I've had an N52 for years but I don't use it for WoW. My last desk had a slide-out keyboard rest that wasn't large enough to hold both the keyboard and the N52. My current setup is a lapboard- I play sitting in front of my television- and it isn't large enough for the N52, either. I do agree that using the N52 would be the ideal solution.
My current setup is working very well. W and S for forward and back, A and D remapped to strafe. Other hotkeys are bound to 1,2,3,4,Q,E,R,F,V,C,X, and Z- I use all those keys, plus all of those keys modified by Shift, and all modified by Control, and I'm going to add more hotkeys on the same buttons modified by Alt (a few macros which may reduce hassle). All of these keys are readily accessible from my left hand without moving far from the WASD. Turning is of course accomplished with the mouse. I employ a click-casting scheme, too, chiefly for healing.
It's a devil to learn to use any hotkey system, but once you have something that works well you'll never go back.