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World of Warcraft

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cubicle47b said:
What they're doing is chaotic, not exciting. The question is now how am I going to get nerfed next week and how will I have to change how I spec/gear?

Quoted for absolute truth. I never know when I log in if things are going to be the same as when I logged off. And it's not just new patches; Blizzard has discovered the efficiency of hotfixes, but given that they often can't (or don't) change the tooltips...

It's frustrating to never know where your class is going to be in a week, given the way things seem to be going. I'm really tired of my ability to play this game being hampered by Blizzard every time I turn around.

It reminds me of Vanguard; you'd roll up to a new level, get a cool new ability, only to find out it's glitched, unimplemented, or broken.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Epix said:
I think they're trying to keep people excited. Would you still be excited in the game if you had all the exact same abilities and talents as you did when WoW first launched with just different coefficients?
But it has the opposite effect because that because from what I can tell from reading Ghostcrawler's posts is that what they are trying is NOT overall nerfing of every talent to hell, but reducing the number of viable specs. It strikes me as "anti-fun."

The example I'd use is they reduced the 20% Frost bonus on Black Ice to give Shadow bonus damage, so frost bonus of 10/shadow 10. This is their way of telling you to use Plague Strike more.

But, my issue with that is that it comes off as anti-fun and anti-creativity in playstyles to force everyone of a class/talent to play a specific way, especially in the case where the alternative does not outclass what they intended, as is the case here; very few people actually skipped Plague Strike; the only ones who did were people who took Death Rune Mastery to spam Icy Touches (which is not a DPS increase in 90% of scenarios). They made it straight and clear they want you to use Obliterate and not HB or IT. Which doesn't really add up for me.


QQ WOW vets

sorry, hard for me to take the game so personally and I don't have any idea what all of this means- no hard feelings, really!


Holy T8 is hilarious. MP5, a hot that ticks for 300 after HS crits and like 200 damage more absorption per shield on single-target SS. Rooooooooofles.


Hunter T8 set pieces (stat wise) looks really good. Not digging the ArP on the helm but thats ok, theres bound to be an equal ILevel mail helm with better itemization that uses the same model with just a different color so Ill wear that providing its best in slot.

And WOW @ mages losing even more crit! Molten armor now too? Sure you can regain some with spirit, but what mage hasn't completely avoided that stat up until now!? Thats going to result in lost crit when the patch goes live on TOP of a flat loss of 5% raid crit because of the scorch nerf. Those are some seriously amazing nerfs. I would be shitting bricks hoping that the reaming is over if my mage was my main.


Puncture said:
And WOW @ mages losing even more crit! Molten armor now too? Sure you can regain some with spirit, but what mage hasn't completely avoided that stat up until now!? Thats going to result in lost crit when the patch goes live on TOP of a flat loss of 5% raid crit because of the scorch nerf. Those are some seriously amazing nerfs. I would be shitting bricks hoping that the reaming is over if my mage was my main.

Oh there is more. T8 4P is only good as a FB raiding build, since you only wanna cast AM on a 3 stack AB.

Evocation is still clunky with all the aoe dmg en rng voidzones flying around in Ulduar.

How good arcane will be, we'll have to see. Mana is gonna be a huge issue in Ulduar.

Why do we have to use a dps-lowering spell to apply a debuff where Winter's Chill or Warlocks can just use their main nuke.

Where are the raidbuffs to Arcane (a scorch/WC like arcane buff).

And on top of that, spirit is still bad and an equal item with +50 spirit is still inferior to +50 critrating item.

The Living Bomb Glyph doesn't proc ignites, hot streaks or burnouts, making is pretty bad. The only chance this glyph has is if a mage doesn't pick the imp scorch buff anymore (likely).

Molten Armor also got a nerf to anyone who is not in an 25-man raid. 10m, 5m, solo and fire/ffb pvp mages got the nerfstick here. To arcane it's a slight buff, it's a slight nerf to 25-man mages also btw.

So yeah, I'm not too thrilled.


