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World of Warcraft

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Loves the Greater Toronto Area
notworksafe said:
Not really. I'm not a fan of it but I get the point. Gearscore allows a PUG leader to know about what content you've played before being able to look at your gear. People want a higher GS to make sure content can be cleared quickly and easily and with a PUG you always want higher geared people then you would with a normal guild run, so they ask for a higher then normal GS.
this is the BS part. why would you want higher geared people? Oh yeah.. because they want a run that takes 15 minutes instead of 20 minutes. We get WHY they want high gearscore, but their reasoning still doesn't make it right. PUG "leaders" demanding high gearscore are far from leaders.. they are essentially babysitters wanting to get their 20 minutes in so they can log or RP their horse loving fetish. real leaders can take lower GS players and still complete the dungeon at a whopping few minutes longer and not come off as a total bitch about it in the process.


I wish Blizzard would remove /inspect and all other in-game capabilities to view the specifics of other people's equipment within the game client for a month or so, as a sort of social experiment.


borghe said:
this is the BS part. why would you want higher geared people? Oh yeah.. because they want a run that takes 15 minutes instead of 20 minutes. We get WHY they want high gearscore, but their reasoning still doesn't make it right. PUG "leaders" demanding high gearscore are far from leaders.. they are essentially babysitters wanting to get their 20 minutes in so they can log or RP their horse loving fetish. real leaders can take lower GS players and still complete the dungeon at a whopping few minutes longer and not come off as a total bitch about it in the process.
You live in an interesting fantasy world. One where PUGs are meant to teach people how to play and love to take people who are just starting out.

The point of most PUGs is to get badges and finish an instance as soon as possible. If you want to be in an instance with accepting types and take your time, either start or join a beginning raid guild or start up a PUG meant for learning that won't have people quitting after each wipe (good luck with that).


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Just wanted to drop in and give my love for the art of healing.

My entire career in WoW was healing ever since release. My first ever character was a Resto-Sham, who I eventually sold on eBay for $700...but the itch was still there, so I made a new character when BC came out: a BE Holy Pally. Got that toon up to 70 and raided the shit out of Kara until I was as pimp as I could possibly be at that point...and stopped playing.

Cut to WotLK release, and I once again jump back in, and this time I make a DPS DK. Level that dude up to like...74...and quit again. Couldn't hold my interest.

A few months ago, I got the itch yet again!...and leveled that DK up to 80, pimped him out in ICC gear to a point (like 5500 GS) and started getting bored. DPS is fun in that you can go nuts and hold your own...but it's hard to feel like you're making a big difference. On a typical 25 person raid there are going to be something like 17+ DPS...so it's not like any one of you can really make a substantial difference on the fight. Hard to feel important.

I missed my healing. I missed getting tells about how I saved everyone's asses. I missed getting cherry picked to run instances because people knew I was the shit.

...so I picked up my 70 Pally and recently pushed him to 80.

Cut to today, and I've currently got him sitting at about 5.4K GS (with a good shield I'd be at 5.6K easily) and have run ICC only a few times, but every time I have, I've gotten those "pat on the back" type tells from various people in the group, and even get tells last night from one of the better guilds on our server that they wanted me to join them. Despite being 300GS lower than most of the healers, I was still firmly the 2nd best healer in the raid. Chalk that up to me actually trying and them being bored perhaps...but regardless my effort was noticed.

Even as I ran randoms, I get random tells from folks saying how I saved everyone's asses with a clutch BoP, or by really pushing my HPS to carry a lower group.

It feels awesome to be wanted and respected...and I never got these tells as a DPS, even if I did awesome things.

Healing to me is just more fun, even if I'm generally spamming only a few buttons. My reaction time and awareness can make or break runs, and while you could say this of any class/role (even DPS), people notice and recognize good healers and tanks.

Maybe it's cause I'm a bit of an attention whore...but being a healer has both been more fun and rewarding for me than DPSing ever was.

...and hell, I have a DPS offspec as my Pally for solo'ing stuff, so I can have the best of both worlds if I need it.

Glad I made the switch back to healing. Healing...I love you, I miss you, I'll never leave you again.


notworksafe said:
Not really. I'm not a fan of it but I get the point. Gearscore allows a PUG leader to know about what content you've played before being able to look at your gear. People want a higher GS to make sure content can be cleared quickly and easily and with a PUG you always want higher geared people then you would with a normal guild run, so they ask for a higher then normal GS.

