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World of Warcraft

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Yeah, pretty much. The authenticator is dirt cheap/free now so there's no reason not to get one. Blizzard should just pack one in with each box copy of Cataclysm.


Blizzard is practically giving them away now, all you really pay for is shipping. And you get a much cooler pet than anything you can purchase from their store anyways.

I said it months ago and I'll say it again; Cataclysm needs to ship with authenticators. Standard box has a regular authenticator, Deluxe Edition comes with a more expensive model that's backlit (since we all know hardcore poopsockers play in the dark).


After a year of having an iPhone, you guys have finally scared me into downloading the authenticator. I sometimes have friends that will log into my account to do the daily BG, but I'd rather miss out on 25 arena points than get my account hacked.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I've gotten my account hacked several times but I've managed to get it back all the times.


Yep, after being hacked I ordered an authenticator immediately. It's really no big deal at all, and I feel so much more secure now.

And the non-combat pet is basically like the best one you can get in the game.
I was somehow hacked during a time in which the only computer I played WoW on was a Linux machine. Good thing was, I hadn't upgraded to Battle.Net and it was past the deadline date for that. So they either tied my account to info that could be backtraced to them, or they let it sit dormant for a few weeks before I realize what happened.

I immediately purchased an authenticator for myself and the G/F.


Yeah, got an authenticator too. Put it on my iPod Touch and although it's slightly annoying to have to enter this extra code, I feel more secure now :)


So, some of my guildies and more people I talk to in-game have been hacked as of today. This flash exploit must have nailed a lot of people, more than expected. Thing that sucks is they were told they won't get their gear back right away, it's going to take up to two weeks to get everything in order. We lost a couple key raiders to this, so raiding doesn't look too good for us this week. Yeah, I've been telling them to get authenticators and they haven't, so that's a shame on their part, but even still, Blizzard has to come up with something to stop this all together.

Perhaps they can come up with an IP tracker of some sort in which when your account is logged onto from a wildly different PC source that you're asked another question. Yes, an annoyance for those who use multiple PCs in various locations, but it's benefits far outweigh the negatives.


Sebulon3k said:
Marine Murloc is the best non combat pet, end of story.

I saw someone with a chicken pet yesterday of some kind with a fucking jet pack on its back. I have NEEEEEVER seen that and want one so bad. When I clicked on it and it clucked that little heroic tune I damn near died :lol


Retro said:
Blizzard is practically giving them away now, all you really pay for is shipping. And you get a much cooler pet than anything you can purchase from their store anyways.

I said it months ago and I'll say it again; Cataclysm needs to ship with authenticators. Standard box has a regular authenticator, Deluxe Edition comes with a more expensive model that's backlit (since we all know hardcore poopsockers play in the dark).
I would have the CE come with a free code for mobile authenticator.

I actually don't like the Core Hound pup that much, but it's just so noisy any time you sit still. Same reason I don't really like the bombling and lil smoky pets I made on my shaman.


Sebulon3k said:
Marine Murloc is the best non combat pet, end of story.
Oh yea I forgot about him. I have him as well, and yes he is awesome.

Blizzard nerfed him though, he doesn't shoot nearly as much as he used to.


Duki said:
what the hell are you people doing to get hacked?

Donkey Porn doesn't watch itself, ya' know.

On topic: I'm a bit hazy, does Blizzard even bother with E3 anymore? More directly, is there any chance we'll see, say... the Cataclysm cinematic next week?


J-Rzez said:
So, some of my guildies and more people I talk to in-game have been hacked as of today. This flash exploit must have nailed a lot of people, more than expected. Thing that sucks is they were told they won't get their gear back right away, it's going to take up to two weeks to get everything in order. We lost a couple key raiders to this, so raiding doesn't look too good for us this week. Yeah, I've been telling them to get authenticators and they haven't, so that's a shame on their part, but even still, Blizzard has to come up with something to stop this all together.

Perhaps they can come up with an IP tracker of some sort in which when your account is logged onto from a wildly different PC source that you're asked another question. Yes, an annoyance for those who use multiple PCs in various locations, but it's benefits far outweigh the negatives.
A guildy of mine was hacked last week, now that you mention the Adobe .pdf exploit maybe that's what it was... Either that or the 'fake' curse website that was showing up as a sponsored link when 'wow curse' was searched for using google. Still no gear back and it's been about a week, Blizzard must be really busy with similar situations.

I remember when I (foolishly) deleted my characters thinking I'd never play again, when I did decide to come back months later it only took 1 hour after my email for them to be restored. I guess that was so fast since there was no account security issue brought into the equation.

