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World of Warcraft

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Tamanon said:
I may regret saying this, but it is hard. If Sarth +3 was too much for you, then you probably want to steer clear of the hard modes and Mr. Algalon. The achievement is called "He feeds on your tears" for a reason]


Wow I hope it lives up to that. Heres hoping we get the patch this Tuesday. Man oh man if its really that hard, I cant wait to see the tune of people change.


Sebulon3k said:
Most of the pugs on my server are pretty decent, did Sarth 10 3D in a pug :lol . You should try to steer clear of the pugs that don't armory people that join

Why do I highly doubt this?

It had to of been a pug of people who had good gear and knew what they were doing (aka done it before in 10 / 25 man).

You don't just roll in there and drop Sarth 3d 10 man.


Macattk15 said:
Why do I highly doubt this?

It had to of been a pug of people who had good gear and knew what they were doing (aka done it before in 10 / 25 man).

You don't just roll in there and drop Sarth 3d 10 man.

Granted yeah we had to use ventrilo and wiped a couple times we eventually did drop him (None of us had done the fight before, but we all had to look up tactics and had things thoroughly explained by RL).

I never quite understood the stigma about PuGs being horrible, from my experience most of the PuGs I've joined cleared everything in a reasonable amount of time outside of heroics.
Sebulon3k said:
Granted yeah we had to use ventrilo and wiped a couple times we eventually did drop him (None of us had done the fight before, but we all had to look up tactics and had things thoroughly explained by RL).

I never quite understood the stigma about PuGs being horrible, from my experience most of the PuGs I've joined cleared everything in a reasonable amount of time outside of heroics.

dps cheese kill or a real kill? :p

I think the thing is, when people say pug everyone just thinks recruit any mouthbreathing retard from /2 - which prolly works for dps cheese mode :p

and then there is recruit 2 people/alts from every "good" guild which prolly don't count much as a pug anymore really

just need 9 people of the right class/spec who stfu and don't stand in the fire, and one guy to tell everyone to stfu and not stand in the fire

we were having a pretty tough time till we had 3t/3h/4d then it was pretty easy mode


We pug everything except sarth10+3, though I'm sure we could grab a couple decent pugs and still do it. My server's population is fairly good, and as long as you armory somebody before inviting them, or if you've played with them before, stuff will work out fine.


how would I glyph an arms warrior? I've nearly got enough emblems for heirloom shoulders to go with the axe, but I'm not sure what glyphs are good beyond the whirlwind glyph (for 60 with bladestorm). I guess a glyph for rend wouldn't be bad?


firex said:
how would I glyph an arms warrior? I've nearly got enough emblems for heirloom shoulders to go with the axe, but I'm not sure what glyphs are good beyond the whirlwind glyph (for 60 with bladestorm). I guess a glyph for rend wouldn't be bad?


Rend / MS / Execute.
Pallies (so far, only at level 13... 14... 15) are really easy to play, especially at the earlier levels. So far they're just basically set-and-forget characters. You just pull the mob with a Judgement, alt-tab for a few seconds, then loot the corpse.

It doesn't even help that I'm just leveling so fast that I barely have time to go train in a city. This new toon business with heirlooms is really easy.


Junior Member
CassSept said:
Actually it doesn't matter if it's heavy caster or melee. The trick in 25-man is with sacrificing lock to cast curse of weakness on malygos, this can be pretty.

Curse of Elements.

We don't do it because our locks are pro at phase 3 and it'd be a dps loss for any of them to sacrifice themselves. I know I do more than the 10% bonus from my untalented CoE would provide.

What made it easy mode for us is to get our healers solid at rotating the AoE heals so the that the dps doesn't ever shield themselves.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Kyoufu said:
Argh, if 3.1 isn't out this week I'm going to choke a gnome.
I took a break for a few weeks, because this is the longest patch cycle ever

And because they're destroying my poor warlock with 3.1 and I needed some time to brace myself for impact :(


Junior Member
dave is ok said:
And because they're destroying my poor warlock with 3.1 and I needed some time to brace myself for impact :(

My warlock is getting buffed. Looked at my current conflag, and they crit for around 6K-7K. Conflag on PTR w/ solid Naxx25 gear is critting for over 15K.

I'm gonna miss Maly though. Sundial + Dying Curse + Molten Core + Double Spark gave me 35K incinerate crits. Not bad for a spell that takes ~1.1s to cast under bloodlust.

Affliction was fun for leveling but as a raid spec it turns the game into whack-a-mole on DoTimer.


Kyoufu said:
Argh, if 3.1 isn't out this week I'm going to choke a gnome.

If it isn't out tomorrow ... I already told my guild I'm not logging in for any raids until it does.

