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World of Warcraft

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You will now retain up to 15 rage points when changing stances.
Tactical Mastery – This talent now increases the amount of rage retained when switching stances by 2/4/6/8/10.

If that is true, this is fucking retarded.. that makes Tactical mastery next to useless.. 5 talents points for 10 rages points? WTF is that crap, good way to nerf warriors.. after def in 1.7, we'll have tactical mastery nerfed as well? thank you


Tritroid said:
Looks like no patch today. :(

Paladins am cry for another whole week. :(

Patch don'T come out before the maintenance begins.. which is right now...

Dunno, maybe it will be out, maybe not, but many signs point to yes :(
Fularu said:
If that is true, this is fucking retarded.. that makes Tactical mastery next to useless.. 5 talents points for 10 rages points? WTF is that crap, good way to nerf warriors.. after def in 1.7, we'll have tactical mastery nerfed as well? thank you
How is this a nerf? This would be awesome... I was a bit tired of doing the generic Arms tree build only because I couldn't live without Tactical Mastery. It IS way, way too good of a talent as it is now, you can't live without it.


Fularu said:
If that is true, this is fucking retarded.. that makes Tactical mastery next to useless.. 5 talents points for 10 rages points? WTF is that crap, good way to nerf warriors.. after def in 1.7, we'll have tactical mastery nerfed as well? thank you

I know it fucking sucks if true. Not content with nerfing our retaliation in 1.7, they have to go ahead and nerf our tactical mastery in 1.8 as well. Hell, I'm already having problems waiting for 30 rage for MS to come up and then accidentally switching stances and having my rage drop down to 25. It isn't too much of a problem only losing 5 rage because it can be quickly regained and I can hit the MS, but losing 15 is ridiculous; and there's a lot of other shit that uses more than 15 rage spread throughout the three stances too.

Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
How is this a nerf? This would be awesome... I was a bit tired of doing the generic Arms tree build only because I couldn't live without Tactical Mastery. It IS way, way too good of a talent as it is now, you can't live without it.

Exactly, unless you're content to be protection speced you can't. Maybe if bloodthirst wasn't so useless the fury tree would be an option but since it is useless, cutting down tactical mastery like this is a nasty nerf.


xabre said:
I know it fucking sucks if true. Not content with nerfing our retaliation in 1.7, they have to go ahead and nerf our tactical mastery in 1.8 as well. Hell, I'm already having problems waiting for 30 rage for MS to come up and then accidentally switching stances and having my rage drop down to 25. It isn't too much of a problem only losing 5 rage because it can be quickly regained and I can hit the MS, but losing 15 is ridiculous; and there's a lot of other shit that uses more than 15 rage spread through the three stances too.

Wait a sec now. Assuming this is true, when the patch goes live, you'll have exactly the same amount of rage -switching stances- as you did before the patch. How exactly is that a nerf?
xabre said:
Exactly, unless you're content to be protection speced you can't. Maybe if bloodthirst wasn't so useless the fury tree would be an option but since it is useless, cutting down tactical mastery like this is a nasty nerf.
? I'm still not seeing a single nerf here. If you had 5 points in Tactical Mastery before, and 5 points in Tactical Mastery after these 1.8 notes, nothing has changed at all. This is only so that it's feasible to not have to choose Tactical Mastery to be a useful warrior at all. I like it a lot.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
? I'm still not seeing a single nerf here. If you had 5 points in Tactical Mastery before, and 5 points in Tactical Mastery after these 1.8 notes, nothing has changed at all. This is only so that it's feasible to not have to choose Tactical Mastery to be a useful warrior at all. I like it a lot.

It is a nerf because I *will* have to respec so as no to lose 5 tallents points on a now useless talent, period.

Blizz should have retained the 5 rage points by talent points and allowed us to retain 40 rage points.

As it is, even with TM, you're crippled while changing stance, you can only use the low tier talents you have (heroic strike, rend, whirlwind, overpower, revenge, etc..) and nothing that's top tier (like execute).

