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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace said:
Gotta imagine the zerging will be fixed somehow. It wasn't fixed on Sarth because OS was well past it's time by the time people discovered that, but 80% of guilds haven't cleared Yogg yet.
Yeah, Blizz is going to have to fix the zerg strat for OS/Freya style hardmodes now I bet. Increasing the damage done by the enrage when they get down to a low % health (or increase the % they enrage at) should wipe out the strat for any future bosses that have hardmodes like that.


Angry Grimace said:
They could use it. They just wouldn't gain any benefit from the extra armor. The only thing plate has in terms of itemization over anyone else is armor levels. It would be perfectly fair; they can use plate if they dual spec something else, right?

My personal reason I think it would be helpful is because Holy Pallies roll on healer items regardless of type anyways.

It's just kind of dumb to have an entire class of armor pieces for one class, especially when they've made it clear they don't want it to be like that. It seems like a perfectly elegant solution when you consider that most Holy Pallies roll on healer mail anyways!
My point isn't about armor value or anything, just that every resto shaman and holy paladin shouldn't look the same. I think the real issue is you (and I and nearly everybody) doesn't want to see gear drop that only one class/spec can use, when there might not be that class/spec in a raid, or even if there is, they already have it. So my thought is pretty simple: why not just remove it from drops but have it buyable via emblems, and/or crafted?

Although really, I think they also need to go back to the Sunmote idea with raid drops. Have generic stuff that most classes can use for that specific armor type, and then a token like sunmotes, but one that everyone gets (so more like emblems, I guess) and allow you to trade in generic gear + the currency to buy gear specifically suited to your spec.

I know it's just an aesthetic thing, but I don't think every healer/dps/tank should look the same, unless they're actually wearing the same gear. There should be some way so you can easily pick out a holy pally from a tank or dps pally beyond them wearing the same gear as a resto shaman.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
My point isn't about armor value or anything, just that every resto shaman and holy paladin shouldn't look the same. I think the real issue is you (and I and nearly everybody) doesn't want to see gear drop that only one class/spec can use, when there might not be that class/spec in a raid, or even if there is, they already have it. So my thought is pretty simple: why not just remove it from drops but have it buyable via emblems, and/or crafted?

Although really, I think they also need to go back to the Sunmote idea with raid drops. Have generic stuff that most classes can use for that specific armor type, and then a token like sunmotes, but one that everyone gets (so more like emblems, I guess) and allow you to trade in generic gear + the currency to buy gear specifically suited to your spec.

I know it's just an aesthetic thing, but I don't think every healer/dps/tank should look the same, unless they're actually wearing the same gear. There should be some way so you can easily pick out a holy pally from a tank or dps pally beyond them wearing the same gear as a resto shaman.
Well partially that's not a problem becuase there aren't any races that can play both shaman and paladin. :lol

If aesthetics are the only issue, there's a bigger problem, since every piece of gear from each tier of content looks identical outside of the tier pieces.

My particular problem is that it's lame when a piece of plate Healing shit drops because at most, even in a 25 man, only 2 guys care.

On the same note, why is it that the BoE from each boss is Plate Spell power crap, thus flooding the AH with multiple pieces of shitty Plate SP stuff that no-one apparently wants?


Modesty becomes a woman
cubicle47b said:
It seemed like they already fixed it. She was healing 66K+ per second. I initially had us try the zerg but even with wound poison we weren't making a dent.

My main - http://www.wowarmory.com/character-sheet.xml?r=Drak'Tharon&cn=Esmi

There's no way they stealth nerfed it and we haven't heard about it yet.

How do you know that it isn't by design? It's probably harder to do it that way, why would they change it?


There's no way they stealth nerfed it and we haven't heard about it yet.

How do you know that it isn't by design? It's probably harder to do it that way, why would they change it?

You need a blue tracker, friend:


* The additional healing Freya receives, through the Attuned to Nature buff, has been increased.
* Focus Anger, on Yogg-Saron’s Crusher tentacles, will no longer result from pet attacks.
* Pyrite will now disappear after 3 minutes instead of 1 minute.


