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World of Warcraft

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Looks more and more like I'm going to start playing... just got battle chest and I'm going to get lich king next week.

But before I do, I wanted to ask what might be the most common question. Do you guys recommend pvp or pve. I've been hearing stories about players being unable to do quest because they're constantly getting ganked, which is basically the only thing stopping me from picking pvp, and I wanted to know how much truth there is in those stories.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Seeds said:
Looks more and more like I'm going to start playing... just got battle chest and I'm going to get lich king next week.

But before I do, I wanted to ask what might be the most common question. Do you guys recommend pvp or pve. I've been hearing stories about players being unable to do quest because they're constantly getting ganked, which is basically the only thing stopping me from picking pvp, and I wanted to know how much truth there is in those stories.
Significantly less likely at this point vs. earlier in the games lifespan due to the fact that there's less high level players in old areas to gank you.

If you're really concerned, try checking out a WoW census or something to make sure you get a realm that isn't overpopulated with the opposite faction. It can be shitty leveling on a PvP server to a realm that has 3x as many of the opposite faction.


PvP is a lot more fun, tbh. Yeah, you might get ganked a bit, but it actually makes the distinction between being Alliance or Horde mean something, since the other guys can (and usually will) actually try and kill you.

Mostly ganking isn't that bad at all, since the old world is dead and by Outland and Northrend you can escape pretty easily imo.

So don't be a pussy and go PvP.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
It's mostly a non-issue if you're a Druid since Travel Form just let's you run the fuck away like 80% of the time.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Seeds said:
Looks more and more like I'm going to start playing... just got battle chest and I'm going to get lich king next week.

But before I do, I wanted to ask what might be the most common question. Do you guys recommend pvp or pve. I've been hearing stories about players being unable to do quest because they're constantly getting ganked, which is basically the only thing stopping me from picking pvp, and I wanted to know how much truth there is in those stories.

I've been playing on a PVP server in the past weeks between lvl 1-60 on a medium pop server. I've been ganked by a bunch of 80s(mostly blood elves, damn their existence), but they usually leave you alone after they kill you. Unless you are unlucky and get the rare prick that will camp your corpse until you log off, but that didn't happen to me yet.


Yeah, I didn't think it was as bad as some make it sound. I guess I'll go pvp then.

I think I'll start playing when the next patch goes live, problably as a blood elf (sorry bisnic) mage.


He measures in centimeters
Epix said:
Got the T8.5 legs last night. I'm now the 5th best geared paladin on my server (2nd best Ret paladin).

How do people know who is best geared? Highest ilvl != best geared for pve. I could throw on a bunch of arena crap and have a super high ilvl or I could choose gearing that meets my needs in a synergistic way that'll allow me to do the most dps I can do. I have BiS pre-hardmode and that includes a couple i213s and a couple i200s. Doesn't mean my gear isn't better than someone with higher ilvl stuff in those slots. It is.

I'm not a ret so I'm not sure but aren't the maly boots better than the crafted leather ones?
thatbox said:
Yep, I raid as a Holy paladin and a Holy priest. It's harder than most people think to play Holy in Disc gear, but since there's no MP5 cloth in Ulduar the gear gap between the two will close as you progress. As Holy on Mimiron you should be exploiting the FSR between phases - make sure not to cast anything and you can get a solid 20 seconds of OOFSR spirit regen ticks. Even properly-geared Holy priests can have mana problems, though, so make sure you're in the Mana Tide group and don't be scared to ask for an innervate (a Holy priest is an excellent use of an innervate on Mimiron). If there are multiple priests in the group, using Hymn of Hopes at the same time will have an increased effect for the same reason mentioned above with Shadowfiend. Make sure that you have PoM bouncing around, which on Mimi P2 and P4 usually means casting it on cooldown. Avoid casting PW:S as holy, you may be holding on to your Disc habits (unless you're proccing Disciplined Power on purpose for PoM) and if you don't have the mana to spare it is a pretty inefficient heal. Since PoH is expensive try to only cast it on the group in the raid where it will heal the most. If you're down health, using Binding Heal is more mana efficient than Flash Healing yourself and another guy. If you have Spark of Hope, equip it. That's most of the quick stuff I can think of!

