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World of Warcraft

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Oni Link 666 said:
Webbed Death drops all the time for us. I have a webbed death on my Rogue, 2 other hunters have one, 1 other Rogue who doesn't raid much has one, I'm pretty sure a few others have off-specced it, and I've seen it sharded at least once before.
Get two Webbed Death on your rogue, at the moment mutilate with 2x Webbed death and IP on both does the most damage

Chris R

So I was able to do a Sarth+1d pug last night... Was quite fun. Did it with 22 really, since 3 noob dps (lol frost mage included) died BEFORE the first drake even landed. Thing that made it possible IMO was the awesome add tank we had keeping all the adds in a tight bunch making it possible to AoE them down nice and quick.
Some random person stopped me in Dalaran and told me they liked my post on the R&D forum. I didn't remember it very well so I googled my name and tracked down the quote in someone's signature. It even showed up on the European forum but it was attributed to a horrible butchering of my name (Enni instead of Esmi). It's just kind of weird how things spread like that.


yacobod said:
guild broke up last night, so time to find a new guild or take a break from raiding before ulduar, at least i got my 2nd betrayer before we folded

I haven't got lucky on a single weapon drop in 10 or 25man naxx yet for my DK. I drag my Lock into there last night, boom, new weapon. :lol

My poor DK not getting any love.

Anyways, anyone here with some new stats off of PTR of how DPS is doing now, as in which classes are more or less hitting the top spots of the meters?


6-minute 10m Malygos, pwned. That was fun; these achievements are actually reminding me of pre-WotlK challenges and struggles :lol

Some of us have our Plagued drakes now, and some of the suckers like me are still 2-3 resets away, which may not be enough time before 3.1 hits. Wish we started earlier =/
BigJonsson said:
IP on both?

I think you mean IP/DP

You still want to use envenom

If you spec into improving Eviscerate and glyph for it while relying on others to keep the poison requirement out Double Instant is supposed to do more damage, but I believe not a size-able difference. I passed on that spec because I hate relying so much on others for my damage (same reason why I ditched HaT after a few weeks).

On another note leveling fishing for achievements and money has actually been kinda fun. Even made for some fun PvP stories while trying to snag Old Crafty in Orgrimmar as well as the Sunday afternoon competition in Stranglethorn (which then ended in a 30 some person brawl for the arena trinket).


Arms warriors probably still suck, but I think I'm going to make one when I get enough emblems for the shoulders + axe. I'm like halfway to that total already. I know I could just go fury, but I like some of the arms changes coming up next patch.


No idea about the boots, because the ones you linked just show the base form and not what the stats are on the boots you have, but your current wand is better than that quest reward green.
So I renewed, but I haven't played much at all. I guess I finally did kick the habit afterall.

Helps that my guild fell apart and the friends I used to play with all have Xbox Live now.


BigJonsson said:
IP on both?

I think you mean IP/DP

You still want to use envenom
IP on both and use Evisc instead of Envenom. Use Evisc glyph (you only need SnD and Rupture glyph as Muti so it's not replacing a vital glyph).

The reason is that two webbed deaths with IP on both will win out due to the sheer amount of IP procs you will get. Sadly this will be changed with 3.1 when IP and WP will be on a ppm instead of a straight % chance to proc.

My guild has another very active rogue who does IP/DP and Envenom, even without it a Hunter putting up Serpent Sting will give you 20% more muti damage. We also have a third rogue who is a little less active but we always have 2 rogues in our raids, so relying on others for poisoning the taget isnt a problem for me.

Also I hate ruthlessness now. Without it I always get 5 combo points from 2 mutilates, with it I sometimes get 1cp from ruthlessness and the 3cp from muti, making me do 4cp finishers now and then. The only benefit in having ruthlessness would be if I refresh rupture and SnD has only a few seconds left, and I can do a 1cp evisc to refresh SnD, but since I'm not dropping SnD or rupture ruthlessness is just a straight dps loss for me.

Im using a standard muti spec with the ruthlessness points put into Imp Evisc, and swap Murder for Fleet Footed if we are going Naxx.

Magnus said:
6-minute 10m Malygos, pwned. That was fun; these achievements are actually reminding me of pre-WotlK challenges and struggles :lol

Some of us have our Plagued drakes now, and some of the suckers like me are still 2-3 resets away, which may not be enough time before 3.1 hits. Wish we started earlier =/
All I need for my plagued now is 6-min malygos and Sarth 3D. Hoping I will get both this reset. For black we still have yet to do Immortal, and then 6-min malygos (which we are trying for tonight).

