I think they're trying to say that gating is a new thing that Activision has put into the game to keep people subscribing for longer to make more money. That, of course, is pure bullshit since this has been happening since the game came out 5 years ago, before 'Activision' had any hold on Blizzard - as mentioned a few posts ago.Tamanon said:I don't know where the article is coming from when it talks about "This is all Activision's doing".:lol
Orbitcube said:I think they're trying to say that gating is a new thing that Activision has put into the game to keep people subscribing for longer to make more money. That, of course, is pure bullshit since this has been happening since the game came out 5 years ago, before 'Activision' had any hold on Blizzard - as mentioned a few posts ago.
Wait, how has this expansion been murder on adult casual guilds?
If this was set up like BC, adult casual guilds would just be sniffing Ulduar maybe.
That article goes overboard at times but I have a feeling many people will be parroting those arguments in a few months. I have no problem with gating in general, I just wonder how I'll feel about rehashing the same content just to get to new content two months from now.
Limiting the amounts of tries sounds like more of a problem than gating to me.
evlcookie said:Damn after reading that article i have no interest in WoW anymore, I should cancel my account :lol
I guess it all depends on what the guild you're in does. I have no issues paying a monthly fee if i turn up on a wednesday, knock out some attempts on icecrown and return next week. The less time i spend in WoW the better at this point in time. However if i need to spend 4hrs per night 4 nights a week raiding then so be it, i will force myself to go through all that crap again.
SatelliteOfLove said:Try Muru, or even ones beyond us standing before a flushed KJ. BC was VERY good to our kind; you didn't need to gear up 55 people in FR/Ony Cloaks/NR/full T2 vvvvvveeerrrryyyyy sssslllloooowwwwlllyyyy. Skill was rewarded, as was guild strength. Now so many in our bracket have eroded from boredom, I wonder how many more will before LK or the HMs get rolling in like March or some shit.
I do too. That's why Blizzard is up shit creek without a paddle doing this IMO.
This is why I didn't wanna have to post it here, and that I hope it never reaches my guild, shit's dangerous. :lol
I actually heard of that article after I cancelled; I hope to God we're not right, as that would be a huge dick move on their part to me; like I'm being farmed for $$$.
About the last 2 sentences, that's basically the gist here: If I wanna dick around collecting pets, so be it. It's my $15. If I wanna raid for hours at a time, there should be stuff WORTH raiding and NEED it waiting on me, again, for that epinomious $15. I like my freedom in my MMOs, so sue me.
The problem with this is, the game's design flatly states "You'll have to stop raiding now; no HM, no further bosses, no other raid dungeon for you, come back next week for the same stuff until we say you can." Why? That we should take it in small, measly bits? That they're BSing to buy time for Cata by holding the LK hostage? Quite honestly, even resist gear farming wasn't this bad; at least you could go at your own pace on most of that...
traveler said:Content lulls are fine. They're natural and should happen. Dragging out a raid instance to the point where players will possible despise the earlier parts before they even get to the end is not. I would much rather unsubscribe to the game satisfied than keep subscribing to experience more repetition with the occasional new content.
evlcookie said:There is nothing really wrong with the gating system, what's wrong is the guilds. As of next wednesday night most raiding guilds would have cleared the current ICC content and then you have a few days of .. more togc and maybe ulduar for achievements. YAYS!
Alternatively you could just clear ICC content on wednesday and tell everyone to come back next week for the next set of gating content. Most won't though so you have people who are now bored of Togc/ulduar going back to do it all again because the guild can.
Johnlenham said:Wireless keyboard and mouse not an option? :lol I had to get a set ermm 3 years ago for the same reason and there still working now.
Oh and if you use the keyboard for chat.. what in the fucks the point of the controller when you cna do everything else from the keyboard :lol
Dvd case or even just on the duvet works fine with a wireless mouse..
keeblerdrow said:Teetris, what are the names of your characters and what servers are they on? Just need to know who to avoid, tia.
Jesus Christ :lol. I know this thread is all hardcore players but WoW is played by casuals too you know. I'll take a look at FFXI.Evlar said:I suppose you could start by looking at FFXI's button bindings. That game has menus and other UI functions designed specifically for dual analog, though, so it's doubtful much of it will carry over. If you do manage to get it working I would recommend never bringing it up in /raid...
Thanks man, I'll download that. Hope the camera won't be too hard to set up.evlcookie said:I setup a controller for fishing last weekend :lol . Left stick was movement, one of the buttons was to fish, right stick was mouse, another button was right click. Was win for just sitting there and fishing.
You could add more buttons to it all but the only problem was the camera. You need to hold down another button and then use the left stick to get some sort of extra camera movement (essentially right mouse button and mouse movement like you would with a mouse).
I used pinnacle game profiler to set it all up. Required a bit of time, but i can fish without worrying about my wrist getting sore. Although it is a 30 day trial, so i guess i better fish fast :lol
Teetris said:Jesus Christ :lol. I know this thread is all hardcore players but WoW is played by casuals too you know. I'll take a look at FFXI.
I dunno, I just like the compactness of it. Lots of quests at the same time can be tedious with mouse and keyboard for me. Just helps when you're playing with acontroller.Johnlenham said:Id hardly call myself hardcore:lol havent played since Ulduar but more a person with common sense! Why would you want to use a controller and type with the keyboard when you can do it all on the keyboard:lol
I tried that with other games but mouse doesn't seem to translate that well. Was hoping the other program was better with it.markot said:
hobart said:lol gating haters.
