Hit the nail on the head.Puncture said:They are working the misdirection hard on this real ID stuff.
Quick! Post the new 31 point talent tree changes!
Quick! Get the beta servers back up!
Quick! Change our stance on the transparency of in game calculations!
Quick! Have Ghostcrawler reply to talent tree thread for 13 HOURS STRAIGHT answering ANY and everyones questions! Wow that NEVER happens.
:lol :lol Shits ridiculous. I called it too, before I clicking on that thread I bet that he would be posting a lot today, but holy shit did they have him on overdrive trying to hype the gamers up. Guy is NEVER that freaking active. EVER.
Theres going to be an ASSload of beta invites going out this week lol.
I would go so far as to say Combat could benefit from an additional spell/ability.Oni Link 666 said:The smaller trees and tree choice sounds interesting. This goes well with other changes to the leveling experience like starting Hunters with a pet and the pop up messages you get now when you level. For a long time I have believed that the reason you see so many bad players at 80 is because Blizzard does a poor job of teaching players how to play in the game.
Really, the way the trees were looking just last week, it didn't look like they were working for what they said they wanted to do with them. There was still a bunch of crap talents all over and I really didn't feel like I had 10 points left over to just do whatever I wanted with. I just felt like I was forced to take utility talents along the way to get to the bottom of the tree.
As far as a defining Combat Rogue spell, I'd say it's Adrenaline Rush too. Well, Sinister Strike too, but everyone starts out with that.
No, you gain abilities based on where you put your first talent point.Yazus said:I dont undertand.
Regarding the Talent changes, when you Hit 31 points in your main spec, does it means that we can train the "first tier" of the other specs? But then again, CG said that first tier abilities of a tree is a core ability. So it means that we will be able to train every core ability of a tree.
This means holy paladins running around with Divine Storm and Crusader Strike? Or Warlocks that are Destruction running around with maybe Metamorphosis? So what's the point on speccing fully 31 points when you get core abilities of other trees anyways.
I am REALLY happy about the talent changes but on paper there are some things that I dont know if will really work well. Next week probably a big Beta update with fixes/new 5man maybe? and some raid and mostly the talent changes wil go up, and with it a big wave of beta invites, and I hope to be invited![]()
But I hate the character now and all my random heroics are either Trial of the Whatever or Forge of Souls! I'm not good enough for either one! I'm thinking about re-speccing it to Shadow though and playing low-level heroics as DPS... no idea where I'd get the gear I traded away for iLvl 245 from though.RiskyChris said:Oh no you'll have to do like 10 heroics and a set of WG quests ._.
Because I would like to hope that they would have internally tested this stuff for several months as opposed to just pushing it in the beta after launching the beta with the old system. It just seems kind of last minute. The problem being, regardless of whether Blizzard says publicly "we have an actual launch date," they almost assuredly have an actual launch date by which they have to launch the product.notworksafe said:A lot of stuff is renamed, not removed. And where else would they be making changes if not the beta? I like the idea of them changing things to make them work better, as opposed to sticking with an idea because it was announced.
Is that assured? Let's assume it is. Let's also assume it's around Oct/Nov for holiday. That still gives them 3-4 months to work out the kinks. I think we also have to assume that Blizzard is working with an internal testing team. Don't you think that team would be working with a build beyond what they give to the public? I don't think this sort of talent change is something they'd come up with in a meeting on Tuesday and announce and drop into the Beta by Thursday.Angry Grimace said:Because I would like to hope that they would have internally tested this stuff for several months as opposed to just pushing it in the beta after launching the beta with the old system. It just seems kind of last minute. The problem being, regardless of whether Blizzard says publicly "we have an actual launch date," they almost assuredly have an actual launch date by which they have to launch the product.
They assuredly DID do that. It's not going to stop people from being pissed about Real ID. Real ID is never going live the way they think it is; instead I think you'll see an option on your battle.net account to assign a name (not your email) to the account so you can show all your characters, etc. Real names opens a can of worms I don't think Blizzard really wants. I can't literally think of anything on the entire net in which I have to use a real name to participate (not counting banking, credit cards, etc.)notworksafe said:Is that assured? Let's assume it is. Let's also assume it's around Oct/Nov for holiday. That still gives them 3-4 months to work out the kinks. I think we also have to assume that Blizzard is working with an internal testing team. Don't you think that team would be working with a build beyond what they give to the public? I don't think this sort of talent change is something they'd come up with in a meeting on Tuesday and announce and drop into the Beta by Thursday.
I'd have to think that the moment they said "We want to remove passive/boring talents" they had to realize they wouldn't be able to come up with 71 points of cool stuff for each class and they started working on the new trees. They may have purposely saved the news for when people started freaking out with all the Real ID news to take attention away.
Rapstah said:But I hate the character now and all my random heroics are either Trial of the Whatever or Forge of Souls! I'm not good enough for either one! I'm thinking about re-speccing it to Shadow though and playing low-level heroics as DPS... no idea where I'd get the gear I traded away for iLvl 245 from though.