Thanks for the pointers. I've already been noticing that the more pieces I replace in Ulduar the more my mp5 drops, and only about half my gear is from there yet. Having said that, the first drops I got from there were Spark of Hope and Energy Siphon.

And I've swapped my side mouse button from PW:S in holy to renew. Shielding people holy just feels pointless, it gets eaten so fast. And my durid is a RL friend of mine so he never innervates me just to be a jerk. Although I have made him promise to save me one after the patch since he gets a bonus.

Didn't go OOM but topped the meters on Hodir rather handily last night using my run-around-in-a-circle-spamming-renew-and-CoH strategy, with PoH and CoH eating up most of Frozen Blows. Did pretty well on Razorscale, but mostly was happy to get a chance to try using hymn and shadowfiend early, then shadowfiend again later. Even healing constantly I had a little to spare at the end, so mission accomplished :)

With regard to the Glyph of Guardian Spirit, I have it but I must confess that I haven't seen the benefit of it so far. I use Guardian Spirit as a panic-button when the tank has no cooldowns available and a boss uses a cooldown-mandatory move. In those circumstances it almost never lasts the full duration.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
offtopic said:
How do people know who is best geared? Highest ilvl != best geared for pve. I could throw on a bunch of arena crap and have a super high ilvl or I could choose gearing that meets my needs in a synergistic way that'll allow me to do the most dps I can do. I have BiS pre-hardmode and that includes a couple i213s and a couple i200s. Doesn't mean my gear isn't better than someone with higher ilvl stuff in those slots. It is.

I'm not a ret so I'm not sure but aren't the maly boots better than the crafted leather ones?
Even if they they count Season X Gladiator's Gear, I don't think it's actually possible to accumulate enough Arena Points in a season to outgear PvE raiding players in terms of ilvl alone.
Duki said:
PvP is a lot more fun, tbh. Yeah, you might get ganked a bit, but it actually makes the distinction between being Alliance or Horde mean something, since the other guys can (and usually will) actually try and kill you.

Mostly ganking isn't that bad at all, since the old world is dead and by Outland and Northrend you can escape pretty easily imo.

So don't be a pussy and go PvP.

That's just, like, your opinion man.

For starters since TBC Alliance and Horde have been fighting together against a common enemy for the most part, so the distinction really means nothing. They keep separate factions to facilitate PvP, not the other way around.

And "don't be a pussy"? I mean... really?


He measures in centimeters
Angry Grimace said:
Even if they they count Season X Gladiator's Gear, I don't think it's actually possible to accumulate enough Arena Points in a season to outgear PvE raiding players in terms of ilvl alone.
Eh...people who have furious gear also raid so it would be a mix to get the highest ilvl. A mix that isn't optimal for anything.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
jim-jam bongs said:
Thanks for the pointers. I've already been noticing that the more pieces I replace in Ulduar the more my mp5 drops, and only about half my gear is from there yet. Having said that, the first drops I got from there were Spark of Hope and Energy Siphon.

And I've swapped my side mouse button from PW:S in holy to renew. Shielding people holy just feels pointless, it gets eaten so fast. And my durid is a RL friend of mine so he never innervates me just to be a jerk. Although I have made him promise to save me one after the patch since he gets a bonus.

Didn't go OOM but topped the meters on Hodir rather handily last night using my run-around-in-a-circle-spamming-renew-and-CoH strategy, with PoH and CoH eating up most of Frozen Blows. Did pretty well on Razorscale, but mostly was happy to get a chance to try using hymn and shadowfiend early, then shadowfiend again later. Even healing constantly I had a little to spare at the end, so mission accomplished :)

With regard to the Glyph of Guardian Spirit, I have it but I must confess that I haven't seen the benefit of it so far. I use Guardian Spirit as a panic-button when the tank has no cooldowns available and a boss uses a cooldown-mandatory move. In those circumstances it almost never lasts the full duration.
Part of the problem with the GS glyph for me is that as Holy I rarely tank heal, and there's very few situations in which I'd use it and it not get consumed. I rarely remember to use it even when I should, just because it's hard to focus on more than 5 or 6 buttons. It's sort of like Binding Heal in that way; I rarely use Binding Heal because I don't really think about it. I just find that Cross healing like that is a good way to waste your Mana, and there's very few situations in a raid in which a Holy Light or Penance ISN'T about to land on the target anyways.

