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World of Warcraft

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HarryDemeanor said:
Looking at MMO Champion's front page has gotten me excited for these faction overcloaks. Always wanted to wear a cloak that looks badass but either they don't have the stats that I desire or they're outdated. Perhaps this will put us one step closer to having an appearance tab someday in the game.

Here, here! I can't wait to put on an Orgrimmar overcloak and pretend my lame Blood Elf is an awesome Orc Paladin! :D

FLEABttn said:
GS is a useful tool when used correctly. For Icecrown, someone with 5kGS might be retarded, but if he's not, then we get 6k+ DPS from him. Someone with a 3kGS might not be retarded, but he'll never put out the kind of DPS needed in Icecrown to be successful. No amount of "heart" makes up for the fact that he is gear limited.

I'm just glad I finally broke 5k GS. Now maybe some PUGs on my server will let me tank a raid, even though I've already been doing ICC with my guild for the past few weeks.


markot said:
Get the pet you want to get rid of and make it your active one. Right click its portrait when you have it out and dismiss it.

I remember trying to dismiss it only for the pet to still appear in my stable. My character waved it bye and all. I didn't see this "abandon pet" option so maybe that's it?


Looking at the details for the new Troll pre-Cataclysm questline, I guess I can't make fun of the gnomes and their problem with lvl 30 troggs anymore.


Angry Grimace said:
Nope, he's off resurrecting C'Thun so that Blizzard can reuse him.
Well, he was. Then AQ fell on him. Probably not actually dead though, given the role the Twilight's Hammer plays in Cataclysm and how his entire role in the comics had him blathering on about a prophecy and the earth being torn asunder.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
explodet said:
Looking at the details for the new Troll pre-Cataclysm questline, I guess I can't make fun of the gnomes and their problem with lvl 30 troggs anymore.
Well, Mechatorque is level 80, you would think he could solo Gnomeregan.


Has problems recognising girls
So the Stormrage novel is out and some details have gotten through the cracks.

Fandral Staghelm is a fucking nutter :lol


notworksafe said:
I'm just glad I finally broke 5k GS. Now maybe some PUGs on my server will let me tank a raid, even though I've already been doing ICC with my guild for the past few weeks.

5k is enough to get you into most of the inside wings. Our tanks started at about 4.7k for the first wing, but were over 5k by the time Putricide died. 5.5k+ is probably where you want to be for BQL, Sindragosa, and Lich King.


Angry Grimace said:
Well, Mechatorque is level 80, you would think he could solo Gnomeregan.
Yeah, but Vol'jin is trying to take the
Echo Isles
back from
freakin' lvl 10 Zalazane.
(sorry if I'm being too careful with spoilers)


Has problems recognising girls
Those are hardly spoilers, especially if you've ever created an Orc/Troll.

Zalazane used to be pure bitch before they revamped new characters. I remember the only time I ever beat him back in the day was when I created an Orc Shaman in a drunken state. Every other character prior to the revamp got the shit kicked out of them.

Let alone the Trolls on patrol around the place. Echo Isles was like a precursor to STV; if you didn't enjoy getting jumped in that shithole, you best avoid STV.


FLEABttn said:
5k is enough to get you into most of the inside wings. Our tanks started at about 4.7k for the first wing, but were over 5k by the time Putricide died. 5.5k+ is probably where you want to be for BQL, Sindragosa, and Lich King.

Oh yeah I know that because that's what my GS was when my guild started Icecrown. The raid PUGs here are snobby about GS though, and it's quite obnoxious. 5-5.5k for first wing ICC is overkill guys (especially when I already have the achievement)!
notworksafe said:
Oh yeah I know that because that's what my GS was when my guild started Icecrown. The raid PUGs here are snobby about GS though, and it's quite obnoxious. 5-5.5k for first wing ICC is overkill guys (especially when I already have the achievement)!

I find PUGs really go overkill on GS requirements because:

- They really don't want to fail.
- They're hoping you won't need any of the loot so it can go someone else

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
After spending like all of Ulduar in shitty T7 crap, I barely have any upgrades out of ICC 10 now. I guess I could go for 25m, if I gave a shit about 25 man. :lol


notworksafe said:
5-5.5k for first wing ICC is overkill guys (especially when I already have the achievement)!