No, it doesn't. You can get full t10 by doing nothing but heroics and weekly raids. Full t9 by doing nothing but heroics.

You can and will get retards by going purely by GS. If you want good players, look for well known guilds on the server.

Deleted member 20415

Unconfirmed Member
If any of you guys are subscribers to the WOW Magazine... have you gotten the second issue yet? It's been like many moons at this point and even though it's quarterly, it feels incredibly late at this point.

I wonder if they're delaying it because there is Cataclysm info in the magazine that Blizzard pulled back on or something.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Tacitus_ said:
You can and will get retards by going purely by GS. If you want good players, look for well known guilds on the server.
That's basically it.

I know what guilds are stupid and what guilds are generally good...and with that knowledge in combination with their GS, I can be pretty sure that the person knows what's up.

I'll never say GS isn't important (some fights require a certain amount of DPS in order to win for instance), however it certainly isn't everything. I usually set a slightly lower threshold for my groups and put more weight on guild/itemization/gemming/spec than anything. It's just hard to check that stuff for everyone.
Tacitus_ said:
No, it doesn't. You can get full t10 by doing nothing but heroics and weekly raids. Full t9 by doing nothing but heroics.

You can and will get retards by going purely by GS. If you want good players, look for well known guilds on the server.

Or use any of the other common sense tactics available. I haven't been in a well-known guild in months, but I'll still be top DPS in T9.


Using GS for heroic 5-mans is stupid. I might be able to see using it for raids, but the 5-mans are so piss easy that denying people (who have just as good a chance of being the alt of a good player as being a total idiot) based solely on their gear is stupid.


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
cdyhybrid said:
Using GS for heroic 5-mans is stupid. I might be able to see using it for raids, but the 5-mans are so piss easy that denying people (who have just as good a chance of being the alt of a good player as being a total idiot) based solely on their gear is stupid.
I just use the Dungeon Finder for all that, so it's not even a question.

For PoS, FoS or HoR, though, GS for the tank and healer are pretty important...hell for everyone. Some random pug full of 3.5K GS folks are going to have a really really tough time in those places, skilled or not.

Wouldn't stop me from running it, but I know I'd be a very bumpy road and potentially a wash.


RubxQub said:
I just use the Dungeon Finder for all that, so it's not even a question.

For PoS, FoS or HoR, though, GS for the tank and healer are pretty important...hell for everyone. Some random pug full of 3.5K GS folks are going to have a really really tough time in those places, skilled or not.

Wouldn't stop me from running it, but I know I'd be a very bumpy road and potentially a wash.

HoR is sometimes just a wash no matter what. If any role is weak (tank, dps, heals), there is not as much room for others to compensate.
RubxQub said:
I just use the Dungeon Finder for all that, so it's not even a question.

For PoS, FoS or HoR, though, GS for the tank and healer are pretty important...hell for everyone. Some random pug full of 3.5K GS folks are going to have a really really tough time in those places, skilled or not.

Wouldn't stop me from running it, but I know I'd be a very bumpy road and potentially a wash.

In the same situations though, I've had much better luck with a 3k GS healer than I have with some 4-5k.

Tanks on the other hand, just a bad situation for low gear level tanks all around, it's why I roll offspec as DPS for a while when playing a tanking class.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Yey no more awful Old World


Freyjadour said:
Or use any of the other common sense tactics available. I haven't been in a well-known guild in months, but I'll still be top DPS in T9.

No, you won't. Not a diss on you, but you won't top meters with T9 gear, not even close. Unless you play with abysmally bad players
y2dvd said:
Another noob question! How does banks work? Is it like the inventory box a la Resident Evil?

You store items in there with things you want to keep such as profession plans, spare flasks, gems, mining bars, enchanting supplies, etc. If you buy all the slots and put bags in there you'll have tons of space for stuff.


y2dvd said:
Another noob question! How does banks work? Is it like the inventory box a la Resident Evil?

Yep. There's only one bank, and all banks access that single storage space... so you won't have some item in Stormwind and be unable to get it in Ironforge, for example.

