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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gloomfire said:
So that Boomkin I talked about earlier got about 4 or 5 new pieces of gear. Next week he better improve on that DPS ;). Still not sure how he only did 1.3 DPS, even in sub-optimal gear.

I was pretty happy that I did 2.7 for the instance and topped the charts. We 1 shotted everything except 2 shots on Gluth and KT, and we could have 1 shotted them except for a few screwups, and probably with 2-3 weak DPS being replaced.
That's pretty bad. Laserchicken is really easy (and fun) compared to virtually every other class (a significant portion of the moonkin "rotation" is spamming your highest powered Nuke under the influence of a huge Crit modifier).

The reason everyone's talking about being bored is because MMOs are balanced around the idea of making the Pavlovian scheme seem "fun." Pretty much everyone deep down knows that grinding virtually anything sucks, but you have to do it. I'll grant you that if I didn't have my alt priest, I wouldn't play at all; given that my main is a DK that everyone refuses to take to any endgame content.


Junior Member
Gloomfire said:
Oh and with my Tier Legs I now have 370 hit, which puts me over the hit cap with no other help.

Need another piece of t8 so I can drop the 4pt7 and put my Maly legs back on. Dumping three points in affliction for the +hit talent on my destruction spec is killing me.
TomServo said:
Need another piece of t8 so I can drop the 4pt7 and put my Maly legs back on. Dumping three points in affliction for the +hit talent on my destruction spec is killing me.

Rawr shows me having higher DPS, even missing 3% hit, with 0/13/58 over destruction specs with 3 in suppression (assuming you dropped imp. soul leach). With 20K mana raid buffed soul leach averages 120 mana per spell cast returned which really cuts down on your life tap time. Of course, if you're using the life tap glyph with 4 piece tier 7 that might sway things.

How many pieces of t8 do you have? The 2 piece bonus is really good.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Odd 3.1.2 PUG note:

Does anyone else that PUGs have the newly minted issue with silly Paladins that before 3.1, you never could get Blessing of Kings because people refused to spec into it; but now, it's impossible getting anything OTHER than Kings, because for some reason Pallies seem to have gotten the idea that Kings is universally better than Might and/or Wisdom? :lol


I usually give kings to people unless they say otherwise, at least when I'm tanking in a raid/group. It depends upon the healer though. If it's a shaman/paladin healer, I definitely give them kings, while if it's a priest/druid healer, I just ask. Same if there's a warrior. When I am dps, though. I just give might to all the dps that can use it, and kings to everyone else.

And jesus fuck the armory is pissing me off. I want to use it to find gear upgrades for my resto set, but it only shows my enhance set and spec even though I've logged in resto set/spec for like 3 straight days.


I'm loving being level 80.

I've been doing the Argent Tournament dailies (1 day to go to finish the second set of dailies). I'm also doing Sons of Hodir for the shoulder enchants.

I've run 7 or so Heroics (or so I figure, since I just got 25 Heroic badges). Terrible luck...not one epic drop. Still, got my melee DPS neck piece. Next up: that awesome mirror trinket.

I'm really amazed at how many bad tanks are out there. I group with a healer friend all the time, so healing has never been a problem, but some tanks are really awful at holding aggro. Thankfully, an Unholy DK buddy of mine just dinged 80, so finding a good tank should be less of an issue now.

Another thing that strikes me: all the hunters I team with are god awful. :lol It seems that whenever I team up with a hunter, they're either top DPS, or they're really terrible. I played with a fully epic'ed (IL 200 and 213) hunter, and he was doing about 1400 dps. My simple quest-blue rogue was beating him by a good 400 DPS. :lol

Right now, I've got a 1.8 speed dagger mainhand (130dps, instance blue...can't remember the name of it), and the Librarian Paper Cutter offhand. I'm still using Combat since I haven't had the time to read up on mutilate. I guess I'm going to try to learn mutilate spec tonight.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
I usually give kings to people unless they say otherwise, at least when I'm tanking in a raid/group. It depends upon the healer though. If it's a shaman/paladin healer, I definitely give them kings, while if it's a priest/druid healer, I just ask. Same if there's a warrior. When I am dps, though. I just give might to all the dps that can use it, and kings to everyone else.