Imagine, I'm tanking, I've taken hits after hits, I've sundered my opponent to hell (2250) and my rage bar is next to full, I want to execute him since he's below 20% life. Can I? not a chance, why? because switching to bttle stance makes me loose 75% of my rage, this is retarded, period, now I'll have to lose 5 talents points (5!) just to get 10 more rage points comnpared to a warrior that didn't have TM? What'S this crap, that's a nerf as far as I'm concernend for Arms/prot built warrios (I'm 31/5/15)


Fularu said:
It is a nerf because I *will* have to respec so as no to lose 5 tallents points on a now useless talent, period.

Blizz should have retained the 5 rage points by talent points and allowed us to retain 40 rage points.

As it is, even with TM, you're crippled while changing stance, you can only use the low tier talents you have (heroic strike, rend, whirlwind, overpower, revenge, etc..) and nothing that's top tier (like execute).

Imagine, I'm tanking, I've taken hits after hits, I've sundered my opponent to hell (2250) and my rage bar is next to full, I want to execute him since he's below 20% life. Can I? not a chance, why? because switching to bttle stance makes me loose 75% of my rage, this is retarded, period, now I'll have to lose 5 talents points (5!) just to get 10 more rage points comnpared to a warrior that didn't have TM? What'S this crap, that's a nerf as far as I'm concernend for Arms/prot built warrios (I'm 31/5/15)

Wow, do you ever not understand this...

31/5/15 before patch, 25 rage switching stances. After patch, 25 rage switching stances. Nothing has changed "accept" now it's possible to play without tactical mastery. What was before a "must have" is now just a nice thing to have. Good change (if true).
Fularu said:
It is a nerf because I *will* have to respec so as no to lose 5 tallents points on a now useless talent, period.

Blizz should have retained the 5 rage points by talent points and allowed us to retain 40 rage points.

As it is, even with TM, you're crippled while changing stance, you can only use the low tier talents you have (heroic strike, rend, whirlwind, overpower, revenge, etc..) and nothing that's top tier (like execute).

Imagine, I'm tanking, I've taken hits after hits, I've sundered my opponent to hell (2250) and my rage bar is next to full, I want to execute him since he's below 20% life. Can I? not a chance, why? because switching to bttle stance makes me loose 75% of my rage, this is retarded, period, now I'll have to lose 5 talents points (5!) just to get 10 more rage points comnpared to a warrior that didn't have TM? What'S this crap, that's a nerf as far as I'm concernend for Arms/prot built warrios (I'm 31/5/15)
You started out your post saying that it is a useless talent, period. Then you spent the rest of your post detailing how it actually is extremely beneficial and useful to you.

So okay, spec out of Tactical Mastery then? I mean, keeping your EXACT same build right now won't change a single thing for you with this change. Listen to yourself: you're actually upset that warriors that use different talent builds are getting a small buff with absolutely zero changes to your current build.

I mean, did you get upset when Fury/Prot got a comparable ability to MS at the end of their trees because it nerfs MS by comparison even though MS hasn't changed at all? You're not making much logical sense. You're seriously suggesting that you be able to carryover 40 rage points per stance switch, completely making the whole stance changing balance pointless and unnecessary?

Also, Execute is 15 rage, and if you actually spec to Fury, which this change suggests as now being a useful and possible build, it'll only be 11 rage.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Okay, so spec out of Tactical Mastery then? I mean, keeping your EXACT same build right now won't change a single thing for you with this change. Listen to yourself: you're actually upset that warriors that use different talent builds are getting a small buff with absolutely zero changes to your current build.

I mean, did you get upset when Fury/Prot got a comparable ability to MS at the end of their trees because it nerfs MS by comparison even though MS hasn't changed at all? You're not making much logical sense. You're seriously suggesting that you be able to carryover 40 rage points per stance switch, completely making the whole stance changing balance pointless and unnecessary?

Mortal strike is useless, except maybe for pvp, and that's not much

Yes I'd like to have 40 rage points carried over when switching stance, how is that retarded? I'd still have only 40% of my execute ability
Granted, 40 rage points + bloodrage could give me 50 rage points for my execute. but that's still crippling the warrior

Does a mage have to lose mana when switching? or a druid? or a priest?

