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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Gattsu25 said:
Ahh. So it's based on (weighted) item levels? That's...it?

And yeah, I found out it was an outside tool shortly after posting that question (same site that notworksafe posted).

I should have edited my previous post but got a little excited by the CS:S Beta thread in gaming (too late to join the beta though, damn)

edit:That doesn't sound like a bad idea but maybe there would have to be a cap on the number of trips to a specific instance so that the tool tracks their recent and not lifetime performance to give a better view of their recent skill. (so it benefits players to improve because their successful runs will eventually erase their learning stumbles) Track the number of times the person died and wiped on a raid, the number of runs they did on the instance, and the average percentage of bosses they killed?

I've only run 5 man instances using the LFD tool but I can see this type of tracking being interesting, though I wouldn't use it to deny players but just to know if I should expect a rough ride.

While I could see that as being useful I could also see substantial potential for people to be denied based solely on their lack of experience. Oh well. I still like the sound of that.
I don't think anything is even really weighted other than weapon and whether you have two of them (in which case each weapon has a penalty)


I'm free 2night after my LARPing guild meets.
keeblerdrow said:
One of the DKs in my guild put 3 spirit gems and beastslayer on his fancy new Shadowmourne just to piss people off.

Haha, that's awesome. I remember a guy on my first server who put spellpower enchants on his war glaives from BT, and would link them in trade just to watch people flip their lids.


Lost all credibility.
So yeah MMO Champion was forced by Blizzard to remove all the Alpha leaks.

At the end of the day I'm glad Blizz took a stand, I'd rather they choose how exactly to reveal stuff.


I don't really care if you use GS for pugging ICC, since trying to raid even with good people is a pain in the ass. But using it to keep people out of Naxx and 5-mans (no experience with the Icecrown 5-mans, so I can't comment on those) is stupid. Shit like "LF DPS for H UK, 839468346 GS or above" is what I'm talking about. Give me a decent tank and healer and it doesn't matter who is DPSing.


I missed out on all the gear score stuff, it wont bug me much because I dont pug, but I still remember a close friend of mine doing Naxx pugs and Vault pugs and out DPSing everyone in there as a Mage alt in blues. Pugs are pugs ,regardless of gear. Folks should just get a rockin' 10 man/rated BG guild in cata and have fun that way.

People "requiring" gear for heroics is fucking madness though. If you aren't completely certifiable, you can steamroll most of the heroics the moment you hit 80. But then again, after all of the bitching I heard about how The Oculus was "too hard", im not terribly shocked.

I wish cata would come out earlier than wotlk did, I really wanna make my goblin and level! damned leaks.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
cdyhybrid said:
Shit like "LF DPS for H UK, 839468346 GS or above" is what I'm talking about. Give me a decent tank and healer and it doesn't matter who is DPSing.
Never seen this in my life. Everyone just uses dungeon finder for five mans now.


Really Really Exciting Member!
GS doesn't mean shit when a DK DPS with a GS of 5k can't even do 2k on Recount. Or a shaman with 5.6k that can't even do 3k.

When i see people saying in trade "LFM for Naxx/Ulduar, 5.2K GS min"..



Thx guys for the replies on the bank. Some good advice there. I just wished I asked earlier bc I already sold a bunch of items I couldve used later. Oh well now I know. :D

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Trying to tank after not doing it for months is an adventure. I couldn't remember where any of my buttons were and just whacked as many keys as I could.


I wonder if they're ever going to find a way to make ret paladin actually engaging, since they claimed to want to give it a rotation in cataclysm. I'd be fine with giving it some other melee strike at 31 or 41 ret (or even earlier) and making abilities do extra damage if judgements are present, or having some kind of set-up attack that causes judgements to deal extra damage, and then another strike that does more damage if a judgement is present.


Gearscore? In here again? :lol

I'm for and against it in ways. If someone is off by a wide margain, they can't cut the numbers needed to progress through a raid, thus they don't belong there. Like it or not, it's not really "bring the player" in the slightest. There are exceptions, yes. I know some people same class as others that will out dps them or run comparable to them with 500-800gs less. But there's a point where gear is all that.

You can be the best player in the game, but if you don't have the gear to allow you the opportunity to do the task needed, you're out of luck, and you don't belong there.

