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World of Warcraft

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remember me
Shadow priests are fine. Once they aren't being brought to raids at all, then you can start qqing. But right now it's not uncommon to see guilds running with 2 or 3 of them.

aryies said:
the only fight i can compete in dps is yogg, vezax and hodir. everything else is gg. and its not just me.

Uh huh. Are you not aoeing on Razorscale? Are you not dotting up both the body and the arm on Kologarn and aoeing the rubble? Not AOEing the lashers and multidotting the trio on Freya? Not MCing the adds in Thorim to give your entire raid an incredible haste buff? Not multidotting on Mimiron?

The only fights we really suffer on because there's only 1 target is IC and Ignis. Ignis is a joke, and we're still good to soak up the static charges on hard mode IC.


Neo Member
johnsmith said:
Shadow priests are fine. Once they aren't being brought to raids at all, then you can start qqing. But right now it's not uncommon to see guilds running with 2 or 3 of them.

Uh huh. Are you not aoeing on Razorscale? Are you not dotting up both the body and the arm on Kologarn and aoeing the rubble? Not AOEing the lashers and multidotting the trio on Freya? Not MCing the adds in Thorim to give your entire raid an incredible haste buff? Not multidotting on Mimiron?

The only fights we really suffer on because there's only 1 target is IC and Ignis. Ignis is a joke, and we're still good to soak up the static charges on hard mode IC.

if you read my posts, like, read, youl see i say its mainly our dps on single target dps which is low. in the future, if there isnt 100 things to dot up, or multiple aoe, what will you say then? look i understand people get defensive when theyre class is called out by anyone. like ive said many times. if you are happy with your dps as an spriest, good for you! im REALLY happy for you, because truly, i wish i was happy with the class. but im not. far from, it. And if you read around youd realise im far from the only one :)


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Staff Member
Loxley said:

I take no credit for the above SS, I've just been looking for an excuse to post it again :) Still one of my favorites.

Hahaha, amazing!


profit said:
I keep hearing this; people want to wait to lvl alts in 3.2. Why is this?
20% bonus exp instead of 10%, plus paladins getting taken out to the woodshed for holy/ret in 3.2. makes me glad I'm still a tank!


profit said:
I keep hearing this; people want to wait to lvl alts in 3.2. Why is this?

You will be able to gear up an alt extremely fast due to the fact that ALL dungeons/raids that currently drop Emblem of Heroism/Valor will be dropping Conquest instead, so Tier 8s for all!


Junior Member
offtopic said:
Yeah DPS meters on yogg are just stupid for many reasons. And, yeah, you want your affliction locks rollin dots in p3. Lock damage is great for a few fights (assembly, general, yogg) and solid on other bosses. In our guild most bosses seem to go feral/rogue, then dks, then locks, then other. Mages great on hodir and general meh (feel sorry their class is balanced around these two gimmick fights).

It's not the DoTs in P3 on Yogg, it's Drain Soul. Since Yogg starts that phase with a little more than 25% health, he's quickly brought down to execute phase where I'm getting Drain Soul ticks of over 20K. Plus you can start your DS channel and then turn your character around so that it's still ticking while you're facing away.

I can usually stick around the top of the meters on any fight that doesn't have me switching targets frequently. I've beat our rogues on XT when I'm not on spark duty, but once I have to move back and forth between boss and adds it guts my dps. No time for DoTs to tick and I lose time reapplying immolate.

Mage was over 23K dps on hardmode Hodir last night. Gimmick fight yes, but what about the other mages in the raid that didn't break 13K? One of them did 7K. I'd be rerolling.

As for alts, it's going to be silly to level one if it's more of a side project and not as much a powerleveling thing. My priest has done almost all of the Northrend leveling rested with the BoA shoulders, and I'm about to hit 78 from only three zones (Borean, Dragonblight, Sholozar). With an extra 10% mob + quest xp I'd be nearly done, and with epic flying at 68 I would have finished those zones a hell of a lot quicker.


honestly those old thaddius screens are pretty weak

i wish i had some screens but my warrior hit 12-13k on thaddius back pre 3.1 with dual betrayers


that fight is all about how many you get to stack though. so many times I've had people fuck up the stacking range on him so dps drops.


yacobod said:
honestly those old thaddius screens are pretty weak

i wish i had some screens but my warrior hit 12-13k on thaddius back pre 3.1 with dual betrayers

Congrats? I think I had terribad gear and Death's Bite / Claymore. I posted to show how much I slayed the rest of the guild with poor gear (thus showing how OP warriors were ... even though it's a gimmick fight)

Also the total time matters in the DPS numbers. Kill the boss in 6 mins ... your DPS will be quite higher as opposed to 8. That was also my old fail guild .... we hit the enrage timer ..... who does that?


Thinking about giving the game a shot and I was wondering if euro gaf plays on a particular server, with a gaf guild etc.


Angry Grimace said:
Isn't that the whole purpose of the game?

Well obviously that's part of it, but we don't need "Lawlz I can outdps you in that picture from Naxx a few months ago, l2p" shit in this thread


No One Remembers
I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes
1. post message in the room
3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)
and 4. Have fun!!!


