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World of Warcraft

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in regards to the fps in dalaran

i was running the game on ultra settings, i was getting like 20-25 fps in dalaran, i changed the shadow detail to like slider 2 or 3 instead of max, and now my fps in dalaran is between 50-60 fps, seems like shadow quality or w/e the setting is called is a huge hit to frames

for reference my rig is

core i7 920 oc'd at 3.66
6 gb ram
260 gtx


Took Hodir down for the first time tonight. Fun boss, at least once we started stacking frost resist and stopped getting destroyed by Frozen Blows.


With the way things have been going with my guild, we can't seem to down Yogg on 10 man. We're attempting General tomorow on 25 man. And we can do most of the bosses on hard mode in 10 man. In end I think we'll be doing more hard modes than downing Yogg. The guy we just can't get down for some reason. Truly something that's starting to irritate me.
Puncture said:
I stand by the badge changes being great.

The barrier of entry needs to stay in line with the active raiding content. We aren't recruiting right now, but if we WERE it would just suck copious amounts of ass trying to get people to help us push through the hardmodes of the second half of Ulduar 25 in heroic badge gear.

You know, not everyone piggy backs on smallers guilds to get geared up in Naxx25 then disbands and applies to a larger guild. People need to be able to gear up decently outside of raiding so that if you are recruited, you can contribute decently until we can get you into full t.8.5 or whatever your best in slot is.

Dragging new members through off night Naxx25 runs or carrying 3k dps and under geared tanks and healers through Uld because they are new recruits fucking sucks ass. I welcome the change, the recruits who have grinded out their conquests and waited to apply until that point where they could proceed no further outside of random VoA runs and the odd successful Naxx25 PUG as well as conquest badges show us that they give a damn. There is no way we will be moving into this new 25man raid they are adding with people only geared well enough to start Naxx 10. Great change.

(Not to mention the effect it has on guildies that want to change mains for the good of the guild ((we have a buttload of shaman, to many)) they will gear up much faster)

Agreed. It'll make gearing guildies up go faster, and you'll be able to find out who's good and who's just in for the ride

Plus it'll be fun going on massive heroic instance runs again, like I did when I first got to lv80.
I just got my flame keeper title. Running around old Azeroth sure brings back memories. It was good money too. I made like 800g visiting all the fires. I didn't get the shard of Ahune when I killed him again though. I hope they reset that 'cause I'm still going for the 25 tabard achievement.

Something that struck me as pretty weird was that nobody tried to kill me when I was flagged. I'm on a PVE server but everyone will usually jump at the chance to get into a fight. Not today though.


Oni Link 666 said:
Something that struck me as pretty weird was that nobody tried to kill me when I was flagged. I'm on a PVE server but everyone will usually jump at the chance to get into a fight. Not today though.

I didn't encounter much PvP as well, except in the capitals.
Only really had 1 fight in Loch Modan, when a ret paladin (PvP specced with Eye for an Eye, Vindication, lowered hammer CD etc) jumped me while I was desecrating the fire there, I had to bubble to get the fire desecrated and then had to fight him for a good 5 minutes. I even almost had him dead but eventually he killed me as my bubble was about to be available again.
Made me realize once more what a joke a ret paladin is against a healer.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
So wait, what's the story with this "Fire Festival"? I didn't even really see anything giving me a clue as to what I'm supposed to DO.


Oni Link 666 said:
Something that struck me as pretty weird was that nobody tried to kill me when I was flagged. I'm on a PVE server but everyone will usually jump at the chance to get into a fight. Not today though.

Lucky you! On my server (Lothar Europe, PVE) it is a bloody mess. I never bothered killing the Alliance when I was in Orgrimmar juggling torches or when they went past me. But when when I went to their capitals, they were all over me. In IF there were about 40 level 80 camping the fire, killing every Horde player on sight. The other capitals were less crowded but I still died a few times and always resurrected myself at the graveyard, when I finally got the flame. Had like 134G repair costs.

BTW: When you die in Teldrassil you get to the graveyard in Auberine :-/

Needless to say: After I've got all flames I went to Ogrimmar and did the same to them. Earned me the City Defender Achievement and I guess that's what everyone else is trying to get.
Oh, I'm a Rogue. I probably would have gotten ganked in the cities but, I sneaked in, clicked, and vanished. The only place I was spotted by guards was in the Exodar but, I was ready with PVP gear and crippling poison on so, I didn't have much trouble getting away from them. I was talking about the fires out in the world. People just rode past me without attacking.


