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World of Warcraft

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So that's why there's like 10 paladins gathered around the Heroic training dummy in Silvermoon on Broxigar.

I have a strategy question for the raiders. How do you do the Auriaya pull the right way? We've downed her before but, we've had a lot of trouble with her the past few weeks. We've downed her again but, not before wiping a few times. I feel like we're blindly fumbling our way through. We have a hunter lay a snake trap and go around a corner out of LOS and wait for for the pack to come. Then the cats usually kill one of the cat tanks right away. Would it be better to have the cat tanks taunt off the snakes? Should a healer follow them? Is a certain healer better for that job?

Also, is there an addon to only show your dots and debuffs on a boss' portrait intead of the whole raid's? Sometimes I can't tell if that's my rupture or serpent sting up or someone else's.


Junior Member
Gloomfire said:
Sweet, I am in the top 60 of Mages on my server and the best geared person in my guild.
I'm in the same position.
Best gear frost dps DK in my guild and server.
I can't move up. :lol

Plus I have no reason to leave the Guild I'm in, too awesome of a crew. :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
jim-jam bongs said:
Out of interest, are there any healing priests posting? I'm mainly disc, but my off-spec is now holy because we needed to boost group heals on some encounters like Mimiron.

Thing is I have major problems with mana when healing holy. Part of it is that my gear is all int and mp5 over spirit I'd assume, but the thing I notice is that 600mp5 goes a lot further disc than it does holy.

Most of my regen disc is coming from shield absorbs, but the only proc based regen I can see in holy, Holy Concentration, requires a crit, leaving me at the mercy of the RNG, and in a spec where my crit is about 2.5% lower than normal. Surge of Light is great, but once again isn't guaranteed.

So I'm sort of lost. It's fun to top the meters for a change, but if it takes shadowfiend, hymn of hope and a mana injector just to last until the end of a fight then I think I'm doing something horribly wrong. Any advice would be appreciated.
You don't NEED 600mp5, although that's a good number, just remember that Intellect is a significantly better regen stat due to Replenishment's mechanics.

Part of the problem is that Holy is not really a mana efficient spec in general. It's got a ton of thoroughput, but the big heals (i.e. Prayer of Healing) are mana soaks to cast. I personally glyph PoH for the 20% HoT because if I have to cast a PoH, it might as well be as mana-efficient as I can make it. CoH and Flash Heal glyphs are pretty much mandatory if you ask me, but I know some people are real Renew whores.

Something you might try if you are having a lot of mana problems is speccing into Mental Agility in the Disc tree. You should also try flasking with Distilled Wisdom, since Pure Mojo sucks and when combined with Replenishment effects and Hymn of Hope gives more mana overall. It's significantly less useful the less you use Empowered/Improved Renew.

Also, what is your overheal percentage looking like? It's very easy to get a crap load of overheal out of Prayer of Healing...it takes a lot of targets low on health to make PoH all that mana efficient. A good strategy I find is to use your Inner Focus (maybe even put your PoH as a Inner Focus/PoH macro) on the first PoH you cast in a fight...it should become available again within the fight...that's a ~1200 mana savings per PoH. Plus, using Inner Focus with PoH and hitting more than 2 targets will almost certainly proc a Surge of Light AND Holy Concentration.

Finally, a strategy that CAN work in a long fight is to use your Shadowfiend and Hymn of Hope at the same time, because the 20% boost to your mana pool will increase the returned mana from the fiend. The reason this works best in long fights is because you should be using your fiend as soon in the fight as you can use it and not "overmanaheal" yourself because in long fights (i.e. Kel'thuzad, etc.) it comes up more than once.
When I got my rogue to top 5 geared on the server I quit raiding cold turkey and have logged on maybe 5 times in the last month to say hi and then log off

Chris R

Entropia said:
One of the head designers(?) of the Trading Card Game played on my original Server(Ner'zhul).

Kralnor was on Ner'zhul too actually. :lol

Ner'zhul was such a kick ass server when I was playing on it during almost all of Vanilla.

I'm hoping the new 10/25 is more like VoA/Naxx in terms of pugs, because now the only thing that pugs do in Ulduar is FL :| Since I don't play every night I can't raid like I used to, so I'm just getting shit to 80 now for 3.2 :lol

Oh and what is the best mod for proc based buffs? On my shaman I'd like if there were the images and counts for say my Lightning shield, maelstorm weapons, stormstrike count, ect sitting just right around the center of my screen, versus having to have me check up in the upper right corner? I thought I saw something earlier in this thread that was kinda the same, but not really.


