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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
evlcookie said:
Hrm i got spam from "blizzard" telling me that my accounts password had been changed (it hasn't) and that i was expecting a 3 hour ban (i canceled my account early jan). So now i log in and check everything, my original PW is fine, authenticator still works but when i click on cancel subscription it claims my recurring subscription is NOT yet canceled? My license status is frozen though.

What the hecks going on? :lol

Is there a difference between license status and subscription? I figured canceling one would kill the other?
Accounts are frozen when you don't pay too.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
lordmrw said:
The two times i've done ICC 10, we've been lopsided on the melee dps side, so when we get to Deathwhisper, its been me and a paladin as the only melee taking down the adherents. Put extra pressure on me to step it up and down them as fast as possible. I manage to do it, but fuck me if it isn't hard as hell like this.

I think that may have been a problem too. We were very caster heavy on our run. There was a DK doing his best to down the adherents but the other melee wasn't really helping out.
Akim said:

Anyone have warrior advice for me? Iread EJ tons, I try to use the best rotation, but my DPS doesn't seem high enough. Landsoul's spreadsheet says my dps should be around 8k but idk. I wish I could hard cap ARP but I'm just missing too much stuff. I've also been thinking of going fury.


23 expertise...get 26 exp quick!! you're not meeting the cap ( aka the mobs are dodging/parrying your shit )

you should try to get the 10exp+15str gem


SuperAndroid17 said:

23 expertise...get 26 exp quick!! you're not meeting the cap ( aka the mobs are dodging/parrying your shit )

you should try to get the 10exp+15str gem

That's not exactly a big deal for arms warriors, plus I have 1 talent point in Weapon Mastery. Also I'm not quite sure what is so funny.


Angry Grimace said:
It taunts everything that's not a raid boss, including Blood Beasts. Found that out the hard way :lol

Very handy on Stinky, I found. Gives the tank + healers a bit of relief if you fire it off just after Decimate.


Oh, I about blew a gasket today. We ran ToC-25 before going to Plagueworks and FINALLY the caster trinket off Anub dropped. I was first on the caster list for DKP but our shitty Deathknight(who only gets maybe 2.5k dps which is just silly) had brought along his shadowpriest instead. He had a little more dkp but was an alternate to the raids.

And the raidleader gave the trinket to him. It's best in slot with the heroic version for Moonkin. I lit up, especially when the guy who won it was benched for the tries on Icecrown. I had been waiting for that damn thing forever, only thing in the entire instance that would be an upgrade and would be a huge one.:/


Tamanon said:
Oh, I about blew a gasket today. We ran ToC-25 before going to Plagueworks and FINALLY the caster trinket off Anub dropped. I was first on the caster list for DKP but our shitty Deathknight(who only gets maybe 2.5k dps which is just silly) had brought along his shadowpriest instead. He had a little more dkp but was an alternate to the raids.

And the raidleader gave the trinket to him. It's best in slot with the heroic version for Moonkin. I lit up, especially when the guy who won it was benched for the tries on Icecrown. I had been waiting for that damn thing forever, only thing in the entire instance that would be an upgrade and would be a huge one.:/

Sounds like your raid leader doesn't want to have successful raids. If you have a better option, leave.
Did an ICC10 for the first time today. I had healed ICC25 before. I main tanked on my Death Knight. Cleared the first wing easy enough and got some attempts in on Rotface and Festergut but it was getting late. Was still cool though.


Modesty becomes a woman
Tamanon said:
Oh, I about blew a gasket today. We ran ToC-25 before going to Plagueworks and FINALLY the caster trinket off Anub dropped. I was first on the caster list for DKP but our shitty Deathknight(who only gets maybe 2.5k dps which is just silly) had brought along his shadowpriest instead. He had a little more dkp but was an alternate to the raids.

And the raidleader gave the trinket to him. It's best in slot with the heroic version for Moonkin. I lit up, especially when the guy who won it was benched for the tries on Icecrown. I had been waiting for that damn thing forever, only thing in the entire instance that would be an upgrade and would be a huge one.:/

Yeah thats a /gquit situation. You're in a guild that won't go places if the leaders are giving ANYTHING to an alt over a main, and the alts take the item over the main.