Even if you don't get the plagued or black proto-drake before the patch, there will be even cooler 310% proto-drakes from Ulduar achievements. Iron-bound proto-drake FTW! :D

Vid of the new proto-drakes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hivT9-Pl-tk&feature=player_embedded
There must be a raid rule that dictates your second attempt on a boss will go very poorly if you came uber close to downing the boss on the first try. I got to main tank Naxx (10 man) for the second time last night, and we breezed all the way to Maexxna. On the first try I wound up dying with him at 5%, got soulstoned and we took him down to fucking 6500 health before wiping. Everything that could possibly go wrong went wrong. I got the poison+web wrapped, our best dps was put on the wall, poison cleansing was too slow, etc :lol

Second try: got a quarter of his health down before we wiped. We got him on the third try mainly because our druid was getting the poison off me asap; on the previous tries it was on me for 4-5 seconds before anyone did something, even after calling it out on vent.

So yea, pretty good guild run despite having low dps (only two people above 2k)


PhoenixDark said:
So yea, pretty good guild run despite having low dps (only two people above 2k)



I can get more than 2k on my shitty blue-gear + welfare auction house epics in a PVP spec.

Anyway that spider boss can be a bitch at -30%. Web + enrage can kill any tank.


Junior Member
zam said:
All I need for my plagued now is 6-min malygos and Sarth 3D. Hoping I will get both this reset. For black we still have yet to do Immortal, and then 6-min malygos (which we are trying for tonight).[/url]

I found both Malygos acheivements to be much, much easier on 10-man than 25. Once you get a solid group of people that live through phase 3 and keep their stacks up, both 8 man Maly and six-minute 10-man Maly are /facerolls.

Six-minute Maly in 25-man might be tough if you guys are heavy on melee dps. With solid ranged you can get a serious burn in on Maly when he transitions from phase 1 to phase 2.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kyoufu said:


I can get more than 2k on my shitty blue-gear + welfare auction house epics in a PVP spec.

Anyway that spider boss can be a bitch at -30%. Web + enrage can kill any tank.
The key is to use a mod to watch when the Raid-wide spray is coming and use your Shield Wall and SW equivalents during it; you should not die during frenzy if you are being healed.
I'm having a blast leveling up a tauren druid (played a nelfie on alliance to 65 before) but I keep hearing doom and gloom about Blizz nerfing feral druids to kingdom come.

Are bear tanks still going to be viable post 3.1 ? I know better than to listen to the melodrama on the forums but it sounds like Blizz is gutting everything that made a bear tank unique over other tanks.
How do you guys feel about stuff like EP/GP being wiped for Ulduar? We're having this discussion in our guild. I'm arguing against it because I think it's hurting those who show up to raids and rewarding those who got their shit and ran. We've had a lot problems with attendance in the past month.


Oni Link 666 said:
How do you guys feel about stuff like EP/GP being wiped for Ulduar? We're having this discussion in our guild. I'm arguing against it because I think it's hurting those who show up to raids and rewarding those who got their shit and ran. We've had a lot problems with attendance in the past month.

Fuck those who ran. Thats my opinion on it.


Junior Member
Oni Link 666 said:
How do you guys feel about stuff like EP/GP being wiped for Ulduar? We're having this discussion in our guild. I'm arguing against it because I think it's hurting those who show up to raids and rewarding those who got their shit and ran. We've had a lot problems with attendance in the past month.

If you have problems with attendance, then wiping it when moving from tier to tier probably isn't helping.

We very rarely have problems with attendance. Our guild leadership has no reservations about yanking someone's raider status if they decide to go AWOL after gearing themselves up. So for us, wiping it works. It keeps people from hording EP close to a content patch.


firex said:
No idea about the boots, because the ones you linked just show the base form and not what the stats are on the boots you have, but your current wand is better than that quest reward green.

Sorry, they are Bloodspore Sandals of Spell Power (+54 SP).


cubicle47b said:
Some random person stopped me in Dalaran and told me they liked my post on the R&D forum. I didn't remember it very well so I googled my name and tracked down the quote in someone's signature. It even showed up on the European forum but it was attributed to a horrible butchering of my name (Enni instead of Esmi). It's just kind of weird how things spread like that.

You think that's weird? When I first started playing WoW, I walked out of the Bank in Stormwind and happened to see someone emote towards a Night Elf Rogue. The name looked very familiar, so I asked if she was so-and-so...

It turns out she was actually someone I had Role Played with in AOL chatrooms like 6 years prior. Same character name. The odds of being the same faction, on the same server, in the same city was astounding. We had lost touch because she had fallen ill, and I always wondered what had happened to her.

Crazy stuff out there.


Oni Link 666 said:
How do you guys feel about stuff like EP/GP being wiped for Ulduar? We're having this discussion in our guild. I'm arguing against it because I think it's hurting those who show up to raids and rewarding those who got their shit and ran. We've had a lot problems with attendance in the past month.

