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World of Warcraft

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SiegfriedFM said:
Is there a warrior in the house?

I've been looking for a good DPS weapon for a long time. In the meantime, I used the level 219 2H sword and the level 200 2H sword (from Argent Crusade) in Titan's Grip.

Now, today the level 232 polearm (http://eu.wowarmory.com/item-info.xml?i=50296) finally dropped in Halls of Reflection. After whining to the tank who got it, he traded it to me (there is hope for the world). I promptly went to Stormwind to respec to Arms and I feel I've found a pretty decent spec.


Then a few hours later the level 232 axe (http://eu.wowarmory.com/item-info.xml?i=50267) dropped in Pit of Saron. So, now I'm trying to decide what to do. I'd prefer working with the polearm simply because I love polearms, but since the axe can be dualwielded I can't ignore the (possibly) superior DPS from that.

From what I can tell, Arms is supposed to be a crit heavy spec, while Fury is more consistent DPS?

Also, any suggestions on how to enchant and gem my gear? I'm not going to get much more than item level 232 on my stuff since I don't do raids so I'm thinking of settling down a bit and just maxing out my current gear. There's also a 71 mage and a 61 DK I'd like to finish before Cataclysm hits...

According to rawr, you should stick with the harpoon. It suggests you put a 10str/10crit gem in your helm, stamina/strength in your chest instead of AP, straight strength in the bracers and weapon, 10str/10crit in your boots, a 10 all stats in your legs instead of the haste/sta gem, 2 strength gems in your belt and 10str/10crit & a strength one in your gloves.

As far as enchants go, you'll want the melee head enchant from the knights of the ebon blade, the sons of hodir insciption of the axe for your shoulders, haste or agi on your cloak (they're about equal). I'd go for expertise on your bracers, icewalker on your boots, AP/crit patch for your legs and precision (20 hit) on your gloves.

The best advice though would be to get rawr yourself and have a look and see what gear changes would work out best for yourself.


Alex said:
Dustwallow's new little hub is good but it's very light on the content. I think they'll leave it and build around it.

I can't speak for hordeside, but they also expanded Theramore quests quite a bit too. There's one quest chain with a finale battle that feels *extremely* TBC.


half a moon said:
Are you questing, pvping, and dungeoning with anybody? Because, honestly, doing all three alone is the pits. I'd hate my life and WOW going from 1-80 alone. The more the merrier. Socializing is a big aspect of the game.

Of course I am. It's just boring because everything is always the same, and frankly the old world dungeons are kinda bad.

Retro said:
I'm with you on that, my girlfriend and I have been casually playing through it for a month and a half now, and it's fantastic. There's a few irritating bits, but the amazing parts more than make up for it. Graphics are amazing, lore is astounding, the storyline actually goes somewhere interesting (and nicely weaves in and out of the established LotR story). I also like tanking in LotRO so far; actually having to get between the mob and it's target and beat the hell out of it is much more fun than snap-aggro taunts (which LotRO has, but I barely use).

Great game, and it has 3 years worth of stable content and a mature community to boot.

Yeah, totally. i quit it because I didn't have time, but I'm thinking of jumping back now that WoW made me remember why I found LOTRO so good. WoW is what it is, but if you're disinterested in the lore and the community is bad, then the game itself is gonna be bad.

LOTRO had a real nice community on the server I was on, and I love the lore, and I love the graphics. It's a really solid package, compared to WoW. Still, I'm gonna stick with it until BC and Lich King. Wanna see the difference, if any.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Amir0x said:
Of course I am. It's just boring because everything is always the same, and frankly the old world dungeons are kinda bad.

Yeah, totally. i quit it because I didn't have time, but I'm thinking of jumping back now that WoW made me remember why I found LOTRO so good. WoW is what it is, but if you're disinterested in the lore and the community is bad, then the game itself is gonna be bad.

LOTRO had a real nice community on the server I was on, and I love the lore, and I love the graphics. It's a really solid package, compared to WoW. Still, I'm gonna stick with it until BC and Lich King. Wanna see the difference, if any.

Yes, try to at least get to lvl 80 before giving up. The quests in BC & WOTLK are much better than the old world because all of quest hubs are in the same zones(you dont do 4 quests in a zone, then spend 15 mins flying to another zone in the other continent for 3 more quests), because you dont spend 40 mins trying to get 30 human skulls, because some quests are just better. Not to mentions all the great rewards you can get from them, not some shitty plate chest with spirit & strength. The dungeons themselves are also shorter & more linear(no more getting lost like in Uldaman or Maraudon & spending 2 hours in BRD), but i dunno if that's something you prefer or not. Let's not forget flying mounts, although you wont be able to use them in Northrend until you're lvl 77, at least you can use them in outlands once you're 60 until you hit Northrend at 68-70.
Lotro's dull, i recently tried out the come back week with my level 50 and the combat still has that awkward pause/queue between each attack, the stiff animation doesn't help either. The skirmishes are a cool new addition though, others should steal it.