Be sure to save your old bags as well; as you unlock bank slots, they don't automatically give you more room; you need bags to put in the slots. So when you snag 12-slots or whatever, save your 6, 8, or 10s to give you more bank space. You can replace them later as you upgrade.

Edit: Also, save room for a Bank Alt. Eventually, you'll just run out of space, and a bank alt is nice to have. You can park him in a capitol and send anything you want to sell to him. That saves you trips back and forth, which comes in handy when you get to places like Northrend where there aren't any Auction Houses. It's also nice to have old resources (I save gems and metal and such), but you really don't need all of that old crap cluttering up your main characters' bank.

Then again, my main's bank has like, 3 bags full of cosmetic shit I'm hanging onto... way too many dresses :lol


y2dvd said:
Another noob question! How does banks work? Is it like the inventory box a la Resident Evil?
Nothing has any "weight", and unlike Resident Evil everything takes up a single slot. A dagger takes up as much inventory space as a breastplate. Most consumable and trade items are stackable in a single slot in quantities of either 20 (for most everything from fish to mana potions) or 1000 (for extremely frequently consumed items, such as bullets and arrows). Your personal carrying capacity is entirely determined by your bag space: you carry one "backpack" (which is always 16 slots, and you start the game with that) and up to four other bags, which can be anything from the very low end 4 slots each to the extreme high end of 24 slots each.

The bank works similarly to your personal storage. The differences are: you have 28 spaces by default, and this is expandable by up to seven bag slots, which hold the same kinds of bags you use for your personal inventory. Unlike your own inventory, you must pay in-game gold to "unlock" the extra bank bag slots- the first is 10 silver, and each after is progressively more expensive. All banks on a given server are linked, meaning you can visit any bank that's friendly to you and see your character's banked items.

Guild banks are also available which can store shared inventory for everyone in a guild. Rules for access (such as maximum number of withdrawals per guild member) may be set, and they are expandable by buying groups of slots called "tabs". They also store money. These are accessible in the same buildings as character bank accounts.


Banks are the best place to stick crafting bags, since you really only craft in towns anyway. Also, I think the "unique" (maximum of one equipped) limitation goes away for bank slots, but I've never had to use more than one crafting bag.


Retro said:
Edit: Also, save room for a Bank Alt. Eventually, you'll just run out of space, and a bank alt is nice to have. You can park him in a capitol and send anything you want to sell to him. That saves you trips back and forth, which comes in handy when you get to places like Northrend where there aren't any Auction Houses. It's also nice to have old resources (I save gems and metal and such), but you really don't need all of that old crap cluttering up your main characters' bank.

On top of that, the advanced hoarder option: Get a bunch of buddies to make a guild *just* for your bank alt; they can leave the guild as soon as it's created. Then you get a guild bank all to yourself as *well*.



RubxQub said:
That's basically it.

I know what guilds are stupid and what guilds are generally good...and with that knowledge in combination with their GS, I can be pretty sure that the person knows what's up.

I'll never say GS isn't important (some fights require a certain amount of DPS in order to win for instance), however it certainly isn't everything. I usually set a slightly lower threshold for my groups and put more weight on guild/itemization/gemming/spec than anything. It's just hard to check that stuff for everyone.
I use it as a base way to check a player. I'll look people up on the armory to see how/if they've gemmed and enchanted their gear before I take them, but it does give a decent way to see if someone is even worth looking up.

Mr Nash

square pies = communism
So, I've blown the dust off my hunter after a lengthy hiatus, and am making my way through Outlands atm. One thing that I've noticed is that my pet has an animation where it runs out of the way of explosives when I chuck them now, then after they go off runs back to the mob. Is this a new-ish animation?


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
notworksafe said:
You live in an interesting fantasy world. One where PUGs are meant to teach people how to play and love to take people who are just starting out.

