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World of Warcraft

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Yaweee said:
I was thinking about posting that, too. There's actually a more detailed explanation about it in the link, so don't take that brief excerpt at face value.

Yeah, I added some comments, but wanted to just get the point across quickly without posting the entire interview.

Arenas are a part of the game now, for better or for worse, but I hope that Blizzard realizes how they negatively impact the other aspects of the game and start to soften their impact and importance to balance. I'm hoping they're scaled back, because the game really isn't about dueling nubs outside of Ironforge, but playing together with other players in large groups (no 5v5 is not a 'large group').

If it were me (and be glad that it's not), I'd make Arenas a vanity pet / titles / achievements-only aspect, ignore any complaints about it being unbalanced, and make it a goofy diversion at best. PVP should be in BGs or PVP Zones (ala' Wintergrasp), and Arenas should be for shits and giggles. If players want a Deathmatch, they can go play a dozen other games (including a few that are MMOs).

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Retro said:
From The Escapist's interview with Rob Pardo...

I sincerely hope that "we're trying to figure out how to guide it" means "we're trying to figure out how to diminish the impact Arenas without pissing people off." They've never brought anything but over-glorified dueling and a sense of chaos to the game, and I'd be happy to see them removed come Cataclysm. Unfortunately, he goes onto state that they can't simply remove it now that there's so many passionate people (lulz?) who enjoy it.

It's also very nice to see Pardo admit that the game feels "schizophrenic", because that's something I've felt to be true for a very long time. On one hand, the game is mostly focused on PVE, with PVP being sort of a 'side activity' to give you something different to do. I'm not disparaging PVP, because I actually enjoy BGs and the occasional run-ins of world PVP. But using Arenas (arguably the least popular segment of the game) to balance PVE (arguably the most popular) has never made sense, and I'm glad to see they're coming clean on it, so to speak.
Over-Glorified Dueling is pretty much it. Arena/PvPtards like to go on and on about "scripted encounters," but 90% of duels could basically be on a script in terms of what Class X vs. Class Y does.

Battlegrounds are fun, but they aren't nearly as fun as they would be if players tried harder and paid more attention. Rated Battlegrounds are hopefully the start of really de-emphasizing the dueling Class X vs. Y aspect of it, particularly considering that all but the "best" players focus on whatever the smallest available comp in which you can get rewards is, i.e. 2s if possible, 3s if they want the newest equipment.

There's nothing less fun that playing Disc Priest in a Battleground and getting blown the fuck up, because Penance's animation draws every single opposing player to blow you the fuck up and NOBODY bothers to CC those guys and/or keep them off you while you heal them.

I guess I just find the whole concept of WoW PvP silly; in a game where gear makes such a big difference, it makes for inherently unfair fights.

Wintergrasp is a step in a direction for PvP that I like. I just wish I didnt' have to wait 2 hours in between matches. I'm hoping Tol Barad is set to the hour that WG isn't on, although WG will have no real relevant rewards anymore come Cataclysm.


Retro said:
From The Escapist's interview with Rob Pardo...

Oh wow YES, it feels so good to read that :lol. Im of the "Arena is a cancer to this game" crowd. I absolutely hate the weight it has on the game. PvE is and always has been the games #1 focus, it was built that way and you cant change the roots no matter how much shit you layer on top of it. Seeing classes get wtf-morphed overnight because of that bullshit 3v3 in a square room makes me so sick. And hes right, its crazy to do PUG's after classes get fucking cleaaaaaaved because of Arena balance trying to figure out why their class is a mess all of a sudden.

Not everyone hangs on patch notes, and those people are left twisting in the wind when the game goes through that. The ironic thing is a part of Cata should have been a massive rollout of

"In PvE Conflagrate does this"

"In PvP conflagrate does Thiiiiiiiisssssss"

And they would be 10 steps closer to recovering from schizophrenia. But they seem help bent on avoiding the single ONLY solution to the madness. I really do pray they minimize Arena BIG time in Cata, it needs to a sideshow. Making the BG's better and more fun is where the PvP focus should be.

Yaweee said:
Has it really influence PvE balance as much as some people claim?

YES! Yes it has. Omg yes it has. Believe me.


