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World of Warcraft

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i never seen a guild nose dive this fast...

you have 1 icc 10 raid going. a second group not being able to because the unguilded tank started his on guild. people leaving one by one until half of the core players were gone and 2 of the 5 co-gms were gone. then it was disbanded completely.

all in a 12 hour period.

ive been reading Descartes for class. he says how things with multiple people in charge are messy. architecture, roads being constructed and named by different people, etc. funny seeing it play out.



We called ours tonight just before the Queen, Princes is insanely easy on 25, we destroyed it. If the Queen isnt substantially harder we will probably clear this wing first every week after Saurfang to leave the more challenging stuff for the last raid day of the week.

Princes is fun but way to easy to handle once people know what to do, theres no crunch at all. Needs a hard enrage IMO. I dont think it has one, or it needs to have its enraged lowered significantly. We took our sweet ass time just barking orders over vent for the raid and just slowly beat them. Not even Festergut was that easy.


Modesty becomes a woman
Puncture said:

We called ours tonight just before the Queen, Princes is insanely easy on 25, we destroyed it. If the Queen isnt substantially harder we will probably clear this wing first every week after Saurfang to leave the more challenging stuff for the last raid day of the week.

Princes is fun but way to easy to handle once people know what to do, theres no crunch at all. Needs a hard enrage IMO. I dont think it has one, or it needs to have its enraged lowered significantly. We took our sweet ass time just barking orders over vent for the raid and just slowly beat them. Not even Festergut was that easy.

We haven't tried BQ 25 man yet, had an embarrasing time on Putricide this week. But in 10 mans we have a harder time with princes and teaching the ranged tank what to do, we haven't not one shotted BQ yet.


Puncture said:
Princes is fun but way to easy to handle once people know what to do, theres no crunch at all. Needs a hard enrage IMO.
It actually has one. It's just exceedingly generous (kinda similar to Sartharion in that respect; he had an enrage too, but it takes an incredibly awful raid for you to ever find out about it...)


But in 10 mans we have a harder time with princes and teaching the ranged tank what to do

We put a prot pally on the two you are supposed to tank normally and a druid tank on the one you're supposed to ranged tank and we ended up one shotting it.
Has information about the mechanics of hardmodes in ICC surfaced yet? I'd like to start those immediately, maybe even next week do the fight pretending like it's already hard mode.


funkmastergeneral said:
Has information about the mechanics of hardmodes in ICC surfaced yet? I'd like to start those immediately, maybe even next week do the fight pretending like it's already hard mode.

Nothing has leaked and nothing is likely to until the next patch I'd think.


I could *swear* they started testing a few of the hard modes towards the end of PTR, but I can't imagine how much more painful some of these fights could be than they already are. My guild has very little trouble with the first four bosses at this point (Princes, Festergut, and Rotface in 10-man we can pretty much one-shot now, too).

But some of those fights already have a whole lot of mechanics to deal with. Adding one or two more sounds like overkill!
I've been leveling a mage on and off for the past 3 weeks while I've been off work. Was in Sethekk Halls for the 10th time in a row yesterday and I finally inched over the line to 68 and into Northrend readiness mode.

And I'm pretty ecstatic to be leaving TBC zones behind, I'll tell you that. The dungeons are horrible, although part of that is the fact that classes are built around AOE not CC these days and the instances kind of scream out for CC even on normal mode.

Still, some of the boss mechanics suck; the boss who adds 200% to your cast times is a favourite, as is the guy who kept sheeping me before doing a room-wide AE that you have to hide from. Ice Block saves you exactly once there, twice if you haven't already had to Cold Snap, then survive past the Hypothermia debuff timer and aren't sheeped when you need to activate it. Oh and trash mobs with spell-reflect are fucking ace.

Am I alone in feeling this way?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Tamanon said:
BB at MMO-Champ is pretty insistent that 3.3.2 is coming this week. Sounds about right. Yay new VOA boss.
Well it almost assuredly is; they need the assets from the patch to start the Arena season, and they said the only reason they didn't launch the season last week was some "tweaks" in the patch


Can I get some clarification on how mounts work in WOTLK?

