striKeVillain! said:
1.) I'm receiving the battle chest and am wondering if I install Burning Crusade immediately will I miss anything from vanilla WoW?
The only thing that you'll notice early on from The Burning Crusade are the two new playable races and four new early zones to the game. This will affect which class / race combination you can play as (see below).
As far as the starting zones go, understand that the Draenei / Blood Elf starting areas are organized much better than the other racial areas; you pick up quests, they all generally resolve in the same area, you go back, and they give you more for the next area. The other starting areas tend to send you off in odd directions occasionally.
striKeVillain! said:
2.) If I upgrade to WotLK anytime soon will I be able to do anything with that expansion? (IE: I've heard you need to be a high level player to fully utilize all of WotLK)
Nah, there's absolutely nothing in WotLK for a low level player. This includes the Inscription profession that a few people have mentioned. Inscription was added to regular TBC WoW before Lich King launched.
striKeVillain! said:
3.) Does anyone have any good beginner guides I could familiarize myself with in the mean time?
People have posted good ones already, I would highly recommend Wowwiki just because you can wander around topics and get a rough idea what everything is.
striKeVillain! said:
Thanks for the input guys. One last quick question: What realm should I look at that's a little more lenient to beginners?
Don't think about being a beginner. Almost all of your time in WoW is going to be spent at the end game. In which case you want a High or Medium population server, so there are plenty of people to group with. Nothing sucks worse than ending up on a dead server where nobody does anything.
PVP tends to be a little more frustrating, though I miss the danger-around-every-corner aspect sometimes. PVE will be friendlier to you. Anything with RP in the title will be more trouble to a new player than it's worth.
General Advice:
1. Move at your own pace. There may be a great temptation to race to level 80; don't do it. You will have plenty of time to enjoy the endgame once you get there (and since it is always changing, missing it now won't mean missing out on it forever), but once you've quested your way to 80, doing it again can be terribly boring. Enjoy the sights and sounds, read the quest text. People always overlook it and while it's nothing AMAZING, it is still worthy of your attention.
2. General Chat and Trade chat are not your friends unless you enjoy beating your testicles between two bricks. Trade chat is not for trading, general chat is not for general chatting. It is for tom fuckery.
3. Avoid the Auction House. You will get quest rewards and drops soon enough, so save your money for the big gold sinks (mounts, training, etc) and ignore buying gear you'll replace in a few levels.
3A. Really, I mean it,
Avoid the Auction House. There are people who ignore the entire game and focus exclusively on sitting at the auction house and buying/selling commodities for a profit. Anything you want or need is going to cost you much more than it rightly should because of the market. Avoid things like cloth and crafting materials.
4. Gathering Professions are the quiickest route to making money. Mining and Herbalism are tops, Leather working is very good. Enchanting is not; although it can turn a profit very nicely, it is expensive as fuck to make it up to that point. Don't walk into a town and be wow'd by these guys selling enchants for hundreds of gold; they paid thousands to get there.
5. Nothing you make with a crafting profession will be of much use until you are at the top end of that profession. Do not expect to wear your Green Iron Shoulders for more than two levels and don't expect to sell them for anywhere near what they cost to make. That said, crafting professions can be very useful later on. Just don't expect them to supplement your gear because usually, they won't.
6. Do not let the game steal your soul. Seriously. If you're even slightly debating about having an addictive personality, watch yourself. This game has a way of being amazing right up to the point where you can't stop. Limit yourself.
7. No matter what class you pick, someone will hate you, consider you unfairly overpowered and uselessly underpowered.
ALL AT THE SAME FUCKING TIME. Ignore them. Pick the class you want, and give it until level 20 or so before you quit on it. Hit us up if you have any questions about a specific class, here's a really really rough and cynical summary of each;
You will be a pretty dangerous customer at all times. At end game, you will be expected to tank stuff. You also have DPS trees, but those are generally not for you. Those are for other warriors who are not you. It is assumed that all warriors are protection warriors, and it's easier just to meet those expectations than to try to explain "No, I'm Arms" or "Wait, I'm Fury". You will be met only with blank expressions.
Does just enough of everything to piss everyone else off. They heal, they damage, they tank, they cast, they support, and although they aren't supposed to be able to do all of those things better than anyone else, they usually do in one or two of those areas. For a few months. Then everyone bitches and they get 'rebalanced', and then two of your other strong points are better than everyone else, and the cycle begins again. But you can turn into a bear. Rawr.
Everybody laughs at paladins until a paladin destroys / saves them. Then they still laugh, but not as loudly. You can be the most boring healer in the game, the most ambiguous tank in the game, or the most utterly despised and mocked DPS class in the game. No matter which you pick, Blizzard will inevitably find a way to make your job less fun while making it more difficult, which in turn fuels paladin self-hate, the strongest fucking force in the game. A paladin pissed off that his class is mangled yet again will outperform any other healer / tank / DPS...
AT THE SAME TIME. Masochists only, please. If you want to play a Horde Paladin, prepare to be called every slang term for a homosexual in the book.
You will learn to play whack-a-mole with other peoples' health while ignoring the rest of the game. Unless you go shadow spec, in which case the rest of the game will ignore you, unless they need mana, in which case they will pretend not to ignore you quite so much.
You will cast spells and turn people into sheep. You will fight with warlocks and priests over loot. You will serve as a snack foods wholesaler to everyone, everywhere, at all times. You are a walking, talking vending machine. And you will blow shit up; that's about all there is to mages as near as I can tell.
Like the paladin, you will be utterly mishandled by Blizzard, who has no idea what to do with your class. Hasn't had any clue since they implemented cross factions. You will heal, cast, and melee depending on your talent spec, but you will always have to deal with Blizzard's Totem system, which is about as frustrating as they come. In general, shamans are slightly more respected than paladins, but passed over for paladins more often. But at least you don't wear pink armor. If you want to play an alliance shaman, be prepared to play a blueberry goat from outer space. No I am not kidding.
Everyone will hate you because for every single day until last December, you basically curb-stomped everyone you met in PVP. Warlocks are still dealing with residual hate. As a caster that specializes in using a demon pet and causing damage over time, you're more or less a mage with better survivability. A somewhat complicated but enjoyable class.
Everyone everywhere will despise you and call you a Huntard. For whatever reason you want to believe in, Hunters are a class that most new players choose. They have a cool pet, they get neat armor, they can shoot stuff and use two swords at once... whatever. Learn to trap, learn to manage your pet, and learn what loot is ACTUALLY MEANT FOR YOU and you'll actually lead a not-too-shabby life. Unless you are a night elf, in which case you are kill on sight. Everyone hates Night Elf Hunters.
You are there to annoy people on PVP servers and make cool youtube movies showing the highlights of your career as a professional douchebag, set to a Rammestein soundtrack. Or you can stab stuff really hard until it falls down, and then gloat about how much bigger your numbers on the damage meter are. Either/or. Just understand that rogues don't bring much utility to a group, so people will often pick other classes instead of you. Win them over with your unflinching kindness and their desire not to see leather go
completely to waste.
Hope I didn't ruin the game for ya. :lol