Well, honestly, I haven't tried pvping with enhance since wotlk came out, so I don't know how good/bad it is, but if you leveled on a pvp server I can see having those talents, and I'm not calling them bad per se. They just aren't the ideal pve talents is all. I've only tried pvping as elemental or resto and resto has the whole hard to kill thing (and glyphs to support it) while I'd need actual gear to support ele to evaluate it.
also frozen power is pretty good, but not for pve. The debuff and dps increase from frostbrand are huge, but you can't frostbrand any raid mobs apparently, and most heroic bosses, so you wind up losing overall dps compared to just FT offhand and its spell power increase. I did try frozen power, until my shaman friend told me that, and then I was like "oh yeah, now I feel retarded" and went and specced back to the cookie cutter 16/55/0 build. Also for a pure pve spec, I only keep shamanistic rage around as an oom refill button or for any fight where I take aoe damage.
In terms of stats to look for, you want to be hit capped first and foremost, especially because lightning bolt is such a huge part of enhance shaman dps now (along with glyphed lightning shield, which doesn't need hit afaik, but LB needs to be at spell hit cap), and you also want to have enough expertise to be capped, which is a bit easier since we get 9 expertise from talents. If you can gear up enough to solo heroic magister's terrace, the expertise trinket from there is awesome. There's also the expertise trinket from the beginning quest chain at the argent crusade camp in icecrown, which is what I use. the proc on it is frequent enough that I am pseudo-expertise capped when it procs, though as an orc I really wish there were good hunter/enhance itemized axes to dual wield. Anyway, expertise tangent aside, when you are hit/expertise capped, you just want to load up on agi and crit. agi is a little more valuable, but crit is big, too, and you will find both on your gear anyway. Truth be told I think you will be expertise capped or very close if you get 4/5 tier7 enhance.
By the numbers:
hit cap - 370 hit rating (14% spell hit)
expertise cap - 26 expertise (forget how much rating, but I believe it's around 268)
crit - shoot for 30% melee, don't worry too much about spell because you will get most of your crit from crit rating
agi/int will naturally be all over your gear, and that means you will get a decent amount of "natural" melee and spell crit from those stats being boosted. plus essentially every point of agi and int is 1AP with the talent that gives you 100% of your int as AP. Stamina, while useful, is not that important in most fights unless they are aoe heavy. in which case you have shamanistic rage and feral spirit.
One thing I noticed but forgot to comment on in your gear is the caster hit ring you have on your armory. While that's a good ring for elemental, you want ring of scarlet shadows for your enhance set. This ring is so awesome, you will have a hard time replacing it until you get something similar from raids. I would socket that thing with either a hit/stamina gem or a pure hit gem depending upon your hit needs. There is also good crafted hit gear you can get. Eaglebane bracers are a great placeholder, unless you can afford the boe epic mail bracers; either the valor or ulduar10 ones are among the best you'll get. Tear-linked gauntlets are a normal UP drop and also good for the slot. Spaulders of Lost Secrets are from the quest in HoS, which you could do at 80 in normal mode. Condor-Bone chestguard is a world drop boe and also good placeholder stuff. Dragonstompers are crafted by LWs. I forget your professions, but you are one, you can make them once you get the skill and 35 Icy Dragonscales. There's more than just this, but I can't even remember where everything I have on my shaman is from.
also frozen power is pretty good, but not for pve. The debuff and dps increase from frostbrand are huge, but you can't frostbrand any raid mobs apparently, and most heroic bosses, so you wind up losing overall dps compared to just FT offhand and its spell power increase. I did try frozen power, until my shaman friend told me that, and then I was like "oh yeah, now I feel retarded" and went and specced back to the cookie cutter 16/55/0 build. Also for a pure pve spec, I only keep shamanistic rage around as an oom refill button or for any fight where I take aoe damage.
In terms of stats to look for, you want to be hit capped first and foremost, especially because lightning bolt is such a huge part of enhance shaman dps now (along with glyphed lightning shield, which doesn't need hit afaik, but LB needs to be at spell hit cap), and you also want to have enough expertise to be capped, which is a bit easier since we get 9 expertise from talents. If you can gear up enough to solo heroic magister's terrace, the expertise trinket from there is awesome. There's also the expertise trinket from the beginning quest chain at the argent crusade camp in icecrown, which is what I use. the proc on it is frequent enough that I am pseudo-expertise capped when it procs, though as an orc I really wish there were good hunter/enhance itemized axes to dual wield. Anyway, expertise tangent aside, when you are hit/expertise capped, you just want to load up on agi and crit. agi is a little more valuable, but crit is big, too, and you will find both on your gear anyway. Truth be told I think you will be expertise capped or very close if you get 4/5 tier7 enhance.
By the numbers:
hit cap - 370 hit rating (14% spell hit)
expertise cap - 26 expertise (forget how much rating, but I believe it's around 268)
crit - shoot for 30% melee, don't worry too much about spell because you will get most of your crit from crit rating
agi/int will naturally be all over your gear, and that means you will get a decent amount of "natural" melee and spell crit from those stats being boosted. plus essentially every point of agi and int is 1AP with the talent that gives you 100% of your int as AP. Stamina, while useful, is not that important in most fights unless they are aoe heavy. in which case you have shamanistic rage and feral spirit.
One thing I noticed but forgot to comment on in your gear is the caster hit ring you have on your armory. While that's a good ring for elemental, you want ring of scarlet shadows for your enhance set. This ring is so awesome, you will have a hard time replacing it until you get something similar from raids. I would socket that thing with either a hit/stamina gem or a pure hit gem depending upon your hit needs. There is also good crafted hit gear you can get. Eaglebane bracers are a great placeholder, unless you can afford the boe epic mail bracers; either the valor or ulduar10 ones are among the best you'll get. Tear-linked gauntlets are a normal UP drop and also good for the slot. Spaulders of Lost Secrets are from the quest in HoS, which you could do at 80 in normal mode. Condor-Bone chestguard is a world drop boe and also good placeholder stuff. Dragonstompers are crafted by LWs. I forget your professions, but you are one, you can make them once you get the skill and 35 Icy Dragonscales. There's more than just this, but I can't even remember where everything I have on my shaman is from.