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World of Warcraft

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Naxx40 was fun? You must be a masochist. Naxx40 was built upon retarded gear checks only an asperger's sufferer could love, honestly (hello old 4 horsemen and needing 4pc t3 for all 8 tanks). AQ40, and to a greater extent, Naxx40 made me decide to never hardcore raid anything in WoW again. I don't really care about later WoW raids being easier, because vanilla WoW's raids weren't hard if you had the specific gear necessary to pass the array of retarded gear checks, or you could move on the few position based fights. I know TBC reduced a lot of the former, but the latter weren't any real challenge either.

I seriously think the only fun fights in vanilla WoW's raiding are most of AQ20's bosses, and C'Thun. Maybe the later Naxx stuff is good but my guild got cockblocked early in old Naxx due to a mix of shitty talent and even shittier design. The new Naxx is easy but it's a fun little throwback to remind you of the old stuff (that like 0.5%, and I'm being generous here, of the WoW population ever saw) without all the retarded "you will farm this place for weeks/months before you can get past this boss fight because we designed it around the stupidest level of gearing possible."

edit: looking further into this thread, I can see that you're talking more about TBC raiding, which I really never did much of (due to the time commitment) after being burned out on vanilla WoW's shitty, shitty, shitty raids. Maybe TBC's stuff was more challenging but less "lol make sure you have enough level 50 blue resist gear on or you get instagibbed" or "lol make sure you farm the same instance enough to get 4 pieces of t3 for all 8 tanks or you'll never be able to see the end."


Orbitcube said:
I liked SSC aside from Vashj. Gruul and Mag though? They can die in a fire. They weren't too hard (At least Gruul wasn't, Mag was slightly harder), but I just hate the instances themselves

Obviously TK, BT and SWP are just amazing. I don't think I need to comment on them aside from that I wish I could find pugs for them more often.

The thing I love about Gruul/Mag is the design though. Quick and easy epics are always welcome and I'm glad to see they have given us more single-boss raids in wotlk.

Anywho. I'm in the process of gearing my DK up. My anus has been violated far too much on priest to pvp with any viability so I've turned to the dark side. Problem is I can't do any PVE because I'm a shadowfrost PVP spec so I can barely break 1k dps with Icy Touch spam.

The 2nd (and final?) part of the 3.1 patch is available to download now. Should be here in 2 weeks or so. I need dual-spec!
I think its a great idea that Blizzard is designing their game so that people actually get to see the assets and boss encounters they spent all that time making. Yes, I can understand how people who were normally the only ones privvy to this content might feel burned in some way, but as someone who never hardcore raided in vanilla and casually raided in BC, I was always rather disappointed that I never got to see Naxx40, AQ40, BWL, Black Temple or Sunwell. It never made sense for the game to disallow players like me, who are the majority of WoW's playerbase, from seeing content just because I wasn't willing to give up a lion's share of my life to prep and raid time. I think Blizzard is trying its best to keep their 5% hardcores happy but are really more concerned with the 80% of their subscribers that would like to see all the cool things they make, but not kill themselves to get there.

Chris R

BWL right when it came out, with ~3/5 of your raid mostly geared and the rest with a few MC/Ony pieces was just right. Chromaggus was an awesome fight. Still my favorite raid ever. And Naxx40/AQ40 weren't THAT hard.

edit: and I think Blizz has reached a happy medium with raids now. There is the 10 man, 25 man, and basically 25man HARDCORE MODE. Now if EVERY fight had a hard mode, I think the guilds who want challenging content would be pretty happy.


rhfb said:
edit: and I think Blizz has reached a happy medium with raids now. There is the 10 man, 25 man, and basically 25man HARDCORE MODE. Now if EVERY fight had a hard mode, I think the guilds who want challenging content would be pretty happy.

