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World of Warcraft

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Auto-accept doesn't help if I'm web-browsing for the first ten minutes of a CTF game. I just want to be informed somehow when the match starts.



Originally Posted by Fangtooth
Many players have asked why the Defense stat was lowered. Below is the explanation we got from the developers.

The reason Defense was reduced is because it was more powerful than originally intended. It is still the best stat to have if you are the primary melee damage taker. We are confident that tanking will not become significantly more difficult for warriors than it was before, nor do we feel that keeping tanks alive will become increasingly more difficult.

Each item in the game that has stat points associated with it has a budget. Before this change, Defense was going over the allocated budget. This was because of a miscalculation on our part which led us to believe the stat was worth less than it really was. By lowering the Defense stat on all items, we have brought the stat value back to where we want it to be.

In regards to raid encounters, we will continue to watch them closely, and make adjustments as needed. We've been making raid encounters more manageable from a game play standpoint, and do not feel that the Defense change is going to make a drastic difference.

In addition, we will be performing further research on the public test realms to see how much of an impact this change will have on the game, and adjustments will be made where needed. Any adjustments will most likely be made to monsters, as we do not want to go over the stat budget again. As soon as we have more information, we will be posting again with what was found.

Pretty sad that they don't know how the games stats work...
It's not very surprising though. The new hunter trinket adds 150 ap and 2% hit for 20 seconds. Except that hunter's don't get any benefit to ranged ap from buffs, so it only affects melee.
For some reason this morning, my World of Warcraft won't get past the "Authenticating" step and it says that it can't connect. Would this be a problem on Blizzard's end or what? Hopefully it's a very temporary thing...
SaitoH said:
They've been having problems with that for a few days now. Keep trying. Sometimes it'll take a bit to get in.

I just checked the WoW site, and according to it, all servers are down right now. That's odd. Blizzard didn't mention doing any maintenance or anything this morning so I wonder what's up.
Well i just got the game two days ago and i'm having a blast. I'm on the BloodHoof server and have a lvl 15 Night Elf Warrior (Elitehebrew is the name). I'm gonna go all out defense to be the tank for parties later in the game. Anyone else on BloodHoof?


For the record.


None of us had been, visibility was bad because of hanging vines, pulls were annoying with all the wee mobs added in, and we only got a few drops there. Didn't have the egg quest, but might skip that one even though the dagger is pretty hot. Maraudon next.


Tamanon said:
For the record.


None of us had been, visibility was bad because of hanging vines, pulls were annoying with all the wee mobs added in, and we only got a few drops there. Didn't have the egg quest, but might skip that one even though the dagger is pretty hot. Maraudon next.

I really enjoyed Sunken Temple. It's very confusing if you haven't been there before though. Don't give up!

dave is ok

aztek is ok
I like Sunken Temple alot, It just sucks that you cant run the last boss with a.) clearing 7 named trolls that drop absolutely nothing and all the trash on the way to them, b.) kill every single dragon in the instance, c.) clear all of Jamal's room, which sucks. d.) Kill Jamal and his bodyguard, e.) Kill two drakes, f.) Kill two more drakes, g.) FINALLY! AT ERANIKUS, DONT WIPE!

Second thought, I fucking hate that place.


Tamanon said:
For the record.


None of us had been, visibility was bad because of hanging vines, pulls were annoying with all the wee mobs added in, and we only got a few drops there. Didn't have the egg quest, but might skip that one even though the dagger is pretty hot. Maraudon next.

I can run a ST group in 70 mins, doing everything minus the statues.
when you know how to pull and who to attack, it's very very fast

You should have done maraudon fist tough, since the mobs are lower (level wise) and the drops are not as good (ST's shield and plate chst peice are vey good for their intended levels)


Fularu said:
I can run a ST group in 70 mins, doing everything minus the statues.
when you know how to pull and who to attack, it's very very fast

You should have done maraudon fist tough, since the mobs are lower (level wise) and the drops are not as good (ST's shield and plate chst peice are vey good for their intended levels)

