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World of Warcraft

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dave is ok

aztek is ok
I think Baron Geddon and Sulfuron are two of the easiest bosses, so long as your warriors arent idiots. Much easier than Lucifron, Mag, Garr, etc.


Azwethinkweiz said:
I can only assume the strategy you're referring to is the one where you pull a guard with a hunter and miraculously Domo doesn't move, leaving you to only have to fight his guards until the very end. I'm pretty sure that's an exploit. And I'm not saying he's difficult, I'm just saying he's more difficult than the other bosses in MC. Honestly if you want my opinion, all the serpent bosses + golemagg are insanely easy.

That's an exploit and a hotfixed one as of months ago.
Well we use the 2-4-2 strategy on domo. And while it's not particularly hard(we downed him on our second attempt the first time we ever got to him), I still think he's more difficult than the other bosses in MC. This is with a horde raid by the way. Obviously everything in MC is tons easier for alliance.


Azwethinkweiz said:
Well we use the 2-4-2 strategy on domo. And while it's not particularly hard(we downed him on our second attempt the first time we ever got to him), I still think he's more difficult than the other bosses in MC. This is with a horde raid by the way. Obviously everything in MC is tons easier for alliance.

We're a Horde guild.


Ryu said:
Agreed. When we fight domo, it's a miracle if his adds kill even ONE of us. Too easy.

Don't agree with this -- yet. Only reason is because we have yet to do it and even then, Ragnaros doesn't kill us -- his Sons of flame do. Then again, we've tried him what, 3 times total? I'd like to hear your strat honestly. :)

Yeah, the sons of flame were the hardest part for us too. (BTW, Scoot and I are in the same guild) The strat for beating the sons is MUCHOS FR, FR pots, sticky glue from Sen Jin village, banishing, and then having a MA to FF and kill them one at a time. Once we mastered the sons we were able to kill Rag pretty easily after that.


Ah, we've considered the glue and net'o'matic and such but were honestly trying to do it without it. I suppose after the 4th or 5th time trying him (once every saturday so far) we might fold just to get it out of the way and get him into farm status. Were committed to kill all of MC and getting it down to easy street (all of it except Ragnaros is at this point) before we head into BWL. Tonight we begin the reclear...
Now that I've started college, I haven't had much time to play WoW at all. It sucks! Not only am I attending college, I'm working about 30 hours a week on top of that. But I have this Sunday off, and I'm playing all damn day.


:D :D :D :D :D

AWESOME event to get it :D

dave is ok

aztek is ok
Yeah, the dreadsteed event is one of the best moments in the game. We actually wiped when we did it, but it was toward the end and all eight runes lit up anyway. So when the priest used the soulstone, all the imps disappeared. :D

The pally epic mount event sucks compared to the warlock one.


All it shows is that Eviscerate needs to be scaled better. That and he chose some really shitty players to kill (like the mage who didn't turn around). Anyone can make a similar video for any class if they don't show how many times you failed.
Fixed2BeBroken said:
LOL.....so....yea.....everyone needs to watch this.......:lol




about 300 megs but WORTH IT!

LOL, probably best video i have seen. It has the whole Rogue forums up in arms!

ROGUES! FEAR FOR YOUR CLASS NOW....Even Blizz reps are amazed by it.


This vid has some major flaws, as in he changed his builds mid-video time after time according to those who know better than I from Combat to backstab etc.

The power of editing is amazing.
pilonv1 said:
All it shows is that Eviscerate needs to be scaled better. That and he chose some really shitty players to kill (like the mage who didn't turn around). Anyone can make a similar video for any class if they don't show how many times you failed.

this is untrue, you cannot have a naked level 60 that isnt rogue with a level 1 worn dagger defeat 60s in epics. Regardless of what you may say, it wont happen. (unless they are afk the whole match)

krypt0nian said:
This vid has some major flaws, as in he changed his builds mid-video time after time according to those who know better than I from Combat to backstab etc.

so? are you saying you never changed your talent build? regardless, it doesnt take away from the POINT of this video which is caster itemization sucks and "rogues stop crying".
Fixed2BeBroken said:
with a level 1 worn dagger?

Um I would hope a shaman would use his/her spells.

Editing saves the day! :lol

All it is is crying about being ganked. Nothing more, nothing less. Buff caster itemization, Rogues have it hard enough already with Warriors being buffed through the roof.


No,but the fact that he can dominate without wearing any gear at all other than his weapon/shield is pretty ridiculous,IMO :p
krypt0nian said:
Um I would hope a shaman would use his/her spells.

