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World of Warcraft

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Dance In My Blood said:
I feel bad for people on the servers that are down all day. I'm guessing Blizzard won't be offering a free day of playtime.

I'm pretty sure they will sometime. Although I would also guess that if this is something that needs to be done for Cataclysm, other servers will be getting it in due course and so they may postpone the 'free day' until they can give it to everyone in one go.


ShallNoiseUpon said:
Inspired by the Red Dead Redemption OT - I've created a form and corresponding spreadsheet to keep track of GAF WoW players.

Sign Up


I've started it off with a bit of data - going to tweak it a bit going forward. Let me know if there is any weirdness or anything, my first attempt in making a form/spreadsheet in Google docs. If you have suggestions/requests, let me know.


Revision 1 - Added class colors (or as close as possible) and faction colors to the overview.
Revision 2 - Changed sorting to be done by Realm, then player name. Seems to be the easiest way to be able to find people

Sweet, signed up :)


Maybe this is how it sorts and it just hasn't updated yet, but I'd prefer if it sorted by region first and server secondly.
Rapstah said:
Maybe this is how it sorts and it just hasn't updated yet, but I'd prefer if it sorted by region first and server secondly.

It does, but as far as I can tell it can't auto-sort. That means I need to go in and sort by realm then region to get it the way I like it. When people are added they just get tacked on to the bottom.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Meier said:
Thanks to yourself and Xaioki. Of course after I went around and bought my keys I realized that the Heroic TBC dungeons no longer show on my Dungeon Finder list so there's no way I'll ever end up even going. :lol
Hoof it.

Sometimes other 80s will be willing to go; most of those dungeons can be easily 2 manned.


I wonder how high it would possibly be to level a Death Knight character without leaving the Scourge (I.E. phasing out of the Scarlet Enclave zone). If you kept accepting and abandoning the "free kills" quests that give XP I'm thinking 65 or something?

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I have to say, doing total shit DPS in a guild of people with 6000 GS's while you roll around with 5100 is pretty depressing. I'm not sure I'm going to stay with it, tbh. If they'd let me bring my DK it would be a different story, but it's not really fun being carried along.

I might just quit until Cataclsym.


Angry Grimace said:
Hoof it.

Sometimes other 80s will be willing to go; most of those dungeons can be easily 2 manned.
I ended up soloing most of them on my shaman for kicks during all the downtime in 3.2. It's just challenging enough that you have to pull out all of your tricks to even stand a chance, but not quite impossible. Some of the most fun I've had in the game, actually.

Seeing how far you can get in normal mode WotLK dungeons is similarly fun, though less plausible in most cases.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Not to mention, they are having a lot of trouble with signups, but at the same time they just don't field raids and reject applications of people I know for a fact are solid players. It's kind of bullshit.

I guess it's almost like video gaming homesickness; it's not really fun to just get carried and not contribute, and really, the odds of me ever contributing when I have 1 piece of tier and these guys universally have 4 isn't very high. I can't really farm 4 pc. that fast. If I'm going to suck on a new character I'm not used to raiding with, it really sucks doing it with a bunch of people I don't even really know.


I've concluded that it's possible to level to 80 in The Scarlet Enclave: if you group up with four other Death Knights, down at King's Harbor there are six level 72 mobs. If you repeatedly killed those you would be able to level to 80 since mobs turn gray at 71 for 80s.

Even if you don't get XP from high-level mobs (?? non-bosses), I have no idea, you could level to a point where the Scarlet commanders aren't ?? to you from other mobs in the area and start grinding them then.

Anyone interested in doing the grind? :lol


Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
FlawlessCowboy said:
Erm, it's actually pretty even... :?
It would be pretty much identical if I put all 8 of my high level Alli's on there


HarryDemeanor said:


I saw this coming from a mile away. What a shit company Blizzard is at times. Fucking focus on the shit that matters for Christ's sake already. Not to mention all the lag spikes I've been getting these past two days since they tore down half of the US servers. I will continue to blame them until they come out and admit that Activision is pressing their hand.

"Will you be willing to pay $.99/mo to have a frost covered backpack that allows you to have 20 slots instead of the starting pack?"


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
J-Rzez said:
I saw this coming from a mile away. What a shit company Blizzard is at times. Fucking focus on the shit that matters for Christ's sake already. Not to mention all the lag spikes I've been getting these past two days since they tore down half of the US servers. I will continue to blame them until they come out and admit that Activision is pressing their hand.

"Will you be willing to pay $.99/mo to have a frost covered backpack that allows you to have 20 slots instead of the starting pack?"
Blizzard has always reached out for more, this isn't something new from Activision. Warcraft 3 cost $60.


HarryDemeanor said:

As long as I still have my 10 slots for the standard $15 a month. And it would all depend on how the slot 'purchase' worked. If it were a one time fee, it'd be great. An additional $xx.xx per month wouldn't be something I would have interest in buying. I only have 5 characters right now anyway.


Water is not wet!
The 24-hour server downtime totally killed my momentum. Trying to muster up the interest to stay logged on for more than 5 minutes :lol


ciaossu said:
As long as I still have my 10 slots for the standard $15 a month. And it would all depend on how the slot 'purchase' worked. If it were a one time fee, it'd be great. An additional $xx.xx per month wouldn't be something I would have interest in buying. I only have 5 characters right now anyway.

I don't see how it could possibly be a monthly fee, otherwise what would happen if you couldn't afford it any more.


Holy crap @ Cataclysm Disc Tree! Looks amazing! Love the focus on offensive Holy spells with Atonement and Evangelism looking especially intriguing. The Holy feels a lot less bloated then it currently is but lacks a bit of the fun factor the new discipline talents have (Chakra seems really neat though), really hope they're not done with that yet.