I liked loot council over dkp in the guild I was in months ago. They decided who got what based on performance, how often you raid, how big the the upgrade was, how many items you got that run, etc. In certain scenarios, they'd tell people to roll. Giving that to the alt just because it he had more dkp is dumb as hell. My main point is guild leaders need to be able to make good decisions on where they hand out loot.


Modesty becomes a woman
DeathNote said:
I liked loot council over dkp in the guild I was in months ago. They decided who got what based on performance, how often you raid, how big the the upgrade was, how many items you got that run, etc. In certain scenarios, they'd tell people to roll. Giving that to the alt just because it he had more dkp is dumb as hell. My main point is guild leaders need to be able to make good decisions on where they hand out loot.

Uh that's what DKP does.

taking any of those other things into consideration is retarded for a real guild trying to do new content since inconsistent people could win if its a bigger upgrade for them.

I roll with mature enough people that if something is indeed a bigger upgrade for someone else, and you know that they are going to stick around and its a good thing for the whole as well as the individual they will pass on the item. Otherwise you earn your items, as it should be.


Enough of us were on to down festergut tonight. Finally had our better DPS on, still missing a key one though, who also brings our bloodlust. Still got it down.

Hopefully we'll get Rotface at least down tomorrow before reset. We won't save anything yet for progression as we all could use the gear/emblems.


Uh that's what DKP does.

taking any of those other things into consideration is retarded for a real guild trying to do new content since inconsistent people could win if its a bigger upgrade for them.

I roll with mature enough people that if something is indeed a bigger upgrade for someone else, and you know that they are going to stick around and its a good thing for the whole as well as the individual they will pass on the item. Otherwise you earn your items, as it should be.

DKP doesn't reward attendance or performance, it rewards not upgrading yourself.

I would have much less of a problem is he wasn't benched for someone else afterwards for progression. That just seems silly and makes ToC seem like a big waste of time.
Uh that's what DKP does.

taking any of those other things into consideration is retarded for a real guild trying to do new content since inconsistent people could win if its a bigger upgrade for them.

I roll with mature enough people that if something is indeed a bigger upgrade for someone else, and you know that they are going to stick around and its a good thing for the whole as well as the individual they will pass on the item. Otherwise you earn your items, as it should be.

I dunno. The people I roll with are pretty cool too, but in a larger guild there will always be situations where people feel burned. Recently I had a look at the way that EPGP works and that seemed a little more in line with what I would like to see in a gear distribution system for WoW; that is, rewarding participation remains a core component of the system, but equitable distribution is just as much a part of it.

I'm not saying that people will never feel burned, and I don't think that there actually can be a loot system that achieves that end. Minimising it is a good idea though, so I'm all for trying new stuff.


Modesty becomes a woman
Tamanon said:
DKP doesn't reward attendance or performance, it rewards not upgrading yourself.

I would have much less of a problem is he wasn't benched for someone else afterwards for progression. That just seems silly and makes ToC seem like a big waste of time.

Uh, what? The more you go the more DKP you get the more items you can win?

We use a silent shroud system, you lose 1/3rd of your DKP when you bid on an item. The more DKP you try to stockpile the more expensive an item becomes, you literally can't horde it. It is a representation of your attendance though.

Does this look like a guy who doesn't upgrade himself?


We're usually a pretty understanding guild. We never argue over gear. All free rolls. Most of the time though people will just give it out to the more consistent raiders who show up and help others. If someone really-really wants something, we'll just give it to them most of the time. No real loot council, no DKP, we really don't put much into it. We've never-ever had a problem with that. Just a bunch of cool people, who have fun playing, yet we're still the number 1 strict 10 progression guild on our server, which is pretty competitive.


J-Rzez said:
We're usually a pretty understanding guild. We never argue over gear. All free rolls. Most of the time though people will just give it out to the more consistent raiders who show up and help others. If someone really-really wants something, we'll just give it to them most of the time. No real loot council, no DKP, we really don't put much into it. We've never-ever had a problem with that. Just a bunch of cool people, who have fun playing, yet we're still the number 1 strict 10 progression guild on our server, which is pretty competitive.

To be fair, it's pretty easy to do that with a 10-man group, especially if everybody knows each other very well.

We only use DKP for 25-man runs where it becomes much more necessary.