Junior Member
Alex said:
Really? I always heard that a couple of the top EU guilds had sponsors like that.

I don't think it'd be a discredit at all. Getting paid to play a game you like > paying to play a game you like!

You'd certainly have to pay me to play like a few of those crazy EU guilds
I always thought this too. But seriously, I'd love to be wondering around raids the way these guys and guilds too. But the time I get into Ulduar, I'll probably be the only left still playing WoW! :lol
Scum said:
I always thought this too. But seriously, I'd love to be wondering around raids the way these guys and guilds too. But the time I get into Ulduar, I'll probably be the only left still playing WoW! :lol
It's weird that you mention those posts, I was just going to link this interview some officers/co-GMs at Ensidia did: http://wowriot.gameriot.com/blogs/W...em-Better-Than-Old-Interview-with-Ensidia-PvE

It has one quote of interest to that conversation:
World of Ming said:
A lot of people have been spreading the notion that Ensidia members get paid to raid in WoW and kill bosses first. Is that how the sponsorship works? If not, what exactly does it entail?

Mek: The concept behind Ensidia is much more than just a guild, we want to make a strong gaming community and that's why we've done stuff like add a PvP team, it's an organisation of its own. The members are not paid, each member received a few euros when we merged to cover stuff like transfer fees and just to show that they mattered to us. Myself, Mackzter, Kungen, Nessaj are all paid employees of the Ensidia organisation but this isn't for playing this is for out of game activities since we are the only paid staff actually running things on a day to day basis. It's not a huge salary but getting to be part of something new is really important to us and a dream if in the end we can actually make it work.

Mackzter: That being said we are just like any other hardcore guild ingame and I have to say that it is really stressful to try and stay number one! And yes, our members do go to school and they do have jobs!

There's also some interesting things mentioned there, so I guess you should check it out.
Angry Grimace said:
Well partially that's not a problem becuase there aren't any races that can play both shaman and paladin. :lol


On the same note, why is it that the BoE from each boss is Plate Spell power crap, thus flooding the AH with multiple pieces of shitty Plate SP stuff that no-one apparently wants

There are 4 healing plate BoE's that drop in WotLK raids compared to ~9 cloth BoE's. Overrepresented, sure, but come on. Naxx had *far* too much healing plate but Ulduar's loot tables are fine.


Been having some attendance issues lately with the guild so ..... the top 2 guilds on the server have merged with the best players from both and told the lesser players that they are going to have to take a casual rank.

This should be fun. Hard modes here we come!
Somnia said:
Sorry! I'm thinking of starting a 2nd account just to get up to 60 fast and then canceling it :D

Let me know if you do! I'd be down to level with you. I've had several 80's/70's/60's and know what I would be doing, so we could do it incredibly fast.


I heard it would take 10 hours to do RAF leveling with just doing instances?

Before anyone scolds me, I want to level horde versions of chars I have on alliance.


cubicle47b said:
There are 4 healing plate BoE's that drop in WotLK raids compared to ~9 cloth BoE's. Overrepresented, sure, but come on. Naxx had *far* too much healing plate but Ulduar's loot tables are fine.

Is that 9 cloth BoE's total? Kind of ridiculous if you consider that spellpower plate is useful for 1 spec, and cloth is useful for what, 9 specs?

Macattk15 said:
Been having some attendance issues lately with the guild so ..... the top 2 guilds on the server have merged with the best players from both and told the lesser players that they are going to have to take a casual rank.

This should be fun. Hard modes here we come!

You're not on Dentarg are you? Just happened on my server last night, but as a result, I got bumped in by my friend into the "lesser" guild.


DeathNote said:
I heard it would take 10 hours to do RAF leveling with just doing instances?

Before anyone scolds me, I want to level horde versions of chars I have on alliance.

I think my last set of alts took 12 hours total, with my prot paladin running through instances starting at lvl10. Travel time and the 1-10 grind were the only time sinks.


Weenerz said:
I think my last set of alts took 12 hours total, with my prot paladin running through instances starting at lvl10. Travel time and the 1-10 grind were the only time sinks.
Did you use two or three accounts?

