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World of Warcraft

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Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
yacobod said:
if J-Rez has such a problem with the game he should stop playing, all his posts scream of massive whining, if Blizzard doesnt do this or that then i'm quitting

nobody is forcing you to play the game bro, your sense of entitlement is pretty sad
Don't hate; punctuate.


Valru said:
SWTOR isn't looking much like an mmo, everything I've seen looks like KOTOR 3 w/ a multiplayer/co-op aspect. I don't expect a traditional monthly fee.

Right, from what I've seen I don't how they can expect to charge a subscription for it. If they don't, that's kind of a big selling point for them. It's hard to say with TOR, but I've been impressed enough with Bioware's work in the past to give them the benefit of the doubt. I think with the license, experience, and financial backing, if anybody could make a dent in WoW's subscriptions, it's The Old Republic. I myself am keeping a curious eye on it, just because I have childhood fantasies of being Han Solo. :lol.

As far as other MMOs... What I've seen of Guild Wars 2 looks mildly interesting, though I don't know anybody who will jump over to it except maybe my girlfriend. And of course, LotRO going F2P means the girlfriend and I will probably play that a bit too, since we had a subscription for a while earlier this year.

Honestly though? Everyone I regularly play with is sick of MMOs, and the general consensus boils down to "I'd rather not play MMOs than switch to a new one". Almost everyone agrees that Cataclysm is the last expansion they'll bother with, regardless of what OMGWTFBBQSAUCE features Blizzard conjures up. At that point, we'll be close to Diablo 3 and probably getting details on their "Next Gen MMO"... WoW already looks and feels outdated, and nothing Cataclysm can do will change the fact that it feels like a 5 year old MMO. I'm also being generous there, because even when WoW has been great it's still felt like a pretty but steady evolution of Everquest rather than a leap forward.

Got myself a Gamefly account. Been catching up on all the games I didn't pick up because I was playing World of Warcraft. Looking back, and seeing how many content lulls and burnouts and flat-out "I'm sick of this fucking game" moments I've had... I wish I had never picked up the game to begin with.

Too bad I'm hooked now, though. But yeah, I dunno if any other MMO is going to do it for me, but I'm 90% sure Cataclysm is the last stop for me and my paladin.


firex said:

Unless you have yourself on ignore.

Oh wait you're just being a disingenuous shit for brains. "hurr im gonna claim the game is better off coming out in July and then act like i never said that"
Apparently you can't read the previous conversations about this very topic. A point brought up was that if Blizzard had advocated more resources towards the expansion it would come out sooner and more in line with their previous plans of an expansion every year to a year and a half. I was implying that by delaying the expansion they may lose customers (such as myself).

They clearly don't care enough to follow that plan, and may potentially suffer lost subscriptions because of it. Never did I say that I think the expansion will come out in July. Of course I would like Cataclysm to come out sooner than later, I'm bored as hell with WoW and will likely not play until the expansion hits once my account expires next month. Maybe I didn't spell it out exactly like that, but if you had followed the previous conversation I would have thought that what I was saying was clear.

But apparently I'm an disingenuous shit for brains. For your reading pleasure, on the same page:

Einbroch said:
Really? With one fairly minor content patch being released now I would not be surprised if it came out in September.

BC - Jan 18th, 2007
WotLK - Nov 13th, 2008
Cata - Sept 9th, 2010

WotLK came out 22 months after BC. If they keep that trend, September 9th is the release date.

This is more of an indication about what I think the release date would be (although that may be wishful thinking). But if you want to hurl insults around, be my guest. Doesn't bother me.


WoW-GAF, I need your opinion.

I'm re-rolling an alt/PvE main on a server that I have RL friends on (my main, Holy Paladin, I pretty much only use for Arena), and I can't decide what class to pick up. I think I have it narrowed down between Hunter and DK. The Hunter looks attractive because of the ranged DPS and good PvP integration. The DK looks good because I don't have to re-roll from level 1 and it can tank and DPS.

I started messing with a new DK and have already taken a liking to what seems to be a pretty great mesh of melee and spell casting (far more so than how a Ret Pally feels). However, I always value the opinion of WoW-GAF so I was wondering if anyone had any input between the two classes. Maybe someone has played both extensively?