I dont use the GS mod but saw this comment and was curious, found this website http://wtfismygearscore.com and ran my Hunter and I'm just shy of 5800. So 5.5k for the first wing would be an absurd requirement. When I first cleared the first wing in a pug I pretty much only had 232's and the bow from Naxx25 lol. The first four are more about execution than dps.

Angry Grimace said:
After spending like all of Ulduar in shitty T7 crap, I barely have any upgrades out of ICC 10 now. I guess I could go for 25m, if I gave a shit about 25 man. :lol

You should, pug them if your guild doesnt run them. The first few bosses have some nice stuff for pretty much all classes that will last a while. Trinkets and other valuable stuff thats hard to come by upgrade wise. Theres a weapon for all classes to I think.

Edit: Why am I telling you this as if you dont already know. I didnt realize it was you who posted, thought it was one of the people who had just returned to the game or something recently.


Just after the server reset I started questing in Grizzly and multiple bears seemed to have spawned from the same point, anywhere from 2-6 in bunches all along the river:


They follow the leader too so it looks like a train.

Also I've noticed when I kill mobs about half the time their death animation will play twice, not sure if it's an addon or what. I really can't be arsed disabling them 1 by 1.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Well i'm currently in Old AQ, it amazes me you can still get here. Screenshots to follow soon.
EDIT:FUCK, I was nearly there, but fell to my death when i miss timed my noggenfogger elixir. Shite. Well i'm going back later tonight to check out some other areas i'd seen on my journey. I had screenshots from behind the AQ gate from well over a year ago but they appear to have gone missing. Ergghh.

Double EDIT:
YES! My photobucket account, fuck i hadn't thought of this.
As these are all like 1440*900 screenshots i'm not gonna imbed them.
Behind the AQ20 gate:

A collection from behind AQ in general

And the location on the map:

(Note that's an old shitty UI)

From today:
(These are all the journey there, showing the weird scenery. Almost like the dev's playground, but also note the massive empty expanse in the 2nd/4th pictures, it really is fucking huge).
FAKE EDIT: Gotta rush out, those will be up later.


Anyone got some quick tips for Professor? Took a few first attempts at him last night and saw most of the fight. Any tips of maxing dps on boss during phase 1 and 2?


Outdoor Miner said:
I've started a DK with the goal of tanking my way to 80 in mind. Anyone have any idea what the best pre-80 tanking tree is?

I'm doing exactly this. I'm only lvl 63 (or 64?) atm. I did a couple of blood specs and am currently using an frost one.

If you are doing only dungeons, then frost is better because of damage mitagation and the ability to easily keep AOE aggro...but you do take a noticable hit when trying to solo grind (less DPS and less tools to self heal).

truthfully, I did not really have any problems tanking as blood as well, I'm just a spec a holic, I prefer the frost build atm

havent done anything at all with Unholy specs yet


joelseph said:
Anyone got some quick tips for Professor? Took a few first attempts at him last night and saw most of the fight. Any tips of maxing dps on boss during phase 1 and 2?

What class are you and is your tank kiting the boss around the room to the opposite side of the spawning oozes?


joelseph said:
Anyone got some quick tips for Professor? Took a few first attempts at him last night and saw most of the fight. Any tips of maxing dps on boss during phase 1 and 2?

Phases 1 and 2 are pretty easy, it's phase 3 that's going to be a bitch.

Make sure all DPS stops at 82% in order to kill whatever ooze is up. As soon as you kill that ooze, push the boss into stage 2.

Avoid the yellow viles as best as you can. If people are hitting them, make sure someone is calling them out (both that a vile is out and that people keep hitting them).

Kill green oozes as quickly as possible. Have healers stand behind everyone far away from where the green ooze spawns in case it goes after them. No melee DPS on that ooze until it picks a target. It it picks a hunter, have the hunter feign death and hold off melee DPS until it picks a new target. If mage, iceblock. If rogue, vanish.

Orange oozes are easy to handle. Get ranged DPS on them as soon as they spawn, and after it picks a target, have melee run in. If you're picked, just run away from it, but stay in range of healers.

If you're melee, this fight isn't friendly to you because of the mobility and target switching required. If your DPS is below the boomkin's, that is to be expected, don't worry about it.