Epix said:
My Ret just got donkey kicked from the latest PTR build. After hearing that we we're getting PvE buffed, we get PvE nerfed below live to appease PvPers. God the cycle never ends.

Stop over-reacting lol. Our single-target DPS has gone up. Last time I checked, that wasn't a nerf.


Xabora said:
Those are the NPC Only shoulders.

WTF... good job if someone from Blizzard goes over this. "ZOMG, lemme change the colors a bit, and T10 is done! Time to go check out the new statue being built in the bathroom".


No One Remembers
rhfb said:
Oh and what is the best mod for proc based buffs? On my shaman I'd like if there were the images and counts for say my Lightning shield, maelstorm weapons, stormstrike count, ect sitting just right around the center of my screen, versus having to have me check up in the upper right corner? I thought I saw something earlier in this thread that was kinda the same, but not really.

As a fellow Shaman, I use Full Moon.
Whoah, thanks for the detailed response!

Angry Grimace said:
You don't NEED 600mp5, although that's a good number, just remember that Intellect is a significantly better regen stat due to Replenishment's mechanics.

My itemisation being disc is basically int > crit > sp > mp5 > spirit. I have around 630mp5 and 23k mana raid buffed as disc, and Rapture returning 1.5% of that pool every few seconds or so keeps me humming along indefinitely.

I've been swapping to mostly spirit gear that I collected and never used when holy so far though, and it sounds like I should just stick with my disc gear.

Part of the problem is that Holy is not really a mana efficient spec in general. It's got a ton of thoroughput, but the big heals (i.e. Prayer of Healing) are mana soaks to cast. I personally glyph PoH for the 20% HoT because if I have to cast a PoH, it might as well be as mana-efficient as I can make it. CoH and Flash Heal glyphs are pretty much mandatory if you ask me, but I know some people are real Renew whores.

Interesting. I got excited by Empowered Renew being a shield-bot; it's replaced PWS > flash as my spot heal in holy. My disc spec is actually built around PWS, Penance and Flash so that was probably a bad move right there.

I do have the PoH and CoH glyphs though, sounds like I should switch my renew glyph with the flash heal one.

Something you might try if you are having a lot of mana problems is speccing into Mental Agility in the Disc tree. You should also try flasking with Distilled Wisdom, since Pure Mojo sucks and when combined with Replenishment effects and Hymn of Hope gives more mana overall. It's significantly less useful the less you use Empowered/Improved Renew.

This is also a good thing to try if I want to stick with excessive Empowered Renew usage. Might do that first, then try out a Flash build, just to keep a little variety between specs.

Also, what is your overheal percentage looking like? It's very easy to get a crap load of overheal out of Prayer of Healing...it takes a lot of targets low on health to make PoH all that mana efficient. A good strategy I find is to use your Inner Focus (maybe even put your PoH as a Inner Focus/PoH macro) on the first PoH you cast in a fight...it should become available again within the fight...that's a ~1200 mana savings per PoH. Plus, using Inner Focus with PoH and hitting more than 2 targets will almost certainly proc a Surge of Light AND Holy Concentration.

Disc my overheals are 5 - 15%. Holy my overheals are between 40 - 50% :eek: I think most of that is PoH too, it's often the case that another healer will step in on one or two people in a group I'm casting on and make the full heal for that target entirely an overheal. Happens a lot more when I'm not watching my Serendipity.

Finally, a strategy that CAN work in a long fight is to use your Shadowfiend and Hymn of Hope at the same time, because the 20% boost to your mana pool will increase the returned mana from the fiend. The reason this works best in long fights is because you should be using your fiend as soon in the fight as you can use it and not "overmanaheal" yourself because in long fights (i.e. Kel'thuzad, etc.) it comes up more than once.

Will definitely start doing this for Mimiron, that fight goes on for ages. I usually pop out the shadowfiend after phase 1 and it's back a couple of phases later, but adding the hymn will make it a lot more effective for sure.

Thanks again for the advice. Overall, It sounds as though I'm going to need to learn to manage my regen cooldowns better, which I haven't had to do since I was in blues :lol We did just recruit another resto durid for raids though, so hopefully the need for a group healing priest will disappear shortly and I can go back to being pocket healer for the MT :)


Finally managed to make Ambassador tonight, gnome rep was a pain in the arse.

Here is my updated sheet I need to tweak a few things...need bracers and a Titanium Earthguard ring.