Windfury crits > spells

krypt0nian said:
Rogues have it hard enough already with Warriors being buffed through the roof.

typical rogue response.

No,but the fact that he can dominate without wearing any gear at all other than his weapon/shield is pretty ridiculous,IMO :p

I think its more ridiculous with no gear and just worn dagger aka Rogue starting weapon.


dave is ok said:
Yeah, the dreadsteed event is one of the best moments in the game. We actually wiped when we did it, but it was toward the end and all eight runes lit up anyway. So when the priest used the soulstone, all the imps disappeared. :D

The pally epic mount event sucks compared to the warlock one.

What is the Pally event?
krypt0nian said:
Yeah I wonder why? Because its damn true. Cry nerf elsewhere. The WoW boards are down?

me? seems you're the one crying nerf, one of my main chars is a rogue. I never said anything about nerf rogues, and the "ROGUES FEAR FOR YOUR CLASS" part was a joke if you didnt realize it yet.

but ok. :lol
Razorgore is so much fun. Easily tops any fight in MC besides possibly Baron or Gehennas.

Blizz seems to be on the ball with most of the new content. I've done both the priest and hunter epic quests and they are possibly the funnest things in the game. Gives me great hope for ZG, even if it is a reputation cesspit with mediocre rewards.


Nice,grats on the razorgore kill trash/scoot,we fucking finally killed Shazzrah yesterday,so summoning Domo today,I look forward to many wipes >.>
I am anxiously awaiting patch 1.7. Probably the patch I've most looked forward too, despite the fact they seem to have gone easy on "fixing" my warlock class.

Some of the Arathi Basin (new BG) and Zul'Gurub (new 20-man raid) gear looks SO FUCKING GOOD.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Ramirez said:
Nice,grats on the razorgore kill trash/scoot,we fucking finally killed Shazzrah yesterday,so summoning Domo today,I look forward to many wipes >.>

Did you skip Shaz and go straight on to Sulferon and Golemag or something? Kind of weird that Shazzrah would be the last boss you fight before Domo.


Yea,after wiping on him like 5 times terribly the first time we tried him,we went ahead and downed Sul and Gole which we got on the first try,hehe.

Anyways,downed Domo tonight on the 4th try,fuggin sweet!We then went and summoned Rag for shit's and giggles,dude is insanely big :lol

Oh and btw,anyone know the odds that the patch is released tomorrow?


Take with grain of salt

World of Warcraft Client Patch 1.8.0 (2005-??-??)

--Azshara Crater

A blood war rages between the Quel’dorei Exiles and the Sunstrider Legion as they battle to the death to claim sources of ancient magic buried beneath the vast Azshara Crater. Destroy all opposing strongholds with mighty siege weapons to declare victory in this epic 40v40 battleground!

--Grubstone Cookoff

Simmer Grubstone sponsors this savory contest held in the town of Everlook in Winterspring. At the start of each week, participants will be given a series of increasingly difficult recipes to cook and brew. The best chefs in Azeroth will receive a lifetime supply of malt, an official Grubstone mug, and more fabulous prizes!

--Goblin Gizmo Gauntlet

Assemble robots to do battle via remote control against other players for engineering glory in this explosive event in Gadgetzan. Sign up for daily tournaments to win new parts to upgrade your invention! No engineering experience necessary.


New Auction Houses in Stormwind, Darnassus, Thunderbluff, Undercity, Booty Bay, and Everlook are open and ready for business! Ask the guards in each city for directions. Auction Houses are now shared within a faction – Alliance, Horde, or the Steamwheedle Cartel. Extra heavy security in the form of Goblin Bouncers has been added to Auction Houses in goblin towns to put a stop to any… bidding wars.
A debuff prioritization system has been put into effect. Certain debuffs will now have priority (e.g. they cannot be overridden) over weaker or triggered debuffs when the number of debuffs on a mob reaches the maximum limit of 16.
Quickness (Night Elf Racial) – Now increases agility by 5%.
Escape Artist (Gnome Racial) – Casting time reduced to 0.5 seconds. Now has a 2 minute cooldown.
System performance when enabling the full screen glow effect improved.
Buff/debuff tooltips will now be correctly updated from talents.
Tauren can now ride wolves if they learn the wolfriding ability.
Attempting to cast a spell on a friendly target below the minimum level of the spell will now automatically cast the highest eligible rank.
You can no longer communicate with the other faction through mind control.
The effects of +healing and +spell damage items will now be shown in the tooltips of spells they affect.
Class buffs such as Arcane Intellect and Mark of the Wild are no longer dispellable.
Hearthstones can no longer be used while invulnerable.
Critters can no long resist spells.
Pets that enter combat will no longer flag their master for combat.
Talents that provide mana regeneration while casting will no longer fail to function after being logged in for a period of time.
Shapeshifting will no longer cancel a daze effect.
Spells that are cast on a target but have no effect due to the target’s death will no longer be reported in the combat log.
Warlock/Hunter pets can no longer break out of fear.
Fixed a bug that caused players to sometimes slide when walking.
Buffs that provide a bonus to resistance now stack with other resistance buffs.
Enemy spells cast before you die will no longer hit you when you are a ghost.
Players will no longer be randomly flagged for combat when not participating in combat.
Fixed a bug where creatures were sometimes able to parry attacks from behind.
It is no longer possible to break disarm by immediately switching your weapon.


