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World of Warcraft

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I've been playing on Windrunner- one of the oldest PVE servers in the game that no one has ever heard of- for five years :lol It's actually cool to see that Mal'Ganis is still a central PvP hub after all this time.
Xabora said:
I don't care how awesome the male worgen animations are, I'm rolling a female so I won't have to alt-tab to fap anymore.


EDIT: You also forgot the third best animation in Cata (behind the male/female Goblin /flex), the female Goblin /cheer:



Junior Member
Orbitcube said:
I don't care how awesome the male worgen animations are, I'm rolling a female so I won't have to alt-tab to fap anymore.


EDIT: You also forgot the third best animation in Cata (behind the male/female Goblin /flex), the female Goblin /cheer:

Found it!
Xabora said:
Found it!
Mhmm, I don't think anything else says how conflicted I am about the addition of Worgen to the game. For the most part they look awesome and novel but then OMG FURRIES. I guess I'd better just let the furries do what they do and just not visit any inns from now on.


Has problems recognising girls
Speaking of Inns, I walked into the Goldshire Inn to throw some Mohawks onto the ERPers and for the first time in recent memory I copped resource lag. There must have been at least 100-150 people in there. Fuck Saturday nights.
So I was hacked tonight.

Getting ready for a raid, I logged off to get some food and couldnt get back on for another 3hrs.

When I finally got back on, my main was in the Barrens with mail from my other 80 alt. All my gold was taken (all 5000 of it lol) but my gear was intact. All 3 of my toons gear wasnt touched.

I was shocked, and jumped into a raid after I contacted Blizzard and changed my password. I have an authenticator on my account so I dont know how they did it. And there was no virus', malware etc on my PC.

Crafty buggers.


Speaking of the barrens, I got dc'd the other night during a raid and when I finally got back into the game I was alive at the graveyard by the crossroads. Oddest thing to ever happen to me. Sorry to hear you got hacked, and with an authenticator. No viruses etc found too is scary. I haven't visited any sites outside of MMO-Champ, official WoW, WoW.com though because I was worried about getting logged or whatever. I was never hacked, but I'm paranoid as hell about it, and have my keychain authenticator as well.

Keep those animations rolling in guys! Love them. I'm so going to rock a female goblin in Cata. I'm dying to see the dances LOL!

What did I miss on MMO-champ that everyone's talking about? Bibi put something juicy up or something? If it's a massive spoiler for some reason, pm me!


J-Rzez said:
Speaking of the barrens, I got dc'd the other night during a raid and when I finally got back into the game I was alive at the graveyard by the crossroads.
This can happen sometimes. At least you were alive. I once got teleported from somewhere in Northrend to beneath Thunder Bluff (as in, under the textures). Once I've finally died it spawned my ghost on one of Stonetalon graveyards and could not recover my corpse so I had to pay for resurrection :/

You can also sometimes get stuck between continents. It has happened to me only at the beginning of 3.0, when there were still some bugs and people were going mad over scourge invasion event so there was huge strain on the servers. Basically when flying on zeppelin, you get stuck between Kalimdor and EK and have to write ticket on another character and just wait until GM moves your char somewhere else.


It really seems like the Horde is getting a bigger upgrade than the Alliance so far. Lots of new models and new textures and big changes for Horde places but Alliance stuff is still just using the same old models, new Gilneas stuff aside. I hope they just haven't put the Alliance building model upgrades into the game yet.


I really wish they'd stop fucking around and seriously update the visuals already. I know they do these little updates with each expansion like the fire effects in wotlk and now the sunrays and water in cata, but when, if ever, are they going to update the meat of the visuals? The textures and effects on abilities/spells.. they are so dated. :lol Even the model work is pretty lackluster now.. the flat textures on the armor and stuff are getting pretty ridiculous.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Ah man, did i miss some big Cata spoiler? What's so different with this one? I mean, people have been posting screenshots of plenty of new zones, Deathwing model, animations for the new races and even the female worgen body/animation, and yet there is something that is even bigger than that you can't even post? I don't get it.
Bisnic said:
Ah man, did i miss some big Cata spoiler? What's so different with this one? I mean, people have been posting screenshots of plenty of new zones, Deathwing model, animations for the new races and even the female worgen body/animation, and yet there is something that is even bigger than that you can't even post? I don't get it.

I was thinking the exact same way last night. It can't be all that different from what has been posted here.


Fuck it, I'm curious too now, and after trying to dig it up on other forums or google's cache... I got nothin'. PM me too, I guess.


MattPeters said:
So I was hacked tonight.

Getting ready for a raid, I logged off to get some food and couldnt get back on for another 3hrs.

When I finally got back on, my main was in the Barrens with mail from my other 80 alt. All my gold was taken (all 5000 of it lol) but my gear was intact. All 3 of my toons gear wasnt touched.

I was shocked, and jumped into a raid after I contacted Blizzard and changed my password. I have an authenticator on my account so I dont know how they did it. And there was no virus', malware etc on my PC.

Crafty buggers.

You have bee selected for mount beta testing. Please go to www.blizzbetamount.com and log in to activate your mount.


Damn that bloke who has deleted his post, what a nasty way to get people's interest piqued :lol

I would appreciate a PM if there is indeed one going round, please!

edit: was it the alpha pic of the loot from one of the dungeons?


Really Really Exciting Member!
FLEABttn said:
You have bee selected for mount beta testing. Please go to www.blizzbetamount.com and log in to activate your mount.