Entropia said:
I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes
1. post message in the room
3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)
and 4. Have fun!!!



Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Entropia said:
I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes
1. post message in the room
3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)
and 4. Have fun!!!

1. Post nonsensical diatribe aimed at God-knows who or what
2. Post nonsensical list for God-knows-what-purpose
3. ????
4. Profit


Seeds said:
Thinking about giving the game a shot and I was wondering if euro gaf plays on a particular server, with a gaf guild etc.

I would just pick a random medium population server and meet all new people. It's the best way.


Entropia said:
I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes
1. post message in the room
3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)
and 4. Have fun!!!
kralnar returns! fuck yeah!


He measures in centimeters
Entropia said:
I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes
1. post message in the room
3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)
and 4. Have fun!!!
Junior Member

Yup. Yup.


Junior Member
Entropia said:
I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes
1. post message in the room
3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)
and 4. Have fun!!!
What the bloody hell did I just read? :lol


Neo Member
Xabora said:
No, look at the two warlocks.
Which is strange because 80% of our raids lack warlocks. :lol

Our boomkin Boomerkins, can hit 13k sustained dps on the Gen Vezex fight.
Nothing but starfire spam! :|

Hey, I'm in your guild! And I'm a warlock :lol

I don't get raid with you guys too much, but I try to get in when I can.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
RARE Blackwing Basin Stratigese

u need 2 open it up with 2 rogues. u put the rogues up wehere the mobs r but not 2 close, and make sure that they r stealthed too, or the mobs will attack them

when u put the rogues there u look at the mobs. r there 2 or 5 of them? heres a graff

1 2 3 4 5
rogue rogue

so the rogue left side sapps the #1 or #2 mobs maybe both if hes lucky and the right mob sapps the #4 or #5 mobhs and then u got 1 mob left and its easier 2 fite it that way cuz u can kill 1 at a time and they cant gang up on u.
example: if u fight 2 mobs its hard. but if u fight 1 mob its easy. so u fight 1 at a time until they died.



Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Entropia said:
I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes
1. post message in the room
3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)
and 4. Have fun!!!
"I don't like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does"

Kralnor starts his revelation by showing great humility and at the same moment, great strength. He obviously shows us that the thought that a warlock "rocks" is not just an opinion, but rather "fact". Still, even in the light of that fact, he doesn't like to stress it. Many view this as the Teacher giving us an example for daily warlock life. Humility is not a trait often naturally cultivated by warlocks, so Kralnor encourages us here to follow his example. Clearly warlocks "rock" but don't stress it. This ideal is held by some Kralnoric scholars to be one of his most influential teachings, and at the same time, one of the harder for his disciples to follow.

Instead he describes his feelings using the demonic tongue. "But he jus does" is regarded as the most perfect phrase ever uttered by any warlock teacher. The words "he jus" is a demonic phrase that translates into orcish, quite literally as "they". So, in its common tongue, the sentence would read "I don't like to stress the fact that the warlock rock, but they does". Most scholars agree that it is acceptable to overlook the seemingly poor grammar of this sentence as Kralnor's passion and wisdom make up for it.

Now, onto the commandments:

1. post message in the room

Scholars agree that "the room" refers to the warlock state of mind. So, with that, we can plainly see that Kralnor's intent was that we "post" (keep) his great message in our constant and collective consciousness. The First Commandment could be paraphrased as "Remember my teachings and spread the word."

Many warlocks tattoo the text of the Post of Enlightenment on their body (apart from the Forsaken warlocks, for whom that would be an exercise in futility. They instead opt to embroider their robes with passages from the text.) in an effort to obey the First Commandment. While others choose to chant portions of the Book as a mantra, hoping that by "posting" his message in their consciousness or "room" they can take on Kralnor's wisdom sub-consciously also.

Kralnoric ikons or talismans are popular items in markets and tourist hot-spots in both Horde and Alliance towns and often contain popular passages from his works inscribed on miniature staves or STAFFS. Alexander Calder of Ironforge has made a veritable fortune hawking Kralnoric trinkets for years to hapless tourists and fresh-faced young warlocks who have just arrived in "The Big Smoke" from outlying regions such as Elwynn and Coldridge Valley.

"These kids will pay good gold for any old hunk o'shite if I write '2. LOOK IT OVER' on it" - Alexander Calder boasts unabashedly about his booming trade.

Many artists have attempted to visualise the grandeur and glory of Kralnor's epic staff.

The second commandment is often confused as simply a restatement of the first. This is not so. It is in fact referring to the staff of Kralnor and his desire for us to behold it. However, as stated before, this knowledge would surely kill us. So, to protect the readers, Kralnor omitted the name of his great staff, instead prompting us to look at the blank space below his words and contemplate the deeper meaning of staves. Also note the use of capital letters in this commandment. This holds the reader's attention, making them read the commandment over and over, searching for deeper meaning. This meditation is intentional and should be seen as progress toward better staff usage.