I thought it was at lvl 77, but after melting some order in World PVP a couple of their lvl 72-75 buddies flew in and splattered me.

According to the description on the flying mount I purchased in Outland's. It is supposed to work. Everyone I ask in game gives me a different answer. I looked for the trainer and the skill to get it to 300 is 4k+

I just hit 74 and have spend all my cash to dual spec...did I just screw myself?
Dunlop said:
Can I get some clarification on how mounts work in WOTLK?

I thought it was at lvl 77, but after melting some order in World PVP a couple of their lvl 72-75 buddies flew in and splattered me.

According to the description on the flying mount I purchased in Outland's. It is supposed to work. Everyone I ask in game gives me a different answer. I looked for the trainer and the skill to get it to 300 is 4k+

I just hit 74 and have spend all my cash to dual spec...did I just screw myself?

Nah they would have used Tome of Cold Weather Flight. You need to have an 80 on the server already to grab one though.


jim-jam bongs said:
Nah they would have used Tome of Cold Weather Flight. You need to have an 80 on the server already to grab one though.

thanks, so with a flying mount already purchased (outland), what is the amount I need to spend at 77 to use it? There is no fraking way I am going to have 5k in the next 3 levels :D

Too bad there is not more world pvp. I was standing on a cliff and noticed 2 alliance (druid,rogue) grinding mobs.

I jumped off, levitated half way down and dotted the druid as he was tanking 2 mobs, mind blast and landed with a fear and finished him off before he had any clue where he was being attacked from and could heal himself. The rogue was dead before my fear ran off. I was laughing as I wondered what their expression must have been as a priest in shadowform literally appeared out of nowhere right in the middle of them.

sadly I can count the times I have seen order anywhere since resubbing on 1 hand,

was awesome though
So the gating system in ICC wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be - Arthas is out this week and my guild hasn't beaten the Blood Queen in 25 man yet, so we have a lot of work to do anyway.

The only problem with it is I'm already feeling burnout from the first wing.


Dunlop said:
thanks, so with a flying mount already purchased (outland), what is the amount I need to spend at 77 to use it?

You need to be 80 to buy the tome. It will cost you 1000g at 77 to learn Cold Weather Flying but that's just training, you don't get the book to pass onto your alts.
I hate the limited attempts on Putricide in ICC. Our best run so far is getting him down to 50%.

And I thought Rotface was full of BS mechanics ..... it's horrible if a raid member (esp. healer) gets rooted by the green slime and a slime puddle appears underneath them. Guaranteed wipe.

Blood Council we're having a fun time :( Our ranged tank is still struggling ... we even tried a lock this time. They can't seem to be keeping the SR buff up, they just get 1 shot by the empowered shadow bolt.

Can't wait for reset tuesday .. hopefully the tank items drop from the 1st 4 bosses as I need some upgrades.


funkmastergeneral said:
So the gating system in ICC wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be - Arthas is out this week and my guild hasn't beaten the Blood Queen in 25 man yet, so we have a lot of work to do anyway.

The only problem with it is I'm already feeling burnout from the first wing.

Yeah, the first wing is going to get kind of depressing. I wish you could do the Hard Modes for those four fights before you downed Arthas; there's going to be a lot of wasted loot. Our three main casters have the spyglass - any further ones are going to go to off specs for people that almost never switch.


jim-jam bongs said:
I've been leveling a mage on and off for the past 3 weeks while I've been off work. Was in Sethekk Halls for the 10th time in a row yesterday and I finally inched over the line to 68 and into Northrend readiness mode.

And I'm pretty ecstatic to be leaving TBC zones behind, I'll tell you that. The dungeons are horrible, although part of that is the fact that classes are built around AOE not CC these days and the instances kind of scream out for CC even on normal mode.

Still, some of the boss mechanics suck; the boss who adds 200% to your cast times is a favourite, as is the guy who kept sheeping me before doing a room-wide AE that you have to hide from. Ice Block saves you exactly once there, twice if you haven't already had to Cold Snap, then survive past the Hypothermia debuff timer and aren't sheeped when you need to activate it. Oh and trash mobs with spell-reflect are fucking ace.

