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World of Warcraft

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Chris R

Eats up a lot of mana on boss fights right? You go OOM all the time.
That is false. Arcane or FFB (or deep fire) are the only raid specs worth a toot now, and neither really have mana issues if played correctly.


Any tips for tanking at level 80 dungeons? I haven't run my warrior through any WotLK content.

I tanked pretty well in BC, but obviously it's all different now. From what I gather there's no CC, everyone just AoEs the shit out of everything? So I should be spamming my Cleave, ThunderClap and Demoralizing Shout?
Well fuck.

Just logged on after raid was called due to a lack of healers, and everyone's raging at each other. Turns out - I think - some people in the guild (mainly higher-ups, it seems) were planning to ninja-xfer off the realm. Word got out and then shit hit the fan. I still have no idea what's going on though.

Think it's time to bid my farewells to Caelestrasz. Terrible realm with way too much BS and drama.

EDIT: And we're finished. Colossus of Caelestrasz is leaking members faster than you can say "/gquit".


Puncture said:

Yay got the frosted androit gauntlets tonight for my hunter, and now I'm way over the hitcap and need another Journeys end to drop badly so I can ditch the black Ice. Ive stripped all hit gems and replaced them, gotten rid of Icewalker and I'm still 30 over. Its getting bad now that Im just a few slots away from having the full BiS set.
oops, I meant viper. I barely even remember the sting names because I use serpent so much.


Wowwwww, RAF is fast.

Level 80 mage AOEing instances while 2 RAF'd accounts sit around.

Level 52 in 9 hours /played. Should hit 60 with both tonight, then move onto a second set.


border said:
Any tips for tanking at level 80 dungeons? I haven't run my warrior through any WotLK content.

I tanked pretty well in BC, but obviously it's all different now. From what I gather there's no CC, everyone just AoEs the shit out of everything? So I should be spamming my Cleave, ThunderClap and Demoralizing Shout?

there's this new ability in the prot tree called shockwave that does a frontal cone aoe stun to all targets, but basically its much easier to hold aoe aggro with a warrior now

just charge in there, tc, throw out some shield slams, shockwave, devestates, revenges, etc

its pretty much cake, anybody can tank now w/out much effort


firex said:
warriors are kind of similar but it's more like they do a bunch of auto attack damage and then use instants whenever.

warrior rotation is pretty simple as TG

WW, BT, on every cool down, use slam w/e the instant procs, and heroic strike all the time when you have excess rage

when you have really good gear like my warrior does, you can basically spam heroic strike non stop between c/ds


marked forever
I'm just going to tell you all a quick pvp story. I expect no one to care, as this happens all the time, but I didn't expect the outcome I got! (tl;dr*)

Anyway, I'm leveling an orc hunter on Stormreaver, and I head down to STV to take care of level 39 because I want mail! I go over to some trolls, and there's a 39 human mage there. I'm all like "whatever I can share, it's no big deal" and the guy is all like "WOOOAH I'm gonna try to kill you" and starts casting a pyroblast, so I send a big red gorilla over and do a quick faceroll on my keyboard and he dies. Long story short, this gets repeated nearly 10 times and I'm getting annoyed because he polymorphs me the second he rezzes up. Finally, he just doesn't get back up and I'm like "whew, finally."

Little did I know the hilarity that was about to ensue, for he had parked his 80 rogue nearby! I'm shooting trolls and perusing OT when I hear "splat" and I'm like "Hey, same guild. That's not nice." So, I go get on my main... which happens to be an 80 frost mage. I teleport to stonard, fly to grom'gol, and head over there and the guy is back on his mage so I wave, turn him into a turtle, and kill him. He gets back on his rogue... and this is where it gets funny. He's in full pvp gear and I'm in a scrubby mix of crafted epics, naxx drops, and T7. I have all of 20 resil, and this guy is stacked. He tries to do his roguey thing, but I managed to stay up and somehow killed him! Since I could get the jump on him every time he rezzed, the guy never managed to kill me.

