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World of Warcraft

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Since I've been gone a long time... tiem for update:

1. My rogue still lvl 60, duh.
2. Wielding barman/julies.
3. Knight-Captain Rank.
4. Guild did Onxyia first time with only 29 people last weekend, we died horribly. We got to phase 2 atleast.
5. PvP starting to get really boring.


I'm having difficulty picking a new class to get into. It's not like you can go to the Blizzard boards for any up to date information because, as per usual, every single class considers themselves to be broken and underpowered.


Well, I've played a warrior and rogue to 60 and highly recommend either class. I also have a level 26-ish Mage and Priest and both of them are pretty damn fun too. None of these classes feel broken, or underpowered, to me.



My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
On Sunday my guild attempted Onyxia for the first time. We didn't take her down (we didn't have a full group and only got her to 46%), but we had a great time and learned a lot. Now that our tank knows how to position her and we have our healing rotation down we should be able to do it next Sunday.



Also, Thunder Bluff is a really cool place. I have never really messed with a Horde character, so when I went around with my warlock filling out my map it was the first time I have seen it besides screenshots. It from a bad view it looked really great.



MrAngryFace said:
Thats because, in terms of PvE, all the classes do exactly what they need to do. PvP however remains in constant debate.


Alex: Don't listen to those fools on the WoW forums... they are, literally, nuts.

Some of the forums do, however, have detailed lists of what you should do and how you should play your class. I've found the posts to be quite informative and it really helped me make my decision as to which class I wanted to reroll on.

Another good way to learn/see a class in action is to visit warcraftmovies.com. Take some time, DL some popular films by classes you are interested in and watch. Some of these guys will blow you away... but... it does give you a good feel of what each class is capable of.

As far as PvE goes... I'll more than agree with MAF... they all do what they are supposed to do.


Has problems recognising girls
Screaming_Gremlin said:
Also, Thunder Bluff is a really cool place. I have never really messed with a Horde character, so when I went around with my warlock filling out my map it was the first time I have seen it besides screenshots. It from a bad view it looked really great.
Yeah I love Thunder Bluff and Mulgore just specifically. Even though sometimes the lush forests of Ashenvale even get this Horde fello's heart racing with euphoria, the quiet and calm plains of Mulgore keep me happier. Still.. nothing beats Undercity for this Undead :D God bless you Sylvannis!


What's a good PvP stratgey for Warriors against Rouges?

I dueled against a lvl 23 rouge tonight (I'm lvl 24 warrior) and basically won only one out of eight duels. The one duel I did win I got lucky and was able to get charge in followed up by rend, hamstring and a few overpowers, in the other duels I was basically just stunned at the start and encircled for most of the time and found myself all over the place, totally disorganised, trying to keep up with the guy and desperatly trying to charge him in vein. Now mind you the guy obviously knew his shit and i've probably been in less than 20 duels altogether although I did beat a lvl 32 druid who didn't know her shit at all, I still need a better understanding of things like perception, shouts and battle stances.


xabre said:
What's a good PvP stratgey for Warriors against Rouges?

I dueled against a lvl 23 rouge tonight (I'm lvl 24 warrior) and basically won only one out of eight duels. The one duel I did win I got lucky and was able to get charge in followed up by rend, hamstring and a few overpowers, in the other duels I was basically just stunned at the start and encircled for most of the time and found myself all over the place, totally disorganised, trying to keep up with the guy and desperatly trying to charge him in vein. Now mind you the guy obviously knew his shit and i've probably been in less than 20 duels altogether although I did beat a lvl 32 druid who didn't know her shit at all, I still need a better understanding of things like perception, shouts and battle stances.

Whats your spec? for overpower (like MS) its best to have a giant slow ass 2h. I can probably give you some better pointers depending on your specific spec and weapon style. but heres a couple...

Almost all rogues follow the same pattern, they use ALL there stunlocks in the first part of the battle... so at the beginning of battle equip your shield and 1h and stay in defensive stance, and while your being constantly stunned just try to rend. (this will lesson the damage done). Once you hit about 25 rage, switch to battle stance, cause we don't want to stay in defensive stance the whole time, and as soon as you go to battle stance, hit hamstring.

The stuns will become less and less effective, so when you're at about ~60-70% of your health, equip your 2h weapon (you should have your weapons on a side bar so you can change almost instantly), and spend almost all your rage on attacks. Keep moving too, rogues hit fast so avoiding a couple attacks can be useful, and keep rend and hamstring on at all times.

