Wow, I love that they reset the blossoms. I already got the title, just redid all the fires, free money! :lol
VaLiancY said:They aren't that bad but they aren't the greatest either. The bonus seem to have a lot of BM synergy with Cobra Strikes & frequent Focus dumps.
Huh?firex said:I don't think it will be a problem at all getting that 300 riding discount. Just run heroics without a tabard (or a guild tabard) on and within like 3-4 instances you would be exalted.
I see what you mean, I guess I didn't see that it was saying Horde and Valiance Expedition.firex said:The thing you pasted specifically said horde expedition or whatever the alliance equivalent is are included as faction discounts.
edit: oh wait, I see what you mean. it's Warsong Offensive. still, that's really easy to get to revered, so exalted wouldn't be too far off.
WTF I can't login again.DeathNote said:wtf I can login on my notebook but not my desktop.
I was logged in, windows did an update, it restarted, it detected and set up a second monitor, now it's messed up....
Edit: It was stuck on "connecting" on my desktop. Then it would pop up with a link to a website with trouble shooting. Now it's saying "login server is down" all while I can login on my notebook on the same network.
Edit 2: I took out the second monitor and uninstalled the updates using the add/uninstall app. I don't know if that helped or if something funky was going on for an hour. When I go to windows updates the updates I maybe uninstalled don't show up.
Flib said:yeah, but who raids as BM?
Angry Grimace said:Sounds to me like the final boss is Anub'arak, just moved out of Azjol'Nerub. It was weird enough that Anub'arak was a level 72 instance boss in the first place. At least going by that achievement title and the fact that it's about killing "scarabs." But I guess it could be some totally random Nerubian.
Achievement: "Defeat Talon King Ikiss while wearing a Pilgrim's Hat and either a Pilgrim's Dress, Robe, or Attire."
More achievements like that please. :lol
And what on Earth is "Pirate Day / Day of the Dead." I wonder what's up with those "tier sets." The bonuses on them seem...uninspired. They aren't superior to the ones from T8, so I have to wonder if this is a true "upgrade" set.
VaLiancY said:Diglet dig Diglet dig.
Armor DBC said:Khadgar's Regalia
Sundtrider's Regalia
Gul'dan's Regalia
Kel'Thuzad's Regalia
Velen's Raiment
Zabra's Raiment
Velen's Regalia
Zabra's Regalia
Stormrage's Garb
Runetotem's Garb
Stormrage's Regaila
Runetotem's Regalia
Stormrage's Battlegear
Runetotem's Battlegear
VanCleef's Battlegear
Garona's Battlegear
Windrunner's Battlegear
Windrunner's Pursuit
Nobundo's Garb
Thrall's Garb
Thrall's Regalia
Nobundo's Regalia
Allaince said:Khadgar's Regalia
Kel'Thuzad's Regalia
Velen's Raiment
Velen's Regalia
Stormrage's Garb
Stormrage's Regaila
Stormrage's Battlegear
VanCleef's Battlegear
Nobundo's Garb
Nobundo's Regalia
Alliance & Horde? said:Windrunner's Battlegear
Windrunner's Pursuit
Horde said:Sundtrider's Regalia
Gul'dan's Regalia
Zabra's Raiment
Zabra's Regalia
Runetotem's Garb
Runetotem's Regalia
Runetotem's Battlegear
Garona's Battlegear
Thrall's Garb
Thrall's Regalia
Not sure how much I like the idea of CC dropping gear as standard that exceeds Ulduar Hard mode gearXabora said:Theres some more.
Its unique gear per faction.
Yeah.Angry Grimace said:Not sure how much I like the idea of CC dropping gear as standard that exceeds Ulduar Hard mode gear.
Liadrin Pally DPS
Turalyon Pally Tank
Turalyon Pally Heal
Koltira DK DPS
Thassarian DK Tank
Wrynn Warrior DPS
Wrynn Warrior Tank
Oni Link 666 said:I wonder if it will be as revealing as what Sylvanas is wearing right now.![]()
From what we're seeing here, you basically dont' have to. :lolVaLiancY said:It's going to be a pain in the ass getting back to WoW and doing Uludar to step my gear game back up again before tackling this new stuff. ;[
"Okay, what do I do here?"
Angry Grimace said:From what we're seeing here, you basically dont' have to. :lol
VaLiancY said:I have a feeling that will happen but I'll give that awkward answer in Ventrilo during raid times that everyone hates.
"val, it's the like x fight in Uludar."
"Umm, well you see I didn't do that fight....the rest of the boss fights too"
Angry Grimace said:If the Lich King somehow got captured and was the final boss of the Coleseum, it would be hilarious.
markot said:Theyll probably redeem him somehow >.< he will still die but itll be the battle between the 'boy' him and the Nerzhul him, then he gets killed or something. Calling it!
Wow, now those are some garbage set bonuses.
Angry Grimace said:And Blizzard will nerf your T8 bonuses to make them more attractive. :lol
firex said:oh, that's kind of lame. I remember them saying there would be an azjol-nerub raid, but if that's what the AN raid will be... that's pretty disappointing.
Scum said:I've got over 300 Stone Keeper Shards on my Horde Warlock. Will I be able to get a BoA item for use on my lvl 40 Alliance Retribution Paladin? If so, what would be good to get?
Or maybe I should just get a mount? :lol
:-(Macattk15 said:No you cannot use heirloom items from your horde character on your alliance character even if they are on the same server.
I've tried for the heck of it.
Gloomfire said:Does the stuff you buy/get on the PTR carry over to the normal servers?
Gloomfire said:I must be doing something wrong. I switched to 57/3/11 Arcane spec from 0/53/18 Fire spec, and my DPS has dropped. Reading that EJ Arcane thread, it says the max DPS rotation for Arcane is AB x 2, then AM whether MB procs or not. I'm seeing about 2.3K sustained DPS, and not much higher in single target fights. This is well under what I was doing as deep fire spec. I have the recommended glyphs, I'm following the rotation, I really have no clue what the problem is. I'm hitcapped for Arcane, I've gained SP from the swich, so none of this makes any sense.