Outdoor Miner said:
I've started a DK with the goal of tanking my way to 80 in mind. Anyone have any idea what the best pre-80 tanking tree is?

As soon as you can hit the 51 point talents, go frost. Tanking raids is a bit different, but these regular dungeon runs are quick affairs and frost has excellent mitigation plus the most aoe threat (learn to love Howling Blast).

The other two trees are viable as well (though unholy tanks are currently less so), but frost is the easiest if you are learning plus need the aoe).


Has problems recognising girls
Milpool said:
Just after the server reset I started questing in Grizzly and multiple bears seemed to have spawned from the same point, anywhere from 2-6 in bunches all along the river:
I had this happen too when I was doing the daily with my Druid. Thought it was quite bizarre.

Cindres said:
Well i'm currently in Old AQ, it amazes me you can still get here. Screenshots to follow soon.
Nicely done.


Macattk15 said:
What class are you and is your tank kiting the boss around the room to the opposite side of the spawning oozes?

I play a disc priest. Didn't have replinishment last night so started 2 healing disc/druid and tried a few disc/druid/shaman at the end.

The problem I see is our melee dps is moving too much and we aren't getting enough dps in phase 2. By the time 3 hits I am OOM.

We start by having MT take prof to orange side yeah.

Gonna try dropping my pvp spec and picking up holy for CoH.


FLEABttn said:
Kill green oozes as quickly as possible. Have healers stand behind everyone far away from where the green ooze spawns in case it goes after them. No melee DPS on that ooze until it picks a target. It it picks a hunter, have the hunter feign death and hold off melee DPS until it picks a new target. If mage, iceblock. If rogue, vanish.

We can sometimes get the green down before it makes it to the first guy, should we keep pushing for that or do must guilds just stack up on target and eat the damage?


joelseph said:
We can sometimes get the green down before it makes it to the first guy, should we keep pushing for that or do must guilds just stack up on target and eat the damage?

I don't know about most guilds, but I know that it is my guild's goal to kill the green ooze before it gets to the targeted person. If the ooze isn't killed by the time it gets to the targeted person, everyone close to that person collapses in to eat the damage.

Also, if you've just got to the boss for like the first time, your raid might not have the DPS to kill it before it gets to the targeted person, and then you'll definitely need people to eat the damage.


Cindres said:
Well i'm currently in Old AQ, it amazes me you can still get here. Screenshots to follow soon.
If you really like poking around the sealed off corners of the world like this, level a shaman to 26. Far Sight is the shortcut to checking out every last inch of terrain on the world map from any angle, regardless of accessibility.


Argh! I hate pugs!

Just need Dehydration for my Red Drake (yes I know it's easy but I just seem to get the worst pugs). So before we even start I say "Please let me hit the switches and this will be easy".

Ichoron comes up, we get him close to dead (one last switch...I've been kiting him right next to them to make sure they are all hit properly) and the switch has already been hit! So I run to another and it's been hit by a pugger as well! So by this time it's too late and I just quit the group in disgust.

Le sigh. :(
Dropped Valithria last night, after some tough wipes. Things get some crazy around the 5:30-6min point. Outside of a couple dumb wipes, the majority of them occurred with Valilthria at 80-90% health or so.

Then we tried BQL and got her to 5% on first try, and each one after that was worse (but not horrible). I definitely think we can do it if people stop screwing up the biting order; need more talk in vent heh. Pretty boring fight as a tank. I just sit there trying out different threat rotations lol

Pretty exciting that we're so close to the Lich King. We have a great core. But I gotta say ICC has kinda killed many parts of the guild (we're a 10 man guild). At one point we had enough folks for two ICC groups, people were excited, showing up on time, etc. But our raid leader has focused exclusively on our main 10 man group, to the point where many folks don't even sign on much. Me and another guildie formed a successful ICC25 run we do every friday with a couple other guilds, which allows many of our members to at least get to some something. The funny thing is our guild leader laughed it off initially, but once it proved to be successful he started signing up and is now attempting to control who gets to go. Meh.

And when a healer or tank doesn't show up to our 10 mans, we're completely fucked.