I can see how you "might" have a problem with it if you are one of the world's top guilds... pressured by world firsts (maybe server firsts?)... but outside of that... most of the guilds in the world wouldn't be clearing this instance in the first week....... or even the second. Relax... enjoy the game. There is so much to enjoy in this coming patch... it's gonna keep you busy for a awhile!
hobart said:lol gating haters.
I can see how you "might" have a problem with it if you are one of the world's top guilds... pressured by world firsts (maybe server firsts?)... but outside of that... most of the guilds in the world wouldn't be clearing this instance in the first week....... or even the second. Relax... enjoy the game. There is so much to enjoy in this coming patch... it's gonna keep you busy for a awhile!
How are you unable to see that the entire game is like this?LAUGHTREY said:Imagine if it was any other game, the thing is 100% there they just want to artificially stretch it out so people don't have it done quicker. They want it done on their time so they can stop those people who will do it once and quit until cata.
Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:How are you unable to see that the entire game is like this?
It's not necessarily okay, but I see it as Blizzard actually trying to fix a problem.LAUGHTREY said:I didn't say it's not? I've only been playing since 2.3, they did it with SWP too.
Does that make it ok?
Flib said:It's been great not raiding, as much as I enjoy it. Getting rid of my backlog and having so much more time to do other things has been liberating.
Except that most guilds are probably not going to be wild about letting unexperienced players rejoin the fray after sitting out weeks/months of learning.......particularly given that there will be some kind of attempt limit on bosses. If your entire guild signs on for a sabbatical then it's cool but otherwise you look like a freeloader.Evlar said:The "they're doing it to keep people trapped in their subscriptions" argument is undermined by the simple logic that nothing Blizzard has done prevents this straightforward method of avoiding paying during the wait.
Ulduar is significantly bigger than any raid that existed in BC. The average number of bosses in those dungeons was somewhere around 5.LAUGHTREY said:Yeah this reads a lot like fanboy qq, but he does make a good point that the only real, new, expansive raid was Ulduar.
I didn't raid at all in TBC, but as far as I know you had Kara, ZA, BT, SSC, SWP as big 'full' raids.
And then you had Gruuls and Mag for those single boss little trash raids.
It definitely sucks.
sykoex said:I think with 3.3 I'm gonna stick with combat, but spec into the stuff that helps poisons on the assassination tree. I just really like playing combat, it might sound lame but it's like a little treat whenever i see the cooldown for adrenaline rush, blade fury, or killing spree up and getting a huge burst on the boss.
The spec I'll probably use in 3.3, found on MMO Champion:
:lolThe leveling was nice, the zones were cool, and the events were fun, but on a whole, up until Icecrown we've gotten one legitimate new raid zone: Ulduar. Naxxramas was a retool of old content. Trial of the Grand Crusader was reused models and a reused final boss
Huh?Evlar said:You could check whether they took down C'Thun with an achievement date by 11-13-2008... anyone without that certainly didn't take down KJ. There's probably not a more direct way to find out.
If someone killed C'Thun before that date, they got the achievement for it and didn't go back to just get the achievement. If someone didn't kill C'Thun in vanilla, they certainly did not kill Kel'Thuzad in vanilla.dave is ok said:Huh?
You forgot/must have missed the memo; if Ensidia does something, then for all intents and purposes, the content is now "beaten" and whatever your particular guild's progress is is completely irrelevant.hobart said:Am I missing something? Are the raids that much easier than prior instances that downing the first wing in ICC is something feasible the first week it's out? Maybe I'm too old school (although I certainly don't remember Yogg getting downed on my server in 2 weeks time)... but the first week an instance is out you've got a massive amount of lag issues to deal with....... which is as much as a raid killer as a new boss. And, let's get real here, the majority of guilds will have to work awhile before a few of these bosses are completed. Happens in every instance........ and this is before HMs will be implemented.
Everyone's talking like they are going to be smoking this instance in like, 3 hours. I totally understand why you'd certainly want something right now... but c'mon. It's not like I sit down at a restaurant and order my appetizer, entrée and dessert and expect it all at once. Sure I'm paying for it... but I couldn't possibly eat it all in 20 minutes (maybe some of you? hehe).
hobart said:Am I missing something? Are the raids that much easier than prior instances that downing the first wing in ICC is something feasible the first week it's out? Maybe I'm too old school (although I certainly don't remember Yogg getting downed on my server in 2 weeks time)... but the first week an instance is out you've got a massive amount of lag issues to deal with....... which is as much as a raid killer as a new boss. And, let's get real here, the majority of guilds will have to work awhile before a few of these bosses are completed. Happens in every instance........ and this is before HMs will be implemented.
Everyone's talking like they are going to be smoking this instance in like, 3 hours. I totally understand why you'd certainly want something right now... but c'mon. It's not like I sit down at a restaurant and order my appetizer, entrée and dessert and expect it all at once. Sure I'm paying for it... but I couldn't possibly eat it all in 20 minutes (maybe some of you? hehe).
Tamanon said:It's going to be hilarious when the first "NERF GUNSHIP" posts pop up. Since that fight'll require actual raid coordination along with individual thought. Nevermind how much trouble the vampire lady boss will cause folks as the one or two weak links that most guilds have come back to haunt them.:lol