Fixed lag resulting from certain UI mods.


Honor System
You will now receive some honor for restoring health to allies during PvP combat.
Dishonorable Kills will now apply only to the players responsible, rather than to their entire party or raid.
There is now an option that shows estimated honor points over enemy corpses after an Honorable Kill.
You can now exit a battleground from an option on the scoreboard at all times.
Siege weapon combat has been introduced to the Alterac Valley battleground.
Civilians can no longer fight.
NPCs in battlegrounds can no longer be mind controlled.
Feign Death will no longer make the flag graphic disappear for other players in Warsong Gulch.
Fixed several terrain exploits in Warsong Gulch.
You can no longer interact with tower banners and flags through walls in Alterac Valley.
Commander buffs are no longer removed when shapeshifting.
Fixed an exploit where Mind control and Fear could be used to send opposing players out of a battleground instance.
Fixed a bug that caused players who died in Frostmane hold in Alterac Valley to be ported to their faction’s entrance.
You can now enter the queues of multiple battlegrounds simultaneously. Once you become eligible and choose to enter a battleground, you will automatically leave the other battleground queues.
You can now see the number of players from the other faction in a battleground queue.
All players can now chat in the WorldDefense channel.
All debuffs resulting from a duel are now removed immediately after the duel ends.
Fixed an exploit that allowed players to reach Thrall in Orgrimmar without guard interference.