Angry Grimace said:
Over-Glorified Dueling is pretty much it. Arena/PvPtards like to go on and on about "scripted encounters," but 90% of duels could basically be on a script in terms of what Class X vs. Class Y does.

My problem with Arenas is that often, it feels like a silly dance. There's a lot of jumping around, pillar-humping, etc. that represents 'skill' while the majority of victories lie solely upon composition. Of course, I'm not a huge fan of the scripted encounters either (I think the entire concept of aggro management is silly), but they're at least more entertaining.

Angry Grimace said:
Battlegrounds are fun, but they aren't nearly as fun as they would be if players tried harder and paid more attention.

I agree; it drives me up the wall to see people say "Let them win" after a single flag cap, or simply resort to farming kills because we lost Blacksmith 5 minutes into a AB. There's no incentive to play harder yet, which is why I share your anticipation of rated BGs. Hopefully people will take it a bit more seriously and try to make a comeback even after an initial loss.

Let's just hope it doesn't end up turning BGs into "premade-vs-premade or gtfo." Which will probably happen, but we can hope for the best, at least.

Angry Grimace said:
There's nothing less fun that playing Disc Priest in a Battleground and getting blown the fuck up, because Penance's animation draws every single opposing player to blow you the fuck up and NOBODY bothers to CC those guys and/or keep them off you while you heal them.

Healer survivability is a problem, and it really shows how little people actually pay attention during PVP, especially since healers can pretty much single-handedly determine most fights at Flags / Towers. Rated BGs should help.

As far as Penance's animation goes... I've felt that too, somewhat. Forbearance = "I blew my cooldown, come kill me!". Also fun to have Avenging Wrath wiped away, but at least it doesn't invoke Forbearance anymore.

Angry Grimace said:
I guess I just find the whole concept of WoW PvP silly; in a game where gear makes such a big difference, it makes for inherently unfair fights.

Because of the randomized nature of facing opponents in PVP, the cracks in stat-based progression really start to show. You might as well be turning over cards to see who wins by drawing the highest number.

Angry Grimace said:
Wintergrasp is a step in a direction for PvP that I like. I just wish I didnt' have to wait 2 hours in between matches. I'm hoping Tol Barad is set to the hour that WG isn't on, although WG will have no real relevant rewards anymore come Cataclysm.

Ideally, the best thing they could do is establish multiple PVP zones across the world that come under fire at different times. Maybe Deathwing sends his dragons to attack zones across the world, similar to the Undead Invasion event that launched WotLK. But instead, entire zones come under fire, and there's sort of a Horde vs. Alliance vs. Dragons fight going on. And these attacks just randomly spring up anywhere in the world.

To make it work; phase the invaded zones so low level players or players who opt out aren't exposed to it... but because it's an event, allow them to contribute in their own way. Maybe they're on the ground putting out fires as a quest, while the high level players are in a different phase beating each other up trying to kill each other and NPC dragons.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
My Paladin is Level 40! And I still have no attacks beyond Consecrate (mana sponge attack), Judgment and Exorcism!

Who's brilliant idea was it to put Crusader Strike at 41 pts.?

I now have the following characters:

80 Warrior (unused)
80 Death Knight (main)
80 Priest (frequent used alt)
80 Druid (unused)
74 Rogue (temp. hiatus)
40 Paladin

The funny part is, the class I always wanted was a MAGE. :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
For the record, I don't actually have a problem with Penance's animation drawing opposing players; the fact is, opposing players really SHOULD be trying to blow you up. I wouldn't be surprised at all if the flashy-ness of it is intentional for PvP.


Puncture said:
I really do pray they minimize Arena BIG time in Cata, it needs to a sideshow. Making the BG's better and more fun is where the PvP focus should be.

I've tended to disagree with you quite a bit in this thread (and on more than one occasion, I've been vocal about it), but I'm glad that we agree 100% on something. :lol

Angry Grimace said:
My Paladin is Level 40! And I still have no attacks beyond Consecrate (mana sponge attack), Judgment and Exorcism!

Who's brilliant idea was it to put Crusader Strike at 41 pts.?

