hit 80 this weekend. GS is currently 3.4K and rising (32 triumphs to my third t9 piece). All epics are enchanted and gemmed properly, though only revered with hodir and honored with Kirin'tor right now.
all of my complaining about DPS and LFD is mooted for now... I actually have to turn off LFD to get my dailies done as queues are popping up every 5-8 minutes. My complaining before was leveling where I could be waiting 20-30 minutes for a normal dungeon. Heroics are pretty much non-stop. Very well geared for heroics and hitting 3-4K dps on bosses and around 1.5-2K on trash (hard to dps high on trash because it drops so freaking fast). ramping up on boss DPS right now is accomplished by Well Fed, Mirror Image, Icy Veins, Arcane Focus, and +Spell trinket. Can easily hit over 4K on dps with this.
So what is best use of Focus Magic? Mage or Lock of they're in the group followed by healer? I didn't get the spell at first and thought it procced off of ANY crit so threw it on high crit melee, then got screamed at by a tank (literally.... sigh....) and told to put it on healer by someone not a dick, THEN got told to instead in a different group put it on the lock... Thankfully only the one guy was a total dick about shit like this and everyone else has been helpful.
Agree with people who say though that you should have experience going through the normal mode dungeon before doing the heroics... so far it screwed me on Oculus..

I had NO idea what the hell was going on there. Culling of Stratholme was likely somewhat confusing though at least I didn't get screwed out of anything like I did on Oculus (though my fault)
Still, I now have at least once through every dungeon and getting my score up. Pretty awesome.. thing that sucks is I am dying to get a druid and hunter leveled also now.... but I really want a Troll druid and Goblin hunter... so I have to wait until Cat anyway