Alex said:Max DPS is a really bad site unless you're just looking for very basic suggestions or loot list. Their actual ranking can be pretty hilarious. I'd just go to EJ and look around if you are looking for a specific ladder.
My favorite world event was the zombie one just before LK. All the AQ one did was crash the server over and over.
Alex said:Yeah, it was great. If you glanced at the official boards the complaining about it was absolutely hilarious. People were completely irate.
hen the next major content patch launches we will be introducing epic quality gems and updating the perks for each profession. Please keep in mind that any of this information may see further changes before the patch launches.
The design recipes for cutting epic gems will be made available for purchase with Dalaran Jewelcrafter’s Tokens and there are several ways to obtain raw epic gems:
Prospecting Titanium Ore
Alchemy transmutations
Purchased with Honor
Purchased with Emblems of Heroism
Coinciding with the implementation of epic gems and the gain that Blacksmiths will receive through their perk from these new gems, we have gone through all of the perks in every profession and increased their values to match up accordingly.
The Mixology benefits from Northrend elixirs and flasks have been increased
Added a new pattern for Flask of the North, usable by players with a high alchemy skill. The recipe is purchased from the honor potion vendor. The Flask of the North increases your spell power, attack power, or Strength for 1 hour, and is usable in arenas. It is not consumed when used.
Endless Healing Potion and Endless Mana Potion no longer usable in arenas. Amount of health and mana has been increased, and the cooldown reduced. They are still usable everywhere else.
No changes will be made to this profession; it will continue to have the 2 additional prismatic sockets (which can hold the new epic gems)
Values on Northrend ring enchants increased
Increased benefits from Hyperspeed Accelerators, Hand-Mounted Pyro Rocket, and Reticulated Armor Webbing glove modifications
Increased healing from Lifeblood (Rank 6)
Lifeblood now scales slightly with maximum health
Lifeblood no longer affected by global cooldown
Master's Inscriptions increased
Dragon's Eye gems stat bonuses increased
Fur Lining values increased
Toughness (Rank 6) provides more Stamina
Master of Anatomy (Rank 6) provides more critical strike rating
Embroideries improved
With raiding being more accessible than ever coupled with tons and tons of casuals farming day in an out, that kind of event would be HUGE today.Alex said:The materials were just stupid. Shoveling in a ton of random bullshit, very interactive and engaging.
No, but what soured me on the whole ordeal was that retarded carapace grinding. Maybe you had some smiley happy server where everyone pitched in, but all it was for us on Kael'thas was a fucking grind fest because we were the only guild lifting a finger. It got to the point where we started bribing non-raiders with gold to farm that shit so we didnt have to schedule post-raid bug grinding.
The opening of the gates crashed the world server every 10 minutes. We had to go inside and skip all of it just to stay online.
I hate the AQ event, in fact I hate everything about AQ that isn't C'thun, which is still the most awesome boss ever. Yogg Saron was a piece of shit compared to C'thun.
If I ever go crazy and worship an evil god, it would totally be C'thun
Its a known issue. (terrain renderer crapping out)Alex said:Man my framerate has suddenly gone completely to pot. 5 FPS during Razorscale, what the fuck has caused this? Theres basically no side programs running, newest video card drivers, no viruses, ran the repair tool.
How annoying.
The fragment system is such bullshit rng. Clearing virtually every hard mode and only getting a fragment off Yogg for the week while some idiots clearing the place normal are at like 20/30. Should move deafening roar to a -3/-4 keeper ability to balance out the universe.cubicle47b said:It was a good fragment night. Picked up 3 which puts me at 14/30.
Xabora said:
I love damage scaling fights. :lol
Those numbers are just bad. Mages should gunning for 12k+ (up to 20k). Our melee does 9-10k.Xabora said:
I love damage scaling fights. :lol
You're the one who tried some bullshit tactic. It blew up in your face, and it's not his fault. Also your system is whack if you pay what you bid. In a non-zero-sum bid system, the winner should pay the 2nd highest bid +1. If I bid 500 and you bid 200. I should win and have to pay 201. Your current system is giving you incentive to try and play some retarded meta-game, using social skills to try and gain an upper hand on who is bidding how much and how much you should bid. Stupid.Epix said:Opinions:
I have the most dkp in my guild due to the fact that I have not missed a raid in 5 months. The 2h axe drops of Ignis last night and I've already spoken with all the other players who could use the axe (in the event that it drops) if they're interested in going after it. They all say no. I bid a good amount, but not a ton so it doesn't seem like I'm getting it for nothing, and lo and behold one of the DKs who told me he wasn't interested spent his entire dkp. Now I don't have a problem with people blowing their dkp and outbidding me when I make an error in assuming they don't want to spend everything they have but when someone, in my own guild, tells me that they aren't bidding then blows their entire load pisses me off. If you want to keep your bidding strategy private then just say "I haven't decided" or "I don't know yet." I would have had no issue with just bidding more dkp then he had available. These kind of tactics feel like thievery to me and something I'd expect in a PUG and not within a guild.
LoklorXabora said:
I love damage scaling fights. :lol
CassSept said:Loklor
DPS - 5876
Ugh, wat? How? How is it possible? Rogues should do over 6k dps on normal fights, let alone the damage scaling ones. I understand his gear may be worse, but damn, DAMN. Just for reference, on our last Hodir I did 12 099 dps >.>''
Yeah, gear differences, but that's over twice as much dps as he did. And I didn't even top dmg meter (well casters did, but that's usual for this fight).
