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World of Warcraft

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Alex said:
Well, to that my good sir, I say "duh. :p Seriously though, I know that and I didn't say otherwise. It's just while I like the sheer metric ton of armor in Warcraft, I dislike the whole western MMO bathrobe-esque design for the caster cloth. It looks absolutely ridiculous outside of the handful of exceptionally fancy designs.

I agree. I was quite happy with this silver-thread look for my priest though:

dave is ok said:
Your an idiot, fight a warlock best 2 out of 3. You'll win 2. Cooldowns and lack of soulshards will kill him, you wont even have to.

no good sir, you're an idiot if you cant win best 2 out of 3. hell, you're an idiot if you cant win all period. Learn how to play your character or redo your talents cause you are obviously doing something wrong.


How nicely can one make themselves look if they master themselves in the profession of tailoring?

I'm think of going skinning/tailoring on my Mage. Best combo? I'm not outwardly worried about making money... however... I do want something I cna utilize myself while making SOME money.

First Aid will come as well (obviously).
Apple Jax said:
How nicely can one make themselves look if they master themselves in the profession of tailoring?

I'm think of going skinning/tailoring on my Mage. Best combo? I'm not outwardly worried about making money... however... I do want something I cna utilize myself while making SOME money.

First Aid will come as well (obviously).

screw that shit.

with all my characters i either go two routes....

Skinning/mining.........Or Skinning/ Herbalism.

then im a balla till around like 50.....make all the money i Can out of it....

then the ones that were skinning/mining i switch to Engineering/Mining

and the ones that were Skinning Herbalism I switch to Alchemy/herbalism.

seriously, alchemy/herb or engineering/mining will go a long way for you late game...if you are all about the PvP.

if not then yea you should be able to make some decent stuff later..it just blows cause like leatherworking/blacksmithing......to make items you need like SO many things. its very annoying. you need like 6 of this, 12 of this, 8 of this, 2 of this. for one damn item...that you can just easily buy.



Alchemy/Herb can make you good money selling herbs once you hit level 30, the herbs at that level sell for 5g a stack and are quite abundant in the hunting areas like Arathi or Stranglethorn. Plus once you hit 275 you can transmute arcanite to make a little on the side:)


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Fixed2BeBroken said:
I remember awhile ago a bunch of little warlock fucks were in this thread Bitching bitching BITCHING about the little crappy nerfs they got.

you warlocks are STILL broken. Maybe yall dont know how to play but ive been dueling some high level warlocks who KNOW how to play the game and viewing some vids of GOOD warlocks and holy shit.....can we say BROKEN!??!

its funny when a broken class bitches about nerfs.

Eh, as a level 60 warlock we are pretty gimped in pvp. I agree in duels, we are pretty damn good, but that is because we can prepare for the battle and have the right pet out for the particular class we are fighting. In a normal situation we aren't that lucky.

For example a rogue is going to own us every time unless he is absolute shit. The only chance we have is if we have free action potions on us. If not we spend the first 3/4 of the fight stunned, and by the time we get out of that it is over. We only have two defensive spells, they share the same diminishing returns timer, one requires us to have a specific pet out, neither are instant cast, and everyone in the game can break them due to pvp trinkets/will of the forsaken/blacksmithing trinkets.

The only other strategy we have is to go demonology specced to get soul link (I'm not demonology at this time, but affliction). Unfortunately, that gimps our best pve abilities and without dark pact we lose a lot of our man efficiency. Also, all of the demonolgy talents are shit ,with the exception of demonic embrace and soul link. While soul link will allow us to survive longer in one on one pvp, it is pretty worthless in group pvp. Horde priests and shamans can dispell it leaving you in a bad situation.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate my class like some of the other warlocks in this thread, but to pretend we don't have problems in pvp is insane.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Son of Godzilla said:
Tailoring is by far the easiest way to make money.

Mooncloth = Printing money.

While that is true (mooncloth goes for 12 gold a piece on Stormreaver) you can only make one piece every four days. I can make more than that in 2 to 3 hours with herbalism by collecting fadeleaf which rogues pay out the ass for (about 10 gold a stack).
It takes ten seconds to log onto an alt and make a moon. Only a bit more if you gotta hoof it back to a mailbox.

Tailoring is by far the best trade for an alt. That 2-3 hours gathering fadeleaf is 2-3 hours of your life.
Screaming_Gremlin said:
Eh, as a level 60 warlock we are pretty gimped in pvp. I agree in duels, we are pretty damn good, but that is because we can prepare for the battle and have the right pet out for the particular class we are fighting. In a normal situation we aren't that lucky.