I heard a higher level char has to boost two low level linked chars?

As is I have one account.


TheExodu5 said:
Is that 9 cloth BoE's total? Kind of ridiculous if you consider that spellpower plate is useful for 1 spec, and cloth is useful for what, 9 specs?

You're not on Dentarg are you? Just happened on my server last night, but as a result, I got bumped in by my friend into the "lesser" guild.

Nope I'm on Trollbane US ... The guild I'm in was currently the top ranked horde side guild on the server.

The 2nd place guild resulted of a merger of the best players of the 2nd / 3rd / 4th guild on the server.

So now we merged with that guild .... so it's pretty much all good players (some big egos however).

We'll see how it goes. This week was the first week we were unable to kill Yogg 25 because of lack of people logging on. Made most of us so mad that we said screw it and merged with these other guys and kicked our "dead weight" to the curb.

Our enhance shaman was doing 3k DPS in pretty damn good Ulduar 25 gear on most if not all bosses, same with the Ele shaman. Their replacements from the other guild do around 5-6k each.
DeathNote said:
Did you use two or three accounts?

I heard a higher level char has to boost two low level linked chars?

As is I have one account.

If you want to level Horde toons of ally ones you have, you can just get a new account, RAF with someone (me >_<), then transfer them to your new account. Either way, if you wanted to RAF with someone or do it yourself, you'll still need another account. A new one.


Angry Grimace said:
Well partially that's not a problem becuase there aren't any races that can play both shaman and paladin. :lol

If aesthetics are the only issue, there's a bigger problem, since every piece of gear from each tier of content looks identical outside of the tier pieces.

My particular problem is that it's lame when a piece of plate Healing shit drops because at most, even in a 25 man, only 2 guys care.

On the same note, why is it that the BoE from each boss is Plate Spell power crap, thus flooding the AH with multiple pieces of shitty Plate SP stuff that no-one apparently wants?
that's why I think they should find a way to limit a lot of the one class/spec gear from dropping, but make it easy enough to get for those who play that one class/spec gear composition to earn.

I mean, imagine playing elemental shaman/boomkin druid in Naxx25. One of your best weapons is Wraith Strike. There's no way to get that except a low % drop off 2 bosses.

I think it would be better to just have stuff like more dps/tank plate drops, and you can exchange it + some emblems (way less than it costs to buy a piece of gear itself) for spell power plate, or hit/spell power mail/leather. And at the same time, add new crafted stuff that also fits some slots and requires drops from the new raid. So basically the old Sunwell sunmote idea, except an easier transaction to make.

With this idea, you could have all the healer plate you want, without it clogging loot tables. You could have items like Wraith Strike, stuff that's relatively unique, without it being highly restricted and rare so raids don't get pissed off at one item 2 possible specs can use out of 30.

I know the art on plate/mail/leather/cloth tends to be palette swapping different tier sets, but what I'm getting at is you should be able to tell what class a player is just by looking at them, which is why I don't want to remove spell power plate from the game and force paladins to use other armor. There's also, in general, that kind of psychological "this is my armor type, I should be wearing that instead of another class's armor type" feeling a lot of people have, even when there are best in slot items that are a different armor type. I know it's not that way for everybody, but for enough people it is. But especially the whole thing about being able to tell what class someone is just by what they're wearing without an /inspect should be true.

So I think the best solutions overall for this are:
1) add more crafted stuff to the game that fills those unique class/spec gear niches
2) add in a system where you can trade one piece of gear + emblems for a same slot, same type, totally different stats piece of gear suited to those unique class/spec gear combos

The second has a loot issue where you wouldn't want to pass up gearing a dps/tank just so your healer could get new stuff when you're done with the instance, but I think it's a better option for raids than having bloated loot tables. Especially if that means more gear for the more represented specs, so you can actually give some to the unique class/spec combos. Although then we're still getting into issues for gearing up those classes pre-raid.