Yeah we'll be going back after I finish part of the Egg quest, I want that Lifeforce Dagger. Knowing how to do the place will definitely help some I'm thinking.
elitehebrew said:
Well i just got the game two days ago and i'm having a blast. I'm on the BloodHoof server and have a lvl 15 Night Elf Warrior (Elitehebrew is the name). I'm gonna go all out defense to be the tank for parties later in the game. Anyone else on BloodHoof?
I'm not sure if you're talking about speccing for Protection when you say you're going all out defense, but don't touch the Protection tree until you get 30 points into either Arms or Fury. Protection is totally unnecessary for tanking (most endgame tanks do the generic 31 arms/5 fury/15 protection tree). And if you go Protection, by level 30, you will be totally bored as shit because you do nothing but hold up a shield all day, and you'll be unable to engage in any real PVP. Go Arms and work out some ways to really unleash some damage while soloing, you'll have a lot of fun. You can always pull out a shield and tank when you get in groups without having to spec for it.


Protection is usually only a requirement for the MT's in Molten Core+ instances, just not worth it in prior stuff. Our backup tank for our first Rag kill (server first too, woo) wound up tanking most of the fight, and he is an Arms focus.

As for PvP, I just guild group queue WSG. But in those, balanced team + raid draped, prot. Warrior flag carrier = game over, he will not die, we can just walk down the field.


anyone know why it says when i login that my prepaid time has run out and i need to purchase more time to keep playing? my account is hooked up thru my debit card and is set on 1 month recurring.


Alex said:
Protection is usually only a requirement for the MT's in Molten Core+ instances, just not worth it in prior stuff. Our backup tank for our first Rag kill (server first too, woo) wound up tanking most of the fight, and he is an Arms focus.

As for PvP, I just guild group queue WSG. But in those, balanced team + raid draped, prot. Warrior flag carrier = game over, he will not die, we can just walk down the field.

I'm 31/12/5 (lvl 58) and I have no problems keeping aggro on UBRS's last boss (General whatever)

My 5 in prot is in anticipation... I may respec and take 5 out of fury to get the stun resist and have 10 in prot though..

In PVP, if your flag carrier is alone (ie he has no priest, druid or shaman to heal him) he'll die a swift death, prot specced or not


The realm I normally log into is down and I'm getting error messages, but the one with my other character isn't. How can I switch realms so I can play this evening?


border said:
The realm I normally log into is down and I'm getting error messages, but the one with my other character isn't. How can I switch realms so I can play this evening?

Can you log in at all?


Nope....I know how to switch realms, but I can't get past the login screen. Normally it would send me straight to Daggerspine, so I'm thinking that that is the problem since it is listed as out of commission. If I could get it to send me to my other server, maybe it'd work?


border said:
Nope....I know how to switch realms, but I can't get past the login screen. Normally it would send me straight to Daggerspine, so I'm thinking that that is the problem since it is listed as out of commission. If I could get it to send me to my other server, maybe it'd work?

I've tried logging on to numerous servers and it just won't get past login.


Well just for reference is there a way I can switch what server I log into? I can log in to their website just fine and I figured there might be something there....


border said:
Well just for reference is there a way I can switch what server I log into? I can log in to their website just fine and I figured there might be something there....

Sometimes you can time it quickly and hit cancel when it says "Connecting" to login to a different server. Otherwise you need to do it from the character select screen.
I really can't believe how large the "World of Warcraft" is. There are so many different places to explore, it's insane. Blizzard put so much into this game, and it shows. I'm up to Level 21 now, and still enjoying myself. Trying to get my friends to join in.

Can't wait to hear what Blizz has to announce about WoW at BlizzCon on October. I'm hoping it's WoW for the 360, but who knows.
Alex said:
Protection is usually only a requirement for the MT's in Molten Core+ instances, just not worth it in prior stuff. Our backup tank for our first Rag kill (server first too, woo) wound up tanking most of the fight, and he is an Arms focus.
There isn't a single talent in the Protection tree that's necessary for tanking at all, it's a really bad talent tree. There are things that will make tanking easier, such as the added Defense and stun resist, but for the most part, I ignore the entire tree. I'm part of about 7 warriors that are all Arms specced with 15 points at the most in Protection, and we clear Molten Core without a single wipe every week.
ToyMachine228 said:
I really can't believe how large the "World of Warcraft" is. There are so many different places to explore, it's insane. Blizzard put so much into this game, and it shows. I'm up to Level 21 now, and still enjoying myself. Trying to get my friends to join in.

Can't wait to hear what Blizz has to announce about WoW at BlizzCon on October. I'm hoping it's WoW for the 360, but who knows.