Anyway i think i've been bitten by the wow bug again D:
DK's a really fun class to play.


I don't care about the lore or community at all in WoW. :lol I play because the game design is second to none in the genre, same with the updates. Trying to judge it after 40 levels in the wildly dated old world, which gets a total revamp in five months is just goofy.

Lotro's dull, i recently tried out the come back week with my level 50 and the combat still has that awkward pause/queue between each attack, the stiff animation doesn't help either. The skirmishes are a cool new addition though, others should steal it.

It has some OK questing and a solid community, but really, I don't play these for community and the questing, while I want it to be good, is the means to an end. I'm going back to WoW for Cataclysm ultimately for dungeons, raids, rated BGs and all the new side content and overhauls. Leveling through the new Azeroth will be great, but it's not what will keep me going.

LOTRO's problem is that it just has no real identity or flow of meaningful content. It's solid, but it's also kinda just.... there, there's not much to talk about or be impressed with. Most MMO's usually have at least one or two really takeaway bullet points, but not that one.


Amir0x said:
... the old world dungeons are kinda bad ... Wanna see the difference, if any.

I only have nostalgia glasses of vanilla stuff, but in hindsight it is very dated. There is a HUGE difference of content once you hit Outlands. It's so much more enjoyable to quest and visit dungeons after you hit Outlands. The problem is getting over that hump. You'll feel like you're riding the limit towards that unattainable level 58 on the graph forever, but once you hit it you're free.

If I didn't have a helpful and collaborative guild, I don't know that I would've made it to 60 back in vanilla
, which in hindsight would've probably been a good thing >_<
. I can still have fun in old content now, but that's because I'm wearing heirloom gear and AoE tanking huge fractions of the instance mobs at a time. Just hang in there, it gets so much better.


The community in all games have their quirks.

You know you're playing WoW because all the talk about is gear score, if heals crit, or Anal [Spell Name].

You know you're playing LotRO or EQ2 because they talk about how much WoW sucks.


I guess Blizzard really forces innovation in gold seller advertising, saw this on my server today


FLEABttn said:
The community in all games have their quirks.

You know you're playing WoW because all the talk about is gear score, if heals crit, or Anal [Spell Name].

You know you're playing LotRO or EQ2 because they talk about how much WoW sucks.

Did someone say Thunderfury, Blessed Blade of the Windseeker?


Saw that new Goldseller technique on blackrock yesterday >_<

Weird stuff. Wonder how blizz will fight it... they beat the corpse one by removing corpses quick, but these are all active...


markot said:
Saw that new Goldseller technique on blackrock yesterday >_<

Weird stuff. Wonder how blizz will fight it... they beat the corpse one by removing corpses quick, but these are all active...

They've been doing this technique for years actually. The GM's have to manually remove each corpse, and when I reported it, I discovered the GM's actually had to go in game to do it.

Though things may have changed since then.


FLEABttn said:
Whaaaat? I need to see a video of that.

Yeah they all sleep and they float in the air like in the picture. Not sure how it's done, other than you just see a bunch of "falls asleep" spam if you're closeby.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
SiegfriedFM said:
From what I can tell at WoWwiki, ArP only starts getting useful on something with massive amounts of armor. For PVE, would it really be worth it over more crit or haste? I mean, getting to 100% ArP requires a load of stats that I could put elsewhere.

In PVE, I tend to focus on taking down casters, but then again I might not be doing that with an Arms build.
Enemies have fixed amounts of armor in PvE.


Amir0x said:
Of course I am. It's just boring because everything is always the same, and frankly the old world dungeons are kinda bad.

Yeah, totally. i quit it because I didn't have time, but I'm thinking of jumping back now that WoW made me remember why I found LOTRO so good. WoW is what it is, but if you're disinterested in the lore and the community is bad, then the game itself is gonna be bad.

LOTRO had a real nice community on the server I was on, and I love the lore, and I love the graphics. It's a really solid package, compared to WoW. Still, I'm gonna stick with it until BC and Lich King. Wanna see the difference, if any.

I was just going to reply to your other post and say I hope you made it to TBC to see what the quest, zone and dungeon design is like from that point on. Its much much much MUCH better. The feeling of community though, IMO is pretty much nil in WoW now while leveling. Now maybe thats just because when I roll and alt these days Im just powering to max level asap, but I really think the dungeon finder sucked the remaining life out of the 'community' feeling even though it has made leveling and acquiring decent gear much easier.

