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World of Warcraft

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Shouta said:
The exact opposite is true though. I absolutely hate tanks that refuse to slow down. They get automatically booted from my party. I don't care if their HP is close to 60k and they're wielding Artha's own arm as a weapon. Yanking the party along because you don't want to spend 10 or 15 minutes (over the course of an entire dungeon) to give the other party members a breather is just a dick move.

Thankfully, the vote kick won't pass most of the time, since, you know, the tank is actually doing his job.

Vote kick reason : "He's too good, I can't loot or skin mobs, WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Tank yourself if you want a "leisure" time, most hunter pets can handle the trash and bosses in WOTLK heroics
Flib said:
Tanking has a bit more of a learning curve than dpsing.
At 75-80 ish
Hell I tanked as dps spec on my DK through out lands into Northrend but then it gets abit of a kick up as the mobs hit alot harder but it was still pretty simple. No harder than any Hunter rotation ive ever had to do anyway :lol


Really Really Exciting Member!
Flib said:
Tanking has a bit more of a learning curve than dpsing.

The only learning curve is being able to pay attention while tanking. A hunter or rogue can dps "successfully" while watching TV. You try to do that with a tank, good luck.

If you're doing a lot of low lvl instances since 3.3, watch the tanks. Most of them sucks horribly and never pay attention, which end up with multiple mobs hitting someone else all the time. Sure, the mages using Blizzard too soon don't help, but still. My lvl 26 rogue pays more attention to his surrounding than 90% of the tanks i've seen so far, i save healers more often than them, they do not even bother to attack something else than their main target or even watch what's happening to the other members.


If you just hit 70, get the cobalt plate gear with def. The gear you get from dungeons in TBC doesnt really cut it >.<, get a BS to make it for you or buy it from the AH.

I once had a moonkin tank >_> I was the healer... I left after the first pull...

I hate tanks that have once piece with def on it and think that they can tank/dont understand why they cant.....


Bisnic said:
The only learning curve is being able to pay attention while tanking. A hunter or rogue can dps "successfully" while watching TV. You try to do that with a tank, good luck.

If you're doing a lot of low lvl instances since 3.3, watch the tanks. Most of them sucks horribly and never pay attention, which end up with multiple mobs hitting someone else all the time. Sure, the mages using Blizzard too soon don't help, but still. My lvl 26 rogue pays more attention to his surrounding than 90% of the tanks i've seen so far, i save healers more often than them, they do not even bother to attack something else than their main target or even watch what's happening to the other members.

I said a bit more of a learning curve, not a huge learning curve. Learning to pay attention is part of that, and you are most likely also undergeared while you're learning, so you can't pull 4 packs of mobs at once.

I'm not saying it's entirely difficult, but it's a different skill set/mentality and requires some adjustment.


Oni Link 666 said:
I don't like the sound of the stuff about hit. They want you to stack more and more hit as you go up in raiding tiers? WTF is that? How does that simplify things or make it a more interesting stat? It just makes it even more confusing and annoying than it is now. Will the bosses' tool tips say "requires this much hit" or something?

Im not exactly ecstatic about my hit cap being a moving target but I understand it. Think about the gear growth. These days I have 60% unbuffed crit because the difference of stats on raid gear from Naxx 10 to Icc25 is so huge. It results in every piece of hit gear having MORE of it. Its so insanely easy to cap hit now that we dont even gem to get to the cap. At all. In fact we avoid the hell out of it, and take as many off set pieces as we can to use those item budgets on inflating our AP and crit and Arp etc. Thats how things got the way they are now. A BiS hunter is Arp Capped passively with an outrageous amount of AP and passive crit, and is also hit capped.

I think they want to stop us from getting to all those caps like that.


I agree with Puncture, mainly. Right now it is all about reaching the +Hit cap, but if the limit is higher for later content and requires relatively more item budget per % hit increase, then hit becomes a stat that actually requires some thought with regards to gearing. As it exists now, +hit is worth vastly more DPS per point while you are below the cap, but the Cataclysm changes make it look like an actual decision to make --- you likely won't be at the hit cap unless you really, really try, and that will be okay.