Seeing things like these makes me die a little bit inside. Seriously, and I still wonder why many people think that rogues are useless >.<
usea said:You're the one who tried some bullshit tactic. It blew up in your face, and it's not his fault. Also your system is whack if you pay what you bid. In a non-zero-sum bid system, the winner should pay the 2nd highest bid +1. If I bid 500 and you bid 200. I should win and have to pay 201. Your current system is giving you incentive to try and play some retarded meta-game, using social skills to try and gain an upper hand on who is bidding how much and how much you should bid. Stupid.
I'd lie to you about my bidding plans as well, for asking such a dick question to try and get the upper hand on dkp. Putting a fellow guild member in the position to either tell the truth to fuck themselves over or lie to protect themselves is a dick move. You deserve what you got.
I forgot to mention most of the DPS was kinda hodir happy. >_>CassSept said:Loklor
DPS - 5876
Ugh, wat? How? How is it possible? Rogues should do over 6k dps on normal fights, let alone the damage scaling ones. I understand his gear may be worse, but damn, DAMN. Just for reference, on our last Hodir I did 12 099 dps >.>''
Yeah, gear differences, but that's over twice as much dps as he did. And I didn't even top dmg meter (well casters did, but that's usual for this fight).
Seeing things like these makes me die a little bit inside. Seriously, and I still wonder why many people think that rogues are useless >.<
Blizzard said:There comes a time in all shamans lives when they must learn to harness the power of nature and wield powerful totems. As they grow in power, so do the opportunities to use these instruments of healing, protection, and destruction. In the upcoming content patch, Call of the Crusade, the shaman will be able to quickly place totems of each element, aiding them in managing these powerful focuses of nature.
We wanted to provide some insight regarding the upcoming shaman-specific interface addition, the Totem Bar. Shaman will be able to utilize this new bar to manage their fire, earth, water, and air totems in a more accessible and convenient way. This bar will appear on the left-hand side above the standard toolbar, similar to warrior stances or druid forms. The bar contains space for four totems of the players choice, one of each element. Clicking the respective button will drop that totem. To the right of the four totems is a button for Totemic Call, which we have renamed Call of Earth. To the left of the four totems is a new ability named Call of Fire which will drop all four totems on the bar at once. The mana cost is the same as if the shaman dropped all four of the totems one at a time. However, it takes but a single global cooldown.
Questing shaman will be able to quickly move their totems of choice forward, while a shaman in an instance, Arena, or Battleground will be able to replace their totems if they have to move or if the totems are destroyed.
Shamans will also be able to customize their bar to set Call of Fire to drop less than four totems if they choose. Access to this functionality is made available at the same level as Call of Earth (currently level 30.) At higher levels, Shaman will gain two additional spells, Call of Air and Call of Water. These function exactly the same as Call of Fire, essentially giving the shaman three different sets of totems that can be placed at once. New key bindings will also be made available for all of these slots.
As with all new content under testing, we want to caution players that, as a new part of the interface, there may be additional changes during the period of the PTR until the release of the Call of the Crusade content patch. We look forward to constructive feedback once it is available for testing.
for mostly in demand stuff, get agi and str scarlet rubies. agi/stamina twilight opal is good. hit/stamina and hit/spirit forest emerald is good. defense/stamina is also good. spell/crit and/or spell/hit (I know I have one of these, I just can't remember which) is worth picking up, too, since a lot of casters have a higher hit rating requirement than melee.Scum said:As a Jewelcrafter, what designs should I be on prowl for, so as to not waste my tokens on crud?
Don't worry, you'll have plenty of new dailies to do so you can grind for more pets and mounts and tabards!Alex said:Not digging the sound of the new content. They've now seemingly adapted the time duration limit on an overall scale.
IcedTea said:Don't worry, you'll have plenty of new dailies to do so you can grind for more pets and mounts and tabards!
At least we're back to dungeons that could reasonably be accomplished in less than 3 days.Alex said:Noooo.
I hope the 5 man stuff is worth doing, at least.
wut?Angry Grimace said:At least we're back to dungeons that could reasonably be accomplished in less than 3 days.
Crusader's Coliseum raid is a 5 boss dungeon, with FOUR modes; 10 man, 25 man, 10 man Heroic and 25 man Heroic.Zaro said:wut?
firex said:You might want to redo your spec a little if you are pveing, but it looks like from your gear and talents you are pvp focused. Though I'm not sure why you would have glyph of healing stream totem in a pvp build. Is it actually good for that? I'd assume glyph of lightning shield is better, or glyph of frost shock.
For pve, you will want to drop frozen power and earthen power, and elemental focus and convection, and go 2/5 ancestral knowledge for the following: 3/3 static shock, 3/3 call of flame, 5/5 elemental fury. pve glyphs are basically glyph of lightning shield, glyph of stormstrike, glyph of lava lash/lightning bolt for third slot.
For pve you obviously need more hit rating, too. You have 35 and you need 335 more to be hit capped at 80 for raids (with moonkin/shadow priest debuff, but no reason to get the extra 3% spell hit past that). Your weapons need to be slower, but since you are 80 there are multiple things you can buy:
the offhand claw from ebon blade
the axes from sons of hodir
the titansteel bonecrusher from any blacksmith/the AH
probably more just by clicking "find an upgrade" on your armory.
funkmastergeneral said:I'm currently leveling jewelcrafting through the thorium stage and wow this is awful![]()