And jesus fuck the armory is pissing me off. I want to use it to find gear upgrades for my resto set, but it only shows my enhance set and spec even though I've logged in resto set/spec for like 3 straight days.
Well the only problem is that Kings is less beneficial than Might to every non-caster class. I took my Death Knight through a OS25 and begged over and over to get (in a raid with FIVE paladins) both Might AND Kings, but ended up with Might (better than just Kings) only to have the casting Pally cancel it for Kings!


well, if I'm a tank in a raid I give kings to dps because so far, nearly every raid I go on has a dps warrior in there somewhere, so might is pointless for me since they all have imp. battle shout. It's all about raid composition, though. I don't give out blessings that are going to be overwritten by more powerful buffs, which basically means kings. sometimes I give sanctuary to tanks, in a 25 man raid, if there are other paladins to cover the real buffs, just for that 3% damage reduction.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I actually had some fail tank suggest that I should put points into the healing threat reduction talents in the Disc. tree cause he couldn't hold aggro. *facepalm* The problem being that when I have aggro, 100% of the time it's been because the tank has 0 threat on the target because he forgot to pick up the mob. :lol Besides, there's be a lot less threat going around if I didn't have to actually use Prayer of Healing in a level 70 instance because everyone randomly gets aggro.

And speaking of Blessings, is there anything as aggravating as people who act like you're bothering them by asking them to put their signature buffs down? i.e. Warriors who refuse to battle shout; Pallies that refuse to "waste reagents" on buffs, etc., DK's that can't be bothered to keep Horn of Winter up (despite it being a significant fucking DPS increase for the DK himself since the buff only is overwritten by non-permanent totems). It's fucking infuriating.


Angry Grimace said:
The problem being that when I have aggro, 100% of the time it's been because the tank has 0 threat on the target because he forgot to pick up the mob. :lol

Friggin' hate that. Whenever I'm with a bad tank, this is usually the problem.

I was doing Heroic Gundrak yesterday, and everytime that Golem boss (the boss in the middle) would change forms, he'd take like 5 seconds to pick up the new form. Our healer would then get 1 shotted, of course. To survive, I had to save my Tricks and use it right when the boss changed forms so I could make him pick up the aggro right away. :lol
Beginning to get disgruntled with my guild. It's basically a casual guild, but we have a handful of people who are serious about progressing/getting gear. We haven't cleared 10 man Naxx yet (luckily I already have my 25 man gear), mainly because half the raid never shows up on time. So our raids are supposed to start at 11pm (giving people time to get home from work), but usually we start around midnight or 12:30. I've suggested that we uh, you know, fucking recruit people. But officers/GM aren't interested in doing that because new people might compromise our "close knit environment."

For instance we need more healers, and a shaman. But instead of advertising the guild, our GM has us leveling up our alts. I have a lv38 shaman, it's progressing pretty well. But even if I got it to 80, as MT I couldn't bring it to raids unless we got another tank (we currently have 2...well 2 good ones including myself). It really makes no sense. Our current Ulduar strategy is to do Flame Leviathan every week and then go to Naxx....because we rarely have 3 healers on to try Ignis, or even the fucking trash.

I love the environment within the guild, the people are great, etc. But I'm also tired of seeing friends in other guilds progressing while I'm essentially running people through Naxx. I convinced a friend who's a GM of another guild to let me do more of Ulduar with his guild (hell, I even said I wouldn't roll on gear, I just want the experience), but eventually I'm going to have a hard decision on my hands
Angry Grimace said:
I actually had some fail tank suggest that I should put points into the healing threat reduction talents in the Disc. tree cause he couldn't hold aggro. *facepalm* The problem being that when I have aggro, 100% of the time it's been because the tank has 0 threat on the target because he forgot to pick up the mob. :lol Besides, there's be a lot less threat going around if I didn't have to actually use Prayer of Healing in a level 70 instance because everyone randomly gets aggro.

And speaking of Blessings, is there anything as aggravating as people who act like you're bothering them by asking them to put their signature buffs down? i.e. Warriors who refuse to battle shout; Pallies that refuse to "waste reagents" on buffs, etc., DK's that can't be bothered to keep Horn of Winter up (despite it being a significant fucking DPS increase for the DK himself since the buff only is overwritten by non-permanent totems). It's fucking infuriating.