Also, Elitist Jerks did the math on Energy Siphon and determined that it basically sucks.

Pairing Hymn of Hope with Mana Tide Totem will ease mana woes for most of your healers. Of course, there's always the issue that the Shaman might want to use his Mana Tide before you do, in which case Hymn of Hope can theoretically not target yourself if you happen to have more mana than your other healers.


Glyph of Guardian Spirit is completely worth it for me - it changes how I think about the spell. I picked it up for when my 10-man group was learning Vezax and I never want to raid without it agian. If things start going to shit, I never feel like I have to save GS in case things go even MORE to shit - just toss it out there. I can say with complete certainty that I have saved 25-man raids from wiping with my new outlook on this spell - there are times where I wasn't positive GS would be needed, but I cast it anyway thanks to the fact that if it wasn't needed it would be available again shortly, and it got used. It's a great feeling saving 24 lives, and this glyph gives me the freedom to offer a safety net more often.

Chris R

offtopic said:
How do people know who is best geared? Highest ilvl != best geared for pve. I could throw on a bunch of arena crap and have a super high ilvl or I could choose gearing that meets my needs in a synergistic way that'll allow me to do the most dps I can do. I have BiS pre-hardmode and that includes a couple i213s and a couple i200s. Doesn't mean my gear isn't better than someone with higher ilvl stuff in those slots. It is.

I'm not a ret so I'm not sure but aren't the maly boots better than the crafted leather ones?
Theorycrafting can generate basically what the ideal stat is, and how much that stat is worth compared to others. By use a formula, plugging in stats/bonuses/trinkets/ect, a gear "value" can be determined. Using this "score" you can rank people.
rhfb said:
Theorycrafting can generate basically what the ideal stat is, and how much that stat is worth compared to others. By use a formula, plugging in stats/bonuses/trinkets/ect, a gear "value" can be determined. Using this "score" you can rank people.

I don't think people are using any sort of formula other than iLevel to claim "best geared". It basically means nothing.


what are the names for each armor in the arena seasons?

I know merciless, brutal, furious just not which order.

Season 1 is Gladiator right?
Season 2
Season 3
Season 4
Season 5
Angry Grimace said:
Part of the problem with the GS glyph for me is that as Holy I rarely tank heal, and there's very few situations in which I'd use it and it not get consumed. I rarely remember to use it even when I should, just because it's hard to focus on more than 5 or 6 buttons. It's sort of like Binding Heal in that way; I rarely use Binding Heal because I don't really think about it. I just find that Cross healing like that is a good way to waste your Mana, and there's very few situations in a raid in which a Holy Light or Penance ISN'T about to land on the target anyways.

Yeah that's basically my issue. When in a spec where I have GS I'm too busy with group heals to get it on the tank in time should the shit hit the fan.

Also, Elitist Jerks did the math on Energy Siphon and determined that it basically sucks.

Bummer. Hopefully it will look a little better after the patch when everything gets an mp5 boost. Either way I'd rather a proc based boost than an on use one.


Grandma's Chippy
zugzug said:
what are the names for each armor in the arena seasons?

Season 1 - Gladiator
Season 2 - Merciless Gladiator
Season 3 - Vengeful Gladiator
Season 4 - Brutal Gladiator
Season 5 - Savage/Hateful/Deadly Gladiator (Listed in order of value)

EDIT : Corrected :)


Just dinged to 52 today, also did my first Sunken Temple run (which was awesome) and my first Alterac Valley (holy shit, my computer almost fucking melted there were so many people!) but was still so much fucking fun.