So yes I'm upset people who did not invest at least 3 talent point sin TM will now be granted something that I made sacrifices in order to have it

If they wanted to buff warriors (as was obviously the intent) they shouldn't have nerfed TM, that'S what I'm saying, and that's what is upseting me.


SaitoH said:
Wow, do you ever not understand this...

31/5/15 before patch, 25 rage switching stances. After patch, 25 rage switching stances. Nothing has changed "accept" now it's possible to play without tactical mastery. What was before a "must have" is now just a nice thing to have. Good change (if true).

Exactly, Tactical mastery went from awesome to *usefull* at most, and 5 atlent points for something that's *usefull* (ie grants you 10 more rage points while switching stances) is a waste
Fularu said:
Exactly, Tactical mastery went from awesome to *usefull* at most, and 5 atlent points for something that's *usefull* (ie grants you 10 more rage points while switching stances) is a waste
You're still not getting it. You're saying it went from awesome to useful, yet it's still 100% the same, in every way, for your build. So how has it changed, for you, at all, other than you not liking other warrior builds? You keep going on and on about this simply because you're jealous of other warrior builds getting buffed, not because it has honestly affected you in the smallest way.

I imagine healing Druids won't complain at all when their animal forms all get buffed when their talent trees are reorganized. So why are you complaining that warriors different than you are getting buffed and you're not changing?

I mean, Holy/Disc priests end up putting 15-30 points in talents that incrementally reduce mana cost by 2% per point, increases healing numbers by 2%, increase mana pool by 2%, decrease healing time by 0.1 second per point (!!!), etc... this is a totally similar change, except we're not charged at least 20 talent points to buff our rage by 10.
Fularu said:
Does a mage have to lose mana when switching? or a druid? or a priest?
Do you understand the concept of game balance? Are you really suggesting that warriors should be able to, at any time, have a full rage pool to Whirlwind, Mortal Strike, Rend, Overpower, Revenge, Sunder, Intercept, Execute, etc, at ANY time they want, with absolutely no drawbacks? I mean, I'd love that possibility, but that would be just as broken as a mage being able to use all their talent points on all three of their talent trees and be an uber, non-balanced arcane/fire/ice powerhouse.


Fularu said:
Exactly, Tactical mastery went from awesome to *usefull* at most, and 5 atlent points for something that's *usefull* (ie grants you 10 more rage points while switching stances) is a waste

It should be *useful*. The whole point of talents is to customize your character the way you want. There shouldn't be one optimal build. Slowly they're giving warriors choices and this change (if true =P ) is a step in the right direction.

I'll still take tactical mastery because 10 extra rage is worth it to me. At least until they may the protection tree worthwhile.


My QB is a Dick and my coach is a Nutt
Caydiem said:
Our team composes the patch notes.

We haven't begun composing the 1.8 patch notes.

No "official" version of the patch notes exist, therefore, in any form, rough or complete.

Therefore, it is difficult to believe any leaked 1.8 notes are real at this juncture due to the fact that they do not exist in any capacity.

I'll point out a few things to confirm the fact that these are false, just in case you think I'm trying to cover up the giant conspiracy... ;)

1) We're holding off on releasing more Battlegrounds for the time being; since 1.7 included one, there's no way we'd be including another in 1.8.

2) We currently do not plan on adding more Auction Houses until we can link them, which requires overcoming a technical hurdle. That has not been overcome as of yet, and so more Auction Houses shouldn't be in so soon.

3) Certain notes, such as "Pets that enter combat will no longer flag their master for combat" and "Buffs that provide a bonus to resistance now stack with other resistance buffs" are directly against the design principles of the game.

While I commend whoever wrote them for taking time enough to create them, they are not official in any way, shape, or form.

We had a good laugh about the Goblin Gizmo Gauntlet, though. ;)

This is the first time I remember a member of the development team flat out stating that notes were false.


Screaming_Gremlin said:
This is the first time I remember a member of the development team flat out stating that notes were false.

There are several things in them that point to it anyway

The wolf riding for taurens is supposed to be in 1.7
The change weapon to circumvent disharm, should also be fixed in 1.7 according to the patch notes
God help me, I'm downloading that Fileplanet 25-day free trial of Shadowbane just to play something while servers are down.