Am I alone in feeling this way?

Got my druid to 67 last night, I've been grinding dungeons out and I had really forgotten how absolutely terrible the Auchindoun dungeons are. And yeah, as a healer, the boss that adds to your cast time is such a pain. I actually haven't wiped on him yet, but it stresses me the fuck out. Luckily, at least as a druid I have lots of insta-cast HOTs.

So this is my first character who is healing, and I'm dual-specced to tank as well. I was nervous to start healing, but it's actually going really well and I think I'm pretty good at it. I've healed every BC dungeon through Sethekk Halls without issue, so I feel ready for the Northrend dungeons (which I know backwards and forwards).

On friday though, I decided to try out some bear tanking. I have a little bit of experience tanking on my DK, but only like 3 dungeons. We made it through (it was ramparts, lol), but I feel like a really had a tough time. The main issue was this stupid DK who would drop D&D on the start of all my pulls, which really does not help since it takes bears a bit of time to build up AOE threat. The healer died on the last fight and was freaking out at me and calling me fail...the ridiculous thing is that he died when the dragon came down, I growled and picked him up as it ran towards him, only to have that same dk Dark Command him off of me, and then lose aggro to the healer while my growl was on cooldown.

I obviously need to learn how to tank better with him, but that run left such a bad taste in my mouth that I'm worried to try again. When it's one or two targets, I have absolutely no issues, but with these huge aoe pulls and everyone just aoe'ing off the bat, it's a real bitch.


Flib said:
Druid things
It sounds like you are doing all the right things already with regards to your tanking. You just got (and will continue to get until the end of time..) someone who can't play their class in your group.
Tanking many mobs as a bear sucks.

Make yourself a mangle+ maul macro.

If you're tanking more than 2 adds. tab between all your targets and maul each one (get a lacerate up on it as well for extra dmg). Have growl ready as well.

swipe doesn't hold aggro well enough in times where no one CC's anymore and each DPSer picks a different target and blows all their cooldowns on it immediately and expects you to hold it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Flib said:
Got my druid to 67 last night, I've been grinding dungeons out and I had really forgotten how absolutely terrible the Auchindoun dungeons are. And yeah, as a healer, the boss that adds to your cast time is such a pain. I actually haven't wiped on him yet, but it stresses me the fuck out. Luckily, at least as a druid I have lots of insta-cast HOTs.

So this is my first character who is healing, and I'm dual-specced to tank as well. I was nervous to start healing, but it's actually going really well and I think I'm pretty good at it. I've healed every BC dungeon through Sethekk Halls without issue, so I feel ready for the Northrend dungeons (which I know backwards and forwards).

On friday though, I decided to try out some bear tanking. I have a little bit of experience tanking on my DK, but only like 3 dungeons. We made it through (it was ramparts, lol), but I feel like a really had a tough time. The main issue was this stupid DK who would drop D&D on the start of all my pulls, which really does not help since it takes bears a bit of time to build up AOE threat. The healer died on the last fight and was freaking out at me and calling me fail...the ridiculous thing is that he died when the dragon came down, I growled and picked him up as it ran towards him, only to have that same dk Dark Command him off of me, and then lose aggro to the healer while my growl was on cooldown.

I obviously need to learn how to tank better with him, but that run left such a bad taste in my mouth that I'm worried to try again. When it's one or two targets, I have absolutely no issues, but with these huge aoe pulls and everyone just aoe'ing off the bat, it's a real bitch.
Swipe x infinite imo, but I don't think you get that for a while =/

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
KernelPanic said:
Tanking many mobs as a bear sucks.

Make yourself a mangle+ maul macro.

If you're tanking more than 2 adds. tab between all your targets and maul each one (get a lacerate up on it as well for extra dmg). Have growl ready as well.

swipe doesn't hold aggro well enough in times where no one CC's anymore and each DPSer picks a different target and blows all their cooldowns on it immediately and expects you to hold it.
I can't hold sustained AoE aggro for shit on my Warrior, since all the DPS I get in random groups are like 1000+ GS higher than me and tend to choose a semi-random choice of AoE spam OR focus fire a random target. There's not really anything I can do about it other than cleave spam plus use the meager abilities I have. Marking a target is useless, because DPS becomes instantly hostile when they have it suggested to them that they shouldn't just blow everything up instantly.