Need roll of 99 =



So, a quick question. I play a Warlock and just wondering, for fights like Devourer of Souls in FoS, when it casts Mirrored Souls and you have to stop all damage immediately, if I have DoTs on the target, do they count towards it?
Kweh said:
So, a quick question. I play a Warlock and just wondering, for fights like Devourer of Souls in FoS, when it casts Mirrored Souls and you have to stop all damage immediately, if I have DoTs on the target, do they count towards it?
Yes, all damage will hurt the Devourer's target. It is a bitch for DoT heavy classes but shouldn't be too impossible to deal with.


Akim said:

Anyone have warrior advice for me? Iread EJ tons, I try to use the best rotation, but my DPS doesn't seem high enough. Landsoul's spreadsheet says my dps should be around 8k but idk. I wish I could hard cap ARP but I'm just missing too much stuff. I've also been thinking of going fury.

well you are never going to hit your spreadsheet theoretical dps, you might hit those numbers in a best case scenario fight like patchwerk, when you are standing in place dpsing


I transferred servers and faction changed (to Horde) because I was going nowhere back in my old guild without a raid slot. I went over to my roommate's server and immediately found a good pug which one-shot all of ToC25 and Beasts and Jarraxus in HToC. Then went in with my roommate's guild and worked on Rotface 10man. Fun fight, we had him down to 15% twice, but it was like 2am and everyone was tired and getting sloppy.

So far, a definitely successful change for me.


For the Horde!

I hopped onto my shaman after a long break and found myself mostly outgeared by everybody else. Hit ToC25 and picked up 2 healing upgrades 'cause I was the only shaman in the raid, and a enhancement upgrade in ToC25 because none of the 3 hunters needed it. Now if only I could get rid of my heroic badge shield. The one in the Pit of Saron normal never seems to want to drop for me.

I'm pretty sure I'm geared enough for ICC 10 as melee but I'll need to take the time to do research, plus who needs more melee dps these days when there are 3 ret pallies for every warlock?


We downed Rotface 10 last night after about 10 tries, roughly what it took us to do Festergut last week. Here's a few tips about the things that wiped us and what eventually won the fight for us:

- Come up with a consistent strategy for the small adds. Having people chase down the OT isn't a good idea. Rather, have the OT circle one direction (Clockwise), and have people kite their slimes the other direction (CounterClockwise)
- Have DPS stand as close to Festergut as possible so they can avoid the spray easier. You can run through him, or diagonally forward, if you're close enough. Also, he sprays/spits several times, so he can outright kill people that don't move.
- The OT can survive running through the lakes of slime. It's better than having him cut too close to the main group and having the Big Ooze's DoT aura hit raid.
- Our leader insisted that we stand in two groups around Festergut, but it isn't necessary. If you're paying attention, you should know when and where to move to.
- Cleansing Totem will probably wipe your raid. Just remove it from your bars. (My bad =( ). Same goes for any sort of AoE taunt.
- The mechanic of how the slimes "magnet" to and into each other is sloppy as hell. It feels laggy and inconsistent.


Elemental itemization sucks. Numerous bosses in ICC having nothing for me, except possible hand-me-down cloth and leather, but there's not really much of an alternative unless I want to join a more hardcore guild with an actual loot system and schedule.


Epix said:
Why the no cleansing totem?

Because then you'd end up with a shitload of small slimes way out of position and not moving from the center of the room.

As soon as the infection is cleansed a slime is formed.


No One Remembers
Cleansing totem pulses every 3 seconds, thus you could potentially get a small ooze in the middle of the raid. You don't want that. You do not want to cleanse the disease until they're located by the off-tank.

We wasted our 10 attempts on Putricide last night. Our best attempt was about 50%. :\ People got stupid with adds so many times. There's a lot of "if one person fucks up, it's a wipe" factors in it. For example, one of our melee went and attacked the Gas cloud(the orange ooze), lo and behold the gas cloud targeted him first which caused an explosion and thus a wipe.

And Yaweee, yes Elemental Itemization does suck. :\ There's currently no weapon we should have any interest in based on what we've seen so far, I think we'll have to wait for Arthas before any sort of upgrade - meaning any item that is sta/int, haste/crit/sp and NOT sta/int/spirit, mp5/crit/sp or any variant of those. Thankfully there's some viable boots, bracers, belts, rings, trinkets, and necks available.