I suppose if you've read this far that it's worth noting that all through burning crusade the only time I could kill a rogue was when I was in a BG or he had like no health, so I'm proud of myself for finally figuring out how to do that. Thanks for letting me waste your time!

(*tl;dr: 80 frost mage in bad gear kills full pvp gear 80 rogue)


Neo Member
Lain said:
Poor Rets, poor my mana bar QQ

Edit: Poor low level tankadins =p

I'm not worried - Blizzard will address ret mana. The removal of Spiritual Attunement is great for ret pallies. It's a stupid mechanic. The next logical step is the removal of JoB recoil and a JotW buff.


marked forever
Oh, while I'm thinking about it, where does everyone stand on the whole clicker/hotkeyer debate?

I'm a clicker, but apparently clicking is for squares so I'd like some advice as to how to map my controls/hotkeys for a pvp mage that switches between arcane and frost on a weekly basis, because I think I could improve in reaction speed if I started hotkeying everything.


notsol337 said:
Oh, while I'm thinking about it, where does everyone stand on the whole clicker/hotkeyer debate?

I'm a clicker, but apparently clicking is for squares so I'd like some advice as to how to map my controls/hotkeys for a pvp mage that switches between arcane and frost on a weekly basis, because I think I could improve in reaction speed if I started hotkeying everything.

These are just the basics of what I use. I have macros for cooldown abilities (PoM, Arcane Power, Combustion, etc.) that I usually click, but that's just a personal preference.

Q - Main Nuke (Fireball / Arcane Blast / Frostbolt)
E - Fireblast
R - Frost Nova
T - Blink
F - Counterspell
Z - Polymorph
X - Secondary Nuke (Scorch / Arcane Barrage / Cone of Cold)
C - Conditional Nuke / Etc. (Living Bomb / Arcane Missiles / Ice Lance)
Mouse button 1 - Mana Shield / Ice Barrier
Mouse button 2 - Arcane Explosion
1 - Fireball if Frost spec, Pyroblast if Fire/FFB spec, etc.
2 - Blizzard
3 - Rank 1 Frostbolt (for a fast snare)
4 - Open

No matter what you do, though, switch to hotkeying and stick with it for a good month. At the end of that time, you'll wonder why you ever bothered clicking.

firex said:
I still use A and D to turn but I also use Q and E to strafe and turn with the mouse.

I do this as well. Hold right-click to make A and D strafe. Also, go into camera options and make sure follow distance is maxed out, and make sure it doesn't auto-follow (as in, the camera should NOT snap back to following behind you after you turn it.)


yacobod said:
warrior rotation is pretty simple as TG

WW, BT, on every cool down, use slam w/e the instant procs, and heroic strike all the time when you have excess rage

when you have really good gear like my warrior does, you can basically spam heroic strike non stop between c/ds
sounds pretty awesome actually. I think if I get enough crappy emblems I might buy 2 heirloom axes (or 1 and the WG sword) and make a warrior alt since I have no gear left to get for my pally.

anyway on clicking/hotkeys, I click stuff I never put in my normal rotation (hammer of wrath as tank spec, holy wrath, exorcism, divine shield, my heals) but it's always long cooldown stuff. everything else I have keyed and bound to different keyboard keys/mouse clicks. although I should make mouseover macros for different hand spells.

I still use A and D to turn but I also use Q and E to strafe and turn with the mouse. I might try doing it FPS style but part of what I hate is turning with right click also fucks me up when I want to fly somewhere.


winnarps said:
These are just the basics of what I use. I have macros for cooldown abilities (PoM, Arcane Power, Combustion, etc.) that I usually click, but that's just a personal preference.

Q - Main Nuke (Fireball / Arcane Blast / Frostbolt)
E - Fireblast
R - Frost Nova
T - Blink
F - Counterspell
Z - Polymorph
X - Secondary Nuke (Scorch / Arcane Barrage / Cone of Cold)
C - Conditional Nuke / Etc. (Living Bomb / Arcane Missiles / Ice Lance)
Mouse button 1 - Mana Shield / Ice Barrier
Mouse button 2 - Arcane Explosion
1 - Fireball if Frost spec, Pyroblast if Fire/FFB spec, etc.
2 - Blizzard
3 - Rank 1 Frostbolt (for a fast snare)
4 - Open

No matter what you do, though, switch to hotkeying and stick with it for a good month. At the end of that time, you'll wonder why you ever bothered clicking.