It really is inexcusable that the class only has Auto-attack, one on-demand damage button, and then an (inefficient) AoE and a long-cast time ranged attack. And Warriors just had Victory Rush bumped down to level 6, when they already have no less than 5 abilities to actively spam before level 10 (Heroic Strike, Charge, Thunderclap, Rend, and Hamstring.. hey, I didn't say they were GOOD abilities).

Sure, there are heals, a stun, and buffs, but when you're fighting somebody (as two of the three talent trees would lead you to believe you are capable of), it's a little silly when all you can do is stay on them to auto-attack and spam judgment.

'Sader strike really should be a low-level baseline ability (20 or so) that receives a boost in Ret. Playing a paladin at those levels is decisively boring.


Has problems recognising girls
Maybe it is selfish of me to admit it as such, but I really hope that Rated Battlegrounds reforms the glory days of my past with PVP guilds. Those months were the times when I could truly adore the shit out of WoW.


speedpop said:
Maybe it is selfish of me to admit it as such, but I really hope that Rated Battlegrounds reforms the glory days of my past with PVP guilds. Those months were the times when I could truly adore the shit out of WoW.

I know what you mean. The third guild I joined was PVP-oriented, and we used to pound through BGs together in a semi-premade (We usually only managed 6 or 7 people on at once) and smash faces. It was glorious...

... and then the Alliance AV Boycott hit and the guild (and hell, the whole battlegroup) went to shit. It'd be nice if BGs were improved to the point where they're a viable form of play along side PVE. I'd honestly do both, constantly, and I'd probably play a lot more between major content patches. Assuming they stop balancing around "Officially sanctioned" duels outside Orgrimmar.


This picture? uhh I can explain really!
speedpop said:
Maybe it is selfish of me to admit it as such, but I really hope that Rated Battlegrounds reforms the glory days of my past with PVP guilds. Those months were the times when I could truly adore the shit out of WoW.

Ah, my favorite times playing WoW were being a holy priest in a PvP guild, and joining my buds in WSG and AB. Even after BC came out, my PvP guild was still insanely fun. At first, before all the crazy balancing because of arenas, those were even fun. Now, however, it irks the ever living shit out of me regardless of what character I'm playing. No one likes to PvP with me, and I only get in there because it's naturally what I gravitate towards. Wintergrasp is probably my favorite "BG" at the moment, because it feels akin to the 25 man content. There's so much going on, it's so chaotic, and it's a ton of fun. I want more of that, and I want people to actually give a shit in the standard BGs again.

Edit: Can someone point me in the direction of an article or interview where they talk about the rated BGs?
Angry Grimace said:
My Paladin is Level 40! And I still have no attacks beyond Consecrate (mana sponge attack), Judgment and Exorcism!

Who's brilliant idea was it to put Crusader Strike at 41 pts.?

I now have the following characters:

80 Warrior (unused)
80 Death Knight (main)
80 Priest (frequent used alt)
80 Druid (unused)
74 Rogue (temp. hiatus)
40 Paladin

The funny part is, the class I always wanted was a MAGE. :lol

I just started a paladin tonight! Leveling up what stats am I looking for, strength and crit?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
funkmastergeneral said:
I just started a paladin tonight! Leveling up what stats am I looking for, strength and crit?
Strength. Crit.

That's the only relevant stats you'll see on gear until Level 30 or so, and that's what you want anyways.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
rhfb said:
Don't bother with a mage. Seriously, I wish I would have rolled a shaman to begin with and not wasted my time with a mage.
It looks nightmarish to level based on no heals + no armor.

I'm planning to wait till Cataclysm to get a Worgen one to level with a lot of other people doing the same thing.


Angry Grimace said:
It looks nightmarish to level based on no heals + no armor.
Bah. I leveled arc/fire back in BC. Nothing typically lives long enough for the total lack of defense to matter much.


Really Really Exciting Member!
rhfb said:
Don't bother with a mage. Seriously, I wish I would have rolled a shaman to begin with and not wasted my time with a mage.