20k health and 707resil aren't too shabby
Entropia said:
As a fellow Shaman, I use Full Moon.

Listen to this man! Full Moon is awesome and is very light weight.

Finally picked up a Calimity's Grasp, my guild normally does open rolls for everything but loot counciled it to me because the other enhance shaman did 1600 dps :lol I just wish Beserking wasn't so god damn expensive.
My guild's having an identity crisis. Half the people want to progress and be a little more hardcore the other half want to stay a casual raiding guild with open rolls and wiping on trash. Its chaos I tell you. Chaos!:lol
rhfb said:
Oh and what is the best mod for proc based buffs? On my shaman I'd like if there were the images and counts for say my Lightning shield, maelstorm weapons, stormstrike count, ect sitting just right around the center of my screen, versus having to have me check up in the upper right corner? I thought I saw something earlier in this thread that was kinda the same, but not really.

PowerAuras I believe it's called. Amazing proc/cooldown mod, and ridiculously simple for basic stuff.

Chris R

Ambassador is simple if you do the tournament dailies and then get the scrolls instead of 10 gold. 1k+ a day :p

And Full Moon is PERFECT for what I need :D thanks


I might have to try this Full Moon mod. I was using the counters from TotemTimers, but since that mod is useless next patch I could use something else instead.

Chris R

The only thing I don't like about Full Moon now is that I'd like to have my health and mana on either side of the mod, would be perfect then really. Well that and for it to have an adjustable IN combat alpha slider.

I'm looking at the code now to see if I can try to hack it together somehow. I bet I can do the Alpha really easy. The HP and Mana though, will be kinda tough :lol


I should really go and totally redo my interface anyway. I think just modding the fuck out of the standard WoW UI is as far as I'm going to get for now. Might as well do the whole semi-circle/crescents around your character thing most people do and scale it so I get tons more screen estate for my resolution (1024x768 windowed since I don't give a crap about the graphics and I like the instant swapping to browsers for wowwiki/wowhead/etc.).


What no Shock and Awe addon luv for enh shaman?

My Enh Shaman just ragequit casual raiding guild today, over 75 unused abyss crystals in guild bank not dropping me half for Berzerking enchant no Kel'Thuzads Reach, yet the GMs wife has Bezerking on both Kel'Thuzads/Hand of Nerub. Corrupt GM wife playing favorites. Plus them filling my raid spot with someone else.

Chris R

Well me trying to just add in a single simple slider has proven to be an utter failure. Instead I just have hardcoded the alpha in combat to be 0.6 and just left the OOC slider at 0 :| No clue why it was giving me a shitload of errors :lol

As for leveling a shaman, I had a killer time doing enhancement, but it only really picks up once you hit 20. Never had to stop to drink though, and was just constantly killing shit.


I was thinking of picking that up and possibly experiment with Elemental somewhere along the road. Now I'm torn between being an awesome Tauren or a full of win Orc with its awesome racials.

Chris R

Tauren for PvP, Orc for PvE I say :lol

I'm an orc for the weapon bonus and my kick ass racial.

As for the mod, I was able to get it working 100%, didn't realize that because I had used the mod before, the saved local variables wouldn't be rewritten to include my new local variable. Added my slider in the XLM file (cool how everything is relative...) added a 2 line function, and BAM updated mod with the alpha I want. I guess I can steal HP/Mana bars from another mod and just use them as they are :lol


I went Orc like I did with all my other classes. I can't wait to get out The Barrens, every second I spend their makes me want to off myself.


What stat do i need to give priority (enchants, gems) for a survival (and beastmaster) Hunter... attack power or agility? I keep reading mixed opinions.


Neo Member
Oni Link 666 said:
I have a strategy question for the raiders. How do you do the Auriaya pull the right way? We've downed her before but, we've had a lot of trouble with her the past few weeks. We've downed her again but, not before wiping a few times. I feel like we're blindly fumbling our way through. We have a hunter lay a snake trap and go around a corner out of LOS and wait for for the pack to come. Then the cats usually kill one of the cat tanks right away. Would it be better to have the cat tanks taunt off the snakes? Should a healer follow them? Is a certain healer better for that job?

If you can get a pally speced into Divine Sacrifice pairing it with bubble can help a lot. I am that pally (healer) in our 10 man and it smooths out the start of the fight. 40% transfer up to 25k damage will save a tank.

Did you make sure the OT had proper gear? Sounds obvious but it doesn't hurt to ask.