Our guild isn't wiping. We are running stuff on our normal schedule now pretty much gearing up alts and the glut of our really casuals players. Those of us who are still spending hundreds of gold a week on consumables and spending the time to log in and sign up for raids where we get no gear (vs the people who have decided to skip raiding now that they have BiS everywhere) will be reaping the rewards of our gained points when Uld hits. We will just end up getting the pieces we want a few weeks ahead of the others. Not a big deal, but it is handing us something nice for sticking with it.

I'm just as bored of the content as they are, especially when we are running alt main tanks and dying on shit I had grown accustomed to steam rolling when we were running raids on 100% mains. Its a bit frustrating but we want to get peoples alts geared and help them learn the content too, because we call on them sometimes to fill spots from standby.

If we weren't being allowed to benefit slightly from it (And by slightly I mean SLIGHTLY seeing as our EPGP system works on a decay system, not sure if yours is the same way, but even for all of this raiding we arent going to end up very far ahead at all) the attendance would be even worse. I do have much better shit to do than log in and clear this stuff for no reason. Fat chance getting me to do it EVERY week for absolutely nothing. Perhaps occasionally, but not every week.


leveling an Orc Hunter in ghostlands. Going up the beast tree first. Tamed a Red Lynx, working okay. Is their a pet in the ghostlands I should be more aware about?

Just keep a cat for leveling until you can get an ape from STV. Apes are the best leveling pet because they can AoE spam, you gotta really try to tear anything off of them.
The cat is probably the best you can get around Silvermoon and Ghostlands. Since you got an Orc over there though, you probably know how to get to Silverpine Forest around the Sepulcher. You can get a bear there and after the patch hits, bears will have the same thunder stomp move that's exclusive to gorillas now. It will be 7 points down their talent tree though so, you won't be able to get it for a while. Bears are still kick-ass tanking pets even without thunder stomp though.

Puncture said:
Our guild isn't wiping. We are running stuff on our normal schedule now pretty much gearing up alts and the glut of our really casuals players. Those of us who are still spending hundreds of gold a week on consumables and spending the time to log in and sign up for raids where we get no gear (vs the people who have decided to skip raiding now that they have BiS everywhere) will be reaping the rewards of our gained points when Uld hits. We will just end up getting the pieces we want a few weeks ahead of the others. Not a big deal, but it is handing us something nice for sticking with it.

Yea we do have decay as well. The discussion on our forum quickly heated up and the thread got locked. Who knows what they'll do. It seems to me like some people just don't understand how the system works or why we're using the system in the first place. Two officers got into it one claiming that it wouldn't be fair for those who have high PR to walk out of Ulduar with a bunch of gear and one basically telling him that the system would work if we let it do its job.


Junior Member
Oni Link 666 said:
Yea we do have decay as well. The discussion on our forum quickly heated up and the thread got locked. Who knows what they'll do. It seems to me like some people just don't understand how the system works or why we're using the system in the first place. Two officers got into it one claiming that it wouldn't be fair for those who have high PR to walk out of Ulduar with a bunch of gear and one basically telling him that the system would work if we let it do its job.

The base GP values on gear should go up slightly since the iLevel is going up. If your guild increases EP granted per boss kill as well, then folks going into Ulduar with high PR will be knocked down into the crowd after getting a couple pieces of gear.

That's something I don't think a lot of people really comprehend about EPGP. Even when someone is absolutely walking away from you in PR, it'll only take a couple of drops to bring them back down to earth. And the reason they were walking away from you in the first place is because they were killing bosses and not getting any loot to show for it.

I think it's a bigger issue once content is on farm and upgrades are few and far between. Once upgrades are more frequent it'll get back into a normal flow.


Speaking of upgrades, we had a couple of Naxx25 runs where it was absolutely raining caster gear. Normally it rains plate / mail / leather in our raids, and a lot of us casters were still using badge / heroic / Naxx10 gear in a number of slots. People who were used to seeing everything DE'd were freaking out about all of the bids being placed on caster gear. It was a nice "see, I told you so" to all of them who think we were just whining or being loot whores.


bears/boars are good tanking pets, although I think boars are in the cunning type instead of tenacity (could be wrong on this). The real advantage for them over other pets is they eat virtually anything, although I admit that right now, tenacity pets are actually the worst for self-sustaining survivability.


Has problems recognising girls
I wouldn't mind going back and picking up my Orc Hunter. The whole "Huntard" stigma should have disappeared by now and gone over to the Death Knights right?


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
speedpop said:
I wouldn't mind going back and picking up my Orc Hunter. The whole "Huntard" stigma should have disappeared by now and gone over to the Death Knights right?

DK being OP in pvp negates any stigma they should have received.

Huntard still 100% applicable.


speedpop said:
That's a shame.

I always thought DKs were pretty easy to contain in PVP?