The point of most PUGs is to get badges and finish an instance as soon as possible. If you want to be in an instance with accepting types and take your time, either start or join a beginning raid guild or start up a PUG meant for learning that won't have people quitting after each wipe (good luck with that).
umm.. where did I talk about wiping or people not knowing a dungeon? I was talking about lesser gear adding 2-5 minutes on to a PUG run and people getting kicked for it. Instead you started in on pretty much what was being addressed by "only elitist noob assholes care about gearscore". If as a player you really can't compensate for slightly greener slightly lesser geared players, well sorry, but you kind of suck as a player. Congrats on being able to steamroll through overgeared content to get gear slightly higher level than your already higher-than-necessary gear allowing you to get by on stats above skill. And this isn't targeted at you but the entire adolescent mindset of gearscore. Gearscore basically allows average to below average players to get as much as possible with as little skill possible. Anyone with real skill doesn't give two shits about it and knows that it's a bad player that fucks up a PUG, not a low gearscore. the ONLY thing gearscore tells you is that that person has sat through x amount of content to get x amount of gear. you are more likely to have someone with a high gearscore fuck up a run than you are someone with a low gearscore who simply didn't have the numbers to keep up. the only way that wouldn't be true is if, as is the case with most gearscore-tards, you require gear so ridiculously above the content you're doing that you could throw a 4 year old on the keyboard bashing away at keys and still clear the dungeon.


notworksafe said:
I use it as a base way to check a player. I'll look people up on the armory to see how/if they've gemmed and enchanted their gear before I take them, but it does give a decent way to see if someone is even worth looking up.
Ummm... yeah, no. Gears tells nothing about the player. Absolutely nothing.
Would you take for pug a person who has some basic WotLK heroic gear or someone geared all in T9? A second person, right?
Well, when I quit I was still meeting people that did less dps (just an example, tanking can't really be measured by normal means) than I did as fresh 80 in my late TBC gear (equivalent of wotlk hc blues). In goddamn T9. THREE TIERS LATER. AFTER ROGUES WERE BUFFED INTO DPS GODHOOD.
Measuring people by gear is dumb. Skilled people will play better in gear that's few tiers lower. That's a fact. Most of people that play are non-skilled and care only about gear and nothing else. Skill >>>> Gear, ALWAYS. Even if someone has worse gear, if he has experience he will fulfill his role better. Much better.
Gearscore, in any way used, even as a check if 'player is worth looking up' is dumb. Used by so-called elitists who can't play for shit.


borghe said:
you are more likely to have someone with a high gearscore fuck up a run than you are someone with a low gearscore who simply didn't have the numbers to keep up.

And if they don't have the numbers to keep up, they don't get to come. You can tell if they don't have the numbers to keep up because they have a low gear score.

We occasionally bring a pug to our 10 mans because someone can't make it. Gearscore weeds out people who don't belong. Someone whispers you and they have a GS of 4000, they don't get to come. I don't care how much heart they have and how they're gonna give it their best, they're outright undergeared for ICC.

We don't have hard GS requirements. Maybe that's the problem anti-GS people have. There is a solution though. Don't pug.


FLEABttn said:
And if they don't have the numbers to keep up, they don't get to come. You can tell if they don't have the numbers to keep up because they have a low gear score.

We occasionally bring a pug to our 10 mans because someone can't make it. Gearscore weeds out people who don't belong. Someone whispers you and they have a GS of 4000, they don't get to come. I don't care how much heart they have and how they're gonna give it their best, they're outright undergeared for ICC.

We don't have hard GS requirements. Maybe that's the problem anti-GS people have. There is a solution though. Don't pug.
That is either plainly obvious or ridiculous, dependent on what you mean by "low".


Evlar said:
That is either plainly obvious or ridiculous, dependent on what you mean by "low".

Both. Look at what I'm quoting.

you are more likely to have someone with a high gearscore fuck up a run than you are someone with a low gearscore who simply didn't have the numbers to keep up.

Oh, really? The guy with the low gear score can't keep? Go figure!

You mean that I can't go to Naxx 1.0 in full MC gear? Ridiculous!


My personal standard of black and white low is literally low. I'm not some GS nazi in that my guild advertises "5700+ GS required, ICC10, oh you have 5567? No raid for you!". We use the tool to keep the obviously not ready people out period, and the less ready people out of the back half/third of ICC10.


FLEABttn said:
Both. Look at what I'm quoting.

Oh, really? The guy with the low gear score can't keep? Go figure!

You mean that I can't go to Naxx 1.0 in full MC gear? Ridiculous!
Strange, you seem to be a little disconnected from the discussion, when your examples are running ICC in 4000 GS equipment and running Vanilla Naxx in MC gear. On the other side of the discussion, people are griping against Gearscore because of this:
Tacitus_ said:
Some people on my server insist on 5k gs for weekly Naxx :|
You want to comment on that or keep inventing arguments you're satisfied you can't lose?