Dammit, maybe I should go look for my old Morrowind PC disk or something. :lol
Fularu said:
There are several things in them that point to it anyway

The wolf riding for taurens is supposed to be in 1.7
The change weapon to circumvent disharm, should also be fixed in 1.7 according to the patch notes

The wolf riding skill for taurens has been delayed to 1.8, at least thats what CMs have been saying.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
Are you really suggesting that warriors should be able to, at any time, have a full rage pool to Whirlwind, Mortal Strike, Rend, Overpower, Revenge, Sunder, Intercept, Execute, etc, at ANY time they want, with absolutely no drawbacks? I mean, I'd love that possibility, but that would be just as broken as a mage being able to use all their talent points on all three of their talent trees and be an uber, non-balanced arcane/fire/ice powerhouse.

of course not

I understand the fact that I build rage. A mage doesn'T need to build mana (well he drinks when not in combat or uses mana potions or gems), and I definitely don'T want to be able, at all time, to use all my abilities...
We have draw backs, our most effective talents have a huge cooldown (retaliation? 30 mins, attract all enemies to you for 6 secs? 10 mins, Disharm? 2 mins, fear? 3 mins, etc...)

But anyway, those notes seem bogus, so lets not waste our time commenting them, and honestly, I highly doubt most warriors would be pleased to learn that TM was becoming next to useless (I'd rather use 15 points + bloodrage and improve my bloodrage, than put 5 points in TM to be honest)

Also, I'd like blizz to remake the prot tree, it's got nothing interesting beyond :

Anticipation (+10 def)
Resist charms and stuns up to 15%
Increase armor value by 10%


Fixed2BeBroken said:
mortal strike ownz in pvp especially since it doesnt interrupt ur normal attack

Yes but in PVE or high level instances, it's useless

So are you investing 31 points in arms just for pvp? ;)


crimsonheadGCN said:
The wolf riding skill for taurens has been delayed to 1.8, at least thats what CMs have been saying.

This sux :( I hate kodos :(

Damn I want to be able to ride The Baron's horse :p


At first I though they were going to nerf tactical mastery down to 15 rage from 25, and now I've realised they've nerfed it down to 10 OMGWTF!!!

No, seriously if you're getting to retain 15 rage between stances with no tactical mastery that is ok. Like Fularu I do have a problem with using up 5 talent point just to retain 10 measly rage though. They could've at least went 3/6/9/12/15 so we could've retained 30 which would have been nice.

Edit - Although as the patch notes are probably fake this has all pretty much been an exercise in redundancy anyway.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
Damn you blizzard!

no 1.7 :(

No fewer than two bosses are currently not functioning as intended on the Test server in Zul'Gurub. Blizzard is wise to delay the patch so that the version of Zul'Gurub they release is a final version and not another Beta for us to test.

I don't know what your experience in WoW's end game is like, but Blackwing Lair has been changed so many times that it felt like learning a new encounter each hotfix. Making Zul'Gurub the same way would only be another slap in the face to Blizzard's end-game clientele.


The creator of the 1.8 notes has admitted they are fake. Oh well my lack of interest in wow continues to deepen. So many lvl 60's and so few meaningful things to do.
2) We currently do not plan on adding more Auction Houses until we can link them, which requires overcoming a technical hurdle. That has not been overcome as of yet, and so more Auction Houses shouldn't be in so soon.

What possible technical hurdle could they have? I mean just have the Auction NPC is the new AH have the exact same script as the ones in Ironforge.

PLus - can someone tell me why Tauren are getting the Wolf Riding skill?


Technical hurdle would be that the world is split into two servers I'm assuming. Since Alliance and Horde have major cities on both continents they can't connect them. They'd have to have the AHs factionally connected otherwise the decentralization of the economy would suuuuuuuuuuck.
Tamanon said:
Technical hurdle would be that the world is split into two servers I'm assuming. Since Alliance and Horde have major cities on both continents they can't connect them. They'd have to have the AHs factionally connected otherwise the decentralization of the economy would suuuuuuuuuuck.