I won't argue that there are some really bad/dumb players that got carried though. I've seen some real fail 5500+gs players. They fail in heroics even, not just in raids.

GS is there to give you a baseline of potential, nothing more, nothing less.

Sad to see MMO-champ cave in. What sucks is the current content is beat to hell, and any news relating to new content helps lift up your spirits to keep playing. Now though, with stuff on lockdown, it's going to be hard not to freeze my account until then. Just not enough fresh content to keep me playing much longer. Really burnt out on it.


Dance In My Blood said:
Never seen this in my life. Everyone just uses dungeon finder for five mans now.

I'm sure it's pretty much extinct now with the random dungeon thing, but when I was still playing on Whisperwind just before 3.3, there were a not insignificant amount of groups/people that would advertise GS requirements for heroics or Naxx10. Unfortunately, my guild wasn't very helpful with consistently providing groupmates, and all of this combined with the excruciating wait for ICC and the absolute boredom that was ToC pretty much forced me to quit and want to never look back.


Screenshot of the day:


Gronn at Grim Batol?


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
Outland has been a refreshing change of pace so far, quest reward are actually usefull, quest are nice and close together and Fel Reavers scare the shit out of me.


Dance In My Blood said:
Never seen this in my life. Everyone just uses dungeon finder for five mans now.

I've seen it happen *once* people are inside, though, with people ragequitting if someone is 'too low'. I'm not one of them; I'm happy I can carry just about any group through any heroic (except Halls of Reflection) without much hassle, although I do cry a little inside if I'm top DPS as the tank. Which, if I am, is usually with groups of much better gearscore than can ever hope to justify it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
mclem said:
I've seen it happen *once* people are inside, though, with people ragequitting if someone is 'too low'. I'm not one of them; I'm happy I can carry just about any group through any heroic (except Halls of Reflection) without much hassle, although I do cry a little inside if I'm top DPS as the tank. Which, if I am, is usually with groups of much better gearscore than can ever hope to justify it.
Guess I'm just lucky I haven't run into anyone taking them too seriously. As long as we're moving fast the DPS difference doesn't seem to be too dramatic between players at this point in the games lifecycle.

And oh god, HOR. Worst time there tonight as a tank. At this point I would have taken halved DPS if players could just focus fire and dispell/interrupt.


9/10 NeoGAFfers don't understand statistics. The other 3/10 don't care.
When I was bear tanking I used raid icons to help players, the skull ment FOCUS FIRE and I still had people who would ignore the skulled caster and attack some other random target.


Hahaha we were sorta doing that yesterday when I was doing an instance. We were avoiding totems most of the fights, making the run way difficult. Now I know to target them immediately.


What a dummy! I decided to restore my phone because it was acting up and forgot to the remove the Mobile Authenticator from my account before I did so. Now my serial number is different so I can't log in! At least I have my old one in my gmail account.

So take this as a reminder to email yourself your Authenticator serial number!


Xabora said:
Which one?
3.3.5 premade. it from not showing the premades, to having an error after copy, to saying the copy was successful but still having 4 left. haven't tried today.

according to http://www.wowhead.com/blog=155920 as of an hour ago..
Patch version:
Test servers: Maintenance (US & Europe)
Character copy: Not operative (US & Europe)
Last updated: 1.30PM GMT"


DeathNote said:
read this question on another forum.

"why the hell is rexxar still in blades edge "

he really needs to gtfo. fuck that place.

With Orcs beeing very keen on blood purity, I would be surprised if Rexxar could do anything with Garrosh in charge, no matter how much of a badass he is.

Also he's a hunter, and we all know that hunters roflstomp warriors so it would be unfair for Garrosh to face him.


Rexxar can come back when they add ogres to the horde in another couple expansions. By then, Garrosh will be kicked out and maybe Rexxar or someone else can be the new warchief.


Water is not wet!
Acidote said:
Screenshot of the day:


Gronn at Grim Batol?[/QUOTE]
Black dragons probably a little pissed at all the heads the Gronn took :lol


firex said:
Rexxar can come back when they add ogres to the horde in another couple expansions. By then, Garrosh will be kicked out and maybe Rexxar or someone else can be the new warchief.
how many expansions are there going to be?