Junior Member
Crappy week for raiding - lots of DC's which had us sitting around doing nothing for 15-20 minutes at a time. Decided to skip hard modes and just clear Ulduar. Would have one-shot Yogg but the other aff lock DC'd early in the fight. That cost us around 4million total damage and we hit the enrage timer with around 500K to go.

Had some extra time so we went and took down Sarth3D. Total easy mode w/ T8 gear. I got the twilight drake :)


We finished up our weekly Naxx10 clear lsat night. 1 wipe on Gluth (tradition now :( ), 1 wipe on Saph and 1 on KT. Not bad considering both tanks had never run Naxx before, and all 3 deaths were their fault for the most part.

After that we went and did Razorscale in Uld10. First attempt was pretty bad because all 10of us were new to it. Second time we killed him pretty easily. If we have time tonight we are going to give XT-002 a shot. Not sure how far we can get. We have 6 really well geared people, even though our OT seems to die in every fight. Other 4 we have to PUG, and that's always a crapshoot.


Oni Link 666 said:
Oh, I'm a Rogue. I probably would have gotten ganked in the cities but, I sneaked in, clicked, and vanished. The only place I was spotted by guards was in the Exodar but, I was ready with PVP gear and crippling poison on so, I didn't have much trouble getting away from them. I was talking about the fires out in the world. People just rode past me without attacking.

A rogue and druid jumped me in Ashenvale. The druid died before the intimidating shout wore off on the rogue and then the rogue got splatted. I /shrug'ed them and went on my way!

That was the only problem I had.


Grandma's Chippy
Someone tell me if I have teh new emblem system down..

Right now I get Heroism for 5 man heroics, Valor for most raids, and Conquest for higher up raids.

In the new system I get Triumph & Conquest ONLY?

So everyone can just buy up all their Tier Gear and whatever other epics are sold for emblems by running 5 man heroics?

Or have they said they are modifying what can be bought?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Mr Pockets said:
Someone tell me if I have teh new emblem system down..

Right now I get Heroism for 5 man heroics, Valor for most raids, and Conquest for higher up raids.

In the new system I get Triumph & Conquest ONLY?

So everyone can just buy up all their Tier Gear and whatever other epics are sold for emblems by running 5 man heroics?

Or have they said they are modifying what can be bought?
If they modified what was available to lower quality gear it would an irrelevant change. However, I feel fairly certain they will increase the number of Emblems required to buy those items by 2 or 3 times. Currently you can buy necks for 19 emblems which is like 4 or 5 runs if you could get those badges from Violet Hold.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
If they modified what was available to lower quality gear it would an irrelevant change. However, I feel fairly certain they will increase the number of Emblems required to buy those items by 2 or 3 times. Currently you can buy necks for 19 emblems which is like 4 or 5 runs if you could get those badges from Violet Hold.

Nah, they won't change anything. Maybe lower the cost on some items (i.e. Valor necklace), but the prices definately won't go up.

Look at the non-raider response on the official forums. The more level-headed comments typically start off with "I only have an hour or so to play every night, can't schedule raid times, and appreciate the chance to improve my character running heroics."

Telling them they have to run Heroic Nexus every night for two weeks to buy something like a t8 necklace will turn even the most level-headed response into QQ. Yeah, spend that hour a night running a heroic and in two months you can have a piece of obsolete t8. That won't fly at all (but it would be hilarious).

Remember, in vanilla there were epics for non-raiders too, but they typically involved long grinds (Timbermaw Hold, Cenarion Circle, etc) and very few true casual players actually completed them.
The biggest issue with everything going to conquests is that Uld10 right now is still dropping Valors. I think they should hit that shit with a patch before 3.2, bump them up to conquest base. It's long past the time where bleeding edge 25mans would have felt forced to run U10 for badges, and it'll help gear up guilds faster too.

Heh, although now that I think about it, the non-set conquest gear is utter crap. They were obviously planning on doing this change all along, given how redundant pretty much *all* the badge gear is for anyone running 25U.