In theory sure, in reality I think no. I still stand by the my opinion that, less hardcore gamers even being able to see the content at all pisses off the elitist. Remember standing around org while the person who won this weeks head of nef turned it in? Being like only 1 of 3 guilds clearing the old school content on the server is what I think most of the unhappy want back. To stand around the outside of the AH with 30 people around you looking at your gear. Thats all gone with more people raiding, your not a unique fucking snowflake anymore. Back then everyone in the faction knew the names of our guilds, EVERYONE. Now theres not much of a distinction at all. Sure the top still battle it out for the server firsts, but after that theres nothing else.

However as a side effect, raiding also isn't taking up 5 days of my week either. For that reason alone I'm very very happy with it. We will just do the hard modes like we did with sarth. I don't care if it doesn't reward better gear than everyone elses or mounts a dragons head at the entrance of Org, I have always done it purely for the challenge. So long as the challenge is still there I'm fine. They dance around that saying the hard modes arent enough, but they really are, if all you want is the challenge. If you need a virtual handjob and a pat on the back however, Ill bet you would be completely livid by now.

Edit: This same type of thing has caused some epic meltdowns in guild raid progression tracking threads across multiple servers. The server top guilds no longer being the only ones to add 'We cleared this!' has caused a ruckus. Week after week more and more guilds adding their names to the list of completions seems to drive some people absolutely nuts.
keeblerdrow said:
I think its a great idea that Blizzard is designing their game so that people actually get to see the assets and boss encounters they spent all that time making. Yes, I can understand how people who were normally the only ones privvy to this content might feel burned in some way, but as someone who never hardcore raided in vanilla and casually raided in BC, I was always rather disappointed that I never got to see Naxx40, AQ40, BWL, Black Temple or Sunwell. It never made sense for the game to disallow players like me, who are the majority of WoW's playerbase, from seeing content just because I wasn't willing to give up a lion's share of my life to prep and raid time. I think Blizzard is trying its best to keep their 5% hardcores happy but are really more concerned with the 80% of their subscribers that would like to see all the cool things they make, but not kill themselves to get there.

I agree totally, but vomiting up 3 year old content as the main raid content of a 40$ expansion is pretty fucking weaksauce

Next expansion they can make people level through the opposites quest lines and can add a whole new 80 lvls of rehashed content for people who haven't played both sides yet :p then they can x5 the stats on all items/mobs in aq40 and it can be the new raid heh

it's just lazy :(
Fulleffect said:
I agree totally, but vomiting up 3 year old content as the main raid content of a 40$ expansion is pretty fucking weaksauce

Point well taken and I agree. There probably should've been another 10/25 multi-boss instance ready to go at launch. That said, I think Naxxramas coming back as a beginner raid was a great idea. It fits into lore really well for the expansion and it's a beautiful instance that less than 1% of the player base had even seen and played, according to Blizzard. That's a lot of wasted assets and wasted man-hours on their part and I'm really glad they retooled it for WotLK. But yes, it shouldn't have been our sole dungeon at the start. Maybe Naxx and then get that per-content-set Troll raid out of the way nice and early.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Naxx as a starter dungeon is fine, they just should have re-did the encounters. The boss abilities in Heroic Dungeons are ten times cooler than the stale Naxx ones.


I don't really mind them redoing Naxx as the WotLK intro raid because, like they said, less than 1% of the population saw it before. It does kind of show how boring some of the old raid fights were, with a few exceptions (I basically liked Vael, Chrom, C'Thun and the slime guy in AQ40).


firex said:
I don't really mind them redoing Naxx as the WotLK intro raid because, like they said, less than 1% of the population saw it before. It does kind of show how boring some of the old raid fights were, with a few exceptions (I basically liked Vael, Chrom, C'Thun and the slime guy in AQ40).

No twins :( Noone seems to love that fight as much as me, I thought it was amazing design. Had a lot of fun there, melee hated it though, maybe its a ranged thing?


I was a lock so I didn't like having to build up a shadow resist set and use an otherwise totally worthless spell to "tank" the caster one.