Evlar said:
You want to comment on that or keep inventing arguments you're satisfied you can't lose?

Sure, that's stupid. The tool is used incorrectly. However...

cdyhybrid said:
Actually, it allows those who think they are elite to be anal. The truly elite either A) don't pug or B) are usually with one or two other people they know/trust and can easily steamroll the instance regardless of what you do. Gearscore discrimination is for scrubs. Period.

No, gearscore discrimination isn't for scrubs. Gearscore discrimination can be used by scrubs. It can also be used be people who need a quick glance to see if someone should be going to something or not.

Gearscore has a valid use. Some people use it wrong. If it didn't exsist, people would inspect your gear and would still require a mix of t9/t10 for Naxx. GS is the scapegoat for a gear based problem. You done riding my ass over this now?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FLEABttn said:
Both. Look at what I'm quoting.

Oh, really? The guy with the low gear score can't keep? Go figure!

You mean that I can't go to Naxx 1.0 in full MC gear? Ridiculous!


My personal standard of black and white low is literally low. I'm not some GS nazi in that my guild advertises "5700+ GS required, ICC10, oh you have 5567? No raid for you!". We use the tool to keep the obviously not ready people out period, and the less ready people out of the back half/third of ICC10.
Booya, I'm at 5702. Send invite.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FLEABttn said:
Dude, you're in.

Wait, is that the reduce disarm enchant?

Okay, you're out =|
I saw a DK with Massacre on his Citadel Enforcer's Claymore once.


FLEABttn said:
Sure, that's stupid. The tool is used incorrectly. However...

No, gearscore discrimination isn't for scrubs. Gearscore discrimination can be used by scrubs. It can also be used be people who need a quick glance to see if someone should be going to something or not.

Gearscore has a valid use. Some people use it wrong. If it didn't exsist, people would inspect your gear and would still require a mix of t9/t10 for Naxx. GS is the scapegoat for a gear based problem. You done riding my ass over this now?
Yeah, I suppose I am. I want to clarify I'm not bitching at you or your guild for employing Gearscore intelligently.

My position on Gearscore remains strongly negative. It's not that I believe it cannot be used intelligently (it can). I do believe it is difficult to use it intelligently because it is in fact a very poor tool for accomplishing the supposed goal: to find characters well enough equipped to be capable of clearing whatever content your group is attempting. What does 5000 GS mean for the important stats of, say, a hunter? What does 5000 GS tell you about the damage mitigation and threat control of a Pally tank as compared to a 4800 Warrior tank? Why, exactly, would a pug of 24 characters with over 5400 GS looking for one last healer to fill out the raid need that healer to also have 5400 GS?

Gearscore gives pug leaders the confidence to judge who is capable of running with a raid, regardless of class, spec, or even role (tank, DPS, healer). The fault is that in most cases that I see it is a false confidence because a single unreferenced, dimensionless number like Gearscore cannot replace an understanding of the game mechanics throughout those classes, specs, and raid roles.


I haven't played in weeks. Guild is working on Heroic LK. I am actually happier without playing WoW, having my weeknights available to do what I please is awesome (SC2, Battlefield, Heroes of Newerth).

Thank god I'm just a rogue and didn't cripple them by not showing up for 2 weeks, but I was consistently top DPS on a lot of fights .... but it really just goes to show that my DPS as a whole doesn't matter as they just replaced me with someone who can do say 500 less DPS than me and everything is kosher.

Now all this damn Cataclysm crap is popping up and I spent at least an hour or 2 last night looking at all the zones and how they changed. Looking like I'm going to have to level a Worgen warrior (my first and loved class) come Cata.


Evlar said:
Yeah, I suppose I am. I want to clarify I'm not bitching at you or your guild for employing Gearscore intelligently.

My position on Gearscore remains strongly negative. It's not that I believe it cannot be used intelligently (it can). I do believe it is difficult to use it intelligently because it is in fact a very poor tool for accomplishing the supposed goal: to find characters well enough equipped to be capable of clearing whatever content your group is attempting. What does 5000 GS mean for the important stats of, say, a hunter? What does 5000 GS tell you about the damage mitigation and threat control of a Pally tank as compared to a 4800 Warrior tank? Why, exactly, would a pug of 24 characters with over 5400 GS looking for one last healer to fill out the raid need that healer to also have 5400 GS?