It's not that bad if you are Frost for lvling, not to mention the free water and teleports around the different cities which make traveling so fast (i really miss those while playing other classes), plus you get to do very strong DPS at lvl 80 with Arcane by pressing only 2-3 buttons except those cooldowns you use every 1.5/3 mins. :lol I swear it's ridiculous, and i've yet to see someone beat me on dps everytime i do the heroic dailies. :D


Has problems recognising girls
I bought a gamecard a couple of days ago because I wanted to try and get a Druid up to 80 before Cataclysm hit. I was going to do a Troll Druid but I opted to just stick it out and go Night Elf.

In the Wetlands atm and I'm curious: has Blizzard altered the droprate for the Tiny Crimson Whelping?

I ask because as I was wondering around trying to get to slimes for Sida's Bag quest, I was killing the first Red Whelp and the damn thing dropped. I thought shit like this only happened to incredibly lucky people.


Nope, you're incredibly lucky. Maybe Blizz ups the drop rate for people who are just coming back to the game to get them to stay:p

Healed for my first time ever on a ToC5 group, I officially love being able to move and heal as a tree.
Pardo's not poo-pooing Arena, just that when it flinches, the rest of the game quakes.

BGs are where the men are seperated from the boys; it's funny watching idiots freak out when I predict the flow of battle or I know what they're doing, or where the flag's going 5, 10 seconds ahead of time. Bunch of us did this for cheevos recently and it was a blast, but the idiots that wreck AB on Ruin made any further progress moot.

Mages are fucking sick leveling. Low HP and armor are the only costs for the INSANE ammount of CC and output you have. Arcane is rather busted ease-of-use-wise (which I'm always a fan of), but FFB is fun, and utilitarian on aoe-necessary fights.


Junior Member


C&#772;&#773;&#859;&#770;&#874;&#867;&#863;&#833;&#816;&#816;&#857;&#825;'&#835;&#768;&#873;&#769;&#874;&#879;&#783;&#802;&#790;&#803;&#845;&#811;&#810;&#797;&#793;&#803;T&#768;&#770;&#864;&#808;&#815;H&#872;&#855;&#801;&#853;&#790;&#851;&#798;&#800;&#819;U&#830;&#835;&#825;&#790;&#841;&#816;&#837;&#814;&#825;&#817;&#840;N&#783;&#835;&#773;&#780;&#874;&#865;&#821;&#789;&#790;&#826;&#828;&#857;&#841;&#791; &#867;&#859;&#784;&#864;&#866;&#810;&#826;S&#779;&#829;&#878;&#772;&#870;&#850;&#774;&#791;&#800;&#800;&#845;&#816;&#812;&#811;H&#867;&#869;&#772;&#836;&#802;&#792;&#827;A&#775;&#862;&#847;&#821;&#819;&#841;&#791;&#852;&#809;&#813;&#828;&#813;L&#774;&#849;&#788;&#863;&#789;&#821;&#798;&#805;&#806;&#825;L&#875;&#777;&#779;&#870;&#789;&#825;&#791;&#793;&#845;&#792;&#853; &#878;&#855;&#807;&#1161;&#858;&#840;&#853;&#800;&#792;&#799;&#814;&#818;R&#780;&#869;&#871;&#878;&#768;&#855;&#859;&#821;&#801;&#807;&#804;&#809;&#846;&#817;&#853;&#813;&#812;&#806;E&#786;&#829;&#850;&#875;&#787;&#768;&#878;&#807;&#820;&#807;&#800;&#797;T&#834;&#831;&#781;&#872;&#830;&#866;&#861;&#856;&#806;&#827;&#846;&#803;&#793;&#804;&#840;&#837;U&#870;&#838;&#877;&#873;&#807;&#806;&#854;&#814;&#796;&#858;&#858;&#819;&#819;R&#786;&#869;&#838;&#816;&#845;&#817;&#810;&#791;&#798;&#817;N&#873;&#848;&#843;&#850;&#801;&#858; &#859;&#855;&#788;&#876;&#831;&#787;&#869;&#788;&#801;&#864;&#864;&#810;&#793;I&#849;&#830;&#877;&#859;&#776;&#776;&#861;&#852;&#852;N&#878;&#775;&#788;&#774;&#801;&#793;&#812;&#858;&#791;&#806;&#810;&#846; &#775;&#771;&#795;&#847;&#813;&#791;&#804;&#854;&#837;&#811;&#839;&#846;&#796;4&#879;&#769;&#770;&#776;&#794;&#779;&#775;&#795;&#828;&#813;.&#843;&#783;&#859;&#875;&#786;&#876;&#771;&#855;&#821;&#818;&#846;&#827;&#804;2&#781;&#781;&#775;&#782;&#807;&#798;&#812;&#851;&#797;&#793;&#819;!&#859;&#834;&#848;&#772;&#769;&#773;&#832;&#851;&#837;&#793;&#792;&#852;&#852;&#800;&#853;&#792;