DeathNote said:
how many expansions are there going to be?

As many as they can before the opportunity cost of using the dev time elsewhere increases.

Which probably means many more. Everquest only has like 200k subscribers or something like that and they just put out their 16th expansion back in December.


FLEABttn said:
As many as they can before the opportunity cost of using the dev time elsewhere increases.

Which probably means many more. Everquest only has like 200k subscribers or something like that and they just put out their 16th expansion back in December.
Any news on the new mmo? The whole the sims/fps is not what I expected. I want a RPG that's visually stunning.

But, it seems like creating an epic mythology like Warcraft would be a lot of work for a similar scale mmorpg.

So, that makes me think, they update the wow graphics majorly/completely in the future? Or create a new epic narrative?


DeathNote said:
Any news on the new mmo? The whole the sims/fps is not what I expected. I want a RPG that's visually stunning.

Blizz's MMO? I'd put money on them announcing it this Blizzcon or next. It's been in pre-production/production since 2005/2006.

So, that makes me think, they update the wow graphics majorly/completely in the future? Or create a new epic narrative?

They'll continuously improve the graphics in WoW as long as it makes business sense to. Though I'm not expecting some huge, drastic, amazing total overhaul, more like new/updated models, maybe some new textures (rebuilt Stormwind has some new texture work iirc, but I still think it's designed with the low end machines in mind), and new optional effects. Motion blur in the future? Who knows. I just wouldn't hold my breath for WoW looking like a game made in 2010, ever.

They'll keep added new story. Maybe a new story arch for the expac after Cata. They're running out of old lore to go back to it seems.


Loves the Greater Toronto Area
Angry Grimace said:
Trying to tank after not doing it for months is an adventure. I couldn't remember where any of my buttons were and just whacked as many keys as I could.
I have an ever more harrowing tale.. I haven't played my Fury warrior in probably almost a year in earnest... So now with LFD I decided I was going to give tanking a try... NEVER EVER EVER tanked before. he's 68, so first I selected a lower level dungeon that I knew like the back of my hand (underbog) and decided to tank that with LFD... glad I did... I lost aggro a few times and really had to crash course myself in how to get aggro, hold it, run after mobs who broke it, etc.

after doing that twice I went to a random dungeon (Setthik Halls or whatever) and actually did the best yet. Let people know I was still learning to tank on this guy after playing fury for 68 levels... just yell if I lost a nasty mob... everyone was really cool about it and actually complimented me after the run saying I did a great job..

still sticking with the mage for now, but after hitting FB for like 40000000000 times per dungeon, it was nice to get out there and play a character that actually requires some thought on what needs to be done. Heck, even playing my old shaman in vanilla was practiaclly braindead... just keep healing the tank while occasionally topping off a DPS that gets a little too overzealous in their DPS.

DeathNote said:
Any news on the new mmo? The whole the sims/fps is not what I expected. I want a RPG that's visually stunning.
hello... have you met blizzard before? :p Seriously, they have some of the most brilliant art directors in the world at times, but unfortunately (or fortunately I guess) their graphics engine group almost prides themselves on offering up modern games that run on modest specs. I'd love for Blizzard's artists to be able to take a shot at a game running on a crysis-sized engine... but unless there's a massive change in blizzard's methodology, it simply isn't happening.

notworksafe said:
What a dummy! I decided to restore my phone because it was acting up and forgot to the remove the Mobile Authenticator from my account before I did so. Now my serial number is different so I can't log in! At least I have my old one in my gmail account.

So take this as a reminder to email yourself your Authenticator serial number!
sort of... they'll accept either the serial number or any of the CD keys on the account. according to the rep I talked to that is the minimum required.. but yeah... if you are planning on doing ANYTHING with your phone, remove the authenticator from your account first. this will save you a trip to blizzard customer support hell (I believe the 5th ring). for iphone users especially this means never ever ever ever ever even accidentally uninstall the app..


While the Cataclysm updates to many of the professions are still deep in development, we wanted to share some of the work that's been going on, as well as a high-level look at any lessons learned or changes to their underlying philosophies during the design process. Please be aware that not all professions have the same extent of information available right now, but each is receiving the same love and attention as the next.

