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World of Warcraft

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No news on the Class previews yet, but Blue Posters are trolling in threads saying crap like "tick tick tick tick" and "Soon!" just to drive people crazy. I'm sure something will be up around noon Eastern.

ShallNoiseUpon said:
I didn't see the entire thing posted, just that you said "Blood Will be Tank Tree" or something. Hell, I didn't even see that you put a link to the source.

Yeah, didn't want to spam the whole thing, it's not a big deal.

ShallNoiseUpon said:
I'm going to wait it out and see what Blizzard is going to do in terms of an overhaul of the DK trees -- obviously the tanking talents will be shifted into blood (stuff like howling blast, I would assume, would be retuned and renamed to something like Bloodbath, which is an awesome sound ability if I do say so myself). This potentially leaves them room to totally change they playstyle of both unholy and frost to remove some of the more "boring" stuff in their rotations.

I do agree with the point that the potentially ramping up self healing could make up for the lack of having a shield, and seems interesting, but the self-healing would have to scale with gear and could easily trvialize lower tier content (I don't know how far Blizzard is willing to go to do that).

1. Bloodbath does sound cool. Give it this big geyser effect and we'll be talkin.

2. I'm sure things will certainly be improved for both Unholy and Frost, and it's too early to say what they'll play like, especially when we'll probably find out by the end of the week what direction they're going in. I'm just saying; Blood was really popular and a lot of people are freaking out about it.

3. Without any kind of scale, healing-centric Blood Tanks would fail pretty miserably, so I'm sure they're on it.
Retro said:
No news on the Class previews yet, but Blue Posters are trolling in threads saying crap like "tick tick tick tick" and "Soon!" just to drive people crazy. I'm sure something will be up around noon Eastern.

Assuming Blizzard has a 9-5 type work day, they would be just getting to work 'round noon Eastern, which would make sense.


ShallNoiseUpon said:
Assuming Blizzard has a 9-5 type work day, they would be just getting to work 'round noon Eastern, which would make sense.

Blizzard is going out of their way to ensure that the class previews are an 'international' event, and the EU forums actually list the Priest and Warlock previews as coming on the 8th (since they're in an earlier time zone, when that info is released it will be tomorrow). It's coming up on 6PM CEST over there, and people should actually be coming home... so it could be any time now, but we'll see the Shaman notes for sure before 6PM Eastern (since that will make it midnight in the EU)...

Blizzard US tends to run on PST, making it just before 9 o'clock locally. But there have already been a slew of unrelated blue posts (including one from Ghostcrawler), so I assume people are there...

Regardless, I'm thinking noon for the Shaman update.

Anyways, for you folks stuck at work, here's some clarification on healing from ol' Crabby;

Ghostcrawler said:
Triage is one of the things missing from today's healing game (even though you likely learned First Aid through a triage quest). Loosely defined, triage is deciding who needs immediate attention (vs. who is stable vs. who is a lost cause). We want healers to be able to make decisions like "The tank is wounded, but she is unlikely to die in the next few hits, and hots are ticking on her, so she's probably okay for a moment and I can heal this Ret paladin over here," vs. "The rogue is wounded, but my big heal would overheal for a ton and I need the mana, so I can use a small heal." We want the dps to likewise be thinking about ways to minimize damage on themselves, not because they'll die in a global (i.e. before they could respond anyway) but because the healers are going to risk running out of mana.

Today, in LK, healing risks feeling even more like whack-a-mole. Injury? Heal. Injury? Heal. You're testing your reflexes more than your decision-making ability. Whack-a-mole can be challenging, but it doesn't have much depth. It's easy to add depth though. Let's start with the notion that there are two hammers. The little hammer can dispatch most of those moles, but sometimes you can use your big hammer too. The big hammer has limited charges or whatever. Now let's have some of the moles pop out a little slower so that you have time to consider which hammer to use. See where I'm going with this?

Running out of mana doesn't have to be, and won't be, the only reason you fail an encounter. But it is a point of failure that we don't have today. Adding it back in will make the encounters feel more distinct from each other and will actually, we believe, make healing more interesting and ultimately more fun. I agree it's going to be a tough sell though. In one of our playtests recently, the healer came back frazzled. "I couldn't keep everyone topped off," she said. "It took me half the dungeon to realize that I didn't have to." Once that clicked, she said she started having fun. Hopefully it will click with other players quickly too.
Shaman Preview Hath Arrived!

In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, we'll be making lots of changes and additions to class talents and abilities across the board. In this preview, you'll get an early look at some of the changes in store for the shaman class, including a rundown of some of the new spells, abilities, and talents, and an overview of how the new Mastery system will work with the different talent specs.

New Shaman Spells

Primal Strike (available at level 3): Primal Strike is a new weapon-based attack that every shaman will learn very early in the game. Our goal with this ability is to make leveling as Enhancement rather than as Elemental more viable, since many key Enhancement talents become available at fairly high levels.