Puncture said:
Im not exactly ecstatic about my hit cap being a moving target but I understand it.

Better a moving target than a static one that you can hit in t7. I was 5.5% over the hit cap for ~1.5 months because of particular upgrades that came before other that had massive amounts of hit on them. I'm still about 1.5% over the hit cap, but they keep throwing more hit at me.


Health pools will be much closer between plate-wearers and other classes...

...We are also changing the mitigation difference among armor types so that plate doesn’t offer so much more protection than mail, leather, and cloth.


Yeah, I like where this is going. I look forward to PVP being completely and utterly broken due to this. Casters already by-passed armor, now Hunters/Rogues will have a field day going against plate wearers with their more limited mobility. Before they stacked up way more ArmP, now they don't have to in order to do damage and have nearly the same HP with their added mobility.

Paladins becoming un-critable in PVE by just throwing on Righteous Fury??? Really? That's not exactly the same thing as throwing on Frost Aura or Defensive Stats, as you give up offensive capability for selecting them.

I know they said they have to show off the rest of the "tree" stuff that ties in, it better have remedies to these issues.


So, after a lengthy vacation from the game (2 years) i came back a few months ago. I started on my rogue, then got frustrated with *still* being the whipping boys of wow... so decided to level a tank.

Got to 80, and I'm pretty much geared up for raids... but getting a ToC pug or something is insane. People expect you to have gear scores that weren't even possible when that raid first came out. Why do people expect fully geared icc people want to run ToCs? Sure there's that trinket... but jesus.. it's insane.

Least I got to tank ICC10 the other day in guild (not bad for being 80 for only a days play time).


J-Rzez said:

Yeah, I like where this is going. I look forward to PVP being completely and utterly broken due to this. Casters already by-passed armor, now Hunters/Rogues will have a field day going against plate wearers with their more limited mobility. Before they stacked up way more ArmP, now they don't have to in order to do damage and have nearly the same HP with their added mobility.

Paladins becoming un-critable in PVE by just throwing on Righteous Fury??? Really? That's not exactly the same thing as throwing on Frost Aura or Defensive Stats, as you give up offensive capability for selecting them.

I know they said they have to show off the rest of the "tree" stuff that ties in, it better have remedies to these issues.

I'm pretty sure the Righteous Fury thing will be also a talent. Like the Druid one for bear form to be uncrittable.


Tamanon said:
I'm pretty sure the Righteous Fury thing will be also a talent. Like the Druid one for bear form to be uncrittable.

Doesn't answer the issue if they're switching the way frost presence and defensive stance works. Those change the way your character performs offensively, as a penalty. Right now, Pallies look like they're getting away with murder again in this xpac.


The most obvious question these changes raise is "Why are stats being changed, and why now?" As the game has matured, we've run into increasingly complex issues with the current stat system. Many stats are inherently confusing, and the way they interrelate can feel convoluted.

This is at least the third time they've changed stats around. I like how they act like this is the first time that stats have become stupid. Who knew that putting +2% hit on gear would have made it difficult to budget upgrades in the next expansion!?

Spell Power - Spell Power is another stat that you'll no longer see present on most items. Instead, as mentioned above, Intellect will grant Spell Power. One exception is that caster weapons will still have Spell Power. This allows us to make weapons proportionately more powerful for casters in the same way they are for melee classes.

We're getting rid of this except for the items that will continue to have it. Got it. If INT will be moving to cover it, why not just put a bunch of INT on there? INT is getting a mana pool nerf so how exactly would that be overpowered?

Mastery - This is a new stat that will allow players to become better at whatever makes their chosen talent tree cool or unique. It's directly tied to talents, so what you gain from improving this stat is entirely dependent upon your class and the talent specialization you choose. We’ll talk more about specific Mastery benefits in the future.