Has problems recognising girls
SatelliteOfLove said:
Mages are fucking sick leveling. Low HP and armor are the only costs for the INSANE ammount of CC and output you have. Arcane is rather busted ease-of-use-wise (which I'm always a fan of), but FFB is fun, and utilitarian on aoe-necessary fights.
I'm feeling the same way with Druid at the moment in that I feel invincible. I'm using Herbalism at the moment so I've got Lifebloom up, and I have the boosted waist reward for the Aquatic Form which has a heal-on-use function. I barely ever have to get out of form to HoT up or use my bandages.. and now that I'm lvl 28 my Cat Form is exploding with ferocity.

Xabora said:

No, but C'Thun shall return in 4.2 :p
That was written on the wall due to the comics. What I want to know is which unnamed Old God is behind the Nightmare in Emerald Dream.. it might be funny to face two Old Gods in one expansion.


Druids are absolutely sick levelers, once you get mangle/Imp Leader of the Pack they become even sillier. I absolutely love my druid.

Chris R

Angry Grimace said:
It looks nightmarish to level based on no heals + no armor.

I'm planning to wait till Cataclysm to get a Worgen one to level with a lot of other people doing the same thing.
Oh it is easy to level a mage as basically frost or fire until 58 when you can really pull off any spec. I was more talking about how horrible the class is at basically everything at 80.


Xabora said:


C&#816;&#816;&#857;&#825;&#772;&#773;&#859;&#770;&#874;&#867;&#769;&#863;'&#802;&#790;&#803;&#845;&#811;&#810;&#797;&#793;&#803;&#787;&#768;&#873;&#769;&#874;&#879;&#783;T&#808;&#815;&#768;&#770;&#864;H&#801;&#853;&#790;&#851;&#798;&#800;&#819;&#872;&#855;U&#825;&#790;&#841;&#816;&#814;&#825;&#817;&#840;&#830;&#787;&#837;N&#821;&#790;&#826;&#828;&#857;&#841;&#791;&#783;&#787;&#773;&#780;&#874;&#789;&#865; &#810;&#826;&#867;&#859;&#784;&#866;&#864;S&#791;&#800;&#800;&#845;&#816;&#812;&#811;&#779;&#829;&#878;&#772;&#870;&#850;&#774;H&#802;&#792;&#827;&#867;&#869;&#772;&#776;&#769;&#550;&#862;&#847;&#821;&#819;&#841;&#791;&#852;&#809;&#813;&#828;&#813;L&#821;&#798;&#805;&#806;&#825;&#774;&#849;&#788;&#789;&#863;L&#825;&#791;&#793;&#845;&#792;&#853;&#875;&#777;&#779;&#870;&#789; &#807;&#878;&#855;&#1161;&#858;&#840;&#853;&#800;&#792;&#799;&#814;&#818;&#344;&#821;&#801;&#807;&#804;&#809;&#846;&#817;&#853;&#813;&#812;&#806;&#869;&#871;&#878;&#768;&#855;&#859;&#552;&#820;&#807;&#800;&#797;&#786;&#829;&#850;&#875;&#787;&#768;&#878;&#538;&#827;&#846;&#803;&#793;&#804;&#840;&#834;&#831;&#781;&#872;&#830;&#856;&#866;&#861;&#837;U&#807;&#806;&#854;&#814;&#796;&#858;&#858;&#819;&#819;&#870;&#838;&#877;&#873;R&#816;&#845;&#817;&#810;&#791;&#798;&#817;&#786;&#869;&#838;N&#801;&#858;&#873;&#848;&#843;&#850; &#801;&#810;&#793;&#859;&#855;&#788;&#876;&#831;&#787;&#869;&#788;&#864;&#864;I&#852;&#852;&#849;&#830;&#877;&#859;&#776;&#776;&#861;N&#801;&#793;&#812;&#858;&#791;&#806;&#810;&#846;&#878;&#775;&#788;&#774; &#795;&#775;&#771;&#847;&#813;&#791;&#804;&#854;&#811;&#839;&#846;&#796;&#837;4&#795;&#828;&#813;&#879;&#769;&#770;&#776;&#779;&#775;&#794;.&#821;&#818;&#846;&#827;&#804;&#843;&#783;&#859;&#875;&#786;&#876;&#771;&#855;2&#807;&#798;&#812;&#851;&#797;&#793;&#819;&#781;&#781;&#775;&#782;!&#851;&#793;&#792;&#852;&#852;&#800;&#853;&#792;&#859;&#834;&#848;&#772;&#769;&#773;&#768;&#837;