Healing Wave (level 4): While the shaman already has an ability called Healing Wave, we're adding another spell to the class's direct-healing arsenal and giving it a familiar name. The current Healing Wave will be renamed Greater Healing Wave, and the intent is for the 'new" Healing Wave to be the shaman's go-to heal. Lesser Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave will be used on a more situational basis.

Unleash Weapon (level 81): Unleashes the power of your weapon enchants for additional effects (see below). A dual-wielding Enhancement shaman will activate the effects of both of their weapon enchants. Instant cast. 30-yard range. 15-second cooldown. Undispellable.

Here are a few examples of effects we're considering for this ability:

- Windfury Weapon – Hurls a spectral version of your weapon at a target, dealing 50% weapon damage and increasing the shaman's Haste for the next five swings.
- Flametongue Weapon – Deals instant Fire damage and buffs the shaman's next Fire attack by 20%.
- Earthliving Weapon – Heals the target slightly and buffs the shaman's next healing spell by 20%.

Rain (level 83)
: An area-effect heal-over-time (HoT) spell that calls down rain in a selected area, healing all players within it. There is no limit to the number of players who can potentially be affected; however, there are diminishing returns when healing a large number of targets, much like the diminishing returns associated with AoE damage spells. This should give Restoration shaman another healing tool that improves their group-healing and heal-over-time capabilities. 2-second cast time. 30-yard range. 10-second duration. 10-second cooldown.

Spiritwalker's Grace (level 85): When this self-targeted buff is active, your spells are no longer interrupted by movement and possibly even by your own attacks. This will give shaman of all three specs another way to heal or do damage when it’s necessary to move in both PvE and PvP. Instant cast. 10-second duration. 2-minute cooldown.

Changes to Abilities and Mechanics

In addition to adding new spells, we're planning to make changes to some of the other abilities and mechanics you're familiar with. This list and the summary of talent changes below it are by no means comprehensive, but they should give you a good sense of what we intend for each spec.

* Restoration shaman and other healing classes will need to pay attention to mana more than they've had to during Wrath of the Lich King. Spirit will be the Restoration shaman's primary mana-regeneration stat.

* We're making changes to which classes and specs are able to dispel magic, diseases, curses, and poison, largely for PvP purposes. Shaman will have Cleanse Spirit as a baseline ability, but it will only remove curses. Restoration shaman will have a talent that will improve Cleanse Spirit so that it also removes magic. Shaman will no longer be able to remove poison.

* Cleansing Totem will be removed from the game, as we want dispels to be a decision for players, not something done mindlessly. To that end, all dispels will cost slightly more mana, and you will waste the spell if you cast it when there is nothing to remove. (Currently, the dispel is only cast when there is something to remove, which encourages spamming 'just in case.") We will balance PvE dispelling with this new model in mind.

* Totem of Wrath now will replace Flametongue Totem for all shaman, and dropping this totem will buff the group's spell power by 4%. Elemental shaman will have a talent that lets all Fire totems provide +10% spell power, allowing them to drop Searing, Magma, or Fire Elemental Totems without losing their spell-damage buff. The 4% and 10% buffs will be exclusive with each other and with the warlock's Demonic Pact, so you can't benefit from all of them at once. We're also considering letting Elemental drop Searing Totem at range.

* We want to free up Enhancement global cooldowns to make the spec more dynamic to play. We're considering, for example, increasing the cooldown of Lava Lash so shaman have time to work other interesting abilities into their rotation.

New Talents and Talent Changes

* Elemental Reach will be simplified so shaman have a more consistent spell range.

* We plan to add Earthquake as a deep Elemental talent for targeted and persistent AoE.

* Spirit Link will likely be worked back into deep Restoration in some form. The idea is that you will be able to link targets together so they share damage. When we had previously tried to implement Spirit Link, it was hard to balance and a little confusing. However, we really liked the concept -- and so did players -- so we are trying to bring it back.

* Elemental will have a deep talent that allows Spirit (which will appear on the gear they share with Restoration shaman) to boost their Hit rating.

* Ancestral Knowledge will boost mana pool size, not Intellect.

* Enhancing Totems will be replaced with Focused Strikes, which will improve the damage of the new spell Primal Strike and Stormstrike.

* With the Mastery system, we're also considering removing a number of talents that grant passive bonuses, such as Mental Quickness, Improved Windfury Totem, Mental Dexterity, Call of Thunder, Tidal Mastery, Purification, Nature's Blessing, and others, to allow players more freedom to choose more interesting talents.

Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses

Spell damage
Spell Crit
Elemental Overload

Melee damage
Melee Haste
Nature Damage

Deep Healing

Elemental Overload: Your direct-damage spells have a chance to proc a less powerful 'bonus" version of the spell. This will work much like the current Lightning Overload talent, but would also apply to Lava Burst.