Unholy DKs are faceroll city, really amazing how much survivability they have while able to do so much damage


Yeah, DKs aren't that easy to beat in pvp unless you are a healer. My resto shaman friend and I pretty much roll over DKs (that's with me still being a tank pally) while most other DPS classes will have a hard time, unless they're on the same level, like ret pally.

I'm kind of curious if Arms warriors suck in pvp/soloing/dps or if they're just merely not as good as Fury. I think I'm going to level mine as Arms, at least until 60, and then if I do Fury, it'll be after I'm 80 when I can buy dual spec with grinded dailies.


TomServo said:
I found both Malygos acheivements to be much, much easier on 10-man than 25. Once you get a solid group of people that live through phase 3 and keep their stacks up, both 8 man Maly and six-minute 10-man Maly are /facerolls.

Six-minute Maly in 25-man might be tough if you guys are heavy on melee dps. With solid ranged you can get a serious burn in on Maly when he transitions from phase 1 to phase 2.
Actually it doesn't matter if it's heavy caster or melee. The trick in 25-man is with sacrificing lock to cast curse of weakness on malygos, this can be pretty useful.
On 10-man, if you get him to 50% before second vortex it's guaranteed kill. Actually 2 or 3 people died later, and we still got him in 5.45 or so.


My DK has really really bad gear. I'm talking welfare epics and welfare blues off the AH.

With all that welfare I faceroll 95% of players I come across either in battlegrounds or in northrend.

Its just sick.

(shadowfrost spec btw)


It's because DeathKnights have the combination of snares, roots, plate, big instant damage and death grip. They're really good if they get the jump, especially at comparitively low equipment levels.

I may regret saying this, but it is hard. If Sarth +3 was too much for you, then you probably want to steer clear of the hard modes and Mr. Algalon. The achievement is called "He feeds on your tears" for a reason




Neo Member
Would anyone like to RAF with me? my Priest is level 7 already but I would like to level faster. So let me know if anyone wants to.


Has problems recognising girls
firex said:
Yeah, DKs aren't that easy to beat in pvp unless you are a healer. My resto shaman friend and I pretty much roll over DKs (that's with me still being a tank pally) while most other DPS classes will have a hard time, unless they're on the same level, like ret pally.
Yeah I suppose that is true. DKs were a decent challenge for me on my Resto Shaman, but I don't think there was ever a case where 1v1 I was killed off. Just survive through their little cooldowns and annoy the shit out of them.


sprsk said:

Creepy. Without the mods, this could easily be a screenshot for my current gaming experience.

Bear, check. Dragonblight, check.


firex said:
just got my heirloom axe for my warrior! now I need to go farm more emblems so I can buy him some shoulders.

Should have got them first if you're still leveling, that +10%xp bonus really adds up. I used them on my Lock and now working on my Mage with them.

Chris R

What is with people and just plain sucking? My gear is NOT good by any means. I'm wearing some pvp pieces ffs. I was still constantly 4-5 in DPS in Naxx25 today, and got bitched at for picking up a "healer" belt (my level 78 blue belt needed replacing). I know pugs aren't ideal, but with our sucky dps we just couldn't even kill Thaddius before the enrage (not to mention the two idiots who missed the jump). I just quit before trying to wipe once more because we couldn't even continue past there if we wanted as we had 2 priests with no +hit gear :lol


rhfb said:
What is with people and just plain sucking? My gear is NOT good by any means. I'm wearing some pvp pieces ffs. I was still constantly 4-5 in DPS in Naxx25 today, and got bitched at for picking up a "healer" belt (my level 78 blue belt needed replacing). I know pugs aren't ideal, but with our sucky dps we just couldn't even kill Thaddius before the enrage (not to mention the two idiots who missed the jump). I just quit before trying to wipe once more because we couldn't even continue past there if we wanted as we had 2 priests with no +hit gear :lol

Most of the pugs on my server are pretty decent, did Sarth 10 3D in a pug :lol . You should try to steer clear of the pugs that don't armory people that join


It was embarrasing for a while, but I now no longer have Full Tier 7.5 with a BLUE weapon :lol.

Got the Blade of Dormant Memories tonight in a pug 10 man... (8 weeks in a row with no drop of Life & Death or The Turning Tide in my 25 man guild runs)... Frustrating as shit!

If u want to peep me out, here ya go: http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Black+Dragonflight&n=Quai

Pushed over 5K dps on Patchwerk at my peak (without the weapon and best in slot ring)... hopefully I can do better now. Just in time for Ulduaar!


J-Rzez said:
Should have got them first if you're still leveling, that +10%xp bonus really adds up. I used them on my Lock and now working on my Mage with them.
I'm not actually going to level the guy until I have both so it doesn't make a big difference for me. I figured I'll get the axe first because it's more expensive, then I can get the rest of the emblems today and later on in the week.
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