I do this as well. Hold right-click to make A and D strafe. Also, go into camera options and make sure follow distance is maxed out, and make sure it doesn't auto-follow (as in, the camera should NOT snap back to following behind you after you turn it.)
I use pretty much the same buttons, but I also use F1-F4 and shift 1-4. Also I use A and D for strafing, and turn with my mouse, so the camera and movement (WASD) is more like an FPS.


yacobod said:
there's this new ability in the prot tree called shockwave that does a frontal cone aoe stun to all targets, but basically its much easier to hold aoe aggro with a warrior now

just charge in there, tc, throw out some shield slams, shockwave, devestates, revenges, etc

its pretty much cake, anybody can tank now w/out much effort
Do you know if the Sunder Armor Glyph works with Devastate as well?


Has problems recognising girls
I'm a mixture of both click and hotkey. Basically limit myself to 1-5, alt+1-5, shift+1-5 and ctrl+1-5. Everything else is clicked because I love my strafes.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
Any tips for tanking at level 80 dungeons? I haven't run my warrior through any WotLK content.

I tanked pretty well in BC, but obviously it's all different now. From what I gather there's no CC, everyone just AoEs the shit out of everything? So I should be spamming my Cleave, ThunderClap and Demoralizing Shout?
For a while I rarely even remembered to do DS and I never died. You're spamming TC at will- typical pull goes like this:

Charge (you can do this in combat now with the Warbringer talent) -> Thunderclap to pick up mobs, Shield Slam, Shockwave. You aren't really spamming Devastate like you used to anymore, unless you have no other moves and a free GCD. You pretty much operate on a priority system rather than a "rotation," since there's very little upkeep that needs to be put out, just spam anythign that's lit up, although Shield Slam is your No.1 priority, followed by Revenge (you should absolutely pick up the Revenge Glyph, which procs a free Heroic Strike on every Revenge), shockwave, and Concussion Blow (which doesn't trigger a GCD).

Good warriors can be competitive in DPS with Paladin tanks, although you generally won't reach their average damage output. When you have good gear, 1500+ isn't out of the question, but 1200+ average is a good number to shoot for when you consider that most warrior tanks barely break 1000, if that.

The Devastate and Sunder glyphs do stack; it will put one application on a nearby target and two on your main target. The sunder glyph is somewhat unnecessary if you ask me, because the only time you're going to be spamming Devastate beyond the initial applications all that much is to proc Sword and Board (free Shield Slam!), and if you have that much open GCD, you might as well tab-target around to double apply the bonus SA from the Dev. glyph.

Personally I use Blocking, Devastate and Revenge. Blocking ends up with like 100% uptime and increases the damage of your SSs. Another thing; time your Shield Block to coincide with a SS; increases damage a ton.

If you mark there won't be a problem. I don't know why people think marking is a problem that's just too much effort. I just bind them to F5-F9.


notsol337 said:
Oh, while I'm thinking about it, where does everyone stand on the whole clicker/hotkeyer debate?

I'm a clicker, but apparently clicking is for squares so I'd like some advice as to how to map my controls/hotkeys for a pvp mage that switches between arcane and frost on a weekly basis, because I think I could improve in reaction speed if I started hotkeying everything.

As arcane, but fire/FFB is mostly the same.