Now when you hit about 30% health, go to protection stance and disarm his ass... this doesn't sound like much cause they have 2 weapons, but you'll learn it's really a huge difference, many of there moves they can't use without a main weapon... and they really don't expect it (or expect it early on). Now go back to battle stance, and overpower and hit away until execute lights up... and it should be over. If they use there run move (can't remember the name), hamstring will keep them in range, and rend will keep them from vanishing.... if they do get ahead of you, go berserker stance and intercept.

Hope this helps.


Oh, I just noticed you have perception too, use this at the beginning of every duel. Really it's a great rogue killing move I find. This will take out initial hits from them and makes a big difference. If you can get charge in even better.

I find though it works the first duel and thats it, other duels they try and hit you as fast as possible to avoid it.
Overpower is also a Rogues worst enemy. Rogues dodge a lot (I dodge 26% of the time, and gain a combo point 45% of the time I do so) so overpower will be available to you CONSTANTLY. Depend on that a fair bit.

MOST rogues stunlock initially. For me it depends. HIgh armor anything, NPCs, players, ill bleed. Open with garrote 420 damage ove 12 seconds, hemmorage, then when I hit 4 combo multiplier ill use rupture for another 300-400 (I forget what dmg number) within 15 seconds. Add this guaranteed vs no matter what armor the constant (unless you have high nature resistance) poison damage (potential 80 dmg from each weapon 20% of the time, and rogues strike often) PLUS my frequent critical strikes and high multiplier evicerates and thats where you find my high damage vs armor assault.

MAGES and priests are where you wanna abuse stunlock. Keeping a warrior stunned does a rogue absolutely no fucking good. You want to fucking soak through the thousands of damage points they have in the bank, and that takes some work.

However this is if you were dueling me. Im a subtlety specc rogue that dabbles in both combat and assassin to fit my playstyle. MOST of what you run into are combat rogues who are high parry, fast attack high damage with pedestrian weapons, assassin rogues you'll deal with high poison damage and what not.

Also, as pointed out in my last PVP account, MOST rogues will rush in stealthed RIGHT when the gong hits, so thats the most convenient window. I have talents put into stealth so I prefer to let the player sweat it out for 15-20 seconds, it gives me a better jump even on a psychological level when I do decide to attack. Rogues greatest advantage is that they decide when the battle begins, and their skills allow some pretty fluid control of what path the battle will take, rogues that dont utilize this arent rogues at all, they're just DPS monkeys that dont really belong in the rogue class. As for perception mentioned above, meh. It has a cooldown, I purposefully dont attack in PvP for a large window because most people fire that shit off right away. BEST opportunity is to gather 2-3 catseye potions just on the off chance you do fight a rogue. They last longer and potion cooldown isnt half as long and I think they do almost as good a job.

Which brings up the point that there's no surefire way, so troll the rogue forums at the wow website and read their shit, pick up the most common things and use those weaknesses. The rogues that play like other rogues are the rogues you wanna fight, cause they're gonna be easy.
Just fyi, but stunlock is worthless against mages.

Rogues are pretty easy as a warrior. Spamming shield block/revenge works nice. As does generic MS/OP cheese.
umm no, I win frequently with stuns and kicks. I almost exclusively hunt mages and priests. Almost killed a level 60 at 43 in a raid cause he ran off all alone.


I'd say stunlocks are highly efficient against mages... why do you say differently?

Never heard of shield block/revenge used against a rogue.. I'd try it sometime but I put talents into overpower so it crits 50% of the time.

About perception though, I meant its very effective in duels, but yeah.. in true pvp its different. If you are in a big raid, try and think like a rogue and when they would hit. Use it when cloth wearers are drinking and low on health, and look around trees in the area. If you have hunters constantly using flare you probably won't find much so I would just ignore it in this case.

Oh, and btw, it freaks them out when you use it and find them when they are stealthed, there first reaction is usually there run move... hamstring before you rend ;)
No, even in duels, use catseye. Hell use it right after perception ends. Its just a far more efficient way to detect stealthers close to your level and it lasts longer.