WoW Exp, and it's been known for a while that there won't be a Xbox360 version of WoW.
Oh ok I was looking for a defense spec b/c my friend said we need a tank, but from what you say it seems i'd do better with arms spec for tanking. What server are most of you on?
Oh my God...Just went on the Van Cleef Quest, and two hours later we get up to fight him. Finally. Suddenly our Paladin and our Knight Elf (Some class that heals I forget) get disconnected. So we're left with me, a Level 21 Warrior, a Level 22 Rogue, and a Level 17 Mage. Needless to say we got destroyed, and I just wasted two hours of my life :lol


ToyMachine228 said:
Oh my God...Just went on the Van Cleef Quest, and two hours later we get up to fight him. Finally. Suddenly our Paladin and our Knight Elf (Some class that heals I forget) get disconnected. So we're left with me, a Level 21 Warrior, a Level 22 Rogue, and a Level 17 Mage. Needless to say we got destroyed, and I just wasted two hours of my life :lol

I'm Level 17, am I ready to go in the Deadmines?
Fularu said:
If Dead Mine is anything like RFC (Rage Fire Chasm) then mobs are lvl 13-16 elites, you're good to go

The Dead Mines start off easy, especially if your with a group. But once you start to get in, you come up against Level 19 and Level 20 Elites, and there are several bosses. I'm a Level 21 Warrior, and couldn't make it all the way through with a Group of 5, so take that into consideration.

But at Level 15, you can START to venture in, just to knab some exp and whatnot. But unless your with a large group you may consider turning around after a while.
In a new interview with ComputerandVideoGames.Com, Blizzard got questioned about many things...Check out the interview if you're interested, but I was particulary interested by this comment, which is basically a denial of the possibility of World of WarCraft on the Xbox 360.

"World of Warcraft is a PC game and we are focusing all our efforts on supporting it with as much new content as we can. We don't have any plans to deviate from that goal."


ToyMachine228 said:
The Dead Mines start off easy, especially if your with a group. But once you start to get in, you come up against Level 19 and Level 20 Elites, and there are several bosses. I'm a Level 21 Warrior, and couldn't make it all the way through with a Group of 5, so take that into consideration.

But at Level 15, you can START to venture in, just to knab some exp and whatnot. But unless your with a large group you may consider turning around after a while.

That'S not really a reference... I've seen a group of lvl 60 get pwned in BRD while a group of 5 lvl 55 -56 cleared it with no wipes

It's not really the level that's important, but if you're good or not. If you start agroing to many mobs at a time without taking your time, then even when you'll be 25, you'll get wiped

You're 4 levels from doing SFK so I don't see how Dead Mines are holding you so much... Especially taking into account that you're good to go to BFD (Blackfathom Deeps)


ToyMachine228 said:
I'm a Level 21 Warrior, and couldn't make it all the way through with a Group of 5, so take that into consideration.

Uh, if you can't finish Deadmines as a 21 Warrior with a five man group you are doing something horribly wrong...like fighting naked without any weapons or something.


Random questions: What happens if you die on a boat or zeppellin? Does your body sink to the ocean floor (or fall to the ground) or to resurrect would you have to get on the boat/blimp again?

What happens if you die on a hippogryph or bat or something?
ManaByte said:
Uh, if you can't finish Deadmines as a 21 Warrior with a five man group you are doing something horribly wrong...like fighting naked without any weapons or something.

Well by the time we got to Edwin Van Cleef, we were two man. Our Paladin and Rouge myseriously got disconnected, and the other Rogue that was tanking with me fell off the edge and died :lol It was me, and a Level 17 Mage. And when the four Elite Mages came running out when we attacked Van Cleef, everything went straight to hell.


OMFG. :lol :lol :lol :lol

Anyone remember Ceciliantas in FFXI and EQII?

Well, it's happened in WoW now!


The whole story is here:

:lol :lol :lol :lol


anyone else think there is way too much server downtime in this game especiallly considering the monthly fee? id need a hundred hands to count the number of times i got stuck at "authenticating".


Joe said:
anyone else think there is way too much server downtime in this game especiallly considering the monthly fee? id need a hundred hands to count the number of times i got stuck at "authenticating".

There's too much downtime for a game in beta, not to mention one in retail.

It seems like they've been going down every single night lately.
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