I cannot be assed to put down totems unless we're coming up to a boss fight

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TheExodu5 said:
Friggin' hate that. Whenever I'm with a bad tank, this is usually the problem.

I was doing Heroic Gundrak yesterday, and everytime that Golem boss (the boss in the middle) would change forms, he'd take like 5 seconds to pick up the new form. Our healer would then get 1 shotted, of course. To survive, I had to save my Tricks and use it right when the boss changed forms so I could make him pick up the aggro right away. :lol
My personal thought is that if I am REQUIRED to Fade to live, someone other than me is failing :lol


We have 2 players switch between healing/dps depending on the fight, an elemental/resto shaman and resto/balance druid.

Pointless to stack sub-optimal DPS specs for Hodir and Mimiron hardmodes though. The last thing we need in the raid is another Elemental Shaman or Moonkin.

A better idea would just be to not design raid encounters that all of the challenge is dropped like an anvil on a couple of healers so you can stack a hojillion arbitrary top end dps specs to beat timers.


PhoenixDark said:
Beginning to get disgruntled with my guild. It's basically a casual guild, but we have a handful of people who are serious about progressing/getting gear. We haven't cleared 10 man Naxx yet (luckily I already have my 25 man gear), mainly because half the raid never shows up on time. So our raids are supposed to start at 11pm (giving people time to get home from work), but usually we start around midnight or 12:30. I've suggested that we uh, you know, fucking recruit people. But officers/GM aren't interested in doing that because new people might compromise our "close knit environment."

For instance we need more healers, and a shaman. But instead of advertising the guild, our GM has us leveling up our alts. I have a lv38 shaman, it's progressing pretty well. But even if I got it to 80, as MT I couldn't bring it to raids unless we got another tank (we currently have 2...well 2 good ones including myself). It really makes no sense. Our current Ulduar strategy is to do Flame Leviathan every week and then go to Naxx....because we rarely have 3 healers on to try Ignis, or even the fucking trash.

I love the environment within the guild, the people are great, etc. But I'm also tired of seeing friends in other guilds progressing while I'm essentially running people through Naxx. I convinced a friend who's a GM of another guild to let me do more of Ulduar with his guild (hell, I even said I wouldn't roll on gear, I just want the experience), but eventually I'm going to have a hard decision on my hands
Sounds like you've already made your decision.


PhoenixDark said:

sounds like you need a new guild. naxx is so ludicrously easy that you can pug it with randoms, as long as they're 80, at least have some heroic gear, and are not ebay'd

you can 2 heal uld10 and a priest with lolwell can solo heal naxx10 - don't wait for for that last healer, just take a dps from guild

not wanting to try something 'hard' is a sign that your guild isn't willing to progress - waiting around will not change this.

honestly, start filling out raids with pugs if your guildies aren't on time, if they want to raid, they'll start showing up. if not, well, they can't respect your and the raid's time and they're probably not the people you want to raid with in the first place.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm contemplating switching to Holy for leveling-instancing since it really seems like Disc only works it's best when the tank is semi-competent and you don't have to spend all your time worrying about picking up aggro.


PhoenixDark said:
I love the environment within the guild, the people are great, etc. But I'm also tired of seeing friends in other guilds progressing while I'm essentially running people through Naxx. I convinced a friend who's a GM of another guild to let me do more of Ulduar with his guild (hell, I even said I wouldn't roll on gear, I just want the experience), but eventually I'm going to have a hard decision on my hands

If your guild is actively struggling to field raids, then it'll probably wind up collapsing even if they started recruiting. There's not enough folks to go around between the avalanche of seeking guilds. I've seen a lot of struggling 10 man guilds go down in flames lately.

On the bright side if you have any good friends in your guild, you can probably just take 'em with you. The recruitment scene can be pretty desperate at the moment. Open up your realm forum and I'm willing to bet 75% of the posts are from random Ulduar guilds looking for more folks in general.

