What spec of fire are you? FFB? If so, try TTW/FB as it's the best spec at the moment, and plays differently than fire.Gloomfire said:So, what glyphs do you 57/3/11 Arcane Mages use? What is your spell rotation? I'm thinking of switching. Fire is a bit boring now after 80+ levels of it.
Gloomfire said:We 1 shotted XT-002 in Uld10 last night. Fun fight. Damn, some of the trash is harder than XT or FL, at least on 10 man easy mode. We got 2 tries in on Kologarn before we had to quit for the night. First try was awful, people running eye beams through the raid, etc. We only got him to 85%. Second try was much better, we had 9 people alive at 45% but everyone was dead by 31%. We'll give it another shot this week.
TomServo said:Assuming they were running for the door, it's up to people not targeted to get the hell out of the way.
We've got a few healers that think they shouldn't have to move for anything short of a void zone, and they got put in their place after they bitched about getting hit with eye beams while standing at the door on top of the warlocks' demonic circles. Gee, I wonder where the eye beam is going?
Flib said:XT was pretty great before the nerfs, when he actually acted like a gear check. Now it's pretty much a faceroll fight.
Gloomfire said:The person we were with who knows the fights told us to run them along the back right and left edges of the room we were in. If you are supposed to run out the door when you are targeted, that might be part of the problem we were having.
Gloomfire said:It seems like most of the early bosses had to have been nerfed. We've wiped on FL and Razor the first try on them, but that was mainly due to the fact that we didn't have the fight mechanics down, not so much an indication of their toughness. Of course, this is 10 man easy mode we are talking about, so maybe it wasn't that hard to begin with. I don't know.
StormyTheRabbit said:...You signed back up for WoW due to a shitty holiday thing? All of the holidays a boring as hell now. The only reason people do them now is for the achievements, I hardly find any holiday, maybe expect Hallows Eve or whatever fun. And thats mainly because they atleast update The Horseman's loot.
We are in the process of applying an in-game fix that will restart all of the quests associated with the Midsummer Fire Festival event and allow players to complete them once again. If you are in the process of completing an achievement such as Extinguishing Kalimdor, this fix will reset your progress and you will need start over. This fix will require realms to be restarted.
GDJustin said:But Midsummer is just kind of a mess. Even on my server, where would PVP is dead. It's gotta be awful on an active PVP server.
GDJustin said:I liked most of the holidays. Yeah doing EVERYTHING involved with them for the meta achievement is pretty grindy, but I just like that they're something *new*. I've been playing WoW for a while now, so it isn't too often that a brand-new experience is come across. So transforming wands, BRD brewmaster runs, opening gifts in the capital... I enjoy going through it.
But Midsummer is just kind of a mess. Even on my server, where would PVP is dead. It's gotta be awful on an active PVP server.
GDJustin said:I liked most of the holidays. Yeah doing EVERYTHING involved with them for the meta achievement is pretty grindy, but I just like that they're something *new*. I've been playing WoW for a while now, so it isn't too often that a brand-new experience is come across. So transforming wands, BRD brewmaster runs, opening gifts in the capital... I enjoy going through it.
But Midsummer is just kind of a mess. Even on my server, where would PVP is dead. It's gotta be awful on an active PVP server.
OMFuckingGODTomServo said:I cannot imagine the epic QQ going on over at the official forums right now.
I feel bad for the lowbies. I must've ganked a couple dozen last night while wrapping up Eastern Kingdoms. The best is when they've got enough HP to survive the initial immolate hit, so you get to see them burn for a second until the DoT starts.
TomServo said:I think XT and Ignis are the only ones that have been truly nerfed, and Ignis was seriosly bugged when 3.2 went live - hitting people he had slag-potted and the buffs from the constructs not falling off when the construct was shattered.
XT was a decent gear check though, and yeah, he's a faceroll now.
Angry Grimace said:OMFuckingGOD
I just went through all of Eastern Kingdoms EXCEPT for Hinterlands cause I didn't have time before bed. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
You get the point.
Angry Grimace said:OMFuckingGOD
I just went through all of Eastern Kingdoms EXCEPT for Hinterlands cause I didn't have time before bed. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
You get the point.
Actually, my DK finally has a shot to get into Ulduar 10 with my guild and I'm interested to know what kind of 1H weapons I'm supposed to be picking up for Threat of Thassaurian.Xabora said:Downloading PTR 3.2 now... and its just over 1 gig.![]()
It's fair enough for Death Knights though, because the big change to the spec requires an entirely new set of weapons in order to function that virtually 0% of the people playing the class have (at least not on par with 2handers DK's currently have).Alex said:I'm amazed they'd add premades, usually they only add them for anemic patches that wont spur enough attention through features alone.
Just seems like a waste for 3.2
Well it's not really looking like CC took all that long to design. It appears to literally be one room.Flib said:No, it's been a really fast turnaround, only 2 months. Ulduar still feels fresh to me.