Gearscore gives pug leaders the confidence to judge who is capable of running with a raid, regardless of class, spec, or even role (tank, DPS, healer). The fault is that in most cases that I see it is a false confidence because a single unreferenced, dimensionless number like Gearscore cannot replace an understanding of the game mechanics throughout those classes, specs, and raid roles.

I understand and generally agree with you. It's how it's used that makes a difference. You can be after a healer with 5400GS for the back half of ICC, but if they're 5350, whatever, you're not going to notice the difference. GearScore doesn't tell you if someone is good or not. We use it to save time. You're either too low (and an intelligent too low, 5k GS for Naxx is retarded) and we don't inspect you, or you're high enough to warrant an inspection. There are no auto-ins for having a high gear score (unless maybe, maybe, you break 5900, which means you're doing heroic ICC).

Though GS is still, by itself, tool. Without it we'd still have "oh, he only has SSC gear? Well he's not going to come to our Karazhan run" (yes, I've seen this).

Macattk15 said:
I haven't played in weeks. Guild is working on Heroic LK. I am actually happier without playing WoW, having my weeknights available to do what I please is awesome (SC2, Battlefield, Heroes of Newerth).

Cata may suit you well then. 10 man popularity will probably take off because of the gear parity, and there's an awful lot more flexibility when it comes to those guilds. We're not doing heroic ICC10 yet, but we're 11/12 from raiding 5-10 hours a week. I suspect there will be more guilds like that in the future.


Macattk15 said:
Thank god I'm just a rogue and didn't cripple them by not showing up for 2 weeks, but I was consistently top DPS on a lot of fights .... but it really just goes to show that my DPS as a whole doesn't matter as they just replaced me with someone who can do say 500 less DPS than me and everything is kosher.

not to mention that they keep nerfing the instance, 15% soon to be 20%, so dps checks are no longer dps checks

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
yacobod said:
not to mention that they keep nerfing the instance, 15% soon to be 20%, so dps checks are no longer dps checks
Turn the buff off and be pro


yacobod said:
not to mention that they keep nerfing the instance, 15% soon to be 20%, so dps checks are no longer dps checks

Heroic LK is prety hard, even with 15% buff. The DPS check is there, the Healing check is there and the tank check is there.

I love the fight

Edit : Btw who's your char on Illidan? I'm in RR so I'm curious
Fularu said:
No, you won't. Not a diss on you, but you won't top meters with T9 gear, not even close. Unless you play with abysmally bad players

Yeah, I guess I'm rigging the meters or something. I'm not talking about doing ICC with folks in T10, I'm talking about random pugs of a mix of folks in 232 to T10. They don't have to be abysmally bad for this to happen, but the point of all this is that arbitrary GS bars aren't a good alternative to good old common sense.


CassSept said:
Ummm... yeah, no. Gears tells nothing about the player. Absolutely nothing.
Would you take for pug a person who has some basic WotLK heroic gear or someone geared all in T9? A second person, right?
Well, when I quit I was still meeting people that did less dps (just an example, tanking can't really be measured by normal means) than I did as fresh 80 in my late TBC gear (equivalent of wotlk hc blues). In goddamn T9. THREE TIERS LATER. AFTER ROGUES WERE BUFFED INTO DPS GODHOOD.
Measuring people by gear is dumb. Skilled people will play better in gear that's few tiers lower. That's a fact. Most of people that play are non-skilled and care only about gear and nothing else. Skill >>>> Gear, ALWAYS. Even if someone has worse gear, if he has experience he will fulfill his role better. Much better.
Gearscore, in any way used, even as a check if 'player is worth looking up' is dumb. Used by so-called elitists who can't play for shit.
Christ. Same GS argument comes up every few pages. Guess what? People have nothing else to judge you on. When running a PUG I go with people I assume can do well and switch them out if they are shit. Yes, I'm more likely to take someone with better gear (assuming it is properly gemmed and enchanted). Maybe it sucks for you, but if you are so skilled then it won't be hard for you to get good gear quickly, right?