This just in from the 5.0 patch notes: "We will be removing Mastery because it was completely idiotic in the first place. We have since fired the guy that came up with the idea." If you are looking to simplify stats, how bout not adding a new one that you can't even describe during the stat change update? Look for Mastery to be the new Armor Pen. DK_spec_1 will need gobs of it on every piece of gear while DK_spec_2 will avoid it like the plague so he'll need to completely regear if he wants to switch between Blood and Unholy.


I don't think you understand the concept of mastery and how the mere presence of it simplifies and smooths out the stat curve.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
J-Rzez said:
Doesn't answer the issue if they're switching the way frost presence and defensive stance works. Those change the way your character performs offensively, as a penalty. Right now, Pallies look like they're getting away with murder again in this xpac.
They'll just have a talent; but it's not like Bear Form druids are uncrittable dude. Essentially, PvE mobs have fixed percentage chances to critically strike you (which is like 5%), and that number never changes. Players, on the other hand, routinely have 40+% crit chances.


Angry Grimace said:
Nope, I'm pretty sure you totally missed it, dude. :lol

You're turning it into a semantic argument about whether Hunters can do whatever, which nobody cares about and wasn't what he was talking about at all. You clearly didn't get it if you're arguing that his point is bad because Hunters can just use X ability.

Yep, totally missed the point. I was covering my bases with any class there is.

Fularu said:
Thankfully, the vote kick won't pass most of the time, since, you know, the tank is actually doing his job.

Vote kick reason : "He's too good, I can't loot or skin mobs, WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

Tank yourself if you want a "leisure" time, most hunter pets can handle the trash and bosses in WOTLK heroics

I've had it pass 90% of the time. Just as many people would rather take the extra 10 minutes and be a little slower.
J-Rzez said:

Yeah, I like where this is going. I look forward to PVP being completely and utterly broken due to this. Casters already by-passed armor, now Hunters/Rogues will have a field day going against plate wearers with their more limited mobility. Before they stacked up way more ArmP, now they don't have to in order to do damage and have nearly the same HP with their added mobility.
Right, because the gear and stat changes listed tell the complete story about everything we have to expect with the expansion.


J-Rzez said:
Doesn't answer the issue if they're switching the way frost presence and defensive stance works. Those change the way your character performs offensively, as a penalty. Right now, Pallies look like they're getting away with murder again in this xpac.

I think you might be overthinking it. I think theres a great chance that just like resilience doesnt lower your chance to be crit in PvE, frost presence and defensive stance and RF wont eliminate your chance to be crit by other players. The resilience change a few patches back clearly shows they have the ability to separate the two.

J-Rzez said:

Yeah, I like where this is going. I look forward to PVP being completely and utterly broken due to this. Casters already by-passed armor, now Hunters/Rogues will have a field day going against plate wearers with their more limited mobility. Before they stacked up way more ArmP, now they don't have to in order to do damage and have nearly the same HP with their added mobility.

Sorry but Im looking forward to everyone being nearly the same health pool assuming equal gear. And I dont even have it as bad as say, a mage since Im a hunter. Its long overdue IMO.


Angry Grimace said:
They'll just have a talent; but it's not like Bear Form druids are uncrittable dude. Essentially, PvE mobs have fixed percentage chances to critically strike you (which is like 5%), and that number never changes. Players, on the other hand, routinely have 40+% crit chances.

Bear will now though from the sounds of it.

Puncture said:
Sorry but Im looking forward to everyone being nearly the same health pool assuming equal gear. And I dont even have it as bad as say, a mage since Im a hunter. Its long overdue IMO.

I'm sure as a hunter, rogue, or clothie you'd want to be same health pools as plate wearers used to be. That's the problem in itself. Why gimp your mobility as a plate wearer then (outside of paladins, again).

Puncture said:
I think you might be overthinking it. I think theres a great chance that just like resilience doesnt lower your chance to be crit in PvE, frost presence and defensive stance and RF wont eliminate your chance to be crit by other players. The resilience change a few patches back clearly shows they have the ability to separate the two.