But I mean, you and I and nearly everyone else who plays a plate dps/tank class can be frustrated when plate healer gear drops, but on the reverse of that, I gave up playing elemental on my shaman when I looked at mail gear with hit and spell power and the only things listed were the tier pieces and pvp gear. So I know it wouldn't be fair to holy pallies to remove spell power plate from the game, even if they can use cloth/leather/mail. You can always use that argument for a class with multiple armor types and a unique gear concern, but it's brutal to have no gearing options at your ideal armor level.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
that's why I think they should find a way to limit a lot of the one class/spec gear from dropping, but make it easy enough to get for those who play that one class/spec gear composition to earn.

I mean, imagine playing elemental shaman/boomkin druid in Naxx25. One of your best weapons is Wraith Strike. There's no way to get that except a low % drop off 2 bosses.

I think it would be better to just have stuff like more dps/tank plate drops, and you can exchange it + some emblems (way less than it costs to buy a piece of gear itself) for spell power plate, or hit/spell power mail/leather. And at the same time, add new crafted stuff that also fits some slots and requires drops from the new raid. So basically the old Sunwell sunmote idea, except an easier transaction to make.

With this idea, you could have all the healer plate you want, without it clogging loot tables. You could have items like Wraith Strike, stuff that's relatively unique, without it being highly restricted and rare so raids don't get pissed off at one item 2 possible specs can use out of 30.

I know the art on plate/mail/leather/cloth tends to be palette swapping different tier sets, but what I'm getting at is you should be able to tell what class a player is just by looking at them, which is why I don't want to remove spell power plate from the game and force paladins to use other armor. There's also, in general, that kind of psychological "this is my armor type, I should be wearing that instead of another class's armor type" feeling a lot of people have, even when there are best in slot items that are a different armor type. I know it's not that way for everybody, but for enough people it is. But especially the whole thing about being able to tell what class someone is just by what they're wearing without an /inspect should be true.

So I think the best solutions overall for this are:
1) add more crafted stuff to the game that fills those unique class/spec gear niches
2) add in a system where you can trade one piece of gear + emblems for a same slot, same type, totally different stats piece of gear suited to those unique class/spec gear combos

The second has a loot issue where you wouldn't want to pass up gearing a dps/tank just so your healer could get new stuff when you're done with the instance, but I think it's a better option for raids than having bloated loot tables. Especially if that means more gear for the more represented specs, so you can actually give some to the unique class/spec combos. Although then we're still getting into issues for gearing up those classes pre-raid.

But I mean, you and I and nearly everyone else who plays a plate dps/tank class can be frustrated when plate healer gear drops, but on the reverse of that, I gave up playing elemental on my shaman when I looked at mail gear with hit and spell power and the only things listed were the tier pieces and pvp gear. So I know it wouldn't be fair to holy pallies to remove spell power plate from the game, even if they can use cloth/leather/mail. You can always use that argument for a class with multiple armor types and a unique gear concern, but it's brutal to have no gearing options at your ideal armor level.
The problem with that is that Blizzard LIKES the randomness of the present loot system and Sunmote-like systems make it less random. Part of the perceived value in such systems is that you dont' always get that piece of loot. I think I actually read them saying something very similar to that when someone asked a question like that.


StormyTheRabbit said:
If you want to level Horde toons of ally ones you have, you can just get a new account, RAF with someone (me >_<), then transfer them to your new account. Either way, if you wanted to RAF with someone or do it yourself, you'll still need another account. A new one.
I'll do it with you but I'm confused about the process still.


Macattk15 said:
Nope I'm on Trollbane US ... The guild I'm in was currently the top ranked horde side guild on the server.

The 2nd place guild resulted of a merger of the best players of the 2nd / 3rd / 4th guild on the server.

So now we merged with that guild .... so it's pretty much all good players (some big egos however).

We'll see how it goes. This week was the first week we were unable to kill Yogg 25 because of lack of people logging on. Made most of us so mad that we said screw it and merged with these other guys and kicked our "dead weight" to the curb.

Our enhance shaman was doing 3k DPS in pretty damn good Ulduar 25 gear on most if not all bosses, same with the Ele shaman. Their replacements from the other guild do around 5-6k each.

Have you heard about some of the Fallen drama this weekend?