Due to significant talent changes, Druids will have all talent points refunded and can be respent.
Your base damage in Bear and Cat Form is now determined by the DPS value of your equipped weapon (Note: your attack speed remains static at 1.0 in Cat Form and 2.5 in Bear Form). This change has been deemed necessary to provide Druids with a larger number of viable weapon choices at all levels, and a more straightforward method of improving feral damage beyond the maximum level cap. We believe that the increased damage of Druids in Cat Form (from wielding high DPS weapons) is acceptable, given the form’s damage dealing role. In our testing, however, we felt that Bear Form was dealing too much damage with certain weapons when taking into account its high damage mitigation and survivability. After considering a variety of solutions, we have decided to implement a flat 10% reduction to Bear Form’s base damage – which keeps the form in line with overall game balance, while resulting in greater damage potential.
You can no longer switch weapons during combat in shapeshift form.
Cat Form – Ability no longer purchased from a trainer. There is now a quest to obtain Cat Form.
Travel Form – New icon. Graphic also been replaced to look fiercer and have markings similar to other Druid forms.
Druids have learned to dance while shapeshifted.
There is now an animation for skinning and herb gathering in Bear and Cat Form.
Female Druids in Bear Form no longer sound like males.
Demoralizing Roar – Tooltip updated to display area of effect (in yards).
Entangling Roots – Now interrupts spellcasting.
Feral Charge – This ability will now port you even if the target is immune to the effect.
Ferocious Bite – Fixed a bug where combo points were lost on miss/dodge/parry/block.
Maul/Swipe – Tooltips updated to indicate the additional threat caused by these abilities. There have been no changes made to the amount of threat caused.
Moonfire – Now causes Nature damage instead of Arcane damage; initial damage decreased and damage over time increased.
Starfire – Now causes Nature damage instead of Arcane damage.
Nature’s Grasp – Special attacks (e.g. Heroic Strike, Eviscerate, etc…) will now allow the spell to root the target.
Improved Moonfire – Design changed. Now increases the damage over time of your Moonfire spell by 20/40/60/80/100%.
Swiftshifting – Design changed. When leaving a shapeshift form, your next spell has its casting time reduced by 0.5/1/1.5 sec.
Omen of Clarity – Can now proc in shapeshift form. Is now a prerequisite for the Inner Balance talent.
New Talent (Balance): Improved Faerie Fire – Tier 3 talent; Faerie Fire has a 50/100% chance to reduce your target’s Nature resistance for the duration.
Improved Thorns – Design changed. Now increases the damage done by your Thorns spell by 50/100/150%.
Moonfury – Removed and replaced by the new talent Nature’s Fury.
New Talent (Balance): Nature’s Fury – Increases your spell damage and critical strike chance by 1/2/3%.
Nature’s Grace – Design changed. Nature’s Grace is now a passive ability that causes all nearby party members to be healed for 10% of any spell damage the Druid deals. Is now a tier 4 talent.
Weapon Balance – Removed and replaced by the new talent Inner Balance.
New Talent (Balance): Inner Balance – Increases your maximum mana by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Veangence – No longer requires the Nature’s Grace talent. It now requires the Nature’s Fury talent.
Hurricane – Replaced in position by the new talent Dreamstate. Is now a targetable spell and a tier 5 talent.
New Talent (Balance): Dreamstate – Enter a Dreamstate, increasing your Nature damage by 15%, and increasing your mana regeneration while in shapeshift form by 100%. However, you may not cast healing spells while in this state.
Improved Demoralizing Roar – Removed and replaced in position by Primal Instinct.
Improved Prowl – In addition to reducing the chance of detection, this talent will now increase your speed while prowling by 3/6/9/12/15%.
Blood Frenzy – Is now a 3 point talent that gives your critical strikes from Cat Form abilities that add combo points a 50/75/100% chance to add an additional combo point.
Primal Fury – Is now a 2 point talent that gives you a 50/100% chance to gain an additional 5 rage anytime you get a critical strike while in Bear and Dire Bear Form.
Improved Shred – Talent removed.
Predatory Strikes – Design changed. Predatory Strikes is now a tier 6 talent that gives your Cat Form finishing moves a 50/100% chance to interrupt spellcasting and silence the target for one second per combo point.
Faerie Fire (Cat) – Talent removed.
Faerie Fire (Bear) – Talent removed.
New Talent (Feral Combat): Intimidation – Tier 5 talent; increases your threat while in Bear Form by 15/30%.
New Talent (Feral Combat): Feral Endurance – Tier 4 talent; increases your total health while in Bear, Dire Bear, or Cat Form by 2/4/6/8/10%.
Thick Hide – Design changed. Thick Hide now increases your armor value from items in Bear Form by 2/4/6/8/10%. Is now a tier 2 talent.
Feline Swiftness – This talent no longer increases your movement speed while prowled.
New Talent (Feral Combat): Alertness – Tier 5 talent; increases your defense skill by 4/7/10 in Bear Form and your chance to hit by 1/2/3% in Cat Form.
Strength of the Wild – Design changed. Strength of the Wild now increases the strength and agility of all nearby party members by 15% while the Druid is in Bear, Dire Bear, or Cat Form. No longer requires the Predatory Strikes talent. It now requires the Feral Endurance talent.
Improved Ravage – Removed and replaced by the new talent Fury of the Wild.
New Talent (Feral Combat): Fury of the Wild – Your next special attack has a 15/30/45% increased critical strike chance when entering Cat Form. In addition, you have a 20/30/40% chance to gain an extra rage point when damage is taken or dealt in Bear Form.
Improved Pounce – Removed and replaced by the new talent Primal Resilience.
New Talent (Feral Combat): Primal Resilience – Causes Frenzied Regeneration to covert each point of rage into an additional 0.2/0.3% of your total health and reduces the cooldown by 30/60 sec.
Primal Instinct – Is now a 5 point talent. The mana cost reduction of shapeshifting has not been changed. Replaced in position by the new talent Shapeshifting Mastery.
New Talent (Feral Combat): Shapeshifting Mastery – Grants the Druid the ability to shapeshift directly from one form to another at the cost of 25 rage from Bear Form, 50 energy from Cat Form, and the full mana cost of the Druid’s next shapeshift form from Travel and Aquatic Form. When shapeshifting from Bear to Cat Form, each additional 25 rage present adds 1 combo point if a target is selected.
Combat Endurance – Is now a 1 point talent that allows 25% of the Druid’s health regeneration to work in combat.
Improved Tranquility – Removed and replaced by the new talent Improved Rebirth.
New Talent (Restoration): Improved Rebirth – Reduces the cooldown of your Rebirth spell by 5/10 min.