They basically said "Defense is gone, FP/RF/DS/Bear will make up for it". They need to get way more into detail here. They should have never-ever released something like this without clear details. It's a mess as we know it for now, and it's not making me look forward to Cata in the least, just re-establishing my fears of watering down stats.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Puncture said:
I think you might be overthinking it. I think theres a great chance that just like resilience doesnt lower your chance to be crit in PvE, frost presence and defensive stance and RF wont eliminate your chance to be crit by other players. The resilience change a few patches back clearly shows they have the ability to separate the two.
Resilience DOES lower your chance to be crit in PvE. It always has.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Right, because the gear and stat changes listed tell the complete story about everything we have to expect with the expansion.

READ before making snarky comments:

myself said:
I know they said they have to show off the rest of the "tree" stuff that ties in, it better have remedies to these issues.

I'm discussing what we know to date, and solely that. Perhaps it'll remedy these glaring issues they're about to create.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
J-Rzez said:
Bear will now though from the sounds of it.

I'm sure as a hunter, rogue, or clothie you'd want to be same health pools as plate wearers used to be. That's the problem in itself. Why gimp your mobility as a plate wearer then (outside of paladins, again).
You're reading far too much into it, and doing so quite literally. The developers have already said that they want it to work the way Survival of the Fittest does now, and Survival of the Fittest does not currently make Bears completely uncrittable to players. '

The mere fact they didn't point to the specific talent doesn't remove the fact they've already in the past explained pretty much exactly how this is going to work.
J-Rzez said:
READ before making snarky comments:

I'm discussing what we know to date, and solely that. Perhaps it'll remedy these glaring issues they're about to create.
Yes, I read every bit of what you said. It doesn't mean it makes any more sense to start the bitter theorycrafting over an unfinished expansion with few public details.


Worships the porcelain goddess
markot said:
If you just hit 70, get the cobalt plate gear with def. The gear you get from dungeons in TBC doesnt really cut it >.<, get a BS to make it for you or buy it from the AH.

Actually, I had already picked up this set off the AH before diving in. :D

Liu Kang... said:
Why do you even need guides or assistance? You walk forward, you get hit a bunch until the enemies die, you see if your healer has over 50% mana, and you walk forward into the next group to get hit again. There you go, you can now tank at level 70.

I'm sorry for trying to prepare myself before going into something I've never done before. >.>


Wrekt said:
This just in from the 5.0 patch notes: "We will be removing Mastery because it was completely idiotic in the first place. We have since fired the guy that came up with the idea." If you are looking to simplify stats, how bout not adding a new one that you can't even describe during the stat change update? Look for Mastery to be the new Armor Pen. DK_spec_1 will need gobs of it on every piece of gear while DK_spec_2 will avoid it like the plague so he'll need to completely regear if he wants to switch between Blood and Unholy.

You don't get the point of Mastery it seems. It's not a real stat on its own. It gives you an extra bonus based on what spec you are at the moment.

A Ret Pally would get Str and Haste(?), a Prot Pally would get Stam and Avoidance, a Holy Pally would get Int and SP Crit or Spirit.

J-Rzez said:
They basically said "Defense is gone, FP/RF/DS/Bear will make up for it". They need to get way more into detail here. They should have never-ever released something like this without clear details. It's a mess as we know it for now, and it's not making me look forward to Cata in the least, just re-establishing my fears of watering down stats.

What's not to get? All your Defense will be talented. You'll probably have a talent that says "Gives FP/RF/DS/Bear a 25/50/75/100 percent chance of avoiding crits from mobs". Then when you want to tank, you turn on your Tank Aura of choice and have at it.


Junior Member



Angry Grimace said:
You're reading far too much into it, and doing so quite literally. The developers have already said that they want it to work the way Survival of the Fittest does now, and Survival of the Fittest does not currently make Bears completely uncrittable to players. '

The mere fact they didn't point to the specific talent doesn't remove the fact they've already in the past explained pretty much exactly how this is going to work.