Nature Damage: This will provide a passive bonus to the Nature damage dealt by the Enhancement shaman.

Deep Healing: Your direct heals will do more healing when the target's health is lower. This will scale to damage (e.g. someone at 29% health would receive more healing than someone at 30%) rather than have arbitrary break points.

We hope you enjoyed this preview, and we're looking forward to hearing your thoughts and feedback on these additions and changes. Please keep in mind that this information represents a work in progress and is subject to change as development on Cataclysm continues.



Edit: Curse you, Noise... Beaten by one minute...

1. New button to push at low levels. This bodes well for classes that lack buttons to push early on (like Paladins who have nothing but Judgment for 20 levels).

2. Looks like every healer is going to have a short/weak heal and a big/long heal. The change to Healing Wave is not surprising, but they couldn't come up with a better name?

3. Unleash Weapon = Judgment? Since WotLK pushed seals up to 30 minutes, the difference between Shaman weapon enhancements and Paladin seals is pretty much in the individual spell mechanics.

Interesting that it can be used to throw a dinky heal around (and boost the next heal spell). Even if 'heals the target slightly' means 'not enough to waste the GCD'... that 20% healing spell boost will be worth it no matter what though.

4. Healing Rain sounds pretty damn cool... plus I'm sure there will inevitably be plenty of macros that play on the lyrics for Chocolate Rain, and that never gets old, does it?

5. Spiritwalker's Grace is SWEET... moving while casting? While attacking? LONG overdue. Sounds badass, and a really good solution for mobile fights, but... seems like it might be overpowered if not carefully monitored. Hopefully something like that is in store for Paladins since ALL of their heals have casting times (not counting Holy Shock, of course).

6. All fire totems (dropped by Elemental shamans) adding +10 Spell Power sounds like a solid idea, gives the class a nice buff to nearby casters and allows the buff to be maintained regardless of totem choice.

7. Yay Earthquake. Yay Spirit Link. Hopefully Shamans get a little Blood Mage going on.

8. Elemental Overload and Deep Healing masteries sound useful, but Enhancement's "Nature Damage" just seems sort of... there. Hopefully they get something cooler than just a passive damage buff.


Unleash Weapon (level 81): Unleashes the power of your weapon enchants for additional effects (see below). A dual-wielding Enhancement shaman will activate the effects of both of their weapon enchants. Instant cast. 30-yard range. 15-second cooldown. Undispellable.

Judgement for Shaman?

EDIT: Oh man!

Spirit Link will likely be worked back into deep Restoration in some form. The idea is that you will be able to link targets together so they share damage. When we had previously tried to implement Spirit Link, it was hard to balance and a little confusing. However, we really liked the concept -- and so did players -- so we are trying to bring it back.

This was my favorite spell in the beta. Such a good idea that never made it into retail Wrath. It did make healing extremely easy though. I'm wondering how they can put it in without making it overpowered.

For those not in the Wrath beta, Spirit Link was a spell that split damage evenly between two targets. You could then just spam Chain Heal and keep those targets up without having any crazy spike damage.


ShallNoiseUpon said:
You can have the rest to post...except hunters and paladins. :D

Bite me, Paladins are mine! Mine I say! Have been since launch :lol

I don't really care who posts them, honestly... just trying to be a useful mammal. EU Forums say that the Priest and Warlock previews will be posted April 8th "In the early hours CEST", which means after 6PM EST tonight.... but who knows, it could really be any time.

notworksafe said:
Also before anyone freaks out (good or bad) on the class changes, the announced spells will most likely change a ton before Cataclysm launches. Blizzard loves to go huge with buffs and nerfs to spells so don't get too hooked on numbers or anything like that.

Numbers are always subject to change, but the mechanics and the overall style of the changes suggest the direction Blizzard is taking certain classes or specs... and that's more exciting than any numbers they could provide.


ShallNoiseUpon said:
You can have the rest to post...except hunters and paladins. :D

Retro said:
Bite me, Paladins are mine! Mine I say! Have been since launch :lol

Oh I'll be on top of Paladins! Believe it! :D

Also before anyone freaks out (good or bad) on the class changes, the announced spells will most likely change a ton before Cataclysm launches. Blizzard loves to go huge with buffs and nerfs to spells so don't get too hooked on numbers or anything like that.
notworksafe said:
Oh I'll be on top of Paladins! Believe it! :D

Do you hate me for totally forgetting that you play a paladin too?

For those wondering, I raid with notworksafe

Random giant prediction: Another class will be getting a Bloodlust/Heroism type ability.


ShallNoiseUpon said:
Random giant prediction: Another class will be getting a Bloodlust/Heroism type ability.

I've heard (and this is total speculation) that it will be Warriors... but honestly, I hope not. Classes are already getting too homogenized and the drums don't help either.