I would have picked Priest but another friend of mine already started leveling one.


yacobod said:
if J-Rez has such a problem with the game he should stop playing, all his posts scream of massive whining, if Blizzard doesnt do this or that then i'm quitting

nobody is forcing you to play the game bro, your sense of entitlement is pretty sad

How many times do I have to say I have a love/hate with these guys. I love what they do right, and hate what they do wrong. If they can fix these issues, which they could, then the game would be perfect as far as I'm concerned. Once again, this is a place to discuss our opinions, thus it's what I'm doing. Only thing that makes me want to freeze my account now is that it's become stale at this point, nothing else I don't like doesn't make me hate the game enough to quit. This game still sees the vast majority of game time if that's telling. You can just put me on ignore as far as I care.

Angry Grimace said:
They aren't going to cut down their beta time at all.

It will launch pretty similarly to Wrath of the LK.

Yeah, it's looking that way unfortunately. Was hoping much much sooner this time.

PatzCU said:
WoW-GAF, I need your opinion.

I'm re-rolling an alt/PvE main on a server that I have RL friends on (my main, Holy Paladin, I pretty much only use for Arena), and I can't decide what class to pick up. I think I have it narrowed down between Hunter and DK. The Hunter looks attractive because of the ranged DPS and good PvP integration. The DK looks good because I don't have to re-roll from level 1 and it can tank and DPS.

I started messing with a new DK and have already taken a liking to what seems to be a pretty great mesh of melee and spell casting (far more so than how a Ret Pally feels). However, I always value the opinion of WoW-GAF so I was wondering if anyone had any input between the two classes. Maybe someone has played both extensively?

I would have picked Priest but another friend of mine already started leveling one.

They're both fun. I ended up making the DK my main though, probably just because I tend to like melee more. Plus I just like their abilities a bit more, and they look really good for Cata now as well.

You also have the option to tank with them as well, which helps change up the grind at times too.


Einbroch said:
Apparently you can't read the previous conversations about this very topic. A point brought up was that if Blizzard had advocated more resources towards the expansion it would come out sooner and more in line with their previous plans of an expansion every year to a year and a half. I was implying that by delaying the expansion they may lose customers (such as myself).

They clearly don't care enough to follow that plan, and may potentially suffer lost subscriptions because of it. Never did I say that I think the expansion will come out in July. Of course I would like Cataclysm to come out sooner than later, I'm bored as hell with WoW and will likely not play until the expansion hits once my account expires next month. Maybe I didn't spell it out exactly like that, but if you had followed the previous conversation I would have thought that what I was saying was clear.

But apparently I'm an disingenuous shit for brains. For your reading pleasure, on the same page:

This is more of an indication about what I think the release date would be (although that may be wishful thinking). But if you want to hurl insults around, be my guest. Doesn't bother me.
You used completely fictitious numbers to claim something obvious (working harder on the expansion will finish it faster), then said it could release in July if they really wanted. People pointed out the obvious with SC2's release date being in July and said it won't come out then, and you tried to excuse your stupid post by saying it was all just hypothetical.

Because, you know, everyone here isn't discussing hypotheticals already. Next time don't use made-up numbers and dates to support your opinion and then pretend like you didn't get called on it. At the very least if you had simply written "if they release it later they will lose more customers," you might actually have looked back on that and realized "wow, what an obvious point that is completely worthless to post in this thread." Instead you prettied it up by inventing false statistics to support a completely pointless non-argument, and tried to pretend your post with made-up statistics and date never existed. It would be a lot less disingenuous if you hadn't done that.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
PatzCU said:
WoW-GAF, I need your opinion.

I'm re-rolling an alt/PvE main on a server that I have RL friends on (my main, Holy Paladin, I pretty much only use for Arena), and I can't decide what class to pick up. I think I have it narrowed down between Hunter and DK. The Hunter looks attractive because of the ranged DPS and good PvP integration. The DK looks good because I don't have to re-roll from level 1 and it can tank and DPS.

I started messing with a new DK and have already taken a liking to what seems to be a pretty great mesh of melee and spell casting (far more so than how a Ret Pally feels). However, I always value the opinion of WoW-GAF so I was wondering if anyone had any input between the two classes. Maybe someone has played both extensively?