Take heed of these teasers as you look forward to your new rank of Illustrious Grand Master!

Please enjoy!

-Perks will continue to exist across all professions, and will upgraded appropriately.

Blacksmithing, Leatherworking, and Tailoring
- Many of the green (and possibly some blue) items made during the process of leveling these professions will contain random stats. In most examples, two stats on these items will be set, and two will be random. The idea with these items is to mix up the skill leveling items so you're not just, for example, creating 10 pairs of boots that are all exactly the same.

- Superior-quality items that require more materials than other recipes in the same skill range provide multiple skill-ups. For example, if a recipe takes three times the reagents, it will give you three skill-ups.

-We didn't feel like we were getting much flexibility from specializations, so they have been removed for all three of these professions. The intent was to help people diversify their profession to feel different from that of other players, but through other professions we've found systems that work better to this end, such as simply making recipes available that you can earn over time.

-To follow up the previous change, all items that required a specialization are now useable by anyone.

-Tailoring the high-end Cataclysm items will center around a single cloth type that can be crafted through five different recipes -- each with their own material components and a long cooldown.

-All three professions will create their starter sets of PVP gear, which will be upgraded with new recipes every season. In general, these are meant to keep pace as an entry-level PvP set below whatever the current Hero Point set is.

- New elixirs will be about 75% as strong as flasks. So you can get more total stat points with two elixirs, but flasks will still be the best at giving you a single offensive or defensive stat.

- New unique material used by nearly all high-level recipes will be created by alchemists on a one-day cooldown.

- New Mysterious Potion created with common materials restores health and mana in a massively random range, as well as sometimes granting the benefit of another potion. The health and mana range is from 1-20,000 and is able to crit. The minimum amount restored, however, is scaled upwards by the Alchemy skill, making it a great choice for alchemists to keep for themselves.

- All potions and elixirs now use the same basic vial type. Flasks still use a fancy vial.

- New Alchemist Stone.

In general, material component costs for most recipes are more moderate in how much they require, while the highest-end recipes will still require large quantities. The goal of this change is to make the leveling recipes more consistent and not create unintended roadblocks in getting to the higher skill levels.
An enchanter vanity pet is being added.

New Cataclysm weapon enchantment preview:
- Avalanche -- Chance to deal Nature damage on melee hit/spell hit.
- Elemental Slayer -- As expected, this enchantment helps players deal devastating damage to elemental creatures.
- Hurricane -- A stacking haste proc.
- Heartsong -- Mana regeneration through increased Spirit when chain-casting spells.
- Many more maximum-level enchantments are still in progress.

- Engineering is still being designed, but expect new unpredictable gadgets to use on yourself or enemies. Toys, explosives, and even a new vanity pet or two. Oh, and powerful mechanical bows and crossbows in addition to guns.

-In general, we want Engineering to remain a tradeskill mainly focused on creating fun or useful gadgets for the engineer, but we are exploring options for items that can be sold to other players for profit.


- With the large number of class changes coming with Cataclysm, many existing glyphs will see new functionality.

- Minor glyphs are woefully uneven from one class to the next right now, so they're a focus for us to clean them up and try to ensure that everyone has minor glyphs they're excited about.

- New Darkmoon Cards will be added, with hopes they'll all be as awesome as the Greatness card.

- We'll be adding more major glyphs as well, but in the hopes of making them as balanced as possible, we'll likely wait until after the expansion ships to add any for the new abilities in Cataclysm.

- New and more desirable off-hand and relic recipes will be added.

- Some gem colors have changed! Hit is now blue. Mastery and Dodge are yellow. Intellect is now red. These simple changes have created a much more diverse matrix of gem cuts.

- New Jewelcrafting dailies will be introduced.

- Many cuts are being added to support the new Mastery stat.

- Some new Cataclysm jewelry recipes have completely random properties, and can sometimes create superior and epic versions.

- Jewelcrafters will have some fun new (and potentially lucrative) vanity items, including fist weapons, rhinestone sunglasses, monocles, and stardust (sprinkle on players for entertainment).