Just need to chug thru a few more levels, and then Outland!


Mr Pockets said:
Season 1 - Gladiator
Season 2 - Merciless Gladiator
Season 3 - Vengeful Gladiator
Season 4 - Brutal Gladiator
Season 5 - Savage/Deadly/Hateful Gladiator (Listed in order of value)

Deadly is better than Hateful, but everything else is correct.


PvP in WOTLK has been pretty shit for the most part. On one hand you have insane burst damage that turns most 3v3 matches into contests of who can burst more, instead of having to rotate CC chains on the other team.

Then you have 2v2, where most matches extend into the twenty, thirty minute range later on, where ninety percent of the comps are DK/Druid, Warrior/Druid, Rogue/Priest or DK/Paladin.

Battlegrounds are stale and any remnant of 'skill' associated with playing it are gone. Burst damage, even for poorly geared players, have gone up to such a level that it essentially comes down to which team can train the healer best.

World pvp is the only thing that remains interesting... but most people are shit and pose no challenge whatsoever.

Just stick to pve in WoW. Go find pvp in a real pvp game.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
This was annoying. I have 28 fragments for my Val'anyr. So we go to Ulduar last night and kill every single boss except Yogg (people were falling asleep) and not a single fragment. Atleast he'll drop a fragment next raid so I'll hopefully get it next week.


Junior Member
Seeds said:
Yeah, I didn't think it was as bad as some make it sound. I guess I'll go pvp then.

I rerolled from PvE to PvP to play w/ RL friends. At first I hated it. You will be ganked, and on rare occasions you will be camped.

The upside to it is that you can kill opposite faction players who're getting in the way of you completing a quest, mining that titanium node, killing that rare mob, etc. That eventually overcomes the pain of the occasional ganking. If you get into a good guild that has a solid reputation you'll also see that people leave you alone lest they be descended upon by any friends in the area.

In the end I prefer PvP.


offtopic said:
How do people know who is best geared? Highest ilvl != best geared for pve. I could throw on a bunch of arena crap and have a super high ilvl or I could choose gearing that meets my needs in a synergistic way that'll allow me to do the most dps I can do. I have BiS pre-hardmode and that includes a couple i213s and a couple i200s. Doesn't mean my gear isn't better than someone with higher ilvl stuff in those slots. It is.

I'm not a ret so I'm not sure but aren't the maly boots better than the crafted leather ones?

A couple i200's as BiS? No wayyyyyy!


kinoki said:
This was annoying. I have 28 fragments for my Val'anyr. So we go to Ulduar last night and kill every single boss except Yogg (people were falling asleep) and not a single fragment. Atleast he'll drop a fragment next raid so I'll hopefully get it next week.

What a fucking cock tease. Sorry mate.


offtopic said:
How do people know who is best geared? Highest ilvl != best geared for pve. I could throw on a bunch of arena crap and have a super high ilvl or I could choose gearing that meets my needs in a synergistic way that'll allow me to do the most dps I can do. I have BiS pre-hardmode and that includes a couple i213s and a couple i200s. Doesn't mean my gear isn't better than someone with higher ilvl stuff in those slots. It is.

I'm not a ret so I'm not sure but aren't the maly boots better than the crafted leather ones?
I think those websites use some kind of weighted scoring system. Perhaps weighting the stats you have rather than the gear you're wearing (ie: I could wear a bunch of +Int ilvl 232 gear as ret but will have a low score because my ret stats would be low).

And no on the maly boots.


Weenerz said:
Greatness deck is BiS for quite a few classes.

He said a couple! And I knew this ... I have it on both my warrior and rogue :(


I couldn't think of a single other ilvl 200 item though. Grim Toll is 213.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
They should just raise Greatness Cards item level. I don't see why not if it's stat budget is way over other trink's stat budget of the ilvl 200.

I'm guessing the 3.2 patch is 1-2 weeks out given that Blizzard is throwing out bug fix patches every day now.


Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
hobart said:
What a fucking cock tease. Sorry mate.

Personally I blame our usual tanks for not showing up forcing me to tank the whole instance (Paladin, btw) thus letting RNG take a break too.
Anyone else sitting on some scarlet rubies for the next patch? I've got about 35 at the moment, and am not sure if I should move them now (for about 60g) or wait for the patch for transmutes.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
Anyone else sitting on some scarlet rubies for the next patch? I've got about 35 at the moment, and am not sure if I should move them now (for about 60g) or wait for the patch for transmutes.
Depends. The problem is that the market for them will probably go down, but still sell for other's to transmute. Alchemists will charge a fortune for the transmute, of course.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Once you have the Hodir fight down, that fight is fucking awesomely fun, although if it weren't for the fact that it has "hard mode" where you do it fast, I would personally suggest that the enrage timer needs to be a tad more strict given all the buffs.

I bet people would bitched less about Naxx and how all they did was increase the level and make it easier to do if they had put in some hard modes.


I LOVE the Hodir fight, I got it after my first try and I was smiling throughout the entire fight because it's so damn hectic. When it all comes together, you feel like you solved a really hard jigsaw puzzle.
Bisnic said:
I've been playing on a PVP server in the past weeks between lvl 1-60 on a medium pop server. I've been ganked by a bunch of 80s(mostly blood elves, damn their existence), but they usually leave you alone after they kill you. Unless you are unlucky and get the rare prick that will camp your corpse until you log off, but that didn't happen to me yet.

If I have some jackass trying to corpse camp me, I'll just alt-tab into my browser and read GAF for a while, or log over to an alt/play something else. I love it when I check back 10 minutes or more later and the fool is still trying to camp me.
I'm thinking of starting some Alliance alts since Horde and Burning Blade is starting to annoy me. Anyone in a decent raiding guild on an Alliance server that needs a specific class? I'll roll whatever to help the guild out so long as I can get in haha.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
VaLiancY said:
I LOVE the Hodir fight, I got it after my first try and I was smiling throughout the entire fight because it's so damn hectic. When it all comes together, you feel like you solved a really hard jigsaw puzzle.
I did pretty bad on my first 10 man with my Shadow Priest. Only managed 3700 DPS on Hodir :facepalm: I bet it would have been better if I had *remembered to pick up the Mind Flay glyph* so I could, you know, actually hit the guy. :lol

I'm the only caster in my group, so I'm not really sure of how I'm supposed to get the Storm Buffs/Starlight other than physically running over to the person that's got it, which is a pretty big DPS loss.

People who can't get on the snow drifts after doing the fight once are worse than people that can't go in the right direction on Thaddius. The worst part is you don't even really die if you get hit by flash freeze.


Junior Member
To quote a warlock in my guild: "The addon you modded, boosted my dps from 1800 to 2700."

*evil laugh*

Now to have the Uldaur geared locks test it.
Note the warlock that tested it originally was in a mix of blues and some naxx epics.


Kyoufu said:
Downed IC hard mode. I can smell that Iron proto-drake!

Isn't Iron bound the 25 man one? You guys dropped Yogg-3 already? Or is One Light In The Darkness not part of the meta? I haven't really looked.

Chris R

Xabora said:
To quote a warlock in my guild: "The addon you modded, boosted my dps from 1800 to 2700."

*evil laugh*

Now to have the Uldaur geared locks test it.
Note the warlock that tested it originally was in a mix of blues and some naxx epics.
What mod is that :eek: Full Moon gave me ~300dps on my shaman so I could believe it.


Junior Member
Macattk15 said:
Can't be much worse than Trollbane!
Good point, but at least your Server wasn't Southpark themed at one point. :lol

But the Warlock in question was playing a pally last week before he swaped mains.


Junior Member
Orbitcube said:
Do elaborate.
The undermine server was orginally launched after the Episode "Make Love, Not Warcraft".
And thus guild names, player names, and pretty much everything was southpark themed.

EDIT: And looks like we're back on reccomended. :lol
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