I think they need to do something with the groups quests for the zones. Encourage more people to look for others etc. That way at least you would meet people from time to time that are from YOUR server.


I leveled up yesterday a toon from 30-35 through the dungeon finder only. Fast and good equipment. And I always got stuck around 30 when leveling other characters back then. Now I've just got to go and rush through Arathi and/or Stranglethorn quests.


Water is not wet!
Puncture said:
I think they need to do something with the groups quests for the zones. Encourage more people to look for others etc. That way at least you would meet people from time to time that are from YOUR server.
Thats how things were before the removal of almost all zone elites and lowering the difficulty (waves, hit points, etc) of the Group quests. You could go an hour or more just trying to find someone to help you do one quest in a zone that people did not frequent any longer.

And speaking about dead zones, changing quest structure of the old world will barely accomplish anything imo. i dont know how things are on your servers, but on mine its harder to find a deader zone than most of the Northrend areas. Once people see the new content of Cata, once the hardcore players blow through the low level stuff just to do it (making a goblin/worgen to see new areas), ill bet most zones in Azeroth will be void of people 6 months after launch.


Today people is in Dalaran and the main factions cities or doing instances/raids. And it will be the same in Cata changing Dalaran for Deepholme or whatever, unless they make even more daily quests for 85 than we have today for 80s. And of course the low level zones, and I extend that to level 83, will be a barren.


So Azjol-Nerub popped up as my daily today, we reached hadronox (the big spider), and the mobs actually killed him! I didnt know that was possible.


Alex said:
Dustwallow's new little hub is good but it's very light on the content. I think they'll leave it and build around it.
I'm leveling druid and have just yesterday done Dustwallow and I'm sure if the world is progressing they will do something with this zone. Ogres just have to finally retake Stonemaul Village. Overall it's a great zone now, and indeed as somebody had said there are some TBC/WotLK-like quests.

I also have to say I'm impressed how great leveling is now. Maybe it's because I'm playing feral which kills easily everything in sight and has quick access to healing spells, but the levels go so quickly. 2 heirlooms + dungeon finder = greatness. And epic mounts at 40 are a great addition. But thanks to dungeon finder I've skipped a lot of zones I've always leveled through - desolace, alterac, badlans, swamps of sorrow and my favourite STV of ganking and endless tears :(

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I got lucky an awful lot today :lol

Hit 80, ran a few heroics and got like 7 pieces just from lucky drops. :D


Back in the day I got full tier 1 in 3 MC runs (but the headgear, though I already had the T2 from Onyxia). My brother was so pissed off at me and my luck since he put me in the guild, had run MC lots of times and only had 3 pieces of the tier after spending a huge load of dkps and time. And since there were only two more warlocks, one of them absent in my runs as he was in his final college year, and the other one full mixed tier 1/2, I got everything I wanted for no dkps :lol
What place is the best for questing at level 48? I've cleared most of them in Feralas and now I don't know where to go.

I'm Alliance btw.

Edit: Blasted Lands? Un' Goro?


Has problems recognising girls
My guide says I went from Feralas, back to Tanaris to finish up some stuff there, then onto Blasted Lands and Searing Gorge.


Really Really Exciting Member!
At 48, Searing Gorge is great. Un'goro is way too soon, Felwood doesnt have many quests, and most of them are 51-55.


I hope you guys 'questing' are queuing for dungeons and/or battlegrounds (on weekends) while you are questing. Recently on my Rogue I went from 49->68 doing nothing but dungeons and battlegrounds. So refreshing to not have to do 40-60 shit quests. :lol

Doing WotLK quests now to get some money. :D
Interfectum said:
I hope you guys 'questing' are queuing for dungeons and/or battlegrounds (on weekends) while you are questing. Recently on my Rogue I went from 49->68 doing nothing but dungeons and battlegrounds. So refreshing to not have to do 40-60 shit quests. :lol

Doing WotLK quests now to get some money. :D

Fo realz?

Any good dungeons for a level 48? And why are battlegrounds good?


Sniper McBlaze said:
Fo realz?

Any good dungeons for a level 48? And why are battlegrounds good?

Every weekend one battleground gets a honor/xp bonus attached to it. Last weekend was WSG and basically if your team won you'd get ~1/3 of a level. If you lost you still got a shitton of XP. Plus the honor is nice because you can go ahead and buy some 80 PvP gear for free and be geared enough for heroics and level 80 BGs.

For dungeons I'd just do the random dungeon finder. It comes with bonus XP and a bag that contains a blue item.

Basically while you are questing you should also be queued for either battlegrounds or dungeons as well. It's a nice way to break the monotony of questing and you get some good loot / xp as well.
Interfectum said:
Every weekend one battleground gets a honor/xp bonus attached to it. Last weekend was WSG and basically if your team won you'd get ~1/3 of a level. If you lost you still got a shitton of XP. Plus the honor is nice because you can go ahead and buy some 80 PvP gear for free and be geared enough for heroics and level 80 BGs.