I would have picked Priest but another friend of mine already started leveling one.
Go Death Knight. Hunter is easy and effective, but their combat is a little limp wristed if you ask me compared to other ranged classes.


I find it so odd noone enjoys the breaks. All we are doing right now are HM's. I dont even log in anymore except for raids. Its actually pretty damn nice IMO. I enjoy when I do play, but play very little. I wonder how some of you fit any console gaming in if all you crave are the crunch times when new content hits.

My playtime gets absurd at the launch of a expansion because we are all like "Ok be max level by next week, we will be raiding the entry level raids next friday, sign up are already set"

Lol, its like fuck, its midnight the day of the expansion release for crying out loud :lol :lol. I mean its fun and all but damn.


Puncture said:
I find it so odd noone enjoys the breaks. All we are doing right now are HM's. I dont even log in anymore except for raids. Its actually pretty damn nice IMO. I enjoy when I do play, but play very little. I wonder how some of you fit any console gaming in if all you crave are the crunch times when new content hits.

My playtime gets absurd at the launch of a expansion because we are all like "Ok be max level by next week, we will be raiding the entry level raids next friday, sign up are already set"

Lol, its like fuck, its midnight the day of the expansion release for crying out loud :lol :lol. I mean its fun and all but damn.

WoW is one of the very few games where I'd schedule my personal days for xpac weeks. It's silly, especially for my age I guess, but hell, I love the rat race to raiding with xpacs.


J-Rzez said:
WoW is one of the very few games where I'd schedule my personal days for xpac weeks. It's silly, especially for my age I guess, but hell, I love the rat race to raiding with xpacs.
I might try this out for Cataclysm. I started my first character around the time BC came out and was on a long WoW break when Wrath released but it'd be kind of fun to race to 85 with everyone :D I know a couple of my guildies will be doing it, maybe we can convince a full 10 man raid's worth :)


Why couldn't they have given Moonkin Form the ToL treatment instead. Seems most Resto druids are unhappy with not staying in a persistant form whereas Boomkin's want the opposite (or at least a proper form redesign).


PatzCU said:
WoW-GAF, I need your opinion.

I'm re-rolling an alt/PvE main on a server that I have RL friends on (my main, Holy Paladin, I pretty much only use for Arena), and I can't decide what class to pick up. I think I have it narrowed down between Hunter and DK. The Hunter looks attractive because of the ranged DPS and good PvP integration. The DK looks good because I don't have to re-roll from level 1 and it can tank and DPS.

I started messing with a new DK and have already taken a liking to what seems to be a pretty great mesh of melee and spell casting (far more so than how a Ret Pally feels). However, I always value the opinion of WoW-GAF so I was wondering if anyone had any input between the two classes. Maybe someone has played both extensively?

I would have picked Priest but another friend of mine already started leveling one.

I've played a hunter up to lvl70 before and on BC and stopped. Now that I've taken WoW again, I rerolled a DK tank.

I really loved my hunter. It fucking easy to lvl, pets are great and you kinda get attached to them but, at least pre-WoTLK, it was kinda easy to play. During most fights it was what we call "mono touche" in French which translate to one-key-pressing. I did do huge amounts of DPS though and was fighting for first place on DPS-meters with mages and demonists when there weren't too many packs (because aoe-wise hunter aren't great, at least pre-WoTLK). You can usually really tell the difference between someone who knows how to play their hunter and someone who doesn't and when they do, it's as good a DPS as any other one.

As for the DK, I am now 72 going on 73 and I loved loved it. It's like the perfect mix of DPS/tanking for me. I love tanking with my 2h, I love the whole dynamic of the class with the runes and runic power and I really really enjoy tanking. It's more difficult to play than what I remember of my hunter but nothing daunting once you get the hang of it and even with when I'm tank spec I can still decently DPS (I had no problem chaining quests and mobs before I could afford the dual spec).

I loved both classes so I guess it amounts to what you feel like more, but the DK might be more versatile since it can both be a good DPS or a good Tank. Also helps with the random dungeon thing, tanks get it almost insta :D

Vigilant Walrus said:
Still going on about this?

Well if they deliver on their promise to make each game worthy of a 50 Bucks single player campaign, it's all good. I like the concept actually. But I also am optimistic that they will deliver on a massive single player campaign for each game!

