Kyoufu said:I has Darkmoon Card: Greatness.
On my alt.
yacobod said:got my 2nd betrayer tonite![]()
ToyMachine228 said:Any thoughts on whether we're getting 3.1 tomorrow or not?
There will be new fishing dailies which reward a bag which can contain up to 100g in vendor trash, and 2 different epic gems called stormjewels, you can only have one stormjewel socketed. Other than those I haven't heard anything about epic gems, if you follow TBC raid progression, epic gems didn't come until Mount Hyjal/Black Temple, so I don't think it's likely there will be epic gems in Ulduar.Epix said:Has anyone heard whether or not epic gems are being added in 3.1?
Macattk15 said:No way.
I'm betting next week though.
Kintaro said:Have they tested all of Ulduar yet? I haven't heard or seen anything about Yogg-Saron yet. =/
Scum said:So, what's the best weapon style for a Paladin?
Sword/Mace and Shield or two-handed Sword/Mace? I'm using a two-handed Mace at the mo.
Cool. I'm doing the right thing, for once. :lolKyoufu said:Retribution spec paladin uses a two-hander but Holy/Prot will be wearing shields.
Puncture said:Does not compute. And this NEVER will compute with me. If what you really desire is the challenge (hell im in that same boat) you can't turn around and ignore the best challenge the game has to offer then call it all to easy. 3D 25 man and then 10M 3D (especially with our 10 man make up) was the hardest thing I have ever EVER experienced in WC outside of hell, 4H. It sounds like what you are more interested in is 'seeing' the new content, not the actual challenge of defeating it. And thats fine. If you dont want to meet the challenge of defeating three drakes because in your opinion seeing all three drakes die individually (or with only 2 up which isnt even remotely the same as 3) then killing Sarth is experiencing it, then fine.
But don't go using the "Theres no challenge" line. You haven't earned the right to. If its so goddamn easy why didn't you breeze through it when you were doing 2D. Its such a common trait among everyone talking about how easy shit is. "I haven't done it, but its SOOO easy!" Not to mention judging an expansion thats going to have 4 major raids (Naxx 25 + Ulduar + So Far unnamed raid + Icecrown) all based on the first raid available. I don't take any issue with you being tired of seeing the inside of Obsidian Sanctum and growing bored of all the red. Just don't go calling the shit easy and un-challenging when you so conveniently burned out riiiiiight as you got to the only challenge in WoTLK. :lol Funny how that works. Im not picking on you either, it just always seems to be that way... Like people breeze through Wraths 'Karazahn' pat themselves on the back, then hit the brickwall that is 3D and just go "MAN THIS IS STUPID ANYWAY LOL ITS SO EASY SCREW IT WE DONT HAVE TO DO 3D!"
ToyMachine228 said:I doubt they'll publicly test Yogg-Saron. Kind of ruins the "race" to be the first to clear an instance when people are killing the last boss on the PTR like nothing. Pretty sure every other fight has been tested, and they're currently testing hard modes.
firex said:I believe they publicly tested all of BT when it was on PTR, but all I remember is chicken littles about Illidan dying so easily when it went live, after Nihilum spent the entire PTR learning the instance.
Nihilum are mega-poopsocker nerds though. I would be embarassed to even know someone in that guild. The fact that they are sponsored is even more embarassing. I don't know why anyone at all thinks that a "professional" World of Warcraft guild is somehow, in some universe, cool.firex said:I believe they publicly tested all of BT when it was on PTR, but all I remember is chicken littles about Illidan dying so easily when it went live, after Nihilum spent the entire PTR learning the instance.
Yeah holy shit. When I was leveling 0-max level i could easily spend 40 hours a week. But hell that ended forever ago. I can't even convince myself to log in and do my dailiesfirex said:well, imo anyone who spends 40+ hours a week on WoW is a poopsocker, whether that's raiding or constantly making and leveling alts, or running heroics or whatever. there's just nothing in the game that can draw me in like that when there's no more "new" content. still, I never really followed Nihilum or anything, but they seemed like the nice kind of uber-raiding guild, instead of the elitist type of raiders that tend to pop up all the time.