Herbalism, Skinning, and Mining
- All Cataclysm herbs have the chance of containing Volatile Life.
- There won't be a new Lotus equivalent in Cataclysm. Alchemists will use the more reliably-found Volatile Life to create the new high level flasks.

Herb Example: "Heartblossom -- Named for its deep red color, this delicate flower grows close to the ground, and always in pairs. If one blossom is taken, the other flower begins to wilt immediately and dies soon after. It is considered very unlucky to disturb a Heartblossom without blessing it first."

- Savage Leather, the basic Cataclysm leather, can be gathered from most creatures found in the expansion areas and can be converted to Heavy Savage Leather at a 6:1 rate.

-Pristine Hide, the rare Cataclysm hide, can be found when skinning creatures in the expansion areas, or be converted from Heavy Savage Leather.

- Obsidian is the new common mineral found when mining in Cataclysm, and can contain gems, Volatile Fire, and Volatile Shadow.

- Elementium is the new uncommon mineral found when mining in Cataclysm, and can contain gems, Volatile Fire, Volatile Water, or Volatile Earth.

- Pyrite is the new rare mineral found when mining in Cataclysm, and can contain gems and Volatile Fire.

- Previous Elementium Ore and Bar used for classic quests will be renamed to Elementium Ingot and Hardened Elementium Bar.

- We like the gathering perks as they are; not a game-changing bonus but something themed and fun. But as all tradeskills are in the design stages these are still being discussed to a degree.

- Cooking is still in the early stages, but we plan on continuing with daily quests, feasts, and some fun new recipes.

- We liked the cooking dailies that had players picking up items that spawned in the world near the quest giver, so most if not all new cooking dailies will work similarly.

First Aid
- Bandages will have a short cast time and put a heal over time effect on the target for 8 seconds. This effect is broken by damage.

-Three new bandages! That's right: THREE!

Bandage preview:"Dense Embersilk Bandage" Heals for 34,800 over 8 seconds. Requires 3 Embersilk to create.

- Lots of new fish and other fun items to catch! Fish are still used to make premium food.
- New fishing dailies.



Retro said:
- Engineering is still being designed, but expect new unpredictable gadgets to use on yourself or enemies. Toys, explosives, and even a new vanity pet or two. Oh, and powerful mechanical bows and crossbows in addition to guns.

-In general, we want Engineering to remain a tradeskill mainly focused on creating fun or useful gadgets for the engineer, but we are exploring options for items that can be sold to other players for profit.

Blizzard: "We don't know if we'll ever figure out how we want this profession to work."

Yes...FFS yes. Please give us more things to make money with. Weapons sound cool. Hopefully they will be useful for longer than they were in WotLK.


If Dense Embersilk Bandage corresponds to the maximum HP pools the same way Dense Frostweave Bandage corresponds to WOTLK's maximum HP pools, we're talking 170 000 HP for people that have 20 000 HP now. D:


notworksafe said:
Christ. Same GS argument comes up every few pages. Guess what? People have nothing else to judge you on. When running a PUG I go with people I assume can do well and switch them out if they are shit. Yes, I'm more likely to take someone with better gear (assuming it is properly gemmed and enchanted). Maybe it sucks for you, but if you are so skilled then it won't be hard for you to get good gear quickly, right?

That all being said, I usually run with just guild people. PUGs are more trouble then they are worth, for this exact reason.
Stop using GearScore. Get more info to go on.

Seriously, if you're using gearscore "properly", there are far better tools. And the more people switch away from GS, the faster it'll go away, and maybe we'll eventually be free of these stupid arguments every few pages.



- Yay, no more Blacksmith / Leatherworker / Tailor specialization.

- Crafting now producing the 'starter' PVP set, and that set constantly being updated with each season, is pretty smart. PVPers will be able to craft or buy a set of standardized gear, setting a minimum expected gear level for each season. No excuse to wear scrub gear in any Arena or Rated BG.

- "New unique material used by nearly all high-level recipes will be created by alchemists on a one-day cooldown." is probably going to go away fast. Seems like they haven't learned not to throw artificial delays into crafting. And why Alchemy? That's like the one high-demand item that every single raid needs.

- I'm with Askandi, they still have no idea what niche Engineering is meant for. At least they're adding bows and crossbows, maybe the forum brats will stop demanding a Woodworking / Lumberjacking profession combo... but probably not.