Where the hell did that come from? Considering his presence in the comic, though (which I think might've already been pointed out in this thread), I'm not at all surprised!


Still Tagged Accordingly
Tamanon said:
Druids are absolutely sick levelers, once you get mangle/Imp Leader of the Pack they become even sillier. I absolutely love my druid.
feral druid represent!

they really come into their own once you have pounce, shred, rake and mangle.


Feral Druids are the fastest leveler by a decent margin. Not only do they get the ridiculous damage output of a Rogue without having to wait for mana, but they can heal on the fly, switch to bear in a pinch, and just outright move faster at all times.

Hopefully Paladins get some more interesting low-level skills in 4.0. I want to do a Tauren Paladin, but this thread is making me remember why all of my previous attempts to level a Paladin failed miserably.


SatelliteOfLove said:
Pardo's not poo-pooing Arena
Yep, and I hope no one reads my post and assumes that's what is being said. What he is saying, however, is admitting that they royally fucked up adding them in the first place, and that the game as a whole has suffered because of it. That's actually a bigger deal than just saying "Eh, Arenas suck". It's pretty much the lead designer going on record confirming what we've all known for a while; Arenas have had a vastly negative impact on the game.
Xabora said:
C'Thun shall return in 4.2 :p
Hmm, maybe a revamped Silithus? At this point, despite the maps we've seen from Blizzcon, anything can change. I really hope Blizzard is treating this as a 'do-over' rather than just a chance to make money tweaking old content. Because there's a lot of things in Vanilla that are terrible, even through the rose-colored glasses of nostalgia.
Yaweee said:
Hopefully Paladins get some more interesting low-level skills in 4.0. I want to do a Tauren Paladin, but this thread is making me remember why all of my previous attempts to level a Paladin failed miserably.
Having leveled 4 paladins to max level over the last 5 years, I agree; it's not difficult, just boring as hell. I too was planning to re-roll a Cowadin (It'd give me a chance to learn the class's changes and see the revamped old world from the comfort and security of near-godhood:lol).

And if you're curious, all four were on separate servers (though two are on the same server now).

Was going to post about maxing my Kurenai rep and as I was going to take pictures in the Prison part of Dal someone just happened to hand in the Algalon quest item, thus resulting in this nice screenshot (of course without the blur but Photoshop makes everything look better right?).

Also once you see Angry Face Tower, you can't unsee it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Something else that needs to be redone in Cataclysm = Darnassus to Gadgetzan flight time of 10+ minutes.

In other words; put warping "tram" like the one from IF to SW that goes from at least Darn. to Theramore so people don't have to spend 10 minutes on a single flight path.


Angry Grimace said:
Something else that needs to be redone in Cataclysm = Darnassus to Gadgetzan flight time of 10+ minutes.

In other words; put warping "tram" like the one from IF to SW that goes from at least Darn. to Theramore so people don't have to spend 10 minutes on a single flight path.

That really makes me wonder how they're going to do the new continents and islands. Since Gilneas is an expansion only area, how will they handle flying into and out of it. Likewise, will they be removing the load between Azeroth and Kalimdor? Exodar island? The Lost Isles? The Maelstrom (which is probably going to be 4.2 or 4.3 content, from the sounds of it).

