Unblock tinypicthatbox said:Adblocked.
Unblock tinypicthatbox said:Adblocked.
I've had so many problems with DCs, generally when adds spawn, throughout the whole of LK. Although it seems like I'm the only one it happens to, it seems that's not the case (according to that 'Six Words that Terrify Blizzard' article on the second paragraph under Attempts). This has only been a problem since this expansion, and I assume it's just from the huge amount of data that can get sent through on 25 man raids at once (i.e. while AoEing down adds). I think once it reaches the limit of how much data can get sent through your connection at one time, even for a couple of milliseconds, you DC. I don't know why it's only happening now, but it's really pissing me off.evlcookie said:Argh is there a DC bug on anub when the ads spawn on 25 H? I haven't had any problems until now.
This is so frustrating.
Tamanon said:I actually think it's tied to other players' addons and their requests for information. Because I have yet to ever DC on adds, even doing the Many Whelps achievement.
Xabora said:http://i47.tinypic.com/av0m5c.jpg[IMG]
Took you long enough.
arts&crafts said:So I quit after season 6 my team got 2k rating. I was an elemental shaman pre-patch so we were terrible at pvp lol and I got full furious but I just couldn't take how unbalanced the game was. Deathknights in pvp were so op it was a joke and Priest Mage Rogue, if decent could not be beat no matter what. Now I am really craving coming back, but I know I will regret it :lol My main problem is that they keep adding new content so soon. Sure this may seem like a good thing, but if I raid or arena seriously and get the best gear I am outdated and a brand new 80 is almost on par with me after a couple weeks. I guess I will go back to diablo 2 lol I started again a week ago and I am already level 95 with the best gear possible
arts&crafts said:So I quit after season 6 my team got 2k rating. I was an elemental shaman pre-patch so we were terrible at pvp lol and I got full furious but I just couldn't take how unbalanced the game was. Deathknights in pvp were so op it was a joke and Priest Mage Rogue, if decent could not be beat no matter what. Now I am really craving coming back, but I know I will regret it :lol My main problem is that they keep adding new content so soon. Sure this may seem like a good thing, but if I raid or arena seriously and get the best gear I am outdated and a brand new 80 is almost on par with me after a couple weeks. I guess I will go back to diablo 2 lol I started again a week ago and I am already level 95 with the best gear possible
LAUGHTREY said:That's the most retarded thing I've heard all morning. What someone else does and what someone else gets has 0 influence on your gameplay. If you have fun in wow because you can stand around and get all the little noobs sending you tells about how good your gear is, then you're playing the wrong game.
It was a mistake to have such a gap between fresh 60s and fresh 70s and people who were ass deep in the raiding content. If you were behind you were behind and you weren't going to catch up unless you spent a lot of time getting pugs to run through Kara AGAIN.
-Do Have fun playing the game as it comes out.
-Don't have fun getting ahead of new people and rubbing it in their faces.
Puncture said:Yeah the content comes fast, but your looking at it, glass half empty. The same way those new 80s can gear up for current content easily, so can you.
The barrier of entry is lowered for EVERYONE not just the new 80s, that includes you. Put in a little time and youll have a new set of gear top to bottom thats above the average in no time.
We had a rough group, for quite a few months we had to keep rotating people in and out because NO ONE wanted to be with our group... until we had about 3 or 4 achievements left on the drake.LAUGHTREY said:Took you long enough.
Yeah i hear you. There are still a few people in my guild (out of the people who were interested in trying for all the hardmodes) that are missing either 1 light or firefighter, but it's hard to get a group for it anymore. People are so burned out on ulduuar.Xabora said:We had a rough group, for quite a few months we had to keep rotating people in and out because NO ONE wanted to be with our group... until we had about 3 or 4 achievements left on the drake.
Then people came out of nowhere wanting in on it. :lol
Anyways, due to that we were able to build a stable enough group to get it.
Xabora said:We had a rough group, for quite a few months we had to keep rotating people in and out because NO ONE wanted to be with our group... until we had about 3 or 4 achievements left on the drake.
Then people came out of nowhere wanting in on it. :lol
Anyways, due to that we were able to build a stable enough group to get it.
Blackface said:Installed the HDR lighting mod and it made the game look fucking INSANE when properly adjusted.
Blackface said:Installed the HDR lighting mod and it made the game look fucking INSANE when properly adjusted.
The loading screens/starting screen look retarded (b/c it applies the lighting to everything), however the actually game, especially at night or in dungeons is awesome with HDR lightning.
Blizz really needs to put a properly adjusted version in to the game.