ShallNoiseUpon said:
Do you hate me for totally forgetting that you play a paladin too?

Loot suspended! :lol

ShallNoiseUpon said:
Random giant prediction: Another class will be getting a Bloodlust/Heroism type ability.

I don't see that happening, really. That's the one really unique thing that Shaman have right now. I hope no one else gets it.

My giant prediction for the day: Permanent Infernal pet for Warlock that does a debuff when it attacks and a Priest shield that does a heal (aoe perhaps?) on dispel.
Retro said:
I've heard (and this is total speculation) that it will be Warriors... but honestly, I hope not. Classes are already getting too homogenized and the drums don't help either.

Warriors make sense, it kind of fits the "shout" mechanic. Don't really see it fitting with anyone else (unless they expand the "Horn" mechanic to be more than just Horn of Winter, but I doubt it, and really...do DKs need to be any more useful?)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Spiritwalker's Grace (level 85): When this self-targeted buff is active, your spells are no longer interrupted by movement and possibly even by your own attacks. This will give shaman of all three specs another way to heal or do damage when it’s necessary to move in both PvE and PvP. Instant cast. 10-second duration. 2-minute cooldown.
So you can run around while casting? Hilarious. I would imagine it might be kind of unwieldy though, both in choosing when to activate it and actually being able to move around while attacking/healing.

Too bad they started with Warlock and Shaman, those along with Hunter are the only class I don't have a high level character of.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
notworksafe said:
Loot suspended! :lol

I don't see that happening, really. That's the one really unique thing that Shaman have right now. I hope no one else gets it.

My giant prediction for the day: Permanent Infernal pet for Warlock that does a debuff when it attacks and a Priest shield that does a heal (aoe perhaps?) on dispel.
I'm pretty sure we'll see PW:Barrier (AoE PW:S) make a comeback, since they wanted to put that in 3.1 before it got removed.

I just wish they'd make Shadow Priest feel less like a DoT machine.


Hi, don't really want to derail the talk about the new info but I wanted to pick up a new video card for my computer and just wanted to know what you guys use to play WOW. I have a basic video card that was already installed on my HP system. I only play WOW so I don't need a really expensive one, but I'm looking for one that would make it play smooth with high video settings. Thanks in advance. :)


Touchdown said:
Hi, don't really want to derail the talk about the new info but I wanted to pick up a new video card for my computer and just wanted to know what you guys use to play WOW. I have a basic video card that was already installed on my HP system. I only play WOW so I don't need a really expensive one, but I'm looking for one that would make it play smooth with high video settings. Thanks in advance. :)

WoW isn't very intensive on the video card side. I have a 256mb 8800 and I play on high without an issue. I've found that you get a lot more smoothness from more RAM when it comes to WoW, so you may want to work on that as well.


Those shaman changes sound absolutely awesome. Shaman was one of the classes I'm saving for Cataclysm, and from what i read about the class when i was going to create an alt and comparing it to that list, I like it. My main is a rogue, and man its killing me having to wait until tomorrow afternoon or even night to find out what new abilities I'll be getting. There was actually a very interesting thread on the rogue mmochampion subforum about designing new abililties, and I have to say alot of the ones the board members came up with were awesome. You guys that are reposting the blue posts are a godsend since mmochampion is blocked here at work.


Lost all credibility.
Kletian said:
Just give Rogues something big and flashy tomorrow (for once) and I'll be happy.
I just want rogues to get something to help the group out more (besides their crazy DPS). Like maybe they can give them the second heroism/bloodlust people are speculating about.


Kletian said:
I'm not holding my breath honestly for anything awesome regarding Rogues. Wrath gave us FoK and Deadly Throw.


And Tricks! Being the highest DPS tank class, I'm a big fan of that spell.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Retro said:
14 posts late on that info, good buddy.

I can't help but wonder why Blizz decided to go with Blood as the tanking tree, especially when Frost Presence is the 'tanking' stance. It seems to me that Blood would be a great "Self-healing/fast DPS" tree (aimed more towards PVP) while Unholy would be the "Bag-o-tricks/sustained DPS" tree, with Frost assuming the tanking role.

Maybe they figured that Blood's self-healing abilities can be ramped up to provide the breathing room that a shield provides for the other tanks without having to ramp up max health like they do for Druids... sort of turning them into "Vampire Tanks", for lack of a better term.

The two people I know who seriously play DKs have both said Unholy and Frost are boring specs to play, and one had dual blood specs for both tanking and DPS. He also plays a Shaman, so you can imagine how happy he is right now :lol.
What I think; My guess is that Frost Presence as the tanking presence isn't long for this world; possibly because Blood Presence is the kind of "boring" abilty they seem to not much care for. I wouldn't be suprised to see Blood Presence either become the tanking presence or something else.

