Tamanon said:It's really amazing the drop-off in quality from my raidgroup from the 10-man to the 25-man. We're part of a raid alliance and our 10-mans are outstanding, but when we combine with a couple other 10-man runs, there's like 3 or 4 absolutely awful people. It's not so much dps(although the DK who does 3k dps in 245 gear is pretty putrid), but situational awareness that I have no clue how they handle 10-man content.
Like, to this day I still have no clue how anyone can be hit by Icehowl's charge or Ony's deep breath. It seems almost impossible to me. Maybe I'm trained too much to GET THE FUCK OUT OF THE WAY.
For some reason, on heroic beasts I get hit by icehowl. I begin moving as soon as my stun wears off, yet I still get hit. My latency is kind of crappy so that may be it but its annoying as hell. It's gotten to the point where I won't do ToGC anymore =(