For example a rogue is going to own us every time unless he is absolute shit. The only chance we have is if we have free action potions on us. If not we spend the first 3/4 of the fight stunned, and by the time we get out of that it is over. We only have two defensive spells, they share the same diminishing returns timer, one requires us to have a specific pet out, neither are instant cast, and everyone in the game can break them due to pvp trinkets/will of the forsaken/blacksmithing trinkets.

The only other strategy we have is to go demonology specced to get soul link (I'm not demonology at this time, but affliction). Unfortunately, that gimps our best pve abilities and without dark pact we lose a lot of our man efficiency. Also, all of the demonolgy talents are shit ,with the exception of demonic embrace and soul link. While soul link will allow us to survive longer in one on one pvp, it is pretty worthless in group pvp. Horde priests and shamans can dispell it leaving you in a bad situation.

Now don't get me wrong, I don't hate my class like some of the other warlocks in this thread, but to pretend we don't have problems in pvp is insane.

I cant speak for PVP cause honestly, I havent come across many warlocks in PvP...i always run into rogues/warriors/paladins/hunters in PvP but in duels yall own like stupid.

also, to attest how beast Warlocks are IN pvp, have you not watched the drakedog vids?

that shit is insane and cheap as hell.

Apple Jax said:
So... what shall I group Tailoring with? Skinning? Enchanting? Herbs?!

Lemme know.

if u want money early, id say skinning

if you want a shitload of money later...id say enchanting.

tho it is a BITCH early on.

but later u can get people to give good amounts of gold for enchants. its kinda funny.

i Only did that profession once tho...never again just cause its a bitch.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Funny thing about enchanting is that there are people that will pay out the ass for them for no other reason than that it makes your weapon glow. They don't care about any benifits, just the glow.

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Fixed2BeBroken said:
I cant speak for PVP cause honestly, I havent come across many warlocks in PvP...i always run into rogues/warriors/paladins/hunters in PvP but in duels yall own like stupid.

also, to attest how beast Warlocks are IN pvp, have you not watched the drakedog vids?

that shit is insane and cheap as hell.

The latest Drakedog video, he's playing against people that dont know how to play their class, no way a rogue could get the jump on a lock and lose.
dave is ok said:
The latest Drakedog video, he's playing against people that dont know how to play their class, no way a rogue could get the jump on a lock and lose.

so is that your beef? that you cant beat a rogue?

but u can pwn just about almost every other class?

stop crying.


ob·nox·ious (ŏb-nŏk'shəs, əb-) pronunciation

1. Very annoying or objectionable; offensive or odious

I'd say you kinda are. :p And it hardly makes for good conversation, guy. The good thing about our little GAF WoW group is we typically retain good information sharing/debate without sinking to the level of the mindless Blizzard boards. There's enough childish flamewars and hearsay from there polluting the internet as is.

Anyhow, I decided to go back to Mage. I freakin' love WoW's Mage. I usually like the Cleric/White Mage/Preist gig more, but eh, the nature of the game makes it a hard sell to me. Plus I just don't find it as fun in PvP.

One thing I wanted to ask, is it true that Blizzard is going to have lower level Battlegrounds? I heard something about a 20-30 one, or something around there. Man, that would be great, I can make that before the update if true.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Alex said:
One thing I wanted to ask, is it true that Blizzard is going to have lower level Battlegrounds? I heard something about a 20-30 one, or something around there. Man, that would be great, I can make that before the update if true.

Yeah, the smaller 10 vs. 10 capture the flag battleground begins at level 20. It groups you with other characters in your level range.
Alex said:
I'd say you kinda are. :p And it hardly makes for good conversation, guy. The good thing about our little GAF WoW group is we typically retain good information sharing/debate without sinking to the level of the mindless Blizzard boards. There's enough childish flamewars and hearsay from there polluting the internet as is.

yea sure.

cause i get called an idiot, and some how im being obnoxious.

anywho i apologize for telling a whiner to stop crying. Correct, it is so obnixous of me. Although I do know that Warlocks are truly powerful. But It seems that's null because they just cant stop a few rogues.

I only posted at the wow boards probably once and rarely do I ever view them. I learned to avoid their forums since WC3 vanilla.
Lower level battlegrounds are a good idea. It was funny tho cause Dark Age of Camelot did that too but youd never find anyone in the lower level areas. The rewards were ample, special skills gained from realm points rocked. Powerleveling was popular tho maybe that was the reason.