It's tough leaving a comfortable environment, but you're also here to play and have fun. If people are skipping raids and not working towards some better solutions to matters than what you presented, then they're being pretty disrespectful of your time, in my opinion.

Being casual doesn't mean being flaky or mediocre.


So I renewed last month, but got busy with some stuff IRL...here I am back in the game starting fresh (going back and forth if I should do a recruit-a-friend thing and level up faster or just take my time solo). What have I done :lol
Somnia said:
So I renewed last month, but got busy with some stuff IRL...here I am back in the game starting fresh (going back and forth if I should do a recruit-a-friend thing and level up faster or just take my time solo). What have I done :lol

RAF with me! We can levelz together!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm still wondering if they are really going to put Frostmourne into the game. Seems like Ashbringer makes more sense thematically, given that it makes no sense that you could wield Frostmourne after KILLING the Lich King. :lol Given the amount of people losing their shit over Betrayer of Humanity, I can't imagine what the competition on either of those swords would be o_O

Blizzard's "Shaman Q&A" on Gearing said:
This is a situation where the distinction among the shaman specs can hurt them a little. Restoration and Elemental shamans both basically want caster gear, but the healer wants regen and the nuker has no use for it. This means if there is mana regen on mail, it is pretty much only useful for a Restoration shaman. (Healing plate presents the same problem for paladins.) We don’t have a great solution for this problem yet other than just dropping three kinds of mail.

answer = stop making spell power plate, and force holy pallies to wear mail since the armor distinction doesn't make a difference. That way resto shamans and holy pallies can share an armor type (since they in reality already do, but Holy Pallies just have more options). Granted, it would require switching up Holy Paladin's mechanics a little, but isn't that already what they are doing?


They should put it in the game.

They shouldn't let you loot it and play with it normally, but they should put it in the game some how.

I really don't care for Warcraft's story, but it 'd be really pathetic if it's just another piece of loot.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
They should put it in the game.

They shouldn't let you loot it and play with it normally, but they should put it in the game some how.

I really don't care for Warcraft's story, but it 'd be really pathetic if it's just another piece of loot.
You mean like the limited duration Legendaries that Kael'thas dropped?
Angry Grimace said:
I'm still wondering if they are really going to put Frostmourne into the game. Seems like Ashbringer makes more sense thematically, given that it makes no sense that you could wield Frostmourne after KILLING the Lich King. :lol Given the amount of people losing their shit over Betrayer of Humanity, I can't imagine what the competition on either of those swords would be o_O

Ashbringer dropped in 40man Naxx


Angry Grimace said:
You mean like the limited duration Legendaries that Kael'thas dropped?

Kinda, mostly something funny and story related. There's so many angles they could go with this. I'm not aware enough of the lore behind the sword to dote on specifics though.

I just hope it doesn't wind up as some "purify Frostmourne" quest line to turn into a generic legendary with a goofy proc.

I think ultimately I just want someone to be able to touch the sword and become the next Lich King temporarily and some comedy to come from that.
Alex said:
Kinda, mostly something funny and story related. There's so many angles they could go with this. I'm not aware enough of the lore behind the sword to dote on specifics though.

I just hope it doesn't wind up as some "purify Frostmourne" quest line to turn into a generic legendary with a goofy proc.

I think ultimately I just want someone to be able to touch the sword and become the next Lich King temporarily and some comedy to come from that.

Well it could be an artifact item


Yeah, but if it was just a standard piece of equipment as an artifact it'd just be a stupidly overpowered melee weapon, and the last thing this game needs truth be told is another stupidly overpowered melee weapon in it to wreck raid DPS and PvP any further.

Like I said, I dunno enough about Warcraft story, but made if it was something you looted with a 2 hour duration and had conjuring rules upon logout to go and fiddle around with it'd be neat.

I really have no idea where im going with this, I just dont want to see it be a standard weapon drop. Or even something as simple as the Kael legendaries. The Lich King and his sword is probably going to be the pinnacle of what they have to work with lore wise before falling back to more obscures or writing new content, so it has to be good.


I'd wait until 3.2 if I was shaky on it. Or at least the patch notes to show us what's coming up. Tons of shit in that patch, supposedly.