It is also interesting to note that in the NGV [New Gutterspeak Version] of the Book of Kralnor, this capitalization was removed in favour of what was seen as "correct" punctuation. The affects of this change were catastrophic as it caused a rift in the fellowship of Kralnor. Followers of the original text felt that the loss of capitalization caused readers to skip the meditation and proceeded to the 3rd commandment far too quickly. Readers of the NGV argued that the new version was easier to read and recite and that minor changes to make the language more "modern" didn't change the writing message. To this day the traditional temples of Kralnoricism still use the original version while those who split to form the "Church of the Staves" prefer the NGV. Still, most scholars agree that the message behind the text is very similar in both translations and the differences between the two religious sects are simply a denominational disagreement.

3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)

Often seen as the breaking point for many followers, the 3rd commandment is by far the hardest to grapple. Lord Halibethor of the Church of Staves in Undercity, wrote an excellent (yet controversial) book entitled "The 3rd Commandment of Kralnor: Reporters Among Us". In this, Halibethor contests that the 3rd commandment is in fact a coded message designed to be deciphered in conjunction with prophecy. He cites that the words alone hold a deep meaning, yet arranged as they are in this sentence, seem to be meaningless. Halibethor claims that the key to unlocking this secret coded message lies with Kralnor's illegitimate son who's existence has been kept under wraps for years by the "government" within the Kralnoric church. He believes that only when the followers demand that the church reveal these secrets will the mystery of the 3rd commandment truly be understood.

More traditional scholars simply attest that the 3rd commandment warns warlock followers about the danger of telling others about the great staff of Kralnor and its power. Most followers are satisfied by this explanation as it is an easy commandment to follow.

and 4. Have fun!!!

By far the most exciting of the commandments, the 4th tells us to have fun. Kralnor is encouraging his followers to experiment with their own staves (while at the same time not using them too much) and to share our excitement with each other. Most readers agree that this ends the Post of Enlightenment on a high-note and leaves you with a general sense of well-being and hope for the future.



Entropia said:
I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes
1. post message in the room
3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)
and 4. Have fun!!!

WTB transla......ugh. nvm. Yup, I agree with everything here.
So should I level my 74 pally before or after the patch omg!

I don't really get how they are being destroyed to be honest. Just for leveling Ret's been rather boring because it's just judge + strike + wheecircle and wait for a cooldown to come back up. It's not that enjoyable. Even if you aoe and start throwing in that ground shit and exorcism.
Son of Godzilla said:
So should I level my 74 pally before or after the patch omg!

I don't really get how they are being destroyed to be honest. Just for leveling Ret's been rather boring because it's just judge + strike + wheecircle and wait for a cooldown to come back up. It's not that enjoyable. Even if you aoe and start throwing in that ground shit and exorcism.

PvP rets got destroyed. They can't depend on their burst to kill people in 3 seconds anymore(at least that's what rets are saying in ptr). For PvE, Im thinking its an adjustment of playstyle? Rets can no longer depend on burst for their dps and must rely on dot stacking? If anyone knows, please correct me as I've only glanced at the ret changes briefly.


My Ret just got donkey kicked from the latest PTR build. After hearing that we we're getting PvE buffed, we get PvE nerfed below live to appease PvPers. God the cycle never ends.
Out of interest, are there any healing priests posting? I'm mainly disc, but my off-spec is now holy because we needed to boost group heals on some encounters like Mimiron.

Thing is I have major problems with mana when healing holy. Part of it is that my gear is all int and mp5 over spirit I'd assume, but the thing I notice is that 600mp5 goes a lot further disc than it does holy.

Most of my regen disc is coming from shield absorbs, but the only proc based regen I can see in holy, Holy Concentration, requires a crit, leaving me at the mercy of the RNG, and in a spec where my crit is about 2.5% lower than normal. Surge of Light is great, but once again isn't guaranteed.

So I'm sort of lost. It's fun to top the meters for a change, but if it takes shadowfiend, hymn of hope and a mana injector just to last until the end of a fight then I think I'm doing something horribly wrong. Any advice would be appreciated.


Epix said:
After hearing that we we're getting PvE buffed, we get PvE nerfed below live to appease PvPers. God the cycle never ends.


One of the reasons why, when WotLK launched, I took a break from my Paladin and rolled a DK (I have since gone back to my Pally :D ) was because I was just sick and tired of the stupid game Blizzard has been playing with Paladins over the years. They literally cannot decide where they want us on the PvP food chain, to the point where it's gotten annoying. To me, Blizzard doesn't toy with any other class as much as they have with Paladins. It never ceases to amaze me when they over-buff us, realize the non-Paladin community will whine themselves into the next expansion if it goes on unfixed, so then they nerf the ever-living shit out of our core abilities and cripple our use in PvE, and then we whine about being under-powered once again, and then they over-buff us...again.

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Also, I just got back into the game after taking nearly two or so months off due in part to technical issues, but coming back...I've seriously not seen a class this hated by the community this much since post-Death Coil Warlocks in Vanilla and Resto Druids post-Season 2 in TBC.
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