Oni Link 666 said:
Valor items are the Ulduar 10 badges but there is no new gear to buy with them. Yeah, it's pretty stupid that they drop emblems of valor but you can't buy gear that's on the same level as Ulduar 10 gear with them. You might as well buy frozen orbs with your emblems of heroism and bracers with emblems of valor and try to sell them
Checked the PTR today and you can buy two pieces of the Tier 8 set with valor (shoulders and legs).

PS: You can purchase two pieces of T8.5 with Emblems of Conquest (Head and Chest).


Worships the porcelain goddess
How are Rogues fairing lately? I have a friend at work who used to play awhile back and may want to get into it. I'd like to know as well just because I'm curious.


Kintaro said:
How are Rogues fairing lately? I have a friend at work who used to play awhile back and may want to get into it. I'd like to know as well just because I'm curious.

Rogues are awesome

when I make quick work of them on my shadowfrost DK! :D

Really though, the rogues in my guild have great dps and in PvP they are pretty damn annoying. Unless you're a Pally/DK.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Kyoufu said:
Rogues are awesome

when I make quick work of them on my shadowfrost DK! :D

Really though, the rogues in my guild have great dps and in PvP they are pretty damn annoying. Unless you're a Pally/DK.


Thanks. I'll pass it along.

Chris R

Puncture said:
No twins :( Noone seems to love that fight as much as me, I thought it was amazing design. Had a lot of fun there, melee hated it though, maybe its a ranged thing?
I loved the idea of twin emps, just hated the trash before sometimes, the trash after sometimes, and the 2+ months we spent "learning" the fight. FYI learning the fight consisted of having the fucking hunters take multishot off their fucking bars and teaching our only consistent warlocks how to play their class.


yeah, that was the worst thing for me. I tried to be a SR tank but it required fucking retarded amounts of farming. which is too bad because the idiot locks in my guild were the ones who played all the time and had good sets.


Junior Member
IncGamers has word that Blizzard Entertainment has secured the rights to Redneck Rampage, Xatrix Entertainment's Build-engine hillbilly shooter released in 1997, and that Blizzard now owns the trademarks for all three titles in the series, Redneck Rampage, Redneck Rampage Rides Again, and Redneck Rampage Suckin' Grits on Route 66. Xatrix eventually became Gray Matter Interactive and was acquired by Activision in 2002 and eventually merged into Treyarch, but the rights did not belong to Activision Blizzard before now, as they were sold off to Vivendi in 2004. Blizzard recently indicated they have a fifth game in development, and while a campy shooter may not seem to be their sort of project, Incgamers notes that several developers at Blizzard actually worked on the Redneck Rampage games back in the day.

Can't make a new thread so someone go do it in the gaming forum.
Redneck Rampage!
firex said:
Naxx40 was fun? You must be a masochist. Naxx40 was built upon retarded gear checks only an asperger's sufferer could love, honestly (hello old 4 horsemen and needing 4pc t3 for all 8 tanks). AQ40, and to a greater extent, Naxx40 made me decide to never hardcore raid anything in WoW again. I don't really care about later WoW raids being easier, because vanilla WoW's raids weren't hard if you had the specific gear necessary to pass the array of retarded gear checks, or you could move on the few position based fights. I know TBC reduced a lot of the former, but the latter weren't any real challenge either.

I seriously think the only fun fights in vanilla WoW's raiding are most of AQ20's bosses, and C'Thun. Maybe the later Naxx stuff is good but my guild got cockblocked early in old Naxx due to a mix of shitty talent and even shittier design. The new Naxx is easy but it's a fun little throwback to remind you of the old stuff (that like 0.5%, and I'm being generous here, of the WoW population ever saw) without all the retarded "you will farm this place for weeks/months before you can get past this boss fight because we designed it around the stupidest level of gearing possible."

edit: looking further into this thread, I can see that you're talking more about TBC raiding, which I really never did much of (due to the time commitment) after being burned out on vanilla WoW's shitty, shitty, shitty raids. Maybe TBC's stuff was more challenging but less "lol make sure you have enough level 50 blue resist gear on or you get instagibbed" or "lol make sure you farm the same instance enough to get 4 pieces of t3 for all 8 tanks or you'll never be able to see the end."