That all being said, I usually run with just guild people. PUGs are more trouble then they are worth, for this exact reason.


I'm free 2night after my LARPing guild meets.
I think gearscore has become a great trolling weapon. I know a tank who almost every day gets on one of his toons and forms some kind of 25 man with stupidly high requirements and listens to people prattle on about how awesome they are in tells. After forming his group he then heads in a ways and then starts yelling "HERP DERP DERP HOW DOES I TANK!" and wipes the group over and over until they all leave.

What's sad is most of the server knows he's being an ass, yet as soon as he says "Pst with cheevs and GS" they are drawn in like junkies and can't help themselves spamming their GS all over.


I haven't run into anything related to Gearscore yet. What is the recommended GS of a 55 Melee DPS Shammy and how do you check what your score is (is it a /slash command?)?


emomoonbase said:
I think gearscore has become a great trolling weapon. I know a tank who almost every day gets on one of his toons and forms some kind of 25 man with stupidly high requirements and listens to people prattle on about how awesome they are in tells. After forming his group he then heads in a ways and then starts yelling "HERP DERP DERP HOW DOES I TANK!" and wipes the group over and over until they all leave.

What's sad is most of the server knows he's being an ass, yet as soon as he says "Pst with cheevs and GS" they are drawn in like junkies and can't help themselves spamming their GS all over.
I think that is great. To troll all the pricks. ..Assuming when he makes a real pug he's not a GS dick..


He measures in centimeters
GS works well on the extremes. If I'm putting together a PUG 10man I'll take the 6000+GS over the 5500GS every time if everything else is equal (ie i don't know either player). With 6k the player is going to know the fights and have carried their weight without getting kicked at some point. I also know that the 4900GS player is looking to be carried.

Its a good tool. BTW, it also tells you how many bosses in each instance that they've beaten.

Actually, what blows me away more than poor use of gearscore is raid leaders thinking they need very specific classes. Can't tell you the times I (feral dps) have been turned down for a spot for a fury warrior or ret pally or rogue with vastly inferior gearscores. I can guarantee you I'll do 30% more damage than the scrub they end up rolling with and yet they insist. Okay....


GS tells you what it tells you. An achievement tells you what it tells you. But the important thing is how well you preformed. Currently the only way you know someone's performance for sure is if a good player you work with recommends them or you do a try out.

Stats play an important role in sports.

Why not official raid stats?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gattsu25 said:
I haven't run into anything related to Gearscore yet. What is the recommended GS of a 55 Melee DPS Shammy and how do you check what your score is (is it a /slash command?)?
It's a number compiled by adding up the item levels of your gear with certain items having more weight, i.e. weapons.

It's nothing more than a calculator and it only works on 80s since nobody cares about gear for characters under 80.


Ahh. So it's based on (weighted) item levels? That's...it?

And yeah, I found out it was an outside tool shortly after posting that question (same site that notworksafe posted).

I should have edited my previous post but got a little excited by the CS:S Beta thread in gaming (too late to join the beta though, damn)

DeathNote said:
GS tells you what it tells you. An achievement tells you what it tells you. But the important thing is how well you preformed. Currently the only way you know someone's performance for sure is if a good player you work with recommends them or you do a try out.

Stats play an important role in sports.

Why not official raid stats?
That doesn't sound like a bad idea but maybe there would have to be a cap on the number of trips to a specific instance so that the tool tracks their recent and not lifetime performance to give a better view of their recent skill. (so it benefits players to improve because their successful runs will eventually erase their learning stumbles) Track the number of times the person died and wiped on a raid, the number of runs they did on the instance, and the average percentage of bosses they killed?

I've only run 5 man instances using the LFD tool but I can see this type of tracking being interesting, though I wouldn't use it to deny players but just to know if I should expect a rough ride.

While I could see that as being useful I could also see substantial potential for people to be denied based solely on their lack of experience. Oh well. I still like the sound of that.


Gattsu25 said:
Ahh. So it's based on (weighted) item levels? That's...it?

And yeah, I found out it was an outside tool shortly after posting that question (same site that notworksafe posted).

I should have edited my previous post but got a little excited by the CS:S Beta thread in gaming (too late to join the beta though, damn)
It's also an in game addon. Where you can hover a player and see it, if they have it installed. Or see it in chat.
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