Yeah, I main a mage, and I just straight up rerolled.

When they announced the initial ideas/changes in those previews, the mage update was extremely lackluster. When the first few patches hit the PTR, I still had some hope that there'd be a big change coming. But so far, all we've received are nerfs.

They're removing 5% crit from the scorch debuff (hurts entire raid, and is an AWFUL talent now, as it provides no 'selfish' buff, unlike a warlock's tier 1 talent), filling up all cloth items with tons of spirit (which is such a wasteful stat for a mage), nerfing mana regeneration (so the only viable Ulduar specs are FFB and Fireball/TTW because fights are so long), and nerfing Molten Armor so that it's crit bonus is based on our spirit (which no smart/BiS mage has a lot of).

Currently, warlocks, rogues, hunters, and even feral druids are outscaling us damage-wise on the PTR.

And they claimed they were looking into making fire viable for serious PvP and frost viable for serious PvE, yet no great changes for either spec.

A post on the DPS forums claims we've been 'sunwelled' again. Had a good, but sad, laugh at that.

But man oh man, my druid is coming along nicely. I love the new playstyles it offers.


Angry Grimace said:
But it has the opposite effect because that because from what I can tell from reading Ghostcrawler's posts is that what they are trying is NOT overall nerfing of every talent to hell, but reducing the number of viable specs. It strikes me as "anti-fun."

The example I'd use is they reduced the 20% Frost bonus on Black Ice to give Shadow bonus damage, so frost bonus of 10/shadow 10. This is their way of telling you to use Plague Strike more.

But, my issue with that is that it comes off as anti-fun and anti-creativity in playstyles to force everyone of a class/talent to play a specific way, especially in the case where the alternative does not outclass what they intended, as is the case here; very few people actually skipped Plague Strike; the only ones who did were people who took Death Rune Mastery to spam Icy Touches (which is not a DPS increase in 90% of scenarios). They made it straight and clear they want you to use Obliterate and not HB or IT. Which doesn't really add up for me.

The whole "bring the player not the class" mentality that they've becun to adopt is starting to piss me right the hell off. They're trying to homoginize everything to be almost the same and kill the joy of variety, because they don't want raids stacking particular classes for paticular buffs/playmechanincs.

Next thing you know they'll be giving DKs shields because "Heaven forbid we become too different from Warriors!!!!" or somesuch bullshit.
funkmastergeneral said:
I'm starting to get my priest geared up so I can start running heroics and wondering if the Wisp Cloak is worth it? It would run about 600g, which doesn't seem bad compared to the thousands I spent gearing up my warrior in Titansteel stuff. Also is there any other good, user created gear I should pick up? Thanks.

Get a Reanimator's cloak. So much cheaper, and just as efficient. Plus regen! Just what you need (assuming youre rolling heals and not shadow)

Reanimator's Cloak
World Drop
Binds when equipped
145 Armor
+37 Stamina
+31 Intellect
+38 Spirit
Red Socket
Socket Bonus: +4 Intellect
Requires Level 80
Equip: Increases spell power by 41.

Binds when equipped
150 Armor
+43 Stamina
+36 Intellect
Requires Level 80
Equip: Restores 20 (12.7 at 70) mana per 5 sec.
Equip: Increases spell power by 59.


Junior Member
Scum said:
I'm a n00b and I've been using the fancy 41/30 build everyone goes on about for too long, but I'm just interested in variety and a bit of fun. I've only done a few dungeons and enjoy Wintergrasp too. I just spend my time questing, doing the many quests I passed on. :lol

I want to try Affliction again. It's what I started out on, plus I want to abandon my over reliance on the Felguard for a while. So, any pointers for Affliction?

I wouldn't bother with afflcition until after 3.1 hits. Afflcition is having its rotation simplified significantly and the current affliction rotation is miserable in heroics because stuff dies before your DoTs really get going.