Boots - get the crafted Earthsoul Boots
Belt - get the 60 Emblems of Frost ones - Waistband of Despair
Bracers - Bloodsunder Bracers off of Rotface(or maybe Festergut) 25 man.

Based on what we know, I think this what I'll be going for for pieces:
At present our 4 piece sucks, and if Blizzard goes through its proposed change of simply changing Lava Burst to not require Flame Shock to crit, then well.. lol pvp buff?


keiichi said:
I believe cleansing totem will celan the infected and cause the small ooze to spawn before the person brings it to the OT

Basically this. The Little Oozes have a weak DoT aura - not as strong as the Big Ooze's DoT, but enough for it to be problematic if you run it through or near the raid.

I'd say that's the biggest problem with the fight. Do not run close to the raid if you have either type of slime on you, because raid damage is far more taxing to the healers.

Also, what's up with the Big Explosions? It sends AoE missiles at random raid members, but is there any warning or graphic on who it is targeting? Any advice on how to avoid it except having the raid basically scatter?

Oh, and about Festergut: Having spores on Shadow Priests can be very hard to see, and there's not nearly enough of a graphical effect when the spore bursts. I hope they fix both of those issues.

We still haven't used any of our Putricide attempts so far. Maybe tonight. I don't think it's that much of a problem since (once they are open) you can go and kill the first bosses in the other two wings. In terms of drops, Dreamwalker is the best boss in the instance for me and has no kind of attempt lockout.
Yaweee said:
We downed Rotface 10 last night after about 10 tries, roughly what it took us to do Festergut last week. Here's a few tips about the things that wiped us and what eventually won the fight for us:



Elemental itemization sucks. Numerous bosses in ICC having nothing for me, except possible hand-me-down cloth and leather, but there's not really much of an alternative unless I want to join a more hardcore guild with an actual loot system and schedule.

Go enhance or go home is Blizz's belief now with shaman dps


My plan for itemization is basically this:

Set pieces for the main pieces, but hoping for drops and getting those set pieces last. I have the chest, non-set Pants drop from Putricide, and set Gloves/Pants will probably come from Toravon so those are low priority.

- Earthsoul boots are BiS unless you're doing Heroic 25 man. Not worth counting on, and Saronite is going to drop in value in a month or so once people are getting ~65 Frost Emblems each week with nothing to spend them on. We didn't have a Boomkin so I got the leather boots from the Gunship Battle. There's a few fringe hand-me-downs to grab

- Cloth BoE bracers from Lady Deathwhisper are awesome. I might start saving up gold now and jumping on it if they are on the AH.

- Frost Emblem belt is basically BiS outside of Heroic 25.

- There's actually a few weapons worth getting. Abracadaver from Festergut 10 (has Hit and a cool DPS use ability), Sister Svalna's Aether Staff from Dreamwalker 10, Bleak Coldarra Carver (dagger) from Sindragosa 10, Nibelung from Lady 25, and probably something from Arthas. Also, if your weapons are really hurting you could get the mace from the Battered Hilt. It has to drop in price eventually, right?

- Lots of Necks and Rings for us, fortunately. Too many to list, but they are there.

- I have the Muradin trinket which is one of the best. The other one is, at the momement, the 245 hit/haste trinket. Will probably downgrade to my Nevermelting Ice Crystal when I plow past the hit cap.

- I'm still wearing a PVP cape, and will likely upgrade to the 264 piece once the new season starts. Resilience might be useless, but so is spirit and Mp5. Why isn't there an Elem cape for Frosts?

- Also, lol at the proposed 4pc change. It's good for PVP and adds, but in terms of single target DPS it does nothing at all. I feel bad about my dps sitting between 5~6k in most raids, but I'm on par with other shamans.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
So, as I mentioned a while back, I'm getting my dk geared with an eye for tanking heroics eventually (not sure if I'm comfortable tanking raids just yet). A couple of stats I'm scratching my head over are hit and expertise. Which should I be prioritizing? I understand that they both affect whether or not you hit your target, but I'm getting the impression that I'll want to focus on expertise so to prevent mobs, and especially bosses, from parrying my attacks as a tank. Does that sound about right?