I just take the tack that; it's not my problem if people want to just do whatever they want. It's not harder on me, it's harder on the heals. If they die, then fuck them.

I personally tend to avoid D&D if my tank is a warrior. Most druids I know can hold pretty reasonable threat with swipespam.


Crin said:
It sounds like you are doing all the right things already with regards to your tanking. You just got (and will continue to get until the end of time..) someone who can't play their class in your group.


Contructive critism is one thing, we all need to learn but some people are just assholes. At least you are playing a tank, if someone pisses you off, threaten to leave. The difference in wait times between a tank/healer and DPS is insane. They should play nice.

I went from queueing in under 2 minutes as a healer to 35+ as a DPS when I switched to shadow.


Angry Grimace said:
Swipe x infinite imo, but I don't think you get that for a while =/

Swipe spam can work in some situations, the main issue in BC seems to be the scaling of DK's. At that point, if DK's start blowing everything they have and going crazy, I probably won't be able to hold everything (I'm talking D&Ds, Death Grips, blood boils, I've even seen some in frost presence).

Obviously, they scale differently at end game, but at this point (and especially with the gear they are given), they are a bitch to compete against.

It's amazing to me how hostile people can get towards the tank. As a healer, if I fuck up and let someone die, they usually won't be crazy hostile. If I'm the tank and I let a mob get loose, it's like the end of the world. I know I just need to practice, but I hate the drama.


Flib said:
If I'm the tank and I let a mob get loose, it's like the end of the world. I know I just need to practice, but I hate the drama.

Outside of tanks, doesn't every class have some sort of aggro management utility? Honest question, I really don't know.

People just like to bitch, they should know how to play their class when something goes wrong. If you pull aggro, lower your DPS to allow the tank to get it back. If you can see the healer is struggling and you are about to die, using a freaking healing potion to give him more time, ectetera.

People were loving me in dungeons as a shadowpriest because I would drop out of shadowform to help out if the shit hit the fan. The Shadow Priests I have grouped with so far (all 2 of them) were just obsessed with their DPS meters.

I would have stayed as one in dungeons, but the long queue times are annoying


Dunlop said:
Outside of tanks, doesn't every class have some sort of aggro management utility? Honest question, I really don't know.
The pure dps do (vanish/invis/soulshatter/feign death), hybrids aren't so lucky (paladins get hand of salv, but druids/shamans/priests/warriors don't have anything).
Well 99% of DPS'ers out there don't care about aggro management, they go for #1 on the DPS meter and if they pull aggro it's the healer and tank's problem.

I don't have too much problem on my warrior, I find druid is the worst.

Thunderclap + Shockwave + Cleave spam tends to hold most pulls, there's always one add that most DPS tend to focus on in which case I blow taunt or concussive blow and it's usually dead before the stun or taunt wears off.

With druid I have to frantically change targets and nail each one to hold any consistent aggro, taunt is always on cooldown and I usually blow berserk or challenging roar for the larger pulls.

Tanking H HoR is impossible on my bear. Our guild MT is a bear and even he dreads doing that instance.

In my opinion Bear tanking involves the most "work" doing 5 mans, warrior is next and pally is so easy a chimpanzee could do it.

I don't know about DK tanking but my guildies tell me it takes some smarts, which the average WoW player doesn't have. DK tanks are the #1 complaint generator from 5man randoms in my guild chat :lol Although I have grouped with some excellent DK tanks.
Tamanon said:
BB at MMO-Champ is pretty insistent that 3.3.2 is coming this week. Sounds about right. Yay new VOA boss.

VoA? What's VoA? Ohhh, that raid thingie you alleged get to do after winning Wintergrasp. A myth for an alliance member on a server that's 70% horde :(


KernelPanic said:
Well 99% of DPS'ers out there don't care about aggro management, they go for #1 on the DPS meter and if they pull aggro it's the healer and tank's problem.