If you want to try something that doesn't rely on the feltard, you could try a 0/40/31 hybrid. I can't get on the talent calculators at work, but EJ has some basic templates for that spec. You'll keep your imp out and active, keep immolate and CoA up, and spam incinerate. Throw corruption up when you have to move to get out of the fire / fissure / whatever.

It's a very gear-independent spec and it hits hard and fast which is good for heroics and PvP.

Kletian said:
The whole "bring the player not the class" mentality that they've begun to adopt is starting to piss me right the hell off. They're trying to homoginize everything to be almost the same and kill the joy of variety, because they don't want raids stacking particular classes for paticular buffs/playmechanincs.

The frustrating thing is that it's not actually working in the "bring the player not the class" sense, so it just feels like random nerfs and buffs.

With Sarth+3D as the only difficult encounter, raid makeup there makes a big difference. When we bring in our ideal raid composition we one-shot the encounter, when we start trying to make significant swaps we go back to wiping.


ToyMachine228 said:
Fucking Comcast ruined our raid last night...Lame. Had like 1/3 or the raid going offline at the same time during every boss attempt.

Luckily we didn't have a raid last night, but I'm a Comcast customer and every 10 mins or so I'd disconnect and the entire night my ping was right around 1000ms.

I hate comcast.


I guess I was having the same comcast problems last night, though it got better come 10:30 PM EST or so.

Really though I *love* the speeds I usually get from comcast. I downloaded WOTLK (4.2gb or so) in an hour or hour and a half.
rhfb said:
Tell me about it. I can understand that the nerf was done to make bringing warlocks an option, but still imp scorch should somehow still make the mages OWN crit against say non player mobs(had some idiot tell me 10% spell crit on players was why it was nerfed, if you let a mage stack 5 scorch on you, and that mage is a fire mage, you suck) like 8% or something, that added with the spirit changes (that doesn't affect anyone other than fire mages, who are extinct come 3.1) would balance out the raid wide changes. Not to mention that the warlock 5% crit option comes at T1 talent and can be applied using an actual dps spell versus a T4 talent that requires casting an off rotation spell... Whatever :lol going to spec arcane the week before 3.1 drops and start regearing for haste instead of crit.

3.1 ruined my frost plan...oh well arcane here i come. I love rolling my mage actually more enjoyable then my 72 hunter or 60dk...then again i really haven't given my DK a try and I really dont enjoy tanking.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm waiting for the day when they half the HP of every boss and remove non personal buffs altogether to encourage "bring the player." :lol

I'm all for accessibility, but there has to be some kind of fun and/or challenge in it. I guess I just don't get it; it seems logical to me that that they would only totally overhaul talents when they release expansions (not during every content patch), and only change them in patches if they are overpowered (by lowering the damage on the abilities.)


Day 1 for me:
Blizzard releasing Mobile Authenticator for iPhone, iPod touch

by Mike Schramm on Mar 19th 2009

Blizzard is one of the biggest software developers in the world -- they're behind some of the most popular games of all time, including the Diablo series, and of course their legendary MMO World of Warcraft (full disclosure: I'm a senior editor over on TUAW's sister site about that game, WoW Insider). And they've always been Apple friendly -- while other developers complained that it wasn't worth porting their software to the Mac, Blizzard has always released both Mac and PC versions of their games on the same disc, and made sure there was quality on both sides. But they've never dipped their toes in iPhone development -- until now.

WoW Insider has found a posting over on Blizzard's site that suggests they're planning to release an app called Mobile Authenticator. They've released a piece of hardware called the Authenticator before -- it pushes out a code according to an algorithm that keeps players' accounts secure when they sign into the online game. And this app will serve the same purpose, but it'll likely run on your iPhone or iPod touch.

Nothing's appeared on the App Store yet, and this app hasn't even been officially announced (so no word on price or release date -- the hardware authenticator runs $6.50, but obviously there are material costs involved there). But Blizzard has been looking for ways to make their games and players more secure, and it looks like they're turning to Apple's iPhone and other mobile devices to do it.

http://www.tuaw.com/2009/03/19/blizzard ... pod-touch/


Finally killed Sarth+2 yesterday. The people in the back stopped dieing on voids and waves for a change, putting an end to my frustration.
Too bad no cloak dropped ><
I can't see my guild ever doing Sarth+3 succesfully.