WASD = movement
Q = main nuke (Arcane blast, or FFB/Fireball in other cases)
E = lesser nuke (Arcane Barrage, Scorch when fire)
F = blink
R = counterspell
C = iceblock
Z = trinket 1
X = trinket 2
T = remove curse
1 = wand
2 = Fireblast
3 = Frostnova
4 = Powerup (Arcane Power or Pyroblast when fire)
5 = Powerup 2 (Presence of Mind - Arcane Blast macro, or combustion
6 = Icy Veins
7 = Spellsteal
8 = Invis
9 = Ice lance
0 and - are Frost and Fireward
tilde = flying mount
shift-tilde = walking mount

Mouse 3 = autowalk
Mouse 4 = forgot
Mouse 5 = mirror image
mouse 6 = Arcane Torrent (Blood-elf silence)

Now, I use a G15 keyboard, and at the leftside of ctrl/shift/caps/tab/tilde, there are about 8 buttons easily hit with my pinky.


None G8 G9 Arcane Missiles (or Living Bomb, basically the third raiding spell or summon water elemental and attack+freeze macro)
Arcane Explosion G11 G12 Focus magic or Blast Wave
Blizzard G14 G15 Evocation or Dragon's Breath (evoc to +)
/defocus macro G17 G18 Set focus and Polymorph

Rest of the spells (food, drink, gems, teleports, armors, etc) are all clickable on the third and fourth hotbar. Spells like CoC I don't bother with, unless I'm frost which opens up a few options somewhere.

Excessive? Not really. My DK has even more buttons, which in turn forces me to click some. Though without the G15 keyboard, I would have been forced to use shift-keys.
Trying to decide what spec(s) to go on my Death Knight next patch. Right now, I'm an Unholy Tank (10/8/53). One of my specs is definitely still going to be a tank spec, but Blood and Frost are both looking interesting for tanking next patch. My other spec will be a DPS spec. Initially I was going to try dual-wield, but that's getting changed so much I'm not sure it'll be worth it. I might try Frost DPS, I'm not sure. So many changes.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I almost find Fury boring. All you do is press whirlwind, BT, and Slam (with Bloodsurge proc), and HS with rage. It's easy and high DPS tho. It's also nice being the one melee class that actually gets better with haste instead of having it be totally fucking useless.


marked forever
Tamanon said:
As a Frost Mage I hit 2. And occasionally click on a trinket/veins/water elemental.

Yeah, I hit 1. 2 is frost nova and 3 is ice lance... mouse5 is counterspell and mouse4 is vent!

I click... everything else, like my engineering tricks, trinkets, and what have you. I actually use Q and E to strafe ><


Angry Grimace said:
If you mark there won't be a problem. I don't know why people think marking is a problem that's just too much effort. I just bind them to F5-F9.
I bound all the mark icons to the numpad for me. I don't use it normally so it's good because I only mark shit before pulls.

Chris R

winnarps said:
Wowwwww, RAF is fast.

Level 80 mage AOEing instances while 2 RAF'd accounts sit around.

Level 52 in 9 hours /played. Should hit 60 with both tonight, then move onto a second set.
fucking evil system :< I hate it so damn much. Just makes leveling my own alts so much more painful to know that others are getting 3 people to 80 in the time it takes me to get one to 60.
Scum said:

Point me in the right direction, lads. The best thing I've ever done for my crazy old character is create the ring and necklace. :lol

I don't play a lock so this is pretty general. You need more enchants. The only pieces you can't put some kind of enchant on (unless you are an enchanter, which you are not) are the necklace, rings, trinkets, and ofcourse your shirt and tabard. You can get a belt buckle to add a gem slot to your belt and some kind of armor kit or thread for your pants. It looks like you are exalted with the Sons of Hodir so, go ahead and get their shoulder enchant and get revered with the Kirin'Tor for your head enchant. Also, I don't see any JC only gems (Dragon's eyes) on you. You should go ahead and get 3 of those. And if you are using those boots more for PVE then you should probably take that resilience gem out and put in a PVE gem.

You can find a lot of info on all the enchants here. http://www.wowwiki.com/Enchantments_by_slot

If you need a guide for getting some upgrades you should look yourself up in the armory or maxdps.com and look for all the BOE blues, crafted epics, heroic dungeon drops, and reputation rewards you can get. You can get nearly every slot (if not all of them) filled with an item level 200 piece without ever stepping foot in a raid.

An addon I like for judgind upgrades is RatingBuster. http://wow.curse.com/downloads/wow-addons/details/rating-buster.aspx This addon will also tell you the item level of an item.