I must get these kind of emails at least 3 times a day. And some of them dont even try to hide the link to look like the official WoW website.

And the best i get from them is... "Your AION account is suspended, please click here *suspicious link".

I never played AION in my whole life.


I'm just wondering what in the hell it could be. It doesn't sound like anything visual like a zone getting wrecked or whatever... this sounds like a new mechanic or something like getting a third profession or a new playable race or something insane like.


Retro said:
I'm just wondering what in the hell it could be. It doesn't sound like anything visual like a zone getting wrecked or whatever... this sounds like a new mechanic or something like getting a third profession or a new playable race or something insane like.
i know. i've been searching for some insane secret.

and it doesn't break the NDA any more than existing screen shots in this thread...


Looking at the time he posted, a pic from the actual Alpha with player names etc was released showing a piece of loot with a horrendous amount of Stamina on around the same time. Reason it was deleted was that if any Blizzard employee sees it they will get chucked out of the alpha so fast :lol
It's only breaking the NDA if you are the person who agreed to it - if you got the information from someone, you never agreed to the NDA.

Or something like that.


HixxSAFC said:
Looking at the time he posted, a pic from the actual Alpha with player names etc was released showing a piece of loot with a horrendous amount of Stamina on around the same time. Reason it was deleted was that if any Blizzard employee sees it they will get chucked out of the alpha so fast :lol
earlier in this thread that cloack loot info is posted cropped



Junior Member
HixxSAFC said:
Looking at the time he posted, a pic from the actual Alpha with player names etc was released showing a piece of loot with a horrendous amount of Stamina on around the same time. Reason it was deleted was that if any Blizzard employee sees it they will get chucked out of the alpha so fast :lol
Apparently the shot originated from FoH.

But it was finally removed.

           |60|70    |80    |81    |82    |83     |84     |85
melee hit  |10|15.769|32.79 |46.696|66.499| 94.701|134.862|192.056
spell hit  |8 |12.615|26.232|37.357|53.199| 75.76 |107.89 |153.645
crit       |14|22.077|45.906|65.374|93.099|132.581|188.807|268.878
haste      |10|15.769|32.79 |46.696|66.499| 94.701|134.862|192.056


I was hoping stats wouldn't be so ridiculously inflated again. As long as the gap between the different tiers isn't like WotLK I won't be too bothered I guess.

fake edit: infact thinking about it I guess they had to inflate them cos they completely fucked up with WotLK ratings.


I saw these combat ratings conversions a few days ago... ridiculous.
But as the stat system is getting a complete overhaul I guess it is way too early to judge anything.


Why are you guys that saw it so secretive over this? You're not talking about that stupid cloak again I hope. What did we miss on MMO-champ? I don't care if it's a plot spoiler or something, pm me on it if it is so it doesn't ruin it for others.

edit: It's not that combat conversion stuff either is it? Of course it's going to scale a bit, but seems like the jumps are pretty significant. Just like the XP needed to level LOL.


I like hard gear resets like that because it makes the leveling less boring. Out-gearing almost every possible quest reward sucks.


Haven't seen this posted yet, a possible spoiler convo with Garrosh.... might be fake, but it's fun either way.

Garrosh Hellscream: Don't talk back to me, troll. You know who was left in charge here. Have you not stopped to ask yourself why Thrall chose me instead of you?

Vol'Jin: Dere's no question why, Garrosh. He gave ya the title because he needed ta see once and for all if ya could overcome the pride and bloodlust dat have long run in ya family. I t'ink he did not expect de answer to be apparent so soon.

Garrosh Hellscream: You're lucky I don't gut you right here, whelp. You are foolish to think you can speak to your Warchief in such ways.

Vol'Jin: You're no Warchief of mine. Ya've not earned my respect, and I'll not see the Horde destroyed by ya thirst for war.

Garrosh Hellscream: And what exactly do you think that you are going to do about it? Your threats are hollow. Go slink away with the rest of your kind to the slums; I will endure your filth in my throne room no longer.

Vol'Jin: I know exactly what I am going to do about it, son of Hellscream. I will watch and wait as ya people slowly become aware of ya ineptitude. I will laugh as dey grow to despise ya as I do.

Vol'Jin: And when da time comes dat ya failure is complete and ya "power" is meaningless, I will be dere to end ya rule swiftly and silently.

Vol'Jin: Ya will spend ya reign glancin' over ya shoulder and fearin' the shadows, for when da time comes and ya blood slowly drains out, ya will know exactly who fired da arrow dat pierced ya heart.

Garrosh Hellscream: You have sealed your fate, troll.

Garrosh spits at Vol'Jin.

Vol'Jin: And you yours, "Warchief."


Am I reading that chart right Xabora? Hit haste and stuff is getting MAJORLY inflated if so, meaning we will need alot more of it. Tons more even. Not completely unexpected as they have expressed they are sick and tired of us rocking 30% haste 60% crit and stuff by the end of the expansion, but still wow.


No One Remembers
Puncture said:
Am I reading that chart right Xabora? Hit haste and stuff is getting MAJORLY inflated if so, meaning we will need alot more of it. Tons more even. Not completely unexpected as they have expressed they are sick and tired of us rocking 30% haste 60% crit and stuff by the end of the expansion, but still wow.

Correct. I have 1138 Haste which is 34.71%, as soon as I hit 81 the % dropped down to 24.37%


They kinda HAVE to do it that way, otherwise cutting edge raid gear from Wrath would be worn all the way through the first raid in Cataclysm.
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