TomServo said:
Telling them they have to run Heroic Nexus every night for two weeks to buy something like a t8 necklace will turn even the most level-headed response into QQ. Yeah, spend that hour a night running a heroic and in two months you can have a piece of obsolete t8. That won't fly at all (but it would be hilarious).

Remember, in vanilla there were epics for non-raiders too, but they typically involved long grinds (Timbermaw Hold, Cenarion Circle, etc) and very few true casual players actually completed them.
I don't see the problem with the badge change other than raping the orb market. Just hope they don't get carried away with the welfare stuff in future patches like they did in 2.4, using the peacock dick till Thori'dal made sense...


StormyTheRabbit said:
Does it do anything noticeable? Or is it just tech shit.

Yeah what does this console command do? Does it only work on certain processors? Would it work with my Q6600 quad core?

I get HORRID performance lately too in Dalaran .... like 20 FPS. 8800gt SLI'ed ... get good frames in other games.


Macattk15 said:
Yeah what does this console command do? Does it only work on certain processors? Would it work with my Q6600 quad core?

I get HORRID performance lately too in Dalaran .... like 20 FPS. 8800gt SLI'ed ... get good frames in other games.

the console command just alters values the game uses to restrict/render the game. for instance, you can change the maxcameradistancefactor variable to allow yourself to scroll out farther than you normally can. the console values will technically work with any processor in that they are not processor dependant (not entirely true, since some threading variables obviously "need" multiprocessors, but for the most part its accurate), however, obviously, some of the changes you can make can be fairly taxing on your processor/gfx card.

StormyTheRabbit said:
Does it do anything noticeable? Or is it just tech shit.

componentThread variable increases the number of threads available/used for character component processing (an example of one that would "need" a dual/quad core)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
TomServo said:
Nah, they won't change anything. Maybe lower the cost on some items (i.e. Valor necklace), but the prices definately won't go up.

Look at the non-raider response on the official forums. The more level-headed comments typically start off with "I only have an hour or so to play every night, can't schedule raid times, and appreciate the chance to improve my character running heroics."

Telling them they have to run Heroic Nexus every night for two weeks to buy something like a t8 necklace will turn even the most level-headed response into QQ. Yeah, spend that hour a night running a heroic and in two months you can have a piece of obsolete t8. That won't fly at all (but it would be hilarious).

Remember, in vanilla there were epics for non-raiders too, but they typically involved long grinds (Timbermaw Hold, Cenarion Circle, etc) and very few true casual players actually completed them.
Compare the prices of the current Emblem of Heroism items to the Emblem of Conquest items. The difference in price is because there simply less encounters to do in which you can earn Conquest emblems. I think the ultimate goal is that the same amount of effort will be put in for the 226 items as you did for the 200 items. In a fair world they would reduce the Heroism emblem costs by a lot, as well as the Valor costs; given that to even get those emblems anymore you have to downrank.

I'm hoping that even without a PTR (which I don't think you'll be seeing for a month or so), they will give a little detail on what and where that dual wielding Frost talent will be and how it will work. The problem is, that most of us Death Knights gave up collecting 1H weapons once 3.1 notes showed up.
idlewild_ said:
the console command just alters values the game uses to restrict/render the game. for instance, you can change the maxcameradistancefactor variable to allow yourself to scroll out farther than you normally can. the console values will technically work with any processor in that they are not processor dependant (not entirely true, since some threading variables obviously "need" multiprocessors, but for the most part its accurate), however, obviously, some of the changes you can make can be fairly taxing on your processor/gfx card.

componentThread variable increases the number of threads available/used for character component processing (an example of one that would "need" a dual/quad core)

Well I have a quad core. I downloaded TweakWoW and messed around with some settings, boosted my texture cashe up to 512mb since I have 4 gigs in my PC right now (well technically only 3 due to XP) but either way. Haven't seen anything massive changed when in Dal.


idlewild_ said:
the console command just alters values the game uses to restrict/render the game. for instance, you can change the maxcameradistancefactor variable to allow yourself to scroll out farther than you normally can. the console values will technically work with any processor in that they are not processor dependant (not entirely true, since some threading variables obviously "need" multiprocessors, but for the most part its accurate), however, obviously, some of the changes you can make can be fairly taxing on your processor/gfx card.

componentThread variable increases the number of threads available/used for character component processing (an example of one that would "need" a dual/quad core)

Hmm where is there some sort of repository of these commands and what they'll do? I like to think I have a pretty decent system for WoW anyway ... but the performance I get out of it in WoW isn't up to par with what I think I should get ... maybe I can optimize with some commands or something?