Subtlety rogues have MUCH improved stealth so you usually wont find a smart rogue without aide of some sort. In fact most rogues should have improved stealthed speed and enhanced stealth to avoid detection since it sits at the bottom of the subtelty spec.
Yesterday our guild was pretty inspired to take down Magmadar after hearing that our competition Horde-side teamed up to beat us to Onyxia. (Alliance is pretty far ahead on end-game content having killed everything but Ragnaros, and they almost have him down too)

With only 4 priests, (buoyed by a gazillion shaman, and 2! count em, 2! druids) we managed to send him on his way:


More bosses are probably going down tonight.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
SyNapSe said:
What UI is this? I love that top bar with all the information. What are all the little icons are your mini-map?

All of the stuff I use is included in a ui known as Insomniax (curse-gaming.com has all of the addons I talk about). There is a lot of stuff with it, but for the most part it is moduler (unlike cosmos) so you can remove what you don't want. As was said, the bar is Titan Bar. I really like it, you include all sorts of information on it (I only have some of the options turned on).

Those icons surrounding the mini-map are a couple different things. The first five on the left are my shard tracker. I recomend that all warlocks get this. It tracks my shards and with a click of a button it puts them in a bag I specify. It also has quick links to make healthstones, soulstones, spellstones, and firestones. If I have a healthstone already made, I can click on someone else then click the healthstone icon again and it automatically opens a trade window and puts the healthstone in it. The soulstone portion is also cool. When I put it on someone and it expires an it tells me and it begins to flash to warn me to put a new one up.

The icon below the ShardTracker icon is the CTmod menu, next to that is a shortcut to LootLink. This keeps track of all of the different items you encounter in the game and allows you to link to them in guild chat or trade chat, whether you currently have the item or not. The next icon is Atlas, which has maps to every instance in the game but Blackrock Spire (and that will be included in the update). After that is KillLog. This keeps track of everything I kill and get killed by, both PC and NPC. It also tracks damage records. The green icon below my mail icon is Gatherer. This is another cool addon. It tracks every mining node, herb, and chest that I find. That way later on if I am looking for a particuler vein or herb I know where they spawn and I can go find them. You can also download a file that has all of them already marked, but I haven't done this myself. Also, I have all of the icons because I am lazy. I can disable them from the addon menu and just use / commands to access all of them if I want.


Rogues are easy for warriors. I don't get why MS and OP are referred to as cheese when they are just standard warrior abilities, but whatever. Best bet at the start of a fight is to just slap on your highest AC shield and put yourself in defensive stance and wait out his initial barrage of attacks to your back. You'll eventually get up, switch to battle stance and just kill away. Make sure you ALWAYS dot a rogue at the onset of battle -- slam rend and hit him with hamstring. This will slow down his ability to run off and his ability to vanish or stealth. Make sure those two dots are always in effect. Thunderclap helps too, but it feels like too much waste of rage for the little damage return it gets and it doesn't help much against two fast hitting daggers. Also, if you are defensive spec, disarm is your best friend. Most rogues would rather have fiery or crusader on their blades then a weapon chain and the only disable disarm glvoes in the game are for us warriors. Disarming a rogue makes them about as useful as a sheeped priest without his insignia trinket. However, even in defensive stance, everytime you see a dodge pop, OP is your greatest weapon. You can try to use revenge, but the diminishing returns factor makes it useless after it lands twice -- and that's if it lands twice.
And again, getting around AC is pretty easy with Rogue DoT abilities, higher levels leech massive amounts of HP regardless of AC. A good rouge shouldnt try and punch through high AC even WITH beefed up ambush/evicerates. Its not worth it considering how long a rogue wants a fight to last. High Melee damage attacks should really be left to unleash on low AC opponents.

Disarm is a good skill against any melee class, regardless however. But yes, OP is the warriors best friend against the rogue. Frankly I dont see whats cheesy about OP either. We rogues get the deck stacked for us enough as it is. For raw DPS one on one we are unmatched.


Higher levels leeches aren't that great actually, take rupture for example, at rank 6 with 5 combo points it does 935 dmg in 22 seconds. That's nothing for a warrior at level 60, especially if the rogue is wasting his combo points to use this.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
All of the stuff I use is included in a ui known as Insomniax (curse-gaming.com has all of the addons I talk about). There is a lot of stuff with it, but for the most part it is moduler (unlike cosmos) so you can remove what you don't want. As was said, the bar is Titan Bar. I really like it, you include all sorts of information on it (I only have some of the options turned on).

Thanks, I clearly don't need all of that but I would definately like the thing that tracks mining, etc. nodes and some others. I've seen plenty of people linking in guild chat with that lootlinker too. I'm just running CTmod right now, as you said that you had the CTmod icon running I presume these work well together?