Just remember it's not a guarantee that Patch day will be tomorrow.PhoenixDark said:Doing some research on the first ICC wing in preparation fortomorrow lolol patch day DCsWednesday. I had watched the videos and briefly read the descriptions before, but I'm actually paying attention now...and wow, some of these fights sound fun. I can't fucking wait for the Gunship fight. Sounds epic. Imagine a 40 man version of that fffuuuuuuu
Thats because its a tweaked config file from the ENB Series shader hook.Belfast said:Personally, I think the HDR is WAAYYYY overbright. You'd nearly blind yourself with the white, vaseline-smeared landscape of Dragonblight. It looks alright in some areas. Turn it on for some screenshots, maybe, but it's not worth playing with.
Angry Grimace said:Started an arena team on my Priest for the lulz.
Augh, I need some kind of Arena guide, because we went 7-11 on our first try. Damn Arcane mages just blow me the fuck up since I have 0 resil...the problem is, the only way to get resil is to win matches. :lol
Epic 277 rating!
Part of the problem here is that the low end of the bracket rarely involves staying alive for very long. WTB at least 500 resil.
5il3nc3r said:I think this is what they are talking about:
I just tried it myself and it does look amazing. The only problem i have is that it will crash the game if you alt-tab out.
PhoenixDark said:Doing some research on the first ICC wing in preparation fortomorrow lolol patch day DCsWednesday. I had watched the videos and briefly read the descriptions before, but I'm actually paying attention now...and wow, some of these fights sound fun. I can't fucking wait for the Gunship fight. Sounds epic. Imagine a 40 man version of that fffuuuuuuu
LAUGHTREY said:I can't even get the game to load, it crashes on start.
Oddity: Your raid IDs never appear to lapse unless you restart it under a different ID. It's weird, I still have Naxxramas IDs from months ago in there with the option to restart them. I'm not sure how that works.Tamanon said:After my ToC group decided to dick around in Ulduar since we were finally going to let the raid ID lapse because of the patch last night, I'm convinced that we might never make it past the first wing in 25-man mode. Situational awareness seems pretty huge in most of these fights.
http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/EvilOverlordAngry Grimace said:Oddity: Your raid IDs never appear to lapse unless you restart it under a different ID. It's weird, I still have Naxxramas IDs from months ago in there with the option to restart them. I'm not sure how that works.
Lore Oddities:
Has anyone ever noticed that despite his claimed superiority and awesomeness, Arthas as the Lich King is pretty much a huge butt monkey? He basically never does anything other than pop out of a portal every once in a while to tell you he's going to kill you (despite NOT actually killing you, and even the one time he does in HF, he obviously knows it's not a permanent death and you have to actually go to HIM to die, he doesn't come after you) after you murder all of his companions and come meet him at his throne, despite the fact it would be a lot more effective to simply pop into the middle of Dalaran and pwn everyone. Not to mention, the one time he gets a competent lieutenant, (Drakuru) he murders him after failing once, threatens to kill you, but then wanders off to go sit around in this throne room doing nothing and letting you accumulate more epic loot. I mean, what the hell was the Lich King doing during the 8 years from the end of WCIII to now? Just sitting on that stupid ice-throne?
I sure hope the actual Lich King fight at least mentions the Ner'zhul part of the Lich King (who the game apparently just forgot was half of the Lich King, even if Arthas was conveniently placed as the dominant personlity). The fact that Ner'zhul is mentioned approximately twice during the entire World of Warcraft game is kind of silly; the LK mentions, "I was once a shaman" during a quest, andmentions his name once during the Halls of Reflection event. No idea what the actual LK fight entails, but it would be pretty cool if the event somehow got you to split the personalities out of the LK and you could fight Arthas and Ner'zhul separately.Uther
PhoenixDark said:Doing some research on the first ICC wing in preparation fortomorrow lolol patch day DCsWednesday. I had watched the videos and briefly read the descriptions before, but I'm actually paying attention now...and wow, some of these fights sound fun. I can't fucking wait for the Gunship fight. Sounds epic. Imagine a 40 man version of that fffuuuuuuu
Ok that is a better one. :lolAngry Grimace said:
Angry Grimace said:
As I said, I would expect it wasn't coming if it weren't for the fact I didn't think they'd overlap it with the holiday events but it's entirely possible Blizzard doesn't really care. I mean, I don't care, so perhaps they don't.Epix said:Im surprised the patch cinematic hasn't been leaked yet if it is infact coming tomorrow.
Epix said:Im surprised the patch cinematic hasn't been leaked yet if it is infact coming tomorrow.
Angry Grimace said:MMO champion says tomorrow. Not official, but he's also been wrong 0 times with regards to patch releases and leaks so far in WotLK. :lol
Enchant Weapon - Black Magic: This enchantment now sometimes increases haste rating for the caster rather than inflicting the caster’s target with a damage-over-time effect. It is also now triggered by landing any harmful spell rather than inflicting damage with a spell.
Tamanon said:The Rogue will be better for raids, if only because there are soooooo many shaman raiding already and rogues will do higher dps.
Plus, almost all rogues seem to have rerolled deathknight.