I'm torn on what to do with my EoH. I currently have 100, so I have enough to get the trinket and shoulders to start my Druid. However, I could also get my Tier Gloves for 60, and just get the shoulders for now. Then I could drop Mark of the War Prisoner for either a SP or Crit trinket and only drop from 370 hit to 330. I might just wait until OS this week to see if my gloves drop from there. Decisions, decisions.

And I have NO clue what to do with my 300+ SKS.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
Ashbringer dropped in 40man Naxx
Wrong Ashbringer.

That was teh crappy corrupted version =P. We want the real, cool version that Tirion's got.

Gloomfire said:
I'm torn on what to do with my EoH. I currently have 100, so I have enough to get the trinket and shoulders to start my Druid. However, I could also get my Tier Gloves for 60, and just get the shoulders for now. Then I could drop Mark of the War Prisoner for either a SP or Crit trinket and only drop from 370 hit to 330. I might just wait until OS this week to see if my gloves drop from there. Decisions, decisions.

And I have NO clue what to do with my 300+ SKS.

A) single person, but awesome Mammoth mount is 300 SKS.
B) I had so many of them I just traded them for Honor pts and bought some trinket I kinda wanted. :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Alex said:
Yeah, but if it was just a standard piece of equipment as an artifact it'd just be a stupidly overpowered melee weapon, and the last thing this game needs truth be told is another stupidly overpowered melee weapon in it to wreck raid DPS and PvP any further.

Like I said, I dunno enough about Warcraft story, but made if it was something you looted with a 2 hour duration and had conjuring rules upon logout to go and fiddle around with it'd be neat.

I really have no idea where im going with this, I just dont want to see it be a standard weapon drop. Or even something as simple as the Kael legendaries. The Lich King and his sword is probably going to be the pinnacle of what they have to work with lore wise before falling back to more obscures or writing new content, so it has to be good.
Frostmourne itself really isn't all THAT special compared to say, the Armor of the Lich King (which is what MAKES him the Lich King because Ner'zhul "lives" in the armor). Lore-wise, the Skull of Gul'dan was a lot more important and it's just a regular ol' instance drop off Illidan back in TBC. I can't see it being more than a Legendary quality item.

In terms of powerful objects story wise, the Dragon Soul was a shitload more powerful, as was the Eye of Dalaran/Eye of Sargeras, etc. Obviously, that's a relatively unimportant bit of side info. It's kind of neat to understand some of the weird lore they make up though, cause it makes traversing otherwise boring zones more interesting.
Buy a mammoth mount so you too can enjoy the pleasure of not being able to fit through any doorways in the major cities! If not there are some relic items you can get with Stone Keeper Shards as well (Shoudlers, weapons and pvp trinket). Unfortunately they have resilience budgeted in so they're not quite as good as the Emblem of Heroism counterparts. Still worth a look since you have gear on your main that can be bought with those.


Angry Grimace said:
I'm still wondering if they are really going to put Frostmourne into the game. Seems like Ashbringer makes more sense thematically, given that it makes no sense that you could wield Frostmourne after KILLING the Lich King. :lol Given the amount of people losing their shit over Betrayer of Humanity, I can't imagine what the competition on either of those swords would be o_O

answer = stop making spell power plate, and force holy pallies to wear mail since the armor distinction doesn't make a difference. That way resto shamans and holy pallies can share an armor type (since they in reality already do, but Holy Pallies just have more options). Granted, it would require switching up Holy Paladin's mechanics a little, but isn't that already what they are doing?
It wouldn't really change mechanics much since the healer mail has near-identical stats, although more mp5 (but they are nerfing illumination so holy pallies will actually want mp5 after the next patch), and it would be kind of unfair for holy pallies to train plate at 40 and not be able to actually use it.

I think the better solution is remove healing plate drops from most loot tables and restrict a lot of it to emblem gear/tier pieces, since they did the same with elemental mail and boomkin leather for the most part and those are also unique armor/spec combinations. Or expand the loot tables and lower the drop rate on healer plate. I really wouldn't want every healer to look the same. I know it's just cosmetic, but it's a big part of the game even if it's not a big part of game mechanics. And I can't imagine any other pally player (even though I don't play holy at all) would want to lose their signature armor type entirely to play the class they want to play.

as far as Frostmourne goes, if Illidan's glaives were in TBC, god knows Frostmourne will be in WotLK, if players actually kill Arthas. Maybe instead, there will be some new legendary runeblade that players can take. Ashbringer also sounds more likely, but who knows.