My thoughts are two folded really. I'm discussing tanking/dps in PVE, and the PVP segment is something totally different, with ranged casting clothies ignoring all armor having the same health pools as plate wearers that still have to mitigate a little bit of armor while having a mobility issue of staying in range to attack.

Pallies seems to have it good as PVE tanks now. Throw on RF, no penalty as it stands to their dps, making threat no issue even further, while DK's/Bears/Wars still have to suffer.

Meh, I'm jumping ahead of myself here a bit from a knee jerk reaction hopefully. I'll have to wait and see what becomes of this. The community is on fire though on various sites, I'm sure they're going to have to get further into all of this though soon. Hopefully I'll get into the beta again to be able to check it all out.


notworksafe said:
You don't get the point of Mastery it seems. It's not a real stat on its own. It gives you an extra bonus based on what spec you are at the moment.

A Ret Pally would get Str and Haste(?), a Prot Pally would get Stam and Avoidance, a Holy Pally would get Int and SP Crit or Spirit..

This is actually wrong, aside from the fact that they haven't fully explained it yet. It seems that different talents change and scale depending on mastery, and they're trying to create a broader breadth of customization. It's not a flat "A Ret Pally would get Str and Haste(?), a Prot Pally would get Stam and Avoidance, a Holy Pally would get Int and SP Crit or Spirit" situation.


Flib said:
This is actually wrong, aside from the fact that they haven't fully explained it yet. It seems that different talents change and scale depending on mastery, and they're trying to create a broader breadth of customization. It's not a flat "A Ret Pally would get Str and Haste(?), a Prot Pally would get Stam and Avoidance, a Holy Pally would get Int and SP Crit or Spirit" situation.

According to Ghostcrawler at Blizzcon, the Mastery stat on gear will increase the bonuses you receive from the tree into which you've invested the most talent points. I'm assuming the green here means the stat has gotten a bonus from Mastery.


There might also be a sorta passive cool factor like reduced CDs or an extra combo point too...though that might come from Path of the Titans.


notworksafe said:
According to Ghostcrawler at Blizzcon, the Mastery stat on gear will increase the bonuses you receive from the tree into which you've invested the most talent points. I'm assuming the green here means the stat has gotten a bonus from Mastery.


There might also be a sorta passive cool factor like reduced CDs or an extra combo point too...though that might come from Path of the Titans.

Yeah, you're right, I was just thinking more about the passive abilities and such. My bad.


Flib said:
Yeah, you're right, I was just thinking more about the passive abilities and such. My bad.

Seems you just had it reversed. Mastery changes based on talents. It's hard to tell exactly though, since they are either playing coy or have no idea how it's going to work.


notworksafe said:
Seems you just had it reversed. Mastery changes based on talents. It's hard to tell exactly though, since they are either playing coy or have no idea how it's going to work.

I'm thinking Mastery will simply boost whatever stats are listed for your talent tree. In the image posted above, if you're in the right-most tree, you'll get +Melee Damage, +Melee Haste and +Energy Regeneration all at once from any Mastery that appears on your gear.

Mastery on gear = You do your job (as determined by your talents) better.


Worships the porcelain goddess
Which PvP Battleground do you guys feel is the most fun? I'm eligible for AV, AB, Warsong and Eye of the Storm. And Wintergrasp I guess, but that's not for another hour and a half. Can you queue up for Wintergrasp through the PvP tool? Nice feature. =)


J-Rzez said:
Pallies seems to have it good as PVE tanks now. Throw on RF, no penalty as it stands to their dps, making threat no issue even further, while DK's/Bears/Wars still have to suffer.
This should be an utter non-issue, assuming they do a proper job on balancing tank dps (which, admittedly, they've failed pretty badly at this expansion, but i prefer to be optimistic...).