The two people you know are weird. Blood is INSANELY boring compared to either Unholy or Frost, especially Frost. All you do is spam Heart Strikes.

The reason Blizzard chose Blood as the tanking tree is because Blood is consistently the most boring spec and even when it was the best one (3.1 or so), it still wasn't all that amazingly popular due to the fact that is has an insanely predictable and boring rotation. They like Frost because it's set up for dual wielding (which is something Blizzard wants to maintain) and Unholy has been more popular than Blood pretty much from Wrath launch to now.


lordmrw said:
There was actually a very interesting thread on the rogue mmochampion subforum about designing new abililties, and I have to say alot of the ones the board members came up with were awesome. You guys that are reposting the blue posts are a godsend since mmochampion is blocked here at work.

That the one that had my Poison Dart idea in it?

45 Energy 30 yd Range
Instant 60 sec. Cooldown
Requires Stealth

Fires a tiny, unnoticeable dart at your enemy. Laced with a rare and exotic toxin, the dart causes the victim to become dazed after using a damaging attack or spell and prevents any spell in the school used to trigger this effect from being cast. This effect lasts for 5 seconds after being activated, but the toxin remains on the target for 40 seconds.

Angry Grimace said:
The two people you know are weird.

Pretty much. I'm not saying "GRR, Blood iz not 4 tanking!", since I don't think I've rolled a DK past 60 and don't really have much interest in doing so. I'm just saying, you know... Frost presence was the tanking presence. I agree that will probably change.


Angry Grimace said:
The reason Blizzard chose Blood as the tanking tree is because Blood is consistently the most boring spec and even when it was the best one (3.1 or so), it still wasn't all that amazingly popular due to the fact that is has an insanely predictable and boring rotation.

Not sure if you remember correctly. Diseaseless Blood spec was beyond amazing. We'd have DKs doing 9-14k DPS in raids. It was beyond overpowered. Granted that now Blood is pretty lame so changing it to a Tank spec makes the most sense. I wonder what the new Frost Pres will be if they are changing Blood Pres to a tank buff.


Kletian said:
Just give Rogues something big and flashy tomorrow (for once) and I'll be happy.

I wouldn't mind one more AOE ability. Yeah, I know thats not supposed to be our thing but fuck can't a man dream?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
notworksafe said:
Not sure if you remember correctly. Diseaseless Blood spec was beyond amazing. We'd have DKs doing 9-14k DPS in raids. It was beyond overpowered. Granted that now Blood is pretty lame so changing it to a Tank spec makes the most sense. I wonder what the new Frost Pres will be if they are changing Blood Pres to a tank buff.
I remember perfectly.

Diseaseless blood was a spec that worked in 3.0.8. That was literally about a year ago when 3.1 killed that. You're talking about something from a very, very long time ago in game terms (that didn't do 14,000 DPS anyways, maybe 6 or 7 on a good day on a 1 minute Patchwerk kill, given that this was pre-Ulduar gearing levels). It also wasn't necessarily "fun," it just spammed Obliterates and Heart Strikes with no real thought to mechanics.

That was removed from the game because it was contrary to the design of the game. If you don't want to put up diseases, you want to be playing a Rogue or a Warrior. Being "overpowered" and being fun aren't the same thing. I also would disagree that spec was better or more popular than Unholy anyways, and that was back when 0/33/38 dual wielding was still viable.


Angry Grimace said:
I remember perfectly.

Diseaseless blood was a spec that worked in 3.0.8. That was literally about a year ago when 3.1 killed that. You're talking about something from a very, very long time ago in game terms (that didn't do 14,000 DPS anyways, maybe 6 or 7 on a good day on a 1 minute Patchwerk kill, given that this was pre-Ulduar gearing levels). It also wasn't necessarily "fun," it just spammed Obliterates and Heart Strikes with no real thought to mechanics.

That was removed from the game because it was contrary to the design of the game. If you don't want to put up diseases, you want to be playing a Rogue or a Warrior. Being "overpowered" and being fun aren't the same thing. I also would disagree that spec was better or more popular than Unholy anyways, and that was back when 0/33/38 dual wielding was still viable.

If you only saw 6-7k, you ran with shitty DKs. The reason it was so overpowered was being able to hit 9k+ with a minimum of effort. It being contrary to the game design is also irrelevant, it was damn fun to just see meters blow up so easily. I'm not shocked it was removed, but that doesn't make it not fun.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
notworksafe said:
If you only saw 6-7k, you ran with shitty DKs. The reason it was so overpowered was being able to hit 9k+ with a minimum of effort. It being contrary to the game design is also irrelevant, it was damn fun to just see meters blow up so easily. I'm not shocked it was removed, but that doesn't make it not fun.
Yeah, whatever. It didn't do 14000 DPS. Sorry. If you saw 9-14K, you ran with imaginary DKs.

I'm sure being overpowered to the point of hacking the game would be "awesome."