Got my sexy sexy BiS Ikifiru's Chest off heroic Airship Battle in 25 man ..... what a friggen easy fight and waste it is on heroic. It feels NO different on heroic as opposed to normal.

Saurfang on the other hand .... little room for error on him. Deathwhisper has been really random for us too. Marrowgar was decently easy and so was Rotface. Going to try more hard modes tonight I think.

And Phoenix it sounds like your guild leader is a douche and you could potentially just start your own guild with most of the people in the guild.


Modesty becomes a woman
Macattk15 said:
Got my sexy sexy BiS Ikifiru's Chest off heroic Airship Battle in 25 man ..... what a friggen easy fight and waste it is on heroic. It feels NO different on heroic as opposed to normal.

Saurfang on the other hand .... little room for error on him. Deathwhisper has been really random for us too. Marrowgar was decently easy and so was Rotface. Going to try more hard modes tonight I think.

And Phoenix it sounds like your guild leader is a douche and you could potentially just start your own guild with most of the people in the guild.

The airship is exactly the same, you just have to watch the rockets a little bit more now, they will kill you. We 1 shot rotface and festergut was extremely easy as well, so was BQL.


The airship is exactly the same, you just have to watch the rockets a little bit more now, they will kill you. We 1 shot rotface and festergut was extremely easy as well, so was BQL.

We've had several people take rockets to the face and they've never remotely come close to killing anyone. We just don't let the rocketeers level up to where their damage is crazy.

25 or 10 man? We're sitting on Arthas hard mode only thing left on 10 man. 25 man we've done Marrow, Airship, Rotface, and Princes ... and wiped countless times on Saurfang.


joelseph said:
We can sometimes get the green down before it makes it to the first guy, should we keep pushing for that or do must guilds just stack up on target and eat the damage?
We switch strategy depending on our raid composition - if we're melee heavy (well, any more than one, in 10m; we don't do 25), we switch to staying on the green side and switching all dps to it as soon as it spawns. We usually eat one explosion that way (sometimes two, if it picks a melee as the first target), but since everyone's stacked up on it it's not too hard to heal through. If we just have one melee, we move to the opposite side and try to nuke it down before it reaches the first person.

Obviously, which one works better depends on your own raid comp, and relative performance of your ranged vs your melee. If you're having trouble with one method, try the other.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Sciz said:
If you really like poking around the sealed off corners of the world like this, level a shaman to 26. Far Sight is the shortcut to checking out every last inch of terrain on the world map from any angle, regardless of accessibility.

I actually have a level 30 shaman sat doing shit all. ANy particular places?


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Ugh, I like the random dungeon thing but I hate the other people that use it:


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
What's going on there?

Also, people skipping bosses is doing my nut in.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Lovey dovey healer/tank combo that keep calling each other "babe". "Ret" was the tank, D/Ced before the first boss because evidently he was playing World of Warcraft at his place of business. Took like 15 minutes just to reach the first boss in Drak'Tharon.


Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Dance In My Blood said:
Lovey dovey healer/tank combo that keep calling each other "babe". "Ret" was the tank, D/Ced before the first boss because evidently he was playing World of Warcraft at his place of business. Took like 15 minutes just to reach the first boss in Drak'Tharon.

Well that sucks. I was in a fantastic group a few days ago, ran the whole thing in 15 minutes.


Cindres said:
I actually have a level 30 shaman sat doing shit all. ANy particular places?
Besides all of the various incomplete places on the world map that are all flat plains and sheer cliffs, there's stuff like

-Unimplemented content (Hyjal, Old IF, the Kara Crypt)
-Cosmetic content (primarily the many and various locations meant to be seen from flight paths alone),
-Developer jokes (there's a big smiley face in the texture underneath Karazhan, and HELP in the texture on the peak of the mountain by Grim Batol),
-Just plain broken angles (Stormwind wasn't built to be viewed from above at all)
-Map edges (even the water texture stops somewhere)

and so forth. Any time you come up against the boundaries of the game, Far Sight lets you blow right past them and see the other side, ugly as it tends to be. It'll even tunnel straight through solid walls with a little persistence, as long as it isn't the basic ground collision mesh.

It works literally anywhere flagged as the outdoors, up to and including instances, which gets interesting as they tend to break down really fast when you get outside of the intended viewable area.