Mr Nash said:
So, as I mentioned a while back, I'm getting my dk geared with an eye for tanking heroics eventually (not sure if I'm comfortable tanking raids just yet). A couple of stats I'm scratching my head over are hit and expertise. Which should I be prioritizing? I understand that they both affect whether or not you hit your target, but I'm getting the impression that I'll want to focus on expertise so to prevent mobs, and especially bosses, from parrying my attacks as a tank. Does that sound about right?

You'll definitely want both, but yeah, I'd say expertise should be your priority. Luckily a lot of tank gear these days has those stats.


Belfast said:
To be fair, it's pretty easy to do that with a 10-man group, especially if everybody knows each other very well.

We only use DKP for 25-man runs where it becomes much more necessary.

Yeah, that's very true, and probably why I stick to 10-mans anymore. There's just far too much drama in 25's, and it's almost always over a purple, let alone people fighting over who gets the ICC orange now lol.
One wing into ICC and I'm already noticing (again) how much better our best 10-man raid is than our best 25. Spent a frustrating night wiping on Saurfang because our ranged DPS can't kill adds without getting smashed repeatedly. Always the worst thing as a healer watching people flounder and just having to heal them through their stupidity, knowing full well while doing so that it means everyone is about to die.

I've been going disc for the fight too, so he gets almost nothing from blood boil. It just seems like we can get him to 40 - 50% without a mark going out, then people just lose concentration or something and the adds start pounding everyone. Lo and behold, a moment or two later he's at 30%, but we're at six marks. And another moment later he's at 50% and we're boned.

Before I logged last night, while my guildmates were all patting each other on the back for finally realising that "ZOMG the marks are the key", I linked the achievement "I've gone and made a mess!" in guild without comment.


Xabora said:
Lucky Mofo. :lol

Lodi Dodi he loves the Skadi!
I got mine doing "Looking for Multitudes".
Anyone here in a 10-man guild with more than 10 active raiders ?

I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to handle times where you're not selected to do ICC that week, since our guild likes to rotate new healers and DPS in. The tanks and RL are the only constants.

Pug ICC10 that week ?
Only join raid on the new wing for progress work(Festerguy, Rotface and the Professor) ?

Getting frost emblems is about the only thing I can do but it kinda sucks missing out on the first 4 bosses. I really wish there was 15-man raids or something.

We also can't do 25-man due some guild ranking site somewhere (can't have any ICC25 achievements).

Anyone else in this boat ?


jim-jam bongs said:
One wing into ICC and I'm already noticing (again) how much better our best 10-man raid is than our best 25. Spent a frustrating night wiping on Saurfang because our ranged DPS can't kill adds without getting smashed repeatedly. Always the worst thing as a healer watching people flounder and just having to heal them through their stupidity, knowing full well while doing so that it means everyone is about to die.

I've been going disc for the fight too, so he gets almost nothing from blood boil. It just seems like we can get him to 40 - 50% without a mark going out, then people just lose concentration or something and the adds start pounding everyone. Lo and behold, a moment or two later he's at 30%, but we're at six marks. And another moment later he's at 50% and we're boned.

Before I logged last night, while my guildmates were all patting each other on the back for finally realising that "ZOMG the marks are the key", I linked the achievement "I've gone and made a mess!" in guild without comment.


Lodi Dodi he loves the Skadi!
I got mine doing "Looking for Multitudes".

One of the few fights where beating it and getting the achievement is easier than beating and not.


jim-jam bongs said:
One wing into ICC and I'm already noticing (again) how much better our best 10-man raid is than our best 25. Spent a frustrating night wiping on Saurfang because our ranged DPS can't kill adds without getting smashed repeatedly. Always the worst thing as a healer watching people flounder and just having to heal them through their stupidity, knowing full well while doing so that it means everyone is about to die.

I've been going disc for the fight too, so he gets almost nothing from blood boil. It just seems like we can get him to 40 - 50% without a mark going out, then people just lose concentration or something and the adds start pounding everyone. Lo and behold, a moment or two later he's at 30%, but we're at six marks. And another moment later he's at 50% and we're boned.

Before I logged last night, while my guildmates were all patting each other on the back for finally realising that "ZOMG the marks are the key", I linked the achievement "I've gone and made a mess!" in guild without comment.