That's what I am saying, when I overheal some idiot who cant stop spamming his attacks even after he pulls aggro, I will pull aggro to which I will resolve by fading, drink pot if needed and lowering my heals to let the tank take aggro back.

When you get the same idiot insulting you just make it abundantly clear that he either fucks off or you will leave, or have the party kick him to which he will be instantly replaced (by the bajillion other DPS waiting in queues). This is a random PUG, not a guild raid, if they treat you like an asshole, return the favor.

Just make sure you are in the right :D


Angry Grimace said:
Marking a target is useless, because DPS becomes instantly hostile when they have it suggested to them that they shouldn't just blow everything up instantly.
You got that right. They have it easier than both of the other roles and yet act like it's such a chore to assist or, god forbid, use CC or even an interrupt.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Dunlop said:
Outside of tanks, doesn't every class have some sort of aggro management utility? Honest question, I really don't know.

People just like to bitch, they should know how to play their class when something goes wrong. If you pull aggro, lower your DPS to allow the tank to get it back. If you can see the healer is struggling and you are about to die, using a freaking healing potion to give him more time, ectetera.

People were loving me in dungeons as a shadowpriest because I would drop out of shadowform to help out if the shit hit the fan. The Shadow Priests I have grouped with so far (all 2 of them) were just obsessed with their DPS meters.

I would have stayed as one in dungeons, but the long queue times are annoying
Meh, dropping Shadowform is not usually necessary; you can use PW:S in Shadowform and you don't really have all that much in terms of quick heals other than Flash heals if you drop form.

I have an 80 of every tank class, but I don't much like tanking (even though I frequently do it anyways). For the record, having played three of them as tanks (I never did this on my druid) at one point or another, I would posit the following:

Paladins are easily the best tank class and frankly, overpowered. It's not just Consecrate, Paladins have a very specific "rotation" which will glue every single mob to you regardless of what DPS does, barring a D&D in Frost Pres. This doesn't even take into account that Paladins have two taunts, both of which are ranged, one of which does damage, and the other of which taunts three targets, and the fact that Warriors have a single target ranged pull, which also is a nice silence, but it hits one target, on a 1 min. CD. Avenger's Shield has a 30 sec. cooldown and hits three targets. Warrior's Shield block gives them 100% block, but it has a 40 sec. cooldown; whereas you can quite literally keep Holy Shield active 100% of the time if you do 69696.

Really, the only benefit the other tanking classes have over Paladins is they have a reliable interrupt.
In 5 mans I'll just continually pull, and piss off dps by pulling mobs out of their aoe if need be.

In a raid situation, we usually focus down the most dangerous adds first so aggro isn't a huge problem. I just cleave/thunder clap/shockwave/devastate as much as I can and that usually works. But I must say it's hilarious (and sad) watching my aggro totally disappear once our pally OT drops consecrate and starts tanking.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
PhoenixDark said:
In 5 mans I'll just continually pull, and piss off dps by pulling mobs out of their aoe if need be.

In a raid situation, we usually focus down the most dangerous adds first so aggro isn't a huge problem. I just cleave/thunder clap/shockwave/devastate as much as I can and that usually works. But I must say it's hilarious (and sad) watching my aggro totally disappear once our pally OT drops consecrate and starts tanking.
To be fair, in a raid situation, this never happens because most people don't raid with idiots that just pull threat :lol

The worst part is, it really doesn't require all that much effort for Paladins. I mean, not just Consecrate ticks, but vengance ticks, Hammer of the Righteous, Holy shield threat, Judgment to grab mobs that slightly outrange consecrate. It's ridiculous.

Halls of Reflection is pretty much easy on a paladin. Just drop that consecrate and hit a Holy Wrath whenver the mobs get there.


Angry Grimace said:
Meh, dropping Shadowform is not usually necessary; you can use PW:S in Shadowform and you don't really have all that much in terms of quick heals other than Flash heals if you drop form.

I do that regardless as i do not care about DPS meters and my brain is now trained to constantly look at party members health. I meant when the shit really hits the fan, last night a rogue backed up too much and aggrod another group of mobs.