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
Compare the prices of the current Emblem of Heroism items to the Emblem of Conquest items. The difference in price is because there simply less encounters to do in which you can earn Conquest emblems. I think the ultimate goal is that the same amount of effort will be put in for the 226 items as you did for the 200 items. In a fair world they would reduce the Heroism emblem costs by a lot, as well as the Valor costs; given that to even get those emblems anymore you have to downrank.

Exactly why they won't raise the price on conquest stuff.

Right now it's roughly the same number of heroism badges for a t7 token as it is conquest badges for a t8.5 token. When those heroism badges get replaced by conquest in heroics you'll put the same amount of effort into getting t8.5 as you would have getting t7 before 3.2.

Frankly I don't see them changing prices at all. There's really not much overlap on badge gear from the three current vendors - the neck and back are really the only slots that come to mind regarding overlap between them.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Blizzard came out and siad that the Blood Strike 50% bonus per disease (which we all assumed was 50% on top of the 12.5% it has now) was intended and not a typo, although it's already "slightly" reduced in internal testing. Probably for being completely fucking ridiculous, and the most absurdly random buff ever.

If you really got 50% bonuses to Blood Strike per disease BS would be more attractive than Obliterate, Scourge Strike AND Heart Strike.


Grandma's Chippy
Macattk15 said:
Hmm where is there some sort of repository of these commands and what they'll do? I like to think I have a pretty decent system for WoW anyway ... but the performance I get out of it in WoW isn't up to par with what I think I should get ... maybe I can optimize with some commands or something?
The addon called TweakWow does a lot of stuff...some of it is risky for crashes so read up on what does what on their site.

Shouldn't need much more than that app.


Junior Member
Okay, I've got the Heroes' Plagueheart Robe and I'm wearing the Ebonweave Gloves. I'm one Emblem away from the Heroes' Plagueheart Gloves.

Should I get it or just horde the Emblems?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Scum said:
Okay, I've got the Heroes' Plagueheart Robe and I'm wearing the Ebonweave Gloves. I'm one Emblem away from the Heroes' Plagueheart Gloves.

Should I get it or just horde the Emblems?
I find it's better to just run Sartharion on 25 man until you win them. Two tokens drop anyways, and frequently 75% of the raid already has the gloves increasing your chances to win.


Anyone getting the Blizzard Authenticator for iPhone/iPod touch? I want to get it for the added security, but I'm scared of what might happen if I ever lost my iPhone or it crashed on me, making me lose the app and one time generated code. Is there a way to recover your account from that?

I'd feel a lot better if I had a keychain as well, for double-redundancy.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
I find it's better to just run Sartharion on 25 man until you win them. Two tokens drop anyways, and frequently 75% of the raid already has the gloves increasing your chances to win.
Never been to the Obsidian Sanctum before. Cool. I'll give that a go then. :)


TheExodu5 said:
Anyone getting the Blizzard Authenticator for iPhone/iPod touch? I want to get it for the added security, but I'm scared of what might happen if I ever lost my iPhone or it crashed on me, making me lose the app and one time generated code. Is there a way to recover your account from that?

I'd feel a lot better if I had a keychain as well, for double-redundancy.

I use it. What you do is activate it, then take a picture of your unique code (it's in the program). If you lose your phone, you can contact blizzard with the code and get them to unlink your profile.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Scum said:
Never been to the Obsidian Sanctum before. Cool. I'll give that a go then. :)
On 10 man the encounter is a fucking joke and the gloves get used for offspecs all the time.


So, what glyphs do you 57/3/11 Arcane Mages use? What is your spell rotation? I'm thinking of switching. Fire is a bit boring now after 80+ levels of it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Kind of funny looking at the earlier pages of this thread when Vanilla was still out; people were even angrier and more e-peen focused then, I think :lol

Post after post complaining how raiding is like only like 300 people per server...I can see why they don't do that shit anymore.