I'm SO fucking sick of Naxx, Sarth + Drakes, Malygos ... it's all so boring and horrid to run now.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
TomServo said:
My warlock is getting buffed.
If you're a warlock who never PvPs and prefers Destro/Demo hybrids to any other spec - then 3.1 will be a great patch.

But I wouldn't call it a buff. Affliction pre-3.1 put out absurd numbers.


Those chodes better release the patch this week and end the abortion that is Season 5. They should have stuck to the more frequent minor patches idea instead of having no new content for months. Ideally they could have released the class changes + dual specs, Argent Tournament, VoA 1.5 and Ulduar as separate small patches.

The best thing they've done since releasing Wotlk was removing Ring of Valor, yeah removing shitty content, should have flushed Dalaran arena along with it.


Junior Member
dave is ok said:
If you're a warlock who never PvPs and prefers Destro/Demo hybrids to any other spec - then 3.1 will be a great patch.

I do BG's, and do pretty well. Arena has never appealed to me, so I can't comment there.

I'll be going 0/28/43 on patch day.

dave is ok said:
But I wouldn't call it a buff. Affliction pre-3.1 put out absurd numbers.

If you could manage the DoTs. Personally, I couldn't and I'm man enough to admit it. I flirt with 6K dps on Patchwerk with a 0/31/40 spec. Good enough for me - I'm always in the top 5 dps in our raids, and we've done everything in current content except for Immortal.


I did some PTR yesterday and found out some things:

Ele Shaman aoe roots will be annoying for melee.
Shamans still have tiny health pools and blow up fast.
Hunters have two bursts and are rocking pvp.
They keep nerfing blood dk on ptr and I don't like the new build as much as my current diseasesless blood

--Warlock/Disc Priest will be back, and large and in charge--
It's Destro lock burst(17k conflags in pve now, 11k at least in pvp) with soul link.
Combined with Disc's new group shield and ability to mitigate damage, makes bursting either down when combined to be pretty hard. Meanwhile, the destro lock can stun and nuke you.


etiolate said:
I did some PTR yesterday and found out some things:

Ele Shaman aoe roots will be annoying for melee.
Shamans still have tiny health pools and blow up fast.
Hunters have two bursts and are rocking pvp.
They keep nerfing blood dk on ptr and I don't like the new build as much as my current diseasesless blood

--Warlock/Disc Priest will be back, and large and in charge--
It's Destro lock burst(17k conflags in pve now, 11k at least in pvp) with soul link.
Combined with Disc's new group shield and ability to mitigate damage, makes bursting either down when combined to be pretty hard. Meanwhile, the destro lock can stun and nuke you.

Power Word: Barrier isn't in 3.1 though...

dave is ok

aztek is ok
etiolate said:
--Warlock/Disc Priest will be back, and large and in charge--
Destro locks will be the champions of the 1500 bracket and get destroyed at higher levels.

They have no reliable defense against melee at all, and are very cast time dependent. The spec might work as some double dps cheese comp - but it's the easiest class/spec in the game to shut down by far.


TomServo said:
My warlock is getting buffed. Looked at my current conflag, and they crit for around 6K-7K. Conflag on PTR w/ solid Naxx25 gear is critting for over 15K.

So Destro is getting buffed up heavily after all? Excellent. I have something to fall back since I'm going to have to bench my DK tank after the brutal raping it seems to have coming for it. Is it true Destro has replenishment built in now too?
Awesome...Ulduar is coming out tomorrow and I (The guild leader, and a tank for the guild's 25-man raids) get hacked again yesterday. Awesome timing.


ToyMachine228 said:
Awesome...Ulduar is coming out tomorrow and I (The guild leader, and a tank for the guild's 25-man raids) get hacked again yesterday. Awesome timing.

how do you get hacked seriously?


Has problems recognising girls
etiolate said:
I did some PTR yesterday and found out some things:

Ele Shaman aoe roots will be annoying for melee.
aoe roots?

ToyMachine228 said:
Awesome...Ulduar is coming out tomorrow and I (The guild leader, and a tank for the guild's 25-man raids) get hacked again yesterday. Awesome timing.
And I agree with yacobod. How do you keep getting hacked man?
speedpop said:
aoe roots?

similiar to the druids roots, i think the totem brings em up. Elemental is very dangeous on the PTR, but if you get in their face there isnt much they can do. Did a skirmish vs 2 ele shams, me and a hunter i think, was on the Org arena place with the elevators. I knew what was coming so right when the round started I bolted my ass behind a pillar while the hunter stood there. Double flame shocked, double Lava Blast, dead hunter. Was pretty funny.


