BigJonsson said:
IP on both?
I think you mean IP/DP
You still want to use envenom
IP on both and use Evisc instead of Envenom. Use Evisc glyph (you only need SnD and Rupture glyph as Muti so it's not replacing a vital glyph).
The reason is that two webbed deaths with IP on both will win out due to the sheer amount of IP procs you will get. Sadly this will be changed with 3.1 when IP and WP will be on a ppm instead of a straight % chance to proc.
My guild has another very active rogue who does IP/DP and Envenom, even without it a Hunter putting up Serpent Sting will give you 20% more muti damage. We also have a third rogue who is a little less active but we always have 2 rogues in our raids, so relying on others for poisoning the taget isnt a problem for me.
Also I hate ruthlessness now. Without it I always get 5 combo points from 2 mutilates, with it I sometimes get 1cp from ruthlessness and the 3cp from muti, making me do 4cp finishers now and then. The only benefit in having ruthlessness would be if I refresh rupture and SnD has only a few seconds left, and I can do a 1cp evisc to refresh SnD, but since I'm not dropping SnD or rupture ruthlessness is just a straight dps loss for me.
Im using a standard muti spec with the ruthlessness points put into Imp Evisc, and swap Murder for Fleet Footed if we are going Naxx.
Magnus said:
6-minute 10m Malygos, pwned. That was fun; these achievements are actually reminding me of pre-WotlK challenges and struggles :lol
Some of us have our Plagued drakes now, and some of the suckers like me are still 2-3 resets away, which may not be enough time before 3.1 hits. Wish we started earlier =/
All I need for my plagued now is 6-min malygos and Sarth 3D. Hoping I will get both this reset. For black we still have yet to do Immortal, and then 6-min malygos (which we are trying for tonight).
Even if you don't get the plagued or black proto-drake before the patch, there will be even cooler 310% proto-drakes from Ulduar achievements. Iron-bound proto-drake FTW!
Vid of the new proto-drakes