Junior Member
Flib said:
Have you heard about some of the Fallen drama this weekend?
Drama? What happened?? I love these "dramas" between guilds and in guilds. Some stuff are downright unbelievable. :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cubicle47b said:

There are 4 healing plate BoE's that drop in WotLK raids compared to ~9 cloth BoE's. Overrepresented, sure, but come on. Naxx had *far* too much healing plate but Ulduar's loot tables are fine.
The problem is that they are more stacked on the 10 man bosses that most groups are capable of beating :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cubicle47b said:
...those fucking spacegoats. How could I have forgotten them! :lol

In all seriousness, I shoulda made my priest a Spacegoat. It's got one of the only really useful racials (Heroic Presence). I generally make all my toons Humans just so I can tell the "Ruler of the Bracelet" joke =/
DeathNote said:
I'll do it with you but I'm confused about the process still.

Basically, RAF is for friends who haven't played WoW yet.

You send them an invite, which I can send to you if you PM me your email. Then, if you upgrade the account, we both get about 3 months or so of x3 leveling with added bonuses. It works out since I play horde on Burning Blade, so we can just level there.

More info is here:


If your serious about doing it, PM me and we can work it all out :)


I'm doing RAF for the first time, on a Draenei Hunter. Mind-blowing fast questing, not to mention the free levels.

By comparison my main is a Discipline Priest that has never specced Shadow. So I'm going from one of the slowest leveling builds to one of the fastest + triple XP + free levels.


Re-subed after 4 months vacation (I'm soo weak).
I used to be a pretty hardcore raider. I had given my old account to a friend because I wanted to make it damn sure I wouldn't go back to the blizzcrack. Since I needed the drug STAT and my friend couldn't be reached in time, I just bought a new account.

Best decision ever.

Since I needed to start from scratch, I decided to make it a slow casual experience. This has forced me to make new aquintances, read the lore, learn to love the game again. And I'm having a blast ! I've even deactivated the instant quest text ! I'm taking it extra slow as opposing to power-lvling. Its truely refreshing. This game really provides to both hardcore and casuals. There must be vodoo magic involved :lol


Macattk15 said:
No I have not. What happened? Something to do with the GM from what I can tell off the realm forums.

It sucks, because Cyberknight's a good dude, they just handled this badly.

The guild I'm an officer in is made up of a lot of ex-Fallen people, and we're basically a reformation of the original Evolution (same guild leader and a bunch of members), which was a big guild back in Vanilla, and we formed up pretty recently (after Ulduar came out).

Anyway, we do joint runs with Fallen a lot and are close with a lot of their officers, and on weekends we run joint naxx-25 runs with Fallen to gear alts, new recruits etc. (some Fallen members even have alts in our guild). From what I understand (and at this point I'm still trying to sort out exactly what happened, so there may be more to this than I know yet), two of Fallen's officers rerolled alts, and Cyber banned Fallen members from going on our runs, and instead required their other officers/raiders etc. to take these alts through until they were completely geared out. There was already a solid amount of tension in Fallen, so some officers and raiders got really pissed, gquit and transferred servers. One of the officers specifically, Vyz, was really popular and holding a lot of shit together over there, so it's a big loss for them.

I haven't had a chance to logon since it happened and really figure it out, but that seems to be the gist of it.


Junior Member
Okay. Quick n00b question. Will it be a good idea to upgrade my Ebonweave Robe to a Heroes' Plagueheart Robe?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I wonder if Blizzard is ever going to do server-wide events like the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj event again.

I'd be happy to see some kind of server-wide events like that; albeit I'd like to see them made less grindy than that one apparently was.

I always wanted to see some sort of full on faction goals beyond simply "win Wintergrasp so you can do Vault of Archavon." I'd like to see stuff on a server/world-scale, something bigger than "new battleground", etc.


Junior Member
DeathNote said:
maxdps.com looks like it depends on if you're affliction or destruction
I've been doing far too much 41/30 Demonology, and I'm looking to liven things up a bit. Thought I'd pick up the robes and do some Affliction for a change, get used to it too. It's been a long time since I did some afflicting.