Thanks for the advice :)

I play on a PvE server so PvP is not of critical importance but I still like to have some general strategies for duelling when the time arises. I'm currently using a 2H axe as my primary weapon although I do have a 1H mace and shield which can come in handy for tanking I suppose but I haven't really used them in a while. Also specing in arms, basically have rank 2 overpower and rank 3 deep wounds/rend and my armour is fine so there is no problem with how my warrior is set up. Also I only have attack and defensive stance (don't get beserker until lvl 30 I believe).

I can see the strategy in starting on in defensive stance with shield equipped then switching to the 2H and attack stance when out of stun, but after that I was in disarray trying to actually get the guy in my line-of-sight and then actually getting a decent hit in all the while he's zippin' past and hitting me with all sorts of shit. The one time I got charge in was the one time I beat him, then rend, hamstring, heroic and followed up with a couple of overpowers and he was done. Problem is that if the rouge is on their game you ain't going to be getting a charge in because you'll be stunned from the outset. So when he's zippin' along hamstring then rend and a few overpowers after that if you get the chance, so pretty smart and straight forward in theory but putting this all together in practice against a very tricky opponent that is both fast and stealthy is much more difficult. I mean any other class and they'd be right there in front of you but with rouges you have to be moving constantly and then you have to try and organise your attack as well. I just find them very confusing to deal with.


I wanna do Rogue again. I had the most fun on those, however I JUST did Mage and Rogue is a guilt trip since there are so many at times.

I was also thinking Warlock, but I'm not sure how they are faring nowadays. I'm intending on doing a PvE server, but spending a lot of time in Battlegrounds, ect at the end.

I love PvP, I just don't like the awkward main world setup Bliz has going on. It's a little too uneven for me to stick around on that server type.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
SyNapSe said:
I'm just running CTmod right now, as you said that you had the CTmod icon running I presume these work well together?

CTmod is actually included with Insomniax so it all works together.

Malakhov said:
Pick whatever you want to play and have the most fun with, heck, I'm playing a freaking warrior on a PvP server :p

I haven't played a warrior myself, but my guild's main tank warrior tears shit up during pvp. It is insane. Of course this is a level 60 with awesome gear, so it might be completely different at lower levels.


Man, the biggest thing I had about casters in WoW and in Western RPG's in general is their damn tendancy to stick characters in bath robes and night gowns. What the heck.


Well, to that my good sir, I say "duh. :p Seriously though, I know that and I didn't say otherwise. It's just while I like the sheer metric ton of armor in Warcraft, I dislike the whole western MMO bathrobe-esque design for the caster cloth. It looks absolutely ridiculous outside of the handful of exceptionally fancy designs.
Screaming_Gremlin said:
CTmod is actually included with Insomniax so it all works together.

I haven't played a warrior myself, but my guild's main tank warrior tears shit up during pvp. It is insane. Of course this is a level 60 with awesome gear, so it might be completely different at lower levels.

Yeah, no blue weapon within 5 levels of the Warrior = 1/2 ass damage. I've been feeding my warrior Blue 2h Axes bought off the AH for a while now since he's in contested territory now, (Killmaim, Bloodspiller, etc.) I've found that if I'm reasonably well equipped, I can mess people up, or in one case where 5 of us headed to BFD ran into a ganking 44 Rogue, debuff and disarm the crap out of him so we can take him down without dropping one-two-three to eviscerates. Now, if I can only remember to shieldbash a lock's Fear first off, then go all ax murderer, I'll be set. :lol
Malakov: Id rather have that then wasting my combo points on high damage evicerates only to have it nerfed by INSANE AC. And using the move to lower armor is another waste of combo points.


Alex said:
Well, to that my good sir, I say "duh. :p Seriously though, I know that and I didn't say otherwise. It's just while I like the sheer metric ton of armor in Warcraft, I dislike the whole western MMO bathrobe-esque design for the caster cloth. It looks absolutely ridiculous outside of the handful of exceptionally fancy designs.

As a mage, I agree. It sucks seeing a lvl 15 warrior running around with gear fancier than my lvl 31 mage. :(

We get the occasional cool robe,shoulders and gloves but most of the designs look like lvl 7 junk.


