Yesterday I was doing my daily random instance. New one I had never done (I think it was Halls of Stone?) and I just turned 77. I was tanking but shortly after the start, the group made me switch with the war and I became DPS.
I felt invalidated as a tank and became doubting my ability.
I had more HP than the war, my defense grants me 56-57% damage absorption (leveling phase), I have a decent chance or parrying/dodging, so I don't know what I did wrong

Maybe it's just because I didn't know the instance. But I felt double bad because the whole time the War was in front of me on Recount, not by a huge lot, but still. I suck both at tanking and DPS it seems.
Although later I did Gundrak and it went smoothly, plus people were nice enough to explain to me the bosses and stuff without acting like it was the most difficult thing in the world.
Every time we wipe, and can't help but think it's all my fault. Oh the expectations put on you as a tank (or healer). DPS don't have that problem!