Yeah, that's most likely true. They see that people are obviously getting bored with the current content so they must be speeding up. But I'm sure this has been in the works for a while, they were just waiting for the best time to put it out.Angry Grimace said:They assuredly DID do that. It's not going to stop people from being pissed about Real ID. Real ID is never going live the way they think it is; instead I think you'll see an option on your battle.net account to assign a name (not your email) to the account so you can show all your characters, etc. Real names opens a can of worms I don't think Blizzard really wants. I can't literally think of anything on the entire net in which I have to use a real name to participate (not counting banking, credit cards, etc.)
So I buy the misdirect explanation, but it seems all kind of sudden.
I don't know how anyone can believe that Blizzard doesn't internally have an actual timetable. They just don't tell John Q. Public about it. They almost assuredly have a 1-2 month window in which they expect to launch the expansion.
It's based on gear. IIRC he's at a lower gear level so he's tied to a limited number of dungeons.RiskyChris said:ToC the heroic is not too bad, and uh... when you do random heroic it will put you into a... random heroic. You are likely to get the same dungeon multiple times, since the searching algorithm doesn't put very much weight on what heroics you're locked into.
Nah, I'm geared enough for the Dungeon Finder to think I can do Forge of Souls, but I'm not good enough personally. I realized I can just queue manually for easy-ass instances though so the problem's gone.notworksafe said:It's based on gear. IIRC he's at a lower gear level so he's tied to a limited number of dungeons.
Might re-spec to Discipline if I find a decent build. I have no idea what rotation/s I should use but my gear is multi-purpose and I can re-spec for one gold since I've never done it before. :lolnotworksafe said:Oh, duh. Didn't think of that! Also, Shadow Priest?
My accounts still have names. I have 2 on my B.net account, they have the same password, but they are not the same account and they are just listed by a single username.notworksafe said:Yeah, that's most likely true. They see that people are obviously getting bored with the current content so they must be speeding up. But I'm sure this has been in the works for a while, they were just waiting for the best time to put it out."RealID has nothing to do with it , we swear!"
I'm hoping that the forums thing doesn't go through. It's not that I'm bothered by the real name part, I just don't see the benefit of it. Same for all of this Real ID nonsense. Real names don't give any extra benefit that just using the WoW username (pre-Bnet) wouldn't give. Though from what I understand, new users don't get a WoW username anymore so they'd have to do a different username system. The decision on Real ID implementation may be above their heads. however.
It's based on gear. IIRC he's at a lower gear level so he's tied to a limited number of dungeons.
Yep you can get all the PvE heirlooms from the Crusader vendor.firex said:I haven't even tried and I can buy 2 (almost 3, and assuredly 3 if I wasn't buying 2 trinkets) heirlooms when I hit crusader rank in the tournament. That's a good, easy way to get heirlooms if that's all you're after. Then again I have kind of cheated (not really but I mean technically) because I've been exalted with the sunreavers for most of my crusader grind, so I got their dailies to go with the valiant/champion stuff.
Eh. Probably more productive to take an axe to the core systems in the beta phase, when the world content to test it against is mostly done and the feedback pool is much bigger.Angry Grimace said:I'm also concerned about the fact that Blizzard's making such wholesale changes in Beta as opposed to announcing them with the expansion; it seems like all the gameplay features that were announced as shipping with Cataclsym either weren't very far along or not very well thought out; i.e. Mastery barely resembles what they announced it as, I'm of a mind to almost think they want to scrap it but can't, the Path of Titans system is gone, etc.
Acidote said:They've always done this kind of changes in the patch prior to the expansion pack. So it should be in 4.0
You're hacked. Call Blizz.Bento said:Really fucking dumb question here and I do assume I've gotten pretty badly fucked but...
Have authenticator become mandatory? Played a few days ago without any problem trying to log in now and now there's a new field in below the password asking me to type in my authentication code. Got none of that and can't even manage my account to change whatever setting has been changed (and no, haven't been to my account page in a while).
Have I gotten pwned by keyloggers or is this simply something new I've missed?
No you're not! Liar!Weenerz said:I am streaming my leveling my rogue if anyone cares to watch.
Does it let you capture mic and in-game sound? I'm lazy and hate responding to people in chat by typing.:lolDance In My Blood said:Livestream is pretty easy. Just download Procaster and everything is pretty much set.
Why would you want to do that?notworksafe said:Does it let you capture mic and in-game sound? I'm lazy and hate responding to people in chat by typing.:lol
Yeah, especially for the Arcane mage. I had to screencap my toon at wowarmory so I'll know where to re-distribute my talent points.Yoshichan said:WOW THE TALENT CHANGES, OMG
Works for me!Weenerz said:
Entropia said:http://www.whataboutpp.com/users/vhell/upload/gearscore32.jpg[IMG]
Ohhh dear.... (note the tool tip)[/QUOTE]
It's clearly broken. There are no girls in WoW. Or GAF.
Entropia said:http://www.whataboutpp.com/users/vhell/upload/gearscore32.jpg[img]
Ohhh dear.... (note the tool tip)[/QUOTE]