Reminds me of when Subtlety was the shit pre Honor Among Thieves nerf. Raiding Naxx with that was re-fucking-diculous. If I knew what I know now about playing a rogue back then my dps would have been from another planet.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
lordmrw said:
Reminds me of when Subtlety was the shit pre Honor Among Thieves nerf. Raiding Naxx with that was re-fucking-diculous. If I knew what I know now about playing a rogue back then my dps would have been from another planet.
It wasn't really a nerf though. HaT wasn't supposed to do that; it was a bug where you could theoretically end up with 5 combo pts. every GCD so you could get 10K dps. I'm not sure spamming Eviscerate is necessarily fun either. Basically, what it did was, instead of getting one CP per party crit, you'd get one for each HaT rogue in your party. 5 HaT group rogues means everyone has 5 CP every GCD.

The bug was fixed in 3.0.8, though.


lordmrw said:
Reminds me of when Subtlety was the shit pre Honor Among Thieves nerf. Raiding Naxx with that was re-fucking-diculous. If I knew what I know now about playing a rogue back then my dps would have been from another planet.

I'm sure being overpowered to the point of hacking the game would be "re-fucking-diculous."
Q: You didn’t answer the most important shaman question! What about Sentry Totem?
A: The Cataclysm is a time of great upheaval. Deathwing’s return to Azeroth tore a hole in the fabric of the universe that tragically resulted in the ultimate and irrevocable destruction of all Sentry Totems. Level designers are contemplating a shrine for the Sentry Totem near that of Uther the Lightbringer. We know shaman players will greet this news with grief, but as with all class changes we’ll have to get into beta before anything is final.


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Accidentally posted early on the Spanish forums, and helpfully translated back into English (poorly) :lol

In World of Warcraft: Cataclysm make many changes and additions of talents and abilities for each class. In this development, will have the opportunity to see some changes we have planned for a warrior, in addition, we will provide a summary of some of the new spells, abilities, talents, and an overview about the new Master System and how it will work with different talent specs.

New spells of the witch

"Fel Flame" (available at level 81): an instant spell that causes damage "shadowfire"She shall be similar to the spell of the magician Pirofrío, ie resistance to your goal is more vulnerable (in this case shadow and fire) will be used to calculate the damage. In addition, "Fel Flame" reset counter Immolate and Unstable Affliction. Our goal with "Fel Flame" is to provide a useful option to use wireless and the sorcerers of Destruction and Demonology, should be mentioned that this option will use light green and will be an instant spell.

"Dark Intent" (level 83): 3% increases the probability that its objective cause a critical hit with damage spells or healing regularly, if the aim to cause a critical hit, the warlock will receive a benefit that will increase your damage for 10 s, this effect stacks up to 3 sometimes.

"Demon Soul" (Level 85): merges the soul of the sorcerer with his demon "Demon Soul" will give the sorcerer a benefit will significantly increase your damage for a short period of time. The specific effects that are received by this authority will depend on the devil they have chosen. The duration of "Demon Soul" will depend on the daemon to use and based on a limited number of charges or until it expires (approximately 20 s) also have a recycling period of 2 minutes.

Review of the fragments of soul

The change of the fragments of soul was announced at BlizzCon 2009. The soul shard objects will no longer be staying in the inventory, but will become a new resource mechanic that is part of the user interface. Warlocks will have access to three pieces of soul that can be used during a fight and will not be necessary if they are not in combat. Soul Burn consume a resource fragment of soul thus enable them to use side effects of certain spells. Soul Burn is not cost mana or health, nor has an associated reuse period. Here we present a list of side effects that we plan to incorporate.

Summon demon soul + Burn = invokes his demon instantly.
Drain Life + Soul Burn = 60% decreases casting time of your spells.
Cidemonic circle soul + Burn = 50% increases their movement speed for 8 s after being teleported.
Burn Unstable Affliction + soul = inflicts damage equal to 30% instant of impact.
Soul Fire + Burn = instant cast soul.
Health + Stone Soul Burn = 20% temporarily increases your health for 8 s.
Burn Pain hugger + soul = 100% increases the probability of getting a critical hit with scorching pain, also increases by 50% the probability of getting a critical hit with scorching pain subsequent applications for 6 s.

Changes in mechanical and power

All periodic damage spells witch statistics will benefit from crit and haste passively; haste and not reduce the length of the spell but will add additional tics, when re-apply another periodic damage spell no longer be able to "cut "the last tick, but increase the duration of the spell, similar to the operation of Everlasting Affliction.
Curse of Agony and Curse of Doom will become Bane Bane of agony and fatality; Bane spells are treated as magic and not curses, ie Bane will cast a spell (eg "Bane of agony") and a Curse spell (eg Curse of the elements) on target.
The Hellfire will no longer cause damage to the witch.
The devil will not have the power to fire shield, however, receive a new call "Burning Ember", which will be a periodic damage spell.
Increaseemos range combat Succubus's melee, it no longer has the option Soothing Kiss, but will have a new called "Whiplash"Who reject ("knockback") To the enemies that are at least 8 m away.
Increaseemos damage Voidwalker Torment of the power and generate much of a threat to area of effect. Suffering becomes a power to challenge for a single purpose.