Shadowy Apparition in the Shadow Tree seems pretty neat but I'm just not that really into the Shadow Priest in general so I'm not that interested in whatever happens there.

Overall I'm pretty happy as a Priest with the changes :D


I don't understand what happened.. I just hit 78 and it seems like my crit chance fell significantly. Do you need better stats each level to sustain your % chance?

At 77 I had 601 agility and a 279 crit rating which gave me another 7.57% chance. I just hit 78. I just made a slight change to my equipment after leveling and now I am 638 agility, 239 crit rating (6.03% chance). I was 20.05% and now I am 18.16%. Even if you take away the direct 1.54% chance from my crit rating change, you're not at 1.89% and that doesn't even take into account the extra 37 agility. What gives?


Meier said:
I don't understand what happened.. I just hit 78 and it seems like my crit chance fell significantly. Do you need better stats each level to sustain your % chance?

At 77 I had 601 agility and a 279 crit rating which gave me another 7.57% chance. I just hit 78. I just made a slight change to my equipment after leveling and now I am 638 agility, 239 crit rating (6.03% chance). I was 20.05% and now I am 18.16%. Even if you take away the direct 1.54% chance from my crit rating change, you're not at 1.89% and that doesn't even take into account the extra 37 agility. What gives?
The more you level, the higher the ratings for the same % of crit.

Say for example you needed 7 crit rating at 60 for 1% crit, you now need 48 at 80. It's to make sure people don't end up with 100% crit before they even start raiding


Meier said:
I don't understand what happened.. I just hit 78 and it seems like my crit chance fell significantly. Do you need better stats each level to sustain your % chance?

At 77 I had 601 agility and a 279 crit rating which gave me another 7.57% chance. I just hit 78. I just made a slight change to my equipment after leveling and now I am 638 agility, 239 crit rating (6.03% chance). I was 20.05% and now I am 18.16%. Even if you take away the direct 1.54% chance from my crit rating change, you're not at 1.89% and that doesn't even take into account the extra 37 agility. What gives?
Yes, many stats are indexed with your level, meaning you need more of the stat to get equivalent benefit with a higher level character. Critical hit works this way. So does Haste, +Hit, Defense, and more. Basically, if a stat provides a certain percentage benefit then it is indexed to your level.


Fularu said:
I honestly don't see why someone would need more than 10 slots on a server but I guess some people truly are altoholics :)

On Silvermoon I've run out of slots. I have 7 80s on there, a 73, 62 and 51. Need a warlock alt.


Fularu said:
I honestly don't see why someone would need more than 10 slots on a server but I guess some people truly are altoholics :)

I filled a slot for every class and leveled each to at least 25. This was before you could have Horde and Alliance characters on the same PVP server with the same account.

The only reason I'd want more is to make Horde characters or one of the new races on my main server.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Meier said:
I don't understand what happened.. I just hit 78 and it seems like my crit chance fell significantly. Do you need better stats each level to sustain your % chance?

At 77 I had 601 agility and a 279 crit rating which gave me another 7.57% chance. I just hit 78. I just made a slight change to my equipment after leveling and now I am 638 agility, 239 crit rating (6.03% chance). I was 20.05% and now I am 18.16%. Even if you take away the direct 1.54% chance from my crit rating change, you're not at 1.89% and that doesn't even take into account the extra 37 agility. What gives?
It's the "Combat Rating" system.

In Vanilla, gear just gave you "1% crit" etc. The problem with this is that there would be no reason to take off your old gear because you'd get 50% crit rates and such. Therefore, gear provides Critical strike rating; which equals a different % amount of crit depending on level; the higher you go, the more rating is required for more actual percentage; your stats will diminish as you level wearing the same gear.


Well, at least I know I don't wanna do my Priest again now, I'm not a fan of the offensive focused parts of it, and all they did was just amp the utter hell out of that. It's just not for me anymore, I suppose.
Son of Godzilla said:
I thought they said something about removing the chaff? Every lame ass -casting time or 1% shitcrease is perfectly preserved...

I thought they said that too. Maybe they realized if they were to do that they'd be left with about 10 talents per tree. :lol


Son of Godzilla said:
I thought they said something about removing the chaff? Every lame ass -casting time or 1% shitcrease is perfectly preserved...
I'm not even sure those are completely legit talents. I hope not. I could have sworn enhancing totems is going away, although the rest of the enhance talents seem legit (and terrible).

I need to see what they do to core abilities for the enhance spec before I really decide to spend emblems on elemental gear, but so far it looks like enhance won't get a lot of improvements aside from making lightning shield less of a hassle with static shock.

Looking at it again, this talent list is busted... There are two talents in enhance that I believe Blizzard themselves said were going to be removed. Shadow priest talents have redundant talents too.


Evangelism + Archangel?! LOLOLOL :lol :lol

Blizzard better provide a decent animation/spell graphic for that one.

Priest is going to be bizarre and fun come Cataclysm. I'm definitely looking forward to the class evolving. I very much dig that we still seem to be a lot about mobility and field awareness. Tons of instant-cast abilities, talent modifiers (like being able to cast Penance while moving), Life Grip and PW: Barrier all reinforce that mentality. If that's the one thing we excel at, I'll take it.


Ancestral Swiftness for the Shaman's Enhancement tree, I like this a lot! 15% speed increase would help a ton in pvp, and maybe some movement intensive raids :D

Nom Nom Nom is a new cat form talent :lol , big :lol if that name stays when it goes live.
How's the time table for this thing looking anyway? Fall 2010? I was talking to a friend earlier who was going on about them coming out with a whole new raid for LK and such that would tie in to Cata?

I'm actually quite proud, this is the longest I've gone without renewing WoW ever. Can't wait for this expansion though.
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