Not a single death in the party. These random dungeons are not on timers (or any that I have been on so far) so it is really not necessary to kill everything down as fast as possible.

I actually find the "oh shit" moments, entertaining.


funkmastergeneral said:
Priests have fade

Doesn't fade temporarily drop hate? It's not a threat wiper like the other things mentioned. It's an OH SHIT the mob is coming at me button that you push so it goes back to the tank hopefully and he has time to build some more threat on it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Macattk15 said:
Doesn't fade temporarily drop hate? It's not a threat wiper like the other things mentioned. It's an OH SHIT the mob is coming at me button that you push so it goes back to the tank hopefully and he has time to build some more threat on it.
It's a temporary threat drop, but if you still have aggro after it's 10 second duration your tank needs to step it up. The primary benefit to Fade as opposed to other things that actually drop threat is that you can continue to attack with a Fade up.

For the record, the number of people that simply *refuse* to even acknowledge Hand of Salvation's existence is staggering. I will say, "hey, you have 9 stacks of Festergut's debuff, you should use a Salv on yourself," and for some reason, no Salv ever goes out. I don't quite understand it.
Flib said:
On friday though, I decided to try out some bear tanking. I have a little bit of experience tanking on my DK, but only like 3 dungeons. We made it through (it was ramparts, lol), but I feel like a really had a tough time. The main issue was this stupid DK who would drop D&D on the start of all my pulls, which really does not help since it takes bears a bit of time to build up AOE threat. The healer died on the last fight and was freaking out at me and calling me fail...the ridiculous thing is that he died when the dragon came down, I growled and picked him up as it ran towards him, only to have that same dk Dark Command him off of me, and then lose aggro to the healer while my growl was on cooldown.

I obviously need to learn how to tank better with him, but that run left such a bad taste in my mouth that I'm worried to try again. When it's one or two targets, I have absolutely no issues, but with these huge aoe pulls and everyone just aoe'ing off the bat, it's a real bitch.

Like everyone else said that sounds like you were doing a good job. The one thing I would say is that Feral Faerie Fire is a better option for grabbing things from range. It generates massive threat and means you don't lose your taunt cooldown.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I guess I'm just starting to wonder if there's really any incentive to not just run 3 (or 2) Paladin Tanks in raids.
Angry Grimace said:
I guess I'm just starting to wonder if there's really any incentive to not just run 3 (or 2) Paladin Tanks in raids.

We generally run 3 in 10man.

1x Holy
1x Prot (me)
1x Ret

Me and a feral druid work well for tanking, although some ppl are saying that I get hit harder than the druid.
Angry Grimace said:
I guess I'm just starting to wonder if there's really any incentive to not just run 3 (or 2) Paladin Tanks in raids.

Shouldn't be a problem for long. Blizzard have already said that Paladin tank damage "is a concern", so I'm guessing they'll do something to make Consecrate do significantly less damage in prot.


jim-jam bongs said:
Like everyone else said that sounds like you were doing a good job. The one thing I would say is that Feral Faerie Fire is a better option for grabbing things from range. It generates massive threat and means you don't lose your taunt cooldown.

Yeah, I use that (after reading about how much threat it does). I was just worried that the healer already had too much aggro on the dragon and I didn't want to risk him dying. Not that it mattered in the long run :lol

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
jim-jam bongs said:
Shouldn't be a problem for long. Blizzard have already said that Paladin tank damage "is a concern", so I'm guessing they'll do something to make Consecrate do significantly less damage in prot.
Not from what I've heard, yet at least.


The ending of Wrath of the Lich King has been released.



For the love of god, don't watch it if you dont' want to know what happens at the end.


YouTube - The Death of the Lich King (SPOILERS - Duh)

Everything is pretty much exactly as expected, so it's kinda disappointing.
Kinda lame that Arthas doesn't have much to say for himself. No laments or apologies, no scene with anyone other than his father's ghost. I guess the end kinda implies that Bolvar will be able to keep things under control and remain more-or-less anonymous. I'm not sure exactly why that is, but whatever.
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