So yesterday I wanted to do some random heroics to get some tokens in order to improve my gear and I end up in the Pit of Saron.
My GS was 3k5 and I had never done that instance. Thankfully the healer explained everything to me and no-one was a dick about it, which was a first.
Anyway, it went pretty smoothly, we had 2 really good DPS and another one who was so-so.
We wiped once in the tunnel because we wanted to run to the platform in the middle of it but I still have a limited amount of HP (I think I was up to 31k) and the healer didn't have any instant. The other time was on the final boss because I moved it around too much and I was regularly too far for the healer to heal me. I also got lost on the way back from the cemetery, noobz style
At some point the crappy paladin DPS (think her main spec was Holy) made a remark about how we were talking too much and not fighting enough, and the rest of the group told her to stfu and dps. She rolled on a dagger or a ring for healer in the end, fight ensued.
In the meantime I got myself a nice tanking sword and although it's a fast one (1.7s), it's still better than the one I had bought from the Sons of Hodir that wasn't even a tank axe to begin with
Finished the night off by buying myself the T9 torso and gemming my whole equipment.
I went from 25k unbuffed to 27k. Overall good evening