New talents and talent changes

Pandemic Drain Soul will now reset the counter and Unstable Affliction Bane of agony on objectives that have less than 25% health.
Fel Domination The power will be removed from the game and soul to burn work the same way.
Demonology receive a new spell that will cause direct damage called "Demon bolt", which applied a prejudice on the target and that will improve your demon cause damage on it.
We plan to incorporate a new talent called "Impending Doom", which will reduce the cooldown of certain spells like Metamorphosis and Bane of doom.
Metamorfosis and not be subject to powers of crowd control. In addition, we modify the powers that are only available in Metamorphoses to focus more on the faculties of the warlock.
Shadow Burn will cause as much damage to targets with less than 25% health.

Master Bond liabilities for talent trees

Spell Damage
Spell Critical Hit
Periodic damage of Shadows

Spell Damage
Spell Haste
Damage to Demons

Spell Damage
Damage caused by spell critical hits
Direct damage fire spell

Periodic damage of Shadows: Increased the damage caused by periodic damage spells of Shadows.

Damage to demons: Increased the damage caused by demons and Metamorphosis.

Direct damage fire spell: increases spell damage from direct fire.

We hope you enjoyed this breakthrough and look forward to reading your comments and suggestions. Please take note that this information is subject to change as further development of Cataclysm.

Spanish isn't a hard language to translate; you think they would have just gotten a real translator instead of just running it through some crappy online one. "Periodic Damage of Shadows." :lol
Angry Grimace said:
Spanish isn't a hard language to translate; you think they would have just gotten a real translator instead of just running it through some crappy online one. "Periodic Damage of Shadows." :lol

Crappy online translator = fast

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
ShallNoiseUpon said:
Crappy online translator = fast
It's bad enough I'm having some trouble figuring out what it says.

I mean, the Fel Flame thing is pretty obvious. The problem with attacks like Frostfire Bolt and "Fel Flame" is that resistances only make any kind of difference in PvP since bosses have static resist values based on level. It might be kind of neat if it made a difference in PvE, but having specific resist values on bosses always fucks certain elemental themed classes over (think Sapphiron if you were a Frost DK or a Frost Mage)


notworksafe said:
If you only saw 6-7k, you ran with shitty DKs. The reason it was so overpowered was being able to hit 9k+ with a minimum of effort.

in naxx gear prior to the launch of ulduar, the very best parses worldwide for patchwork were like high 6k or low 7k dps, 9k or 14k dps were only possible on fights like loatheb, thaddius, and malygos, but those fights were due to the crit buffs or dmg buffs so not a real good comparison

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

The real one; in English

IIn World of Warcraft: Cataclysm, warlocks will receive changes to their class talents and abilities. Outlined below are some of these changes. Keep in mind that this is an early preview and that these modifications are still under development, so you may see further adjustments to the listed changes as we get closer to launch. That said, here is a first look at these new warlock spells and abilities!

New Warlock Spells

Fel Flame (level 81): Quick-hitting spell dealing Shadowfire damage. This is similar to the mage ability Frostfire Bolt, in that the lower of the two resistances (in this case shadow and fire) on your target will be used for calculating its damage. Additionally, Fel Flame refreshes the duration of Immolate and Unstable Affliction. Our goal for Fel Flame is to provide a spell that's good for mobility and for use by Destruction and Demonology specs. Also, did we mention it uses green fire? Yep. Instant cast.

Dark Intent (level 83): Increases the target's chance for a critical effect with periodic damage or healing spells by 3%. When the target lands a crit, you get a buff to your damage for 10 seconds. This effect stacks up to three times.

Demon Soul (level 85): Fuses the warlock's soul with his or her demon. This provides warlocks with a self-burst cooldown to use. The specific effects granted by Demon Soul depend on the demon chosen. Demon Soul lasts for a certain number of charges or until it expires (around 20 seconds), depending on the demon used. 2-minute cooldown.

Soul Shard Overhaul

This major change regarding Soul Shards was previously announced at BlizzCon 2009. Soul Shards will no longer be inventory items, but instead a new UI resource mechanic. Warlocks will have 3 Soul Shards that can be used during a fight and will not be able to gain additional shards during combat. Soul Shards will not be required outside of combat. Soul Burn will consume a Soul Shard resource, thereby allowing you to use the secondary effects of some spells. Soul Burn has no mana or health costs and is off the global cooldown. Planned secondary effects are outlined here.