Worships the porcelain goddess
So, I'm 69 and now making my way through Northrend on my Warrior. I have a question concerning dungeons. Should I go ahead and use Dungeon Finder to run some dungeons while leveling up? If so, would the quest equipment be good enough to start running these things on normal or is a trip to the AH in order to secure some good equip for tanking/DPS?


Lost all credibility.
Kintaro said:
So, I'm 69 and now making my way through Northrend on my Warrior. I have a question concerning dungeons. Should I go ahead and use Dungeon Finder to run some dungeons while leveling up? If so, would the quest equipment be good enough to start running these things on normal or is a trip to the AH in order to secure some good equip for tanking/DPS?
That site will help you find the best quest/dungeon gear while leveling in Northrend and you can sort it by spec. For tank gear specifically you probably wanna have all the best stuff you can get so you might wanna check the AH.


Is anyone interested in a mature (no leet speaking dorks) guild on Trollbane? Im in an established guild there and we are looking to add to our family. Primarily looking for hunters or healers but anyone should feel free to send me a PM! We are progressing nicely though ICC!


Junior Member
Cindres said:
Well i'm currently in Old AQ, it amazes me you can still get here. Screenshots to follow soon.
EDIT:FUCK, I was nearly there, but fell to my death when i miss timed my noggenfogger elixir. Shite. Well i'm going back later tonight to check out some other areas i'd seen on my journey. I had screenshots from behind the AQ gate from well over a year ago but they appear to have gone missing. Ergghh.

Double EDIT:
YES! My photobucket account, fuck i hadn't thought of this.
As these are all like 1440*900 screenshots i'm not gonna imbed them.
Behind the AQ20 gate:

A collection from behind AQ in general

And the location on the map:

(Note that's an old shitty UI)

From today:
(These are all the journey there, showing the weird scenery. Almost like the dev's playground, but also note the massive empty expanse in the 2nd/4th pictures, it really is fucking huge).
FAKE EDIT: Gotta rush out, those will be up later.
Thats not old AQ.
Thats the second or third revision of old aq. :lol
Sciz said:
If you really like poking around the sealed off corners of the world like this, level a shaman to 26. Far Sight is the shortcut to checking out every last inch of terrain on the world map from any angle, regardless of accessibility.
Pfft. Far Sight (and the Hunter equivalent) isn't exploration. Now Levitate, that's an exploration tool. Well, there are people on the internet debating (no shit) whether it is, but honestly the things you can do, the places you can go with Levitate are almost endless. It's basically Far Sight but actually lets your character go to those places.

Since it's apparently getting nerfed in 3.3.3, I'll let you guys in on why Levitate is so awesome. If you go to a steep slope and keep running towards it, and have it so that you can sort of pivot your character around on the spot while running and not fall down, then get the Levitate buff (from yourself or someone else), you'll start running up that slope.

So basically, you can climb up almost anywhere in the game with it. The main spot I keep thinking of is on top of Blackrock mountain.

Another good one I just got reminded of is getting out of the boat area in Deadmines and going to the secret little fireworks/Outland area.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
DK buffs ahoy:

Death Knight (Forums / Talent Calculator)

* Chains of Ice now infects the target with Frost Fever.

Icy Talons: The personal haste benefit provided by this talent is no longer exclusive with other sources of melee haste. This will allow death knights to always swing 4/6/12/16/20% faster when Frost Fever is applied. Windfury Totem and the party/raid component of Improved Icy Talons still do not stack.

Ghostcrawler said:
You put 5 points in Icy Talons. While fighting (and applying Frost Fever), you swing 20% faster. If you have talented Windfury Totem on you, you swing a total of 40% faster.

You now put a 6th point in Improved Icy Talons as well. You have a passive personal 25% haste at all times. When you engage in combat and apply Frost Fever, you now have 45% melee haste. If you have Windfury also, you still only have 45% haste since Windfury and Improved Icy Talons are exclusive.

This is basically a 20% haste buff to any DK who has Icy Talons and Improved Icy Talons.


* Unholy Blight now prevents any diseases on the victim from being dispelled.


* Glyph of Chains of Ice - Your Chains of Ice also causes 144 to 156 Frost damage, increased by your attack power.
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