Junior Member
Trasher said:
What is this "RAF" business?
Recruit-a-friend, methinks. About 3 months of friend-to-friend summoning, triple experience and a free mount if your friend pledges his or her soul to WoW indefinitely. :lol


So, I'm a 59 (about to be 60) BE Mage. I'm currently fully fire spec. I've been thinking about doing a respec to fully arcane, since I've been getting into more of the PVP side of the game. Thoughts?


I noticed last night that it didn't unequip my two 2-handers when I wiped my Fury talents and re-speced to Prot. Is it possible to get away with using a 2-handed weapon + shield to tank, by glitching it like that?

yacobod said:
best glyphs for warrior tank atm are Blocking, Revenge, and Devestate imo
What's the prefered weapon enchant for prot warriors?


marked forever
Gloomfire said:
So, I'm a 59 (about to be 60) BE Mage. I'm currently fully fire spec. I've been thinking about doing a respec to fully arcane, since I've been getting into more of the PVP side of the game. Thoughts?

Naw, your next closest leveling alternative is frost, trust me.

Anyway, if anyone plays Stormreaver Alliance, I'm kicking around Ironforge RIGHT NOW killing your bread vendor!
Gloomfire said:
So, I'm a 59 (about to be 60) BE Mage. I'm currently fully fire spec. I've been thinking about doing a respec to fully arcane, since I've been getting into more of the PVP side of the game. Thoughts?
Pvp spec is frost, not noobcane.


marked forever
BloodElfHunter said:
Pvp spec is frost, not noobcane.

I've had more success as an arcane mage in pvp than I have as frost, but that's just because of my playstyle.

Mostly though, LISTEN TO THIS MAN.


notsol337 said:
I've had more success as an arcane mage in pvp than I have as frost, but that's just because of my playstyle.

Mostly though, LISTEN TO THIS MAN.

Yeah, frost takes skill to dominate with whereas arcane is just 2-3 button spammage for ezmode.

I've been arcane since 60 on my mage but if I ever go back to finish levelling it I'm going to go frost and try to master it in PvP.


Angry Grimace said:
Charge (you can do this in combat now with the Warbringer talent) -> Thunderclap to pick up mobs, Shield Slam, Shockwave. You aren't really spamming Devastate like you used to anymore, unless you have no other moves and a free GCD. You pretty much operate on a priority system rather than a "rotation," since there's very little upkeep that needs to be put out, just spam anythign that's lit up, although Shield Slam is your No.1 priority, followed by Revenge (you should absolutely pick up the Revenge Glyph, which procs a free Heroic Strike on every Revenge), shockwave, and Concussion Blow (which doesn't trigger a GCD).
So what's the best way to hold group aggro? Is it enough just to mash TC and Shockwave whenever it's off cooldown? I keep finding myself tab-targeting alternate mobs out of habit.

What's the macro or command to bind markings to the F-keys?

I had a good run of Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep tonight, but that was with a feral druid picking up mobs here and there. After that I had a Heroic AN group that split up on the 3rd or 4th pull (I guess it triggers a boss event?). I couldn't keep ranged mobs off the healer, we wiped a couple times and everyone quit. I'm fairly certain it's my fault, but oh well :(


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
border said:
I noticed last night that it didn't unequip my two 2-handers when I wiped my Fury talents and re-speced to Prot. Is it possible to get away with using a 2-handed weapon + shield to tank, by glitching it like that?

What's the prefered weapon enchant for prot warriors?

Accuracy is probably the best one. But there is a new parry-based enchant coming in the next patch so I wouldn't spend the mats to enchanting with it unless mats isn't an issue.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
border said:
I noticed last night that it didn't unequip my two 2-handers when I wiped my Fury talents and re-speced to Prot. Is it possible to get away with using a 2-handed weapon + shield to tank, by glitching it like that?