I know, I was just whining for the sake of it. For all we know it might indeed be worth cutting it in 3 games but you gotta admit it's a change from any RTS ever made and it's worrying because it's like announcing a game and it's two next expansions at the same time. So in the end it feels like they didn't have time to do one full well polished game so they cut it in 3 and deliver it little by little. Add to that the feeling that they're trying to milk people, it's not a very good cocktail.

But I'm really hoping I'll eat my words and that all will be forgotten once I get to play it, I guess only time will tell!
Kweh said:
Why couldn't they have given Moonkin Form the ToL treatment instead. Seems most Resto druids are unhappy with not staying in a persistant form whereas Boomkin's want the opposite (or at least a proper form redesign).

I like the moonkin design but I agree it needs a refresher. Something that makes each race's form stand out from each other.


ciaossu said:
I might try this out for Cataclysm. I started my first character around the time BC came out and was on a long WoW break when Wrath released but it'd be kind of fun to race to 85 with everyone :D I know a couple of my guildies will be doing it, maybe we can convince a full 10 man raid's worth :)

The game is killer fun at these times. Seeing 15 people standing around throwing down AoE to try and tag mobs soon as they spawn for quest credit. Then on our server you see the alliance basically doing instance grinding for xp because if they even try to do quests they get ganked repeatedly. Occasionally they'll form up a raid, yes a raid, to gank the horde for payback. It's one of the "cool" moments of gaming that makes you proud of the money you plop down for the hobby.

Which reminds me, though I probably still won't need it, I got to start looking into building a new rig before this launches.


Do people really enjoy world pvp that much? Always found it strange that there are legions of people that practically live for it. I can't stand it, which is why I made it a point to avoid any pvp servers.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
lordmrw said:
Do people really enjoy world pvp that much? Always found it strange that there are legions of people that practically live for it. I can't stand it, which is why I made it a point to avoid any pvp servers.
Don't worry, I will tuck you into your crib at night.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
I'm going to macro it so my character yells "ARCANE BLAST!" every time she casts Arcane Blast and "ARCANE MISSILES!" every time she casts AM, head into a random dungeon and see how long it takes to get /kick'd from the party.


lordmrw said:
Do people really enjoy world pvp that much? Always found it strange that there are legions of people that practically live for it. I can't stand it, which is why I made it a point to avoid any pvp servers.

Back before BGs were in the game, world pvp was the shit. Especially Southshore/Tarren Mill battles.


you can't put a price on sparks
Angry Grimace said:
I'm going to macro it so my character yells "ARCANE BLAST!" every time she casts Arcane Blast and "ARCANE MISSILES!" every time she casts AM, head into a random dungeon and see how long it takes to get /kick'd from the party.

i macro /laugh to my kill shot. does wonders for pvp. everyone goes after me. then i pwn them more.


My account got compromised at around 3:00 AM this morning. They cleared out 3 80s, bank alts.. everything but my 60 hunter, including my guild's bank, mine and my friends bank-alt guild bank. GM said it'll take 10-12 days to restore.. hopefully enough time for my authenticator to arrive!

What a drag.


Sykotik said:
My account got compromised at around 3:00 AM this morning. They cleared out 3 80s, bank alts.. everything but my 60 hunter, including my guild's bank, mine and my friends bank-alt guild bank. GM said it'll take 10-12 days to restore.. hopefully enough time for my authenticator to arrive!

What a drag.
Feel sorry for you, but
  1. It shouldn't take 10 days for them to restore everything. They had restored all my characters and items within an hour of me sending them the application (I didn't call - that shouldn't change the procedure). The guild bank part could be what's slowing them down since I wasn't in a guild on my 80 or 70 that they took everything from at the time.
  2. You probably know this, but there's a mobile phone application that works on every single mobile phone ever made that works identically to the physical plastic authenticator.


keeblerdrow said:
That's nowhere near as annoying as BAM mod. I love BAM mod.
Does that mod allow me to see what the bottom of my character's shoe looks like?


Rapstah said:
You probably know this, but there's a mobile phone application that works on every single mobile phone ever made that works identically to the physical plastic authenticator.
Plus the Android/iPod/iPhone version is free!