To me, the BEST setup Blizzard had in terms of Risk vs. Reward and also Time Invested vs. Rewards Gained was that of The Burning Crusade. All Wrath of the Lich King is, is Blizzard's attempt to fight off the natural process that happens to any MMO once it's been out on the market long enough: Player Loss. By "dumbing down" the content to make it easy as possible for virtually everyone, they're trying to get everyone to keep playing on their mains and then their alts and to even possibly buy 2nd accounts to repeat the process there. Why? All to buy enough time till the next expansion comes out and maintain as many people as they can in the process.

What happens though, when you remove anything even resembling a challenge, is a hastening of player burnout and boredom. My Draenei Shaman was only 18 months "old" when I finally quit. I'd racked up almost 6,000 Achievement Points. So, it's not like I didn't do as much as I could in the game and experience as much as I could. When I played TBC content, it was the reason why I logged in every day. It was the asking of the question of the day or week "Can we finally drop *insert boss/encounter here* tonight?" It took us 2 days to clear Naxx10. Bout 14 days to get Naxx25 done. Naxx25 would've been done sooner, but Patchwerk & Thaddeus were a pain back then to keep folks up (tanks for Patchwerk & dps from killing themselves on + / - transitions on Thaddeus).

Have I done Sarth+3D? Nope. Just Sarth+2D. Does it change the fact that I've seen him and most of the drakes die in the same fight over and over again? Nope. Still means that I still grew bored with the game is a record-setting speed in this game.


DiatribeEQ said:
All Wrath of the Lich King is, is Blizzard's attempt to fight off the natural process that happens to any MMO once it's been out on the market long enough: Player Loss. By "dumbing down" the content to make it easy as possible for virtually everyone, they're trying to get everyone to keep playing on their mains and then their alts and to even possibly buy 2nd accounts to repeat the process there.

The large problem with your argument is that you're basing your assumptions about WotLK content on the first released and Blizzard-admitted easy dungeons. Blizzard has stated time and time again that Naxx is supposed to be easy and that those looking for a fight will find what they want in Ulduar and beyond. The challenge should be ramping up as more dungeons are completed and released. So the challenge you're looking for should be ready by, I dunno, say Novemberish. :p
keeblerdrow said:
The large problem with your argument is that you're basing your assumptions about WotLK content on the first released and Blizzard-admitted easy dungeons. Blizzard has stated time and time again that Naxx is supposed to be easy and that those looking for a fight will find what they want in Ulduar and beyond. The challenge should be ramping up as more dungeons are completed and released. So the challenge you're looking for should be ready by, I dunno, say Novemberish. :p

Ulduar will be as much a fight after a time or two through it as Naxx25 was. When blues on the forums stated: "There will never be another raid instance as hard as Sunwell again." This both made me very happy, yet very sad. Happy in that I never had to worry about feeling as if certain classes & specs HAD to be there at the exclusion of someone else being forced to sit out till folks were starting to get geared up enough to let a few others in. But it also made me sad that I knew that by how Blizzard likes to do things anymore (40 man raid content nerfed down to 25 man raid content to essentially the new content being "25 man content being the 10 man content +15 more people"), it's only a matter of time.

Other signs people should've been made themselves aware of, was that in both 2007 & 2008, Blizzard had 1.1 Billion in gross revenues with a 520 million dollar profit in 2007 and 1 billion in sales and a 470 million in profits in 2008. Now, with profits like that, one would assume they'd be cranking out top notch content to make sure this cash cow continues. But did they?