If anything, it'd be a downside to being a prot paladin - all the other tanks would have an option to switch (form/stance/presence) to increase their dps in cases where they're not tanking for a portion of a fight (thinking multi-phase fights like Festergut here, where one tank takes half of it, then switches to dps as another takes over for the rest, or Thaddius where you need two tanks for the minibosses, then only one for the main boss).

Nice bonus for soloing as ret/holy, assuming it works regardless of spec (which it probably will, since they presumably still want offspec tanking to be an option for normal-mode levelling instances), but that should be about it unless they screw the pooch on tank dps balance again.


notworksafe said:
What's not to get? All your Defense will be talented. You'll probably have a talent that says "Gives FP/RF/DS/Bear a 25/50/75/100 percent chance of avoiding crits from mobs". Then when you want to tank, you turn on your Tank Aura of choice and have at it.
He's saying that all the other tank auras come with a downside -- a warrior's Defensive stance reduces damage 10%, Frost Presence increases armor but doesn't give you the damage/haste bonus of the other two DK presences. By comparison, the paladin "uncritable" buff does not have a downside.

At the same time, I have to assume that paladins will be given some kind of tradeoff within the talent tree -- you spend a point that makes you uncritable, but reduces damage or speed or mana or something.


Has problems recognising girls
Kintaro said:
Which PvP Battleground do you guys feel is the most fun? I'm eligible for AV, AB, Warsong and Eye of the Storm. And Wintergrasp I guess, but that's not for another hour and a half. Can you queue up for Wintergrasp through the PvP tool? Nice feature. =)
AB is a great battleground. Premade vs premade is the best in it, some of the greatest moments of organised PVP I've ever had.

Other than that I am partial to AV. I've practically killed WSG for myself because that was all I ever touched back when BGs were first released, and I never enjoyed the newer additions probably because I was bitter at the direction PVP (glorification of Arenas and consequential killing of PVP guilds) was heading.

Hopefully the rated BGs will resurrect an enjoyable form of the game that disappeared years ago.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Some of you are reading wayyyyy too much into this; the talents they are talking about most protection specced players already have. Survival of the Fittest just lowers critical strikes against you by 6% and boss mobs have a 5.6% crit rate. SotF applies to players too, but 5.6% melee crit isn't a big deal at all, really; players with fully decked out resilience gear have way more crit reduction than that; not to mention resilence affects spell crit rates too.


Wrekt said:
We're getting rid of this except for the items that will continue to have it. Got it. If INT will be moving to cover it, why not just put a bunch of INT on there? INT is getting a mana pool nerf so how exactly would that be overpowered?

Caster weapons are designed currently to have approximately the same DPS as one another, with the budget that would go to DPS going instead to spell power - hence they have a *lot* of spell power, they hugely outweigh any other item (just like how a rogue's weapon DPS has more influence over their overall DPS than any one piece of armour).

Since there's this huge weight, that would mean that weapons would have a hell of a *lot* of intellect on to balance things out. Even though the scaling's getting a nerf, I'm not sure the intent is for there to be that much of one. So Blizz felt that they were better off having the 'DPS' stat for casters remain solely a 'DPS' stat without affecting your performance in other respects.


What are some proper etiquettes on asking for help on a quest? I'm pretty much at a point where I can't do any of the quest by myself. I got friends that can assist, but they are already at lvl 80 (I'm only lvl 18) so it doesn't make the quest challenging at all.


y2dvd said:
What are some proper etiquettes on asking for help on a quest? I'm pretty much at a point where I can't do any of the quest by myself. I got friends that can assist, but they are already at lvl 80 (I'm only lvl 18) so it doesn't make the quest challenging at all.

There's a whole shitload of quests you can solo. Go to a different zone.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Yaweee said:
There's a whole shitload of quests you can solo. Go to a different zone.