Specialized abilities have been added for the following pet types that did not receive them in the previous content patch:
Bears can learn the Roar ability, which lowers the attack power of all nearby enemies by a flat amount.
Turtles and Crabs can learn the Tough Shell ability, which gives them a chance to increase their armor value when hit.
Spiders can learn the Web ability, which immobilizes nearby enemies.
Distracting Shot – New icon.
New Pet Ability: Free Master – Causes your pet to free you from any snare or frost-based movement impairing effect.
Mend Pet – Range increased to 30 yards.
Pet happiness will be restored correctly to the full amount when resurrecting in a battleground.


Arcane Missiles – Fixed a bug where occasionally no missiles would appear and no damage would be dealt.
Blink – Now reports the correct error message when attempted while sapped.
Blink – Fixed a bug where the spell incorrectly or failed to teleport the player.


Judgement of Fury – Design changed. Now forces the target to attack you.
Blessing of Salvation – Design changed. Now causes a friendly target to generate no additional threat for 10 seconds.
Consecration – Fixed a bug where the spell sometimes did nothing if cast in rapid succession.
Sanctity Aura – Design changed. Now increases healing done by 10% for party members within 30 yards.
Holy Shock – Cooldown reduced to 6 seconds.
Improved Blessing of Salvation – Design changed. Now increases the duration of your Blessing of Salvation by 2/4 sec.


Poisons will remain intact after you teleport, enter/exit an instance, or travel between continents.
Eviscerate (Rank 8) – Damage increased.


Totems are no longer immune to area of effect damage.
Shamans will no longer lose weapon skills after respeccing talents.
The tornado graphic from the Windfury Attack will now play consistently.
Combat Endurance – Now allows 25% of health regeneration to work while in combat.


Improved Drain Mana – This talent can no longer have a critical effect.
Howl of Terror – This spell is now instant cast.
Improved Drain Soul – You will now receive the talent buff as long as Drain Soul is channeled when your target dies.
Shadow Mastery – Fixed a bug where the talent was not providing a bonus to Curse of Doom.


You will now retain up to 15 rage points when changing stances.
Tactical Mastery – This talent now increases the amount of rage retained when switching stances by 2/4/6/8/10.
Improved Shield Block – Fixed a bug where this talent was not providing additional block.
Whirlwind – Cooldown reduced to 4 seconds.
Death Wish – Fixed a bug where the skill sometimes did not break fear while used under the fear effect.
Bloodthirst – Tooltip updated.
Charge/Intercept – These abilities will now port you even if the target is immune to the effect.


Equipping more than five pieces of the Felheart set will now correctly give the Warlock’s pet the Demonic Ally buff.
The Cenarion Raiment set bonus that decreased the cooldown of Tranquility has been removed; a new set bonus has been added in its place that causes the Druid to automatically cast Rejuvenation (Rank 10) for free after casting Healing Touch.
The Lightforge Armor set has received a texture update.
The Rogue PvP reward sets have had their Strength removed and Agility increased.
The Judgement Armor set bonus that increases the radius of the Paladin’s Auras is now working correctly.
You can no longer lower your stats by equipping and un-equipping set bonus items.
The Lobotomizer will now proc correctly.
Tier 2 epic items now have new set bonuses and improved stats. Many of these items also have updated textures.
Reaching officer rank in the Honor System now grants you access to a new set of superior-quality weapons.
Judge’s Gavel can no longer be used to force players to drop the flag in Warsong Gulch.
The Gnomish Death Ray will no longer fail to cast from more than 20 yards away from the target.
Cruel Barb is now unique.
Cloak of Warding’s armor has been reduced, but an additional Stamina bonus has been added instead.
Orb of the Darkmoon now has an additional +9 Intellect bonus.
Pages from the Green Hills of Stranglethorn novel are now Bind on Pickup.
The Brushwood Blade item tooltip has been updated to indicate that it is a two-handed sword, not one-handed.
The Dartol’s Rod of Transformation obtained as a quest reward from the fourth part of Raene’s Cleansing is no longer useable.
Enchants will now function correctly on weapons that morph into other weapons.
Fixed a typo in the item tooltip of the Darkmoon Card: Twisting Nether.
Corrected art and textures for various items.