We get expansions every 2 years with less and less content. Much of the "Content Patches" we received after the original Vanilla WoW was released (Maraudon, Dire Maul, Zul'Gurub, Black Wing Lair, ect) were almost 100% "done" when the original game shipped, but some aspect wasn't finished/polished (re: Scripts fully tested, bosses/encounters itemized, fights balanced, ect). But if you noticed something, with each expansion, we received not only less each time in the offering of the expansion (5 years to develop WoW, 2 years to develop an expansion, so we should get roughly 40% more content, yes?), but we also received less and less in the content patches as well.

No one ever has said that Blizzard moves fast. If anything, it's how slowly they've worked in the past to help ensure that we've received top notch quality. But 4+ years later and billions in profits and ZERO competition later, Blizzard has grown fat and lazy and willing to sell their souls to give you whatever you want to keep you subscribing longer. They do this all while forgetting a simple motto (this from Stan Lee & Jack Kirby): "You don't give the fans what they think they want, but what they didn't know they wanted."
Epix said:
Checked the PTR today and you can buy two pieces of the Tier 8 set with valor (shoulders and legs).

The tokens up for emblems of valor are the same ones up on live realms. They're for T7.5.

Lost Vanquisher is for T7. Wayward Vanquisher is for T8.
I think you overlook all the tweaking they've done to their engine and the massive amount of man hours they put into balancing, redesigning and even redefining their classes, as well. I know I'm verging on sounding like an apologist, but I think the quality of the assets in both a visual and experiential perspective is miles better than the content released with and patched into vanilla WoW. Blizzard is nothing if not consistant, as you said, and I think part of that consistency is giving people quality over quantity in their games. "You don't give the fans what they think they want, but what they didn't know they wanted." They are taking care of the people who are paying them, not the 5% that whine more than the rest, at this point.

That 5 year development cycle they had for WoW initially was blissfully and adventageously free of Blizzard's biggest development hinderance in the intervening years: us. Keeping up and giving service to the largest online player base in the world is probably pretty taxing and they probably have to reroute resources to hotfixes and content fixes all the time.
:lol I just led a Maly 25 pug. Only had 2 attempts before people "had to go", but we got him well into phase 2 at least, something I wouldn't have expected from a Caelestrasz pug. I was suprised it actually got formed.


TBC launched with a lot of raid content, but think how many months past vanilla WoW launch it took for BWL to come out, when all that existed was MC and Ony. It was a long time, and yet BT came out for TBC about as fast (maybe faster) and Ulduar will be out for WotLK in about the same time frame.


Has problems recognising girls
Gamers are too fickle and tend to have short memory spans to these things. I still remember creating my first character, an Undead Mage, and it still seems like yesterday. It's when you start looking towards the future and going "oh man this is going to take forever to wait for!" is when it starts becoming a bit of a joke.
speedpop said:
Gamers are too fickle and tend to have short memory spans to these things. I still remember creating my first character, an Undead Mage, and it still seems like yesterday. It's when you start looking towards the future and going "oh man this is going to take forever to wait for!" is when it starts becoming a bit of a joke.

I remember my first toon, rolled in Feb of 05, just months after WoW was released. It was a NE Warrior, I was stuck in Teldrassil for MONTHS because I would get on, do a quest, log off, eventually not even getting XP there anymore but sticking around because I was lost.

Thats what you get for trying to Play WoW when your 12


well time will tell how this expansion will fare, but its hard to argue that its better than TBC launch right now, hopefully ulduar will be a good instance


Has problems recognising girls
StormyTheRabbit said:
I remember my first toon, rolled in Feb of 05, just months after WoW was released. It was a NE Warrior, I was stuck in Teldrassil for MONTHS because I would get on, do a quest, log off, eventually not even getting XP there anymore but sticking around because I was lost.

Thats what you get for trying to Play WoW when your 12

It took me at least 2 weeks to get my Mage to lvl 20 either because I didn't have time to play or I was too busy getting lost. These days it takes me several hours to hit it.

We had one kid on our guild who was 10, going by the name WarchiefBul or something. I can't even remember how he got invited and we all thought he was just a 16 year old wanting to duel in Barrens constantly because he never left the place, till one of the officers found out his age and we kinda felt sorry for him. Was always fun leading him around helping him do quests on the weekends before raid nights after that.