If your raid is not competent enough to stop marks the best solution is to let the marks die.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
KernelPanic said:
Anyone here in a 10-man guild with more than 10 active raiders ?

I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to handle times where you're not selected to do ICC that week, since our guild likes to rotate new healers and DPS in. The tanks and RL are the only constants.

Pug ICC10 that week ?
Only join raid on the new wing for progress work(Festerguy, Rotface and the Professor) ?

Getting frost emblems is about the only thing I can do but it kinda sucks missing out on the first 4 bosses. I really wish there was 15-man raids or something.

We also can't do 25-man due some guild ranking site somewhere (can't have any ICC25 achievements).

Anyone else in this boat ?
Rotating new players in all the time is usually a great way to never get anywhere. 10m's in guilds where you aren't just doing them as alternate runs from 25s (meaning you are overgeared for 10m) punish you pretty good for having that one or two guys who don't know what they are doing.

joelseph said:
If your raid is not competent enough to stop marks the best solution is to let the marks die.

I heard that you can avoid getting Mark of the Fallen Champion if he casts it on a rogue and the rogue uses Vanish :lol

I never have tried it but it would be pretty funny.
KernelPanic said:
Anyone here in a 10-man guild with more than 10 active raiders ?

I'm trying to figure out what's the best way to handle times where you're not selected to do ICC that week, since our guild likes to rotate new healers and DPS in. The tanks and RL are the only constants.

Pug ICC10 that week ?
Only join raid on the new wing for progress work(Festerguy, Rotface and the Professor) ?

Getting frost emblems is about the only thing I can do but it kinda sucks missing out on the first 4 bosses. I really wish there was 15-man raids or something.

We also can't do 25-man due some guild ranking site somewhere (can't have any ICC25 achievements).

Anyone else in this boat ?

Your guild doesn't even allow you to PUG 25 mans? That's ridiculous


No One Remembers
funkmastergeneral said:
Your guild doesn't even allow you to PUG 25 mans? That's ridiculous

If it's a strict 10 man guild, then yeah you can't do 25 man content or else you're 'disqualified' so to speak.
Entropia said:
If it's a strict 10 man guild, then yeah you can't do 25 man content or else you're 'disqualified' so to speak.

Yeah thats how it works -- I thought this kind of thing was common ? (among strict 10man guilds anyway)

And I think we can do 25-man content below ICC, a bunch of people have PUGd ToC and Uld, not to mention Ony and VoA.

It's not a fair system when you're bumped for people who have never done ICC before but you're expected to not be saved that week so you can assist on progression that week (Rotface atm).

And since we're not allowed to do 25man ICC I can only get my daily 2 frost emblems plus the weekly raid (5) every week.


People called Romanes they go the house?
joelseph said:
If your raid is not competent enough to stop marks the best solution is to let the marks die.

Or DI them, as long as you either kill him in 3 minutes after that or be prepared to step up healing.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
KernelPanic said:
Yeah thats how it works -- I thought this kind of thing was common ? (among strict 10man guilds anyway)

And I think we can do 25-man content below ICC, a bunch of people have PUGd ToC and Uld, not to mention Ony and VoA.

It's not a fair system when you're bumped for people who have never done ICC before but you're expected to not be saved that week so you can assist on progression that week (Rotface atm).

And since we're not allowed to do 25man ICC I can only get my daily 2 frost emblems plus the weekly raid (5) every week.
No. That is not common at all. It's weird in fact. Primarily because the idea of trying to rank 10 man guilds is impossible.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Orbitcube said:
Yes, all damage will hurt the Devourer's target. It is a bitch for DoT heavy classes but shouldn't be too impossible to deal with.
Unless your DPS consists of 2 affliction locks and a shadow priest, it's usually a non-issue for the DoTs to keep ticking.
A few people did suggest both letting the marked people die and using some of the cheesy tricks available to deal with it, but I usually argue against such things lest it become a case of always having to bring a pally with a deathwish, or a raid consisting entirely of rogues equipped with powerful ranged weapons and health pots. Other people can do it! We should be able to as well.

We'll probably manage it this week, although I'll be away so I won't get to see it. I'm kind of just a little bummed that we needed a nerfed Deathwhisper to get that done, then a mere 2 bosses later we're roadblocked again.
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