Retro said:
On topic: I'm a bit hazy, does Blizzard even bother with E3 anymore? More directly, is there any chance we'll see, say... the Cataclysm cinematic next week?
Blizzcon is their own personal tradeshow, so no you will not see them at E3.
Some more battleground information. Sounds very interesting.

Blizzard said:
We're simultaneously working on a "war games" mode for battlegrounds that allows groups to challenge other groups to a battle in a specific battleground (including horde vs horde and alliance vs alliance). Granted, the rewards aren't significant, but it's more for players to be able to have fun battling their guildmates and friends or for players on a server to throw down for the sake of pride and bragging rights.

[...] You'll still only be grouped with players of your language, although your opponents can be from whatever part of the region, regardless of language.


Duki said:
what the hell are you people doing to get hacked?
Nothing >_<

I am not a nuby click everything guy, I checked for everything and there is nothing on my computer, so it must have been brute forced >.>


Retro said:
Donkey Porn doesn't watch itself, ya' know.

On topic: I'm a bit hazy, does Blizzard even bother with E3 anymore? More directly, is there any chance we'll see, say... the Cataclysm cinematic next week?
They did for TBC, but I can't remember if they bothered for WotLK. I think Blizzcon works better for them even though they tend to steal the show at E3.


Blizz might have some presence because of Activision. I'm sure they'll have SC2 on display, maybe Cataclysm starting areas and a small possibility of Diablo III. But I doubt there will be anything significantly new shown.


Retro said:
Donkey Porn doesn't watch itself, ya' know.

On topic: I'm a bit hazy, does Blizzard even bother with E3 anymore? More directly, is there any chance we'll see, say... the Cataclysm cinematic next week?

Blizzard can't make money at E3, so they won't be there. They can't charge their fans to look at their booths like at Blizzcon. :D

On a side note though, I wouldn't doubt to hear about the public beta start up this week, which will generate enough hype despite them not being present at E3.


Xabora said:
Hearing about some Info that should be dropping in about 3 hours.

I wouldn't doubt that's what this is.


Has to be beta info. Nothing else would be worthy of an official press release on a Sunday like this. They already got some submissions from the guild beta contest, plus of course the regular opt ins. FnF has gone on long enough by now. Beta would draw them much media attention despite not being at E3.

I know they said the beta contest doesn't tie into the release of the Beta, but submissions/picks started "last week" now. So, it's technically true about it not starting in line with the start of the contest.


HarryDemeanor said:
Some more battleground information. Sounds very interesting.
We're simultaneously working on a "war games" mode for battlegrounds that allows groups to challenge other groups to a battle in a specific battleground (including horde vs horde and alliance vs alliance). Granted, the rewards aren't significant, but it's more for players to be able to have fun battling their guildmates and friends or for players on a server to throw down for the sake of pride and bragging rights.

[...] You'll still only be grouped with players of your language, although your opponents can be from whatever part of the region, regardless of language.

This will be great with the cross-region battlegrounds coming, I really enjoy killing people from my battleground...
Wowhead said:
Path of the Titans and the Glyph System

Path of the Titans: Removed!
Blizzard has scrapped the entire Path of the Titans progression system. As it is, it may be coming back—but not likely.

Tom Chilton explained that Blizzard had spent a long time working on the Path of the Titans system, trying to balance making it complicated enough to be interesting, but simple enough to be understandable. At the end of the day, they realized that they had ripped it all down until it resembled an upgrade to the glyph system. Simultaneously, they felt that the Glyph system wasn't as much of a game-changer in WotLK as they had originally wanted it to be, so they've decided instead to scrap the Path of the Titans concept, and instead focus on making the glyph system into the feature they had originally wanted.

Glyph System Changes
To accomplish this, they've added a new tier of glyphs: Medium Glyphs. Tom explained that in Wrath, people were really powergaming their glyph choices—that glyphs, like talents, had gotten to a point where everyone agreed on what the "best" glyphs were for each class and spec, and anyone who chose otherwise was dumb. With medium glyphs, they're trying to break that system up a bit—major glyphs are still critical, but minor and medium glyphs have more flexibility.

On the UI side, there have also been a few changes—I was asked not to take photos, but the glyph UI now lists all the possible glyphs for your class. Tom Chilton pointed out that up until now there had been no way to get a complete list of all your possible glyphs in-game—the only option was to go to the Auction House and look through what was available (or to patronize our own fine establishment).