Ghostcrawler is right though. http://blue.mmo-champion.com/26/17899683851-warrior-community-let-down.html The kind of people that that think that 5% health disparity or extra cooldown is "reroll time" are impossible to balance for because they are too hardcore.Flib said:our main tank warrior (guild leader) is now our OT/arms dps because block is so fucked. Why raid with him when you can throw a DK in there who just won't die?
It's true, but it's also not as relevant as some holdover Vanilla/TBC hardcores beleieve because a Warrior CAN do it without needing extreme gear levels or raid stacking. The fact that it's harder or they are not the "Best" at Encounter X isn't necessarily a reason to rebalance the entire tanking class.Flib said:I know I came off as harsh with that, they still work as tanks but they are definitely not the strongest tanks currently. You notice it especially on encounters such as Hodir (frozen blows specifically).
We've just gone from using one as our MT to using one as our OT.
WoW.com said:The first patch 3.2 PTR client is now available for download, which means it's available for datamining. The ever-resourceful people at wirebrain have done just this to all the achievements found in the client, and have unearthed some interesting new details. We are unable to verify this information right now, but here's what they've found.
Read on after the cut for:
A new holiday.
The names of the bosses in the new raid and 5-man dungeon, and their related achievements.
A new Vault of Archavon boss.
To be clear, there will be spoilers.
The new holiday is going to be called Pilgrim's Bounty, and is clearly modeled after Thanksgiving. The achievements most revolve around food, and if you do them all, you get a "Pilgrim" title and a turkey pet.
It seems that there is a Bountiful Table at each capitol, with a variety of dishes to enjoy. There are also a number of new recipes to cook, and various side achievements. See the Wirebrain list for more. Finally, there will be daily quests, like many recent holidays have. I'm not seeing any mention of a special boss.
As for the new 5-man dungeon, Trial of the Champion, it looks like it will have a different set of bosses for Horde and Alliance, with each faction apparently fighting the Grand Champions of the other faction.
Ambrose Boltspark
Lana Stouthammer
Marshal Jacob Alerius
Jaelyne Evensong
Argent Confessor Paletress
Eadric the Pure
The Black Knight
And here's the other:
Deathstalker Visceri
Eressea Dawnsinger
Mokra the Skullcrusher
Runok Wildmane
Argent Confessor Paletress
Eadric the Pure
The Black Knight
It looks like the first set are Alliance NPCs that the Horde fight, and the second set is the reverse. After the faction-specific bosses, there are two Argent-aligned bosses, followed by the Black Knight. All I have to say is I hope there is no jousting in this instance, because that is the most boring combat there is in WoW.
As for the raid instance that we are all looking forward to so much, I see the following bosses listed on the achievement list:
Gormok the Impaler
Lord Jaraxxus
Edyis Darkbane
Fjola Lightbane
Final Boss
One of those names looks like a placeholder to me, though I can't put my finger on why exactly. This contradicts the "5 bosses" figure we were given for the raid; maybe some of these bosses are randomly selected, like the bosses in Violet Hall.
There is also a reference in the achievements to "twin valkyr," so the Darkbane and Lightbane bosses are probably part of the same encounter. That still leaves us with 7 bosses, though. If Acidmaw, Dreadscale, and Icehowl are part of the same encounter, either all at once, randomly chosen, or as a sort of gauntlet (like the second boss in Utgarde Pinnacle), that would leave us with the proper 5.
As for the other raid achievements, it's hard to derive too much from them. There is one achievement that refers to reaching the Tribute Chest with 50 attempts left in heroic mode, so I would guess that 50 is the number of attempts you start out with.
Finally, the new Vault of Archavon boss will be named Koralon the Flame Watcher.
Interesting stuff! I'm looking forward to seeing more on the PTR.
If the Lich King somehow got captured and was the final boss of the Coleseum, it would be hilarious.LAUGHTREY said:Final boss = lich king confirmed
sweetjesus.gifDeath Knight T9 Melee 2P Bonus (Class: Death Knight) -- Your Blood Strike and Heart Strike abilities have a chance to grant you 180 additional strength for 15 sec.
Death Knight T9 Melee Relic (Rune Strike) (Class: Death Knight) -- Each time you use your Obliterate or Scourge Strike ability, you have a chance to gain 200 strength for 20 sec.
The +90 STR Darkmoon Trinket with the Crazy Proc
Coliseum 25 Normal Melee Trinket -- When you deal damage you have a chance to gain Paragon, increasing your Strength or Agility by 450 for 15 sec. Your highest stat is always chosen.
Hunter T9 2P Bonus (Class: Hunter) -- Reduces the focus cost of your pet's abilities by 50%.
Hunter T9 4P Bonus (Steady Shot) (Class: Hunter) -- Increases the critical strike chance of your Steady Shot ability by 5%.
And Blizzard will nerf your T8 bonuses to make them more attractive. :lolFlib said:Wow, now those are some garbage set bonuses.
Oddly enough, there was no maintenance this morningDeathNote said:are login servers down?
Flib said:Wow, now those are some garbage set bonuses.