DiatribeEQ said:
What happens though, when you remove anything even resembling a challenge

DiatribeEQ said:
Have I done Sarth+3D? Nope.

Does not compute. And this NEVER will compute with me. If what you really desire is the challenge (hell im in that same boat) you can't turn around and ignore the best challenge the game has to offer then call it all to easy. 3D 25 man and then 10M 3D (especially with our 10 man make up) was the hardest thing I have ever EVER experienced in WC outside of hell, 4H. It sounds like what you are more interested in is 'seeing' the new content, not the actual challenge of defeating it. And thats fine. If you dont want to meet the challenge of defeating three drakes because in your opinion seeing all three drakes die individually (or with only 2 up which isnt even remotely the same as 3) then killing Sarth is experiencing it, then fine.

But don't go using the "Theres no challenge" line. You haven't earned the right to. If its so goddamn easy why didn't you breeze through it when you were doing 2D. Its such a common trait among everyone talking about how easy shit is. "I haven't done it, but its SOOO easy!" Not to mention judging an expansion thats going to have 4 major raids (Naxx 25 + Ulduar + So Far unnamed raid + Icecrown) all based on the first raid available. I don't take any issue with you being tired of seeing the inside of Obsidian Sanctum and growing bored of all the red. Just don't go calling the shit easy and un-challenging when you so conveniently burned out riiiiiight as you got to the only challenge in WoTLK. :lol Funny how that works. Im not picking on you either, it just always seems to be that way... Like people breeze through Wraths 'Karazahn' pat themselves on the back, then hit the brickwall that is 3D and just go "MAN THIS IS STUPID ANYWAY LOL ITS SO EASY SCREW IT WE DONT HAVE TO DO 3D!"

Kyoufu said:
Going to collect my Greatness Trinket at the faire tonight woooooohooooooooo :D

I'm picking up mine too (god I'm late) But if I remember right this is tomorrow right?


I'm kind of wondering what glyphs I should go with for my ret offspec. I guess it's more pve focused so I should take glyph of seal of blood, but I'm also tempted for glyph of hammer of wrath or the new glyph of divine storm. judgement is the obvious major, though. and EJ's ret thread goes off the old 3.0 glyphs. 3.1 adds so many good new ones.


Puncture said:
I'm picking up mine too (god I'm late) But if I remember right this is tomorrow right?

Well according to my calendar it begins at 3am local time (european realm).

StormyTheRabbit said:

I lived in Storm Peaks for a week and got twice the gold I needed. Can't wait to get it.
I finally got into a Naxx10 and Naxx25 group that was able to clear the instance and it was actually quite fun. The only problem I had was Thaddius and Heigan (I think? The guy with the dance) because of connection and computer issues I have a pretty poor framerate and latency so I kept dieing...at least the guys I was playing with were cool with it and understood my predicament and didn't boot me.


funkmastergeneral said:
I finally got into a Naxx10 and Naxx25 group that was able to clear the instance and it was actually quite fun. The only problem I had was Thaddius and Heigan (I think? The guy with the dance) because of connection and computer issues I have a pretty poor framerate and latency so I kept dieing...at least the guys I was playing with were cool with it and understood my predicament and didn't boot me.

I failed on the dance the first few times but now its cake. Thaddius though is so easy @_@ all you have to do is watch your debuffs and go to the corresponding side.
Kyoufu said:
I failed on the dance the first few times but now its cake. Thaddius though is so easy @_@ all you have to do is watch your debuffs and go to the corresponding side.