So I wanted a Shining Silver Breastplate (decent piece for a lvl24 warrior, 214 armour, 14 STA, 6 STR), check the price in the AH and they want about 6g average (went as low as 3g) so I thought fuck that, I'm a blacksmith so I'll lvl up and make my own. So after a few days of grinding my guts out to mine copper and (whenever the fuck I could find it and it's pos 2 ore from each mine) tin as well as buying up a lot of rough stone and tin from the AH (really cutting into my savings, started with 8g got about 3g now) I managed to get my blacksmith lvl to the necessary 145 so I could learn how to make the silver breastplate. So I check the ingredients I need and run over to the AH to check the prices, 2 x Moss Agate so that'll be 1.4g, 2 x Iridescent Pearls so that's 2g and 2 x Lesser Moonstone for 1g, not to mention 20 bronze and 4 silver so in the end instead of making one and wasting all that time mining and spending a shitload of money, I could have bought it for less in the first place.

I tell you though, the prices for basic materials are fucking ridiculous in this game, you've got wankers charging 1g and up for a stack of copper (at least double what it's worth) putting upward pressure on prices and this goes for all sorts of items, coarse stone is complete joke, 20 coarse stone goes for an average of 2g on my server (Llane) which is way overpriced as well. Not only are the prices ridiculous but the economics make no sense either, you've got copper and tin which are both pre-requisites for bronze yet a quick check in the AH shows that bronze is cheaper than either going for about 50s for a stack, tin about 80s and copper about the same on average. Game should be renamed to World of Inflationcraft.


Well, gathering and tradeskills are typically pretty convienant in WoW. Most of the stuff listed on the AH is just considered a luxury, thus the price.

Shining Silver Plate rocks though, looks really nice and the stats are so slick for that first piece of shiny armor, haha. Back when I did my Warrior I just mined like crazy for an afternoon, bought the Agates, and went to Blackfathom for the Iridescant Pearls.

I did too many characters across too many servers though, wound up just erasin' 'em all. Fresh start on a somewhat new server is for the best anyhow, economy is pretty decent here.
My guild gave me a big helping hand tonight and ended my near-constant grind of badlands for mount gold. I owe them big. Here's shots o the guild! Gilneas rocks all over crushridge! Hint: Im the undead rogue ;)

Our guild is getting pretty big. We could use a good high level mage tho!



wow, that 5 man guild is huge


I remember awhile ago a bunch of little warlock fucks were in this thread Bitching bitching BITCHING about the little crappy nerfs they got.


you warlocks are STILL broken. Maybe yall dont know how to play but ive been dueling some high level warlocks who KNOW how to play the game and viewing some vids of GOOD warlocks and holy shit.....can we say BROKEN!??!


its funny when a broken class bitches about nerfs.


Alex said:
Shining Silver Plate rocks though, looks really nice and the stats are so slick for that first piece of shiny armor, haha. Back when I did my Warrior I just mined like crazy for an afternoon, bought the Agates, and went to Blackfathom for the Iridescant Pearls.

Any pearls on the alliance side or do I have to go to Blackfathom? If so what's the best way to get there, portal to Darnassus and go from there? And what about the Moonstone, any place to find them?


I'm not sure, out of the allied 20's areas I very, very much prefered Ashenvale to Red Ridge and the Wet Lands. In Blackfathom Deeps, the instanced part, they drop from pretty much every aquatic being (crabs, Naga, ect) and from the big clams scattered about.

To get there from Darnassus, take the portal by the bank to Rut'thean is it? I forgot, but it's the shoreline village, take the flightpath to auberdine and go heavily south into Ashenvale, and it's at the NW shoreline within that area.

Moonstones, if i remember correctly, are gem drops from silver veins. But I think they're also uncommon, not rare, drops off of several monsters, that's probably how I got mine because I mined very little silver.


There will be a bigger CORE on CR... eventually.

Man... you guys are SO gonna wish you came over to CR. We're gonna make you sorry.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Fixed2BeBroken said:
wow, that 5 man guild is huge


I remember awhile ago a bunch of little warlock fucks were in this thread Bitching bitching BITCHING about the little crappy nerfs they got.


you warlocks are STILL broken. Maybe yall dont know how to play but ive been dueling some high level warlocks who KNOW how to play the game and viewing some vids of GOOD warlocks and holy shit.....can we say BROKEN!??!


its funny when a broken class bitches about nerfs.
Your an idiot, fight a warlock best 2 out of 3. You'll win 2. Cooldowns and lack of soulshards will kill him, you wont even have to.
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