, as swiftly as he could. The demon cried out and Arthas' heart ached, like the one hidden under his throne.
"You'll be all right," Arthas whispered. "I'll take care of you. I'll call you Illidan and you can live with me forever!"

Scooping Illidan up in his arms, Arthas carried him home and made a bed for him beside his own. For seven days and seven nights, Arthas nursed Illidan, cleaning his neck and feeding him Gnome-brand demon chow.

On the eighth night, Illidan climbed into bed with Arthas. He burrowed under the covers and quickly licked Arthas' lips. It made Arthas giggle and he cuddled close to Illidan, stroking his arm and singing softly to him.

They continued that way for a long time. Every day, Arthas hurried home so he could curl up with Illidan. It gave him a blissful feeling whenever Illidan licked his lips.

Then one night, Illidan looked up at Arthas and said, "If you kiss me, I will become a true demon prince."

Arthas screamed with glee, he was so surprised. How could a demon talk? He must have dropped off and dreamed it.

"You're not dreaming," Illidan said. "Kiss me."

"Don't tell anyone I screamed like that," Arthas said and kissed Illidan on his arm. The air swirled and suddenly, there stood a true demon prince! With a crown and everything!

"I'm Prince Illidan," he said. "I was cursed. It's a long story."

"Is it really you?" Arthas said.

"See?" Illidan said and showed Arthas the scar from the everfrost on his neck. Then he kissed Arthas and they tumbled on the throne and did a lot of very fun things, some of them involving a twilight dragon.

"I love you," Illidan said when they were done. Arthas clasped him close and they lived together happily ever after on all the raider treasure Arthas had stashed away.

And if Illidan didn't know about Arthas' visits to the demon sanctuary, well, it wouldn't hurt him.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
Outdoor Miner said:
Takes 10-12 hours to d/l the client. Always get the "It appears you are behind a firewall" message, even though I have the necessary ports forwarded. I get the full connection speed when I'm d/l'ing but there's the problem, I'm not connected to anyone 80% of the time.

I'm sure it works fine for most folks, but it doesn't like me.
negative. This is experienced by everyone. Its bogus.


Downed Sarth 3D last reset, but then me and a majority of the people in my guild joined a new guild (mostly to get rid of a bunch of dead weight) and had to teach the new guild the fight, and finally downed him again last night. Time to start farming that sucker for the mount!


This is not the actual solution that we are going to do, but if it make you feel better, imagine that SA becomes a talent in both deep Protection and deep Retribution so that non-healing paladins are not mana starved.

Why do I get the feeling that, even if that isn't their solution, the idea I had about how they were planning to nerf spitirual attunement (for holy) was somewhat correct? And it is a feeling I don't like too much, as a person that only does PvE and doesn't care at all about PvP.


I've been having a blast with my mage. Pugged a whole lot of 25 man content on my reading week. Great times. It was pretty much my first time in a lot of those places. Did everything except malygos and our raid for 25 man naxx wasn't down for doing more than two attempts on Thaddius so I missed out on seeing KT :(

I love raiding. I've gotten everything I needed out of heroics except some little upgrades here and there, but the meat of my upgrades will come from raids at this point. Damn a week reset is a long time to wait for these things lol.


Kind of off-topic but still Warcraft related. So thar be spoilers on the internet about the new Arthas book. The biggest one coming from the end of the book(obviously). I've never played a WC game but I've been always interested in the characters and settings and this spoiler did make me go "Whoa".

Serious spoilers lie ahead.
Arthas is now the dominant persona of the Lich King. Ner'zhul got the boot!


Modesty becomes a woman
VaLiancY said:
Kind of off-topic but still Warcraft related. So thar be spoilers on the internet about the new Arthas book. The biggest one coming from the end of the book(obviously). I've never played a WC game but I've been always interested in the characters and settings and this spoiler did make me go "Whoa".

Serious spoilers lie ahead.
Arthas is now the dominant persona of the Lich King. Ner'zhul got the boot!

Hmm, questionable. Considering ever since Arthas was doing "Evil" things he was apparently under the control of the lich king. Why would he continue to be a bad guy when he is in control?

He did some questionable things before he got frostmourne but he still wasnt evil until that point.


Junior Member
oldschoolpinball said:
happened to me tonight :lol


We've got one of those guys in the guild - his shit is always together, he's at the top of the healing meters, and he talks so rarely in vent that people shut up and listen.

He runs the mod, and after seeing people die to stupid shit over and over one night he piped up on vent and started calling people out. He was pissed.

One minute into the next attempt: "Fissure: <Holy Pally>"
Lain said:
Why do I get the feeling that, even if that isn't their solution, the idea I had about how they were planning to nerf spitirual attunement (for holy) was somewhat correct? And it is a feeling I don't like too much, as a person that only does PvE and doesn't care at all about PvP.

I took that as they are nerfing spiritual attunement but they're making up for it in the prot and ret trees through talents. Prot gets permanent divine plea, ret probably gets a judgment of the wise bump.


Has problems recognising girls
Uninstalled again. No reason other than I've got more important shit to worry about, but I'll be back come next expansion. Or if they buff the shit out of Shaman to supreme beings.
Blizzards "broken system" was really fast for me last week. Their download and install at the same time dealy-o worked well for me. Took an hour to download and install the original wow. Their patches via torrents from were faster than any mirror.


Ok I'm new to the whole PTR process. Am I really going to have to wait 25 days until I can copy a character over to the PTR?
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