This. There is so many quests available to solo with. If you have too many orange or red quests, which are hard, go to another zone where you will find more green & yellow quests. The new Dungeon Finder also makes low lvling more interesting when solo questing gets boring or don't feel like running all over the world looking for quests. I would say a lot of people right now are doing dungeons to lvl up. The old worlds are so huge, and not having a mount before 20, having a slow mount before lvl 40 and having no flying mount before 60 make the dungeons more appealing since you dont have to run all over the place.

What faction are you y2dvd?

If you're Horde, Stonetalon Mountains, Barrens & Silverpine Forest are great for lvl 18.

If you're Alliance, you have Redridge, Westfall, Loch Modan, Darkshore.

Stonetalon & Redridge might have too many orange & red quests and few yellow quests though.

I would mention the Burning Crusade low lvl zones, but i dont think you have that expansion, right?


Thank you for your delightful reply. I pretty much cleared all of the easier quest in my zones. The quest that are left is just a bit too challenging or some suggest to have a party of two or more to tackle. The new zones are even more difficult for my current level. I was simply wondering if there was a common method on forming a party.


Really Really Exciting Member!
y2dvd said:
Thank you for your delightful reply. I pretty much cleared all of the easier quest in my zones. The quest that are left is just a bit too challenging or some suggest to have a party of two or more to tackle. The new zones are even more difficult for my current level. I was simply wondering if there was a common method on forming a party.

You have little hope of getting a party for group quests outside of instances to be honest.

If you want to do stuff with other people, use the Dungeon Finder and enjoy doing the dungeons with them. You'll get the occasional player who dont know how to tank or to heal, or the stupid warrior dps using a shield & rolling need on caster gear like i saw yesterday on my lvl 30 rogue, but in general it's not too bad.


You can tell people have already become bored with 3.3 (not that it's unexpected, it's been out a while). Was attempting to farm Primordial Saronites on my alts so I could make Rock-Steady treads, but the quality in the pugs has completely fallen off. I ran 3 pugs as a tank in 3 hours. Not even shit like Occulus where it's not really hard but dumb people flail about, but places like FoS and Gundrak.

You ask melee to attack mobs from the rear and they say if I want them to do that, to turn the mob.

You run into discipline priests who don't understand why they want to use bubbles and the vast majority of their healing comes from greater heal (and they wonder why they're going oom).

You have hunters auto-shotting and when you tell them to do anything, some random pug tells you they're trying as hard as they can.

Votekick doesn't work when the other 3 people are equally stupid.


Really Really Exciting Member!
That's not really new. Stupid and/or lazy people in this game have been there since the beginning.


Why is WoW so addicting? I haven't played it for over 1.5 month, and felt nothing. Nothing at all. It has even surprised me.
Until today. I played it at my friend's place for about 5 minutes and... wow. Everything came back. Why? I didn't want to return for even a moment since January, yet today, when I saw it in motion for just a few minutes I suddenly have this incredible urge to subscribe again.
Anyone who quit before had felt something like that :< How did you overcome? I don't have time to get back in, yet it pains me that it is that way. Seriously, this is so strange. WHYYYY


Bisnic said:
That's not really new. Stupid and/or lazy people in this game have been there since the beginning.

Yeah, but I'm anti-social and have avoided the particularly bad ones since 2006 rather succesfully.

edit: I've turned off my chat channels since 2007. When not dealing with my guild, WoW is a single player game to me, with the other players being the worst AI imaginable.

The Q3 bots had more personality.


Really Really Exciting Member!
With the Dungeon Finder, you see much more people than before with cross-realms groups, so, much more people who dont care how good or bad they do since they will probably never see their teammates ever again.

I havent really bothered with battlegrounds in WOTLK since the gear isnt worth it, but it was the exact same thing in BC when they made them cross-realms. Too many fucking idiots, it blew my mind. I really hated grinding all that honor for the S1 or S2 sets back then.

At least, heroics are easy, so even idiots wont stop my geared prot warrior or disc priest from making the run successful, but it was a totally different story in BC with cross-realm bgs when everyone was required to be at least decent to win.
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