- Jewelcrafted Sunglasses will be in huge demand now that we have Human Hunters. Ugh. If Tailors get Trench Coat recipes, I am quitting.

- The new Metals sound easy enough to manage. A big laugh at Fools Gold being the new Titanium :lol.

- Bandages being changed is a good thing. Now you apply it quickly and try to avoid taking damage over the HoT duration. Neat.

- Holy Fuck at Embersilk Bandages. That's almost as much HP as my Tankadin has right now (I think, I haven't played in weeks).

- That's all the news on Fishing? I thought it was getting completely redone... no?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
They should make it so my Rivendare's Deathcharger can fly in Cataclysm.

It's the only truly rare mount I own but I only really use it in Dalaran where I can't fly.


All three professions will create their starter sets of PVP gear, which will be upgraded with new recipes every season. In general, these are meant to keep pace as an entry-level PvP set below whatever the current Hero Point set is.

That is really good stuff, I've been wanting something like that since the seasonal fare came into existence. Good for folks who like alts and respecing.

Fuck yeah at the Lotus Removal! Hooray!


arhra said:
Stop using GearScore. Get more info to go on.

Seriously, if you're using gearscore "properly", there are far better tools. And the more people switch away from GS, the faster it'll go away, and maybe we'll eventually be free of these stupid arguments every few pages.
Laggy, unpleasant, and unneeded addon. All I need GS for is knowing if they meet a base level of gear (i.e. not wearing greens to a VoA or ICC). Anything else is better checked in the armory or by doing a /inspect.

Retro said:
- "New unique material used by nearly all high-level recipes will be created by alchemists on a one-day cooldown." is probably going to go away fast. Seems like they haven't learned not to throw artificial delays into crafting. And why Alchemy? That's like the one high-demand item that every single raid needs.
It'll go away, but not right away. Blizzard probably wants crafters to be able to make some good gold from their creations at the beginning of the expansion, but they'll phase it out near the middle or end when there is less gold to be made from it.


I don't see a problem with quickly checking someone's gearscore to make sure their DPS output will be good enough for the content. Complaining about GS is ignoring the underlying problem... end game WoW.

Why do people check your GS for heroics? Because they want to get through those 5mans ASAP for more badges. You are rewarded for flying through heroics as fast as you possibly can.

Possible WoW player thought process:
I get home from work and have my sights set on a chest piece that will up my DPS... I want to get it before I go out to dinner so I run as many heroics as I can in a two hour timespan. Do I care about anyone else in the game? Not really because the game doesn't demand that of me. Because of that I want the best players for the job in every heroic I run. Like I said, I got two hours to collect those badges and since there is no cap on how many you can earn at any given time, Blizzard is essentially rewarding speed.

Personally I'm not completely selfish... I'll toss a random lowbie 10 gold if I think he could really use it, I'll help carry people through heroics and even whisper hints and helpful ideas to them (not through party chat though) and I think I'm an overall pretty decent person to play with. But that is not rewarded in-game at all. Can it be? Should it be? I cant say... but my point is you can bitch about GS all you want and Blizzard can even find a way to make that score invalid but the playerbase WILL find something else as long as the game is focused around "do something 50 times to get better so you can do something slightly harder 50 more times to get something better etc".


Interfectum said:
Personally I'm not completely selfish... I'll toss a random lowbie 10 gold if I think he could really use it, I'll help carry people through heroics and even whisper hints and helpful ideas to them (not through party chat though) and I think I'm an overall pretty decent person to play with. But that is not rewarded in-game at all. Can it be? Should it be? I cant say... but my point is you can bitch about GS all you want and Blizzard can even find a way to make that score invalid but the playerbase WILL find something else as long as the game is focused around "do something 50 times to get better so you can do something slightly harder 50 more times to get something better etc".
For Heroic 5's I never bother with GS. As long as someone is 80, that's good enough for me. I do about 4k DPS as a tank so I can help carry anyone as long as the healer is good.

I don't often give lowbies gold, but I will sometimes. Usually I send them on a chore or something for it. Perhaps it's not the nicest thing ever, but I find it kinda funny.
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