Gilneas looks like a bitchin' capitol, at least. Victorian London? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Yaweee said:
That really makes me wonder how they're going to do the new continents and islands. Since Gilneas is an expansion only area, how will they handle flying into and out of it. Likewise, will they be removing the load between Azeroth and Kalimdor? Exodar island? The Lost Isles? The Maelstrom (which is probably going to be 4.2 or 4.3 content, from the sounds of it).

Gilneas looks like a bitchin' capitol, at least. Victorian London? yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Simple. By not giving people that don't buy Cataclysm Flying Mounts in Azeroth.


Angry Grimace said:
Simple. By not giving people that don't buy Cataclysm Flying Mounts in Azeroth.

I really don't see how that solves the issue. I guess I phrased the problem incorrectly-- it isn't the "How do I fly from X to Y", its whether or not there is still going to be loading screens for people that are doing things the old fashioned way. Gilneas is right there, through the Greymane gate, and presumably has an instance portal separating it from Silverpine. So, can you fly into it, either over the gate or from the ocean? What Tol Barad, just off the coast of the wetlands? Are people just going to warp from Theramor to the Wetlands when sailing, or are both continents going to be merged into a single loaded area?


Angry Grimace said:
Something else that needs to be redone in Cataclysm = Darnassus to Gadgetzan flight time of 10+ minutes.

In other words; put warping "tram" like the one from IF to SW that goes from at least Darn. to Theramore so people don't have to spend 10 minutes on a single flight path.


In all seriousness, there probably needs to be a few more boats for the Alliance to get around. At least the Horde has a flight path/portal/slow-ass zeppelin to Thunder Bluff to reach Southern Kalimdor. With flying mounts though, you'll really be able to tear ass just about anywhere faster than current gryphons allow... for one, you can fly in a straight line :lol.

Yaweee said:
whether or not there is still going to be loading screens for people that are doing things the old fashioned way.

I'd have to look for it, but I'm 99.9% sure I read somewhere that they are not removing the load times between TBC and Vanilla areas of Azeroth. There will still be loading portals for the Spacegoat and Blood Elf starting areas.


Yaweee said:
I really don't see how that solves the issue. I guess I phrased the problem incorrectly-- it isn't the "How do I fly from X to Y", its whether or not there is still going to be loading screens for people that are doing things the old fashioned way. Gilneas is right there, through the Greymane gate, and presumably has an instance portal separating it from Silverpine. So, can you fly into it, either over the gate or from the ocean? What Tol Barad, just off the coast of the wetlands? Are people just going to warp from Theramor to the Wetlands when sailing, or are both continents going to be merged into a single loaded area?

At a very basic level, I'm not sure it matters. It could be possible to enter Gilneas on foot, but you might not be able to interact with anything. Tol Barad could also have deep water surrounding it, causing fatigue to swimmers.

All the 80-85 zones being introduced could theoretically be restricted to people with flying mounts alone (i.e. they're all kind of at far corners of the world, places that one couldn't just "walk" into anyway).

I'm not sure if they've addressed how the old loading points are going to work yet, though. Since they aren't doing as much with the South Seas in this expansion as I initially thought, I could see them keeping the one between the two major continents, at least, though I suspect the others will be merged (with, say, the Blood Elf area replacing the unfinished "Quel'Thalas" zone currently in the game -- bye, bye white tower, we'll miss you!).


Yaweee said:
I really don't see how that solves the issue. I guess I phrased the problem incorrectly-- it isn't the "How do I fly from X to Y", its whether or not there is still going to be loading screens for people that are doing things the old fashioned way. Gilneas is right there, through the Greymane gate, and presumably has an instance portal separating it from Silverpine. So, can you fly into it, either over the gate or from the ocean? What Tol Barad, just off the coast of the wetlands? Are people just going to warp from Theramor to the Wetlands when sailing, or are both continents going to be merged into a single loaded area?

Eh remember, you can fly to Ghostlands if you have BC, you can't if you don't. Same with the Isle of Quel'Dannas.