Summon Demon + Soul Burn = summon the demon instantly.
Drain Life + Soul Burn = Reduces cast speed by 60%.
Demonic Circle + Soul Burn = Increases movement speed by 50% for 8 seconds after teleporting.
Unstable Affliction + Soul Burn = Instantly deals damage equal to 30% of its effect.
Soul Fire + Soul Burn = Instant cast.
Healthstone + Soul Burn = Increases total health by 20% for 8 seconds.
Searing Pain + Soul Burn = Increases the crit chance of Searing Pain by 100%, and subsequent Searing Pain spells by 50% for 6 seconds.

Next you will find a list of some of the warlock spell and talent changes for the release of Cataclysm. There will be further changes, but those revealed below should offer some insight into our goals.

Changes to Abilities and Mechanics

All warlock damage-over-time (DoT) spells will benefit from crit and haste innately. Haste will no longer act to reduce the DoT's duration, but rather to add additional ticks. When reapplying a DoT, you can no longer "clip" the final tick. Instead, this will just add duration to the spell, similar to how Everlasting Affliction currently works.
Curse of Agony and Curse of Doom will be converted into Bane of Agony and Bane of Doom. Bane spells are considered magic instead of curses. This means you will be able to cast one Bane (e.g. Bane of Agony) and one Curse (e.g. Curse of Elements) on a single target.
Hellfire will no longer deal damage to the warlock.
Imps will lose Fire Shield, but will gain a new ability, Burning Ember, which is a stacking DoT.
The succubus melee range will be increased. The succubus will no longer have Soothing Kiss, but will instead have Whiplash, which knocks back all enemies within 8 yards.
Voidwalker Torment will do increased damage and generate a lot of area-of-effect (AoE) threat. Suffering will become a single-target taunt.

New Talents and Talent Changes

Pandemic will now cause Drain Soul to refresh Unstable Affliction and Bane of Agony on targets below 25% health.

The ability Fel Domination will be removed (because Soul Burn accomplishes the same effect).

Demonology will gain a new direct-damage spell, Demon Bolt. Demon Bolt will add a debuff that improves the damage done by the demon to the target.

We plan to add a new talent, Impending Doom, which will give certain spells a chance to reduce the cooldown on Metamorphosis and Bane of Doom.

Metamorphosis will no longer be subject to demonic crowd control. Furthermore, abilities available only while under the effects of Metamorphosis will be altered to put more emphasis on the warlock's own spells.

Shadowburn will now do additional damage to targets below 25% health.


I'll be going through the shaman changes, as my melee/resto shaman needs a little love.

My thoughts so far:

Primal Strike - ANOTHER button to press? I'm already facerolling Stormstrike/Earth Shock/Lava Lash/Lightning Bolt/Fire Nova, I don't know if there's any room left for another!

Healing Wave - Eh, I'll have to see how they change healing mechanics before I can really comment… as it is now all I need is Riptide, LHW and Chain Heal with the occasional Earth Shield. I guess with the lowering of mana regen I'll have to be more careful.

Unleash Weapon - What did I JUST say about more buttons??

Healing Rain - I'm going to miss chain heal spam, but if this is a better way to AOE heal then I can get behind it.

Spiritwalker's Grace - Awesome for shaman healers, they've got tons of heals with casting times and more mobility can't hurt


Dark Intent - Passive buff? Sounds a'ight.

Demon Soul - Reminds me of the old Demonic Sacrifice.

Bane of Agony/Doom - hell yeah
Demon Bolt - lol
Impending Doom - zuh?


Metamorphosis will no longer be subject to demonic crowd control. Furthermore, abilities available only while under the effects of Metamorphosis will be altered to put more emphasis on the warlock's own spells.

Boo. I really enjoyed fearing Warlocks for once, instead of them fearing me. /cry

Otherwise, that's about what I expected the Lock changes to be... except the knockback Succi is getting, that's probably gonna be obnoxious.

Paladin Wishlist:
- New buttons sub 20 (like Primal Strike)
- Move while casting for Holy.
- Knockback

Chance of even one of those coming true: 0%. :lol

Edit: The rest of the Warlock post is now in English too;

Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses

Spell Damage
Spell Crit
Shadow DoTs

Spell Damage
Spell Haste
Demon Damage

Spell Damage
Spell Critical Damage
Fire Direct Damage

Shadow DoTs: The damage caused by Shadow damage-over-time spells is increased.

Demon Damage: The damage caused by pets and Metamorphosis is increased.

Fire Direct Damage: The damage caused by Fire direct damage spells is increased


Anybody feel like starting new characters with me? I'd be playing from 11 pm eastern time and up usually. let me know.


The warlock mastery bonuses are so dull compared to the shaman ones. But I guess as a dps class that's pretty much the focus.

I'm wondering how the new succy will work in a pvp setting... knockback, seduction, etc.
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