I don't want the horde/allaince AH's connected....I want more AH on each faction conneted. One in SW, one in Darnassus, etc. Get the fools out of fucking Ironforge.


krypt0nian said:
I don't want the horde/allaince AH's connected....I want more AH on each faction conneted. One in SW, one in Darnassus, etc. Get the fools out of fucking Ironforge.

Right and that's the problem, SW and Darnassus are on different continents, thus on different servers:p
Tamanon said:
Right and that's the problem, SW and Darnassus are on different continents, thus on different servers:p

Shouldn't matter - all would be talking to one master item database. I have multiple databases in office that are on dif servers. You just consolidate that info.


krypt0nian said:
Shouldn't matter - all would be talking to one master item database. I have multiple databases in office that are on dif servers. You just consolidate that info.

I'm relatively sure it's a bit more complex than that, but ok;)


krypt0nian said:
Shouldn't matter - all would be talking to one master item database. I have multiple databases in office that are on dif servers. You just consolidate that info.

IIRC, that's how the bazaar in SWG and EQII works. The way they have it set up in SWG is you can put items up for sale on any bazaar terminal in the galaxy and it can be viewed from any terminal, but they make you go to the terminal it was put on to buy it. Recently, they made it possible to view items on vendors from terminals.

WoW could do something similar, but just mask the items on the AH they don't want players to see (IF AH can't see items on the Orgrimmar AH).
ManaByte said:
IIRC, that's how the bazaar in SWG and EQII works. The way they have it set up in SWG is you can put items up for sale on any bazaar terminal in the galaxy and it can be viewed from any terminal, but they make you go to the terminal it was put on to buy it. Recently, they made it possible to view items on vendors from terminals.

WoW could do something similar, but just mask the items on the AH they don't want players to see (IF AH can't see items on the Orgrimmar AH).

Exactly - it shouldn't require advanced thinking. This is like when they said melee charas in City of Heroes couldn't atk from behind while chasing a moving mob. They claimed due to the tech they used for the combat system it was impossible. Then they did it.
Scoot said:
No fewer than two bosses are currently not functioning as intended on the Test server in Zul'Gurub. Blizzard is wise to delay the patch so that the version of Zul'Gurub they release is a final version and not another Beta for us to test.

I don't know what your experience in WoW's end game is like, but Blackwing Lair has been changed so many times that it felt like learning a new encounter each hotfix. Making Zul'Gurub the same way would only be another slap in the face to Blizzard's end-game clientele.

i never copy to test server so I wouldnt know.

and I have barely started any endgame being that im level 57 and I spend way too much time pvping.

its just Ive known about 1.7 changes even before the test server so it seems soooooo long.
Character transfer, eh?

I PRAY you can transfer to a different ruleset server (Pve>RP>PvP). Only bad thing about that might be players unwilling to level 1-60 on PvP servers, but rather, do it on non-pvp servers then transfer. Pretty sure it'll just be to another server of the same type.


i wouldnt mind a transfer since me and my friends all made characters on a west coast server like idiots. made a character on an east coast server and had a ping of 20-30, meanwhile on my main i get about 200.
Joe said:
i wouldnt mind a transfer since me and my friends all made characters on a west coast server like idiots. made a character on an east coast server and had a ping of 20-30, meanwhile on my main i get about 200.
??? The servers aren't aligned based on their time zone in game. Most of them are on the west coast anyway, they just have east coast time in the game.


Liu Kang Baking A Pie said:
??? The servers aren't aligned based on their time zone in game. Most of them are on the west coast anyway, they just have east coast time in the game.

Uh no.

The three major MMORPGs that split their servers across East and West coast actually do have localized servers in those areas. SWG, EQII, WoW, and I think one or two of the NCSoft games have servers in both an East Coast datacenter in Virginia and a West Coast datacenter in Southern California.
ManaByte said:
Uh no.

The three major MMORPGs that split their servers across East and West coast actually do have localized servers in those areas. SWG, EQII, WoW, and I think one or two of the NCSoft games have servers in both an East Coast datacenter in Virginia and a West Coast datacenter in Southern California.
??? This has nothing to do with what I said.

Dark Iron was switched from Central time to West time shortly after it was launched because of the huge Penny Arcade invasion. The server time zones are not representative of where the server is actually located, that's what I'm saying.
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