For dungeons I'd just do the random dungeon finder. It comes with bonus XP and a bag that contains a blue item.

Basically while you are questing you should also be queued for either battlegrounds or dungeons as well. It's a nice way to break the monotony of questing and you get some good loot / xp as well.

Wow, thanks for the tip. This game sure has changed since I stopped playing like 18 months ago. Just being able to get an epic mount at 40 made me happy. :D

Gonna try your tips now!


speedpop said:
I've heard once you hit 51 that AV is the place to be.

Yes... and AV on "AV weekends" is fucking insane (the next one is June 18). If you have any characters below 51, get them to 51 by June 18 and do AV as many times as possible that weekend. You could easily go from 51->70 in 3 days (depending on how well your faction does).


Sniper McBlaze said:
Wow, thanks for the tip. This game sure has changed since I stopped playing like 18 months ago. Just being able to get an epic mount at 40 made me happy. :D

Gonna try your tips now!

Cool. And like Speedpop just said, when you get to 51 queue for the AV battleground unless it's the weekend and there is a BG bonus for a BG at your level.
Interfectum said:
Cool. And like Speedpop just said, when you get to 51 queue for the AV battleground unless it's the weekend and there is a BG bonus for a BG at your level.

I can't find any info about the experience points gained in BGs. Can you maybe get me a link?


Water is not wet!
Yea getting XP in Battlegrounds is preferable since not only will you get levels very quickly but youll also amass a ton of honor which can be used to purchase PVP gear. You can bank the honor but the cap is 75k honor so you might have to purchase some pieces if you hit cap. Even though you wont get any quest rewards while leveling in bgs (except for some stuff in AV) this will help you because if you have a couple level advantage on a quest (quest is green instead of yellow or orange) youll be able to blow through it quickly.


water_wendi said:
Yea getting XP in Battlegrounds is preferable since not only will you get levels very quickly but youll also amass a ton of honor which can be used to purchase PVP gear. You can bank the honor but the cap is 75k honor so you might have to purchase some pieces if you hit cap. Even though you wont get any quest rewards while leveling in bgs (except for some stuff in AV) this will help you because if you have a couple level advantage on a quest (quest is green instead of yellow or orange) youll be able to blow through it quickly.

Yeah I'm capped out on honor points so I'm already buying level 80 PvP gear and banking it... at level 68. :lol


Water is not wet!
Interfectum said:
Yeah I'm capped out on honor points so I'm already buying level 80 PvP gear and banking it... at level 68. :lol
Sounds about right :lol

Also, if you are hitting honor cap.. you can purchase cheap pots for leveling (1s and 10 honor). If you need gold, 10k honor will translate into about 120g if you buy epic gems like Cardinal Ruby and sell them on the AH.


Sniper McBlaze said:
Ok. So do maximize my exp I need to get the WSG quest? Where can I find that one?
You automatically get the XP when you win, more XP for 3/0 for your team and less for any other combination.


Sniper McBlaze said:
Ok. So do maximize my exp I need to get the WSG quest? Where can I find that one?

It's not a quest really. When you get on WoW click the shield thing to open up your pvp/battleground menu. Go to where it lists the battlegrounds and every weekend there will be a battleground that says something like (holiday or call to arms) beside it. That is the BG with bonus XP/honor. The WSG one ends today so it should be at the top of the list.

Also another note about WSG, I think rogues are awesome for that BG. I've never really been any good at capping the flag with any other class (DK, hunter, warlock) but I was killing it last night with my rogue. I almost got the freakin Iron Man achievement: http://www.wowhead.com/achievement=204


Water is not wet!
Sniper McBlaze said:
Ok. So do maximize my exp I need to get the WSG quest? Where can I find that one?
When the weekend is going.. should be ending soon.. just open the PVP tab (H key) and click the Battleground tab. Then just queue up for featured battleground of the weekend.. it will say Call to Arms next to it. If you check the calendar you can see which weekends are coming up. Up to level 51 you will only be eligible for WSG and Arathi Basin weekends.. 51+ you can do Alterac Valley weekends. Doing AV without the weekend feature is still decent XP. Once you hit 51 you will probably want to visit the Alterac Valley place for your faction. They are north of Hillsbrad Foothills (Tarren Mill/Southshore) in the Alterac Mountains. There are some quests that can give you a decent weapon for the level and some good bonus xp since their objectives are within the battleground so you kill two birds essentially.
Ok, thanks for all the answers. I don't see how I'm gonna gain any exp though when I always get to join games where the other side is leading with 2 flags. :O
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