I don't think it's really that important that they lock people out of Cataclysm content.....exactly what would you get out of running an alt into Gilneas or whatever? If your character cannot level past 80, why would you want to go kill level 80+ mobs in some area? So long as the quests and the new races/professions are locked out to non-Cataclysm users, that's all that really matters.
Since everything in Gilneas is phased, wouldn't it be possible to just have no mobs in Gilneas for those without Cata? That would make it useless for anyone without the expansion to go there. Either that or they just use phasing again to lock the gate for people who don't have Cata, and somehow make it so that they can't get to the mainland of Gilneas by swimming. One of the big things they mentioned about phasing in Cata was that they could change terrain now, so I wouldn't be surprised to see it used here.


Well time to get off this crap server. I think I should an EST raiding guild since I happen to make so much friends on the West coast.


Wow, so I know that I had quit for a bit and recently reacted and started playing again, but when I finished a ToC25 and a ToC 10 pug tonight I decided to look at the vendor since ill be buying a piece of my ilvl245 tier tomorrow to get the 2piece bonus.

And I find a vendor with the entire iLVL232 set there. I have been wasting tons of badges because I thought the only triumph vendors were the ones in dalaran. Been downgrading badges to gems and other stupid shit I could have been using to get temp 232 items for my set bonuses and bridge the gap until I get the other trophies I need. :lol Felt like an idiot, I had NO idea they were just tossing the shit on vendors for gems. Thats wild. To late for me to make use of it now though. Clearing ToC Ony and Voa weekly with ease so I have no reason to take any of the 232 stuff when Ill just replace it with the 245 stuff a week later.


Junior Member
VaLiancY said:
Well time to get off this crap server. I think I should an EST raiding guild since I happen to make so much friends on the West coast.
>_> <_<


Puncture said:
Wow, so I know that I had quit for a bit and recently reacted and started playing again, but when I finished a ToC25 and a ToC 10 pug tonight I decided to look at the vendor since ill be buying a piece of my ilvl245 tier tomorrow to get the 2piece bonus.

And I find a vendor with the entire iLVL232 set there. I have been wasting tons of badges because I thought the only triumph vendors were the ones in dalaran. Been downgrading badges to gems and other stupid shit I could have been using to get temp 232 items for my set bonuses and bridge the gap until I get the other trophies I need. :lol Felt like an idiot, I had NO idea they were just tossing the shit on vendors for gems. Thats wild. To late for me to make use of it now though. Clearing ToC Ony and Voa weekly with ease so I have no reason to take any of the 232 stuff when Ill just replace it with the 245 stuff a week later.

Oh dear lord, what a waste of badges. At least you'll get them all back soon.:lol


Tamanon said:
Druids are absolutely sick levelers, once you get mangle/Imp Leader of the Pack they become even sillier. I absolutely love my druid.

I love my Druid. Been Feral the entire way so far, but want to try my hand at healing and possible tanking now that I'm in Northrend and am actually trying to take my time leveling.

The player base though is keeping me from doing it, I guess. I don't really want to deal with the responsibility of tanking and healing and the general assholes in PUGs that point the finger and freak out when things go wrong.


but ever so delicious
Yikes. So i decided to switch my DK to DW Frost spec, since i thought xaboras DPS was awesome :lol

However upon changing and buying some dodgy green axes/swords, it seems my DPS is really in the shitter. Now doing 1.4k on dummies. I wasn't expecting about a 1k drop switching from a 2h blood spec to a dw frost spec. Sure my weapons are a bit iffy now, but i figured it would have been close to my blood dps spec.

I seemed to be getting more dps with unholy presence instead of blood as well. It also looks like it's bloody hard to get some good one handed axes/swords. What have i done :lol


It's really tough to get one-handed weapons that are as good as the Edge of Ruin or Marrowstrike to start. That's what keeping me as Blood right now. Hell, it's easier to get good one-handed tanking weapons than it is dps ones. Looks like Icecrown's 5-mans will bend that curve a lot.

Plus.....I like seeing "Polymorph on Bloodworm" or "Bloodworm is marked for death":lol


but ever so delicious
I thought maybe you could get a crafted one, doesn't look like it. No good ones from 5 mans, heck there's no good ones until you're doing togc. Maybe there's one in ulduar, i couldn't see it though :lol

How annoying!
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