Yeah, that might be a concern. Lack of interest in lower leveled battlegrounds that is, but WoW has more subscribers than freaking people living on Earth so I'm hoping it won't be an issue.

Does anywhere, by any chance, know where the lower leveled battleground will be located in the world?



Although I do not know offhand... any info you want on the new BGs can be obtained off the WoW website... from gameplay, to drops, to rewards and even location.


Alex said:
Yeah, that might be a concern. Lack of interest in lower leveled battlegrounds that is, but WoW has more subscribers than freaking people living on Earth so I'm hoping it won't be an issue.

Does anywhere, by any chance, know where the lower leveled battleground will be located in the world?

Its called Warsong Gulch, its located near the Barrens/ Ashenvale border.


What do you mean once they are open?

I don't PVP much at all unless I'm forced to,so yea I'm only a Grunt.I did however beat a 49 Rogue and 55 Pally last night that tried to jump me in Un'Goro,heh.
The highest rank anyone can reach right now is 11. If you haven't noticed there isn't a single "high worlord" or whatever the fuck the pansy alliance equivalent is on your server. Next week the highest rank will be 12. It will continue increasing by one until rank 14. Therefore all you have to do is stay consistent with yourself and your rank should increase by one each week. So if you're 8 or 9 now you should be 11 or 12 by the time all rankings are released.


Azwethinkweiz said:
The highest rank anyone can reach right now is 11. If you haven't noticed there isn't a single "high worlord" or whatever the fuck the pansy alliance equivalent is on your server. Next week the highest rank will be 12. It will continue increasing by one until rank 14. Therefore all you have to do is stay consistent with yourself and your rank should increase by one each week. So if you're 8 or 9 now you should be 11 or 12 by the time all rankings are released.

Since the number of positions available for each rank decreases for higher ranks, this isn't so. Some of the rank 8 and 9 players will make it to rank 11 and 12, and some will not.
That's fair. If you want to ensure that you'll be at rank 11 by the end I'd say to try and be in the top 100 standing for your faction. Unless you're on a low population server in which case I don't know what to tell you.
So my guild helped me and another level 40ish member through udlalaman tonight. With the aid of an outsider who had travelled the passages before we managed to find most of the interesting quest points.

Things went crazy smoothly, however once Maquy and Aliventhia left things got a little hairy in our quest for the tablet. Basically everyone in the tablet room dogpiled the three remaining members of the original group. Best battle ive had in a very long time, and props to my team for holding it together cause it was NUTS. Anyway some screens from tonights misadventures. Guild Wars what? ha ha.



What up MAF, those are some pretty sweet pictures. So you guys were able to find the tablet and not whipe after I(aliventhia in case ya didnt know) left? Its funny seeing maquy in shadowform, it looks good in pics.
we almost died at the tablet, I mean almost.I was completely outta tricks, balefire was dead but could of course self rez and bubba was fighting 3 still, but after he knocked 1 of 3 out I came outta vanish and ambushed out of them and helped his pet wipe the remaining out. It was a VERY close thing.



Finally got my Arcanite Reaper yesterday... it's so nice. It probably cost me around 500 gold I bet in the end, which is actually not bad for it as I usually see it on the AH for 900+. Had a few pvp encounters where a cloth wearer is chasing me, trying to finish me off... and I just turn around and Intercept, MS, Whirlwind, and Execute, and it's over. Good fun.


(Alliance is pretty far ahead on end-game content having killed everything but Ragnaros, and they almost have him down too)

We're not really that close. Our best attempt so far is 51%. I think Storm got him down to about 75%, so it's going to be some time before Rag goes down.


SatelliteOfLove said:
It's official; as a whole, axes have the best names of any weapon type. Arcanite Reaper, Killmaim, Deathbringer, Headsplitter, Bloodspiller...

When I first saw the axe I was (man....why can't rogues uses 1 handed axes...)

That'd be some insane sinister strikes.
hey maf im using two chars

my Main mage on shatterd hand PVP server (alliance)
and ALT ???? on gilneas

thing is I hate my priest, im sure they are uber in end game but ugh i level so slow, anywho I was thinking of rolling a shammie or a rogue ( I used to have a level 42 rogue, and I liked the leveling speed)

how does a shammie rate in terms of leveling and dps and just basic playing? In terms of rogue.
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