Buy authenticators man. Time is money, and you waste a lot of it getting hacked repeatedly, not just your own time either, your guildies that rely on you as well. Its like 6 bucks and you can then be as reckless as you want to (clicking on links and running .exe extension addons /sigh) and not get hacked.

Its really not a bad deal at all. And its very likely to be usable in D3 and Starcraft 2 anyway, so if your a PC gamer just freaking get one.
Well looks like I'll be coming up just short of my Plagued Proto Drake (would have had it with like 2 more weeks for 8-man & 6-min Maly and 8-man & 3 Drake Sarth), but boy am I ready for new content!!!


Has problems recognising girls
Flesh Into Gear said:
similiar to the druids roots, i think the totem brings em up. Elemental is very dangeous on the PTR, but if you get in their face there isnt much they can do. Did a skirmish vs 2 ele shams, me and a hunter i think, was on the Org arena place with the elevators. I knew what was coming so right when the round started I bolted my ass behind a pillar while the hunter stood there. Double flame shocked, double Lava Blast, dead hunter. Was pretty funny.


Junior Member
The Lamonster said:

...but won't they have to be updated for 3.1?
Actually I did post them earlier in this thread. Lemme see if I can find them. :lol

Here ya go.
Ardhavara said:
3.1 introduced a new setting called textureCacheSize.
What this does from what I can tell is cache in memory textures when they are not in use for quick loading.

By default this is set at 32megs and is not bad for mid/low end systems.
However for multibox or highend systems this might have some draw backs.

Grab your multipass and lets continue.

textureCacheSize is set by default at 33554432 bytes (32megs).
Higher end systems can set this... well higher. :p
Multibox or lowend systems can do the same but by setting it lower depending on your system's ram.

In my case I quadrupled the value to 134217728 (128megs) of texture cache. :D
This is quite easy to do in game by typing: /console textureCacheSize followed by the size of the texture cache in bytes.

128 megs: /console textureCacheSize 134217728
64 megs: /console textureCacheSize 67108864
32 megs (Default): /console textureCacheSize 33554432
16 megs (Multibox/Low End): /console textureCacheSize 16777216
8 megs (Low End Multibox): /console textureCacheSize 8388608

Be sure to restart WoW after you set the values.

Just some basic examples, as of right now I'm 100% unsure how high this goes or what the cap is but I've been fiddling around with it ingame.
I wuv myself. :D

EDIT: I also got perma-banned from the WoW forums for a stupid reason so all my threads and posts were systematically deleted. :(


dave is ok said:
Destro locks will be the champions of the 1500 bracket and get destroyed at higher levels.

They have no reliable defense against melee at all, and are very cast time dependent. The spec might work as some double dps cheese comp - but it's the easiest class/spec in the game to shut down by far.

They are weaker versus melee, but with the combo of soul link and a disc priests shields, it was effectively mitigating a lot.

It was a PTR WSG where nobody was running the flag. It was basically a 10 v 10 deathmatch. There was a lot of Desto locks, some ele shamans, hunters, warriors and DKs. The melee were getting routinely aoe stunned and snared by shadowfury and earthbind.

This might make Ele Shamans viable in 3s and 5s, but I was still dying easily. But with the shields, large health pool and soul link, the locks were being focused and surviving quite a while. Of course, with stealth, a rogue will quick-take a lock out solo.


Puncture said:
Buy authenticators man. Time is money, and you waste a lot of it getting hacked repeatedly, not just your own time either, your guildies that rely on you as well. Its like 6 bucks and you can then be as reckless as you want to (clicking on links and running .exe extension addons /sigh) and not get hacked.

Its really not a bad deal at all. And its very likely to be usable in D3 and Starcraft 2 anyway, so if your a PC gamer just freaking get one.

Hell, or if you've got an Iphone/Ipod touch, the authenticator is free.

Woo for patch day on the day I get my new computer. At least now I won't be missing much by installing everything anew!


Tamanon said:
Hell, or if you've got an Iphone/Ipod touch, the authenticator is free.


So psyched btw, this patch is long overdue. New content, dual specs (god what a major boon for healer sanity in this game), 30 minute HEARTHSTONES!!!!!

Got a Ulduar 10 raid scheduled at 2PM AEST (10 hours after servers go live), then a 25man at 8PM (16 hours after they go live). I think I know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow.


Orbitcube said:
Got a Ulduar 10 raid scheduled at 2PM AEST (10 hours after servers go live), then a 25man at 8PM (16 hours after they go live). I think I know what I'm going to be doing tomorrow.



now I wish I'd bought that spiked TS helm for ~780g on the AH earlier, or bid on the one that had a min bid of 500g. fuck, that thing's going to be...

wait, no, it won't go up much in price because people will be offspeccing to tank or healer with their plate classes, lolz.
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