Well when you're getting 4fps on the fight, you die very quickly if you're on the wrong side for too long. I really don't know why my fps is so shitty in raids...I have a gig of ram and a 1.6 ghz processor, but when 25 people are doing shit and lots of effects are happening my computer decides to die. at least in 25 man other people can pick up my healing slack.


funkmastergeneral said:
Well when you're getting 4fps on the fight, you die very quickly if you're on the wrong side for too long. I really don't know why my fps is so shitty in raids...I have a gig of ram and a 1.6 ghz processor, but when 25 people are doing shit and lots of effects are happening my computer decides to die. at least in 25 man other people can pick up my healing slack.

I'm sure you've explored this but I'll toss it out anyhow: lower resolution and turn down spell effects.


funkmastergeneral said:
Well when you're getting 4fps on the fight, you die very quickly if you're on the wrong side for too long. I really don't know why my fps is so shitty in raids...I have a gig of ram and a 1.6 ghz processor, but when 25 people are doing shit and lots of effects are happening my computer decides to die. at least in 25 man other people can pick up my healing slack.
If you're on the wrong side, you're going to die immediately regardless of your framerate :)

but yeah, 25 man raids are pretty rough on a computer. The first thing you should do is turn down your spell effects all the way (in video options somewhere). It will help a lot. Also, if you run Recount or some other damage meter addon, that uses quite a bit of juice during a really active raid like that. I'd unload it.


If You Can't Beat 'Em, Talk Shit About 'Em
usea said:
If you're on the wrong side, you're going to die immediately regardless of your framerate :)

but yeah, 25 man raids are pretty rough on a computer. The first thing you should do is turn down your spell effects all the way (in video options somewhere). It will help a lot. Also, if you run Recount or some other damage meter addon, that uses quite a bit of juice during a really active raid like that. I'd unload it.
False. Thats the quickest way to hurt your raid. Turn it to 2 spots from the bottom. You need to know where the insta kill rings are when they popup.
Yea, I don't even know why they allow the lowest setting to exist. You can't see anything with it, and half fucking point of raiding is to avoid standing in the bright colors on the floor.


vumpler said:
False. Thats the quickest way to hurt your raid. Turn it to 2 spots from the bottom. You need to know where the insta kill rings are when they popup.
Those still show up with spell effects all the way down.


Fulleffect said:
I agree totally, but vomiting up 3 year old content as the main raid content of a 40$ expansion is pretty fucking weaksauce

Next expansion they can make people level through the opposites quest lines and can add a whole new 80 lvls of rehashed content for people who haven't played both sides yet :p then they can x5 the stats on all items/mobs in aq40 and it can be the new raid heh

it's just lazy :(


Personally I find it disgusting and insulting how much they've recycled of stuff this xpac. Item models regurgitated with just different colors. Lvl 58gear recycled into level 80 Naxx gear. Enchanting effects recycled with zero differences from TBC/Vanilla wow.

Throw all of that in with their own coders unable to replicate "mods" done by avid WoW fans, along with a lack of content and emblem gear, and the long time it's taking for this patch to hit is very disappointing. Blizzard gets too much of a free pass from the fans. I really enjoy the gameplay, and mainly, the social aspect since I have many RL friends that play, but I can call Blizzard out for being a bunch of hacks this xpac, cashing in Activision style on a name. And considering the absurd amount of profit made on the game after their expenses, it's downright disgusting.

Unfortunately, it seems the majority of WoW fans suffer from Stockhom Syndrome, and even when the facts are put in front of their face they must defend their captures.
J-Rzez said:

Personally I find it disgusting and insulting how much they've recycled of stuff this xpac. Item models regurgitated with just different colors.

I understand your complaint, but honestly Naxxramas is still one of the best raids Blizzard has ever designed. And the Tier 3/Tier 7 models are still the best armor sets Blizzard ever designed.
ToyMachine228 said:
I understand your complaint, but honestly Naxxramas is still one of the best raids Blizzard has ever designed. And the Tier 3/Tier 7 models are still the best armor sets Blizzard ever designed.

Tier 2 or bust.


Oh yeah, well......Tier 1 mage got the most mileage.:(

Fucking recolored that for everything. I think that might've knocked more mages out of the game than anything.
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