Rapstah said:
Feel sorry for you, but
  1. It shouldn't take 10 days for them to restore everything. They had restored all my characters and items within an hour of me sending them the application (I didn't call - that shouldn't change the procedure). The guild bank part could be what's slowing them down since I wasn't in a guild on my 80 or 70 that they took everything from at the time.
  2. You probably know this, but there's a mobile phone application that works on every single mobile phone ever made that works identically to the physical plastic authenticator.

There has been a massive amount of hacked accounts over the weekend up until this day probably due to the Flash security breach. I know multiple people that this happened to and they all said they got the same response. People that got hacked on last weekend still haven't received their gear/gold/items back yet.

People couldn't even get through the phones until recently due to the number of calls and blizzards limited customer support/phone system. It took a day or two for people to get a response back from the quick response ticket system as well.

Blizzard really needs to package in the authenticator when Cata launches. It's a pain to have another step, especially during DC's while raiding trying to log back in quick, but the positives would far outweigh this as far less people would get hacked.

The free phone one is nice and all, but some people blow through so many different phones, in which I imagine you have to take multiple steps to change your account bind on the prior authenticator. Again, a minor annoyance, but it should be viewed as better than not.

Blizzard said:
We're currently expecting both normal and rated battlegrounds to be cross-battlegroup (within a region) for the launch of Cataclysm. So, players queueing from anywhere in north america could play vs players on any north american battlegroup, etc.


Deadwind Pass is a fucked up zone. Nothing about it makes sense and there's absolutely nothing there. Even the actual Karazhan instance isn't the one they had designed at launch as evidenced by the gryphon roost and extra instance portals on the outside of the tower...

Plus I found this place in the mountains around the zone while casually Far Sighting around:


That's a random graveyard at the source of a river, nothing unusual about that, the map makers threw hundreds of these out around the world. The two burning legion statues make this place stand out though. I couldn't see if the place had a subzone name since Far Sight officially keeps you at your character's location for all that stuff.


I miss the old Karazahn where you could go to Duskwood, face Deadwind Pass, and see the tower if you had draw distance maxed out with some custom settings. Shit used to be huge...

I also liked zoning into the stuff they had hidden behind a gate, but that's all gone now. It was a little more evil than what we got in TBC.


Maybe this is old news, but in patch-3.MPQ, which I'm assuming is at least partially 3.3.5 content since it contains a lot of Ruby Sanctum textures, there are (updated?) skins, animations and models for every single player race and A LOT of updated item skins. I'm kind of doubting that they're all updated though, there are files for King Ymiron and Malygos in there and I doubt Blizzard would patch those textures.

Do the patch-X.MPQ files contain content that has already been applied or content that's been pre-loaded and is going to be applied?
SWTOR - I've said my opinion about it in the other threads. To recap; Many WoW players are begging for a WoW beater, or something to seriously give Blizzard preasure, to make things interesting.
To create competition, price wars, and alternative styles of gameplay. Right now, WoW leaves everything in it's wake in the West.
The free 2 play model of many MMOs now might be the way. Let's see how popular LOTRO will get. If DDO got a million player, then maybe LOTRO can get 2 million.
If Warhammer and AoC went the same road, we might be on to something. I wish they would explore advertisment more than cash shops that make gameplay uneven.

Biowares history has showed that they are not masters of balance. Their focus have been story, quests and PvE. We're all sure that SWTOR will run circles around everything else when it comes to an engaging levelling experience. The personalisation, character growth and companion system all sounds interesting too.

Alcoori said:
I know, I was just whining for the sake of it. For all we know it might indeed be worth cutting it in 3 games but you gotta admit it's a change from any RTS ever made and it's worrying because it's like announcing a game and it's two next expansions at the same time. So in the end it feels like they didn't have time to do one full well polished game so they cut it in 3 and deliver it little by little. Add to that the feeling that they're trying to milk people, it's not a very good cocktail.

But I'm really hoping I'll eat my words and that all will be forgotten once I get to play it, I guess only time will tell!

Guild Wars have had the same sort of model. Stand alone games, that inter-connect through the competitive gameplay.

The basic multiplayer was in all of them - A free part of all the games, with basic skills and abillities. Then when the next game had to come out, the developers knew they had to deliver on a worthwhile campaign.