Lain said:
Finally killed Sarth+2 yesterday. The people in the back stopped dieing on voids and waves for a change, putting an end to my frustration.
Too bad no cloak dropped ><
I can't see my guild ever doing Sarth+3 succesfully.

Grats. 3 Drakes is definitely a LARGE, very LARGE step in difficulty above 2 Drakes. The drakes come down so much faster and there is much less allowable "screw-ups".


Macattk15 said:
Grats. 3 Drakes is definitely a LARGE, very LARGE step in difficulty above 2 Drakes. The drakes come down so much faster and there is much less allowable "screw-ups".
There's practically no allowable screwups.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Grats. 3 Drakes is definitely a LARGE, very LARGE step in difficulty above 2 Drakes. The drakes come down so much faster and there is much less allowable "screw-ups".

The main jump in difficulty comes from the synergy (I hate that word, but it's appropriate here) between Sahdron and Vesperon. They will be up together at the same time, and your MT will be one-shot if he and the healers can't manage cooldowns. As dps the only thing we can do is burn down Shadron as fast as possible to minimize the time they're both up.

Chris R

Puncture said:
And WOW @ mages losing even more crit! Molten armor now too? Sure you can regain some with spirit, but what mage hasn't completely avoided that stat up until now!? Thats going to result in lost crit when the patch goes live on TOP of a flat loss of 5% raid crit because of the scorch nerf. Those are some seriously amazing nerfs. I would be shitting bricks hoping that the reaming is over if my mage was my main.
Arcane mages and some frost (lol) mages have spirit. My gear has approx +12 spirit on it, and thats from my +8 to chest and +4 from a socket bonus. FFB mages stack CRIT and not spirit. Crit usually doesn't appear on gear with spirit, and if it does, its usually not as good as gear with just stam/int/sp/crit. I think I calculated myself losing about 8% crit, the flat 5% from imp scorch, and 3 more from the armor nerf. Working on getting my priest to 80 asap, as well as my DK and my shaman. Mage is basically my mining bot now :| Wish I could transfer my "currency" to other chars... all those tokens I've saved up that are pointless now since mages are basically pointless.

I'm a lvl 33 hunter. Should I be worrying about my talent specs and all that shit? I don't really care about DPS or having the best everything, but I just want a decent build that isn't a waste:

This is what I was thinking of throwing together...

Just PvE. Haven't figured out how the rest of the points might go, but I figure I can worry about that when the time comes.

http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=ci0hztxR Try this (or something very similar to it) BM is what I use for leveling my hunter and it goes by very fast. Though I'm sure some hunter expert can chime in.


StormyTheRabbit said:
Go BM until your 80. Then go BM when your 80.

See what I did there?


rhfb said:
http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=ci0hztxR Try this (or something very similar to it) BM is what I use for leveling my hunter and it goes by very fast. Though I'm sure some hunter expert can chime in.

Thanks for the build! So I'm getting the feeling that BM is the direction to go, eh? I can try that out I suppose!


Really Really Exciting Member!
Why are they nerfing mages like this? :( And to think i was leveling my draenei mage for the last few weeks and im at 75 now... I feel like once i've done all the Alliance quests(i was mainly playing him to see the Alliance side of Northrend that i havent seen yet), that i will just reroll...again.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Bisnic said:
Why are they nerfing mages like this? :( And to think i was leveling my draenei mage for the last few weeks and im at 75 now... I feel like once i've done all the Alliance quests(i was mainly playing him to see the Alliance side of Northrend that i havent seen yet), that i will just reroll...again.
Nobody is getting nerfed to the degree that it would necessitate a re-roll unless it causes you physical pain to not be No. 1 on a chart of numbers.