Sounds like you guys need to be closer to the edge of the corner. The whole point of the LoS pull is to not have the cats pounce on the tanks.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Flib said:
Sounds like you guys need to be closer to the edge of the corner. The whole point of the LoS pull is to not have the cats pounce on the tanks.
The ideal method is to use a Death Knight tank and place a Death and Decay at teh edge of Auriaya's patrol area so that she and the cats hit it, and then have your MT taunt Auriaya off the DK (who should use Icebound Fort + other CDs to prevent dying in those first few seconds.)


jim-jam bongs said:
Out of interest, are there any healing priests posting? I'm mainly disc, but my off-spec is now holy because we needed to boost group heals on some encounters like Mimiron.
Yep, I raid as a Holy paladin and a Holy priest. It's harder than most people think to play Holy in Disc gear, but since there's no MP5 cloth in Ulduar the gear gap between the two will close as you progress. As Holy on Mimiron you should be exploiting the FSR between phases - make sure not to cast anything and you can get a solid 20 seconds of OOFSR spirit regen ticks. Even properly-geared Holy priests can have mana problems, though, so make sure you're in the Mana Tide group and don't be scared to ask for an innervate (a Holy priest is an excellent use of an innervate on Mimiron). If there are multiple priests in the group, using Hymn of Hopes at the same time will have an increased effect for the same reason mentioned above with Shadowfiend. Make sure that you have PoM bouncing around, which on Mimi P2 and P4 usually means casting it on cooldown. Avoid casting PW:S as holy, you may be holding on to your Disc habits (unless you're proccing Disciplined Power on purpose for PoM) and if you don't have the mana to spare it is a pretty inefficient heal. Since PoH is expensive try to only cast it on the group in the raid where it will heal the most. If you're down health, using Binding Heal is more mana efficient than Flash Healing yourself and another guy. If you have Spark of Hope, equip it. That's most of the quick stuff I can think of!

Oni Link 666 said:
I have a strategy question for the raiders. How do you do the Auriaya pull the right way? We've downed her before but, we've had a lot of trouble with her the past few weeks.
The best way to do it is with a Death and Decay or a glyphed Consecration. Then, make sure everyone is out of LOS so that Auri and her cats can't oneshot them before tanks can pick everything up. If you have three tanks, have one tank on the boss and the other two tanks each holding two cats. Send one of the offtanks ten or so yards out of the raid, and have the DPS burn down the cats in the raid. When one dies, the OT in the raid should taunt one of the other OT's cats into the raid for burning down.

The initial pull is so crazy, though, that I have my tanks use Shield Wall or its equivalent right off the pull. If the Consecration ticks itself out before the boss reaches it, I've initiated the pull myself with a 40-yard Judgement + a Bubblesac on one of the cat tanks. Make sure you have your priests avoid casting PW:S right after the initial pull until the cats have been picked up, since they're very sensitive to aggro when running to the group.

It's sort of important to get the cats down before the first fear, because if you don't get lucky with the tremor totems a cat can kill an OT during it. If your raid seems to have trouble with this part, it's a good idea to use bloodlust to help kill the cats before this has a chance to happen.

Finally, if you aren't doing this already, it's important to assign healers for the pull. Any tank getting hit by a cat can take huge amounts of damage, so it's important that you don't get unlucky and have all five or six healers picking the same tank to heal!

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
thatbox said:
Yep, I raid as a Holy paladin and a Holy priest. It's harder than most people think to play Holy in Disc gear, but since there's no MP5 cloth in Ulduar the gear gap between the two will close as you progress. As Holy on Mimiron you should be exploiting the FSR between phases - make sure not to cast anything and you can get a solid 20 seconds of OOFSR spirit regen ticks. Even properly-geared Holy priests can have mana problems, though, so make sure you're in the Mana Tide group and don't be scared to ask for an innervate (a Holy priest is an excellent use of an innervate on Mimiron). If there are multiple priests in the group, using Hymn of Hopes at the same time will have an increased effect for the same reason mentioned above with Shadowfiend. Make sure that you have PoM bouncing around, which on Mimi P2 and P4 usually means casting it on cooldown. Avoid casting PW:S as holy, you may be holding on to your Disc habits (unless you're proccing Disciplined Power on purpose for PoM) and if you don't have the mana to spare it is a pretty inefficient heal. Since PoH is expensive try to only cast it on the group in the raid where it will heal the most. If you're down health, using Binding Heal is more mana efficient than Flash Healing yourself and another guy. If you have Spark of Hope, equip it. That's most of the quick stuff I can think of!