There was also talk about making glyphs permanent rather than consumable—so that as soon as you used a glyph for the first time, it was added to your "list", and thereafter you could rearrange your glyphs later on as you chose.

I was really looking forward to the Path of the Titans too. No wonder why it wasn't featured in the alpha.
MMO-champion has some info about the press tour NDA that has been lifted. Path of the Titans has been replaced with Medium Glyphs, Guild Talents are gone etc.

Edit: Nvm :p


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
So they made something better than the glyph system but had to get rid of it because the glyph system still exists? Ugh.

The new profession Archaeology, once planned to feed into Paths of the Titans, is now a more casual game of collection and completion rewarding players with lore, collectables and rare toys.

Archaeologists will be able to assemble a skeletal raptor mount, and grant raid buffs by deciphering runes in dungeons, lead system designer Greg Street told Eurogamer.

So players don't feel like they have to run both 10- and 25-player raids, in Cataclysm both will be rewarded with items of the same level, and they will share a lockout, forcing you to choose which to run that week.

However, a 25-player raid can be broken up into up to three 10-man raids if you lose players and can't proceed, and lockouts are now more flexible, allowing you to move between raids as long as you haven't made more progress.

The new guild advancement system has also changed since BlizzCon, with the talent trees scrapped in favour of guild-wide Perks awarded every guild level, like regular abilities. Players will earn reputation with their own guild by completing certain tasks, with reputation ranks unlocking new rewards for purchase at a vendor.

Character progression has been drastically changed and streamlined, with spells and abilities no longer possessing ranks and unlocking in a new order for every class. The UI has been overhauled too.


- Warning Article does contain pictures/spoilers of whats changed Game World wise after CATA.

Last, but most definitely not least, is Cataclysm's new guild levelling. Again, this has been pared down slightly from the BlizzCon vision, but only very slightly, with the idea of guild talent trees - which would really only have been fun for the leader - replaced with a linear trail of convenience Perks that unlock every guild level. They might be experience or mount speed boosts, reduced repair costs, or mass resurrection or raid teleport skills, and everyone in the guild can use them.

That makes being in a guild sound attractive, but the really important part of the equation is to tie the player to the guild, to mitigate against fickleness or even the sale of advanced guild profiles. This is achieved by every player having a reputation level, just like faction rep, with their own guild, which is advanced by killing bosses, earning guild achievements, winning in PVP with guildmates by your side, or questing. Advancing in reputation unlocks special guild rewards from a vendor (bank slots, flying mounts, standards with a guild emblem). All this is supported by a quasi-Facebook guild pane complete with news feed and browsable roster with links to guildmates' profession panels.


So they removed the guild leveling talent stuff and now just made it "unlockables"? Sounds similar, but I liked the guild talent tree :(

LOL: "you have to get exalted with your own guild" now too. That's just funny to think about. :D
MMO-Champion said:
Heroic Deadmines / Shadowfang Keep
Heroic versions of classic instances might not be ready for the release of Cataclysm and will be shipped in content patch instead. (I couldn't get more than one source on this one tho, be careful)

I hope this isn't true. Really was looking forward to these being in at release.


HarryDemeanor said:
I hope this isn't true. Really was looking forward to these being in at release.

Well the leak site which predicted the guild/path of titans changes also had those as delayed. I'd say it's sadly plausible.


The hell? The video on MMO-champion has a black drakonid and a naga chilling in the middle of Orgrimmar, next to what propably is the bank. You can catch a glimpse of them at 2:16.


I wonder why they're scraping so much here so fast all of a sudden, even prior public beta. I think they're rushing now to get the beta out and we may see Cata sooner than expected, though a little gimped.

All the stuff I was told that I didn't think was true, turned out so and got removed. Oh well.
I like the idea of the Raid ID being more flexible so you can join groups that have killed the same amount of bosses as you, but weren't part of the same original raid.

I can't believe they might not get H-VC and H-SFK done in time. If it means them getting all of the completely new instances and 5mans in then fine, but were they really planning to do more than tuning the mobs and drops (I seriously don't know)?


I'm liking most of those changes, but I still fear my minor, but pretty hardcore/active guild will be worse off than those big raiding guilds.


Meh. I liked both Path of the Titans and guild talents. Features like mass resurrection sounded great on paper.
Merge-able raid IDs do sound interesting. I wonder how it will turn out.
I wonder what this new boss in Grim Batol will be. I hope he will actually be really hard, not "you-have-one-hour-per-week-for-him" hard. Or limited attempts. Or anything that needlessly bumps up difficulty on bosses that aren't that hard to begin with.
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