Chris R

colinp said:
Thanks for the build! So I'm getting the feeling that BM is the direction to go, eh? I can try that out I suppose!
The way I think of it is, you get a very good semi-tank pet and let them eat all the damage while you sit back and shoot the heck out of whatever. The better you make your pet, the more damage you can do without having to worry about getting hit. Your pet heals easier than you do, usually will have more armor than you do, as well as more hit points. With the BM talents, your pet also does quite a bit of damage, making things die even quicker. Win win all around.
Yeah, it doesn't take that much perspective to see some classes were just doing way better then others in either pve or pvp. I think it's pretty crappy that they seem to be getting rid of Dual-Wielding DKs (although as a rogue that is less competition for my weapons :D) from what I've browsed through the notes. That's an entire playstyle and just eliminating it instead of being able to scale it back appropiately is dissappointing.

On actual game note, my guild now has Sarth 3-Drake down pat. "Learned" the fight for like 2-3 weeks always with a disappointing 2 drake kill the monday before the reset but now our guild one shots it. Even rolled a 98 on the drake only to lose out to a lucky 100 from one of the new people that joined earlier in the day heh. I think there's just enough time left to finish out the Normal and Heroic raiding achievements before patch day.

Chris R

Angry Grimace said:
Nobody is getting nerfed to the degree that it would necessitate a re-roll unless it causes you physical pain to not be No. 1 on a chart of numbers.
It just would be nice to have a chance to be equal to the other DD classes, and ya know, not like 1k behind druids/priests/hybrids constantly (check ptr parses, its heading this direction).

I know Q_Q amirite but if your class was getting hit this hard, you would feel it too.


colinp said:
I'm a lvl 33 hunter. Should I be worrying about my talent specs and all that shit? I don't really care about DPS or having the best everything, but I just want a decent build that isn't a waste:

This is what I was thinking of throwing together...

Just PvE. Haven't figured out how the rest of the points might go, but I figure I can worry about that when the time comes. :D
That other build you got linked is good. I did this build: http://www.wowhead.com/?talent=cVbhzxgo just because spirit bond is slightly useful now and when I leveled my hunter as BM, I used mend pet and never had to worry much about focus. although the focus regen talent is at least equal to spirit bond, and probably even better. Only reason it doesn't have any points into improved aspect of the hawk yet is because I like to max it later, after you have enough shots/stings to have a real rotation, and I probably don't realize Focused Fire is really bad.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm getting a lot of amusement out of reading posts from this thread from waaaaay back in the day. Serious gems, such as, "they will never raise the level cap."


colinp said:
I guess I was having the same comcast problems last night, though it got better come 10:30 PM EST or so.

Really though I *love* the speeds I usually get from comcast. I downloaded WOTLK (4.2gb or so) in an hour or hour and a half.

So thats what that was last night. We had two raid members who couldnt stay online last night. Kept dropping constantly in and out so we had to replace them. Hilarious coming here and seeing it was an ISP issue. Ill bet they both have comcast as well.

And the goddamn Fury trinket dropped off of Sarth last week right after I spent points on the Frosted Androits when we did Maly beforehand. So I was down on points (once you get an item for the night you lose alot of priority until the next raid night) and lost the trinket : / Only our second drop too. I was so angry.


Puncture said:
So thats what that was last night. We had two raid members who couldnt stay online last night. Kept dropping constantly in and out so we had to replace them. Hilarious coming here and seeing it was an ISP issue. Ill bet they both have comcast as well.

And the goddamn Fury trinket dropped off of Sarth last week right after I spent points on the Frosted Androits when we did Maly beforehand. So I was down on points (once you get an item for the night you lose alot of priority until the next raid night) and lost the trinket : / Only our second drop too. I was so angry.

I have Greatness and Fury .... it is indeed QUITE sexy.

We have a lot of the trinkets drop but only one god damned Betrayer.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
WTF my DPS blowssss. I STILL can only pull 3,900 dps on patchwork 25 of all places... *sigh*
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