It's not like the second SC2 game will be able to fall back on the multiplayer component. Given Blizzards history how would a product get through R&D that would not be worth their money? I have never seen them release a product that was not worth it's price in content?

So I fully expect them to deliver worthwhile campaigns. The move makes logical sense, as this setup will allow them to push out more content, without changing engine and systems all the time. It's basically what Bioware is doing too, with all this Dragon Age/Mass Effect 2 expansion stuff.

My main SC2 concern is that it's so old school, that it will be boring. The rapid and hysterical fanbase, that is so afraid of change and evolution might be Blizzards biggest achillies heel, right now.

I love how the Diablo dev team is just like "fuck you" against all the stupid "Diablo 3 is to colorful crap". Lots of the time, it's about standing your ground and not giving in.

That you know, is what killed SWG. But the SWG devs did not only get raped by the players who couldn't comprehend what they where asking for(90% of all their polls and statistics pointed to people leaving the game in droves, if Jedi's would not be implanted, which killed the game... due to balancing, lore and gameplay reasons) but also the producers, who knew that jedi was a fan service tool that would attract many players to try the game, short term.


I don't think SC2 is at all trying to adhere to the original except for some of the designs. I admit I don't care at all about Protoss, so I don't really look at their stuff in-depth, but Terran and Zerg are both way, way different than in regular SC. There is a little bit of familiarity but the new units change things a lot.

The biggest problem for me with SWTOR is absolutely nothing looked engaging about the combat from their various preview videos from last year. Everything else looked awesome, but we all know MMOs are like 90% combat and 10% other stuff, and Bioware isn't going to change that much. There are numerous reasons for why it didn't look that exciting, but the main one to me is the combat looked like it didn't involve much ability use. You'd click something and let it activate and then resume auto attacking, and that was for the smuggler, sith warrior, and bounty hunter classes. They did find a good way to adapt things you would expect out of a Star Wars game into things you would expect (in a good way) out of MMORPGs, but the combat looked like it was going to need a massive overhaul for me to find it engaging. However, I think there might be other classes out there that I'd like, but I haven't heard about them.


Two friends and I are rerolling on the Eredar US server, horde side. We are all using RAF xp, so our leveling will be quick. Are there any GAFers on that server?


Now that the spreadsheeet is getting a little more filled out, I was expecting to see more Horde players on Mal'Ganis.

Guess everyone transferred off


Quick question about healing in battlegrounds.

So I want to get a little bit of honor on my healing druid for the pvp mounts, but like I said he is resto. How does honor work when you run around the BG healing and not actually attacking anyone? Do you still get credit for the honorable kills?


Meier said:
I just found out that ammo pouches/quivers don't do anything nowadays. :lol

Yea. If you have a quiver you can put it in any of your bags and it will show up on your back after you shoot something. I liked it for hiding some of the melee weapons sometimes.


Skel said:
Quick question about healing in battlegrounds.

So I want to get a little bit of honor on my healing druid for the pvp mounts, but like I said he is resto. How does honor work when you run around the BG healing and not actually attacking anyone? Do you still get credit for the honorable kills?

Yes you do.


Is it safe to assume that if your account has an authenticator code required and attatched without you putting it there, it has been hacked >_<?

They have used Blizzes security to oust me from my account! Hijinx I say!

Hmm, I managed to change the password, but still cant log into anything without ze authenticatorz...


markot said:
Is it safe to assume that if your account has an authenticator code required and attatched without you putting it there, it has been hacked >_<?

They have used Blizzes security to oust me from my account! Hijinx I say!

Hmm, I managed to change the password, but still cant log into anything without ze authenticatorz...
Yes it has. Look him up on the armory, you'll probably find all your stuff gone.

This happened to me about 2 weeks ago. If you call Blizzard they will be able to get everything restored and your account back to normal.

Plan on not playing WoW for about a week and a half though. And order an authenticator now. That's what I did.


Quick note for those without an authenticator:

You need one.

"But I haven't been hacked yet".

You will eventually.

"But I keep all my shit patched and up to date."

You'll miss something someday.

"But I don't download trojans and keyloggers."

That you're aware of.

"But I don't share my account."

I don't believe you, as well as I'm sure you've shared a computer that wasn't yours at least once.

If you don't have an authenticator, get one.
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