Puncture said:40 hours a week. Im not sure thats possible if your already 80. What would you do? Does afking in dalaran hitting space bar every 30 minutes to avoid autologout count? I mean thats a ridiculous amount of time per week. Theres not enough raid content in the game to fill that amount of time. You would run out of dailies and raid lockouts well before 40 hours spent :lol
Thats just insane.
How long'd it take you to get that done?Kyoufu said:I lived in storm peaks grinding 16k gold. Will do it again once dual-spec is here.
speedpop said:Wow, why the hell are you playing on an Oceanic server for? Oh wait, you're in JP right.
I've only got level 30s and a Death Knight on there, but contemplating moving my main Shaman onto there to play with a few friends and my partner's sister if I re-sub.
Magnus said:So we adopted the Sarth 3d 10m kill method that a European guild recently pioneered with their 76-second kill, and nearly mirrored it with a kill in 84 seconds last night on our 5th try. It's fast-paced, and crazy, and involves killing Sarth just as or just before the second drake hits the ground, and of course you wipe in 5 seconds flat immediately afterward, but you still get the achievement. Lots of fun.![]()
Of course prices are insane right now, the sellers want to rip people like you off. No clue what Kyoufu did, but I could see farming 8k easy in less than a week with not too much play time.Orbitcube said:How long'd it take you to get that done?
I'm looking at farming 8k for the Greatness trinket before the faire is over, but I don't know if it'd be possible at the moment. I've got the Four and Six of Nobles already, just need the rest and some of the prices on them are just insane.
projectkuro said:Tried this last night, wiped once at 40k left and once at 70k left on Sarth.
So damn enfuriating, the weak point seems to be our tank, who always seems to die at the same time, everytime.
Orbitcube said:How long'd it take you to get that done?
I'm looking at farming 8k for the Greatness trinket before the faire is over, but I don't know if it'd be possible at the moment. I've got the Four and Six of Nobles already, just need the rest and some of the prices on them are just insane.
Ok well if I resub I'll let you or ddk know if I bump into him.Blackace said:got a level 40 warrior and 25 shammy... also a 20 hunter. Going to make one more to play with DDK thinking he wants to play as Horde
Magnus said:We used this setup, if it helps:
DK - Tank (unsure of spec)
Holy Priest - Healer (me)
And the rest were DPS:
Enh. Shaman
Ret. Paladin (in some blues, no less, it was his offspec)
Warlock (he used CoRecklessness, but yeah, despite the fact that he's one of our top dpsers, he wasn't ideal for the group composition; I was told the ideal would have been a feral druid in his place)
Still managed it though.
Oni Link 666 said:What a great night for loot tonight was for me. I got Fury of the Five Flights on my Rogue and Webbed Death, Hand of Nerub, and Valorous shoulders on my Hunter. I got everything I want from Naxx on my Rogue except for 2 things from Kel'Thuzad so I've been bringing my Hunter in instead and picking up all the loot everyone passes on. I've been out DPSing all the main toon hunters too. It's kind of sad really. :lol
...Oni Link 666 said:What a great night for loot tonight was for me. I got Fury of the Five Flights on my Rogue and Webbed Death, Hand of Nerub, and Valorous shoulders on my Hunter. I got everything I want from Naxx on my Rogue except for 2 things from Kel'Thuzad so I've been bringing my Hunter in instead and picking up all the loot everyone passes on. I've been out DPSing all the main toon hunters too. It's kind of sad really. :lol
And just after I posted my post there, the first WD for both me and the other original guild rogue dropped. I'm a social/casual in the guild now (probably could raid if I wanted to, but there's some circumstances involved that prohibit me) so I wasn't raiding tonight, so of course he won it.Oni Link 666 said:Webbed Death drops all the time for us. I have a webbed death on my Rogue, 2 other hunters have one, 1 other Rogue who doesn't raid much has one, I'm pretty sure a few others have off-specced it, and I've seen it sharded at least once before.
3.1 will only be a week or two away now. Probably two weeks considering Noblegarden's new date.Toymachine228 said:My guild had it's worst 25-man Naxx tonight since forming. You can tell no one wanted to be there. Hurry the fuck up and get Ulduar out Blizz.
Oni Link 666 said:Webbed Death drops all the time for us. I have a webbed death on my Rogue, 2 other hunters have one, 1 other Rogue who doesn't raid much has one, I'm pretty sure a few others have off-specced it, and I've seen it sharded at least once before.