What's the prefered weapon enchant for prot warriors?
I saw that a while ago having switched back and forth a lot; it will unequip your offhand weapon when you log out. Several other basic actions will cause you to unequip your offhand, such as trying to enter an instance.


border said:
So what's the best way to hold group aggro? Is it enough just to mash TC and Shockwave whenever it's off cooldown? I keep finding myself tab-targeting alternate mobs out of habit.

What's the macro or command to bind markings to the F-keys?

I had a good run of Heroic Drak'Tharon Keep tonight, but that was with a feral druid picking up mobs here and there. After that I had a Heroic AN group that split up on the 3rd or 4th pull (I guess it triggers a boss event?). I couldn't keep ranged mobs off the healer, we wiped a couple times and everyone quit. I'm fairly certain it's my fault, but oh well :(
Did you never run these instances while leveling? You'll have to read up on them on wowhead or wowwiki if not. That pull before the boss in AN is 3 waves of timered guys. They aren't hard at all but if you don't kill them fast enough then it will be a wipe, and you have to kill the Anub'ar Ambushers (or maybe it's Skirmishers, I can't quite remember but they're melee mobs not called Warriors) asap because they'll fucking destroy any healer quick otherwise. AN/OK is basically a gear check for tanks/healers though. Once you are crit immune you can do it really fast (every time I've done it, it's been like 30 minutes max). If you're still getting gear from heroics I'd do the easier ones like UK, DTK, and UP. I'm sure there are a couple more really really easy heroics (as opposed to the rest of them, which are just regular old easy once you have the gear) and VH can be pretty easy, depending upon which bosses you draw (I always have groups fuck up on the Jin'do 2.0 guy, and kiting that motherfucking ethereal guy is actually a pain once he's near death). Nexus isn't too hard, either, especially since you can just jump in place for the achievement on the final boss.
I was just checking out the PTR and that new Undead charger is just Baron Rivendare's mount with a different name. It's called Blue Skeletal Warhorse. They said it was going to be black. I guess they turned off the specular maps too. My cursed cat looks just like it does on live again. So lame. I hope the charger is just place holder and they'll turn on the spec maps again.

Old horse new name

Cursed Offspring of Har'Koa before and after


Guild killed 3 drakes Sarth last night on 25 man. 3 nights of attempts, 3 hours on 2 nights, 1 hour on the 3rd.

Amazingly at the start of the 3rd night (last night) I was talking with the officers in tells saying that we'll never kill these drakes because so many people can't avoid shit.

Low and behold, 20 mins later we have a damn near flawless try and down him .... sure did shut me up :(

I also got the Frost Adroit gloves off Maly earlier in the night .... now if only I could get a damn BoH ....


Macattk15 said:
Guild killed 3 drakes Sarth last night on 25 man. 3 nights of attempts, 3 hours on 2 nights, 1 hour on the 3rd.

Amazingly at the start of the 3rd night (last night) I was talking with the officers in tells saying that we'll never kill these drakes because so many people can't avoid shit.

Low and behold, 20 mins later we have a damn near flawless try and down him .... sure did shut me up :(

I also got the Frost Adroit gloves off Maly earlier in the night .... now if only I could get a damn BoH ....
Grats. BoH FINALLY dropped for us last week and I was second in DKP (behind TG Warrior) so the next one is MINE!!


Junior Member
Epix said:
Grats. BoH FINALLY dropped for us last week and I was second in DKP (behind TG Warrior) so the next one is MINE!!

My luck with KT loot even follows me into PUGs.

Guild is doing 20-man Naxx, and I sat out last week. Drop KT in the PUG, and we get BoH and Jouney's End. Of course, no Turning Tide, Life & Death, or Haunting Call.


Queue for any available Battleground from anywhere in the world.
Players must be out of combat in order to enter the Battleground.
Automatically return to the location you left when the Battleground ends.

Confirmed. BG queues work like Warhammer now. You get dropped off right where you were before the BG. Great for doing dailies or questing.


Has problems recognising girls
Tamanon said:
Confirmed. BG queues work like Warhammer now. You get dropped off right where you were before the BG. Great for doing dailies or questing.
Honestly surprised it took them this long to get it up and running. Easily one of the best features of Warhammer.
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