Angry Grimace said:
Blizzard came out and siad that the Blood Strike 50% bonus per disease (which we all assumed was 50% on top of the 12.5% it has now) was intended and not a typo, although it's already "slightly" reduced in internal testing. Probably for being completely fucking ridiculous, and the most absurdly random buff ever.

If you really got 50% bonuses to Blood Strike per disease BS would be more attractive than Obliterate, Scourge Strike AND Heart Strike.

Can you link to this? And how could BS at 50% have EVER not been an accident? I saw that and damn near upchucked the food I was eating. And they lowered it "slightly"? My god. PTR is going to be a freaking blast.


Gloomfire said:
So, what glyphs do you 57/3/11 Arcane Mages use? What is your spell rotation? I'm thinking of switching. Fire is a bit boring now after 80+ levels of it.
as far as I know, the best glyphs are arcane blast, arcane missiles, and molten armor.
Angry Grimace said:
Kind of funny looking at the earlier pages of this thread when Vanilla was still out; people were even angrier and more e-peen focused then, I think :lol

Post after post complaining how raiding is like only like 300 people per server...I can see why they don't do that shit anymore.

It certainly is a completely different end game. I remember on my old server during vanilla there was all of 4 or 5 guilds doing BWL and AQ40, imagine my suprise coming back for WotLK and seeing everyone on the server raiding.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
Can you link to this? And how could BS at 50% have EVER not been an accident? I saw that and damn near upchucked the food I was eating. And they lowered it "slightly"? My god. PTR is going to be a freaking blast.
I dunno. I could see increasing 50% of the damage on Plague Strike, but a 100% buff to BS is just a generalized class buff to Unholy and Frost. On single targets, with that modifer Blood Strike is superior to Heart Strike, too.

Sounds like they just wanted to buff up Blood Strike since people only really use it to get the Death Runes in Frost and Unholy. If it ends up at anything higher than 30% per disease, which is almost half of what they're saying, the classes DPS is generally going to go up, regardless of Frost Strike/SS nerfs.


Junior Member
Angry Grimace said:
On 10 man the encounter is a fucking joke and the gloves get used for offspecs all the time.

OS anything without drakes is a joke. We were having most of the raid die at the start to get the Volcano Blows acheivement for the 25man Glory of the Raider meta, I think the fewest we did it with was eight people. This was in t7 gear, even then it was a faceroll. I'm sure was five-manned by better guilds.


firex said:
as far as I know, the best glyphs are arcane blast, arcane missiles, and molten armor.

Those are the ones I have now :D . As far as I can tell from the EJ thread, the rotation is ABx2, then spam Arcane Missiles, rinse and repeat. How fun :lol .


Gloomfire said:
Those are the ones I have now :D . As far as I can tell from the EJ thread, the rotation is ABx2, then spam Arcane Missiles, rinse and repeat. How fun :lol .
yeah, it sounds like it's that, but also swapping to AM whenever Missile Barrage procs, and ABarr whenever you have a spare global cooldown.


stuck my tongue deep inside Atlus' cookies
Signed back up after ~3 weeks off in order to complete Midsummer Fire Fest. OMG what a terrible, terrible holiday. I only got through Outland and most of EK before I just logged from sheer boredom.
GDJustin said:
Signed back up after ~3 weeks off in order to complete Midsummer Fire Fest. OMG what a terrible, terrible holiday. I only got through Outland and most of EK before I just logged from sheer boredom.

...You signed back up for WoW due to a shitty holiday thing? All of the holidays a boring as hell now. The only reason people do them now is for the achievements, I hardly find any holiday, maybe expect Hallows Eve or whatever fun. And thats mainly because they atleast update The Horseman's loot.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
StormyTheRabbit said:
...You signed back up for WoW due to a shitty holiday thing? All of the holidays a boring as hell now. The only reason people do them now is for the achievements, I hardly find any holiday, maybe expect Hallows Eve or whatever fun. And thats mainly because they atleast update The Horseman's loot.
Any one with mounts will be more popular. Which is why they should all have mounts.


Grandma's Chippy
Arcane Mage DPS is insane in raids..hehe...there is an Arcane Mage I frequently group with who has almost 200 less SP than me, much less hit, and lots of blues vs me having all epics and 4 piece T7.5.

He is usually on par or past me on some fights and seems to get a lot less threat. He will be a monster when he gears up.

I just can't STAND Arcane spells....they just seem boring to me :(
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