I should have mentioned that I've had the mammoth mount for quite a while. I have 300+ currently. I wonder if buying/AH some of those gems would be worthwhile....


Junior Member
I've only just got back onto WoW a few days ago. I'm currently watching the Ensidia vs Algalon fight. Seriously, how the fuck do these guys do this?!?!



Scum said:
Holy shit! This is a job for these guys?? I had no idea! Wow! :lol

No, they have sponsors that pay for like mice, ventrilo and other game shit, but they all have jobs of some type. The whole "Arabic Prince" rumor is BS and they've said it before. Just fanboys trying to discredit them as much as possible. In the interview I listened to, they said most of them request time off from work for a week or so so they can focus on doing world first clears.


Really? I always heard that a couple of the top EU guilds had sponsors like that.

I don't think it'd be a discredit at all. Getting paid to play a game you like > paying to play a game you like!

You'd certainly have to pay me to play like a few of those crazy EU guilds


Junior Member
cubicle47b said:
How many pieces of t8 do you have? The 2 piece bonus is really good.

Just one - got the gloves off our second Mimiron25 kill.

I don't do 10mans, and we've got a lot of pallys / priests / warlocks with few conq tokens, so it can take a while (plus I sat out for a month due to personal shit). I'll have enough emblems for one piece this week, drop my t7 legs for the Maly legs since I won't need it for 4pt7 and rock 2pt7 / 2pt8 with iLevel 226 legs.

In general we don't get a lot of caster drops. You really have to pick and choose what you take.

Yogg down tonight. Should of had it sooner, but it was still a relief to see those achievements pop up.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
firex said:
It wouldn't really change mechanics much since the healer mail has near-identical stats, although more mp5 (but they are nerfing illumination so holy pallies will actually want mp5 after the next patch), and it would be kind of unfair for holy pallies to train plate at 40 and not be able to actually use it.

I think the better solution is remove healing plate drops from most loot tables and restrict a lot of it to emblem gear/tier pieces, since they did the same with elemental mail and boomkin leather for the most part and those are also unique armor/spec combinations. Or expand the loot tables and lower the drop rate on healer plate. I really wouldn't want every healer to look the same. I know it's just cosmetic, but it's a big part of the game even if it's not a big part of game mechanics. And I can't imagine any other pally player (even though I don't play holy at all) would want to lose their signature armor type entirely to play the class they want to play.

as far as Frostmourne goes, if Illidan's glaives were in TBC, god knows Frostmourne will be in WotLK, if players actually kill Arthas. Maybe instead, there will be some new legendary runeblade that players can take. Ashbringer also sounds more likely, but who knows.
They could use it. They just wouldn't gain any benefit from the extra armor. The only thing plate has in terms of itemization over anyone else is armor levels. It would be perfectly fair; they can use plate if they dual spec something else, right?

My personal reason I think it would be helpful is because Holy Pallies roll on healer items regardless of type anyways.

It's just kind of dumb to have an entire class of armor pieces for one class, especially when they've made it clear they don't want it to be like that. It seems like a perfectly elegant solution when you consider that most Holy Pallies roll on healer mail anyways!
We did 10 man hard modes a couple nights this week (off-nights). Last Thursday we did XT, IC, and Thorim. Tonight we did Hodir and Freya 3G (normal, we didn't zerg it). Just have Firefighter left and we can pull Algalon. Good stuff.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
cubicle47b said:
We did 10 man hard modes a couple nights this week (off-nights). Last Thursday we did XT, IC, and Thorim. Tonight we did Hodir and Freya 3G (normal, we didn't zerg it). Just have Firefighter left and we can pull Algalon. Good stuff.
Gotta imagine the zerging will be fixed somehow. It wasn't fixed on Sarth because OS was well past it's time by the time people discovered that, but 80% of guilds haven't cleared Yogg yet.
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