I thought the AQ event was pretty awesome. Everyone on the server could participate, from level 15 noobs to the uber-guilds. I suppose Blizzard got negative feedback from some players on servers that didn't crack the doors open by the first weekend the dungeon went live. Also, I believe paid transfers weren't possible back then (I think?), which might screw with any server-wide efforts now.


Angry Grimace said:
I wonder if Blizzard is ever going to do server-wide events like the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj event again.

I'd be happy to see some kind of server-wide events like that; albeit I'd like to see them made less grindy than that one apparently was.

I always wanted to see some sort of full on faction goals beyond simply "win Wintergrasp so you can do Vault of Archavon." I'd like to see stuff on a server/world-scale, something bigger than "new battleground", etc.
That would be pretty awesome. Argent Tournament is a lame attempt to re-create that. Hopefully next expansion can have an event like that included.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
That would be pretty awesome. Argent Tournament is a lame attempt to re-create that. Hopefully next expansion can have an event like that included.
The Zombie infestation was a cool idea, but in the end it never went anywhere; there wasn't a quest line to end it, or any real benefit to it, it just ended after a while. If there was something to actually do other than a couple of quests, I think people would have been more receptive.

I just want to see a more "Active" world. If you're going to have an MMO with realms frequently at their population cap; I'd like to see some more active events. What I mean is more World Raid bosses. More events that require cooperation with both factions. That sort of thing. Less of "new instance/BG have fun doing the same thing you just did last patch!"

I guess what I'm saying is that I just feel like a game with this many players has a lot more potential for epic multiplayer objectives beyond Battlegrounds and Raid-PvE instances.

I will concede that perhaps World of Warcraft simply isn't designed with the kind of scope I'm thinking of and we'll have to wait for a future MMO to have such an idea.


I think the whole instancing focus and "you can play with thousands of people, but won't have to camp boss spawns for loot" really did mess with that on a fundamental level.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
I think the whole instancing focus and "you can play with thousands of people, but won't have to camp boss spawns for loot" really did mess with that on a fundamental level.
I have to imagine there's a way to make the world more cooperative and interactive without removing that aspect though, but I think what I'm thinking about would encompass an entirely different game.


It could definitely be done. I just mean the mentality at Blizzard seems to be such that they don't even think of events like that anymore.
God damn. Leveling my shaman from 40-50 was awesome, I was just absolutely obliterating things even 3 levels higher then me. Once I got improved stormstrike at 45 I don't think I drank for like two straight levels.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
It could definitely be done. I just mean the mentality at Blizzard seems to be such that they don't even think of events like that anymore.
That's too bad. It would be pretty sweet to do something like that.

Chris R

funkmastergeneral said:
God damn. Leveling my shaman from 40-50 was awesome, I was just absolutely obliterating things even 3 levels higher then me. Once I got improved stormstrike at 45 I don't think I drank for like two straight levels.
You won't ever need to drink :lol If you were drinking before you were doing it wrong.

I just got lava lash, 3k crits to finish mobs off when I don't basically one shot them is sweet. I can pull 1.4k dps in my greens/blues at 75 so every 80 should be able to do that :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
rhfb said:
You won't ever need to drink :lol If you were drinking before you were doing it wrong.

I just got lava lash, 3k crits to finish mobs off when I don't basically one shot them is sweet. I can pull 1.4k dps in my greens/blues at 75 so every 80 should be able to do that :lol
I can do 1.3 on the dummy at 70, but the problem is that real mobs don't wait for my DoTs to get applied :lol


Subconscious Brolonging
The AQ event was probably the coolest thing to ever happen in the game (aside from maybe the real ZG plague). More events and things like that are what MMOs need, mechanics that let the players actually have an impact on the world. WoW's (and most MMOs) world is way too static IMO, you have no effect on it. Hopefully Blizzard's next MMO will tackle this problem.


Max DPS is a really bad site unless you're just looking for very basic suggestions or loot list. Their actual ranking can be pretty hilarious. I'd just go to EJ and look around if you are looking for a specific ladder.

My favorite world event was the zombie one just before LK. All the AQ one did was crash the server over and over.
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