It is now possible to retrain your specialty type for Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, or Engineering for a fee by speaking with a master trainer of your profession.
Plans for keyrings that hold multiple keys have been added to Blacksmithing.
Formulae for necklaces, rings, and new trinkets have been added to Enchanting.
Disenchanting now requires Expert Enchanting for rare items, and Artisan Enchanting for items of epic quality or higher.


You can no longer accept the other faction’s quests.
A Druid Cat Form quest is now available at level 20 from Dendrite Starblaze in Moonglade.
It is no longer possible to receive a Dishonorable Kill from killing Private Merle after completing the Patrol Schedules quest.
More Gibbering Ghouls have been added to various Scourge strongholds for the Heroes of Darrowshire quest in Eastern Plaguelands.
The Deep Ocean, Vast Sea quest in Darkshore has been toned down in difficulty.
Fixed grammatical errors in The
--Raids & Dungeons

Mobs around Goraluk Anvilcrack in UBRS will now path correctly.
It is no longer possible to pull Majordomo Executus’ minions without pulling Majordomo himself.
Fixed a bug where Jammal’an the Prophet would ignore a mind controlled player after the party wiped in Sunken Temple.
Keys will no longer dissappear when the keyholder dies and releases his or her spirit in Dire Maul.
The loot tables in Blackwing Lair have been revised slightly.

--User Interface

Meeting stones no longer search for party members. Instead, joining a meeting stone for a dungeon now adds you to a viewable list of players looking for a group. Groups can be formed by contacting players from this list.
Custom chat channels will now save after logging out.
There is now a separate tab in the Armor section of the Auction House listings called “Accessories”, which includes trinkets, rings, necklaces, and items held in the off-hand. The Miscellaneous tab has been removed.
The mouseover UI for Ranged Attack Power will now take into account your total ranged attack power.
Unique key bindings can now be saved for each class.
Resolved an issue where certain UI mods caused the honor tab to be aligned incorrectly with text.
Quest levels now appear in the quest log.
The ACTIONBAR_UPDATE_COOLDOWN event will no longer cause a lockup when a spell or skill interrupts a school of magic.
Logging out after joining another zone’s channel will no longer place you in a separate channel that is difficult to leave.

--World Environment

Closed several holes in the world.
Booty Bay is now flagged as outdoors.
There is now a warning sign that points to the cave where Vagash dwells in Dun Morogh.
The guards in Lakeshire have received promotions; they are now level 45.
If you die near a zone you have not discovered yet, you will no longer be ported to graveyards in that zone. Instead, you will be sent to the nearest known graveyard.
Fixed a bug where players sometimes appear in the incorrect graveyard after death


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Hmm... while it seems kind of early for new patch notes to be leaked, and thus I'll remain skeptical, they are well written and seem reasonable and thorough enough that they could be real...
Screaming_Gremlin said:
Hmm... while it seems kind of early for new patch notes to be leaked, and thus I'll remain skeptical, they are well written and seem reasonable and thorough enough that they could be real...

Priests didn't get anything, so they're probably real!
(actually, pretty sure they're fake)
Regardless of whether this is true or not, the funniest part of the whole set of notes was removing the ability for suck ass paladins to shield and hearth.
The fair is in town....

I get smashed and then throw around a ball yay!

no but seriously...the year old mutton look funny when a warrior duel wields them. :lol
SaitoH said:
Take with grain of salt

Definitely. That's at least 3 patches worth of stuff (for blizzard at least).

A new 80-man BG with siege weapons and fixed auction houses? Ahhahahaa.

You only need to look at the Druid section to know it's fake. There is no way any class would get that insane amount of work done in one patch.

Bah, who knows? I would LOVE to be proven wrong. :)


Neo Member
Also need to take into consideration they were leaked by Spybot, who has leaked all the previous patch notes that also turned out to be true.

I wouldn't be surprised if these weren't that far off from the official notes. Alot of stuff has been pushed back from 1.7 to 1.8.
Bad timing for maintenance. One of the days I don't have morning classes, and I actually have time to play WoW, and there is maintenance. Oh well.
ToyMachine228 said:
Bad timing for maintenance. One of the days I don't have morning classes, and I actually have time to play WoW, and there is maintenance. Oh well.

yea it sucks....but they usually do maitenence around this time all the time.

xabre said:
Who wants to take odds on 1.7 being released tonight?

I'll take 9/1.

i hope, cause im getting annoyed with free action potions in BG.

with that said...

If those patch notes are true then holy crap....that COMPLETELY changes how druids are gonna play and spec.


I dont even know what il do at 1.8 but its gonna be fun experimenting but /cry for my gold.
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