The best way to do it is with a Death and Decay or a glyphed Consecration. Then, make sure everyone is out of LOS so that Auri and her cats can't oneshot them before tanks can pick everything up. If you have three tanks, have one tank on the boss and the other two tanks each holding two cats. Send one of the offtanks ten or so yards out of the raid, and have the DPS burn down the cats in the raid. When one dies, the OT in the raid should taunt one of the other OT's cats into the raid for burning down.

The initial pull is so crazy, though, that I have my tanks use Shield Wall or its equivalent right off the pull. If the Consecration ticks itself out before the boss reaches it, I've initiated the pull myself with a 40-yard Judgement + a Bubblesac on one of the cat tanks. Make sure you have your priests avoid casting PW:S right after the initial pull until the cats have been picked up, since they're very sensitive to aggro when running to the group.

It's sort of important to get the cats down before the first fear, because if you don't get lucky with the tremor totems a cat can kill an OT during it. If your raid seems to have trouble with this part, it's a good idea to use bloodlust to help kill the cats before this has a chance to happen.

Finally, if you aren't doing this already, it's important to assign healers for the pull. Any tank getting hit by a cat can take huge amounts of damage, so it's important that you don't get unlucky and have all five or six healers picking the same tank to heal!
I frequently cast PoM on CD unless it hasn't bounced around at all because PoM is mana efficient even if on a single proc, not to mention 5.

As for the cats, the 10 man group I run with has good DPS, but somehow fails to kill the cats before the fear every time :lol Just keep a fear ward on any non-warrior cat tank (obviously in a 10 man, just get a warrior to hold both cats.)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I can't say I agree with Blizzard's implementation of PvP "fixes." They like to project an attitude like "deal with it," but they have to realize that at some point someone else will do what they won't and come out with an MMO where PvE stuff doesn't affect PvP and talents have different effects, etc.

If WoW doesn't implement that on a much bigger scale by next Expansion, I think you'll see a big shift towards something else. WoW is a fun game, but I don't think anyone really believes it couldn't be topped in terms of all of its mechanics by something else.


To the priests posting above, I'd say that for Holy, Glyph of Guardian Spirit is practically mandatory. It's just so amazing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Magnus said:
To the priests posting above, I'd say that for Holy, Glyph of Guardian Spirit is practically mandatory. It's just so amazing.
My guildie agrees, but I don't at all. It's not that great when you consider that it's use is so conditional that I can't justify glyphing for it. Plus, when you use it and it doesn't get used it's kind of a waste to have used it in the first place since the heal amount from it getting used up is bigger than what you can get off in that period of time if it doesn't.

Chris R

VaLiancY said:
I went Orc like I did with all my other classes. I can't wait to get out The Barrens, every second I spend their makes me want to off myself.
If you aren't in the ghostlands from 10-22 you are doing it wrong :lol
I'm learning that fact too as I finally pick up my troll Shaman. It's a shame for the Horde areas though because in addition to the obvious BC Draenei areas I'd say the Night Elf (Darkshore->Ashenvale) and Human (Elwyn->Westwall) sections aren't that bad for questing.

Seriously though I have to kill 60 of these boar guys??? At least I know where Mankirk's wife is...


just getting back in after 14 months off. I don't remember many of the mods. I doubt I'll get into anything too big yet as I'm gonna start with a lower level guy I think. Any mods I need? Particularly if someone has a questhelper type mod and a safe link that would be a good one.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
SyNapSe said:
just getting back in after 14 months off. I don't remember many of the mods. I doubt I'll get into anything too big yet as I'm gonna start with a lower level guy I think. Any mods I need? Particularly if someone has a questhelper type mod and a safe link that would be a good one.
Well, there's always Questhelper. :lol

I personally just use Curse and the Curse Client because I'm too lazy to update and install all that shit on my own.


Manick Joe said:
I'm learning that fact too as I finally pick up my troll Shaman. It's a shame for the Horde areas though because in addition to the obvious BC Draenei areas I'd say the Night Elf (Darkshore->Ashenvale) and Human (Elwyn->Westwall) sections aren't that bad for questing.

Seriously though I have to kill 60 of these boar guys??? At least I know where Mankirk's wife is...
if you need those boar tusks, they're like 2-3 per mob pretty commonly. I always finish that quest before I finish the simple kill quest from the caged guy at camp T.
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